
Sukima Switch - Golden Time Lover (TV Size)

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Topic Starter
Hey should I change the circle size in Insane to Large?
It looks neat to me.
Feel free to take or leave any suggestions. :D


Delete unused .osb file and full submit.
Change the title to (TV Size) instead of (Tv Size) and full submit.
Find a better .mp3. It does not sound good at the end.


00:17:140 (1) - Too close to previous combo.
00:35:380 (3) - Whistle?

[Crimmi's Normal]

00:45:940 (8) - Take (7) and copy paste it in (8) place and flip/reverse for symmetry.




Hi ! :D

00:39:460 (4) - New combo here

01:03:940 (6) - New combo here

00:38:980 (5) - Hit sound Whistle

It's fine

very nice map ^^ *Starrr
Requested mod session

00:17:140 (1) - spacing (must be consistent on easy and normal difficulties)
00:19:060 (5) - ^, also maybe align it with 4?
00:38:500 (3) - reduce 1/4, put it 1/4 forward
01:18:100 (1) - align with 3?



00:09:940 (5) - it sounds better 1/4 later

00:24:58(Break) - Seems very short. You need to delete this break.
00:38:020 (1,2,3) - Distance is different ;_;
00:41:140 (2) - [Suggestion] End at 00:42:460 ?

[Crimmi's Normal]
00:34:660 (2,3,4,5,6,7) - Seem messy ;_; [ ] Maybe, you need to move some notes to make look better :3

No problem

00:32:500 (1) - [Suggestion] Align with 00:32:260 (9)?
00:39:940 (4) - How about move 1 grid left?
00:43:300 (5) - Align both start and end plz :3

Good song :3
And I recommanded this song to a BAT :3
Anyway good luck XD

After fix, contact me and I'll pubble this song :3

Here's my star.

edit. Proto-bubbled :3
about your MAP....

Topic Starter

I see no improvement in the quality of the mp3. This is not a small issue; please find a better mp3.

Also, the video is unacceptable. It's too large (1280px wide), not to mention that it's a kinda-crappy widescreen version. Please find a better video in addition to an mp3.
Overall a well mapped song ^^

Suggestions (details in italics):

MP3 Cut is horrible, but a quick search on my own doesn't show better cuts either...

00:44:260 (1) - Perhaps reshape this slider so that it doesn't create an unintuitive jump in spacing?
01:17:140 (2,3) - Perhaps center these to make a nicer triangle

Crimmi's Normal
Everything seems fine except spacing seems a little inconsistent at times? Not a big deal cause it's not very noticeable.
01:16:174 (1,2,3) vs 01:14:254 (4,5,6) for example

00:38:260 (2,3,4,5) - Perhaps center this over the slider
Ehh feels too much like a metronome per half beat.

00:33:220 (3) - Space this correctly? I know you want to overlap, but imho it's not as intuitive as it can be.
00:39:220 (1,2,3,4,5) - IMHO the music doesn't call for jumps
Sometimes the beats feel too monotonous with the 1/2 beat stretches...

Topic Starter
Guess I'm going hunting
Edit: Found a better Mp3 and video :D
The new video is much better, but the new mp3 sounds barely (if at all) better than the last one. I've searched for about 15 minutes on google and can't find a better quality mp3, so I can't really help anymore from here. I guess for now just put the old mp3 back so that the timing isn't completely screwed up.

I'm terribly sorry that I couldn't help. x_x (I'm sure that someone else will be able to help, though)

Also, I noticed that you have a spinner-circle in the folder, but spinner-metre and spinner-background are missing. Please add those and full submit.

Topic Starter
Lol it's harder than it looks, right?
hmmm.. Fix all related to new mp3 and video (offset, video offset, timing sections offset, resnap notes...)
Set custom circle colors.
Add more skin elements.. (especially hitcircleoverlay and spinner pictures)
Here is my try D:

Download: Sukima Switch - Golden Time Lover (TV Size) (Death_the_kid) [KIA's Insane].osu
*Some snapping problem occured.
*Some clap sound doesn't fit the lyrics?
0:09:940 (3,4,5) Up 1 grid such that (2,3,4) can be on the same level?
0:49:780 (4) Spacing? Can be a bit up.
1:07:660 (2) remove clap?
1:07:780 (3) clap?
1:10:420 (2) Suggestion: (2,4) whistle, (5) remove clap?
1:12:100 (2,3,4) Similar to 1:07:660

0:10:180 (4) Take the slope between (3) and (5)?


Some sliders does a bigger jump with the previous note. Try to avioud that in easy.

rawr ;_;

Download: 01 Golden Time Lover.mp3
Topic Starter
You got the full version there ^
edit: A clip from the full version

advice on irc~
irc modding along with...

*Again, you're missing spinner-background and spinner-metre in the song folder.
00:57:290 - start kiai here on the big white tick.
End kiai either 1/4th before the new section or in another reasonable place. Right now I see it ending in different places in different diffs and in the middle of spinners. It should be consistent and make sense.
01:12:650 - start kiai here
Again, end in a sensible and consistent place.
*Video fades out before the mp3 ends, but meh.. its offset is good and the vid has nice quality. :U

00:16:010 (5,6,1) - spacing
00:26:330 - All beats from here on out are behind by 1/2. Select them along the timeline to move them all back at once. (At least, I THINK most of them are. Some seem to be on purpose, so please replay through it all and change it to your liking.)
01:07:370 (1) - ends on an awkward note, try ending it on 01:10:490 instead.

[Crimmi's Normal]
*Get rid of the extra inherited section.

*A bit spammy with whistles and claps, but otherwise fine.

*Looks good.

[KIA's Insane]
*Looks fine but...
00:46:610 (1,2) - spacing
01:28:850 (9) - I'd def. end this with a finish instead of a clap. The way the mp3 cuts out is weird enough without ending on an awkward/stale hitsound. :(
Red = Major issue, you should fix this
Purple = Issue, It's better if you fix this, and can sometimes pass if justified
Blue = Minor issue, you can ignore if you dont want to change
Green = Feedback / Comments
Black = Suggestion

The mp3 ends abruptly couldnt you have done a fade-out cut instead?
Delete .osb file and full submit
The mp3 feels low quality
Considering it repeats itself along all difficulties i must mention Kiai should start on: 00:57:290 and 01:12:650

00:26:330 (1,2,3,4,5,6,1,2,3,4,5,1,2,3,4,5,6,1,2,3,4,1,2) - the fact that all theese notes end up on red ticks cant be a good thing... after checking it again, i think maybe the should be on the white ticks ahead (they look half a beat early)
00:57:290 Kiai time should begin here... as well as the notes, they all feel offbeat
01:12:650 ^

[Crimmi's Normal]
Why the heck are 2 red timing sections at the start?
Same comments for kiai than [Easy]
00:38:090 (1,2,5) - 1 grid down

Same kiai comments than on [Easy]
No breaks?

Same comments for kiai than on [Easy]
I guess no breaks can pass on insane

[KIA's Insane]
Same comments for kiai than on [Easy]

This has too many issues to earn my star yet, give me a forum PM for a remod when they are fixed
spinner is so uncomfortable >< Can you add center or something?

00:15:530 (3,4) - separate a bit... keep consistency in distance..
00:16:730 (5) - and this one is too far
00:35:450 (4,1,2) - i can notice you didn't use distance snap in some parts (is cool but keep consistency).. these 3 should be farther from each other. Same with the two combos after this. Distance between circle is smaller compared to rest of the map, this is not good ><
00:51:050 (4,5,6) - these are to close together. (should be at the same distance as 00:50:330 (1,2)
Same with the combo that comes after this...
01:26:810 (4,5,6,1) - same problem, are too close together.


Crimmi's Normal
Can you decrease overall diff a bit?

00:26:330 to 01:20:090 - Keep it on White ticks<<<

KIA's Insane
01:17:450 (4) - unpredictable anti-jump, add new combo or stack it >.<
Rest of the map plays fine with me =D

have a star!
Offset: 1,320

- Music is too soft and the ending is poor D:

00:30:360 (1,2,3,4,5,1,2,3,4,5,6,1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4,5,1) - move 1/2 left
00:44:280 (1) - end on right white tick

~Crimmi's Normal~
00:45:480 (7) - move left 1 grid (Lv3)

Timing is weird, check again.

00:15:720 (4) - should be symmetry
00:22:920 (5,6) - stack the ending
00:57:000 (1) - add hitfinish only first note
01:00:840 (1,2) - stack the ending

~KIA's Insane~
00:15:240 (7) - add clap
01:02:760 (7) - new combo

Red = Major issue, you should fix this
Purple = Issue, It's better if you fix this, and can sometimes pass if justified
Blue = Minor issue, you can ignore if you dont want to change
Green = Feedback / Comments
Black = Suggestion

00:13:080 (1) - Ends on blue tick? wth? Oo
00:51:480 (1) - Awkward Spinner
01:07:080 (1) - ^

[Crimmi's Normal]
01:25:800 (1) - Awkward Spinner

Looks fine

Looks fine

[KIA's insane]
Looks fine

After issues are fixed or justified, please forum PM me for a remod
The spinner: 01:07:320 (1) on [Easy] is still awkward, doesnt seem to be following something that leads me to think a spinner is necessary, try instead putting some notes in this section.

Fix and i'll star

Edit: Star'd
I'm here again. Hi!
1310 offset is better IMO :<
USE custom circle colors, pleeeeeeaaaase. Standart colors sucks...
Try to ramap hitsounds on your diffs.
Claps placement look very randomly.
00:57:710 (4) - remove whistle from start and ann to slider end
00:58:670 (7) - remove whistle
00:58:910 (1) - add whislte
01:00:590 (1) - remove whistle from slider start.
whistles a bit werd but anyway ok
ah... sry, have no time to continue
Updated Mod's Info:
Mine are all suggestions. You're free to follow or not this mod :3
If I found a beat who must be added, i'll write it.
Remember to check spacing after all modfies :3

MP3 is too weak, make it louder.
Tags: I don't think Edward Alphonse Elric FMA could be useful like tags, delete them D:
There's two red! Change the second red or cutomize colours D:

01:09:960 - Delete this break time and add a slider.

[Crimmi's Normal]
00:38:760 (3,4,5) - Flip horizontally.
01:27:480 (5) - Symmetrize it.

00:25:320 (2,3,4,5) - They're awful! try to change them with a 1/4 slider D:


[KIA's Insane]
Topic Starter

tmokb93 wrote:

MP3 is too weak, make it louder.
How exactly do I do that?

Death_the_kid wrote:

How exactly do I do that?
edit it with a program, or ask someone else (that can) to do it.
Topic Starter
Can you?
can't, I'm capped D:

2 people I know who can do these stuff are:
Ephemeral, and Matma Rex.
try asking them

EDIT: If you can get Ephemeral to, tell him to deny kudosu! for the post you gave me kudosu! for. There was nothing constructive in it that improved this map :P

EDIT: Don't kudosu! this as well
Topic Starter
Btw I really didn't mean to give you kudosu!
Matma Rex
Louder mp3:

Make sure the offset didn't change, modyfying mp3s sometimes causes that.

By the way, Easy has a lot of ugly sliders (not perfectly horizontal/vertical, for example 00:44:040 (1). Fix them all please D:). I didn't look at other diffs.
Topic Starter
Thanks a millions
The new mp3 is a beauty
00:19:080 (6) - spacing check

umm.... It seems to Normal......

01:14:280 (4) - add new combo

01:02:040 (1) - remove new combo

01:26:880 (5,6) - it's too insane!!

[KIA's Insane]
01:06:360 (1) - remove new combo
01:07:320 (3) - add new combo

good map!
Random mod.

The mp3 ends so suddenly. Can't you edit it by adding the fade effect or find better mp3?


00:16:680 (1,2) - Inconsistent spacing. Please space it it with 0,7x Distance Spacing value.
00:52:200 (2) - Sounds far better placed the repeat at [00:53:160] and the end of the slider at [00:54:120].


[00:34:440] - [00:39:720] - Strange spacing change. I prefer spacing it with 0,9x Distance Spacing, like previous notes (or space previous notes with 1,1x spacing). The same thing here: [01:25:800].


01:27:480 (3) - The end of this slider sounds weird (considering the sudden, not faded end of the mp3 too). Please expand it to the next white tick (01:28:680).


The same issue as in Hard's.


It's okay.

AdRon Zh3Ro
Here the right post :P

Moded and nothing found.
Hi hi!! :)

Here are some suggestions for your map, you don't have to change them if you don't agree with me :P

Let's go!!

~All Diffs~
- The mp3 you have ends really suddenly, and it sounds ugly, could you fade it?
- Delete the .osb file and do a Full Submit next time you update the map.
- I recommend to add "fma" to tags, I think people would rather write "fma" than "full metal alchemist" xP

- Decrease Overall Difficulty, please.
- The slider speed is IMO a bit faster...

00:28:680 (4) - Fix Spacing.
00:50:280 (2) - ^
01:14:280 (4) - ^
01:17:160 (2) - ^
01:18:120 (1) - ^

~Crimmi's Normal~
- Well... Having those long chains of sliders and circles this diff looks more like a Hard (actually this appears as H on web)... :/ Maybe making those chains shorter and having some more blank spaces will help =x

00:37:080 (8) - Fix Spacing.
01:15:000 (4,5) - Looks ugly, maybe do something like this?
01:25:800 (1,2,3,4,5) - Fix spacing.

01:10:680 (3) - Fix spacing.

00:15:720 (4,5) - Fix Spacing.
00:36:600 (4,5,6,7) - ^
00:51:000 (5,6) - ^
01:26:880 (5,6) - ^

~KIA's Insane~
No problems, good job! :3

Fun map, just some spacing inconsistences on some places but that's all. Good luck! :3 *star*
Well I've mod this long ago, and when I check again I don't any major issue, so it's better for you to find BAT to take a look at this :)
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