
Tomatsu Haruka - courage

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Topic Starter
This beatmap was submitted using in-game submission on 2024年3月17日 at 14:46:01

Artist: Tomatsu Haruka
Title: courage
Source: ソードアート・オンラインⅡ
Tags: sword art online 2 ii sao 2nd season opening anime mothers rosario Satellite Lecana japanese pop
BPM: 196
Filesize: 7471kb
Play Time: 04:05
Difficulties Available:
  1. Hard (3.6 stars, 638 notes)
  2. Insane (5.48 stars, 971 notes)
  3. Normal (2.04 stars, 321 notes)
  4. Satellite x Lecana's Insane (4.94 stars, 847 notes)
Download: Tomatsu Haruka - courage
Information: Scores/Beatmap Listing
3/9/2024 changed mp3 pls re-dl
#2.... wtf my first deathx
Topic Starter
so fast lol
Topic Starter
thanks for stars
yes more laurier maps
please get this ranked!
laurier elite mapper pls
<3 welcome back
Quick check o/ no kd

00:12:922 (2,3) - change to this rhythm to follow vocal
00:14:759 (4) - remove this note
00:17:208 (3) - remove this note
00:18:126 (4) - can remove this note (remove or not remove = ok!)
00:20:728 (5) - snap it correctly

Good luck for rank!!
Topic Starter

Frostmourne wrote:

Quick check o/ no kd

00:12:922 (2,3) - change to this rhythm to follow vocal
00:14:759 (4) - remove this note
00:17:208 (3) - remove this note
00:18:126 (4) - can remove this note (remove or not remove = ok!)
00:20:728 (5) - snap it correctly

Good luck for rank!!
Laurier is back~ o/

From PM~


Normal Hard Insane 共にKIAI time を追加したほうがいいです



Normal SR1.81
Hard SR3.34 HardとInsaneのSRの差が1.65とかなり大きなさができているので、HardとInsaneの間にgestなどのInsaneがあればちょうどいいと思います
Insane SR5.01

あとArtistの ; 戸松 遥 ; がrankedの多くは; 戸松遥 ; となっているので


00:23:177 (2) - X173 Y160 stack

00:46:902 (1,3) -  Clap add

01:15:983 (4) - もうちょい曲げたほうが好きです

01:28:993 (4,5,6) -  あえて少しずらしたほうがおもしろい譜面になると思います

01:51:493 (5,6,7) -   01:51:493 (5,6,7) -  この2つと歌詞は音程が近いので、2つのようにスライダーのほうが曲には合っている感じがします

01:58:534 -  NC無しでも大丈夫だと思います

01:58:534 -   この形のほうが好きです

03:36:493 (3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10) -  わかりにくいですが、この形のほうが好きです

03:41:161 (3,5) -  remove

02:08:942 (1,2,3) - カーブさせたほうがいいと思います


00:13:840 (1,2,3,4,5,6) - こっちのほうがリズムに合っていると思います

00:25:932 こっちのほうがいいと思います

00:54:249 (1) -  NC remove

01:04:963 (3,1) - 距離が遠いので、 01:04:810 (2,3) -  この2つをもう少し下の位置に配置してみてはどうでしょうか








Laurierさんならranked余裕だと思いますが(笑) ranked頑張って下さい~


ではまたどこかで~。 :)
Topic Starter
あずりくえすと :)
お帰りなさい :oops:

red: unrankable issue.
blue: maybe unrankable issue.
bold: should fix.

  1. Tag追加しよソードアート・オンラインⅡ sao 2nd season opening

  1. OD+2HP+1色変わるの早いし問題ない
  2. 00:01:595 - この緑線いらないと思う、赤線で調整するのがベター(ってGuyさんが言ってた)
  3. 00:10:167 (2) - whistle&Finish
  4. 00:10:779 - Finish
  5. 00:29:759 - 音強いのでFinishあったがいいかな
  6. 00:44:453 - ^頭でもいいけどお好みで
  7. 00:49:810 (2) - NCあってもいいかな音は他Diff提案と同じ
  8. 00:59:147 - Finish
  9. 01:01:595 - ここにもつけたいなぁボーカルにもあうし
  10. 01:51:800 (1) - Body whistleいらない
  11. 02:08:177 (2) - 1番と同じ
  12. 02:16:289 - Finish
  13. 02:39:402 - ^
  14. 02:46:902 - ^
  15. 03:08:942 (2,3) - どっちかの頭にあっていいかな
  16. 03:11:391 - Finish
  17. 03:34:657 - ^
  18. 03:59:147 (1,1) - Normalでこのスピナー間隔はダメ、Imgどうりか1本にして切りたい所のVol調整しませんか
  19. 不要な緑線だから消しとこ00:20:269 - 00:33:432 - 00:38:330 - 01:42:004 - 01:46:902 - 01:48:891 - 03:06:570 - 03:07:412 - 03:07:565 -

  1. AR-0.5
  2. 00:04:044 - ここもwhistleじゃない?00:01:595 - ここと同じだし、Insaneもwhistleだった
  3. 00:33:891 (2) - 細かいけどちゃんとスタックしない?せっかく綺麗な譜面なんだし
  4. 00:36:340 (2) - ^
  5. 00:44:453 - Pattern的にはFinishかな個人的に00:43:840 - ここも欲しい
  6. 00:49:810 (1) - 言いたいことはInsaneと同じ
  7. 00:51:800 - Finishミスかな
  8. 01:04:963 (3,1) - 1拍あるとしてもHardでこれ流石に遠くない?x216 y128位において01:06:493 (1) - これといい感じにしたい
  9. 01:29:759 (1) - スタック
  10. 01:48:126 (1) - ^
  11. 01:50:575 (1,2) - これ以降スタック突っ込まないからろりえもんcheckお願い!
  12. 02:05:881 - Finishあってもいいと思います
  13. 02:08:177 (1) - 一番と同じ
  14. 02:13:534 - Clap忘れ
  15. 02:39:402 - Finish欲しい
  16. 02:41:851 - ^
  17. 03:22:412 - Finish!
  18. 03:34:657 - ^
  19. 03:39:555 (1) - Body whistleいらない
  20. 03:53:483 (3) - Insaneと音違うけど故意?せめて03:58:381 (2,3) - こっちはシンバルにしない?
  21. 不要な緑線だから消しとこ03:06:570 - 03:07:412 - 03:07:565 -

  1. OD+1 OD7の譜面PP美味しくないからリトライする気しないんだよね
  2. 00:07:259 - add Finish、次とかぶるのが気になるなら00:07:718 - ここをwhistleにして00:08:330 (2) - Finish、whistleもあっていいと思うけどお好みで
  3. 00:27:922 (3) - ボディwhistleいらなくない?
  4. 00:49:810 (1) - これSC2のwhistleめっちゃ合わない?
  5. 01:30:065 (2,1) - この距離感よくわかんらんち;;01:30:830 - add Noteしない
  6. 01:39:478 (10,1) - 縮めてくにしても10 x28 y292 1 x12 y284とかのが綺麗だと思う
  7. 01:53:024 - Finish忘れ、一番あった
  8. 02:08:177 (3) - NC1番はあったのとhitsoundの提案はおんなじ
  9. 02:08:330 (1) - 同じ理由でRemoveNC
  10. 02:16:289 - ここもFInish忘れかな
  11. 02:36:953 - ここあってもいいと思うけどお好みで!
  12. 02:41:851 - 02:43:075 - ここはあったほうがいいと思う
  13. 03:25:473 (1) - ここのNCはわかるけど03:27:922 (1) - これはいらなくない?
  14. 02:35:575 (5,6,1,2) - ここの流れあんま好きじゃない;;
  15. 03:04:657 (4,5) - ここもこんな流れが好き
  16. 03:34:657 - Finishほしい
  17. 03:35:269 - 03:35:422 - ここもせかっくだしSC2Vol40位で拾ってあげない?
  18. 03:47:667 (6) - whistleも付けない?
  19. 03:58:381 - 03:58:687 - ここ音的には03:53:483 (3,4,5) - と同じだしFinishあったが良くない?あれならClapいらんし
  20. 03:58:993 (5) - NC入れない?

    昔のろりえもんだあああああああって感じで嬉しかった :oops:
mod time:3.5 hour
Topic Starter

-Nanaka- wrote:

あずりくえすと :)
お帰りなさい :oops:

red: unrankable issue.
blue: maybe unrankable issue.
bold: should fix.

  1. Tag追加しよソードアート・オンラインⅡ sao 2nd season opening

  1. OD+2HP+1色変わるの早いし問題ない ODだけ+1
  2. 00:01:595 - この緑線いらないと思う、赤線で調整するのがベター(ってGuyさんが言ってた) 他の難易度はSV変えてるからこうしてます。赤と緑かぶせると修正するときとかoffsetいじったらバグるときあるし、それ考えたらこういう形で通したほうがいいと思う
  3. 00:10:167 (2) - whistle&Finish
  4. 00:10:779 - Finish
  5. 00:29:759 - 音強いのでFinishあったがいいかな finishそのままつけるとうるさすぎるってとの、音量下げちゃうとスネアの音聞こえなくなっちゃうのでこのままで
  6. 00:44:453 - ^頭でもいいけどお好みで 取る音少ないnormalでfinishいっぱいつけるとそればっかうるさくなるので結構削ってます。
  7. 00:49:810 (2) - NCあってもいいかな音は他Diff提案と同じ コンボ1個でNCはちょっと不細工に見えるのでこのまま。ホイッスルは最初考えたけど、そのあととのメリハリつけるためにあえてつけないようにしました。
  8. 00:59:147 - Finish
  9. 01:01:595 - ここにもつけたいなぁボーカルにもあうし ここはno
  10. 01:51:800 (1) - Body whistleいらない misstteta
  11. 02:08:177 (2) - 1番と同じ ここもさっきと同じ理由で
  12. 02:16:289 - Finish
  13. 02:39:402 - ^
  14. 02:46:902 - ^
  15. 03:08:942 (2,3) - どっちかの頭にあっていいかな 2にfinish3にclapいれました
  16. 03:11:391 - Finish
  17. 03:34:657 - ^
  18. 03:59:147 (1,1) - Normalでこのスピナー間隔はダメ、Imgどうりか1本にして切りたい所のVol調整しませんか 間隔開けてみた
  19. 不要な緑線だから消しとこ00:20:269 - 00:33:432 - 00:38:330 - 01:42:004 - 01:46:902 - 01:48:891 - 03:06:570 - 03:07:412 - 03:07:565 -  緑線って消さなくてもよくなったんじゃなかったっけ?w もしまたルール変わってるなら消します._.

  1. AR-0.5 んーもっさりしそうなのでこのままで
  2. 00:04:044 - ここもwhistleじゃない?00:01:595 - ここと同じだし、Insaneもwhistleだった
  3. 00:33:891 (2) - 細かいけどちゃんとスタックしない?せっかく綺麗な譜面なんだし ok
  4. 00:36:340 (2) - ^ ok
  5. 00:44:453 - Pattern的にはFinishかな個人的に00:43:840 - ここも欲しい
  6. 00:49:810 (1) - 言いたいことはInsaneと同じ
  7. 00:51:800 - Finishミスかな 修正
  8. 01:04:963 (3,1) - 1拍あるとしてもHardでこれ流石に遠くない?x216 y128位において01:06:493 (1) - これといい感じにしたい 修正
  9. 01:29:759 (1) - スタック ok
  10. 01:48:126 (1) - ^ ok
  11. 01:50:575 (1,2) - これ以降スタック突っ込まないからろりえもんcheckお願い!どうせまーたなんかのタイミングでずれだすし突っ込まれるまでは放置するわ。。。
  12. 02:05:881 - Finishあってもいいと思います
  13. 02:08:177 (1) - 一番と同じ
  14. 02:13:534 - Clap忘れ
  15. 02:39:402 - Finish欲しい
  16. 02:41:851 - ^
  17. 03:22:412 - Finish!
  18. 03:34:657 - ^
  19. 03:39:555 (1) - Body whistleいらない
  20. 03:53:483 (3) - Insaneと音違うけど故意?せめて03:58:381 (2,3) - こっちはシンバルにしない?
  21. 不要な緑線だから消しとこ03:06:570 - 03:07:412 - 03:07:565 -

  1. OD+1 OD7の譜面PP美味しくないからリトライする気しないんだよね OD8にしたら自分で遊べなくなる!!!
  2. 00:07:259 - add Finish、次とかぶるのが気になるなら00:07:718 - ここをwhistleにして00:08:330 (2) - Finish、whistleもあっていいと思うけどお好みで
  3. 00:27:922 (3) - ボディwhistleいらなくない?
  4. 00:49:810 (1) - これSC2のwhistleめっちゃ合わない?
  5. 01:30:065 (2,1) - この距離感よくわかんらんち;;01:30:830 - add Noteしない このままで!
  6. 01:39:478 (10,1) - 縮めてくにしても10 x28 y292 1 x12 y284とかのが綺麗だと思う 修正
  7. 01:53:024 - Finish忘れ、一番あった 修正
  8. 02:08:177 (3) - NC1番はあったのとhitsoundの提案はおんなじ 修正
  9. 02:08:330 (1) - 同じ理由でRemoveNC 修正
  10. 02:16:289 - ここもFInish忘れかな 修正
  11. 02:36:953 - ここあってもいいと思うけどお好みで!
  12. 02:41:851 - 02:43:075 - ここはあったほうがいいと思う
  13. 03:25:473 (1) - ここのNCはわかるけど03:27:922 (1) - これはいらなくない? 両方消した!
  14. 02:35:575 (5,6,1,2) - ここの流れあんま好きじゃない;; 特に問題に感じないのでこのままで!!
  15. 03:04:657 (4,5) - ここもこんな流れが好き おっけ
  16. 03:34:657 - Finishほしい
  17. 03:35:269 - 03:35:422 - ここもせかっくだしSC2Vol40位で拾ってあげない?メインがドラムの音だし、特にアクセント部分を強調するパートでもないのでこのままで!
  18. 03:47:667 (6) - whistleも付けない?
  19. 03:58:381 - 03:58:687 - ここ音的には03:53:483 (3,4,5) - と同じだしFinishあったが良くない?あれならClapいらんし 今の感じで頭に残っちゃってるので変えたら違和感がryこのままでいこうかなーとおもいます
  20. 03:58:993 (5) - NC入れない?おっけー!

    昔のろりえもんだあああああああって感じで嬉しかった :oops:
mod time:3.5 hour
Konnichiwa, hentai Laurier-sama~~ >w<
Oyatsu desu~ =.=
  1. Add to tags: ソードアート・オンラインⅡ opening full version SAO calibur mother's rosary A-1 Pictures
  2. The time for players be ready to start diff is quite short for me, delay for 500 will be better
    AudioLeadIn: 500
  1. OD +1
  2. 00:11:698 (2) - Really I feel it is quite weird since there isn't any sound at 00:12:310 - to slider catch it. Beside, there is voice at 00:12:463 - . For the same next rhythm, you putted repeating-slider - 00:14:912 (1) which catched the voices very well. So, I sugguest putting a circle at 00:12:463 - , then remove repeat from 00:11:698 (3) - .
  3. 00:15:524 (2) - Since this is curved slider, I want 00:16:289 (1) - is too, so the flow will be more perfect
  4. 00:17:973 (3,4) - I think that you put 2 circles are surely you had some purposes, but I still recommend to make 1/2 slider. it is more sensible here
  5. 00:20:269 (3) - Move to 200/310 for better blanket
  6. 00:28:993 (2) - Feel the flow is quite narrow, i sugguest moving to 384/220 to improve
  7. 00:32:820 (3) - The distance is quite near than the current distance 1/2 set, i mean some players can understand falsely it is 1/4 rhythm instead of 1/2. I sugguest moving it abit down (240/212)
  8. 00:36:493 (3) - Clap is more sensible than whistle instead
  9. 00:45:065 (3) - ^, i mean at head
  10. 00:50:269 (3) - Use finish of drum additions would be nicer at head
  11. 00:51:800 (1) - Remove finish from head, I haven't never heard it.
  12. 01:13:228 (4,5) - This's again, the distance is quite near for me, some players can understand it is 1/4, it isn't really safe. I sugguest moving it abit farer (28/52)
  13. 01:21:647 (2,3,4) - These clap is quite loud for me though the instrument from song is quite sleazy, I want to discrease the volumn to 40%
  14. 01:28:534 (1) - Add finish at head as you did for 00:28:534 (1) -
  15. 01:39:249 (7) - Change distance, i'm not sure if you liked to put NC or not :3
  16. 01:53:636 (3) - this is semi like 01:53:330 (2) - but why you used whistle at head, i see it isnt sensible. I sugguest using clap at head instead
  17. 02:03:279 (4) - Add whistle
  18. 02:12:616 (1) - Move the middle point to the right abit will fit better, 466/112 is an example
  19. 02:27:769 (4) - Clap at tail will be more sensible
  20. 02:43:075 (1) - Add finish at head instead
  21. 02:43:075 (1) - Add finish at head insetad as you did for 02:39:402 (1) -
  22. 03:08:177 (4) - Add clap at head
  23. 03:52:106 (2) - Move 1 grid to the right will be better blanket
  1. I'm not sure but BPM is 196, high bpm, so I recommend to use AR 8.2~8.5, it will fit better with the current diff
  2. 00:30:677 (2) - Overlap here isn't a good idea for me, since you often used overlap in this diff for 1/2 at the opening, here is 1/1. I sugguest moving to 76/184 will be nicer
  3. 00:36:800 (4) - Add clap at head
  4. 01:00:983 (3) - I want this is curved slider, too as 01:01:289 (4) - . The pattern would be more perfect
  5. 01:18:585 (1) - Add finish at head as 01:14:912 (1) -
  6. 01:21:493 (1) - This repeating-slider seems be off for me, you can hear drum-sound at 01:21:723 -, i want to catch them. I sugguest putting a circle at 01:21:493 - , then creating repeating- 1/4 slider. The rhythm will be more sensible and natural
  7. 01:34:504 (4) - This overlap makes the flow bad, the sound here isn't also the same as 01:34:351 - , so overlap isn't a good way. How about moving to 208180 to overlap with head of 01:34:963 (2) - ? It's great for me
  8. 01:53:636 (3) - Add clap at head
  9. 02:57:310 (3) - Move the tail to 164/272 to fit better
  10. Remove green lines: 03:06:570 - 03:07:412 - 03:07:565 - because you didnt use it
  11. 03:09:555 (3) - I feel it is too curved, make the appearance of slider bad. I sugguest moving the middle point to 304/360, then move the tail to 252/352
  12. From 03:07:718 - to 03:12:616 - , you should put clap-hitsound of SC2 as Insane, it is really great, also make everything be logical
  1. 00:20:269 - This greenline is the same as 00:19:963 - , so it isn't necessary, delete it pls
  2. 00:21:187 (1) - Move to the right abit to be better blanket
  3. 00:22:718 (1) - The flow is quite bad and narrow for me. I sugguest moving 00:22:718 (1) - to 100/288, move 00:23:024 (2) - to 104/200. Like that, it will look clearer and smoother. It looks like:
  4. 00:28:534 (1) - It isn't blanket at the current. 00:28:534 (1) - Move the middle point 1 grid down to improve
  5. 00:32:514 (1) - No need NC as 00:37:412 (2) -
  6. 00:33:432 - Remove green line because it is useless
  7. 00:38:330 - ^
  8. 01:40:473 (2) - same issue as 00:22:718 (1) -. I sugguest moving 01:40:473 (2) - to 288/332, then move 01:40:473 (2) - to 208/296, move 01:41:391 (2) - to 96/216
  9. 01:42:004 - Remove greenline
  10. 01:46:902 - ^
  11. 01:48:891 - ^
  12. 02:06:493 (1) - Move to 400/100
  13. 02:18:126 (2) - This slider is so curved for me, move the middle point abit up will be nicer
  14. 02:23:330 - Add a circle, the rhythm will be more natural to play
  15. 02:33:279 (1) - Move the middle point to 152/144 to fit it better
  16. 02:35:728 (1) - Add finish at head
  17. Remove green lines: 03:06:570 - 03:07:412 - 03:07:565 -
I moded it before you updated somethings, so maybe there will some issues you've fixed already from Nanaka's mod and yourself.
Good map as always, almost I pointed out something which i think it could be made more perfect, it isn't really big problems.
Good luck! Laurier-sama >w<
Topic Starter
fixed most of hitsounds.
Thanks for modding
lol bpm still sounds unstable at some parts. noticeably at the end 03:58:381 -
Topic Starter
timing complex x_x

Hey, Laurier! Aerous asked me to take a look at your map. I can't really mod Insanes, so I'll take a look at your Normal and Hard instead.
Well, here's my mod:

Where’s your kiai time? This map definitely needs a kiai time in my opinion.

00:21:187 (1,2) – These combos seems too short for me. Rather remove NC here: 00:22:718 (1) – 00:23:942 (1,2) – Same thing here. Remove NC here: 00:24:861 (1) - There are other places as well, but I’m not going to point out every single one.00:20:575 (2,1) – Improve this blanket by curving 00:21:187 (1) – a bit more.00:27:310 (1,2) – Again, my NC suggestion.00:37:412 (2,3,4) – Rather place these three like this:
Only my own opinion.00:40:779 (1,2) – My previous combo suggestion00:42:004 (1,2) – Maybe a blanket here?
00:54:861 (2) – Not really the best placement for flow purposes. Rather place it like this:
00:56:085 (2,2) – This stack can be improved a teeny bit. Place 00:57:616 (2) – here: X:135 Y:26201:28:228 (2,2) - ^, move 01:29:147 (2) – till it’s here: X:45 Y:10001:30:371 (1,1) - ^, move 01:32:208 (1) – till it’s here: X:213 Y:29001:37:106 (1,3) - ^, move 01:38:636 (3) – till it’s here: X:284 Y:8301:46:289 (2) – Rather just do this:
Copy and paste 01:45:677 (1) – 02:11:391 (1,2) – Rather blanket?
02:28:075 (2) – Rather just straighten this slider. Will look better then02:39:402 (1,1) – Improve the stack. Place 02:40:779 (1) – here: X:225 Y:20402:48:738 (2,1) – Improve this blanket.03:01:902 (2,3) - ^, just move the tail of 03:02:208 (3) – a bit downwards.03:12:616 (1) – Rather just straighten this slider.03:33:126 (2,2) – Improve the stack. Place 03:34:044 (2) – here: X:290 Y:17303:46:442 (1) – This spinner feels pretty short for a Normal diff and the end of it doesn’t sound right. Maybe just place a slider there instead.04:04:504 (1) – This spinner’s also too short in my opinion. Better check with a BAT about this.

00:17:514 (2) – Move this slider a bit to the left to make a better blanket with 00:16:289 (1) - Like this:
00:40:014 (3,1) – Improve this stack. Move 00:40:779 (1) – till it’s here: X:145 Y:25000:54:861 (2,3) – Blanket here?01:00:983 (3,4) – Make these two sliders look the same? Like this:
Copy and paste 01:00:983 (3) – then just rotate the slider a bit01:28:228 (4) – Nazi. Move this slider till it’s here:
01:28:840 (2) – Ctrl+G, and remember to place these two hitcircles: 01:29:070 (3,4) – on the tail again.01:55:779 (2) – Rather stack this circle on 01:55:932 (3) –

Overall, very nice mapset. (Just add a kiai time though, please)
Here’s a star!~
Good Luck! :D

PM Request


  1. all diff add KIAI time please

  1. 00:03:738 - add clap batter
  2. 00:05:422 (3) - i think this slider change flow is piano Rhythm
  3. 00:07:412 - add note here.
  4. 00:20:269 - hmm i think this green line move 00:20:575 - here imo
  5. 00:19:963 - Awkward can change this sound clap.
  6. 00:20:575 (2,1) - Missing blanket.
  7. 00:33:432 - break time start here
  8. 00:35:881 (1) - this slider flow vocal batter
  9. 00:38:330 - Break time start here
  10. 00:42:616 (2) - how about this patten? change is flow batter
  11. 00:57:616 (2,1) - this is swap patten please. Flow is more lovable nature.
  12. 01:17:361 - finish
  13. 01:20:116 - you can add this add break time
  14. 01:42:004 - break time start here
  15. 01:45:677 (1) - this slider (2) note blanket?
  16. 01:46:902 - break time start here
  17. 02:59:759 (2) - small missing blanket.

  1. 00:15:677 (4) - this note move 00:15:830 - here? flow is vocal
  2. 00:19:657 (3) - how about Ctrl+G? add a little fun element to make the jump.
  3. 00:33:432 (1) - you can change slider shape here.
  4. 00:42:922 (3,1) - spacing is bad. change distance here.
  5. 01:08:942 (1,2) - add hitsound please.
  6. 01:09:861 (4) - This slider is moved by a slight distance down to fit.
  7. 01:20:039 - add break time here?
  8. 01:27:157 (4,1) - bad jumping >_>. 01:27:310 (1) - this slider Ctrl+G please.
  9. 02:25:779 (4) - Ctrl+G?
  10. 02:57:157 (2,3) - bad spacing. (2) note is change distance
  11. 03:41:391 (3) - Ctrl+G is flow batter imo
  12. 03:58:993 (4) - move this batter

  1. 00:07:259 (4) - check spacing
  2. 00:19:657 (4) - Ctrl+G is flow batter imo
  3. 00:37:794 (4) - delete note this. fit is not battered.
  4. 01:19:657 (4) - NC
  5. 01:20:039 - add break time here?
  6. 02:01:289 (2) - this note stack batter.
  7. 02:10:167 (1) - delete finish on the head. (Whistle intact please)
Best of Luck~
Topic Starter
I'll check later and will reply about fix or not.
Thanks for modding
Topic Starter

-Nya- wrote:

Hey, Laurier! Aerous asked me to take a look at your map. I can't really mod Insanes, so I'll take a look at your Normal and Hard instead.
Well, here's my mod:

Where’s your kiai time? This map definitely needs a kiai time in my opinion. add kiai because everyone said so.

00:21:187 (1,2) – These combos seems too short for me. Rather remove NC here: 00:22:718 (1) – 00:23:942 (1,2) – Same thing here. Remove NC here: 00:24:861 (1) - There are other places as well, but I’m not going to point out every single one. same as above00:20:575 (2,1) – Improve this blanket by curving 00:21:187 (1) – a bit more. okay00:27:310 (1,2) – Again, my NC suggestion. 00:37:412 (2,3,4) – Rather place these three like this: ok
Only my own opinion.00:40:779 (1,2) – My previous combo suggestion00:42:004 (1,2) – Maybe a blanket here? no it is good fllow for me
00:54:861 (2) – Not really the best placement for flow purposes. Rather place it like this: no
00:56:085 (2,2) – This stack can be improved a teeny bit. Place 00:57:616 (2) – here: X:135 Y:262 fixed those stacks01:28:228 (2,2) - ^, move 01:29:147 (2) – till it’s here: X:45 Y:10001:30:371 (1,1) - ^, move 01:32:208 (1) – till it’s here: X:213 Y:29001:37:106 (1,3) - ^, move 01:38:636 (3) – till it’s here: X:284 Y:8301:46:289 (2) – Rather just do this: changed this sliders. however it's not from your suggestion.
Copy and paste 01:45:677 (1) – 02:11:391 (1,2) – Rather blanket? no
02:28:075 (2) – Rather just straighten this slider. Will look better then i see. good idea02:39:402 (1,1) – Improve the stack. Place 02:40:779 (1) – here: X:225 Y:204 ok02:48:738 (2,1) – Improve this blanket. ehh03:01:902 (2,3) - ^, just move the tail of 03:02:208 (3) – a bit downwards. ok03:12:616 (1) – Rather just straighten this slider. no03:33:126 (2,2) – Improve the stack. Place 03:34:044 (2) – here: X:290 Y:17303:46:442 (1) – This spinner feels pretty short for a Normal diff and the end of it doesn’t sound right. Maybe just place a slider there instead. ok-04:04:504 (1) – This spinner’s also too short in my opinion. Better check with a BAT about this.
keep it

00:17:514 (2) – Move this slider a bit to the left to make a better blanket with 00:16:289 (1) - Like this: ok
00:40:014 (3,1) – Improve this stack. Move 00:40:779 (1) – till it’s here: X:145 Y:250 ok00:54:861 (2,3) – Blanket here? no01:00:983 (3,4) – Make these two sliders look the same? Like this: no
Copy and paste 01:00:983 (3) – then just rotate the slider a bit  01:28:228 (4) – Nazi. Move this slider till it’s here: nope. I used this pattern on some maps.
01:28:840 (2) – Ctrl+G, and remember to place these two hitcircles: 01:29:070 (3,4) – on the tail again. no. this little jump is fit to the song01:55:779 (2) – Rather stack this circle on 01:55:932 (3) – no

Overall, very nice mapset. (Just add a kiai time though, please)
Here’s a star!~
Good Luck! :D
thanks for modding ><!
My map was more beautiful than before.
  1. 00:05:422 (3) - white lineに合わせた方がrhythmがわかりやすいと思います。こんなかんじとか
  2. 02:36:493 (2,3) - 単発の3がたたきにくかったです。こっちの方が好み。
  3. 02:48:738 (2,1) - blanketがずれてるように見えましたけど意図的?
  4. 03:01:902 (2,3) - ^
  1. 00:18:279 (3) - move to 00:18:126- . 
  2. 01:59:453- add a note. これがないとvocalに合わせて01:59:759 (2,3) - をたたきたくなりそう
  3. 03:17:361 (6,1) - ここはきちんとblanketした方が良いと思います
  1. 01:14:300- hardのようにfinishの方が良いと思います
  2. 03:51:187 (4) - Ctrl+Gの方が好きかな
Laurierさんの譜面すごく勉強になるので、これからもmodでぜひ呼んでください ;)
star! ~☆
~Good Luck~
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Forgotten for hentai Lauri-sama. =o=
Good luck! Lauri-chan desu >w< ;)
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arigato- ><!

  1. why do I feel offset -10 is much better?
  2. please use custom slider-tick to support clap pattern on Normal diff >< so quiet ;w;
  1. 00:06:493 (1) - : add whistle? current one is so quiet imo
  2. 00:29:759 (2) - : too bad you ignored strong beat here ;w; how about remove whistle and add clap to support the music better
  3. 00:50:269 (2) - : remove whistle and use drum-clap instead?
  4. 01:07:718 (1) - : i heard finish here, so add finish?
  5. 01:42:004 - 01:46:902 - 01:48:891 - : remove this unused green line
  6. 02:16:289 (1) - : this part is quiet, remove finish, add finish on 02:17:514 - will support music better :3
  7. 02:22:412 (2) - : add finish, there's cymbals sounds here
  8. 03:02:820 (1) - : ^
  9. 03:07:412 - 03:07:565 - : remove this unused green line
  10. 03:31:595 (3) - : add clap to support your clap pattern
  11. 03:39:555 (1) - : add finish

i'll be back for full mods tomorrow ><!
Topic Starter

changed some hitsounds and mp3
idk if anyone said this yet but i think spread isn't too good :X

huge gap from hard - insane, could make your hard diff a bit harder to make the spread more linear. i noticed that you used a large amount of 1/1s in hard diff, some of those could be mapped out.

well, that's just my opinion anyway.
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