
Sawai Miku - Sotsugyou Memories~Sayonara, Anata.~

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I will mod the hard
I hope I can find anything since this has been modded quite a few times.
I have no clue about any more tags, I think these are kinda enough, and I suck at hitsounds so I won't be able to mod those either (but I am trying to learn some more stuff)

so, here we go

00:46:983 (4) - curve for more flow

01:06:472 (3) - place it a little bit off the previous note so the player knows that it is an antijump for sure

01:39:976 (4,1) - I think this overlap can be made better or be removed, since now it looks just unfinished

02:22:238 (5) - I suggest placing this note a bit higher/more to the right so the pattern flows into the slider

02:51:581 (4) - this one feels out of place, I think it should be either a lot higher or a lot more to the left, or stack it, since it would also feel a lot better

02:53:114 (4) - curve please, unless you want symmetry with the previous slider, if that is the case, I'm fine with this

02:55:304 (4) - higher anchor point more to the right

03:31:654 (3) - curve or lower anchor point more to the left

03:36:910 (1) - maybe lower sv even more for a more dramatic effect

03:51:143 (4) - more to the left

04:46:326 (2) - lower please

Apart from some minor flow and random note placement, this map is really good, and if you get 4-5 more mods I think you are ready to call a BN
Topic Starter

Hinsvar wrote:

Jadi saya baru aja ngelihat sekilas kedua diff dan ada beberapa hal yang perlu saya katakan sebelum bener-bener mulai nge-mod.

  1. Kualitas suara mp3 yang kamu pakai terbilang buruk dan terasa banget, apalagi kalau dibandingkan dengan mp3 dari map lagu ini yang udah ranked (bisa dilihat di sini). Coba pake mp3 yang ini, dan ganti offset jadi 344 (-216 dari yang sekarang). < Done
  2. Dari segi speed, Hard mungkin masih tergolong agak gampang dibanding sebagian Hard yang ada, tapi pattern yang dipakai di sini tergolong sangat bebas dalam hal spacing, layaknya diff Insane. Ujungnya diff ini jadi terkesan sulit dan kesulitannya terasa melompat dari Normal, dan hal ini ga bagus karena ujungnya map ini bakal susah untuk di-rank.

    Ada dua jalan yang bisa kamu tempuh untuk menyelesaikan ini: Bikin Hard sekarang sedikit lebih susah lagi (opsional sih) dan tambahkan diff yang lebih susah dari Normal namun lebih gampang dari Hard, dengan spacing yang masih relatif teratur (sesuai dengan Hard yang biasa ada), atau bikin Hard jauh lebih gampang dari yang sekarang dengan mengurangi jump yang ada. < Did the latter option, star diffnya turun 0.8 jadi 3.12, hope it's good enough. Mungkin kk bisa ngasih suggestion buat ngurangin spacingnya lagi :3
Saya baru akan bisa nge-mod kalau minimal masalah yang kedua sudah ditangani. Maaf ya, tapi menurut saya map ini dari kualitas mapping udah rankable, cuma sayang juga kan kalau entar malah kacau waktu qualification karena diff spread (dan emang Hard sendiri spacing-nya dapat dibilang liar seperti diff Insane pada umumnya sih, jadi saya sendiri juga ga setuju)... < Sebenernya sih ranked version nya juga jumpnya agak jauh jauh, Hardnya Nymph emang jump nya juga agak jauh :/ kayak map ini misalnya tapi... ah sudahlah xD

Good luck :)
Thank you yak, di tunggu rechecknya #ngarep
Thank you for other mods too, gonna apply later :3
Shohei Ohtani
Real picture of me at graduation follow me on instagram

00:27:497 (1) - I feel this would work a little better as to notes. Maybe even, dare I say, anti-jumps? Especially since you have previously established a spacing pattern, it's kind of awkward having to wait before the next slider.
00:38:008 (3) - technically not a perfect stack on the end of (1) so fix that before someone that cares about it more tells you to fix it
00:54:650 (1,2,3,4,5,6) - this is frighteningly creative im actually kind of shocked it's like I had no idea this would happen but like wow good job
01:22:679 (1,2,3) - The spacing change is so slight that I didn't realize this was faster. Overlaps are okay for things like this, don't be scared
01:48:957 (1) - ehhhh. Just do an S slider or something
01:51:146 (2) - a little bit weird since the rest of the map is so calm

It's cool and I like it but certain BNs may feel that it's too hard for the lowest diff. It may be good to get more opinions about this.

I like it a lot. Would bubble if I was in the BN. Spread looks a little big on paper but tbh I think it's fine. But I'm not very good at analyzing spread tho xP
Topic Starter
So many mods, wow.

Mako Sakata wrote:

As promised
Some small sugestion from me,

  1. 00:27:713 - 01:55:304 - 03:36:910 - 05:00:997 - Kalo pake S:C1 green line di sana kurang pas kak, kalo diganti sama Soft Default sample set bgmn kak? Soalnya suara soft-hitnormal nya ga masuk kan belum ada suara drum ataupun bass di sana < Fix, di Hardnya juga :3
  2. 00:53:114 (1) - Delete whistle? < .-.? nggak ada whistle disitu .-. kalo tailnya emang sengaja dikasih whistle.
  3. 01:25:304 - Add note? Kaya 01:26:399 (3,4,5) - < Disitu nggak ada bunyi vocal .-. bunyi drumnya juga nggak terlalu kenceng jadi not yet lah
  4. 01:46:326 - Tambah note di situ? agak kosong menurut aku kak, lagian suara vokalnya lumayan kuat
  5. 02:14:355 (2,3,4) - Ritmenya ada yang aneh deh kak, kalo jadi kaya gini aja bgmn? < Keliatannya cocok cocok aja buat ngikutin vocalnya...
  6. 02:34:720 (1) - Delete whistle? < Nggak ada whistle .-.
  7. 02:39:976 (4) - Kalo ritmenya dijadiin kaya gini bgmn kak kayanya kalo slider panjang pake reverse jadinya terlalu panjang jadi ngeskip suara yang di sini 02:41:070 -
  8. 02:41:289 - Miss whistle?
  9. 03:16:764 (1) - Rotate 20drajat terus x:408 y:212? < Nggak deh, kayaknya kayak begitu aja udah bagus, kebentuk from segitiga gitu -w-
  10. 03:27:932 - Tambah note di situ? agak kosong menurut aku kak, lagian suara vokalnya lumayan kuat
  11. 03:30:778 (1,2) - Spasi < ? .-.
  12. 04:16:326 (1) - Delete whistle? < On purpose sih, soalnya biar soundnya nggak terlalu kuat xD
  13. 04:44:355 (1,2,3) - Kalo ritmenya jadi kaya gini bgmn kak? < Bagian itu lagi bukan ngikutin drum sih :/
  14. 04:46:545 (5) - Kayanya yang itu bagus dikurangin deh reversenya terus ritmenya dicoba kaya gini, lebih ngepas sama vokalnya
  15. 04:47:859 (1) - Delete whistle? < Nggak ada whistle .-.
  16. 05:07:129 (3,4,5,1) - Sebenernya placingnya agak maksa kak, jadi flownya aneh < Kalo (1) dinaikin lagi, (2) nya nggak kebagian tempat xD biarkan sajalah, cuman sedikit flow break, ga bakal terlalu terasa di gameplay.
  17. 05:26:618 (1) - Pake whistle spinnernya?

    Sebenernya beberapa slider panjang dengan reverse contoh kaya gini 05:17:640 (4) - dll, bisa diganti atau dipendekin biar ningkatin density diff sama star ratingnya, soalnya aku ngeliat yang hard agak susah kak < Iya sih, itu buat variasi aja biar gak bosen...., hard juga udah aku gampangin kok -w-
  1. 00:27:713 - 01:55:304 - 03:36:910 - 05:00:997 - Kalo pake S:C1 green line di sana kurang pas kak, kalo diganti sama Soft Default sample set bgmn kak? Soalnya suara soft-hitnormal nya ga masuk kan belum ada suara drum ataupun bass di sana
  2. 00:38:224 (3) - Kalo diflip ctrl+h, ctrl+j terus move ke x:188 y:76 bgmn kak? something like flow yang skrg agak dipaksain soalnya < Udah diubah sih flownya .-.
  3. 00:41:727 (3) - Kalo dipendekin slidernya jadi 1/2 terus ritmenya jadi kaya gini bgmn kak Aku ngedenger suara transisinya kurang nyaman soalnya
  4. 00:55:523 (4,5) - Diusahain ga punya jump lebih dari 2.0 atau 2.3 kak, soalnya agak lebay berasa ga sesuai sama lagunya yang pelan < Select-annya agak ngaco ya .-. tapi kayaknya udah ke fix deh.
  5. 00:55:742 (5) - Kalo dipendekin slidernya jadi 1/2 terus ritmenya jadi kaya gini bgmn kak < Bagian itu aku ngikutin suara "nguung" nya sih xD
  6. 00:59:684 (3) - Kalo dijadiin curve terus ctrl+g bgmn kak kayanya jumpnya agak maksa bgt < Udah di ctrl+g sih, tpi belom dijadiin curve, fix lah -w-
  7. 01:02:311 (2,3) - Those jump too far imo, coba kalo mau jump diusahain ga lebih dari 2.0 atau 2.3 kak, soalnya itu juga udah lumayan jauh jumpnya buat lagu kaya gini < Itu ngebentuk form bintang sih .-. jadi kayaknya nggak masalah deh, itu cuma 1.9 kok, gak sampe 2.0 -w-
  8. 01:11:070 (2) - Kalo ctrl+j terus rotate -5drajat terus pindah ke x:416 y:140 bgmn kak? < Fix the other way. Buat ngurangin jumpnya
  9. 01:33:844 (2,3) - Jump too far
  10. 01:38:224 (5) - Rotate 10drajat terus ke x:16 y:160? < Keliatan aneh .-.
  11. 01:41:946 (5,1,2,3,1) - Jump too far imo < Udah di fix xD nggak ada jump disitu sekarang -w-
  12. 02:09:319 (5,6) - Kalo ritmenya jadi kay gini bgmn kak? < select-annya ngaco .-.
  13. 02:16:326 (3,4) - 02:30:341 (4,5) - Kalo ritmenya jadi kaya gini kak < Nggak ada suara di blue tick di dua tempat itu tho .-.
  14. 02:19:392 (2,3) - Jump too far <Fix fix~
  15. 02:32:749 (5,1,2,3,1) - Jump too far, apalagi yang ini 02:33:625 (2,3) -
  16. 02:39:976 (1,2) - 02:53:771 (5,1) - Jump too far
  17. 04:09:319 (1,2) - 04:09:976 (2,3) - 04:13:698 (3,4,1) - Jump too far

    Coba dikurangin kak jumpnya deh, aku ga sebutin semuanya. Karena berhubung ini cuma Hard, jump jauh kaya gitu jadi terlalu susah apalagi lagunya slow ga cepet cepet bgt, coba dipikirin ulang deh < Kebanyakan jump udah dikurangin kok -w-
Overall udah bagus kak cuma masalah jumpnya itu loh yang di hard ;( sebisa mungkin sih dikurangin
Good luck semoga membantu~
Thank you for mod :3 Fixed the one without reply -w-

Ipas wrote:

Kenapa saya balik? lol Biarkan saya beri bubble //slapped < Ciye yang udah mau jadi BN jadinya rajin -w-
I love this song very much, I want to mod Normal now
No kudos~ < Kepencet xD

  1. 00:53:333 - I feel like this break is really useless here, and made some awkward feelings while played . They're very worth to be mapped, so please consider this out (There's 3 places that have this break) < I add break there because I think if I only put the break here 04:47:862 it would be too far for Normal... Kinda forced I know... But since it's instrumental and no vocal, I think it's good enough tho...
  2. 00:58:370 (2,3) - The transition between them looks rigid . Maybe, curve this slider 00:58:370 (2) - so it'll makes something smooth to 00:59:027 (3) - imo < .-. the selection got messed up... I think it's because I change the mp3 and timing... but if you are talking about these sliders 00:58:154 (2,3) - I think it's good enough tho.
  3. 01:27:275 (5,1) - The contradicted flow direction between them might be a bit hard to read for easiest diff this in this mapset, because 01:28:151 (1) - appears at the different way with the previous . You could make a nice transition between them 01:27:275 (5,1) - to simply fix this problem, but they may be really hard . Simply, how about make this slider curved like this? Make it parallel with previous slider might be work for better transition a bit < .-. the selection got messed up again .-. I assume you are talking about this slider tho 01:27:935 (1) - kinda agree...., fixed (?)
  4. 02:08:005 (2) - Nazi, blanket < Lol
  5. 03:22:457 (5,6) - The pattern isn't work perfectly here . At the previous similar rhythm 01:41:070 (5,6) - , It fits the way they are . But, the same pattern isn't show here, and make it looks bad . Better to make it constant with the previous, because it works really well at this rhythm < Messed up selection .-. I'm confused @-@ Changed something tho, dunno if that actually what you mean xD
  6. 04:47:859 (1) - Very really nazi here . How about make it fully covered up with that envelope on Gumi's hand? < Lol, which one is that again xD I should have applied the mods first before changing the mp3 xD
Good Luck!
Thank you for mod -w-

inspectorscout wrote:

I will mod the hard
I hope I can find anything since this has been modded quite a few times.
I have no clue about any more tags, I think these are kinda enough, and I suck at hitsounds so I won't be able to mod those either (but I am trying to learn some more stuff)

so, here we go

00:46:983 (4) - curve for more flow < I want to make it parallel with (1) tho .-.

01:06:472 (3) - place it a little bit off the previous note so the player knows that it is an antijump for sure < Stacked on purpose tho, furthermore, there's no longer jump to (4)

01:39:976 (4,1) - I think this overlap can be made better or be removed, since now it looks just unfinished < Not really sure what you mean .-. maybe I fixed it after "remapped" it

02:22:238 (5) - I suggest placing this note a bit higher/more to the right so the pattern flows into the slider < Changed because "remapped" .-.

02:51:581 (4) - this one feels out of place, I think it should be either a lot higher or a lot more to the left, or stack it, since it would also feel a lot better ^

02:53:114 (4) - curve please, unless you want symmetry with the previous slider, if that is the case, I'm fine with this < Nah, not really "symmetry" I just want kinda like increasing jump.

02:55:304 (4) - higher anchor point more to the right < Changed I think .-.

03:31:654 (3) - curve or lower anchor point more to the left < Kinda want to make it "parallel" with (1)

03:36:910 (1) - maybe lower sv even more for a more dramatic effect < I'm pretty sure I did .-.

03:51:143 (4) - more to the left < Changed (?)

04:46:326 (2) - lower please ^

Apart from some minor flow and random note placement, this map is really good, and if you get 4-5 more mods I think you are ready to call a BN
Thank you for mod. I kind of "remapped" Hard so some of your mod are already changed tho :/

Reditum wrote:

Real picture of me at graduation follow me on instagram < Cool photo bruh.

00:27:497 (1) - I feel this would work a little better as to notes. Maybe even, dare I say, anti-jumps? Especially since you have previously established a spacing pattern, it's kind of awkward having to wait before the next slider. < The ranked version did that tho, so I think it's fine -w- the sound at that part is slow tho; it's not that hard to read right?
00:38:008 (3) - technically not a perfect stack on the end of (1) so fix that before someone that cares about it more tells you to fix it < Lol'd
00:54:650 (1,2,3,4,5,6) - this is frighteningly creative im actually kind of shocked it's like I had no idea this would happen but like wow good job < Wow, is this a sarcasm? xD
01:22:679 (1,2,3) - The spacing change is so slight that I didn't realize this was faster. Overlaps are okay for things like this, don't be scared < They are overlapped a bit now :3
01:48:957 (1) - ehhhh. Just do an S slider or something < -,-
01:51:146 (2) - a little bit weird since the rest of the map is so calm < I ctrl+g'd it.

It's cool and I like it but certain BNs may feel that it's too hard for the lowest diff. It may be good to get more opinions about this. < It's Normal tho; not Easy. And I think it's not that hard for Normal :3 There are a lot of harder Normals -w-

I like it a lot. Would bubble if I was in the BN. Spread looks a little big on paper but tbh I think it's fine. But I'm not very good at analyzing spread tho xP
Thank you for mod all of you -w-

04:44:139 (1) - Copy 04:43:263 (6).

00:32:752 (3,5) - Even out spacing here to fix triangle.
00:57:935 (4) - Even out spacing.
01:05:161 (1,4) - Fix stack/overlap.
02:00:343 (4,5,1) - Not very nice flow here. Remap and focus more on flow for these notes.
03:46:110 (5,2) - Fix stack.
Topic Starter

Kuki wrote:

04:44:139 (1) - Copy 04:43:263 (6). < Nope, that was on purpose, I want to blanket (6) body with (1)

00:32:752 (3,5) - Even out spacing here to fix triangle. < Tried
00:57:935 (4) - Even out spacing. ^
01:05:161 (1,4) - Fix stack/overlap. ^
02:00:343 (4,5,1) - Not very nice flow here. Remap and focus more on flow for these notes. < Not really remapping but I think it's better now
03:46:110 (5,2) - Fix stack. < Fix
Thank you for mod -w-

Hello there from my Queue! Don't forget to vote on my poll. Thank you!

  1. 01:11:073 (2,3) - i think this fits with the vocals try
  2. 01:14:577 (2,3) - same here ^^
  3. 01:34:942 (1) - curve
  4. 03:26:402 (6) - unify DS
  5. 05:16:767 (3) - instead of a 1/2 slider why not try this instead I think its more fitting
  6. 05:17:424 (4) - curve

  1. 00:37:132 (1,2) - blanket
  2. 01:03:847 (2,3,4,5) - follow DS
  3. 01:23:336 (3) - ^^
  4. 02:25:526 (5,4) - u could stack this
  5. 02:24:869 (3,5) - fix overlap
  6. 02:43:263 (1) - Ctrl + G
  7. 02:45:015 (1,5) - stack this to make it clean
  8. 03:41:073 (1) - curve
  9. 03:59:906 (4,5) - remove this and replace with a 1/2 slider instead
  10. 04:18:738 (3) - make a nicer C
  11. 04:35:380 (1,2,3,4) - better if you square this

Lovely song :) Goodluck!
Topic Starter
Yay finally a mod -w-

Hiyori wrote:

Hello there from my Queue! Don't forget to vote on my poll. Thank you!
< Done voting :3

  1. 01:11:073 (2,3) - i think this fits with the vocals try < Tried to follow drum tho,,, but I think it's fine for some variation -w-
  2. 01:14:577 (2,3) - same here ^^ ^
  3. 01:34:942 (1) - curve < Seems good without a curve tho
  4. 03:26:402 (6) - unify DS < ? what is unify? .-.
  5. 05:16:767 (3) - instead of a 1/2 slider why not try this instead I think its more fitting < Following drum
  6. 05:17:424 (4) - curve < want to make it parallel with (3)

  1. 00:37:132 (1,2) - blanket < On purpose, for nicer flow to the next note
  2. 01:03:847 (2,3,4,5) - follow DS < Wanted to make star jump tho .-.
  3. 01:23:336 (3) - ^^ < As long as they are overlapping I think it's fine
  4. 02:25:526 (5,4) - u could stack this < Nah, I don't feel like doing so... it's minor tho
  5. 02:24:869 (3,5) - fix overlap < I don't understand your selection but I'm assuming you mean (1)'s tail and (3)'s head... fix
  6. 02:43:263 (1) - Ctrl + G < Fine
  7. 02:45:015 (1,5) - stack this to make it clean < It won't be visible in the gameplay
  8. 03:41:073 (1) - curve < Nah, wanna make it parallel
  9. 03:59:906 (4,5) - remove this and replace with a 1/2 slider instead < Don't want it for no reason...
  10. 04:18:738 (3) - make a nicer C < It's supposed to be round, not C
  11. 04:35:380 (1,2,3,4) - better if you square this < It form a nice triangle pattern imo

Lovely song :) Goodluck!
Thank you for mod ^^

Make it the same DS.
  • Fine~
  1. 00:56:402 I suggest you to use S:C1 because the sound drum-slidertick is weird
  2. 01:37:570 (4) - forget drum-clap at return
  3. 02:38:008 same as above
  4. 03:36:694 reduce sound to 25% like others?
  5. 04:46:767 (6) - remove clap head?
  6. 05:00:781 reduce sound to 25% like others?
  7. 05:17:424 (4) - here is too boring as in kiai time, try this?
  1. 00:44:796 (2) - forget clap
  2. 00:52:898 (1) - drum-clap head
  3. 00:59:468 (3) - forget drum-sampleset
  4. 01:09:979 (3) - use drum-whistle like others?
  5. 02:26:840 (4) - move to x:272 y:148
  6. 03:50:271 (2) - stack to (4)
  7. 03:50:708 (3) - remove clap
  8. 04:05:599 (1) - suggest to move further away from previous note
  9. 04:29:030 (3) - move to x:132 y:276
  10. 04:31:438 (4) - remove drum clap tail
  11. 05:00:781 reduce sound to 25% like others?
  12. 05:04:723 (4) - remove drum-clap tail
noice mapset and song!!
good luck :D
from my queue


  1. 00:41:292 (5) - why x0.9 here? pay more attention to your distance snapping
  2. 00:51:146 (4) - ^
  3. 02:08:227 (3) - ^
  4. 02:46:767 (3) - ^
  5. 03:55:088 (1) - ^
  6. 04:46:767 (6) - ^
  7. 00:52:679 - missed vocal. use a reversed short slider at 00:52:460 - instead.
  8. 02:29:687 - add clap to slidertick
  9. 03:02:095 - missed note. change 03:01:438 (5) - into a slider and a note like 03:02:533 (1,2) -


  1. 01:37:132 (3,4,5) - the shape is not a equilateral triangle,please use ctrl+c and ctrl+v and rotate 120
  2. 01:44:796 (4) - put it on the head of 01:44:139 (2) - will be better
  3. 01:48:957 (1) - the shape is annoying. just use a straight slider or a three-point slider plz
  4. 02:09:103 (5,6) - missed drum at 02:09:322 - . just make it like 00:41:511 (3,4) -
  5. 02:27:497 (1) - the shape is not good. move the red point a bit left
  6. 03:32:752 - missed drum here. so break 03:32:314 (1) - into two sliders, like 04:15:672 (4,1) -
  7. 04:08:555 - missed note. just add a note or make it a three-note short stream
  8. 04:18:738 (3,4) - prefer to make it like 03:43:701 (4,5) -
  9. 04:46:767 (4,5) - ^. or just remove the stack plz

good luck
Topic Starter

Hiyori wrote:

Make it the same DS.
Hmmm pretty sure it's the same DS... tried to make it "more same" tho....

Mikkuri wrote:

  • Fine~
  1. 00:56:402 I suggest you to use S:C1 because the sound drum-slidertick is weird < Too lazy (lol xD) I changed the drum slidertick hitsound instead so it sounds the same as soft slider tick. It work that way too right? .-.
  2. 01:37:570 (4) - forget drum-clap at return
  3. 02:38:008 same as above < same as the first? I think I did it...
  4. 03:36:694 reduce sound to 25% like others? < I only use 25% for the very first one tho .-. the sound there is not as silent as the first one.
  5. 04:46:767 (6) - remove clap head?
  6. 05:00:781 reduce sound to 25% like others? ^
  7. 05:17:424 (4) - here is too boring as in kiai time, try this? < I used that kind of rhythm a lot... but I think it's kinda good to increase the difficulty :3
  1. 00:44:796 (2) - forget clap
  2. 00:52:898 (1) - drum-clap head
  3. 00:59:468 (3) - forget drum-sampleset
  4. 01:09:979 (3) - use drum-whistle like others? < The sound there is more "clappy" than the others so I used clap there.
  5. 02:26:840 (4) - move to x:272 y:148
  6. 03:50:271 (2) - stack to (4)
  7. 03:50:708 (3) - remove clap
  8. 04:05:599 (1) - suggest to move further away from previous note < Ended up moved it kinda too far :/
  9. 04:29:030 (3) - move to x:132 y:276
  10. 04:31:438 (4) - remove drum clap tail
  11. 05:00:781 reduce sound to 25% like others? < I changed everything except the first one to 30%
  12. 05:04:723 (4) - remove drum-clap tail
noice mapset and song!!
good luck :D

buhei wrote:

from my queue


  1. 00:41:292 (5) - why x0.9 here? pay more attention to your distance snapping < you don't have to be very nazi about DS, as long as there's aren't any problem at AiMod, your DS is considered consistent. Furthermore, it's very hard to keep the very same DS since the notes are snapping at the grid. Same below.
  2. 00:51:146 (4) - ^
  3. 02:08:227 (3) - ^
  4. 02:46:767 (3) - ^
  5. 03:55:088 (1) - ^
  6. 04:46:767 (6) - ^
  7. 00:52:679 - missed vocal. use a reversed short slider at 00:52:460 - instead. < I don't really want to end a slider at big white tick... And I don't fully follow vocal as well...
  8. 02:29:687 - add clap to slidertick < o-o how do you do that? o-o you mean use clap sound for slider tick? That's pretty hard...
  9. 03:02:095 - missed note. change 03:01:438 (5) - into a slider and a note like 03:02:533 (1,2) - < It's alright, it just for some creation, I have been following the whistle there the whole time, it's alright to ignore it once in a while.


  1. 01:37:132 (3,4,5) - the shape is not a equilateral triangle,please use ctrl+c and ctrl+v and rotate 120 < I did that, and that the result.
  2. 01:44:796 (4) - put it on the head of 01:44:139 (2) - will be better < Put it on (5)'s head instead.
  3. 01:48:957 (1) - the shape is annoying. just use a straight slider or a three-point slider plz < >:( all sliders are beautiful
  4. 02:09:103 (5,6) - missed drum at 02:09:322 - . just make it like 00:41:511 (3,4) - < You don't have to map all the sound all the time, and I think it fit the vocal nicely.
  5. 02:27:497 (1) - the shape is not good. move the red point a bit left < Tried to blanket better...
  6. 03:32:752 - missed drum here. so break 03:32:314 (1) - into two sliders, like 04:15:672 (4,1) - ^
  7. 04:08:555 - missed note. just add a note or make it a three-note short stream ^ and the vocal sound there is very faint
  8. 04:18:738 (3,4) - prefer to make it like 03:43:701 (4,5) - < It's the same rhythm, just different variation of shape, it'll be boring to use the same rhythm all the time. Furthermore, the slider (3) fit the increasing sound well.
  9. 04:46:767 (4,5) - ^. or just remove the stack plz < same reason to keep the rhythm ^ and I stack it so it don't overlap with slider (3)

good luck
Thank you for mod both ^^ Fixed the green one and the one without reply :3
It's time for th4at 0n3 m0d.

00:28:373 (1) x:252 y:181 blanket
00:35:380 (1) x:356 y:138 blanket
00:38:884 (1) x:121 y:342 blanket
Instead of having a circle at 00:52:898 (1) it might be better to have a spinner at 00:52:679 and have it end at 00:53:774
00:59:906 (1) x:20 y:222 blanket
01:01:219 x:367 y:234 blanket
01:13:920 (1) x:379 y:349 blanket
Might wanna add a circle at 01:52:241 since it seems a bit empty without it. Considering that the spinner is following the vocals.
02:03:847 (3) x:386 y:104 blanket
02:26:621 (6) x:141 y:121 blanket
You might want to move 03:12:168 (6) to 03:12:387 since it follows the background music better than the vocals.
03:31:438 (2) x:320 y:236 blanket
Might wanna add a circle at 03:33:847 for the same reason as the other one before the spinner.
Instead of a circle at 04:16:110 (1) you might want to have a spinner after 04:15:672 (6) on the next red tick. To follow the vocals.
04:30:125 (1) x:332 y:170 blanket
05:01:567 (1) x:319 y:238 blanket
05:00:781 (1) x:386 y:138 blanket
05:13:920 (4) x:190 y:234 blanket

00:36:256 (3) x:259 y:110 blanket
00:36:694 (4) x:238 y:9 blanket
00:38:884 (1) x:257 y:104 blanket
00:40:416 (5) x:398 y:232 Move to be blanketed
01:57:497 (4) x:168 y:225 Move to be blanketed
03:38:884 (4) x:253 y:11 blanket

I like a lot of the patterns that you had in both difficulties. It's made pretty well, and I'd like to see this get ranked. :)
Topic Starter
Yay a mod ^^ finally :D

Sukii-chan wrote:

It's time for th4at 0n3 m0d.

00:28:373 (1) x:252 y:181 blanket
00:35:380 (1) x:356 y:138 blanket
00:38:884 (1) x:121 y:342 blanket
Instead of having a circle at 00:52:898 (1) it might be better to have a spinner at 00:52:679 and have it end at 00:53:774 < I don't really like that :/ I think it would ignore the big sound here 00:52:898 I rather to keep the big sound emphasized.
00:59:906 (1) x:20 y:222 blanket
01:01:219 x:367 y:234 blanket
01:13:920 (1) x:379 y:349 blanket
Might wanna add a circle at 01:52:241 since it seems a bit empty without it. Considering that the spinner is following the vocals. < Feels weird imo :/ and the spinner not really following vocal
02:03:847 (3) x:386 y:104 blanket
02:26:621 (6) x:141 y:121 blanket
You might want to move 03:12:168 (6) to 03:12:387 since it follows the background music better than the vocals. < The current following background music nicely enough imo, and yes, it's not supposed to be following vocal
03:31:438 (2) x:320 y:236 blanket < it's already there .-.
Might wanna add a circle at 03:33:847 for the same reason as the other one before the spinner. ^
Instead of a circle at 04:16:110 (1) you might want to have a spinner after 04:15:672 (6) on the next red tick. To follow the vocals. ^ same reason as above
04:30:125 (1) x:332 y:170 blanket
05:01:567 (1) x:319 y:238 blanket
05:00:781 (1) x:386 y:138 blanket
05:13:920 (4) x:190 y:234 blanket

00:36:256 (3) x:259 y:110 blanket
00:36:694 (4) x:238 y:9 blanket
00:38:884 (1) x:257 y:104 blanket
00:40:416 (5) x:398 y:232 Move to be blanketed < I'd rather keep the triangle, changed (4)'s shape a bit
01:57:497 (4) x:168 y:225 Move to be blanketed < I want to stack it with (1)'s tail :/
03:38:884 (4) x:253 y:11 blanket < muh, kinda ruin the blanket for (1) >.<

I like a lot of the patterns that you had in both difficulties. It's made pretty well, and I'd like to see this get ranked. :)
wow, very nazi :/ but it's alright, thank you anyway :) changed the one without reply
Late M4M from my queue
Sorry for the late mod! :(

  1. For the claps you might want to change the sampleset to normal
  2. (Suggestion) have the NCs be at the large white ticks
  3. Since you didn't want blanket mods, I will just say check them again and use the approach circle as a guide, there are some that are off
  4. 05:02:314 - Missing note?
  5. 05:29:687 - Pretty sure you can map beyond this point to 05:45:453 (Personal opinion, if you do map the part, do the same for the Hard)

  1. 01:25:745 (4) - Move this closer to 01:26:183 (1) so that they touch (for consistancy, the rest of the map has 1/4's tailing each other)
  2. 01:50:708 (1,2) - Might not want to stack these just for consistancy

Not much to mod here, everything looks good. :)

  1. 00:35:380 - Saya pikir finish di sini ga diperluin karena ga ada bunyi yang cocok dengannya di sini. IMO sih jangan terlalu dipaksain bikin pola yang konsisten kalau dari musik aja ga mendukung. (Berlaku buat 00:42:387 (1), dan semua tempat lain yang kasusnya mirip.)
  2. 00:42:387 (1,2,3) - Hmm, apa flow di sini nggak terasa aneh? Dari lurus tiba-tiba turun tajam ke bawah gitu, dan kesannya juga kurang rapi kalau ngelihat 00:41:511 (6)...
  3. 01:05:161 (5) - Coba begini deh; lebih ngikutin curve dari objek yang ada di sini, dan lebih nyaman dimainin.
  4. 01:41:074 (6) - Dibikin seperti ini? Again, sama dengan di atas: Lebih nyaman diikuti karena flow-nya pas dari lengkungan 01:40:198 (4,5).
  5. 02:38:665 (2) - Coba pindahin node pertama dari awal slider ke (180,259) biar cekungan di sini lebih ngikutin lengkungan 02:39:760 (4)?
  6. 03:11:292 (4,5) - Uhm, spacing di sini dikit kekecilan.
  7. 04:22:460 (5,1) - ^
  8. 04:30:125 (1,2) - Ah iya, yang di sini spacing-nya dikit kelebaran.
  9. 04:46:767 (6,7) - Dan yang ini kekecilan (lagi)...
  1. 02:19:176 (2,3,4) - Flow di sini kelihatan ga jelas banget mau dibawa ke mana... Saat dimainin rasanya nggak nyaman, karena peletakan objek yang kesannya asal taruh aja. Mungkin dibikin seperti ini?
  2. 02:45:672 (2,3,4) - Apa spacing di sini gak dikit kegedean?
  3. 03:06:037 (1,2) - Dan di sini kembali lagi ga konsisten (kekecilan)...
  4. 03:25:964 (2,3) - Oh iya di sini juga dikit nggak konsisten ._. (Tolong hal-hal kecil seperti konsistensi spacing juga diperhatikan di diff mana pun yah; ini untuk menjaga kerapian design dari map.)
  5. 04:02:533 (2,3,4) - Ini kurang nyaman dimainkan karena pergerakan di sini harus terkesan lurus dan tajam belokannya, dan yang seperti itu kalau dimainkan biasa kerasa aneh. Kalau mau ya diusahakan agar lebih... nggak kaku aja gerakannya di sini.
  6. 04:33:409 - Ini nggak di-map aja? Menurut saya jauh lebih pas 04:33:190 - 04:33:409 menjadi triplet karena ada bunyi instrumen yang terus naik di sana, nggak seperti 04:05:161 (4) misalnya.
  7. 05:01:657 (1,2,3) - Cuma mau bilang spacing di sini terkesan... nggak konsisten karena sebelah kiri dikit kegedean, sebelah kanan dikit kekecilan.
  8. 05:22:241 (5,1) - Ada alasan kenapa spacing-nya harus sekecil ini di sini? Rasanya aneh aja kalau dibandingin jarak waktu antara keduanya.
Maaf telat; banyak banget yang harus dikerjain ._.

Ini mungkin akan saya bubble, tapi urus dulu semua mod yang ada di sini ya :D
Topic Starter
Okay back to business >.<

UchiganeNiigata wrote:

Late M4M from my queue
Sorry for the late mod! :( < And sorry for late reply x.x

  1. For the claps you might want to change the sampleset to normal < I prefer the soft tho... the normal sampleset seems too... dominating (?)
  2. (Suggestion) have the NCs be at the large white ticks < I NC every two big white tick on Normal so the combo wouldn't be too short. (If I NC every big white tick, I think the longest combo would be 3 xD)
  3. Since you didn't want blanket mods, I will just say check them again and use the approach circle as a guide, there are some that are off < Honestly, I'm lazy xD
  4. 05:02:314 - Missing note? < Hmm, pretty hard to add a note there due to the current position :/
  5. 05:29:687 - Pretty sure you can map beyond this point to 05:45:453 (Personal opinion, if you do map the part, do the same for the Hard) < Nah, I make the first piano intro so I want to make it extro. I think it would be too long for two diffs if I map beyond that point as well xD

  1. 01:25:745 (4) - Move this closer to 01:26:183 (1) so that they touch (for consistancy, the rest of the map has 1/4's tailing each other) < Hope it looked good x-x
  2. 01:50:708 (1,2) - Might not want to stack these just for consistancy < Fix

Not much to mod here, everything looks good. :)
Thank you for mod ^^
Wow Hinsvar senpai is back :D

Hinsvar wrote:


  1. 00:35:380 - Saya pikir finish di sini ga diperluin karena ga ada bunyi yang cocok dengannya di sini. IMO sih jangan terlalu dipaksain bikin pola yang konsisten kalau dari musik aja ga mendukung. (Berlaku buat 00:42:387 (1), dan semua tempat lain yang kasusnya mirip.) < Fixed, gonna fix the Hard too x-x diubah ke clap drum sampleset kayak pola lainnya.
  2. 00:42:387 (1,2,3) - Hmm, apa flow di sini nggak terasa aneh? Dari lurus tiba-tiba turun tajam ke bawah gitu, dan kesannya juga kurang rapi kalau ngelihat 00:41:511 (6)... < Saya justru kurang setujunya flow dari (1) ke (2) x-x abis (6) ke kiri, dari (1) ke (2) tiba - tiba ke kiri... bagus sih kalo (1) sama (2) nya di stack tapi saya mau ngehindari itu buat Normal.... enaknya gimana ya .-.
  3. 01:05:161 (5) - Coba begini deh; lebih ngikutin curve dari objek yang ada di sini, dan lebih nyaman dimainin. < Hmm, setuju sih :) fix lah
  4. 01:41:074 (6) - Dibikin seperti ini? Again, sama dengan di atas: Lebih nyaman diikuti karena flow-nya pas dari lengkungan 01:40:198 (4,5). < Okay... (damn DS-ing x-x)
  5. 02:38:665 (2) - Coba pindahin node pertama dari awal slider ke (180,259) biar cekungan di sini lebih ngikutin lengkungan 02:39:760 (4)? < Ok
  6. 03:11:292 (4,5) - Uhm, spacing di sini dikit kekecilan. < Fix
  7. 04:22:460 (5,1) - ^ ^
  8. 04:30:125 (1,2) - Ah iya, yang di sini spacing-nya dikit kelebaran. < Fix fix
  9. 04:46:767 (6,7) - Dan yang ini kekecilan (lagi)... < Fix fix, sebenernya nge pasin ginian agak susah soalnya notenya nge-snap ke grid >.<
  1. 02:19:176 (2,3,4) - Flow di sini kelihatan ga jelas banget mau dibawa ke mana... Saat dimainin rasanya nggak nyaman, karena peletakan objek yang kesannya asal taruh aja. Mungkin dibikin seperti ini? < Emang agak sengaja ditaro random sih disitu xD but fixed, changed the other way, spacingnya dikurangin dikit :3
  2. 02:45:672 (2,3,4) - Apa spacing di sini gak dikit kegedean? < Keliatannya disitu udah coba di DS :/
  3. 03:06:037 (1,2) - Dan di sini kembali lagi ga konsisten (kekecilan)...< tehee xD mau di pas-in sama tailnya (5) soalnya xD
  4. 03:25:964 (2,3) - Oh iya di sini juga dikit nggak konsisten ._. (Tolong hal-hal kecil seperti konsistensi spacing juga diperhatikan di diff mana pun yah; ini untuk menjaga kerapian design dari map.) < Okelah diusahakan >.<
  5. 04:02:533 (2,3,4) - Ini kurang nyaman dimainkan karena pergerakan di sini harus terkesan lurus dan tajam belokannya, dan yang seperti itu kalau dimainkan biasa kerasa aneh. Kalau mau ya diusahakan agar lebih... nggak kaku aja gerakannya di sini. < Okay, I give up with the repeating pattern >.<
  6. 04:33:409 - Ini nggak di-map aja? Menurut saya jauh lebih pas 04:33:190 - 04:33:409 menjadi triplet karena ada bunyi instrumen yang terus naik di sana, nggak seperti 04:05:161 (4) misalnya. < Hmm... triplet masih terkesan agak aneh buat saya :/
  7. 05:01:657 (1,2,3) - Cuma mau bilang spacing di sini terkesan... nggak konsisten karena sebelah kiri dikit kegedean, sebelah kanan dikit kekecilan. < Ends up DS-ing almost everything >.<
  8. 05:22:241 (5,1) - Ada alasan kenapa spacing-nya harus sekecil ini di sini? Rasanya aneh aja kalau dibandingin jarak waktu antara keduanya.< Karena saya bingung harus taro dimana xD fix lah
Maaf telat; banyak banget yang harus dikerjain ._. < wubwub, no prob, saya udah biasa menunggu

Ini mungkin akan saya bubble, tapi urus dulu semua mod yang ada di sini ya :D < Okelah ^^
Thank you for mod kaka ^^
Hi ! from my queue lol
Ay sorry for m4m delay xd

  1. i think the soft-hitfinish you used which is the default finish is so loud for this song ! would be better with default soft finish imo
  2. would be nice if you use the proper bg size which is 1366x768 ! try this one if you like !

  1. 00:52:898 - why this part not mapped ? o^o ! it doesnt look normal ! maybe map it ! or at least put spinner ?
  2. 01:19:176 (4) - umm i think better to shorten this to 1/1 slider and then add circle at end ! like
  3. 01:28:592 (2) - imo this should be a slider instead of circle ! the vocals feels pretty good there and slider is better to express them in map ! just like you did to next rythm ! do it like this !
  4. 01:42:606 (2,4) - ay overlap xd
  5. 02:34:504 (1) - yeah ! the finish sound is really loud xD ! use soft finish better
  6. 04:45:015 (2,3,4,5) - make it perfect ? it's slightly off

  1. 00:27:497 (1,1) - isnt this so close ? it's a 1/1 gap :o
  2. 00:42:387 (1) - nice slider ! but isnt simple curved slider would be better ? just nazi thing
  3. 02:02:533 (5) - i think it's better to stack this slider under 02:01:876 (2) - for better flow
  4. 02:29:687 (2,3) - CTRL + G will give much better flow imo
  5. 04:29:687 (5,1) - ay blanket =w=

nice song and map ! gl for rank
Topic Starter

Meyrink wrote:

Hi ! from my queue lol
Ay sorry for m4m delay xd

  1. i think the soft-hitfinish you used which is the default finish is so loud for this song ! would be better with default soft finish imo < Honestly, I don't like the default soft-hitfinish >.<, I like the more "bassy" feeling the custom one give :3
  2. would be nice if you use the proper bg size which is 1366x768 ! try this one if you like ! < Better size but I prefer the current tho :/ that one seems darker .-.

  1. 00:52:898 - why this part not mapped ? o^o ! it doesnt look normal ! maybe map it ! or at least put spinner ? < God, I'm confused @-@ I think I should add some short break for Normal since the break here 04:47:643 would be too far and I can't think of any other place to add break... So... Should I add spinner? I need to consult more modders x-x
  2. 01:19:176 (4) - umm i think better to shorten this to 1/1 slider and then add circle at end ! like < Hmm, kinda agree since there's a vocal there. It's good to increase difficulty too :D fixed~
  3. 01:28:592 (2) - imo this should be a slider instead of circle ! the vocals feels pretty good there and slider is better to express them in map ! just like you did to next rythm ! do it like this ! < Pretty hard to add a slider looking at the current position of the next notes x-x and I think a circle is not that bad, it's good to make some variation :3 keep for now.
  4. 01:42:606 (2,4) - ay overlap xd < It's not really visible with "hit animation" on tho... :v
  5. 02:34:504 (1) - yeah ! the finish sound is really loud xD ! use soft finish better < I reduced the volume
  6. 04:45:015 (2,3,4,5) - make it perfect ? it's slightly off < Fix

  1. 00:27:497 (1,1) - isnt this so close ? it's a 1/1 gap :o < Yeah, it's on purpose, Hard players should be able to read those.
  2. 00:42:387 (1) - nice slider ! but isnt simple curved slider would be better ? just nazi thing < Hmm I think I made it like that since it blanketed something before and the one that it blanketed is gone now o-o fixed
  3. 02:02:533 (5) - i think it's better to stack this slider under 02:01:876 (2) - for better flow < Okay
  4. 02:29:687 (2,3) - CTRL + G will give much better flow imo < Well, I was avoiding jumps... but I think one small jumps won't affect the whole diff...
  5. 04:29:687 (5,1) - ay blanket =w= < ayy -w-

nice song and map ! gl for rank
Thank you for mod :3
I am here to mod your map upon request~
00:49:395 - Instead of that angular positioning you have on your hit circles and sliders, I would suggest to making it something like this or like And then once you do that, turn
00:52:022 (5,6,1) - In to something like this Or how ever you want it. I personally think that it looks better that way, and you would be able to use more of the grid space :)
01:20:271 (6,7,8) - These feel too close to 01:18:519 (3,4) - I would suggest something similar to this That way, you use more grid space and it would be more fun to play
00:54:650 (1,2,3,4) - I feel as if these jumps are too close to each other. The pattern of the jumps also seem unusual, I understand that it is a hard difficulty but try to space them out more or make a different jump so that it is easier for the player to read.
Nothing much wrong with it. Although I do feel as if you are able to map the ending. But that is just my opinion. You do not have to do it :)
Overall I really like your map. Hopefully I contributed to the process of your beatmap ^_^
- Your notes are 1/2 beats earlier than the song.
- move all the notes and see my mod
01:18:519 (4,5) - Fix Blanket
03:58:811 (1,3) - Make 3 more parallel to 1
02:32:095 (3) - Parallel?
03:04:285 (4,1) - Why suddenly jump here? IMO jump here didn't make any sense.
03:22:898 (3) - Blanket to 1 ?
04:04:942 (3) - Stack to 04:03:409 (4) - ?
01:14:796 (2) - 1/1 please
01:34:285 (6) - move to 01:34:504 - would make more sense
01:39:322 (2) - move to 01:39:541 - would make more sense
02:38:884 (2,4) - Fix Blanket
03:05:599 (5) - Copy and paste 03:04:504 (4) - and place at 03:05:380 -
Suggestions : Some 1/2 in this map is hard to read (You can know it if play with DT. Try my suggestions)
Topic Starter

MikasaSerket wrote:

I am here to mod your map upon request~
00:49:395 - Instead of that angular positioning you have on your hit circles and sliders, I would suggest to making it something like this or like And then once you do that, turn < ? You mean here 00:50:271 ? Well I was avoiding stacking at Normal so I did your second suggestion -w-
00:52:022 (5,6,1) - In to something like this Or how ever you want it. I personally think that it looks better that way, and you would be able to use more of the grid space :) < Changed it the other way ~
01:20:271 (6,7,8) - These feel too close to 01:18:519 (3,4) - I would suggest something similar to this That way, you use more grid space and it would be more fun to play < Would be hard to DS that way x-x
00:54:650 (1,2,3,4) - I feel as if these jumps are too close to each other. The pattern of the jumps also seem unusual, I understand that it is a hard difficulty but try to space them out more or make a different jump so that it is easier for the player to read. < I like it the way it is :/ it's like increasing jumps and I don't want to make too much jump for Hard x-x
Nothing much wrong with it. Although I do feel as if you are able to map the ending. But that is just my opinion. You do not have to do it :)
Overall I really like your map. Hopefully I contributed to the process of your beatmap ^_^
Thank you for mod -w-

bestza55567 wrote:

- Your notes are 1/2 beats earlier than the song. < What? o-o
- move all the notes and see my mod
01:18:519 (4,5) - Fix Blanket < uhh .-. what do you want me to blanket it with?
03:58:811 (1,3) - Make 3 more parallel to 1 > ? I don't get it... .-.
02:32:095 (3) - Parallel? > I'm pretty sure that's a note...
03:04:285 (4,1) - Why suddenly jump here? IMO jump here didn't make any sense.
03:22:898 (3) - Blanket to 1 ?
04:04:942 (3) - Stack to 04:03:409 (4) - ?
01:14:796 (2) - 1/1 please
01:34:285 (6) - move to 01:34:504 - would make more sense
01:39:322 (2) - move to 01:39:541 - would make more sense
02:38:884 (2,4) - Fix Blanket
03:05:599 (5) - Copy and paste 03:04:504 (4) - and place at 03:05:380 -
Suggestions : Some 1/2 in this map is hard to read (You can know it if play with DT. Try my suggestions)
Sorry I can't really apply your mod since I don't understand what do you mean with my notes are 1/2 beats earlier than the song. Is my BPM wrong? or is it my offset? And because of that the timing at your mod are shifted...
Thank you anyway ^^
M4M. I remember modding this map back a while ago. Let's try another.

  1. 00:31:000 (3) - The sort of jump here does feel random, considering there's no strong beat on this note. Maybe something like this could work out better.
  2. 00:33:190 (5) - Very strong beat on the downbeat. I don't think it should be ignored with the sliderend. I suggest changing it to either of these two suggestions: 1 or 2.
  3. 01:02:533 (3) - Quite a lot of spacing for a very quiet sound here, don't you think? I suggest reworking this pattern here to either emphasise a beat on 01:02:971 or to keep constant spacing here. Remember that this is a calm part, so you don't want to overwork it.
  4. 03:04:285 (1,2,3) - Just a bit of a minor inconsistency here. Similar to 03:32:314 (1) - , you should emphasise the instrument here, as it is quite a unique part on its own.
  5. 03:38:446 (3) - Slightly off-stacked. Double check this.
  1. 01:40:854 (5,6) - Flow is a bit choppy here, since it looks like it goes off 4 to the right, but then shifts upwards. I'd suggest positioning 6 more to the right.

Still great.
Hi~Mod from my queue~:3
Very nice map and nice song~~:3
So just write some very tiny personal suggestions~

  1. 00:32:314 (2) - Move this slider to x450|y80 to make 00:31:000 (3,2) - a blanket. That looks better imo~:3
  2. 00:48:300 (3,4,5,1) - Maybe you can make this pattern into a square like this:
  3. 00:58:811 (2,3) - I think you'd better ‘exchange’ these two sliders. I mean, change 00:58:811 (2) - to a normal slider and 00:59:468 (3) - to a reverse slider is better. Because here's a long vocal from 00:59:249 - to 00:59:687 - , which is a better position to use a reverse slider. Also, it could increase the distance between 00:59:249 (3) - and 00:59:906 (1) - , which is also a nice way to emphasize the stress in 00:59:906 (1) -
  4. 01:01:657 (1) - Move this slider to x280|y152. That could make a rhombic shape like this:
    And if you decide to change like that, you may need some little changing for the following objects as well~~
  5. 01:16:548 (3,4,5,6) - Make this 4 notes into a smooth arc could be a good choice imo~like this:
  6. 01:36:256 (4) - Stack this slider tail to the head of 01:34:942 (1) - ~That looks neater imo. So you may change 01:35:599 (2,3,4) - like this:
  7. 01:46:329 (3,4,1) - Flow is a bit strange here. You may rotate 01:46:329 (3) - by 15° (anti-clockwise, Selection Centre Origin); Then ctrl+g 01:47:205 (1) - for a better flow & better shape~:D
  8. 01:59:468 (1,2,3,4) - ewww this pattern looks a little weird imo, why not change to a symmetric pattern? For example:
  9. 02:01:219 (1,2,3,4,5,1) - Also you could make this part neater by just a little change, like this:
  10. 02:19:176 (2) - Maybe ctrl+j this slider could be better?
  11. 02:25:526 (5,4) - Stack them maybe? That looks neater, so you may need to move 02:25:745 (1,2,3,4,5) - this whole part slightly
  12. 02:38:008 (1,2,3) - Flow is a bit strange here. Change like this?
  13. 02:51:146 (3,4,5) - Move this part slightly like this could get a better flow~
  14. 02:57:059 (5) - Move to x57|y219 for better shape?
  15. 03:27:716 (2,3,5) - Blanket?
  16. 03:45:453 (3,4,5,1) - Flow is strange. (I find you prefer using Blanket patterns everywhere XDD) Try something different maybe?
  17. 03:50:708 (3) - Move 03:50:708 (3) - to x70|y316 to make 03:50:708 (3,4,5) - a straight line
  18. 04:11:949 (3) - Stack this slider's tail to 04:10:198 (3) -
  19. 04:19:614 (1) - Ctrl+g could make a better flow imo~
  20. 04:25:745 (4,5,1) - Also, flow is strange here。 Move 04:26:183 (5) - to x225|y248

Normal diff is fine imo, nothing to point out~:3

And what I really want to say is, you may try to use more kinds of patterns in your map in the future, not just only use blanket XD. Blanket is a good pattern but it is not a good pattern if you use it too many times, especially in Hard/Insane/Extra diff.

Anyway~This is still a nice map~Good job~ ;)
GL for rank~:D
Topic Starter

DahplA wrote:

M4M. I remember modding this map back a while ago. Let's try another. < Lol, I don't even remember xD

  1. 00:31:000 (3) - The sort of jump here does feel random, considering there's no strong beat on this note. Maybe something like this could work out better. < Hmm I don't really like the shape >.< furthermore it's just a small jump, so I think it should be alright...
  2. 00:33:190 (5) - Very strong beat on the downbeat. I don't think it should be ignored with the sliderend. I suggest changing it to either of these two suggestions: 1 or 2. < Fixed to the first one.
  3. 01:02:533 (3) - Quite a lot of spacing for a very quiet sound here, don't you think? I suggest reworking this pattern here to either emphasise a beat on 01:02:971 or to keep constant spacing here. Remember that this is a calm part, so you don't want to overwork it. < Supporting the increasing sound with a slider that comes from the bottom looks cool :D and the sound should be bigger at the 3th beat than the 4th beat.
  4. 03:04:285 (1,2,3) - Just a bit of a minor inconsistency here. Similar to 03:32:314 (1) - , you should emphasise the instrument here, as it is quite a unique part on its own. < Doesn't matter for me, it still support the drum nicely
  5. 03:38:446 (3) - Slightly off-stacked. Double check this. < Fix
  1. 01:40:854 (5,6) - Flow is a bit choppy here, since it looks like it goes off 4 to the right, but then shifts upwards. I'd suggest positioning 6 more to the right. < Fix

Still great.
Thank you for second mod xD Next~

Streliteela wrote:

Hi~Mod from my queue~:3
Very nice map and nice song~~:3
So just write some very tiny personal suggestions~

  1. 00:32:314 (2) - Move this slider to x450|y80 to make 00:31:000 (3,2) - a blanket. That looks better imo~:3 < Hmm... I don't really want to do that :/ I want to make it somehow "balanced" with (1)
  2. 00:48:300 (3,4,5,1) - Maybe you can make this pattern into a square like this: < tried
  3. 00:58:811 (2,3) - I think you'd better ‘exchange’ these two sliders. I mean, change 00:58:811 (2) - to a normal slider and 00:59:468 (3) - to a reverse slider is better. Because here's a long vocal from 00:59:249 - to 00:59:687 - , which is a better position to use a reverse slider. Also, it could increase the distance between 00:59:249 (3) - and 00:59:906 (1) - , which is also a nice way to emphasize the stress in 00:59:906 (1) - < I tried to avoid placing slider at red tick, but I think this one is kinda exception :D But I don't add jump to (1) because I ctrl+g-ed (3) since it would flow better from (2) that way
  4. 01:01:657 (1) - Move this slider to x280|y152. That could make a rhombic shape like this: < too lazy to make a nice flow afterwards xD I don't want the jump to be too far tho
    And if you decide to change like that, you may need some little changing for the following objects as well~~
  5. 01:16:548 (3,4,5,6) - Make this 4 notes into a smooth arc could be a good choice imo~like this: < Fixed (?)
  6. 01:36:256 (4) - Stack this slider tail to the head of 01:34:942 (1) - ~That looks neater imo. So you may change 01:35:599 (2,3,4) - like this: < It's look complicated and hard to read >.< and the stack don't really visible at playfield so I don't really think that's fatal
  7. 01:46:329 (3,4,1) - Flow is a bit strange here. You may rotate 01:46:329 (3) - by 15° (anti-clockwise, Selection Centre Origin); Then ctrl+g 01:47:205 (1) - for a better flow & better shape~:D < Uhh I think rotating (3) counter clockwise will make it even more pointy since the current one which kinda point to the right will support the flow from (2) better because it also going to the right. And I don't think ctrl+g (1) would work nicely either because take a look at the current flow and the one with reversed (1) feel worse for me x-x
  8. 01:59:468 (1,2,3,4) - ewww this pattern looks a little weird imo, why not change to a symmetric pattern? For example: < Okay, I move (4)'s reverse to the left a bit for a slightly better flow.
  9. 02:01:219 (1,2,3,4,5,1) - Also you could make this part neater by just a little change, like this: < Okay
  10. 02:19:176 (2) - Maybe ctrl+j this slider could be better? < Fix
  11. 02:25:526 (5,4) - Stack them maybe? That looks neater, so you may need to move 02:25:745 (1,2,3,4,5) - this whole part slightly < Too lazy to move, it's not visible at playfield so it wouldn't be a problem
  12. 02:38:008 (1,2,3) - Flow is a bit strange here. Change like this? < Fix
  13. 02:51:146 (3,4,5) - Move this part slightly like this could get a better flow~ < It kinda on purpose, let the flow broken there xD
  14. 02:57:059 (5) - Move to x57|y219 for better shape? < Okay
  15. 03:27:716 (2,3,5) - Blanket? < Sure
  16. 03:45:453 (3,4,5,1) - Flow is strange. (I find you prefer using Blanket patterns everywhere XDD) Try something different maybe? < Changed it the other way, yeah, I like blankets, I prefer tidy placement and blanket make it looks tidy.
  17. 03:50:708 (3) - Move 03:50:708 (3) - to x70|y316 to make 03:50:708 (3,4,5) - a straight line < That's not really necessary imo, I prefer my current triangle pattern with (2)'s tail
  18. 04:11:949 (3) - Stack this slider's tail to 04:10:198 (3) - < Must I? .-.
  19. 04:19:614 (1) - Ctrl+g could make a better flow imo~ < Fix
  20. 04:25:745 (4,5,1) - Also, flow is strange here。 Move 04:26:183 (5) - to x225|y248 < Okay, kinda make it that way.

Normal diff is fine imo, nothing to point out~:3

And what I really want to say is, you may try to use more kinds of patterns in your map in the future, not just only use blanket XD. Blanket is a good pattern but it is not a good pattern if you use it too many times, especially in Hard/Insane/Extra diff. < lol, I think it's because I was still very rigid when I made this map xD Then I thought that every note should have reason why they are there. But my current map is more free -w-

Anyway~This is still a nice map~Good job~ ;)
GL for rank~:D
Thank you for mod both of you -w-
Ozato Fumika
Love the song. good luck!
Topic Starter

Moeka wrote:

Love the song. good luck!
Spread still questionable in my opinion . Do you want me to make more easier Hard to fix spread issues? I'm available to do it :D
Okay no

EDIT: I will mod this later and try to make spread becomes acceptable :D
Hello~ M4M~


  • 00:41:511 (3,4) - It's not stream, nor short slider. I don't think circle after repeat slider is good for map. personal suggestion:01:19:833 (3) - To add hitsound, remove repeat and add 1/2 sliders will be good imo.
    02:28:373 (3) - I don't think red anchor is need. you can use simple curve sliders.
    02:52:679 (3,4) - I can't understand this jump. There's no big sound to add such jumps. You can try this:03:31:219 (2,3) - similar as above. you can try stacking (2) with end of (1). This part seems to add some little bit jump imo.


  • 00:52:898 (1) - Well, personally I fill this after part if I make this song. This short break time looks unnecessary, don't fit well.
    02:34:504 (1) - ^
    04:16:110 (1) - ^
    03:27:935 (3) - down end of the slider. It looks unnatural.

Nice map! I can't fine big issues. Have a star. Btw over 5 min song time for ranked? lol GL! :)
Hi! M4M from your queue

00:50:708 (4,1,2) - Blanket is pretty off
00:52:898 (1,2) - ^
01:06:475 (4,2) - Stack these
01:14:577 (2,3) - Blanket
01:18:300 (4,5) - Fix blanket
01:32:095 (2,1,3) - Are not 100% stacked
01:33:847 (3,4) - Fix this blanket
01:40:198 (1,2) - ^
01:46:986 (4,1,2) - ^
01:48:957 (1) - This slider could look better
01:55:964 (1,4) - Why do these not seem 100% stacked to me o:
02:03:409 (2,3) - ^
02:29:249 (1,4) - Fix this blanket
02:43:263 (1,2) - ^
03:04:066 (4,1) - This can look better
03:20:052 (1,1) - These sliders should be identical
03:39:760 (2) - You should try to stack this with 03:38:446 (3) - 's sliderend
03:44:577 (1) - This one could look a little bit better, specially with the blanket with 03:45:453 (3) -

Sorry for the incredibly nazi mod, it's all I could do!
Topic Starter

Sangzin wrote:

Hello~ M4M~


  • 00:41:511 (3,4) - It's not stream, nor short slider. I don't think circle after repeat slider is good for map. personal suggestion: < good suggestion, I would prefer to use normal 1/4 slider instead of repeat one there; but when I think about it more, I prefer not to change it for variation, the current rhythm still follow the music well tho01:19:833 (3) - To add hitsound, remove repeat and add 1/2 sliders will be good imo. < The vocal fit 1/1 reverse slider too much ;-; slacking a bit of hitsound won't hurt
    02:28:373 (3) - I don't think red anchor is need. you can use simple curve sliders. < I make the first part straight to make it parallel with the straight part of (1), and the rest curved to blanket it.
    02:52:679 (3,4) - I can't understand this jump. There's no big sound to add such jumps. You can try this: < Your spoilerbox is empty .-. tried to think of something else myself (yes, I removed the jump)03:31:219 (2,3) - similar as above. you can try stacking (2) with end of (1). This part seems to add some little bit jump imo. < Stacked (2) with (3)'s head. I hate stacking notes at the end of slider >.<


  • 00:52:898 (1) - Well, personally I fill this after part if I make this song. This short break time looks unnecessary, don't fit well. < Adding short break there because I think for Normal, a single break at 04:47:643 would be too far. Same below
    02:34:504 (1) - ^
    04:16:110 (1) - ^
    03:27:935 (3) - down end of the slider. It looks unnatural. < Modified it a bit

Nice map! I can't fine big issues. Have a star. Btw over 5 min song time for ranked? lol GL! :)
Thank you for mod -w- Yeah, 5 mins song for ranked, I'm just that awesome orz nope

Zectro wrote:

Hi! M4M from your queue

00:50:708 (4,1,2) - Blanket is pretty off
00:52:898 (1,2) - ^
01:06:475 (4,2) - Stack these
01:14:577 (2,3) - Blanket
01:18:300 (4,5) - Fix blanket
01:32:095 (2,1,3) - Are not 100% stacked
01:33:847 (3,4) - Fix this blanket
01:40:198 (1,2) - ^
01:46:986 (4,1,2) - ^
01:48:957 (1) - This slider could look better
01:55:964 (1,4) - Why do these not seem 100% stacked to me o:
02:03:409 (2,3) - ^
02:29:249 (1,4) - Fix this blanket
02:43:263 (1,2) - ^
03:04:066 (4,1) - This can look better
03:20:052 (1,1) - These sliders should be identical < Looks identical enough for me
03:39:760 (2) - You should try to stack this with 03:38:446 (3) - 's sliderend
03:44:577 (1) - This one could look a little bit better, specially with the blanket with 03:45:453 (3) -

Sorry for the incredibly nazi mod, it's all I could do!
Okay, try to fix some, thank you for mod~
Sawai Miku :3

  1. 04:19:614 - Unnessesary green line. I see this line on Hard diff. If you don't want to delete it, change volume to 40%.
  2. 00:30:125 (3) - How about this thingy?
  3. 00:49:395 (1,2,3) - I personally don't like this flow though... It's super linear and super boring zzz. I preferr to move 00:50:271 (2) - around 288|108 to avoid linear pattern.
  4. 01:20:927 (8,1) - You should swap these NC for downbeat consistency.
  5. 04:45:015 (2) - Why you just put circle instead of 1/2 slider on red tick? There's a nice sound !!
  6. 05:11:292 (4) - Uhh nazi, move this to 112|336 for betta blankett.
  1. 00:29:249 (3) - I highly recommend to ctrl H this slider to assist flow.
  2. 00:31:876 (1) - Try to put it on 376|280. This placement improve gameplay imo.
  3. 00:54:212 (4,5,1,2,3,4) - This part.. so misleading, soo confused maxz... asdf
  4. 01:07:570 (2,1) - Uhh, try to avoid overlap.
Ok, that's all. Nothing much to say. GL !

00:32:971 (4) - Fix Triangle
00:34:942 (6) - Sounds weird alone... Maybe try:
00:48:957 (5) - Same as before, still recommending you add another circle maybe?
02:04:066 (4) - Fix Triangle
02:04:723 (1) - Fix Blanket yo
02:16:657 (4) - Maybe add another circle to the red beat, i feel like it sounds better that way, the lone blue sounds to quick, messes with the flow.
02:22:022 (5) - Fix Triianngglleee
02:23:336 (2) - TSSKKKK ^
03:27:935 (3) - .......

I wont mark all of them but alot of your triangles are off, try looking through your map and fixing them.
I had to go at this point but i recommend you work on those triangles, Ill probably do the rest later in a quick
edit, good luck with your mapping.
Topic Starter

Kalibe wrote:

Sawai Miku :3

  1. 04:19:614 - Unnessesary green line. I see this line on Hard diff. If you don't want to delete it, change volume to 40%. < removed that
  2. 00:30:125 (3) - How about this thingy? < Fix
  3. 00:49:395 (1,2,3) - I personally don't like this flow though... It's super linear and super boring zzz. I preferr to move 00:50:271 (2) - around 288|108 to avoid linear pattern. < the flow from (1) would be kinda distracted that way... Change it a bit tho
  4. 01:20:927 (8,1) - You should swap these NC for downbeat consistency. < wut, why don't I realize this o-o fix
  5. 04:45:015 (2) - Why you just put circle instead of 1/2 slider on red tick? There's a nice sound !! < Doesn't really matter, I ignore the sound there pretty much. The current rhythm still cover the song nicely imo
  6. 05:11:292 (4) - Uhh nazi, move this to 112|336 for betta blankett. < fix
  1. 00:29:249 (3) - I highly recommend to ctrl H this slider to assist flow. < Good point, ctrl+h it and rotate it a bit. But then I realize it would break the flow to (4) so I end up changing (4) and (5) to a single 1/2 slider
  2. 00:31:876 (1) - Try to put it on 376|280. This placement improve gameplay imo. < okay
  3. 00:54:212 (4,5,1,2,3,4) - This part.. so misleading, soo confused maxz... asdf < let's see if that'll fix it
  4. 01:07:570 (2,1) - Uhh, try to avoid overlap. < on purpose tho, a nice slider bow
Ok, that's all. Nothing much to say. GL !
Thank you for mod -w-

CaptainMimi wrote:


00:32:971 (4) - Fix Triangle < comment about triangles below
00:34:942 (6) - Sounds weird alone... Maybe try: < nah there's no sound at red tick, if you delete the 1/4 slider, you can clearly hear sound at blue tick and mapping that sound alone should be fine, same below
00:48:957 (5) - Same as before, still recommending you add another circle maybe?
02:04:066 (4) - Fix Triangle
02:04:723 (1) - Fix Blanket yo < fix
02:16:657 (4) - Maybe add another circle to the red beat, i feel like it sounds better that way, the lone blue sounds to quick, messes with the flow.
02:22:022 (5) - Fix Triianngglleee
02:23:336 (2) - TSSKKKK ^
03:27:935 (3) - .......

I wont mark all of them but alot of your triangles are off, try looking through your map and fixing them.
I had to go at this point but i recommend you work on those triangles, Ill probably do the rest later in a quick
edit, good luck with your mapping.
< The triangles should be fine the way they are, people wont notice a slight deformed triangle in gameplay except the triangle is really REALLY deformed, but I don't think mine are that deformed so they should be fine the way they are. No need to be super nazi about that.
Thank you for mod~
Hi, from my modding queue~ EDIT: I deleted some calculation here. (I made a calculation of sth and I misplaced it.)


  1. Some spacing errors. > 02:08:227 (3,4) - 02:46:110 (2,3) .
  2. 01:11:073 (2) - I would extend this slider so it'll end here 01:11:511 to follow the vocal.
  3. 01:59:468 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,1,2,3) - A circle flow here's kinda plain imo.
  4. 03:29:468 (5,6,1) - The flow's kinda weird. Same applies to 05:05:161 (1,2) .
  5. 04:44:796 - Actually, there should be sth here so the players wouldn't confused from earlier patterns of rhythm. But I can see you're trying to do 1/1 beat spacings so yeah.

  1. 00:46:329 (2,3) - Move them down a bit. They're so close to the life bar.
  2. 04:18:738 (3,4) - Why the positioning of 04:19:285 (4) is so weird lol. I would either move 04:19:285 (4) or reshape 04:18:738 (3) a bit to become less curvy so it flows better.
I didn't do anything much in Hard because the map is good now + I feel pretty sleepy now. gonna get some sleep after this
Hope my mod helped somehow, good luck~
Topic Starter

Electoz wrote:

Hi, from my modding queue~ EDIT: I deleted some calculation here. (I made a calculation of sth and I misplaced it.)


  1. Some spacing errors. > 02:08:227 (3,4) - 02:46:110 (2,3) . < Fix
  2. 01:11:073 (2) - I would extend this slider so it'll end here 01:11:511 to follow the vocal. < Okay
  3. 01:59:468 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,1,2,3) - A circle flow here's kinda plain imo. < Looks fine for me
  4. 03:29:468 (5,6,1) - The flow's kinda weird. Same applies to 05:05:161 (1,2) . < Just a bit broken flow, won't affect that much
  5. 04:44:796 - Actually, there should be sth here so the players wouldn't confused from earlier patterns of rhythm. But I can see you're trying to do 1/1 beat spacings so yeah. < Well, it's 1/1 rhythm so it wouldn't be that hard to read. ^^

  1. 00:46:329 (2,3) - Move them down a bit. They're so close to the life bar. < Stacked them at (4)'s head. Hope it play well.
  2. 04:18:738 (3,4) - Why the positioning of 04:19:285 (4) is so weird lol. I would either move 04:19:285 (4) or reshape 04:18:738 (3) a bit to become less curvy so it flows better. < Don't really matter that much imo... Move it upward a bit tho so it flow a bit better.
I didn't do anything much in Hard because the map is good now + I feel pretty sleepy now. gonna get some sleep after this
Hope my mod helped somehow, good luck~
Thank you for mod ^^
check that out

i should learn how to read
Heyo~ From your queue.
  1. I'm a bit worried about that gap between the two diffs. The Hard looks in some parts like an
    Insane because of the jumps and anti­flow. Personally I feel the diff is a bit too hard to name it
    "Hard" but it might just be me. The best thing would be to place another diff between them named
    "Advanced" or something like that. This said, if you make the Hard diff easier then the gap will
    obviously be fine.
  1. 00:31:876 (1) ­ Placing a jump here makes more sense to me since the new vocal starts
    here and it's strong.
  2. 00:34:066 (3) ­ Making this straight slider almost similar to 00:33:190 (5) ­ causes a bit weird
    flow imo (If you understand what I mean, since the flow goes down and then down again.) I would
    rather replace that straight slider with a curved one and make it face the opposite direction for a
    different flow. (I can't use puush atm so sorry for not giving you a visual)
  3. 00:36:694 (4,2) ­ I would try stacking this or avoid the overlap.
  4. 00:38:446 (4,4) ­ I understand your intentions here with the stack but this stack causes (4) to
    overlap with 00:38:665 (5) ­ which I would rather avoid for neatness reasons.
  5. 00:41:511 (3) ­ Not sure if such a big jump like this is reasonable here since the vocals isn't that
    strong and doesn't really suggest a jump.
  6. 00:42:387 (1) ­ Why is this jump so small? In comparison with this jump: 00:40:416 (5,1) ­ it
    doesn't make sense that the jump here: 00:42:387 (1) ­ is smaller. Especially since the pause
    there is longer.
  7. 00:42:059 (4,2) ­ Uhh, overlappings like this is really unnecessary imo.
  8. 00:45:015 (3,4,1) ­ Start mapping this pattern on the left side of the grid please to avoid all the
    unnecessary overlaps and crammed patterns.
  9. 00:45:453 (4,1) ­ Same as 00:42:387 (1) ­ Your jumps' spacings are inconsistent and it's not a
    good idea to make the jumps bigger on beats that isn't that strong and smaller on beats that are
    more important for emphasis.
  10. 00:48:957 (5) ­ Why make the jump here bigger than here: 00:34:942 (6) ­ ? Since they have
    the same pattern and rhythm, I suggest you make their spacings consistent.
  11. 00:50:271 (3) ­ Rather not place this slider here. It causes a bad overlap with 00:48:957 (5) ­
    There is a much better alternative afterall.
  12. 00:50:271 (3,4) ­ Spacings and placements like this doesn't really suit a Hard imo especially
    since the vocal isn't strong enough to suggest a jump.
  13. 00:52:460 (3,1) ­ Anti­flow like this suits Insanes more and not Hards.
  14. 00:54:212 (4,5,1,2,3,4,5) ­ For a slow and calm song like this, I'm not sure if these overlaps are
    the best choice since it looks more untidy. Personally I think it would be better to avoid the
  15. 00:59:249 (3) ­ Why place a jump here but not here: 00:58:154 (1) ­ or here: 00:59:906 (1) ­
  16. 01:02:095 (2,3) ­ Whoa, very big jump here >.< I highly suggest you shorten the jump.
  17. There is still a lot of places where your jumps are inconsistent with others or where certain
    jumps doesn't make sense. I won't point out all of them since that will take too long but I will point
    out jumps that really stand out for me.
  18. 01:24:431 (1) ­ Why won't you place a jump here? The vocals clearly suggests it.
  19. 01:27:935 (1) ­ Rather place a jump here and not here: 01:28:592 (2) ­ The vocal is stronger at
    (1) and it makes more sense.
  20. 01:31:438 (1,4) ­ Perfect this stack.
  21. 01:38:446 (1) ­ Jump?
  22. 01:48:519 (4) ­ This jump looks so inconsistent and it looks weird that you would rather place a
    jump there but not here: 01:48:957 (1) ­
  23. 01:48:957 (1) ­ This slider's shape is pretty weird >.< It can be improved imo.
  24. 01:59:030 (4,2,3) ­ Not a fan of these overlaps. Try to place (2) and (3) somewhere where they
    won't overlap. There is an entire grid so overlaps can be avoided.
  25. 02:04:723 (1,3) ­ Perfect the stack
  26. 02:52:022 (1,2) ­ Stacking like this prevents smooth flow. You didn't do it anywhere else in the
    previous part of the diff so rather stay consistent.
I'm rather gonna end my mod here because I don't want it to be too long and I don't want to repeat
myself the whole time. Your rhythm is good but the jumps, placements and certain flow­parts can
still do with improvement. Mostly the jumps: You have many jumps in this Hard diff and I
understand this is your hardest diff but it should still meet the requirements for a Hard imo, thus
only place jumps where you hear the vocals are strong and also keep the jumps consistent. Don't
place jumps randomly. You have to listen to the music/vocals and place your jumps according to
that. Neatness­wise: I'm a mapper/modder that loves tidy maps, meaning that I usually try my best
to avoid unnecessary overlaps by using the entire grid. That can still be improved here imo. Just
go through the diff and try to see where you can avoid unnecesary overlaps. There's usually
always a better alternative.
  1. The AR of 5 is too high for the easiest diff. I remember that one of my maps got DQ'ed
    because of this. An AR of 4 will be fine.
  2. 00:32:752 (2,3,4) ­ The spacing here looks inconsistent. (4) is too close to (3).
  3. 00:37:570 (3,4,1) ­ Here too. The DS that has to be used is 1.00X. Make sure that all the
    spacings in this diff is consistent.
  4. 01:10:416 (1,2,3,1,2,3) ­ These two combos go to 3 but the rest goes up to 7/6 so make sure
    your NC patterns are consistent.
  5. 01:32:095 (3) ­ Not sure if the vocals really suggest a wiggly slider like this. A normal curved
    slider would work fine imo.
  6. 01:52:460 (1,1) ­ The reaction time between the spinner and the next note looks rather short for
    the easiest diff. You can remove this: 01:55:088 (1) ­
  7. 03:27:059 (1,4) ­ This overlap can be avoided. Just move (4) to X:504 Y:64 to form a blanket
    with 03:27:716 (2) ­
  8. 03:34:066 (1,1) ­ Same as 01:52:460 (1,1) ­
This diff has a lot of 1/2 rhythms which is rather difficult for the easiest diff. The easiest diff is
usually meant for the beginners and has to be on their level. I guess you can check with a QAT or
BN if this is fine, but personally I don't think so. Adding an Easy diff will be the best choice imo or
you can lessen the 1/2 rhythms if you make the Hard easier.
Overall, this is quite a nice set so far. I just think the spread can still be improved.
Good Luck~!
Topic Starter

-Nya- wrote:

Heyo~ From your queue.
  1. I'm a bit worried about that gap between the two diffs. The Hard looks in some parts like an
    Insane because of the jumps and anti­flow. Personally I feel the diff is a bit too hard to name it
    "Hard" but it might just be me. The best thing would be to place another diff between them named
    "Advanced" or something like that. This said, if you make the Hard diff easier then the gap will
    obviously be fine. < I'm currently trying to make Hard easier x-x
  1. 00:31:876 (1) ­ Placing a jump here makes more sense to me since the new vocal starts
    here and it's strong. < Hmm, pretty hard to change the place without making it overlap with (3) T-T any suggestion?
  2. 00:34:066 (3) ­ Making this straight slider almost similar to 00:33:190 (5) ­ causes a bit weird
    flow imo (If you understand what I mean, since the flow goes down and then down again.) I would
    rather replace that straight slider with a curved one and make it face the opposite direction for a
    different flow. (I can't use puush atm so sorry for not giving you a visual) < Yeah, I just realized that, curved it
  3. 00:36:694 (4,2) ­ I would try stacking this or avoid the overlap. < It's not really visible in the gameplay tho so I think it should be fine...
  4. 00:38:446 (4,4) ­ I understand your intentions here with the stack but this stack causes (4) to
    overlap with 00:38:665 (5) ­ which I would rather avoid for neatness reasons. < (5) already gone before slider (4) appear (you can see it if you enable hit animation at "view" menu) so it should be fine
  5. 00:41:511 (3) ­ Not sure if such a big jump like this is reasonable here since the vocals isn't that
    strong and doesn't really suggest a jump. < Okay, fixed it looks good right? :D
  6. 00:42:387 (1) ­ Why is this jump so small? In comparison with this jump: 00:40:416 (5,1) ­ it
    doesn't make sense that the jump here: 00:42:387 (1) ­ is smaller. Especially since the pause
    there is longer. < fixed with the previous mod, the spacing is 1.20 now
  7. 00:42:059 (4,2) ­ Uhh, overlappings like this is really unnecessary imo. < It's fixed now, but even previously, (4)'s already gone when (2) appeared so it should be fine nonetheless.
  8. 00:45:015 (3,4,1) ­ Start mapping this pattern on the left side of the grid please to avoid all the
    unnecessary overlaps and crammed patterns.< Moved (1), it's minor overlap tho.
  9. 00:45:453 (4,1) ­ Same as 00:42:387 (1) ­ Your jumps' spacings are inconsistent and it's not a
    good idea to make the jumps bigger on beats that isn't that strong and smaller on beats that are
    more important for emphasis. < 00:45:891 is pretty big sound imo, reduced the jump a bit (?)
  10. 00:48:957 (5) ­ Why make the jump here bigger than here: 00:34:942 (6) ­ ? Since they have
    the same pattern and rhythm, I suggest you make their spacings consistent. < The jump from (4)? okay fixed it
  11. 00:50:271 (3) ­ Rather not place this slider here. It causes a bad overlap with 00:48:957 (5) ­
    There is a much better alternative afterall. < (5) is not there anymore when (3) appeared .-.
  12. 00:50:271 (3,4) ­ Spacings and placements like this doesn't really suit a Hard imo especially
    since the vocal isn't strong enough to suggest a jump. < Okay, hope that's alright now
  13. 00:52:460 (3,1) ­ Anti­flow like this suits Insanes more and not Hards. < fixed with the previous mod since I changed the whole pattern.
  14. 00:54:212 (4,5,1,2,3,4,5) ­ For a slow and calm song like this, I'm not sure if these overlaps are
    the best choice since it looks more untidy. Personally I think it would be better to avoid the
    overlaps. < okay, stack them instead
  15. 00:59:249 (3) ­ Why place a jump here but not here: 00:58:154 (1) ­ or here: 00:59:906 (1) ­
  16. 01:02:095 (2,3) ­ Whoa, very big jump here >.< I highly suggest you shorten the jump. < Ctrl+g-ed (3) and removed (4) entirely ( since I don't know where to place it x-x)
  17. There is still a lot of places where your jumps are inconsistent with others or where certain
    jumps doesn't make sense. I won't point out all of them since that will take too long but I will point
    out jumps that really stand out for me.
  18. 01:24:431 (1) ­ Why won't you place a jump here? The vocals clearly suggests it. < Just let it be this time~
  19. 01:27:935 (1) ­ Rather place a jump here and not here: 01:28:592 (2) ­ The vocal is stronger at
    (1) and it makes more sense. < Keep the "not jump", changed the star jump pattern instead
  20. 01:31:438 (1,4) ­ Perfect this stack. < fix
  21. 01:38:446 (1) ­ Jump? < Should be alright
  22. 01:48:519 (4) ­ This jump looks so inconsistent and it looks weird that you would rather place a
    jump there but not here: 01:48:957 (1) ­ < Ehh, this one feels kinda nice tho, like you did a little jump before doing a little pause and so you could feel the "pound" more ^-^
  23. 01:48:957 (1) ­ This slider's shape is pretty weird >.< It can be improved imo. < I liked it
  24. 01:59:030 (4,2,3) ­ Not a fan of these overlaps. Try to place (2) and (3) somewhere where they
    won't overlap. There is an entire grid so overlaps can be avoided. < just a brief overlap, shouldn't be too noticeable at gameplay, should be fine
  25. 02:04:723 (1,3) ­ Perfect the stack
  26. 02:52:022 (1,2) ­ Stacking like this prevents smooth flow. You didn't do it anywhere else in the
    previous part of the diff so rather stay consistent. < Yeah, I did that to remove jump before... Let's see if this one'll works
I'm rather gonna end my mod here because I don't want it to be too long and I don't want to repeat
myself the whole time. Your rhythm is good but the jumps, placements and certain flow­parts can
still do with improvement. Mostly the jumps: You have many jumps in this Hard diff and I
understand this is your hardest diff but it should still meet the requirements for a Hard imo, thus
only place jumps where you hear the vocals are strong and also keep the jumps consistent. Don't
place jumps randomly. You have to listen to the music/vocals and place your jumps according to
that. Neatness­wise: I'm a mapper/modder that loves tidy maps, meaning that I usually try my best
to avoid unnecessary overlaps by using the entire grid. That can still be improved here imo. Just
go through the diff and try to see where you can avoid unnecesary overlaps. There's usually
always a better alternative. < I agree about your jumps suggestion, but about the overlaps, I understand you don't like overlaps, as I also do. But most of the time, the "overlap" you mention is "invisible" or "barely visible" that it can't be seen on gameplay so it shouldn't be a problem. I become less nazi about overlaps since I realized this. And sometimes I think a bit overlap should be alright. But mostly, yes, overlaps are bad. BTW, my Hard star diff reduced 0.03 star xD that's nice :D
  1. The AR of 5 is too high for the easiest diff. I remember that one of my maps got DQ'ed
    because of this. An AR of 4 will be fine. < fix
  2. 00:32:752 (2,3,4) ­ The spacing here looks inconsistent. (4) is too close to (3). < fix
  3. 00:37:570 (3,4,1) ­ Here too. The DS that has to be used is 1.00X. Make sure that all the
    spacings in this diff is consistent. < fix
  4. 01:10:416 (1,2,3,1,2,3) ­ These two combos go to 3 but the rest goes up to 7/6 so make sure
    your NC patterns are consistent. < Whoops, maybe missed that, fix
  5. 01:32:095 (3) ­ Not sure if the vocals really suggest a wiggly slider like this. A normal curved
    slider would work fine imo. < Changed it to this
  6. 01:52:460 (1,1) ­ The reaction time between the spinner and the next note looks rather short for
    the easiest diff. You can remove this: 01:55:088 (1) ­< The min spinner gap for Normal is 2 beats and this fulfill the criteria so I think it should be fine
  7. 03:27:059 (1,4) ­ This overlap can be avoided. Just move (4) to X:504 Y:64 to form a blanket
    with 03:27:716 (2) ­< Damn, that would be hella lot of DS x-x just slight overlap, shouldn't matter that much
  8. 03:34:066 (1,1) ­ Same as 01:52:460 (1,1) ­ < same as previous too
This diff has a lot of 1/2 rhythms which is rather difficult for the easiest diff. The easiest diff is
usually meant for the beginners and has to be on their level. I guess you can check with a QAT or
BN if this is fine, but personally I don't think so. Adding an Easy diff will be the best choice imo or
you can lessen the 1/2 rhythms if you make the Hard easier. < Well, it's Normal not Easy, so 1/2 pattern is pretty normal (they are not that much BTW) Furthermore, if I reduce the 1/2 pattern, it would make the diff gap to Hard bigger and cause diff spread problem again x-x Let's hope BN think this okay x-x
Overall, this is quite a nice set so far. I just think the spread can still be improved.
Good Luck~!
Thank you for mod ^^
Aoba Misaki
hiii~ 5:30, 2 diff lol
my modding's bad, but i'm hope my modding is helpful for you!

fine to me

00:43:263 (3) - stack surely 00:41:511 - head? if you fix, 00:44:577 (4) - move a bit (380/240)
00:52:898 (1) - i think no need hitsounds here. not hear finish sound.
01:01:000 (3,4) - flow with (2) circle? move (308/220) look like 03:41:073 (1,2,3,4) -
01:20:489 (7,1) - try rhythm? i think some difficult thos pattern in normal.(delete circle, increase 01:20:927 - ) if you fixed, 01:21:365 (8) - NC
01:31:438 (1) - blanket to 01:30:344 (5) - maybe, move 01:31:438 (1) - 404/60
01:48:519 (6) - move 472/64? i think better this.
02:26:621 (6) - stack surely 02:24:650 (2) - circle?
02:34:504 (1) - same 00:52:898 (1) -
03:21:146 (3) - try this? (
04:16:110 (1) - same 00:52:898 (1) -

00:38:446 (4,5) - swap clap
00:41:949 - missing clap?
01:11:730 - missing whistle tail? (normal diff 01:13:482 (6) - sets sample:auto, whistle.)
02:06:037 (3) - stack 02:05:161 - tail?
02:13:044 (4) - try ctrl+G?
02:23:993 (1) - stack 02:20:052 - head? if you fix it, 02:24:869 (3) - stack 02:24:431 - tail, 02:25:307 (4) - move a bit
02:29:249 (1) - blanket 02:28:373 (3) - head
02:29:906 (3) - remove clap
03:53:336 (1) - blanket 03:53:993 (2) -

sawai miku is love.
good luck~
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