
Etherwood - Cast Away

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This beatmap was submitted using in-game submission on 10 December 2015 at 16:46:58

Artist: Etherwood
Title: Cast Away
Tags: dnb drum and bass Nerova Riuz GX theramdans MrSuicidesheep Hospital Records liquid
BPM: 173
Filesize: 3553kb
Play Time: 02:18
Difficulties Available:
  1. Advanced (2.48 stars, 182 notes)
  2. Hard (3.53 stars, 321 notes)
  3. Insane (4.44 stars, 397 notes)
  4. N/A's Easy (1.59 stars, 125 notes)
  5. theramdans' Normal (1.96 stars, 143 notes)
Download: Etherwood - Cast Away
Information: Scores/Beatmap Listing
: sukiNathan
: sukiNathan
: monstrata
: Gamu (requested by me)
: HabiHolic
: monstrata


N/A's Easy by Nerova Riuz GX
theramdans' Normal by theramdans
Advanced by me
Hard by me
Insane by me

Nerova Riuz GX
Hi for M4M :v
So I guess this is WIP since there's no normal yet.

Highly suggest maping the intro. The song is already short anyway and I think you can easily make a slow section that leads into the nice drum and bass section. Lots of different possibilities on mapping this part for all diffs imo. Maybe you don't have to start at 00:00:087 - but you can definitely start at 00:22:283 - can even start it with a spinner on the downbeat prior for example. But definitely consider this.


01:53:844 - Add note. It's a very clear piano chord in the white tick. The break right after is fine but there should definitely be a note here. No reason not to.

02:01:300 (1,2) - This would play more naturally as 1 being a 1/1 slider and then the repeat 1/4 starting at 01:58:699 - and with only 2 repeats like this. The alternative if you wanna keep the rhythm similar is something like this.

02:02:861 - Piano note ignored. I can see why but the spacing is 1.0x here instead of 1.5x so it would read as if 02:03:034 (1) - started on that white tick becauSe of the spacing used. Consider adding the note there or increasing the spacing here to a consistent 1.5x for readability.

02:04:248 (3,4) - Move 3 so it doesn't cover up so much of 4. What I suggest is moving 3 over to 02:03:555 (1) - slider end and aligning the ends so they're parallel and then moving it back over 02:04:595 (4) - so it looks nice like this

02:15:347 (3,4) - Didn't highlight the other overlaps because they didn't look bad but this one is overlapped a lot more. Covers up the entire right side of the longer slider and will likely cause a readability issue if anything to know the length of the long slider. Consider tilting downward. Same comment for 02:18:121 (4,5) -

Note: The diff looks a bit inconsistent in terms of spacing. It's mapped at 1.6x then switches to 1.8x at 00:52:630 (5,6,1) - then back to 1.6x 00:55:231 (1,1) - Then after the kiai it's 1.5x spacing 01:34:422 (1) - I know the SV increased by 1.1x but it's not quite the same. What I suggest because this diff is kind of a read challenge for hard players which is cool but a good idea for this is keeping the spacing consistent throughout the diff. I suggest using 1.6x or 1.7x spacing throughout the map because it would allow players to focus on reading the triples and patterns well while flowing with consistent spacing and also allowing for more space between the notes which would allow for the map to not feel as crowded. Also regarding the kiai, 1.1x increase is cool but I suggest keeping the DS to 1.6x to emphasize the kiai with slightly higher spacing than the rest of the song.

In regards to patterns and stuff I didn't really seen anything I didn't like that wouldn't be fixed with consistent spacing.


00:52:803 (1,2,3,4,5,6) - 3/4 slider into stream and more imortantly the spacing between the 3/4 slider and the stream does not read as a 1/4 spacing. Consider either shortening to 1/2 slider or keeping the space from 1 to 2 to be a consistent 1.2x so it reads better. This is done a few times later in the song I'll try to point them out but if I miss a few make sure to change them.

00:53:670 (7,8) - The thing with 1/4 slider jump into a note/slider for a triple effect is you should keep the spacing consistent. What I mean is when you compare this to 00:48:468 (5,1) - or 00:51:243 (5,1) - the spacing is nothing. 1/4 jumps are natural so the higher spacing looks better than the short one. Try something like this maybe.

00:54:884 (3,4,5) - Doesn't look nice in play. Might as well stack.

00:57:659 (3,4) - Same comment regarding the higher spacing here. What I suggest is that you space this just enough so you can see one followpoint between them like this

01:03:902 (1,2,3,4,5,6) - Same comment as the first point.

01:04:769 (7,8) - Same comment regarding the spacing. I think the jump spaced looks nicer than having them right next to each other but if you prefer this then I suggest changing the ones with higher spacing to shorter spacing to be consistent.

01:12:225 (1,1) - So regarding these kinds of pauses. They have a nice effect when done correctly. Normally these are either spaced consistently with far spacing or more commonly they're stacked with the last note before the pause to give it a nice effect where you stop and pick up from where you stop. What I suggest is changing the slider to two notes and doing something like this looks and plays really well. It also removes the unnecessary one note NC. In these instances NCs don't always help in readability.

01:15:000 (1,2,3,4,5,6) - Same comment as the first point.

01:22:630 (3,4,5) - See this is a good example of the pause and stack done right.

01:26:098 (1,2,3,4,5,6) - Same comment as the first point.

01:31:647 - I think you could start a spinner either here or at 01:32:341 - with increasing volume to compliment the little sound that plays here into the kiai. It would make a nice effect.

01:50:029 (2) - ctrl + g. Flows better both into this note and into the next.

01:53:844 - Add note. Much like in the hard, there is no reason to skip this note. It's a strong piano chord on the main beat of the bar and should definitely be emphasized.

01:56:098 - 01:56:271 - IMO you could probably add notes here too to compliment the bass in the downbeat into the 2nd part of the kiai. Would be nice

02:01:300 (1,1,2,3,4,5,6,1,2) - One comment here. This one is actually good 3/4 slider into stream because it ends with the stream and not a jump with spacing inconsistency. If you look again at 01:03:902 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7) - this is not good because 1 points away from 2 and has higher spacing which doesn't read as a 3/4 jump and then it ends on a stream and THEN a jump into 7 so likely players would have been thrown off by the first part and then into this jump and would likely have missed and gotten lots of 100s/50s here as a result. However here at 2:01, (1) points towards the stream, the spacing isn't that crazy into the stream and the stream ends on a long slider instead of a jump so this reads very naturally. Hard to explain this lol.

02:16:734 (1,2,3,4) - This one is more of a personal suggestion but I don't really like the square here. Again you have a pause at 02:16:040 (1,1) - so it would feel more natural to have the note start on the slider end and then maybe trying a different pattern but this isn't wrong it's just my own preference here :P

Anyway interesting rhythm. Looking good!

Good luck with this! :)
Topic Starter

Side wrote:

Hi for M4M :v
So I guess this is WIP since there's no normal yet.

Highly suggest maping the intro. The song is already short anyway and I think you can easily make a slow section that leads into the nice drum and bass section. Lots of different possibilities on mapping this part for all diffs imo. Maybe you don't have to start at 00:00:087 - but you can definitely start at 00:22:283 - can even start it with a spinner on the downbeat prior for example. But definitely consider this. Mapped from 00:22:977


01:53:844 - Add note. It's a very clear piano chord in the white tick. The break right after is fine but there should definitely be a note here. No reason not to. I've ignored the piano everywhere in this map,so I dont want to add any notes where the piano lands.Also I think I've hitsounded it fairly obviously to emphasize the drums over any other instrument

02:01:300 (1,2) - This would play more naturally as 1 being a 1/1 slider and then the repeat 1/4 starting at 01:58:699 - and with only 2 repeats like this. The alternative if you wanna keep the rhythm similar is something like this.

02:02:861 - Piano note ignored. I can see why but the spacing is 1.0x here instead of 1.5x so it would read as if 02:03:034 (1) - started on that white tick becauSe of the spacing used. Consider adding the note there or increasing the spacing here to a consistent 1.5x for readability. Same reason as above,but changed up the spacing so it doesnt confuse players

02:04:248 (3,4) - Move 3 so it doesn't cover up so much of 4. What I suggest is moving 3 over to 02:03:555 (1) - slider end and aligning the ends so they're parallel and then moving it back over 02:04:595 (4) - so it looks nice like this

02:15:347 (3,4) - Didn't highlight the other overlaps because they didn't look bad but this one is overlapped a lot more. Covers up the entire right side of the longer slider and will likely cause a readability issue if anything to know the length of the long slider. Consider tilting downward. Same comment for 02:18:121 (4,5) -

Note: The diff looks a bit inconsistent in terms of spacing. It's mapped at 1.6x then switches to 1.8x at 00:52:630 (5,6,1) - then back to 1.6x 00:55:231 (1,1) - Then after the kiai it's 1.5x spacing 01:34:422 (1) - I know the SV increased by 1.1x but it's not quite the same. What I suggest because this diff is kind of a read challenge for hard players which is cool but a good idea for this is keeping the spacing consistent throughout the diff. I suggest using 1.6x or 1.7x spacing throughout the map because it would allow players to focus on reading the triples and patterns well while flowing with consistent spacing and also allowing for more space between the notes which would allow for the map to not feel as crowded. Also regarding the kiai, 1.1x increase is cool but I suggest keeping the DS to 1.6x to emphasize the kiai with slightly higher spacing than the rest of the song. Consistent spacing everywhere now , upped the spacing by a bit in kiai

In regards to patterns and stuff I didn't really seen anything I didn't like that wouldn't be fixed with consistent spacing.


00:52:803 (1,2,3,4,5,6) - 3/4 slider into stream and more imortantly the spacing between the 3/4 slider and the stream does not read as a 1/4 spacing. Consider either shortening to 1/2 slider or keeping the space from 1 to 2 to be a consistent 1.2x so it reads better. This is done a few times later in the song I'll try to point them out but if I miss a few make sure to change them. Ah yes, there's no reason not to start the stream on the white tick but I think I know why it feels off to some people,because they have to start the stream with their off finger, but to alt-tappers like me it feels perfectly normal, as for the 1/4 slider -> circle goes I've removed the ones just after these kinds of streams because that really throws people off for some reason and replaced them with a regular triple

00:53:670 (7,8) - The thing with 1/4 slider jump into a note/slider for a triple effect is you should keep the spacing consistent. What I mean is when you compare this to 00:48:468 (5,1) - or 00:51:243 (5,1) - the spacing is nothing. 1/4 jumps are natural so the higher spacing looks better than the short one. Try something like this maybe. I'm gonna have to say no to the spacing since the base slider velocity is kinda low,so players will have a hard time getting 300's on the 1/4 sliders and there will be a much more snappier motion from the slider to the circle which is not what I want in this map, as for consistency ,I've changed ds , so its now same for all 1/4 slider -> circle and 1/4 slider -> 1/1 slider

00:54:884 (3,4,5) - Doesn't look nice in play. Might as well stack.

00:57:659 (3,4) - Same comment regarding the higher spacing here. What I suggest is that you space this just enough so you can see one followpoint between them like this

01:03:902 (1,2,3,4,5,6) - Same comment as the first point.

01:04:769 (7,8) - Same comment regarding the spacing. I think the jump spaced looks nicer than having them right next to each other but if you prefer this then I suggest changing the ones with higher spacing to shorter spacing to be consistent.

01:12:225 (1,1) - So regarding these kinds of pauses. They have a nice effect when done correctly. Normally these are either spaced consistently with far spacing or more commonly they're stacked with the last note before the pause to give it a nice effect where you stop and pick up from where you stop. What I suggest is changing the slider to two notes and doing something like this looks and plays really well. It also removes the unnecessary one note NC. In these instances NCs don't always help in readability.

01:15:000 (1,2,3,4,5,6) - Same comment as the first point. The thing with the earlier streams is that there's spacing inconsistency for a reason . Its there to emphasize the stream which is starting on the start of the stream which is on a white tick and the reason that the sliderend points away in the earlier stream is because there's nothing on the sliderend and there's no reason to play the sliderend which ends on the blue tick.Also due to slider leniency you can easily leave the slider 1/4 tick early and still get a 300 on it

01:22:630 (3,4,5) - See this is a good example of the pause and stack done right. Thanks :3

01:26:098 (1,2,3,4,5,6) - Same comment as the first point.

01:31:647 - I think you could start a spinner either here or at 01:32:341 - with increasing volume to compliment the little sound that plays here into the kiai. It would make a nice effect. 01:32:341 (1) - Started the spinner here and ended it on 01:32:341 (1)

01:50:029 (2) - ctrl + g. Flows better both into this note and into the next.

01:53:844 - Add note. Much like in the hard, there is no reason to skip this note. It's a strong piano chord on the main beat of the bar and should definitely be emphasized.

01:56:098 - 01:56:271 - IMO you could probably add notes here too to compliment the bass in the downbeat into the 2nd part of the kiai. Would be nice Added some notes

02:01:300 (1,1,2,3,4,5,6,1,2) - One comment here. This one is actually good 3/4 slider into stream because it ends with the stream and not a jump with spacing inconsistency. If you look again at 01:03:902 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7) - this is not good because 1 points away from 2 and has higher spacing which doesn't read as a 3/4 jump and then it ends on a stream and THEN a jump into 7 so likely players would have been thrown off by the first part and then into this jump and would likely have missed and gotten lots of 100s/50s here as a result. However here at 2:01, (1) points towards the stream, the spacing isn't that crazy into the stream and the stream ends on a long slider instead of a jump so this reads very naturally. Hard to explain this lol.

02:16:734 (1,2,3,4) - This one is more of a personal suggestion but I don't really like the square here. Again you have a pause at 02:16:040 (1,1) - so it would feel more natural to have the note start on the slider end and then maybe trying a different pattern but this isn't wrong it's just my own preference here :P Kept the square, but added the hold

Anyway interesting rhythm. Looking good!

Good luck with this! :)
I didn't map anything to the piano so it would be pointless to add a few notes which are on the piano and not the drums , so I've not done any changes regarding that matter
No reply=fixed
Thanks for modding this :3
ay 8-)

01:53:844 (5) - NC here perhaps, since you did it at the end, it's on an upbeat, and right before a break.
02:10:144 (4) - Move this one pixel to the right (picky, I know, but it fixes spacing here and to me it looks off otherwise).

00:55:578 (2) - I think you can remove the new combo here.
01:06:676 (1) - And here.
01:17:774 (1) - And here.
01:45:520 (1) - And here.

For those idk, I think the double NC is not really necessary but it is consistent so i'm not sure. Your choice really.

01:44:653 (3,1) - Slight overlap that doesn't look very nice, I think 01:44:480 (2,3,4) - needs the spacing to be fixed anyway so this should be easy.
01:55:925 (1) - Upbeat and the finish before a break but you didn't map it? I think you should put a hitcircle down and remove the break here.

00:53:670 (1) - NC here perhaps to avoid double-digit combo.
01:04:769 (7) - Same here, I won't go on to list the rest because they are consistent, so just like in the hard diff, your choice.
01:53:844 - Again, just like hard, upbeat and the finish before a break but you didn't map it, I think you should put a hitcircle down and remove the break here.
02:01:127 (1) - I think you should remove the NC here because there's no sv change and the 02:00:780 (6) - NC is fine alone.

ez :

00:47:254 (1,2,3,4) - I think I already told u that but confusing patterns like that should really be avoided in an easy. The path to take after hitting 2 is not clear imo. It might be obvious to you since you're a good player but newcomers wont know what is happenning here. Especially not in an easy.
00:49:335 (4,1) - I know it's minor but any kind of overlap you can imagine in an easy diff is uncool
00:56:271 (2,3) - ^
01:00:433 (3,2) - confusing stuff here again. 3 is pointing towards 2. The most intuitive flow here is to play 3 and 2 successively but that's not what is intended here.
01:16:040 (2,3) - This one is way more obvious and really should be avoided. It's really confusing for new players. I won't point them all out, you probably got what I said
01:17:774 (1) - ignoring the overlap at the beginning of the slider you can do something like this to make cursor movement more intuitive
01:21:936 (2,3) - this is prioritizing aesthetics over playability. I'd highly suggest you ctrl+J both of them to get somethign similar to this : Even though newcomers might know about slider liniency they probably won't abuse it until they play harder maps.
01:43:439 (2,3,4) - might be confusing too for the same reasons as before
01:59:393 (1,2,3,4) - you know already

normal :

00:46:214 (5) - sliderbody seems kind of unclear to me, idk
01:20:549 (1) - this one's end might also cause problems (not to new players though :^) )
01:53:844 - I'm always kind of sad when people start a spinner on a strong downbeat like this one. Why not try placing a note here and starting the spinner on the next 1/2?
01:53:844 (1,1) - I'm not sure but I think you need 3 empty beats after a spinner like that. Please double check that, I'm lazy
01:59:393 (1) - just to clarify what I mean by unclear sliderbody : this should look a bit like that where the white lines are clearly visible on the whole slider
02:16:040 (1) - this one is also risky, spacing it out a bit so you can see the borders might work better

advanced :

Your diffs need to have the same length dude :^)

00:45:867 (4,5) - eh, flow is not great here, abusing liniency like that might not fit for this kind of diff idk
01:01:127 (1,2) - same here, it'd be better if 2 curved down instead
01:07:717 (3,5) - the fact that 3 slightly overlaps with 5's head triggers me
01:34:942 (2,3,5) - might be confusing, I'd sugest waiting for further feedback on that though
01:52:456 (5,6,7) - consistent spacing between the 3 pls :^)

Hard :

01:12:225 (1,1) - I'd not 100% stack them offset them by a liiiiiiittle bit so it's a bit easier to read
01:20:896 (2,3,4) - hard xd
01:21:589 (5,1) - same as before, full stacks like that might be hard to read.
01:58:699 (3,4) - etc

insane :

to add to the things we already talked about through irc

00:46:560 (3,4) - triples play better. If you're wanting to keep this though i'd suggest you add some spacing like you did on the one before. You do this lot though so I suppose you won't change it xd
01:11:878 (8,9,1) - it'd look better if either angles between them were the same or if _ was some kind of CTRL+J version of 8
01:18:468 (1,2,3,4,1) - djpop called and said he wanted his 2007 mapping back :^) (mostly aesthetics. Came up with this No idea how you wanna do it though)
01:53:844 - circle pls
02:09:104 (1,2) - idk about this stack, feels like it should have a bit more movement here, kind of kills your momentum after these 2 kick sliders
also i'm alternating and I think it's awkward :^). I've already given you my thoughts on that in the past though

idk what I should add without going too nazi
thanks for the mod, all fixed, update sent via ingame chat
Topic Starter

BOUYAAA wrote:


advanced :

Your diffs need to have the same length dude :^) ;w;

00:45:867 (4,5) - eh, flow is not great here, abusing liniency like that might not fit for this kind of diff idk moved 10 pixels
01:01:127 (1,2) - same here, it'd be better if 2 curved down instead ugh fine
01:07:717 (3,5) - the fact that 3 slightly overlaps with 5's head triggers me :^)
01:34:942 (2,3,5) - might be confusing, I'd sugest waiting for further feedback on that though okay
01:52:456 (5,6,7) - consistent spacing between the 3 pls :^) no :^)

Hard :

01:12:225 (1,1) - I'd not 100% stack them offset them by a liiiiiiittle bit so it's a bit easier to read moved by 3 pixels
01:20:896 (2,3,4) - hard xd i know thats why its in a hard diff :^)
01:21:589 (5,1) - same as before, full stacks like that might be hard to read. i wanted this diff to be a bit hard to read,so im keeping this,because its not exactly a hard diff,its more of a hyper diff than a hard,and since there's no streams i wanted it to be challenging in some other way
01:58:699 (3,4) - etc

insane :

to add to the things we already talked about through irc

00:46:560 (3,4) - triples play better. If you're wanting to keep this though i'd suggest you add some spacing like you did on the one before. You do this lot though so I suppose you won't change it xd Not gonna change because i love the way these play,but i can add some space between the 1/4 slider and the circle
01:11:878 (8,9,1) - it'd look better if either angles between them were the same or if _ was some kind of CTRL+J version of 8 I wanted a small triangle motion so I'm keeping this
01:18:468 (1,2,3,4,1) - djpop called and said he wanted his 2007 mapping back :^) (mostly aesthetics. Came up with this No idea how you wanna do it though) r00d but changed
01:53:844 - circle pls Ignored piano throughout and not gonna add something there to ruin consistency sorry
02:09:104 (1,2) - idk about this stack, feels like it should have a bit more movement here, kind of kills your momentum after these 2 kick sliders
also i'm alternating and I think it's awkward :^).;w; I've already given you my thoughts on that in the past though I've stacked only where there's a 1/1 or larger pause or where the exact same sound repeats which is the case here,so I'm keeping this

idk what I should add without going too nazi
hfdont tell me what to do :^)
Nerova Riuz GX

Kuki wrote:

01:53:844 (5) - NC here perhaps, since you did it at the end, it's on an upbeat, and right before a break.k
02:10:144 (4) - Move this one pixel to the right (picky, I know, but it fixes spacing here and to me it looks off otherwise).geeeeek

BOUYAAA wrote:

ez :

00:47:254 (1,2,3,4) - I think I already told u that but confusing patterns like that should really be avoided in an easy. The path to take after hitting 2 is not clear imo. It might be obvious to you since you're a good player but newcomers wont know what is happenning here. Especially not in an easy.
if you're talking about the readability on Easy diff, don't worry they are pretty fine. don't forget, you still have combo numbers on those circles.
00:49:335 (4,1) - I know it's minor but any kind of overlap you can imagine in an easy diff is uncool
00:56:271 (2,3) - ^
01:00:433 (3,2) - confusing stuff here again. 3 is pointing towards 2. The most intuitive flow here is to play 3 and 2 successively but that's not what is intended here.
01:16:040 (2,3) - This one is way more obvious and really should be avoided. It's really confusing for new players. I won't point them all out, you probably got what I said
01:17:774 (1) - ignoring the overlap at the beginning of the slider you can do something like this to make cursor movement more intuitive
01:21:936 (2,3) - this is prioritizing aesthetics over playability. I'd highly suggest you ctrl+J both of them to get somethign similar to this : Even though newcomers might know about slider liniency they probably won't abuse it until they play harder maps.
01:43:439 (2,3,4) - might be confusing too for the same reasons as before
01:59:393 (1,2,3,4) - you know already
i would like to explain all the stuff at this moment but i can't since i was founded playing too much computer today.(because i have a exam tomorrow)
most of them seems like readability stuff on triangles, yeah they are "hard" but not "unplayable", you're still clicking circles with the numbers. you won't see those circles placed with combo number 1 in this diff because that's real unreadable.
if you're talking about those blocking on notes, don't worry, they are pretty fine, i think it's obvious if you read it in auto
Also about overlaps on sliders, i did them intended, to get more varieties of flows (i know some of them looks strange but they still play well)
when you can't specify things with bigger spacing, i think they're the only two things i can do for specifying certain notes.

i got a time limit on this reply but i think it's enough to cover all of those things above
hope you can understand through my explanation, if you feel something strange or confusing you can just speak it out
(and i prefer the current shapes)
small irc testplay/modding thing for insane

2015-11-08 18:34 Rohit6: ACTION is editing [ Etherwood - Cast Away [Insane]]
2015-11-08 18:34 Rohit6: since you asked :3
2015-11-08 18:37 Lasse: k, I can do some irc modding for insane I think
2015-11-08 18:39 Lasse: hitsounding is pretty nice imo
2015-11-08 18:40 Rohit6: i actually suck at hitsounding
2015-11-08 18:40 Lasse: it's minimalastic but the choice of sounds is nice
2015-11-08 18:40 Rohit6: and i kinda messed up with the custom numbers so it took some time
2015-11-08 18:40 Lasse: but no custom soft-hitnormal except 5 ? while using stuff besides 5 during the song?
2015-11-08 18:41 Rohit6: hmm
2015-11-08 18:41 Rohit6: wait what
2015-11-08 18:41 Rohit6: the starting of insane uses 5
2015-11-08 18:41 Lasse: yeah, but you use 2 etc during the map
2015-11-08 18:41 Lasse: but you have no custom soft-hitnormal2, so it uses the player one
2015-11-08 18:42 Rohit6: i just needed it at the start
2015-11-08 18:42 Rohit6: ye i used it for the clap
2015-11-08 18:42 Rohit6: and i wanted to do something different so i tried using 1st and 2nd sampleset but it didnt work out
2015-11-08 18:42 Rohit6: so i removed 1 i think
2015-11-08 18:43 Lasse: then maybe just use some other for the other parts so it doesn't use the one from the skin of the player?
2015-11-08 18:43 Lasse: cause it might sound weird with certain skins if not
2015-11-08 18:43 Lasse: up to you, works either way
2015-11-08 18:43 Rohit6: yeah i only use 2 skins
2015-11-08 18:43 Rohit6: i might change if more people complain though
2015-11-08 18:43 Lasse: then maybe put the one from your skin as custom 2 etc?
2015-11-08 18:43 Rohit6: because it seems kinda unnecessary
2015-11-08 18:44 Rohit6: dude
2015-11-08 18:44 Rohit6: the clap blends with the music
2015-11-08 18:44 Rohit6: thats why you cant hear it properly
2015-11-08 18:46 Rohit6: thats why i tried the soft-hitclap1
2015-11-08 18:46 Rohit6: but it was too disrupting
2015-11-08 18:46 Lasse: kk, enough with the hitsound then
2015-11-08 18:46 Lasse: 00:52:803 (1) - this slider flows a bit weird imo
2015-11-08 18:46 Rohit6: hmm
2015-11-08 18:46 Rohit6: what shape do you recommend
2015-11-08 18:48 Lasse: dont rly know, maybe a bit more symmetric?
2015-11-08 18:49 Lasse: also this jump, I know it's fine with slider leniency, but it doesn't look that nice like this 00:51:416 (1,2) -
2015-11-08 18:49 Lasse: you slider suggest a down/right movement but the jump goes way different
2015-11-08 18:49 Lasse: your
2015-11-08 18:50 Lasse: especially cause you do it like this 00:50:029 (1,2) - before, that one makes so much more sense and looks better
2015-11-08 18:50 Rohit6: alright ill try that
2015-11-08 18:51 Lasse: 00:51:936 (2,3) - also for hat jump, your distance 1-2 is much bigger than 2-3, even though 3 is a way stronger beat, so it feels a bit weirdly spaced
2015-11-08 18:51 Lasse: 2-3 should be the bigger jump imo
2015-11-08 18:52 Rohit6: yeah i kinda fucked that up
2015-11-08 18:52 Rohit6: :P
2015-11-08 18:53 Lasse: how about moving this a bit so it doesnt overlap the sliderend, there are still lots of people who play with those on and it looks better for them while not changing anything else
2015-11-08 18:53 Lasse: 00:55:231 (1,1) -
2015-11-08 18:54 Lasse:
2015-11-08 18:54 Rohit6: sure
2015-11-08 18:54 Rohit6: my skin doesnt have sliderends so its kinda unclear sometimes
2015-11-08 18:54 Lasse: 00:56:271 (3) - this has the same "suggestion other flow than there actually is", can be solved by making the slider straight
2015-11-08 18:55 Lasse: suggesting*
2015-11-08 18:55 Rohit6: done
2015-11-08 18:56 Lasse: could even align with 00:56:965 (1) - like this
2015-11-08 18:56 Lasse: obv with the old 1 shape, i fked it up
2015-11-08 18:56 Rohit6: done
2015-11-08 18:57 Lasse: 00:58:873 (2) - this 2009 thing :v) a more "normal" slider would be better here imo
2015-11-08 18:57 Rohit6: 01:14:306 (3) - will prolly have to change this as well
2015-11-08 18:58 Lasse: they are far apart in time, sure it's more consisten that way, but current one looks better at that place
2015-11-08 18:58 Rohit6: made it more linear
2015-11-08 18:58 Lasse: this is fine too, cause it makes a nice angle, even it is a bit similar to before 01:01:127 (1,2,3) -
2015-11-08 19:00 Lasse: curving this a bit 01:03:902 (1) - might nicely "catch" the flow of the burst
2015-11-08 19:00 Rohit6: hmm good idea
2015-11-08 19:01 Lasse: 01:04:769 (6,1) - could slightly modify so 6end doesnt overlap the head of 1
2015-11-08 19:02 Rohit6: eh but then id have to move 6
2015-11-08 19:02 Rohit6: id rather they overlap equally
2015-11-08 19:02 Lasse: i dont think its visible during gameplay anyways
2015-11-08 19:02 Lasse: so feel free to ignore that
2015-11-08 19:03 Lasse: same as before for the sliderend overlap 01:06:676 (1) -
2015-11-08 19:03 Rohit6: changed
2015-11-08 19:04 Lasse: i get the idea of this kind of flow, but ctrl-h would play much better here (at least for me) 01:11:358 (3,4,5,6,7) -
2015-11-08 19:05 Rohit6: its because the song changes a bit and the stream isnt like the rest
2015-11-08 19:05 Rohit6: i wanted some kind of inverted flow
2015-11-08 19:06 Lasse: it works either way, it's more of a stylistic decision
2015-11-08 19:07 Lasse: 01:23:844 (2,3) - ctrl-g those? would flow better from 1 and into 4
2015-11-08 19:07 Lasse: but that works either way too
2015-11-08 19:07 Rohit6: hmm okay
2015-11-08 19:07 Lasse: nvm, i dont really know myself which seems better
2015-11-08 19:07 Lasse: lol
2015-11-08 19:08 Lasse: 01:25:231 (2) - try 325/319 maybe
2015-11-08 19:08 Rohit6: its because the sliderend is pointing towards 3
2015-11-08 19:08 Rohit6: how 2 change co-ordinates
2015-11-08 19:08 Rohit6: lol
2015-11-08 19:09 Lasse: click note then doubleclick the coordinates topright
2015-11-08 19:10 Rohit6: nah
2015-11-08 19:10 Rohit6: too much slider leniency
2015-11-08 19:10 Lasse: current one is okay too
2015-11-08 19:10 Lasse: 01:26:792 (5) - straight here would be better with the way the stream flows
2015-11-08 19:10 Rohit6: plus the corner feels more pressured
2015-11-08 19:11 Rohit6: done
2015-11-08 19:12 Lasse: you do all the work of hitsounding this 01:32:341 (1) - with volume, maybe use a custom spinnerspin.wav ? since lots of people, even ones that have beatmap hitsounds enabled use blank spinnersping.wav in their skins
2015-11-08 19:12 Lasse: spinnerspin*
2015-11-08 19:13 Rohit6: alright but i dunno how to do that
2015-11-08 19:13 Lasse: just put some spinnerspin.wav into the song folder
2015-11-08 19:14 Lasse: 01:44:480 (2) - a bit left would look better cause the slider actually points towards it
2015-11-08 19:14 Rohit6: kk
2015-11-08 19:14 Rohit6: done
2015-11-08 19:15 Lasse: 01:45:867 (2,4) - fix this blanket, just rotate 4 up slightly
2015-11-08 19:15 Lasse: I saw it directly at 100% so it might be noticeable during gameplay
2015-11-08 19:15 Rohit6: sure
2015-11-08 19:15 Rohit6: rotated by 3degrees
2015-11-08 19:16 Lasse: i cant really tell by eye, but could it be that this square is slightly off? 01:50:376 (3,4,5,6) -
2015-11-08 19:17 Rohit6: aligned 3 with 6
2015-11-08 19:17 Lasse: 02:01:994 (6) - no custom drum-hitnormal2?
2015-11-08 19:18 Lasse: also this looks like it was accidently snapped to the wrong tick 02:03:034 (1) -
2015-11-08 19:19 Lasse: 02:03:902 - ignores a very pronounced piano beat by being not clickable
2015-11-08 19:19 Rohit6: 02:01:994 (6) - id keep this because the drum-hitnormal2 is only for downbeat kicks
2015-11-08 19:19 Lasse: 02:04:075 (2) - especially with this clickable in contrast
2015-11-08 19:19 Rohit6: i ignored all the piano beats
2015-11-08 19:20 Rohit6: every one of them
2015-11-08 19:20 Rohit6: thats why i hitsounded so clearly to the drums
2015-11-08 19:21 Lasse: yeah, it's fine
2015-11-08 19:21 Lasse: 02:06:329 (1) - maybe use the slider from 02:04:942 (1) - again?
2015-11-08 19:22 Rohit6: done
2015-11-08 19:22 Lasse: this slider looks kinda "hard" compared to the sound since you use 2 red ticks => has more edges than the others
2015-11-08 19:22 Lasse: maybe sth like ?
2015-11-08 19:23 Rohit6: uh timestamp pls
2015-11-08 19:23 Rohit6: oh 02:11:878 (1) -
2015-11-08 19:23 Lasse: ye, that one
2015-11-08 19:24 Lasse: 02:14:306 (4) - moving this down a bit will look much better with the direction of 02:13:959 (3) -
2015-11-08 19:24 Rohit6: changed it make it curved
2015-11-08 19:25 Lasse: 02:13:959 (3) - could also move this slightly left for better flow
2015-11-08 19:25 Lasse: so 1 points towards it
2015-11-08 19:26 Rohit6: okay
2015-11-08 19:26 Lasse: also curve this a bit less or sth, it looks to cramped for this spot 02:18:468 (8) -
2015-11-08 19:28 Lasse: maybe like ?
2015-11-08 19:28 Rohit6: done
2015-11-08 19:29 Rohit6: made it a bit curved upwards tho
2015-11-08 19:29 Lasse: k, seems like i'm done here then
2015-11-08 19:29 Lasse: sth seems wrong with your tags but you probably know
2015-11-08 19:29 Rohit6: thanks
00:48:641 (2,3) - maybe ctrl-g better for reading. idk easy lmao
00:59:740 (2) - is it stylistic of you not to make this closer to the previous (4) as to not make a triangle? idk I just think making it look more like triangle between notes would be more structural but it's not like it really matters too much. same goes here 00:55:578 (1) -
02:00:780 (2,3) - thinking ctrl-g here too
not really much to say
There's some really weird rhythm choices up until the first break. as in, things don't seem rather consistent.
example: 00:54:191 (3,4) - // 01:10:838 (2,3,1) - // 01:20:549 (1,2,3,4,5,6,1) - // 01:26:098 (1,2) -
Maybe it's just my ears or something but I feel like it could be more orderly. Or utilize repeat sliders. Maybe yours is correct? But it feels rather thrown in there.
01:34:942 - should get hit
01:36:503 (5) - here could be repeat slider to match previous
01:40:318 (2) - maybe short slider to hit red
01:41:358 (5,6) - two sliders instead?
01:41:705 (6,1,2) - visually, these don't look so complimenting as they are all different curves
01:46:734 (4,5) - might be too close to the previous notes and looks clumped
01:53:844 (6) - i think NC
01:54:017 (1) - extend by 1/2 longer. gets rid of awkward 1/2 pause imo, though it might be too close in time that it could be confusing to Normal players. maybe not then.
(im not good at easier difficulties T_T)
01:15:000 (4,5,6) - repeating this crossbow like you had before doesn't make it stand out anymore, I think maybe change up the crossbow or different pattern to keep things interesting.
01:28:526 (5) - NC?
02:07:370 (6) - could stack behind the previous (2) slider-end
01:21:416 (4) - position higher as to look like a triangle with previous notes?
01:50:376 (3,4,5,6,1) - just like, make a perfect star with these notes lol. ctrl shit d
02:02:774 - somewhere around here should have beats. it feels waaay too empty
02:18:815 (1) - 96:24 maybe. I dont think it should stack but your choice idk
yo bro, there's gotta be beats starting at that measure start like everything just feels weird when you don't start it off there cuz the NCs get fukd in the face and the taptaptap rhythm that player makes starts getting mindfucky and it becomes inconsistent with the other diffs like y u no start at the first measure duuude ?_? you could just make that volume less too like bakheifalniefj
00:25:058 (3,4) - i feel these two should imitate the repetition with the former combo where things are all parallel
honestly, like everything up until it kicks in at 44s just feels off. like really off.
00:27:832 (3) - I think over there you can salvage yourself by messing with the NCs and change the section a little so it becomes more rhythmically comfortable for the player. where the downbeats are supposed to be get fukd in the ass the way you have it lol. rhythmmmmm. highly recommend fixing this.
00:52:110 (3) - i get the style here but maybe rotate 90 and overlap the sliderends so that the flow may improve a little.
00:54:884 (3,4,5) - instead of purely stacking here try DS them by 0.1 for some more style points
00:57:659 (3,4) - maybe better as a spaced triple. gets that consistent feel with the former triple thing you used going in that tilted direction
01:00:433 (4) - pls fix spacing for cleanliness
01:05:982 (3,4) - here too could follow before as repeat slider or one of them aesthetic triples cuz lbr these kick-note triple things play like ass. it might work better if you space out that (4) but i see you have no room to really
01:23:150 (5) - maybe anti-jump this
01:38:584 (1) - move more to the side cuz (6) covers too much of the slider up
01:42:745 (1) - probably better to move (6). overlapping like this is nono
01:53:497 (5) - move more off to the right side and add a circle in center for the new measure cuz there's a beat there that got neglected
02:02:774 - somewhere methinks has got to be a beat here cuz dat pause yo
02:06:329 (1) - could change this slider so the ending part has a blanket around the (2)
02:09:104 (1,2) - this is misleading to play as a 1/4 (like your other things) rather than the 1/2 that it is
02:18:815 (1) - maybe space this out more to emphasize.

Modding low bpm low sr is definitely not my forte... This was much harder than I thought lol.
Good luck!
Topic Starter

Kroytz wrote:

01:15:000 (4,5,6) - repeating this crossbow like you had before doesn't make it stand out anymore, I think maybe change up the crossbow or different pattern to keep things interesting. Doesnt really matter that much,so no change,plus I dont want to change one thing , which will make me reshape the entire structure later on
01:28:526 (5) - NC? Done
02:07:370 (6) - could stack behind the previous (2) slider-end Done

01:21:416 (4) - position higher as to look like a triangle with previous notes?That would screw up the current DS so I wouldnt want to change that
01:50:376 (3,4,5,6,1) - just like, make a perfect star with these notes lol. ctrl shit d Okay dad
02:02:774 - somewhere around here should have beats. it feels waaay too empty Piano is ignored throughout all of my diffs so I would prefer not to add objects on piano beats
02:18:815 (1) - 96:24 maybe. I dont think it should stack but your choice idk No change
yo bro, there's gotta be beats starting at that measure start like everything just feels weird when you don't start it off there cuz the NCs get fukd in the face and the taptaptap rhythm that player makes starts getting mindfucky and it becomes inconsistent with the other diffs like y u no start at the first measure duuude ?_? you could just make that volume less too like bakheifalniefj Piano is ignored throughout because it is not that strong and there's only a few beats to be mapped during the piano parts,so I didnt want the start to be feel undermapped,so I'm not changing this
00:25:058 (3,4) - i feel these two should imitate the repetition with the former combo where things are all parallel Done

honestly, like everything up until it kicks in at 44s just feels off. like really off. Check the above line for the reasoning,I also think I've used the correct hitsample to sufficiently differentiate it from the piano
00:27:832 (3) - I think over there you can salvage yourself by messing with the NCs and change the section a little so it becomes more rhythmically comfortable for the player. where the downbeats are supposed to be get fukd in the ass the way you have it lol. rhythmmmmm. highly recommend fixing this. No change
00:52:110 (3) - i get the style here but maybe rotate 90 and overlap the sliderends so that the flow may improve a little Done
00:54:884 (3,4,5) - instead of purely stacking here try DS them by 0.1 for some more style points Done
00:57:659 (3,4) - maybe better as a spaced triple. gets that consistent feel with the former triple thing you used going in that tilted direction Done
01:00:433 (4) - pls fix spacing for cleanliness Wanted to emphasize the first and the last because it ends on a clap,so i changed it to a triangle triple
01:05:982 (3,4) - here too could follow before as repeat slider or one of them aesthetic triples cuz lbr these kick-note triple things play like ass. it might work better if you space out that (4) but i see you have no room to really Changed to fit earlier patterns
01:23:150 (5) - maybe anti-jump this Want a hold like later in the map
01:38:584 (1) - move more to the side cuz (6) covers too much of the slider up Overlaps equally now
01:42:745 (1) - probably better to move (6). overlapping like this is nono ^
01:53:497 (5) - move more off to the right side and add a circle in center for the new measure cuz there's a beat there that got neglected Piano is neglected
02:02:774 - somewhere methinks has got to be a beat here cuz dat pause yo ^
02:06:329 (1) - could change this slider so the ending part has a blanket around the (2) Done
02:09:104 (1,2) - this is misleading to play as a 1/4 (like your other things) rather than the 1/2 that it is Changed other 1/4s so it should be clearer and more readable now
02:18:815 (1) - maybe space this out more to emphasize. Done

Modding low bpm low sr is definitely not my forte... This was much harder than I thought lol.
Good luck!
Nerova Riuz GX

Kroytz wrote:

00:48:641 (2,3) - maybe ctrl-g better for reading. idk easy lmao i think it's okay, keep it for now
00:59:740 (2) - is it stylistic of you not to make this closer to the previous (4) as to not make a triangle? idk I just think making it look more like triangle between notes would be more structural but it's not like it really matters too much. same goes here 00:55:578 (1) - the first one is for preventing a huge ughrrrr overlap, lel. the second one is fixed
02:00:780 (2,3) - thinking ctrl-g here too uhh bit strange but i'll change this one instead of the previous one, though they are like almost the same lmao
not really much to say

Kroytz wrote:

There's some really weird rhythm choices up until the first break. as in, things don't seem rather consistent.
example: 00:54:191 (3,4) - // 01:10:838 (2,3,1) - // 01:20:549 (1,2,3,4,5,6,1) - // 01:26:098 (1,2) -
Maybe it's just my ears or something but I feel like it could be more orderly. Or utilize repeat sliders. Maybe yours is correct? But it feels rather thrown in there. No, they arent weird, they fit the instruments (the kick/snare, piano)
01:34:942 - should get hit too hard
01:36:503 (5) - here could be repeat slider to match previous It would be too many 1/2s in this kinda low bpm
01:40:318 (2) - maybe short slider to hit red If that is the case, I would put 1/2 to hit the red at 01:40:665 - instead , but I chose not to do it
01:41:358 (5,6) - two sliders instead? too hard, not a normal diff pattern
01:41:705 (6,1,2) - visually, these don't look so complimenting as they are all different curves They are intended being not the same curve sliders one after another, would look boring tbh
01:46:734 (4,5) - might be too close to the previous notes and looks clumped they look straight (linear)
01:53:844 (6) - i think NC well NC here isnt important
01:54:017 (1) - extend by 1/2 longer. gets rid of awkward 1/2 pause imo, though it might be too close in time that it could be confusing to Normal players. maybe not then. You are saying this to get rid of awkardness but it causes awkwardness after applying it, I dont get it x_x
(im not good at easier difficulties T_T)
Sorry, no changes from your mod
Some changes from my own thoughts

Extract to folder and go update, thanks and sorry for the update delay, osu! had been freezing and crashing randomly most of the time :C

  1. Really nice job with the hitsounds.
  2. 00:42:399 (1,2,3,4) - This feels really awkward to play, I am not sure why, perhaps of the surpressed sliders, or small spacing.
  3. 00:44:393 (4) - I don't think this one is necessary, or perhaps it is used wrong. First of all, there's not a beat that is supported by this note, but this isn't building any intensity either, the hitsound is barely audible, it feels weird. Either make the hitsound more audible or remove the note.
  4. 00:45:520 (4,5,1) - Spacing is kinda unjustified here? I'd say that 5 with 1 is not playing that well. I'd honestly preferred a stacked triplet here with lower spacing.
  5. 00:48:468 (5,1) - Visually nice with the whole pattern but does it play well? I am not sure..
  6. 00:52:630 (5,6,1,2,3,4,5) - Really weird movement, I don't think the 1/1 slider is appropriate here, especially with this space, the 5 note stream was erhm, kinda weird? Also you should probably lower the hitsounds volume on those.
  7. 01:00:260 (2,3,4) - Please don't? Why?
  8. 01:26:011 (5) - Snapped incorrectly?
  9. 01:26:098 - Erm more like it seems that a slider is missing here.
  10. 01:58:699 (3,4,5) - I think that circles are much more fitting, the emphasizition on the slider heads feels wrong, and a 5 note stream will be much nicer to play with the music.
  1. 02:02:167 (1,1) - Gap feels too big and awkward, a low volumed triplet that starts at 02:02:688 (2) - would build nice intensity and play well.

  1. 01:03:902 (1) - Blanket could be improved here.
  2. 01:03:902 (1,2) - Should either make those both 6/4 or just 1/1 to make a better pattern, because right now the gap after 2 is awkward.
  3. 02:06:676 (5) - Should probably make something else here, you better map the beat inside the slider somehow, the left out slider is wrong.

Everything else seems just fine!

Structed really really well and nice, completely different from a map I saw by your a few months ago, great job.

  1. 00:41:358 (3,4,5) - Aesthetically, the transition from 3,4,5 looks really weird as you have 5 placed awkwardly on top of 3 (this is a 1/1 gap). Even though you want to put it in between this square here, players will only see the notes 3 and 5 on top of each other in a very strange stack. I recommend just placing 5 on top of 3.
  2. 00:42:399 (1,2,3,4) - I agree with a previous mod here. I mean, you've given it more volume/emphasis than 00:22:977 (1,2,3,4) - , yet less spacing? It's very strange to have this placed against each other. Just space them out normally.
  3. 00:46:560 (3,4) - Why not place 4 straight across from 3 (y:259 and y:263)
  4. 00:52:110 (3) - I would rethink the positioning of this slider here, as the sliderend and sliderbody are blocked out making it very hard to read. Why not place it here to keep the same blanket happening (might need to adjust notes after).
  5. 00:59:566 (4) - Sort of the same thing here. No need to hide this sliderend.
  6. 01:00:260 (2,3,4) - No. This is how flow is ruined in a map. Not only do you give it more spacing, but you make it harder for the players to even hit these notes.
  7. 01:26:098 - Double check this part. I think you're missing some notes.
  1. 01:21:069 (3) - Why does this note need so much spacing?

The rest is fine.
Topic Starter

DahplA wrote:


  1. 00:41:358 (3,4,5) - Aesthetically, the transition from 3,4,5 looks really weird as you have 5 placed awkwardly on top of 3 (this is a 1/1 gap). Even though you want to put it in between this square here, players will only see the notes 3 and 5 on top of each other in a very strange stack. I recommend just placing 5 on top of 3. Made a better arrangement
  2. 00:42:399 (1,2,3,4) - I agree with a previous mod here. I mean, you've given it more volume/emphasis than 00:22:977 (1,2,3,4) - , yet less spacing? It's very strange to have this placed against each other. Just space them out normally.
  3. 00:46:560 (3,4) - Why not place 4 straight across from 3 (y:259 and y:263) Wouldnt be consistent with the rest of the 1/4 slider+circles later on
  4. 00:52:110 (3) - I would rethink the positioning of this slider here, as the sliderend and sliderbody are blocked out making it very hard to read. Why not place it here to keep the same blanket happening (might need to adjust notes after).
  5. 00:59:566 (4) - Sort of the same thing here. No need to hide this sliderend.
  6. 01:00:260 (2,3,4) - No. This is how flow is ruined in a map. Not only do you give it more spacing, but you make it harder for the players to even hit these notes. Wanted emphasis on everything but changed anyways
  7. 01:26:098 - Double check this part. I think you're missing some notes.
  1. 01:21:069 (3) - Why does this note need so much spacing? Its a pattern and works well,no change here atm

The rest is fine.

Avishay wrote:


  1. Really nice job with the hitsounds Thanks
  2. 00:42:399 (1,2,3,4) - This feels really awkward to play, I am not sure why, perhaps of the surpressed sliders, or small spacing. Upped the spacing
  3. 00:44:393 (4) - I don't think this one is necessary, or perhaps it is used wrong. First of all, there's not a beat that is supported by this note, but this isn't building any intensity either, the hitsound is barely audible, it feels weird. Either make the hitsound more audible or remove the note.
  4. 00:45:520 (4,5,1) - Spacing is kinda unjustified here? I'd say that 5 with 1 is not playing that well. I'd honestly preferred a stacked triplet here with lower spacing.
  5. 00:48:468 (5,1) - Visually nice with the whole pattern but does it play well? I am not sure..
  6. 00:52:630 (5,6,1,2,3,4,5) - Really weird movement, I don't think the 1/1 slider is appropriate here, especially with this space, the 5 note stream was erhm, kinda weird? Also you should probably lower the hitsounds volume on those.
  7. 01:00:260 (2,3,4) - Please don't? Why?
  8. 01:26:011 (5) - Snapped incorrectly?
  9. 01:26:098 - Erm more like it seems that a slider is missing here.
  10. 01:58:699 (3,4,5) - I think that circles are much more fitting, the emphasizition on the slider heads feels wrong, and a 5 note stream will be much nicer to play with the music.
  1. 02:02:167 (1,1) - Gap feels too big and awkward, a low volumed triplet that starts at 02:02:688 (2) - would build nice intensity and play well.added a circle on the white tick

  1. 01:03:902 (1) - Blanket could be improved here.
  2. 01:03:902 (1,2) - Should either make those both 6/4 or just 1/1 to make a better pattern, because right now the gap after 2 is awkward.
  3. 02:06:676 (5) - Should probably make something else here, you better map the beat inside the slider somehow, the left out slider is wrong.

Everything else seems just fine!

Structed really really well and nice, completely different from a map I saw by your a few months ago, great job. Thanks man :)
No reply means fixed


00:50:029 (1) - Maybe bend this slider the opposite direction so it doesn't overlap, also looks prettier imo

01:05:289 (3) - Shorten this down to 01:05:636 - and move this slider 01:05:982 (4) - to 01:05:809 - and lengthen it to 01:06:329 -
01:15:000 (4) - I know this isn't a huge deal, but QAT's might think it is, so if possible, curve this slider so it doesn't touch that sliderend, this is only a recommendation.
00:52:803 (1,2) - I'm personally not a huge fan of this slider pattern, and feel it kinda ruins the flow, consider fixing it so the sliderend faces the next slider.
01:49:682 (4,5) - Same as above
00:55:404 (4) - Delete
00:56:965 (4) - Not a huge issue but consider curving this slider more to prevent overlap for cosmetic purposes, recommendation only.
01:06:503 - move to 01:06:329 -
01:11:358 (4) - Another recommendation, maybe curve this note the opposite way.
Only pointed out things that bugged me a bunch, no nazi mod this time around.

[Not Applicable's So Simple]
00:52:803 (1,2) - these epic snaps after curves in easies are killer for new players, they play very weirdly and often are more spaced since the player will likely follow the curve before it slightly more than needed being unstable in their movement, so... yeah try to avoid these kind of blankets in easier diffs plsss
01:49:335 (3,4) - idk i feel like this slider 3 is the only non-reverse/note that ends on a strong beat like this, it feels rhythmically out of place.
02:17:081 (2,3) - kinda like the top point, that slider start and note play too against a logical flow to be simple, and that may put off easy players with th direction change when hitting the big slider, added with 02:16:040 (1,2) - makes this all kinda difficulty spiking for the end of the song

[Ramdance's Typical]
01:53:844 (6) - (technically NC cus every 8/1 is NC)

01:09:451 (1,2,3) - this feels like an uncalled for 2xDS jump and it kinda flows... well i dont know its really randomly done imo, please not make there a wild jump!
(01:11:532 - for some reason I feel like there is a sound here worth being noted at)
01:43:439 (2,3,4) - Kinda like the above point, this plays really weirdly and counter-intuitive considering the direction of the curve and the snap before it
02:08:237 (2,3) - fixu blankettu
02:11:011 - pls play this sound, there were fast sliders (02:09:104 (4,5,6) - ) before and its just weird now to skip the sound

[Rock Hard]
01:21:589 (5,1) - These kind of reverse slider + stack moments are very VERY annoying! just unstack the slider, the downbeat is enough to justify some spacing. otherwise not only is it annoying to read, but the spacing goes off due to slider leniency and blah stuff just unstack it please ;-; (the laster ones i guess after fine... idk.. fk it lol just respond how you want about this but these kind of slider reverse stacks put me off the entire diff completely)
01:23:150 (5,1) - ^ but purely because no spacing on downbeat sucks

00:44:306 - Disagree with mapping anything before this on this diff for two reasons, the obvious one being all diffs start just after here, and the second is ITS TOO CALM FOR ALL THESE SLIDERS AND JUMPS! Please! You don't need to add jumps and 1/2 constants just because it's the hardest difficulty of the set. If you are gonna map this section, consider making it much calmer, like the music here in general. There may be instruments, but it feels generally too emphasised.
01:05:982 (3,4,5) - These being so little distanced may be a reading error on HD (or even std) consider increasing a bit (0.15 like auto stacks?)
01:18:121 (1,1) - SV changes here are kinda too minor to be bothering with extra NCs, as they basically play the same speed, hardly noticable to play or read different. And the added NCs kinda screw with the HP system, so ya I'd remove.
02:01:300 (1,2) - This 1/4 snap readability is gonna be a massive problem and probably your DQ bait, as nothing like this had happened before in this kind of way, it's likely gonna be misread for 1/2 or smth and gonna be combobreaks and shitmisses everywhere.
02:16:734 (1,2,3,4,1) - That last slider really feels underwhelming as there is the strong bass sound which is stronger (imo) than the last 4 notes but it has lower spacing, so make it equal or higher?

I'm impressed by this mapset. Keep it up, Rohit.
Topic Starter

Arphimigon wrote:

Only pointed out things that bugged me a bunch, no nazi mod this time around.

01:09:451 (1,2,3) - this feels like an uncalled for 2xDS jump and it kinda flows... well i dont know its really randomly done imo, please not make there a wild jump! fixered
(01:11:532 - for some reason I feel like there is a sound here worth being noted at) yeah ive missed a lot of these so its fine
01:43:439 (2,3,4) - Kinda like the above point, this plays really weirdly and counter-intuitive considering the direction of the curve and the snap before it changed things and removed blanket for better flow
02:08:237 (2,3) - fixu blankettu wow nice blanket shitmod :^)
02:11:011 - pls play this sound, there were fast sliders (02:09:104 (4,5,6) - ) before and its just weird now to skip the sound fixered

[Rock Hard]
01:21:589 (5,1) - These kind of reverse slider + stack moments are very VERY annoying! just unstack the slider, the downbeat is enough to justify some spacing. otherwise not only is it annoying to read, but the spacing goes off due to slider leniency and blah stuff just unstack it please ;-; (the laster ones i guess after fine... idk.. fk it lol just respond how you want about this but these kind of slider reverse stacks put me off the entire diff completely) I dont really want to change this because this would mean ill have to rework the entire last section in terms of distance snaps and stuff and most of these arent on the downbeat later on , if i change those on the downbeat then that'll cause quite a few inconsistencies in terms of readability and stuff
01:23:150 (5,1) - ^ but purely because no spacing on downbeat sucks

00:44:306 - Disagree with mapping anything before this on this diff for two reasons, the obvious one being all diffs start just after here, and the second is ITS TOO CALM FOR ALL THESE SLIDERS AND JUMPS! Please! You don't need to add jumps and 1/2 constants just because it's the hardest difficulty of the set. If you are gonna map this section, consider making it much calmer, like the music here in general. There may be instruments, but it feels generally too emphasised. Was actually not mapped but decided to experiment around after Side's mod, will remove if more people complain
01:05:982 (3,4,5) - These being so little distanced may be a reading error on HD (or even std) consider increasing a bit (0.15 like auto stacks?) you dont even play hd smh :^),but fixered
01:18:121 (1,1) - SV changes here are kinda too minor to be bothering with extra NCs, as they basically play the same speed, hardly noticable to play or read different. And the added NCs kinda screw with the HP system, so ya I'd remove removed one NC on the second one
02:01:300 (1,2) - This 1/4 snap readability is gonna be a massive problem and probably your DQ bait, as nothing like this had happened before in this kind of way, it's likely gonna be misread for 1/2 or smth and gonna be combobreaks and shitmisses everywhere. But I've never seen anyone miss here during testplay ;-;,will sort it out later in game
02:16:734 (1,2,3,4,1) - That last slider really feels underwhelming as there is the strong bass sound which is stronger (imo) than the last 4 notes but it has lower spacing, so make it equal or higher? changed the pattern and flipped around things

I'm impressed by this mapset. Keep it up, Rohit. thank
Nerova Riuz GX

Aezis wrote:



00:50:029 (1) - Maybe bend this slider the opposite direction so it doesn't overlap, also looks prettier imo
made some changes

Arphimigon wrote:

Only pointed out things that bugged me a bunch, no nazi mod this time around.

[Not Applicable's So Simple]
00:52:803 (1,2) - these epic snaps after curves in easies are killer for new players, they play very weirdly and often are more spaced since the player will likely follow the curve before it slightly more than needed being unstable in their movement, so... yeah try to avoid these kind of blankets in easier diffs plsss
01:49:335 (3,4) - idk i feel like this slider 3 is the only non-reverse/note that ends on a strong beat like this, it feels rhythmically out of place.
02:17:081 (2,3) - kinda like the top point, that slider start and note play too against a logical flow to be simple, and that may put off easy players with th direction change when hitting the big slider, added with 02:16:040 (1,2) - makes this all kinda difficulty spiking for the end of the song
i didn't fix the second one because i want to keep those variety and also that consistency in the whole kiai. (or is there another better explanation for this?) others are fixed.
Hm hm, here's my extra late M4M :^)

  • Nothing relevant here

  • The intro is a bit sudden imo, since you put t he first object in the middle of the measure... Consider adding a note at 00:22:283 - and at 00:22:630 -
    I did something like this, but it can be anything

    00:40:318 (5,5) - These guys have few impact than the other objects, maybe because of the reduced spacing. Can you emphasize them more?

    00:46:560 (3,4) - This is the only passage like this where you use fewer spacing and imo it doesn't really fit. I find that 01:00:260 (2,3) - fits way better

    01:03:728 (5,6,1) - I feel like this change of direction is a bit too forced on the player. Even if it's not really fast it still gives a strange feeling while playing it. Maybe you can stack them...

    01:07:890 (5,6,1) - This one feels good instead, but only because you use the same direction

    01:17:081 (3,4) - Same as I mentioned before, somewhere above ^ Actually, I think that a triplet would fit better here

    01:19:855 (3,4) - This one is the same as the one I mentioned somewhere above ^

    01:45:173 (1) - Shouldn't this be slower? Like before, 00:55:231 (1) -

    01:55:578 (1,2,3) - The general spacing in comparison with the SV gives a feeling like it is too fast.. Either put a NC on the slider or stack 2 under 1

    02:02:514 (2) - The passage around here is a bit complex... What about a NC here? Or maybe switch NC between 02:02:861 (3,1) -

    02:05:809 (2,3) - Another triplet here. I can't really here any strong beat on 02:05:982 (3) - as for the other similar patterns

    02:09:277 (1) - Imo you can avoid this NC. There's almost a stack there and you already used a similar pattern before (If you followed my previous suggestion, that is)

    02:11:011 (3,4) - Here you can increase spacing I guess

    02:17:428 (1) - Just personal flow, Ctrl + G?
mlmlmlm hitsounding

  • 01:00:260 (2,3,4) - This triplet doesn't seem to be the same as 00:59:566 (4,5,1) - for example, so what about using a slider instead?

    01:32:341 (1) - Doesn't this spinner starts at 01:31:647 - ?
Wow, nice diff, really. Solid and clean =w=b

  • 01:32:341 (1) - Same as for the previous diff
Good job here too =w=b

[Rammy's thingy]
  • Moe job =w=b

[Nerova's thingy]
  • Is there any modding to do here? o.O

I feel like being useless here ._.
Good luck~
Topic Starter

MrSergio wrote:

Hm hm, here's my extra late M4M :^)

  • Nothing relevant here

  • The intro is a bit sudden imo, since you put t he first object in the middle of the measure... Consider adding a note at 00:22:283 - and at 00:22:630 -
    I did something like this, but it can be anything added 2 circles
    00:40:318 (5,5) - These guys have few impact than the other objects, maybe because of the reduced spacing. Can you emphasize them more? fixed spacing

    00:46:560 (3,4) - This is the only passage like this where you use fewer spacing and imo it doesn't really fit. I find that 01:00:260 (2,3) - fits way better everyone's been going on and on about these triples so ill change these finally

    01:03:728 (5,6,1) - I feel like this change of direction is a bit too forced on the player. Even if it's not really fast it still gives a strange feeling while playing it. Maybe you can stack them...

    01:07:890 (5,6,1) - This one feels good instead, but only because you use the same direction

    01:17:081 (3,4) - Same as I mentioned before, somewhere above ^ Actually, I think that a triplet would fit better here

    01:19:855 (3,4) - This one is the same as the one I mentioned somewhere above ^

    01:45:173 (1) - Shouldn't this be slower? Like before, 00:55:231 (1) SV is 0.2x lower so i think its fine

    01:55:578 (1,2,3) - The general spacing in comparison with the SV gives a feeling like it is too fast.. Either put a NC on the slider or stack 2 under 1

    02:02:514 (2) - The passage around here is a bit complex... What about a NC here? Or maybe switch NC between 02:02:861 (3,1) - actually i removed the 3 because it was harder to read because of the sudden stop in the drum/bass and only the piano playing

    02:05:809 (2,3) - Another triplet here. I can't really here any strong beat on 02:05:982 (3) - as for the other similar patterns

    02:09:277 (1) - Imo you can avoid this NC. There's almost a stack there and you already used a similar pattern before (If you followed my previous suggestion, that is)

    02:11:011 (3,4) - Here you can increase spacing I guess

    02:17:428 (1) - Just personal flow, Ctrl + G?
mlmlmlm hitsounding

  • 01:00:260 (2,3,4) - This triplet doesn't seem to be the same as 00:59:566 (4,5,1) - for example, so what about using a slider instead? i want to keep this otherwise i will miss the clap on the white tick which i dont want

    01:32:341 (1) - Doesn't this spinner starts at 01:31:647 - ? there's nothing that warrants a start on the downbeat imo,the buildup starts in the middle of the stanza thats why ive started the spinner there
Wow, nice diff, really. Solid and clean =w=b thx bb

  • 01:32:341 (1) - Same as for the previous diff
Good job here too =w=b

[Rammy's thingy]
  • Moe job =w=b

[Nerova's thingy]
  • Is there any modding to do here? o.O

I feel like being useless here ._. aww dont think that
Good luck~ thanks
Nerova Riuz GX
no kd or yes kd or fk kd

mod proof
19:29 Rohit6: yo
19:29 Rohit6: mod cast away insane diff kthxbye
19:30 Nerova Riuz GX: wut
19:30 Rohit6: its the only diff that needs mods e
19:30 Nerova Riuz GX: delete customs
19:30 Rohit6: rest is clear
19:30 Nerova Riuz GX: kd bye
19:30 Rohit6: ok dad
19:39 Nerova Riuz GX: 00:44:133 - remap before here
19:40 Rohit6: i wanted to delete that actually
19:40 Rohit6: idk because that seems like dq bait xd
19:41 Nerova Riuz GX: 0 consistency
19:41 Nerova Riuz GX: and nonsense
19:41 Rohit6: yep
19:41 Rohit6: so confirm delet this?
19:41 Nerova Riuz GX: and NCs are fuked up
19:41 Rohit6: yeah theyre in the middle
19:42 Nerova Riuz GX: that's enough for me to refuse the map
19:42 Rohit6: fuk
19:42 Nerova Riuz GX: I'll say delete it
19:43 Rohit6: okay
19:43 Nerova Riuz GX: it will be better to make all of those diffs start on the same place
19:43 Rohit6: ill keep an old copy in the preview box or sth
19:43 Nerova Riuz GX: especially they are mapped by the same person
19:44 Rohit6: ;w;
19:44 Nerova Riuz GX: flows bad imo
19:45 Rohit6: deleting
19:45 Rohit6: 00:44:480 (1) - everything before this
19:45 Nerova Riuz GX: 01:12:225 (1) - there's no reason to slow down this slider
19:46 Rohit6: okay
19:46 Nerova Riuz GX: 01:12:225 (1,2) - this stop is enough for expressing the song, so the sv change become useless
19:47 Rohit6: done
19:47 Nerova Riuz GX: 01:15:867 (6,7) - I'll rotate it 25 degrees anti-clockwise
19:48 Rohit6: why vertical e
19:48 Nerova Riuz GX: idk why your objects are tilted with an awkward angle, maybe that's only in my own thoughts
19:49 Rohit6: i tilted it 15 degress
19:49 Rohit6: i dont like vertical stuff
19:50 Nerova Riuz GX: but i do things which is (or close to) vertical/horizontal to make flows
19:50 Nerova Riuz GX: 01:21:936 (1) - I'll say this one is good, but 01:24:191 (4,5,6,7,8,1) - these are not
19:51 Rohit6: i like it slightly angled because i like grumding things up
19:52 Nerova Riuz GX: 01:37:543 (2,3,4) - wh this flow
19:52 Rohit6: oops xd
19:53 Nerova Riuz GX: 01:51:069 (1,2,3,4) - 01:52:456 (1,2,3,4) - are they twins or clone or sth similar
19:54 Rohit6: [ stacked 3 with 5 head]
19:54 Nerova Riuz GX: better
19:54 Rohit6: yeah i wanted them similar
19:56 Nerova Riuz GX: 02:00:780 (1,1) - iirc, these are the only two sliders that is ended on a blue tick
19:57 Rohit6: no theres a few more
19:57 Rohit6: 00:55:231 (1) - these ones
19:57 Rohit6: 01:10:838 (1) - these etc
19:57 Nerova Riuz GX: oh
19:57 Nerova Riuz GX: then lemme correct my words
19:58 Nerova Riuz GX: 02:01:300 (1) - this is the only slider that is ended on a blue tick and connected with stream after itself
19:59 Nerova Riuz GX: 02:09:104 (1,2) - stack them properly, prevent any possible problems
19:59 Nerova Riuz GX: 02:08:410 (3,4,5) - minor stuff, ds
20:00 Rohit6: fixed ds
20:00 Rohit6: stacked
20:00 Rohit6: but that stream plays okay imo
20:02 Nerova Riuz GX: 02:01:300 (1,2) -
20:02 Nerova Riuz GX: then make changes on these
20:03 Nerova Riuz GX: delete slow sv, and add NC at the beginning of the stream
20:03 Nerova Riuz GX: for better reading imo
20:03 Rohit6: so should i just extend?
20:03 Rohit6: like extend to red instead of blue
20:04 Nerova Riuz GX: if you want to keep the slow down, I'll choose extend
20:04 Rohit6: i want the slow down actually
20:04 Rohit6: ill just extend to red tick
20:04 Nerova Riuz GX: 02:05:636 (1) - possible nc spam
20:05 Nerova Riuz GX: no specific changes, yep
20:05 Rohit6: its to show the 1-1 hap
20:05 Rohit6: gap*
20:06 Nerova Riuz GX: you're not going to stack under the previous slider?
20:06 Nerova Riuz GX: with some minor pattern change?
20:06 Nerova Riuz GX: 02:16:040 (1,1) - like this
20:06 Rohit6: hmm
20:07 Rohit6: yeah stack could work
20:07 Nerova Riuz GX:
20:08 Nerova Riuz GX: oh shit i just take a shot on my full screen
20:08 Rohit6: nice bg
20:08 Rohit6: :^)
20:09 Rohit6: is she your horsefu?
20:10 Nerova Riuz GX: uhh
20:10 Nerova Riuz GX: that's a artwork
20:11 Nerova Riuz GX: from LANA event in bemani
20:11 Rohit6: cool bg tho
20:11 Rohit6: should use better bgs for your maps as well
20:11 Rohit6: :^)
20:11 Nerova Riuz GX: I'm shit on finding bgs
20:11 Nerova Riuz GX: and worst of all
20:11 Rohit6: the ciel one
20:12 Nerova Riuz GX: im picky on bg
20:12 Rohit6: is already on a ranked map
20:12 Nerova Riuz GX: idc
20:12 Nerova Riuz GX: I'll use that anyway if that fits
20:12 Rohit6: its dnb
20:12 Rohit6: everything fits
20:13 Nerova Riuz GX: u have song title, man
20:13 Rohit6: i jsut copied this from yt
20:14 Rohit6: 40 second intro and 20 second outro
20:14 Rohit6: kek
20:15 Nerova Riuz GX: 00:50:796 - 01:55:494 - unsnapped timing points
20:15 Rohit6: gah
20:15 Rohit6: how do you even find that lol
20:15 Nerova Riuz GX: and the first one is not snapped too in hard
20:16 Nerova Riuz GX: charles helps :^)
20:17 Rohit6: wow
20:17 Rohit6: cheater
20:17 Rohit6: :^)
20:17 Nerova Riuz GX: fix that kiai in Advanced
20:17 Nerova Riuz GX: it's 1/4 early, dude
20:17 Nerova Riuz GX: lmao
20:17 Rohit6: where
20:17 Nerova Riuz GX: im not
20:17 Rohit6: oop
20:17 Rohit6: s
20:17 Nerova Riuz GX: it starts 1/4 early, and ends 1/4 early
20:17 Nerova Riuz GX: lmao
20:18 Rohit6: blue ticks strike again
20:18 Nerova Riuz GX: :^)
20:18 Nerova Riuz GX: da hell you're using a 1365*768 bg?
20:18 Nerova Riuz GX: hell no
20:19 Rohit6: wait what
20:19 Rohit6: i used 1920x1080
20:19 Rohit6: heck
20:19 Nerova Riuz GX: wut
20:19 Rohit6: i printscreened lol
20:20 Nerova Riuz GX: AND
20:20 Nerova Riuz GX: uncheck widescreen support and letterbox
20:20 Nerova Riuz GX: PLEASE
20:20 Rohit6: o
20:21 Rohit6: widememe support
20:21 Rohit6: what does it do
20:21 Nerova Riuz GX: HP 3 > 4 > ""3"" > 5 > 5.5
20:21 Nerova Riuz GX: make hp higher in advanced
20:21 Nerova Riuz GX: check that if you have sb
20:21 Rohit6: oop
20:22 Nerova Riuz GX: and actually i'd like to see HP6 in Insane
20:22 Rohit6: ill do 4.5
20:22 Nerova Riuz GX: inb4 no
20:22 Rohit6: but you die if you miss one small stream with hp6
20:23 Nerova Riuz GX: >HP7.2
20:23 Nerova Riuz GX: >HP10 with HR
20:23 Rohit6: ebil
20:24 Nerova Riuz GX: that's all i guess
20:24 Rohit6: im keep 5.5 for now
20:25 Rohit6: if some bn bitches ill change to 6 or whatever
20:25 Nerova Riuz GX: oh
20:25 Nerova Riuz GX: CS 3.7 for hard pls
20:25 Nerova Riuz GX: or even 4
20:25 Rohit6: wat why
20:26 Rohit6: no 3.5 is my fav in hard diffs
20:26 Nerova Riuz GX: much cleaner
20:26 Nerova Riuz GX: and you already had a 3.5 in advanced
20:26 Nerova Riuz GX: make some difference lel
20:26 Rohit6: meh who acres
20:26 Nerova Riuz GX: 01:12:919 (1) - stack properly
20:26 Rohit6: advanced has no 1/4
20:26 Rohit6: done
20:26 Rohit6: :^)
20:27 Rohit6: moved 6 pixels to bottom right
20:28 Nerova Riuz GX: I'll say manual stack sucks in Hard or lower diff
20:28 Rohit6: yeah but thats the only stack that sucked
20:28 Rohit6: ill change to 8 or whatever
20:29 Rohit6: 01:55:578 (1,2) - ithink i should stack this like in insane
20:29 Rohit6: in the hard diff
20:29 Nerova Riuz GX: w/e
20:30 Rohit6: okay advanced now
20:30 Nerova Riuz GX: nothing, i guess
20:31 Rohit6: yeah theres the same rhythm everywhere
20:31 Nerova Riuz GX: 01:27:485 (3,4) - dude they are fuking too close
20:32 Rohit6: [ fineeee]
20:32 Nerova Riuz GX: 02:15:173 (5) - s!ck unbalanced slider
20:32 Nerova Riuz GX: 02:18:815 (6) - nc for the last note
20:33 Rohit6: your face is an unbalanced slider
20:33 Rohit6: done
20:33 Nerova Riuz GX: and that's why i use anime grill for avatar :^)
20:33 Rohit6: :^)
20:33 Rohit6: im amino grill
Spork Lover


00:44:480 (1) - That's a very late start to the song. You could easily add slow sliders from 00:22:283 - all the way to the initial beginning

01:04:422 (3,4,5) - Remove 4 and space 5 some more. There's not much in the music that emphasizes this stream.

01:11:878 (8) - NC would look cool here I think

01:32:341 (1) - In my honest opinion the volume adjustments on the spinner don't really matter, since the song is already doing that for you, you're just making the build-up feel a little shorter. Some people probably have way different ideas than me on this part though :P

01:45:520 (1) - Eeeeh, does this slider end too late (On the time-line)? I can't really tell >.<

01:56:532 (4) - I would remove 4 personally for a little easier playability. I went all like "Ermahgerd that was a slow slide-- OH".

02:03:034 (1,2,3,1) - This part is very awkward to play, mainly because the spacing on 02:03:468 (3) - is closer to 02:03:555 (1) - than to 02:03:208 (2) . Just placing 02:03:468 (3) between the two sliders would help a ton I think.

02:04:942 (1) - The slider end should have the same hitsound as 02:06:156 (5) - has in my opinion. It will emphasize the way you place off-beats very well :3

My god that was an amazing map, I hope it gets ranked pronto :D

I hope my mod was useful ^^
Topic Starter

Spork Lover wrote:


00:44:480 (1) - That's a very late start to the song. You could easily add slow sliders from 00:22:283 - all the way to the initial beginning actually i had them added but i removed those because it looked inconsistent with the other diffs

01:04:422 (3,4,5) - Remove 4 and space 5 some more. There's not much in the music that emphasizes this stream. if i removed this stream then it would become inconsistent with the rest and i dont want that honestly

01:11:878 (8) - NC would look cool here I think

01:32:341 (1) - In my honest opinion the volume adjustments on the spinner don't really matter, since the song is already doing that for you, you're just making the build-up feel a little shorter. Some people probably have way different ideas than me on this part though :P i like micromanaging volume changes so no change here

01:45:520 (1) - Eeeeh, does this slider end too late (On the time-line)? I can't really tell >.< oops

01:56:532 (4) - I would remove 4 personally for a little easier playability. I went all like "Ermahgerd that was a slow slide-- OH". okay

02:03:034 (1,2,3,1) - This part is very awkward to play, mainly because the spacing on 02:03:468 (3) - is closer to 02:03:555 (1) - than to 02:03:208 (2) . Just placing 02:03:468 (3) between the two sliders would help a ton I think.

02:04:942 (1) - The slider end should have the same hitsound as 02:06:156 (5) - has in my opinion. It will emphasize the way you place off-beats very well :3

My god that was an amazing map, I hope it gets ranked pronto :D ayy thanks

I hope my mod was useful ^^

no reply = fixed
there's a 1ms delay on both soft-hitclaps, might as well cut it off
also delete the osb in the folder

  1. 01:28:179 (3,4,1) - this plays a bit awkward, if you look at 1/4 sliders as 1/2 circles, there's a random deceleration between 3 and 4, try something like this, I'd make the angles sharper and even up the spacing
  2. 01:45:520 (1) - snapping error?
will recheck
Nerova Riuz GX
holy sht it's real sukinathan
you just made my day
Topic Starter

sukiNathan wrote:

there's a 1ms delay on both soft-hitclaps, might as well cut it off done
also delete the osb in the folder b-but there's no osb in the folder...

  1. 01:28:179 (3,4,1) - this plays a bit awkward, if you look at 1/4 sliders as 1/2 circles, there's a random deceleration between 3 and 4, try something like this, I'd make the angles sharper and even up the spacing ok dad
  2. 01:45:520 (1) - snapping error? asdf fixed
will recheck thanks
Nerova Riuz GX

Rohit6 wrote:

sukiNathan wrote:

also delete the osb in the folder b-but there's no osb in the folder...
That osb is an auto generated file
Maps are still rankable with that
It is written in rc, you can check it out if you have problem on it
that's strange, the very first time dling it i got an osb, but the second time nope o.o
also I know it's rankable, deleting it is just one of those things that you'd might as well do
anyways ill probably bubble when i wake up tomorrow
Topic Starter

sukiNathan wrote:

that's strange, the very first time dling it i got an osb, but the second time nope o.o
also I know it's rankable, deleting it is just one of those things that you'd might as well do i tried redling and deleting but i couldnt find as well , rip
anyways ill probably bubble when i wake up tomorrow thank s

01:45:087 - 01:45:520 - On Insane + Hard the Kiai disappears during this interval for whatever reason. However, on Advanced, there is Kiai Time. Kiai Time needs to be consistent throughout all difficulties mapped by the same mapper. Since you mapped all 3 of these diffs, you need to decide on a consistent Kiai time so either add the Kiai here^ or remove the Kiai during this particular section on Advanced. I'll leave it up to you.


00:58:873 (2,4) - Overlap looks bad imo xP.
01:16:040 (7) - Two circles sounds a bit better imo.
01:18:988 (6,2) - Overlap also looks meh xP. Doesn't look intentional cuz only the circle edges are overlapped.
02:01:300 (1) - Idk. I think the slidershape + the fact that this is 0.75x SV will through people off especially with the stream that follows. I do't think the SV change is necessary here.


01:23:323 (1,4) - Is there some way to make this overlap less? Because you can already see circle 4 before the slider of 1 finishes playing xP.

Call me back.
Topic Starter

monstrata wrote:


01:45:087 - 01:45:520 - On Insane + Hard the Kiai disappears during this interval for whatever reason. However, on Advanced, there is Kiai Time. Kiai Time needs to be consistent throughout all difficulties mapped by the same mapper. Since you mapped all 3 of these diffs, you need to decide on a consistent Kiai time so either add the Kiai here^ or remove the Kiai during this particular section on Advanced. I'll leave it up to you.


00:58:873 (2,4) - Overlap looks bad imo xP.
01:16:040 (7) - Two circles sounds a bit better imo.
01:18:988 (6,2) - Overlap also looks meh xP. Doesn't look intentional cuz only the circle edges are overlapped.
02:01:300 (1) - Idk. I think the slidershape + the fact that this is 0.75x SV will through people off especially with the stream that follows. I do't think the SV change is necessary here.


01:23:323 (1,4) - Is there some way to make this overlap less? Because you can already see circle 4 before the slider of 1 finishes playing xP.

Call me back.
did changes on almost everything
lets go :D.

grats on first rank :D
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