
How to progress smartly through the basic levels of gameplay

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Will give this a try. Seems logical and may help me break the 50k rank barrier that I've been stuck at forever.
moving maps from a lower accuracy bracket to a higher one will give you a sense of satisfaction

Though i might try this

Edit : i didn't even know about the star>#.## when searching it works thanks for that
dung eater
sadly stars only tell you about the cursor waving aspect ,_, hav to try and see how difficult they are to tap, guestimate by objects and try them out

low stars (easy to aim) hard to tap maps are great for practicing tapping because you can ignore the aim part, concentrate on the tapping -high star (harder to aim) easy to tap maps on the other hand are good for practicing aim and farming pp
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jaaakb wrote:

low stars (easy to aim) hard to tap maps are great for practicing tapping because you can ignore the aim part, concentrate on the tapping
That's exactly why these will end up on the top of every bracket for most people so they'll eventually get good with tapping by playing them more than other maps.
The Gambler

jaaakb wrote:

sadly stars only tell you about the cursor waving aspect ,_, hav to try and see how difficult they are to tap, guestimate by objects and try them out

low stars (easy to aim) hard to tap maps are great for practicing tapping because you can ignore the aim part, concentrate on the tapping -high star (harder to aim) easy to tap maps on the other hand are good for practicing aim and farming pp
Renard marathons are great
By the way, what do you do with songs that fall in all categories? I was just playing a song which I have 99.16% on and failed it with 91% then got 97% on the next try and 94% on the try after that... :?

Insyni wrote:

By the way, what do you do with songs that fall in all categories? I was just playing a song which I have 99.16% on and failed it with 91% then got 97% on the next try and 94% on the try after that... :?
What? are you saying you had 99.16% but died on a difficulty spike ?

pandaBee wrote:

Insyni wrote:

By the way, what do you do with songs that fall in all categories? I was just playing a song which I have 99.16% on and failed it with 91% then got 97% on the next try and 94% on the try after that... :?
What? are you saying you had 99.16% but died on a difficulty spike ?
I mean I have FCed it twice with 99%. Then when I went back to do it again I failed. (Hyper)
I sometimes will miss the single taps randomly. Usually if I miss one I miss the rest in the sequence.

Anyways, I just put it in a lower bracket because I obviously can't read it with consistency.
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I think I mentioned somewhere that the best score counts.

Endaris wrote:

I think I mentioned somewhere that the best score counts.
When comparing it to best accuracy.

Though if you have a song you FC with 99%, then go back a few days later and only get 95% with a lower score... wouldn't it be best to move it down a few brackets?

Insyni wrote:

Though if you have a song you FC with 99%, then go back a few days later and only get 95% with a lower score... wouldn't it be best to move it down a few brackets?
I wouldn't get too worked up over it. There are certain stream maps I can finish with either 99%+ or <96% depending on my focus levels going into the map. Just go with your best score.
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This system is meant for effective practice.
If you can get a 99% FC on a song it means that the song is not suited to be good practice even if there may be some hard parts for you. Being able to fc a song with 99% acc in 9 of 10 plays is NOT the desired result of this method

The maps that will stay in the lower brackets are maps that you have serious problems with and they will often contain a lot of elements you're very inconsistent on. Essentially this method is a filter method for good practice maps - maps that present you your problem(s) in the most simple context.
Maps you can't even hope to get good acc on without actually solving the problem(s).

Look at this map for example:
My acc always drops at the concluding streams by like 2% so i usually get below 97% acc on it.
The streams are obviously my problem here in terms of acc but the map is not good to practice them cause there's literally only one problematic part at the very end(I got a 96% S on it with one sliderbreak, so I could FC it with some effort).
I got some maps in my lower brackets though that are more suited to practice streaming so if I want the brackets to represent my problem density there's no sense to put the map i linked into a lower bracket again cause the amount of problems won't change from me getting 2% acc less out of randomness.

Endaris wrote:

Being able to fc a song with 99% acc in 9 of 10 plays is NOT the desired result of this method
Why not? It's good for trying to reduce UR on maps that take a lot of focus to do well (e.g. streams)
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You will be able to do it anyway if you got better by practicing on suited maps. This was written in the sense that this isn't the criteria for bracketsorting.
Just saying that such maps are not as good for practice as others.
Also UR is something that decreases on its own as you continue to play more. I never played for UR yet it went down consistently.
Vuelo Eluko
good way to decrease ur is to play maps that aren't demanding in the aim category but are higher od than you are used to so you are getting like 96%-97% then get that up to 99

also hard rock if you are fully comfortable with ar10 and cs5.2

I really see no difference between 99% and 100%, both mean the player is playing the map at a perfect level imo, at least for me, if i get 99% it's because of mess-ups that are me related and not related to the difficulty of the map, and are usually at random parts.

xxjesus1412fanx wrote:

good way to decrease ur is to play maps that aren't demanding in the aim category but are higher od than you are used to so you are getting like 96%-97% then get that up to 99
Yup. Though I would argue that you can do this even without increasing the OD, simply by listening to the hitsounds. I can usually tell when my hitsounds are off even if I get a 300
Vuelo Eluko

pandaBee wrote:

xxjesus1412fanx wrote:

good way to decrease ur is to play maps that aren't demanding in the aim category but are higher od than you are used to so you are getting like 96%-97% then get that up to 99
Yup. Though I would argue that you can do this even without increasing the OD, simply by listening to the hitsounds. I can usually tell when my hitsounds are off even if I get a 300
wish i had that option
Playing high OD is a good idea anyway. Knowing that you can't be lazy will force you to stay focused and lower your UR over time.

Unfortunately I can't play HR so I'm stuck with OD8 and the handful of OD9 maps that I can pass/FC.

Barusamikosu wrote:

Playing high OD is a good idea anyway. Knowing that you can't be lazy will force you to stay focused and lower your UR over time.

Unfortunately I can't play HR so I'm stuck with OD8 and the handful of OD9 maps that I can pass/FC.
You can always edit the maps to whatever od you want barucchi.

Endaris wrote:

Being able to fc a song with 99% acc in 9 of 10 plays is NOT the desired result of this method
Though if you FC a song with 99% then in the following 10 attempts you score 95% without a FC, wouldn't you agree it belongs in the 95% bracket even though you only managed to get good accuracy once or twice with some luck and rhythm?

I should have mentioned it was a month ago that I scored 99% from going through the song and practicing the hard parts repeatedly. Now that I go back to it, I am unable to complete the hard parts without missing... so it goes to a lower bracket.

Overall I really approve of your system. Thanks for sharing! ^.^
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I think it's ok to keep playing that map if you think that it is good practice for you but imo you should add it to another collection on top of the 99%+ to keep everything clear.
I hared improving myself

xxjesus1412fanx wrote:

Also, playing bullshit level hard stuff is a great way to warm-up and will make full-comboing things a lot easier when you step down the difficulty. confirmed by bahamete.

edit: and has worked for me
plus hard shit is fun, well its fun if your enjoyment doesnt revolve around grinding for pp

TBH, this thread feels off for me, there is no one good way to get good at osu, but i think the most important thing is that people realize what they are bad at, and then they practice that in particular to improve. One of the most obvious things to do with this is practicing streams, but there are many other things as well, such as practicing aim by editing maps to cs7, acc by editing to od10, reading by playing clusterfuck maps. There is no right or wrong thing to play at a time as long as you are playing to improve.
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I never claimed it to be the "one good way". I said that it is one way of many ways and even though it's probably not the best it is likely to work for everyone regardless of playstyle.
Also this mainly adresses new players. I don't know how you measure it but personally I don't think that one is good at 1500pp. It is meant to lead new players through the basics and I think at a point where you can't even properly do triples it is very counterproductive to give yourself challenges that are completely off from what you're actually playing:
You won't be close to CS7/OD10 maps when playing maps around 3 stars and even if you want that kind of challenge it is still a lot better to search for existing maps with these parameters instead of editing some maps that were mapped for another circlesize(CS massively affects how you map).
It gives you an orientation when this certain CS7-Aimskill(or whatever) becomes relevant.

Improving at osu! is like climbing Yggdrasil(or any other tree/building piercing the sky). Try to get to the next level before reaching for the stars.
Sure you ARE at a level where editing maps to CS7/OD10 makes sense for practice but new players aren't. Gotta FC Koigokoro(or any other jumpspam-map with nontrivial spacing) first before thinking about special aimtraining.

I also get the impression that you didn't even read the thread. It is basically a system that filters out maps you're bad at while keeping the overall difficulty level low so you get a good practice environment.
i disagree that keeping the overall difficulty level low is a better practice environment then going for b's and barely a's on hard maps. I believe that both work as long as you play the game a lot. I remember when i first started playing, i played easy for about 15 mins until i got used to reading, then i moved onto normals and then normals with hr. Halfway through day 2 i was spending most of my time on osu playing hards. I had shit acc but it didnt matter, i was playing with the objective of passing maps that i couldnt pass before. I feel that this was the absolute best way for me to improve, however its not a good way to improve unless you can actually put the time into having so many retries and fails. I moved onto playing 4 star songs about 3 weeks after i started, i got so many fails but i was improving so it didnt matter. What im trying to say is that for beginners there is no such thing as a good practice environment, there are only bad ones <- such as playing 2 star songs forever, as long as you play the game as much as possible, you will improve quickly.
Vuelo Eluko

II Jelli II wrote:

Halfway through day 2 i was spending most of my time on osu playing hards.
me too, i guess it's standard

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II Jelli II wrote:

i disagree that keeping the overall difficulty level low is a better practice environment then going for b's and barely a's on hard maps. I believe that both work as long as you play the game a lot. I remember when i first started playing, i played easy for about 15 mins until i got used to reading, then i moved onto normals and then normals with hr. Halfway through day 2 i was spending most of my time on osu playing hards. I had shit acc but it didnt matter, i was playing with the objective of passing maps that i couldnt pass before. I feel that this was the absolute best way for me to improve, however its not a good way to improve unless you can actually put the time into having so many retries and fails. I moved onto playing 4 star songs about 3 weeks after i started, i got so many fails but i was improving so it didnt matter. What im trying to say is that for beginners there is no such thing as a good practice environment, there are only bad ones <- such as playing 2 star songs forever, as long as you play the game as much as possible, you will improve quickly.
If you don't want to read my posts it's better if you write "tl;dr" okay?

Endaris wrote:

play more™

The idea is to organize every single one of your maps in accuracy brackets.
I suggest the following collections:

Doing this made realize just how shit my accuracy is. Thanks.
This is probably the most useful guide I've seen since I've started playing. Wish I saw it sooner before I got 5000 beatmaps.

Kradfiz wrote:

This is probably the most useful guide I've seen since I've started playing. Wish I saw it sooner before I got 5000 beatmaps.
I don't even have 5,000 beatmaps.

Khelly wrote:

Kradfiz wrote:

This is probably the most useful guide I've seen since I've started playing. Wish I saw it sooner before I got 5000 beatmaps.
I don't even have 5,000 beatmaps.
More importantly, who has OVER 90000!

edit:Post count +1

Pituophis wrote:

Endaris wrote:

play more™

The idea is to organize every single one of your maps in accuracy brackets.
I suggest the following collections:

Doing this made realize just how shit my accuracy is. Thanks.
Doing this made me realise just how many 1 miss/1x100 plays I have. Thanks for boosting my confidence.

HK_ wrote:

Doing this made me realise just how many 1 miss/1x100 plays I have. Thanks for boosting my confidence.
Only one miss?
Statistics and guides..
People around here really are playing seriously!

My view of it is to just play hard stuff and have fun! The skill comes as you have fun ^-^
Challenge yourself and keep playing different maps.

EDIT: Remember: Don't strive for PP, get better & have fun instead :)

Nadfee wrote:

Statistics and guides..
People around here really are playing seriously!

My view of it is to just play hard stuff and have fun! The skill comes as you have fun ^-^
Challenge yourself and keep playing different maps.

EDIT: Remember: Don't strive for PP, get better & have fun instead :)
What if striving for pp makes you get better and have fun?

Khelly wrote:

Nadfee wrote:

Statistics and guides..
People around here really are playing seriously!

My view of it is to just play hard stuff and have fun! The skill comes as you have fun ^-^
Challenge yourself and keep playing different maps.

EDIT: Remember: Don't strive for PP, get better & have fun instead :)
What if striving for pp makes you get better and have fun?
Good point. Bad on my part, was probably being too close-minded.
If you'd let me rephrase then..

Use whatever method you think is fun for playing the game and don't force yourself into something boring solely for the purpose of getting better.
Because fun will keep you in check whilst the skill will come on its own subconsciously!
I Give Up

Oops you mean 5 digit lol?

KukiMonster wrote:

Oops you mean 5 digit lol?
PP, not rank :)
Was just happy I hit over 1k back then.. ^-^
E m i

Nadfee wrote:

Use whatever method you think is fun for playing the game and don't force yourself into something boring solely for the purpose of getting better.
Because fun will keep you in check whilst the skill will come on its own subconsciously!
Play more to get gud
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