
S.H.E - London Bridge Is Falling Down

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This beatmap was submitted using in-game submission on 2012年7月7日 at 21:16:05

Artist: S.H.E
Title: London Bridge Is Falling Down
Tags: Album Play chickgod popner Selina Hebe Ella
BPM: 120
Filesize: 5149kb
Play Time: 02:48
Difficulties Available:
  1. Collab (4.81 stars, 439 notes)
  2. Easy (0.97 stars, 91 notes)
  3. Hard (4.47 stars, 265 notes)
  4. Normal (2.74 stars, 158 notes)
Download: S.H.E - London Bridge Is Falling Down
Information: Scores/Beatmap Listing
I hope you will like it

Collab by chickgod and popner.

Mod if you love this song~~~thx...2B difficulty is for fun, not rank. The others are for rank.

NatsumeRin'mod long long ago......

roflninja's mod 7/18

Mianki's mod 7/18

_llkey_18's offset 7/19

Pokie'mod 7/21

impossiblexu's mod 7/22

Leorda's mod 7/25

Blazevoir's mod 7/31

Blazevoir's recheck 8/1

deepsea's mod 8/1

vivere's mod 8/4

pandabun's mod 8/4

yangzd88'mod 8/6

Vikon's mod 8/7

Odaril's mod 8/8

VanMoNky'mod 8/15

GladiOol's mod 8/16

Dusty's mod 8/17

add and change some of the hitsound (insane 8/20,hard 8/21,normal 8/22,easy 8/24)

arsrun's mod 8/22

Doomsday's mod 8/28

ShaggoN's mod 9/10

2011/2/4 revived

2011/2/5 add hitsound to hard and insane..a little change in Easy and Normal

2011/2/6 some volume of hitsound in insane change

2011/2/6 some volume of hitsound in hard change

2011/2/20 change according ti Garven's mod

2011/4/12 add 4 fun difficulty ,just for fun,do not mod...

2011/6/11 change something..

2011/6/12 change something..

2011/6/14 change something..

2011/6/15 huge improve in placing

Download: S.H.E - London Bridge Is Falling Down (shenpei310) [4 Fun 2B map].osu
I like this song !!

Hebe is great!

Thank you shenpei310!
irc modded.
I like this song very much!!!
I LIKE IT~~~mi~~~>_<
cool map:)
set a preview point the same on all difs
you have a unused .osb file, delete it and full submit (unless im wrong and you actually have a storyboard)

00:16:326 (1,1,1,1) - I think this could all be 1 combo

01:15:326 (1) - no new combo?
01:16:326 (1,1,1,1) - I think this could all be 1 combo
01:37:326 (1) - no new combo?
01:48:326 (1,1,1,1) - I think this could all be 1 combo
02:01:326 (1,1,1) - ^
02:32:826 (1,1,1,1,1) - ^
02:45:826 (x) - add a note here, and start the spinner at 02:46:076 (make sure to end at the same time if you do this)

00:14:201 (1) - start this spinne ron the red tick forward (00:14:326) ?
00:16:576 (x) - maybe add a note here? your choice
00:23:076 (1) - no new combo?
00:35:326 (1) - ^
00:37:076 (1) - ^
00:44:826 (1) - ^
00:51:326 (1) - ^
01:10:826 (1) - ^
01:15:326 (1) - ^
01:16:326 (1,1,1,1) - I think this could all be 1 combo
01:20:326 (1,1,1) - ^
01:22:326 (1,1,1) - ^
01:44:076 (1,1,1) - ^
01:46:326 (1,1,1,2,3) - ^
01:48:326 (1,1,1,2,3,4,5,6) - ^
01:54:576 (1,1,2,3,4) - ^
02:01:326 (1) - no new combo?
02:05:326 (1) - ^
02:09:326 (1,1,1) - I think there could all be 1 combo
02:10:826 (1) - no new combo?
02:33:076 (1) - ^
02:35:326 (1) - ^

00:14:209 (1) - start on either the white tick back or red tick forawrd?
00:19:334 (1,2,1,1) - all one combo?
00:23:084 (1) - no new combo?
00:35:334 (1) - ^
00:37:084 (1) - ^
00:44:084 (1,1,1,2,3,4,5) - all 1 combo?
00:51:334 (1) - no new combo?
01:10:834 (1) - ^
01:20:334 (1,1,1) - all one combo?
01:23:334 (1) - no new combo?
02:09:334 (1,1,1) - all one combo?
02:10:826 (1,1,1,1,1) - ^
02:23:584 (1,1,1,1) - ^
02:29:584 (2) - don't think x2 fits
02:40:826 (1,1,1,1,1) - all one combo?
02:45:076 (1,1,1,1) - ^
02:47:584 (1,1,1,1) - ^

nice map, sorry for the crappy mod :P
Topic Starter

roflninja wrote:

set a preview point the same on all difs


nice map, sorry for the crappy mod :P
nice mod!!!! i've changed a lot

"you have a unused .osb file, delete it and full submit (unless im wrong and you actually have a storyboard)" are right ,actually i do not have a storyboard-_-!

but i do not think "00:16:576 (x) - maybe add a note here? your choice" according to the background music

Use kiai timing?



00:37:076 (1) Remove new combo?
00:42:826 (6) Whistle to the end of the slider?
00:51:326 (1) Remove new combo?
01:38:576 Note here?
01:39:076 ^
02:05:826 (4.5.6) Suggestion: move these three notes right next to the previous ones (like in picture:)02:12:576 I suggest you map till this point->02:16:076. You can keep it like that if you want to though :P


00:09:326 (3.4.5) One grid up (so they are in line with note 2)
01:25:576 (6.7) note 6 one grid right, note 7 two grids right


Nice song and map
Topic Starter

Mianki wrote:

Use kiai timing?


Nice song and map
nice!a very careful mod.
offset off

offset = 326 ahh dont forgot to resnap all notes
Topic Starter

_llkey_18 wrote:

offset off

offset = 326 ahh dont forgot to resnap all notes
thanks AHH
yeah :twisted:
Topic Starter

braian5234 wrote:

yeah :twisted:
The 08 team_Bourdon
nice map~
use kiai time???
and give star~ :D
Topic Starter

The 08 team_Bourdon wrote:

nice map~
use kiai time???
and give star~ :D
  • - Preview Point?
    - Source留空
    - 刪掉.osb後full submit

  • - 取消lead-in
00:22:326 (1) - 減少一個折返

  • - 取消lead-in
00:34:576 (1) - 橫放?
02:06:826 (6) - Ctrl+H

  • - 只有這個難度選了custom combo color?
    - 取消countdown
    - lead-in second 1004
01:38:576 (1) - spacing
01:52:076 (8) - 前移至01:51:826

._. 加油
Topic Starter

Pokie wrote:

  • - Preview Point?
    - Source留空
    - 刪掉.osb後full submit

  • - 取消lead-in
00:22:326 (1) - 減少一個折返不太对。。

  • - 取消lead-in
00:34:576 (1) - 橫放?
02:06:826 (6) - Ctrl+H

  • - 只有這個難度選了custom combo color?
    - 取消countdown
    - lead-in second 1004
01:38:576 (1) - spacing 不放中间会怪怪的。。
01:52:076 (8) - 前移至01:51:826 不太对。

._. 加油


  • 调一下Offset 有点抢拍
    02:32:334-02:48:334 :Kiai Time

  • 00:12:326 (3): 放在①的位置
    00:52:576 (1): 去掉Finish或者延长两拍

  • 00:52:576 (1): 同Easy
    02:12:576 (1): ^
    01:37:326 (3,1): 距离太近

  • HP+1
    00:30:326 (7,8): 距离太近
    00:49:326 (5,1): ^
    00:52:576 (1): 同Easy
    01:37:286 (3,1): 距离太近
Good map~

Topic Starter

impossiblexu wrote:


  • 调一下Offset 有点抢拍
    02:32:334-02:48:334 :Kiai Time


  • 00:12:326 (3): 放在①的位置
    00:52:576 (1): 去掉Finish或者延长两拍

  • 00:52:576 (1): 同Easy
    02:12:576 (1): ^
    01:37:326 (3,1): 距离太近

  • HP+1
    00:30:326 (7,8): 距离太近
    00:49:326 (5,1): ^
    00:52:576 (1): 同Easy
    01:37:286 (3,1): 距离太近
Good map~


The BPM should be 120. Not 120,01

00:08:345 (1) - A bit too far from spinner, that very difficult for new player
00:16:344 (1) - ^
00:34:593 (1) - Too short for easy diff
01:12:841 (1) - A bit too far from spinner, that very difficult for new player

01:14:341 (1) - Make symetric?

00:14:345 (1) - Clap and finish is bad, remove clap or finish?
00:18:344 (1) - Move 1 grid right?
01:14:341 (1) - ^
01:49:338 (2) - Make symetric?
01:50:338 (3) - ^
01:52:338 (1) - Move 1 grid down?

00:27:344 (6) - Move 1 grid right?
00:28:844 (3) - Move 1 grid down? So the (3) is stack with 00:27:844 (8)?
00:46:842 (5) - Move 1 grid up?
02:40:335 (1) - Move 1 grid right and move 1 grid down? So the (1) is stack with 02:38:835 (3)?

00:18:844 (2) - Not stacked with 1 at end
00:20:344 (1,2,3) - Not stacked with 2 at end
00:26:344 (2) - Not stacked with 1 at end
00:43:343 (2) - ^
00:44:593 (2) - ^
01:16:840 (1,1,1) - Not stacked with 01:16:340 (1) at end
01:50:338 (3) - Not stacked with 2 at end
02:21:086 (4) - Not stacked with 3 at end
02:28:336 (1,1) - Not stacked with 02:27:586 (4) at end
02:30:336 (1) - Don't let this object is hidden

Great song
(((((っ´Θ`)っ <- STAR
Topic Starter

Leorda wrote:


The BPM should be 120. Not 120,01 I've changed,but i think BPM120.006,offset 340 is better

00:08:345 (1) - A bit too far from spinner, that very difficult for new player
00:16:344 (1) - ^
00:34:593 (1) - Too short for easy diff
01:12:841 (1) - A bit too far from spinner, that very difficult for new player

01:14:341 (1) - Make symetric?

00:14:345 (1) - Clap and finish is bad, remove clap or finish?
00:18:344 (1) - Move 1 grid right?
01:14:341 (1) - ^
01:49:338 (2) - Make symetric?
01:50:338 (3) - ^
01:52:338 (1) - Move 1 grid down?

00:27:344 (6) - Move 1 grid right?
00:28:844 (3) - Move 1 grid down? So the (3) is stack with 00:27:844 (8)?
00:46:842 (5) - Move 1 grid up?
02:40:335 (1) - Move 1 grid right and move 1 grid down? So the (1) is stack with 02:38:835 (3)?

00:18:844 (2) - Not stacked with 1 at end
00:20:344 (1,2,3) - Not stacked with 2 at end
00:26:344 (2) - Not stacked with 1 at end
00:43:343 (2) - ^
00:44:593 (2) - ^
01:16:840 (1,1,1) - Not stacked with 01:16:340 (1) at end
01:50:338 (3) - Not stacked with 2 at end
02:21:086 (4) - Not stacked with 3 at end
02:28:336 (1,1) - Not stacked with 02:27:586 (4) at end
02:30:336 (1) - Don't let this object is hidden

Great song
(((((っ´Θ`)っ <- STAR
ALL done! nice mod,thanks!
Nozomi Kiriya
Topic Starter

tsukamaete wrote:



Sorry that I couldn't mod this sooner :? Anyway, like I said I would, here's my mod:

Black = just a comment (not sure what color the issue would be in)
Blue = suggestions/minor issues
Green = might want to fix this
Red = you MUST fix this
Anything red with a large font size AND in bold = Don't ignore it!

* Err... Do you think you could trim both the video and the music file at the beginning? It just seems weird that the video's playing while we're hearing nothing :?
* Trim the end of the music file if you're not gonna map to it.
* I know it's been said already, but add Kiai Time.
* Fix your inherited timing sections!

Why isn't this as long as the other difficulties?

00:08:339 (1,2,3) - Is this kind of spacing allowed on an Easy? Just a suggestion, but maybe you could remove the note at 00:08:339 (1) then make the spinner at 00:06:339 (1) end at 00:08:339 instead.
01:17:836 (4) - Add a break after this?

00:17:342 (3,4,5) - Make these into a repeating slider instead?
00:22:341 (1) - Too close to the previous combo
00:48:590 (1,2) - I don't like how this is arranged... Maybe you should delete the second slider, make the first slider repeat, then just place a note at 00:49:090 or something.
00:50:590 (1,2) - ^
01:17:839 (4) - Add a break after this.
02:38:085 (2) - ^

00:02:339 (1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4) - Umm... I don't know what color to put this, but anyway... I understand that no music plays here, but I don't think these notes are needed... Why I say that is because Easy and Normal didn't have anything around this section.
01:45:334 (5,1) - I don't know... Shouldn't there be a note/notes somewhere between these?

00:02:339 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8) - Again, I don't think these notes are needed. Maybe you should map something for Easy and Normal around this section too?
00:40:338 (1) - What in the... why did you slow this down, especially since any previous sliders/sliders after this one weren't?
01:45:334 (2,1) - Same case as Hard
01:46:334 (1) - I want to say this is too close to the previous combo, but I'll just wait and see what you do first about my 01:45:334 comment.
02:10:583 (1,2,3,4,5,6) - Shouldn't these be spaced out evenly?
02:23:582 (1) - I hope this slider gets fixed after you fixed your inherited timing sections, because it won't slow down like the other three after it.
02:31:582 (6) - This isn't spaced out the same as the previous five notes.
02:34:332 (1) - I want to hit this note immediately after the previous note :?
02:35:332 (2) - Stack underneath properly?

I'll do a recheck later.
Topic Starter

Blazevoir wrote:

Sorry that I couldn't mod this sooner :? Anyway, like I said I would, here's my mod:

Black = just a comment (not sure what color the issue would be in)
Blue = suggestions/minor issues
Green = might want to fix this
Red = you MUST fix this
Anything red with a large font size AND in bold = Don't ignore it!

* Err... Do you think you could trim both the video and the music file at the beginning? It just seems weird that the video's playing while we're hearing nothing :? ahh,actually,there is music,very light,you can hear it when you listen with earphone.this is why i put note in diff hard and insane.
* Trim the end of the music file if you're not gonna map to it.i don't think so...many people use osu! as a mp3 player,i do not want them listen to a incomplete version of this song......
* I know it's been said already, but add Kiai Time.done.....
* Fix your inherited timing sections!

Why isn't this as long as the other difficulties? must be the same?i think it repeat,so maybe no need for new player to play 2 time......

00:08:339 (1,2,3) - Is this kind of spacing allowed on an Easy? Just a suggestion, but maybe you could remove the note at 00:08:339 (1) then make the spinner at 00:06:339 (1) end at 00:08:339 instead. good,done
01:17:836 (4) - Add a break after this? ok.

00:17:342 (3,4,5) - Make these into a repeating slider instead?
00:22:341 (1) - Too close to the previous combo
00:48:590 (1,2) - I don't like how this is arranged... Maybe you should delete the second slider, make the first slider repeat, then just place a note at 00:49:090 or something.
00:50:590 (1,2) - ^
01:17:839 (4) - Add a break after this.
02:38:085 (2) - ^
^all done

00:02:339 (1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4) - Umm... I don't know what color to put this, but anyway... I understand that no music plays here, but I don't think these notes are needed... Why I say that is because Easy and Normal didn't have anything around this section. explained ^
01:45:334 (5,1) - I don't know... Shouldn't there be a note/notes somewhere between these?
i tell you what i thought....first you should hear there is something make me feel like a finish(i do not know how to explain it specificly in english).it is light and low,so you need a earphone ,or you can not hear(like the beginning part )..

00:02:339 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8) - Again, I don't think these notes are needed. Maybe you should map something for Easy and Normal around this section too?
i should say that there is someting you didn't hear,that's why i put down the volume of the hit.but if you still thinck there is no need.i'll think about it. (you can hear 3 group of dong dong dong(sounds like),the reason why i start on the second one is that
i want people to find the rhythm in the first.)
for easy and normal ,i prefer start with spinner....

00:40:338 (1) - What in the... why did you slow this down, especially since any previous sliders/sliders after this one weren't? ah ,because this slider is finish,so i feel it sounds you agree?wait for your suggestion
01:45:334 (2,1) - Same case as Hard
for the next few notes,they are not based on the voice of singer or other background musical instrument,but the bass(like 01:46:334 (1) 01:47:334(1,2,3,1) 01:50:334(3,1,2,3)02:03:208(3,4,5,6,7)......because i want some diversity.
01:46:334 (1) - I want to say this is too close to the previous combo, but I'll just wait and see what you do first about my 01:45:334 comment. too.......
02:10:583 (1,2,3,4,5,6) - Shouldn't these be spaced out evenly? ah,i've made a big mistake...weird here..
02:23:582 (1) - I hope this slider gets fixed after you fixed your inherited timing sections, because it won't slow down like the other three after it. done...what a big mistake.........
02:31:582 (6) - This isn't spaced out the same as the previous five better?
02:34:332 (1) - I want to hit this note immediately after the previous note :?....hah...insane,so not that stict about distance
02:35:332 (2) - Stack underneath properly?done

I'll do a recheck later.

My replies in the spoilerbox are in this color.

shenpei310 wrote:


Blazevoir wrote:

* Err... Do you think you could trim both the video and the music file at the beginning? It just seems weird that the video's playing while we're hearing nothing :? ahh,actually,there is music,very light,you can hear it when you listen with earphone.this is why i put note in diff hard and insane. Thanks for pointing that out. I really didn't hear it at first.
* Trim the end of the music file if you're not gonna map to it.i don't think so...many people use osu! as a mp3 player,i do not want them listen to a incomplete version of this song...... I understand how you feel, but I even had to trim the music file for one of my maps...

Why isn't this as long as the other difficulties? must be the same?i think it repeat,so maybe no need for new player to play 2 time...... Okay... but if someone else end up complaining about it...

01:45:334 (5,1) - I don't know... Shouldn't there be a note/notes somewhere between these?
i tell you what i thought....first you should hear there is something make me feel like a finish(i do not know how to explain it specificly in english).it is light and low,so you need a earphone ,or you can not hear(like the beginning part ).. Hmm... I see.

00:02:339 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8) - Again, I don't think these notes are needed. Maybe you should map something for Easy and Normal around this section too?
i should say that there is someting you didn't hear,that's why i put down the volume of the hit.but if you still thinck there is no need.i'll think about it. (you can hear 3 group of dong dong dong(sounds like),the reason why i start on the second one is that
i want people to find the rhythm in the first.)
for easy and normal ,i prefer start with spinner.... I guess that's fine... for now.

00:40:338 (1) - What in the... why did you slow this down, especially since any previous sliders/sliders after this one weren't? ah ,because this slider is finish,so i feel it sounds you agree?wait for your suggestion I'm sorry, but I don't :?
01:45:334 (2,1) - Same case as Hard
for the next few notes,they are not based on the voice of singer or other background musical instrument,but the bass(like 01:46:334 (1) 01:47:334(1,2,3,1) 01:50:334(3,1,2,3)02:03:208(3,4,5,6,7)......because i want some diversity. I see.
02:31:582 (6) - This isn't spaced out the same as the previous five better? No; move it up one grid space.
02:34:332 (1) - I want to hit this note immediately after the previous note :?....hah...insane,so not that stict about distance I'm not that good yet, lol :? Sorry about this.
And now for the recheck:

Umm... why does the Kiai Time keep going even after the map ends for all difficulties?

I said everything in the spoilerbox.


Also fine~

I said everything in the spoilerbox.

I didn't really have anything to complain about this time, so here, have a ★ (well, two of them)~
1.coincident timing in all diffs.
2.capitalize the title.

01:27:08 (1) ~ (7) The stack like this after spinner is hard to read, at least in first chorus.
Topic Starter

Blazevoir wrote:

My replies in the spoilerbox are in this color.


Blazevoir wrote:

* Err... Do you think you could trim both the video and the music file at the beginning? It just seems weird that the video's playing while we're hearing nothing :? ahh,actually,there is music,very light,you can hear it when you listen with earphone.this is why i put note in diff hard and insane. Thanks for pointing that out. I really didn't hear it at first.
* Trim the end of the music file if you're not gonna map to it.i don't think so...many people use osu! as a mp3 player,i do not want them listen to a incomplete version of this song...... I understand how you feel, but I even had to trim the music file for one of my maps...

Why isn't this as long as the other difficulties? must be the same?i think it repeat,so maybe no need for new player to play 2 time...... Okay... but if someone else end up complaining about it...

01:45:334 (5,1) - I don't know... Shouldn't there be a note/notes somewhere between these?
i tell you what i thought....first you should hear there is something make me feel like a finish(i do not know how to explain it specificly in english).it is light and low,so you need a earphone ,or you can not hear(like the beginning part ).. Hmm... I see.

00:02:339 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8) - Again, I don't think these notes are needed. Maybe you should map something for Easy and Normal around this section too?
i should say that there is someting you didn't hear,that's why i put down the volume of the hit.but if you still thinck there is no need.i'll think about it. (you can hear 3 group of dong dong dong(sounds like),the reason why i start on the second one is that
i want people to find the rhythm in the first.)
for easy and normal ,i prefer start with spinner.... I guess that's fine... for now.

00:40:338 (1) - What in the... why did you slow this down, especially since any previous sliders/sliders after this one weren't? ah ,because this slider is finish,so i feel it sounds you agree?wait for your suggestion I'm sorry, but I don't :?
01:45:334 (2,1) - Same case as Hard
for the next few notes,they are not based on the voice of singer or other background musical instrument,but the bass(like 01:46:334 (1) 01:47:334(1,2,3,1) 01:50:334(3,1,2,3)02:03:208(3,4,5,6,7)......because i want some diversity. I see.
02:31:582 (6) - This isn't spaced out the same as the previous five better? No; move it up one grid space.
02:34:332 (1) - I want to hit this note immediately after the previous note :?....hah...insane,so not that stict about distance I'm not that good yet, lol :? Sorry about this.
And now for the recheck:

Umm... why does the Kiai Time keep going even after the map ends for all difficulties?

I said everything in the spoilerbox.


Also fine~

I said everything in the spoilerbox.

I didn't really have anything to complain about this time, so here, have a ★ (well, two of them)~[/quote]

all done!!!!!!!!!!!!
Topic Starter

deepsea wrote:

1.coincident timing in all diffs.
2.capitalize the title.

01:27:08 (1) ~ (7) The stack like this after spinner is hard to read, at least in first chorus.
Uhh... can you do another full submission? It won't load the music file...
Topic Starter

Blazevoir wrote:

Uhh... can you do another full submission? It won't load the music file...
Yeah, it works now.
Sunny Holic
支持中文歌~ ~
Topic Starter

Sunny Holic wrote:

支持中文歌~ ~
Hi :) ~

BMP: 120,000


00:52:587- The spinner may terminate at this time: 00:56:337.

01.47:334 (4)- Move 1 grid level to your left.
01:48:334 (1)- ^
Much difficulty

00:38:838 (1,2)- Remove new combo
00:39:838 (1,2)- ^

01:16:836- Remove new combo
01:17:336- ^
01:17:836- ^
Topic Starter

vivere wrote:

Hi :) ~

BMP: 120,000 maybe it is right


00:52:587- The spinner may terminate at this time: 00:56:337. i don't think so

01.47:334 (4)- Move 1 grid level to your left. done
01:48:334 (1)- ^ done
Much difficulty

00:38:838 (1,2)- Remove new combo done
00:39:838 (1,2)- ^ done

01:16:836- Remove new combo
01:17:336- ^
01:17:836- ^ no.....i thinck one color looks boring....


02:44:330 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7) - the jumps are a little sudden.. maybe you can fix?


01:44:330 ~ is a little weird. You continue going fast, despite it being a slow part, then go to .5x in the middle. Then you unexpectedly go back to fast. Perhaps you can change this then remap accordingly?

I suggest this..

01:44:330 - add a timing section of .5x
02:21:455 ~ remove any additional sections

OR an easier method would be to remove the .5x section and keep mapping at 1x. Your choice.

At the end the jumps are kinda unreasonable and hard.. consider changing them.
Topic Starter

pandabun wrote:


02:44:330 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7) - the jumps are a little sudden.. maybe you can fix?maybe it is not too hard?


01:44:330 ~ is a little weird. You continue going fast, despite it being a slow part, then go to .5x in the middle. Then you unexpectedly go back to fast. Perhaps you can change this then remap accordingly?at this time,it sounds slow,but then goes fast. i think only this slider can be 0.5X

I suggest this..

01:44:330 - add a timing section of .5x but it may be a little crowd?
02:21:455 ~ remove any additional sections

OR an easier method would be to remove the .5x section and keep mapping at 1x. Your choice.emm,may remove 0.5X is reasonable,i will thinck about it

At the end the jumps are kinda unreasonable and hard.. consider changing is not too hard for insane i think

London Bridge Is Falling Down~Falling Down~Falling Down~ :D


00:13:330 (3) - 移上去一点点 和蓝色的4对齐
00:35:330 (3) - 条的末端使用soft whistle
01:47:330 (5) - ^
01:56:580 (1) - 往前移1/2拍 延长1/2拍

00:33:830 (7) - soft whistle
01:17:830 (4) - 复制3
map不錯, 找不到大問題

00:14:330 (1,1) - 對於EASY來說,note太接近spinner
01:10:330 (1,1) - ^
02:30:330 (1,1) - ^

fine for me

02:47:080 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7) - 這麼多note放在一起,或會有點混淆

00:04:330 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8) - ^

(mod得有點少,可以不給kd~ :) good luck~
Topic Starter
[quote="yangzd88"]London Bridge Is Falling Down~Falling Down~Falling Down~ :D


00:13:330 (3) - 移上去一点点 和蓝色的4对齐
00:35:330 (3) - 条的末端使用soft whistle 我换了个顺序,实在不习惯连用两个whistle
01:47:330 (5) - ^
01:56:580 (1) - 往前移1/2拍 延长1/2拍 不对,我根据歌词来的

00:33:830 (7) - soft whistle 实在不习惯连用两个whistle
01:17:830 (4) - 复制3
Topic Starter

Vikon wrote:

map不錯, 找不到大問題

00:14:330 (1,1) - 對於EASY來說,note太接近spinner只能让他们别转太狠了。。。再变的话我听不习惯
01:10:330 (1,1) - ^
02:30:330 (1,1) - ^

fine for me

02:47:080 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7) - 這麼多note放在一起,或會有點混淆迪西也说过了,所以第一次分开放了,到后面的话节奏应该掌握了。再说总不能认为这首歌只被玩一次吧?

00:04:330 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8) - ^

(mod得有點少,可以不給kd~ :) good luck~
Modding legend:

Major issues in the map: it is highly recommended to fix them.
Minor issue in the map: you don't have to follow them exactly, but I recommend you to.
Suggestions: those are personal opinions, feel free to follow them or not.
Possible fix suggestion.
If there's one black bold line in the whole mod post, I won't star the map. PLEASE NOTE THAT THIS DOESN'T MEAN I WILL STAR THE MAP IF THERE IS NO BLACK BOLD LINE. Learn to mathematical implication.

Empty .osb file. Delete then full submit.

00:16:330 (1) - Hidden by the 300/100 when the spinner is completed. Move it away. Okay, it's a slider, so you can see it anyway. Make this slider horizontal or something.
01:12:830 (1) - Hidden by the 300/100 when the spinner is completed.
02:01:330 (1) - ^
02:32:830 (1) - ^

02:38:455 - Useless break.
How about mapping until the very end of the song ?

01:38:580 (1) - Too close to previous object.
02:32:830 (1) - Hidden by the 300/100 when the spinner is completed.
How about mapping until the very end of the song ?

00:02:330 (1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4,1) - Do those notes really make sense ?
01:12:705 (1) - Hidden by the 300/100 when the spinner is completed.
02:47:080 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7) - ^

00:02:330 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,1) - Do those notes really make sense ?
02:47:080 (1,2,3) - Hidden by the 300/100 when the spinner is completed.
Topic Starter

Odaril wrote:

Modding legend:

Major issues in the map: it is highly recommended to fix them.
Minor issue in the map: you don't have to follow them exactly, but I recommend you to.
Suggestions: those are personal opinions, feel free to follow them or not.
Possible fix suggestion.
If there's one black bold line in the whole mod post, I won't star the map. PLEASE NOTE THAT THIS DOESN'T MEAN I WILL STAR THE MAP IF THERE IS NO BLACK BOLD LINE. Learn to mathematical implication.

Empty .osb file. Delete then full submit.done

00:16:330 (1) - Hidden by the 300/100 when the spinner is completed. Move it away. Okay, it's a slider, so you can see it anyway. Make this slider horizontal or something.
01:12:830 (1) - Hidden by the 300/100 when the spinner is completed.
02:01:330 (1) - ^
02:32:830 (1) - ^[/color]
02:38:455 - Useless break.
How about mapping until the very end of the song ?

01:38:580 (1) - Too close to previous object.fixed
02:32:830 (1) - Hidden by the 300/100 when the spinner is completed.
How about mapping until the very end of the song ?

00:02:330 (1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4,1) - Do those notes really make sense ?because nothing to note
01:12:705 (1) - Hidden by the 300/100 when the spinner is completed.
02:47:080 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7) - ^

00:02:330 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,1) - Do those notes really make sense ? YES,you can not hear without earphone or low volume
02:47:080 (1,2,3) - Hidden by the 300/100 when the spinner is completed.
As your request :3

Read this first for the icon explanation.
- [?] Asking for a second thought.
- [!] Fatal error. You have to fix this for sure.
- [No icon] Only a suggestion.

1. Please full submit the map again. I was given the update button when I just downloaded and installed the map. [!]
2. What a cute song :3
3. Did you cut the video or it does stop on 02:59:080?
4. Cut the useless part of the mp3. It could decrease the filesize. But I suggest you to map the song until the end.

00:38:080 (2) - Move it like this (turn off distance snap).

00:52:580 (1) - Extend it to 00:56:330.
01:18:455 - Will be better if you remove the break.
02:12:580 (1) - Extend it to 02:16:330.

01:00:631 (2) - I prefer it put on 01:00:411. [?]
01:03:278 (2) - Make it start from 01:03:499.
00:52:580 (1) - Extend it to 00:56:330.
02:10:580 (1) - Ugly slider. Change the shape.
02:12:580 (1) - Extend it to 02:16:330.

00:02:330 to 00:05:830 - Soft hitsound sounds weird. Change them to normal hitsound, then lower the volume to the first tick. Also, remove the whistle sound.
01:26:080 (1) - Can you change this into a slider or something else? This slider is too short and ruin the epicness of this diff.
02:46:080 (1) - ^

-- I found some death jumps. Consider reducing the distance of some jumps?
-- A little bit overmapped but it's okay I think.

00:02:330 to 00:05:830 - Soft hitsound sounds weird. Change them to normal hitsound, then lower the volume to the first tick. Also, remove the whistle sound.
01:16:830 (1,1,1) - Remove new combo.
02:24:330 (2,3,4) - Unstacked properly.
Star. I love modding this.
Topic Starter

VanMoNky wrote:

As your request :3

Read this first for the icon explanation.
- [?] Asking for a second thought.
- [!] Fatal error. You have to fix this for sure.
- [No icon] Only a suggestion.

1. Please full submit the map again. I was given the update button when I just downloaded and installed the map. [!]it is weird....
2. What a cute song :3ah,i think so~
3. Did you cut the video or it does stop on 02:59:080?i cut....
4. Cut the useless part of the mp3. It could decrease the filesize. But I suggest you to map the song until the end.i think play a song over 3min is too tired,so......but i want to give the players a complete mp3 of this song....

00:38:080 (2) - Move it like this (turn off distance snap).ok..
00:52:580 (1) - Extend it to 00:56:330.i really do not know why many modders want me to change this...after the spinner is over,according to the lyrics,it is another part,and i make it as a break.....
01:18:455 - Will be better if you remove the break.done, add a spinner
02:12:580 (1) - Extend it to 02:16:330.the same reason

01:00:631 (2) - I prefer it put on 01:00:411. [?]nothing is there????
01:03:278 (2) - Make it start from 01:03:499.nothing is there????
00:52:580 (1) - Extend it to 00:56:330.
02:10:580 (1) - Ugly slider. Change the shape.......changed
02:12:580 (1) - Extend it to 02:16:330.

00:02:330 to 00:05:830 - Soft hitsound sounds weird. Change them to normal hitsound, then lower the volume to the first tick. Also, remove the whistle sound.maybe it is really hard for people to here the bass here,i think i had better remove them
01:26:080 (1) - Can you change this into a slider or something else? This slider is too short and ruin the epicness of this diff.
02:46:080 (1) - ^ah,i am very bad at spinner,but i can still get 300 here,so i think it is ok....

-- I found some death jumps. Consider reducing the distance of some jumps?not too hard...but i remove the jump in hard diff
-- A little bit overmapped but it's okay I think.

00:02:330 to 00:05:830 - Soft hitsound sounds weird. Change them to normal hitsound, then lower the volume to the first tick. Also, remove the whistle sound.all removed!!!!!!!
01:16:830 (1,1,1) - Remove new combo.but now it looks beautiful? if remove,one color looks ugly...
02:24:330 (2,3,4) - Unstacked properly.maybe you don't get the newest one?
Star. I love modding this.
  1. Maybe some Custom Hitcircle Colors ?

00:19:330 (1) - Remove New Combo.
00:39:330 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8) - This stream isn't going synchrone. (6,7,8) are really badly placed. Please remap this stream.
01:12:330 (9) - Add New Combo.
01:12:830 (1) - Remove New Combo.
01:35:330 (5) - Move 2 grid levels to the right. (Grid Level 3 / Most Precise)
01:35:580 (6) - Move 2 grid levels to the left.
01:55:330 (1) - Remove New Combo.
02:01:330 (1) - ^

  1. Tick Rate 2 please.
  2. Drain Rate +1 please.
01:42:330 (1) - Center this one ?
01:43:080 (1) - ^


01:39:080 (2) - Add New Combo here so it will match with the rest of the difficulties at that point.


00:52:580 (1) - Extend till 00:56:330. (VanMoNky also posted it and I agree with him.)

Topic Starter

GladiOol wrote:

  1. Maybe some Custom Hitcircle Colors ?
i am bad at drawing,so bad at selecting color,but i think pink is ok...


00:19:330 (1) - Remove New Combo.
00:39:330 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8) - This stream isn't going synchrone. (6,7,8) are really badly placed. Please remap this stream.
01:12:330 (9) - Add New Combo.
01:12:830 (1) - Remove New Combo.
01:35:330 (5) - Move 2 grid levels to the right. (Grid Level 3 / Most Precise)
01:35:580 (6) - Move 2 grid levels to the left.
01:55:330 (1) - Remove New Combo.
02:01:330 (1) - ^
all done!

  1. Tick Rate 2 please.
  2. Drain Rate +1 please.
01:42:330 (1) - Center this one ?
01:43:080 (1) - ^
all done


01:39:080 (2) - Add New Combo here so it will match with the rest of the difficulties at that point.done


00:52:580 (1) - Extend till 00:56:330. (VanMoNky also posted it and I agree with him.)now,i think at 00:55:330 or 00:56:330 both are ok...since you all like end at 00:56:330...i'll change...the other spinners like this are also changed

thank you !!!!!!!!!1
sometimes your 1/4 triples are stacked and sometimes they're not, it confused me at first o__o

01:38:580 (1,1,1,1,1,1) - unstack please? It's a little awkward to me

01:38:580 (1,1,1,1) - unstack these?
01:58:080 (4,1) - and these?

hm, I think I like [Insane] best, it looks like you put the most effort into that one
Topic Starter

Dusty wrote:

sometimes your 1/4 triples are stacked and sometimes they're not, it confused me at first o__o

01:38:580 (1,1,1,1,1,1) - unstack please? It's a little awkward to mei do not think so,but i found it boring,so add a spinner,mayby a little difficult

01:38:580 (1,1,1,1) - unstack these?如果突然在屏幕上四个地方放四个单音,感觉有点莫名其妙。
01:58:080 (4,1) - and these?没啥必要。

hm, I think I like [Insane] best, it looks like you put the most effort into that onei am good at making insane.我最先做的insane,然后另存为HARD,再一个个删,再NORMAL。。。
a little Advice:

01:18:580 SP may start at 01:18:330

01:18:705 (2) remove this note.unuseful, here is no hitsound 3>
01:43:330 (2~ ) 这段不对,redone it plz~
02:03:080 May add a note here.

01:18:705 (2) as hard.
02:03:080 as hard.
Topic Starter

arsrun wrote:

a little Advice:

01:18:580 SP may start at 01:18:330也可以,但是normal我想根据歌词来,hard和insane这里根据音乐来

01:18:705 (2) remove this note.unuseful, here is no hitsound 3>是有点问题。
01:43:330 (2~ ) 这段不对,redone it plz~不是不对,从这里开始变为跟音乐而不是跟歌词
02:03:080 May add a note here.我觉得都可以,我听上去感觉就是两个。弹起来也不别扭。

01:18:705 (2) as hard.
02:03:080 as hard.
AdRon Zh3Ro
I don't love ur song but moding anyway... (k)

Colours seems to be too random, put these.

Well, i think u can call some bats...
Topic Starter

adron zhero wrote:

I don't love ur song but moding anyway... (k)

Colours seems to be too random, put these.

Well, i think u can call some bats...
Hey :)

  1. I got offset: 336. BPM seems fine though
  2. Maybe put "Chinese" in the tags as well?

Lookin' good


Perhaps the beats are stuck to straight lines a bit too much, but it's nice overall. Nothing bothered me


01:26:080 (1) - Replace this spinner with something else? It's so short and jumps out of nowhere, so maybe a slider would work better.
01:42:330(1) - ^
02:46:080 (1) - ^


Apart from the jumps you put in (like 00:21:080 (4,5,6,7), 00:49:330 (5,6,7), 01:25:080 (4,5,6,7), etc). which don't fit in imo, Nothing bothered me. I see those jumps in many Insane maps so I can't force you to change them, but I want you to :(

Overall, it's actually quite a nice map. Insane uses jumps a bit too much, but the other difficulties are Nice and fairly well made, but not amazing though. Nice.

Topic Starter

Doomsday wrote:

Hey :)

  1. I got offset: 336. BPM seems fine thoughhmm....maybe different from different people...but the bpm is sure to be right,so people can change local offset according to themselves..
  2. Maybe put "Chinese" in the tags as well?


Lookin' good


Perhaps the beats are stuck to straight lines a bit too much, but it's nice overall. Nothing bothered me


01:26:080 (1) - Replace this spinner with something else? It's so short and jumps out of nowhere, so maybe a slider would work better.changed
01:42:330(1) - ^changed
02:46:080 (1) - ^i consider to remove the part after it


Apart from the jumps you put in (like 00:21:080 (4,5,6,7), 00:49:330 (5,6,7), 01:25:080 (4,5,6,7), etc). which don't fit in imo, Nothing bothered me. I see those jumps in many Insane maps so I can't force you to change them, but I want you to :(ok,i make the distance shorter

Overall, it's actually quite a nice map. Insane uses jumps a bit too much, but the other difficulties are Nice and fairly well made, but not amazing though. Nice.

I got offset +5 ~ 10, not sure though. timing of most chinese songs are terrible.>_>
Topic Starter

deepsea wrote:

I got offset +5 ~ 10, not sure though. timing of most chinese songs are terrible.>_>
...........doomsday say -4,you say +5~10......terrible....

shenpei310 wrote:

deepsea wrote:

I got offset +5 ~ 10, not sure though. timing of most chinese songs are terrible.>_>
...........doomsday say -4,you say +5~10......terrible....
I rememered it had 330 so what I got is about 335 ~ 340 and doomsday got 336 so seems not too wrong?

Or did I forget something?_?
Topic Starter
Topic Starter

shenpei310 wrote:


deepsea wrote:

I got offset +5 ~ 10, not sure though. timing of most chinese songs are terrible.>_>
...........doomsday say -4,you say +5~10......terrible....I rememered it had 330 so what I got is about 335 ~ 340 and doomsday got 336 so seems not too wrong?

Or did I forget something?_?[/quote]

i made a mistake ,i have thought my offset is 340....ok,now i change it to is very hard to get a exact offset of a low bpm song..[/quote]
Topic Starter

Selee wrote:

Blue: Sugestion. Not necessary, but should take good effects.
Green: Notification or cosmetic thing. May, but don't have to be fixed.
Orange: Should be fixed.
Red: Have to be fixed.

  1. If song comes from an album, put the album name in source.
  1. 00:34:330 (1) - Maybe remove new combo here, to follow combos pattern used before.
  1. 01:39:080 (1) - Remove new combo. No reason to place it here.
  2. 02:10:580 (1) - I'm not completely sure about it, but i'd remove new combo here too.
  1. 00:39:330 (1) - Remove new combo here.
  2. 01:39:080 (1) - and here, 01:41:080 (1) - and here.
  1. 01:16:830 (1,1,1) - Remove new combos.
  2. 01:39:080 (1) - Same here, 01:41:080 (1) - and here.
  3. 02:28:830 (1) - And here.
My mod can look stupid, but i really don't like overused combos.
Anywas. Map is well made, and it plays cool. I hope it'll be ranked. Starrr'd :D

ShaggoN wrote:

  1. If song comes from an album, put the album name in source.

Put the album name in the tags not the source, read this
Topic Starter

ShaggoN wrote:

Blue: Sugestion. Not necessary, but should take good effects.
Green: Notification or cosmetic thing. May, but don't have to be fixed.
Orange: Should be fixed.
Red: Have to be fixed.

  1. If song comes from an album, put the album name in source.
  1. 00:34:330 (1) - Maybe remove new combo here, to follow combos pattern used before.
  1. 01:39:080 (1) - Remove new combo. No reason to place it here.ok
  2. 02:10:580 (1) - I'm not completely sure about it, but i'd remove new combo here too.i add a note so new combo may looks reasonable
  1. 00:39:330 (1) - Remove new combo here.done
  2. 01:39:080 (1) - and here, 01:41:080 (1) - and here.

  1. 01:16:830 (1,1,1) - Remove new combos.emm...logically,there should not be new combo obviously,but ...i think it colorful so looks better? change that,since i think it may really confuse the player if they don't know the rythm....
  2. 01:39:080 (1) - Same here, 01:41:080 (1) - and here.done
  3. 02:28:830 (1) - And here.

My mod can look stupid, but i really don't like overused combos.ah...anyway it is a Good mod .A good map should be excellent on every aspects,so it need different modders to focus on different things.
Anywas. Map is well made, and it plays cool. I hope it'll be ranked. Starrr'd :D
Topic Starter

James2250 wrote:

ShaggoN wrote:

  1. If song comes from an album, put the album name in source.

Put the album name in the tags not the source, read this
good...i'd rather not ....looks strange...
Topic Starter

nongfushanquan wrote:

As per your request:

Aah, what's with all the spaces in the tags? Remove them. Also the "Album:" part of the tag. Also remove "pop" since that'll be the genre
The video is really low quality for 8 megs. Think you can find/make a better one? If you have problems with this, let me know and I'll see what I can find for you.
Your MP3 is 320 kbps: please re-encode it to 256 or 192kbps (192 is preferred, but since your map is so old, you can technically do 256). Once again, if you don't know how to or have problems getting this done, let me know.
I'm not seeing a reason why most of the slider ticks are silenced

00:16:336 (1) - This is way too soon after a spinner for a difficulty like this. Please consider mapping through the spinner, or changing some of the rhythms afterward.
00:22:336 (1) - Hrm, these don't really work too well in an easy difficulty simply because it's hard for new players to tell when it will stop - plus having a note so soon after it will just cause more problems. Please try a simpler rhythm.
01:12:836 (1) - Too soon after a spinner again. Please try to leave 2-3 beats before starting another note for a difficulty this easy.
01:20:836 (1) - ^
02:32:836 (1) - ^
02:38:336 - Just delete this break.

02:06:336 (5) - Maybe stack this with the 6 slider instead?
02:38:336 - Add a note here and delete that break

01:15:336 (2) - That whistle sounds really odd
Some of the stacking and overlaps were kind of weird but the map is okay.

Reduce stack leniency to this:

It'll make some of your stacks look neater such as 02:30:336 (1,3,5) -
02:40:336 (1,2,3) - Really don't like this overlap
Topic Starter

Garven wrote:

As per your request:

Aah, what's with all the spaces in the tags? Remove them. Also the "Album:" part of the tag. Also remove "pop" since that'll be the genre
The video is really low quality for 8 megs. Think you can find/make a better one? If you have problems with this, let me know and I'll see what I can find for you.
Your MP3 is 320 kbps: please re-encode it to 256 or 192kbps (192 is preferred, but since your map is so old, you can technically do 256). Once again, if you don't know how to or have problems getting this done, let me know.
I'm not seeing a reason why most of the slider ticks are silenced

00:16:336 (1) - This is way too soon after a spinner for a difficulty like this. Please consider mapping through the spinner, or changing some of the rhythms afterward.
00:22:336 (1) - Hrm, these don't really work too well in an easy difficulty simply because it's hard for new players to tell when it will stop - plus having a note so soon after it will just cause more problems. Please try a simpler rhythm.
01:12:836 (1) - Too soon after a spinner again. Please try to leave 2-3 beats before starting another note for a difficulty this easy.
01:20:836 (1) - ^
02:32:836 (1) - ^
02:38:336 - Just delete this break.

02:06:336 (5) - Maybe stack this with the 6 slider instead?
02:38:336 - Add a note here and delete that break

01:15:336 (2) - That whistle sounds really odd
Some of the stacking and overlaps were kind of weird but the map is okay.

Reduce stack leniency to this:

It'll make some of your stacks look neater such as 02:30:336 (1,3,5) -
02:40:336 (1,2,3) - Really don't like this overlap


and i remember i have done full submission after change the mp3 to 192k...why you still say 320k?

now i think the video does not make much sense to the map,and i do not need it any more.

"I'm not seeing a reason why most of the slider ticks are silenced"
WELL,I do not think they make much you think it will be better not to silence them?
The download I had was 320. Looks like it's back to 192 now, so no worries there.

As for the slider ticks, if you set it to tick rate 2 it would fit pretty well with the song and sound fine imo.
Topic Starter

Garven wrote:

The download I had was 320. Looks like it's back to 192 now, so no worries there.

As for the slider ticks, if you set it to tick rate 2 it would fit pretty well with the song and sound fine imo.
sounds good...changed
Topic Starter
;) star~
note下的要么全跟vocal 要么全跟伴奏.
其实我发这句之前很纠结 因为他不妨碍打
01:58:086(4)不做评论……问了几个人都说不确定是否rankable 好看倒是很好看 留着吧 当心别找到nazi的MAT
1建议在view里把grid level调到4 很多摆不正的东西都可以调了
3千言万语汇成一句话 310滑条帝

最后 star
Topic Starter

sherrie__fay wrote:

note下的要么全跟vocal 要么全跟伴奏.
其实我发这句之前很纠结 因为他不妨碍打
01:58:086(4)不做评论……问了几个人都说不确定是否rankable 好看倒是很好看 留着吧 当心别找到nazi的MAT扭扭更健康啊……
1建议在view里把grid level调到4 很多摆不正的东西都可以调了。。只要不是要完全重叠那种的应该都差不多吧。。不然我得看瞎了才能发现。。
3千言万语汇成一句话 310滑条帝我思索了很久,发现好图都是滑条用得好。。回顾当年,这图真是傻得一B。。现在我要东山再起。

最后 star

- Your mp3 is too long, it should end up when the map ends. You'll have to cut it.

- Instead of making ":" in the tags, do a regular space


01:26:086 (1) - This is insanely annoying and confusing pattern. The player plays, he's having fun and then a 2000 ninja spinner comes out, he's hardly doing it and gets a 100, he thinks it's already after this armageddon, but then comes a triple that is not even in the center of the playfield and kills him. That's what will happen if you keep this pattern!
02:46:086 (1) - ^

This map has a potential. I like it.


01:43:086 (1,3) - Swap new combos.




00:17:836 - Add a note?
00:36:336 (1) - Start at the white tick? Sounds odd following the lyrics.
01:44:086 (1) - Start at the white tick.
01:48:086 (2) - ^, also this slider is covered by the previous slider, so you MUST move it 1/2 forward and set a new combo on it.

Good map, no any serious problems.
As i know
the song is mapped over 80%, it doesn`t need to cut at all

Alace wrote:

As i know
the song is mapped over 80%, it doesn`t need to cut at all
hmph, I have to admit... I didn't know about this rule :D

I thought all the unused mp3 should be cut, seems like I was wrong ;) don't cut it then
timing point
offset. Meter.
00:01:836 4/4
00:40:336 3/4
01:12:336 3/4
01:16:336 3/4
01:24:336 4/4
02:00:336 4/4
02:32:336 3/4
02:36:336 3/4
02:40:336 3/4
02:44:336 4/4
02:11:836 no clap?
00:23:086 单独成一个note?
Topic Starter

qihanzhang wrote:

timing point
offset. Meter.
00:01:836 4/4
00:40:336 3/4
01:12:336 3/4
01:16:336 3/4
01:24:336 4/4
02:00:336 4/4
02:32:336 3/4
02:36:336 3/4
02:40:336 3/4
02:44:336 4/4

shenpei310 wrote:


至于我列的表格,是在timing setup界面(f6)下的说法、每行是一个红点、就是inherited point,meter显示的是哪个就在setup左边改成3/4(waltz)、
Topic Starter

qihanzhang wrote:

shenpei310 wrote:

好像现在没有选3/4 4/4的选项了?

shenpei310 wrote:

好像现在没有选3/4 4/4的选项了?
Topic Starter

qihanzhang wrote:

shenpei310 wrote:

好像现在没有选3/4 4/4的选项了?

shenpei310 wrote:


insane‘s PreviewTime: 72334
others’ PreviewTime: 72326

18:817 去掉clap
23:711 绿线音量调低到70
33:836 想用clap、
47:336 这个finish还有后面的一个显得有点重、加个绿线修低一点?
52:086 clap 后面的转盘用的finish也重、
1:08:336 这里就开始放note,break长了,白线放四个?
1:43:461 去掉(2)
1:46:080 绿线如果不用就删

21:711 绿线音量调低到70
35:836 去掉clap
47:336 声音调低一点
1:03:586 开始放note
1:43:586 消音
2:11:836 去掉clap
2:23:586 开始放note

1:44:336 这。。短点会好些、不行弄来回的

eeeeee where is the mapper going
i am still waiting for you XD
plz make your mapset ranked
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