
Nekomata Master+ - Kung-fu Empire

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[Mahua] wrote:

K finally done
just wonderful. tell me to mod if you want <3
Topic Starter

Tari wrote:

just wonderful. tell me to mod if you want <3
Yes please :)


  1. HP Drain increase of about 1 would really go well with this map heck 6.5 would do well too, I find the HP way too forgiving because of the speed of the song with the AR and also those streams, This song isn't really slow its pretty fast , so you should give it a little challenge and you don't have any really slow parts that fit well with HP 6
  2. 00:03:485 (3) - I think this is suppose to have the same sampleset as 00:01:960 (1) - they have the same instrument sound and I see you put whistles for both, but they sound really the same tbh but people might mistaken it for different hitsounds, however It would make much more sense if you hitsounded these the same way.
  3. 00:08:909 (1) - ^
  4. 00:05:011 (6) - I would move this note a little bit higher, many people will be concerned on how awkwardly the blanket this is because it looks like you wanted to blanket it and moving this up seems to be the best solution because moving the blanketed slider 00:05:350 (1) - itself would cause alot of unneeded overlap issues which could make the more look less clean.
  5. 00:07:214 (5) - Change the sampleset to drum to start of this?
  6. 00:09:587 (1) - The whistle is misplaced I think, It would sound better if you added it to the start of this slider here rather than the reverse of the slider lol
  7. 00:11:282 (4) - I would expect this part to be a little bit more streamier? because of the music but I guess it's intentionally done so you can ignore this one
  8. 00:17:384 (2) - I don't think the jump to 3 is necessary, I would equalize the spacing here so it forms a good triangle , instead of a jump to 3 here's how it would look like
  9. 00:21:791 (4) - Since you put a jump here for emphasis, I would say you can put a whistle too at the start to show it even more, and plus I think it sounds quite good with the instruments.
  10. 00:22:355 (6) - In my opinion, It would make more sense if these sliders don't touch , would match way better with the current AR (AR9) and give that slider kick effect
  11. 00:33:824 (3) - I would add a whistle somewhere around here too to keep the whistles flowing across the map , a long time without whistle usage when you used whistles periodically throughout the map.
  12. 00:34:842 (1,2,3,4) - I guess this is intentional too? because you could of added a bit more notes there, no problem though~ this pattern here is good transition for upcoming notes.
  13. 00:39:248 (3) - I would just remove the finish and make the sampleset normal imo~ too much finish and only should be used to show emphasis and I think normal hit-finish sounds better too.
  14. 00:36:536 (4) - ^ for consistency.
  15. 00:41:960 (2) - ^
  16. 00:44:672 (2) - ^
  17. 00:47:384 (3) - Add a whistle to the end of the slider? it sounds great.
  18. 00:48:740 (3) - ^
  19. 00:50:096 (3) - ^
  20. 00:54:672 (2) - Add a whistle with the soft sampleset to the start of the slider
  21. 00:47:723 (4) - I would prefer you curve this slider just a bit, looking at the way you design/and construct sliders, you tend to use soft curves / curve them just a little bit now and then on every 1/2 slider, and I think personally curving this would be nice and fitting for your style of creating sliders, here's an image
  22. 00:55:519 (3) - Parts like these could use more whistles
  23. 00:58:231 (7) - A new combo should be here , this combo is a bit too long and plus you'll need to remain consistency with 00:59:926 (1) - well more to remain consistent with 01:02:468 (1) -
  24. 01:09:079 (7) - ^ only if you do above.
  25. 01:10:604 (4,5) - It would follow the music better if you removed 5 and left an anti-jump like you did at 01:05:858 (5) - and it'll also give some time for people to react to the new rhythms that are coming up in the next combo. but your going remove the drum sounds, but you already ignored it at 01:06:706 - so I don't see the problem.
  26. 01:16:367 (1) - Musically the new combo shouldn't be here, but pattern wise it's not just compare it to 01:05:519 (4) - you didn't add one there so I'm confused.
  27. 01:23:824 (3) - Shouldn't a whistle be added here if you added it at 01:21:113 (3) - it breaks the consistency.
  28. 01:30:265 - There should deifnitenly be a break there o.O the hp just went down the drain with this big gap here.
  29. 01:44:333 (7) - New combo as same reason as 00:58:231 (7) -
  30. 01:48:739 (7) - ^
  31. 01:51:622 (1) - Same as before, you need to double check this combo. or add one at 01:05:519 (4) -
  32. 01:58:740 (7) - Just saying that this combo is inconsistent to what you put at 01:56:028 (1) - I think the new combo should start here instead, to fit with that just make sure you remove the next combo or else this would be a two note combo.
  33. 02:07:214 (2) - The end could use a normal sampleset.
  34. 02:21:621 (5) - Currently I think the movement here is way too restricted, your constantly doing strong curves and I think it's best to do something flows more lucid, probably try to form a triangle and make it look like something like this : that flow seems much more natural to my eyes.
  35. 02:32:638 (1) - The beat in the start of the slider is loud, I'd add a finish to show that.
  36. 02:41:791 (4,5) - The circular movement is broken here and so the circular flow is now reversed, a simple ctrl+g to both these notes would fix that, this back and forth movement is way too forced imo, it's best you try this if you want better flow, it'll be slightly easier to read too if you do this, and I like triangles better :>
  37. 04:22:130 (4,5) - ^ Same as above.
  38. 02:43:146 (5,6,7) - I would add 1 more note in this part to complete the stream these doubles are pretty rare in the map , and not used occasionally and the note added here will fit with the music.
  39. 02:58:909 (1) - Any reason why a new combo should be added, seems rather short and unecessary considering all your combo's seem to last more than 4 notes unless you do special pattern which isn't the case here.
  40. 03:04:333 (3) - The flow would match better if there was only 1 jump and that would be the jump from here to the next note, but a jump towards here isn't good and ruins the polarity of the map. so i'd say ctrl+g this one also
  41. 03:13:316 - Same I think a break needs to be added here.
  42. 03:21:113 (4) - New combo here for consistency , that I mentioned in previous part already its to match with add one at 01:05:519 (4) - if you don't do add one at 01:05:519 (4) - don't do this.
  43. 03:24:673 (7) - New combo, already know why.
  44. 04:11:791 (4) - Enlarged jumps + triplet should definitely have a new combo to them , to make them a bit easier to read and to be less harsh on the drain
  45. 04:25:773 (4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12) - I would say you could improve the design of this stream a bit , the end of the stream is what looks bad , it's a slightly uneven curve.
  46. 04:34:333 (3) - Since this slider is easier to hit and play , I would suggest you increase the spacing on this one, since they're really close and the sudden fallback might halt the flow.
  47. 04:39:079 (3) - ^ just a bit
  48. 04:39:757 (3) - ^ just a bit
  49. 04:36:367 (2) - strangely enough, I find this to flow much better than how you currently placed it, try this? : there's way too much left and right movement here.
  50. 05:09:079 (5) - I believe the new combo should be here instead, because you add it when the harp sound starts to play usually and it starts to play around here.

Ignore the long mod, the mapset is great so I did a thorough job on modding it.

you get a star from me.
Topic Starter
  1. HP Drain increase of about 1 would really go well with this map heck 6.5 would do well too, I find the HP way too forgiving because of the speed of the song with the AR and also those streams, This song isn't really slow its pretty fast , so you should give it a little challenge and you don't have any really slow parts that fit well with HP 6 ok
  2. 00:03:485 (3) - I think this is suppose to have the same sampleset as 00:01:960 (1) - they have the same instrument sound and I see you put whistles for both, but they sound really the same tbh but people might mistaken it for different hitsounds, however It would make much more sense if you hitsounded these the same way.
  3. 00:08:909 (1) - ^ the normal sampleset here are used to follow that subtle similar sound in the song
  4. 00:05:011 (6) - I would move this note a little bit higher, many people will be concerned on how awkwardly the blanket this is because it looks like you wanted to blanket it and moving this up seems to be the best solution because moving the blanketed slider 00:05:350 (1) - itself would cause alot of unneeded overlap issues which could make the more look less clean. blanketed them
  5. 00:07:214 (5) - Change the sampleset to drum to start of this? these are hitsounded after the song, and there isn't such sound here
  6. 00:09:587 (1) - The whistle is misplaced I think, It would sound better if you added it to the start of this slider here rather than the reverse of the slider lol pitch is the same on start and repeat for this slider but not for the next one which has higher pitch on repeat, I like having them follow the same "soft whistle soft" sound that emphasizes the 1/3
  7. 00:11:282 (4) - I would expect this part to be a little bit more streamier? because of the music but I guess it's intentionally done so you can ignore this one yeah I want to avoid having such a long stream in a calm part at the beginning
  8. 00:17:384 (2) - I don't think the jump to 3 is necessary, I would equalize the spacing here so it forms a good triangle , instead of a jump to 3 here's how it would look like okay
  9. 00:21:791 (4) - Since you put a jump here for emphasis, I would say you can put a whistle too at the start to show it even more, and plus I think it sounds quite good with the instruments. okay
  10. 00:22:355 (6) - In my opinion, It would make more sense if these sliders don't touch , would match way better with the current AR (AR9) and give that slider kick effect intended to look weird to show that something weird is happening in the song (the 1/3)
  11. 00:33:824 (3) - I would add a whistle somewhere around here too to keep the whistles flowing across the map , a long time without whistle usage when you used whistles periodically throughout the map. I don't think it's neccesary
  12. 00:34:842 (1,2,3,4) - I guess this is intentional too? because you could of added a bit more notes there, no problem though~ this pattern here is good transition for upcoming notes. yeah still no stream but something more spaced
  13. 00:39:248 (3) - I would just remove the finish and make the sampleset normal imo~ too much finish and only should be used to show emphasis and I think normal hit-finish sounds better too. these are following the cymbals in the song
  14. 00:36:536 (4) - ^ for consistency.
  15. 00:41:960 (2) - ^
  16. 00:44:672 (2) - ^
  17. 00:47:384 (3) - Add a whistle to the end of the slider? it sounds great. ok
  18. 00:48:740 (3) - ^ I'd rather keep what I have there
  19. 00:50:096 (3) - ^ ok
  20. 00:54:672 (2) - Add a whistle with the soft sampleset to the start of the slider
  21. 00:47:723 (4) - I would prefer you curve this slider just a bit, looking at the way you design/and construct sliders, you tend to use soft curves / curve them just a little bit now and then on every 1/2 slider, and I think personally curving this would be nice and fitting for your style of creating sliders, here's an image this part is kind of about linear sliders
  22. 00:55:519 (3) - Parts like these could use more whistles I like them going away before they are used for 00:57:553 - triples there
  23. 00:58:231 (7) - A new combo should be here , this combo is a bit too long and plus you'll need to remain consistency with 00:59:926 (1) - well more to remain consistent with 01:02:468 (1) -
  24. 01:09:079 (7) - ^ only if you do above.
  25. 01:10:604 (4,5) - It would follow the music better if you removed 5 and left an anti-jump like you did at 01:05:858 (5) - and it'll also give some time for people to react to the new rhythms that are coming up in the next combo. but your going remove the drum sounds, but you already ignored it at 01:06:706 - so I don't see the problem.
  26. 01:16:367 (1) - Musically the new combo shouldn't be here, but pattern wise it's not just compare it to 01:05:519 (4) - you didn't add one there so I'm confused. should be more consistent now
  27. 01:23:824 (3) - Shouldn't a whistle be added here if you added it at 01:21:113 (3) - it breaks the consistency. I don't see how, the song is different at these two points
  28. 01:30:265 - There should deifnitenly be a break there o.O the hp just went down the drain with this big gap here. I removed these because there's some "optimization" related to breaks that make the sb bug after them... I guess I'll add them back now
  29. 01:44:333 (7) - New combo as same reason as 00:58:231 (7) -
  30. 01:48:739 (7) - ^
  31. 01:51:622 (1) - Same as before, you need to double check this combo. or add one at 01:05:519 (4) -
  32. 01:58:740 (7) - Just saying that this combo is inconsistent to what you put at 01:56:028 (1) - I think the new combo should start here instead, to fit with that just make sure you remove the next combo or else this would be a two note combo.
  33. 02:07:214 (2) - The end could use a normal sampleset. it has one but the editor was bugged until recently
  34. 02:21:621 (5) - Currently I think the movement here is way too restricted, your constantly doing strong curves and I think it's best to do something flows more lucid, probably try to form a triangle and make it look like something like this : that flow seems much more natural to my eyes. sure
  35. 02:32:638 (1) - The beat in the start of the slider is loud, I'd add a finish to show that.
  36. 02:41:791 (4,5) - The circular movement is broken here and so the circular flow is now reversed, a simple ctrl+g to both these notes would fix that, this back and forth movement is way too forced imo, it's best you try this if you want better flow, it'll be slightly easier to read too if you do this, and I like triangles better :>
  37. 04:22:130 (4,5) - ^ Same as above.
  38. 02:43:146 (5,6,7) - I would add 1 more note in this part to complete the stream these doubles are pretty rare in the map , and not used occasionally and the note added here will fit with the music.
  39. 02:58:909 (1) - Any reason why a new combo should be added, seems rather short and unecessary considering all your combo's seem to last more than 4 notes unless you do special pattern which isn't the case here. yeah removed it
  40. 03:04:333 (3) - The flow would match better if there was only 1 jump and that would be the jump from here to the next note, but a jump towards here isn't good and ruins the polarity of the map. so i'd say ctrl+g this one also okay
  41. 03:13:316 - Same I think a break needs to be added here.
  42. 03:21:113 (4) - New combo here for consistency , that I mentioned in previous part already its to match with add one at 01:05:519 (4) - if you don't do add one at 01:05:519 (4) - don't do this.
  43. 03:24:673 (7) - New combo, already know why.
  44. 04:11:791 (4) - Enlarged jumps + triplet should definitely have a new combo to them , to make them a bit easier to read and to be less harsh on the drain I don't think it'll help readability and more combo = more overall drain actually
  45. 04:25:773 (4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12) - I would say you could improve the design of this stream a bit , the end of the stream is what looks bad , it's a slightly uneven curve. it's made from converting a slider, so I don't see how it could be uneven.. and looks fine to me
  46. 04:34:333 (3) - Since this slider is easier to hit and play , I would suggest you increase the spacing on this one, since they're really close and the sudden fallback might halt the flow.
  47. 04:39:079 (3) - ^ just a bit
  48. 04:39:757 (3) - ^ just a bit
  49. 04:36:367 (2) - strangely enough, I find this to flow much better than how you currently placed it, try this? : there's way too much left and right movement here. nice
  50. 05:09:079 (5) - I believe the new combo should be here instead, because you add it when the harp sound starts to play usually and it starts to play around would make the previous combo quite long
as for the things I didn't answer directly, I didn't change them mostly because I prefer the way they are
nice mod, thanks!

I added back the breaks, so expect some bugs in the storyboard t/232035 :/
oh I didn't know adding breaks could affect the SB (since I'm only modding the actual mapping not the SB)

sorry :c
Wow this storyboard is amazing >w<

You are so creative and talented!
Would you like a mod on this? This is really good.
this new shift-tab thing is perfect for playing your maps haha
beautiful work as always \o/
Topic Starter

Azer wrote:

Would you like a mod on this? This is really good.
I'm late, but yeah, please mod it =)
I had to remove the osb because the editor was running at 30fps LOL

  1. 00:05:011 (6) - flows and looks a bit better if you angle this a bit downwards
  2. 00:08:062 (4) - consider curving it like this for better flow
  3. 00:16:028 (3,4,1) - these are a bit close to eachother, it makes this part boring to play and easier than the rest of this section. Consider making these more distant. (if you apply this, make these more distant too for emphasis 00:17:045 (3,1) - )
  4. 00:21:452 (3,4) - this is a pretty big jump compared to the rest of the section and I don't think there's anything to emphasise that much in the song, consider reducing distance
  5. 00:28:231 (2) - move around x439 y187 for more consistant distance/difficulty
  6. 00:47:384 (3,4) - this is inconsistant with the type of patterns youve mapped so far, consider changing this to something like

    youd probably have to change the following objects but i think its worth it
  7. 01:10:943 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7) - honestly this doesnt play good at all. Killed every single one of my HR plays.
  8. 01:38:401 (1,2) - this isnt really important but this jump is pretty big compared to everything else, consider making it closer
  9. 01:43:994 (4,5,6) - ctrl+g? these too 01:44:333 (7,8,9) -
  10. 01:46:197 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7) - same thing
  11. 01:48:061 (1,2,3,4,5,6) - ctrl+g?
  12. 01:55:689 (5,6,1) - ctrl+g
  13. 01:55:689 (5,6,1) - consider flipping so it starts on top
  14. 02:06:028 (4) - what is this mapped to?
  15. 02:07:553 (3) - what is this mapped to?
  16. 02:10:604 (2) - again pretty huge jump for a spot in the song with nothing to emphasize, consider making this more consistant
  17. 02:26:197 (2,3,4,1,2,3) - this is a bit boring and uninspired, nothing really wrong with it but this section could be a lot better. There's a nice tone change on the white tick if you want to move the second part of the pattern away or something like what you did at 04:06:875 (4,1,2,3) -
  18. 03:26:537 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7) - again aaaaaaaaa
  19. 03:46:367 (4,3) - again what is this mapped to, it doesnt follow the song very well
  20. 04:11:791 (4,5,6,7,8,1,2) - hitsounding isnt really right
  21. 04:16:367 (3,1) - too close to eachother, needs more emphasis/distance
  22. 04:32:864 (3,4) - this REALLY takes you by surprise as its the first triplet of the map, and since its stacked its extremely hard to sightread. I really recommend mapping this to a repeat slider so it doesnt take the player by surprise and lets the player know that there are potentially more triplets around this section.
  23. 05:09:079 (5,6,7,8,9,10) - you could really improve the wavy shape of this.
  24. 05:17:229 (1) - & 05:19:349 (1) - I don't really see a reason to have such drastic changes in distance
I guess that's it, could say a lot more but I think it's mostly my mapping style clashing with yours so they're not too important. Good luck!
give you a kudosu~
Really a good map, hope this rank as fast as it could ^^
really, this is the most beautiful storyboard i've ever seen
Astonishing storyboard.
I've modded it already, I'm gonna check it.

  1. This map really needs the epilepsy warning on, especially for all those butterfly explosions at the end.
  2. 00:46:197 (3,4) - I think these 1/8 sliders should end 1/4 before 'cause I cant really hear any 1/8 sound at 00:46:409 (4) - and 00:46:748 (6) - . Here is a screen (just the rhythm, 'cause it'd be really hard playable this way...)
  3. 04:32:468 (2,3,4,5) - I've just noticed that these should be 1/8, not 1/6! Same thing for 04:37:892 (2,3,4,5) - , 04:43:316 (2,3,4,5) - and 04:48:740 (2,3,4,5) - . I'd suggest to keep only the 1/4 notes as you did in the others choruses.
These are the major issues, I have nothing pattern-related to say... but after this I won't be able to bubble it until the bug at the breaks will get fixed.
Topic Starter
Fixed them all, rip 1/6 :D
I have no words; only love.
Natteke desu

Derekku wrote:

I have no words; only tears.
Fixed :( :( :(
Topic Starter
... do they actually own the full version of the songs?
rip osu
rip in peace in peace

this world is so cruel with cool mappers c.c

rip damnae sorry for it

Damnae wrote:

... do they actually own the full version of the songs?
Sadly yep

"℗ 2009 Konami Digital Entertainment"
... No comment
why ;_;

R.I.P awesome work - 2014.8.27

If this continues, soon osu! will close because no more maps to download......................

EDIT : Guys go download this fast as for now the mp3 is still on the map.
choose one :P
Topic Starter

Naitoshi wrote:

ohh... ;w; i love the old BG tbh ;w;
Natteke desu
▓▓▓▓▓▓█░░░░ Rank this░░░░█
▓▓▓▓▓▓█░░░░ or die░░░░░█
Topic Starter
IRC modded;

  1. Adjusted hitsound volume (they're not inaudible anymore)
  2. Changed some patterns to follow the song better
  3. Small adjustments, such as little spacing errors
Hitsounds have been checked, they don't contain any unneccessary delays.

Bubble #1!
I know it's an abuse of power but Yolobubble #2!
Hollow Wings
I'm sorry but the source should be 'beatmania IIDX', not 'beatmania'. They are two different games. Also the song is originally from beatmania IIDX 16 Empress. I think you can add Empress to Tags.

Really glad to see iidx is alive. Congratz in advance!
oh source fixed
Bubble #2 again~

fanzhen0019 wrote:

So much hype that people won't even see it coming
 ┬──┬◡ノ(・ω ・ノ)
Serious question, if this is a usermade extended version why is there any source though? If this exact song is not in IIDX why is that set as the source?
Wow like


Topic Starter
It applies to maps that were on that list at that time.
Yeah but if it happen as it did last time I don't think peppy and Konami will like it :/
Natteke desu
▓▓▓▓▓▓█░░░░ Your life is ░░░█
▓▓▓▓▓▓█░░░░Safe now░░░█
Topic Starter
phew, that was close

Timorisu wrote:

Serious question, if this is a usermade extended version why is there any source though? If this exact song is not in IIDX why is that set as the source?

extended version is based on game version.
nvm it's helpful for ppl when searching it.

fanzhen0019 wrote:

Timorisu wrote:

Serious question, if this is a usermade extended version why is there any source though? If this exact song is not in IIDX why is that set as the source?

extended version is based on game version.
nvm it's helpful for ppl when searching it.

This used to have 'Five Nights at Freddy's' in the source, even though it did NOT originate from the game, but was a usermade song, just like this.


Irreversible wrote:

Wrong Source
And look at what happened \:
see this existed example:

This is a extended version of SSS and its source is IIDX.
Creator added the album's name to tags, as the same as this map did.

I have seen the thread linked by you. I am not familiar to 5 night at freddy's but from Charles445's post i guess it's a remixed version of the original soundtrack from the game.
"Extended version" are really "album version". This song is the 14th track in Backdrops Album.
Beatmani versions are different to album versions.

> ... index.html
blame me. 2011 had no extra rules.
now it's 2015, i think the best solution is to remove source.

or keep it
ErunamoJAZZ This is from a album version, and does not have source.

ErunamoJAZZ wrote: This is from a album version, and does not have source.
nope. it's not an 'album version'. it's just a song originally from that album.

it's from nowhere
Did you ever get to this p/3278948

It was regarding the abuse of continuous hitsounds at parts like
I remember suggesting the use of two 1/2 repeat sliders. Should quickly fix that before it gets ranked.

See p/3956188 for more details.
Topic Starter
yeah, but I preferred keeping them that way rather than using a repeat (where you can pretty much stay on the first circle).
Gratz, so now everyone can go and make IIDX ranked??
Once again you made it :)

now prepare yourselves for a massive invasion of comments :'D
Congratulations Damnae!


wtf happened here?? :O
graaaatz Damnamasterelitestoryboarderandsorryforthislongname ~
Nerova Riuz GX
I still think that it should replace "beatmania IIDX" from source to tags.
because this one is not directly from beatmania IIDX.

btw the Artist should be 飛燕流舞.
though it's just one alias of Nekomata Master, it's the original Artist Name of this song.
Topic Starter

Nerova Riuz GX wrote:

btw the Artist should be 飛燕流舞.
though it's just one alias of Nekomata Master, it's the original Artist Name of this song.
Assuming this means hien ryuubu; the album version use Nekomata Master+ as artist.
Nerova Riuz GX

Damnae wrote:

Nerova Riuz GX wrote:

btw the Artist should be 飛燕流舞.
though it's just one alias of Nekomata Master, it's the original Artist Name of this song.
Assuming this means hien ryuubu; the album version use Nekomata Master+ as artist.
So, as you said before, it use Nekomata Master+ alias as artist.

From beatmania IIDX 16 EMPRESS >> Artist: 飛燕流舞 (Hien Ryuubu)
From Backdrops album >> Artist: 猫叉Master+ (Nekomata Master+)

That means beatmania IIDX should not be in Source because these two are different.

[Superstar] wrote:

Gratz, so now everyone can go and make IIDX ranked??

Fast wrote:

[Superstar] wrote:

Gratz, so now everyone can go and make IIDX ranked??

they can just take risk of take an unrank then B)

Nerova Riuz GX wrote:

So, as you said before, it use Nekomata Master+ alias as artist.

From beatmania IIDX 16 EMPRESS >> Artist: 飛燕流舞 (Hien Ryuubu)
From Backdrops album >> Artist: 猫叉Master+ (Nekomata Master+)

That means beatmania IIDX should not be in Source because these two are different.

Well I mean, people put the source of an anime when they map a full size song from it. Those aren't directly from the anime. Is this really any different? I thought this was the whole reason that Damnae waited an entire year to try and qualify it.

That and the song is owned by Kobami


god job.

Greetings, Damnae. On behalf of the QAT I must disqualify this beatmap for the following issues:
  1. Breaking the intended usage of continuous hitsounds. From the ranking criteria:
    Do not use sliderslide, sliderwhistle, and spinnerspin hitsounds in a way that would replicate a hitsound on a circle, slider start, slider end, slider tick, or slider repeat. Sliderslide, sliderwhistle, and spinnerspin hitsounds are considered continuous hitsounds, meaning that their files play from start to end and loop as one continuous sound for the length of the held object. Do not alter any section of a held object to play a single hitsound.
  2. Incorrect Metadata. The artist should be 猫叉Master+. Also, since this song is an extended mix, the source should not be beatmania IIDX. Also, adding 飛燕流舞 to the tags is recommended.
The Backdrop difficulty contains instances of a continuous hitsound mimicking a singular hitsound. They are located at the following times:
  1. 00:18:740 -
  2. 00:19:248 -
  3. 05:05:350 -
The BNG will handle the requalification of this beatmap. Good luck!
Topic Starter
^ all fixed
 ┬──┬◡ノ(._ . ノ)
dont you dare flipping my table once again
Can't say nothing about this, good job.
~ Bubbled #2 ~
Let's try to make it clear for now :D

EDIT : too many qualified maps today! (8 max)


call me tomorrow :c
Why is there a cap on how many qualified maps can be ranked per day?

More maps = More fun

[Toy] wrote:

Why is there a cap on how many qualified maps can be ranked per day?

More maps = More fun
It's so that the QATs can check all of them in a timely fashion.

[Toy] wrote:

Why is there a cap on how many qualified maps can be ranked per day?

More maps = More fun
hard limit set by peppy and not changing any time soon. I believe it's to alleviate server load but I have no idea, ask him.
random ppl mod after 2 bubble (no kds or simply deny it)

00:43:485 - somehow that slidertick is ugly, also there's sound at 00:43:570
01:43:994 (4,5,6) - Ctrl + G
Your SB is really as a cartoon. It isn't only hard imgs :) . Hope we will see more and more SBs from you.
Good luck for reranking! ^^
Unranked ;_;
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