
Kurosaki Maon - Memories Last (TV size.)

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LioVir wrote:

Good map i like it.

01:19:511 (1,2,3) - you can change the linear circles for a triangle patter. it will raise the difficulty a bit
Topic Starter

Hakurei Yoru wrote:

  1. 吵死了啊啊啊啊啊啊啊啊啊啊啊啊啊啊啊啊啊啊
  2. 前面音效30%
  3. 00:22:285 (4) - 80%
  4. 00:11:881 (1) - 加Timing 音效60%
  5. 00:22:806 (6) - 50%
  6. 00:39:626 (7,8,9,10) - 我局的这不是读图梗
  7. 00:47:603 (1) - 60%
  8. 00:50:725 (4) - 20%
  9. KIAI音效就没事了。
  10. 总之也是单纯的抓节奏
  11. 最后再吐槽一下
  12. 00:52:112 (1,2) - 哎呀突然想起来吧
Good luck
Topic Starter

Hyasalia wrote:

NM MOD from a Rookie Mapper
  1. 音效声音忽响忽轻的应该需要大调整吧
  2. 100应该是不太常用的,换成80或70吧。
  3. 20实在太轻,note打上去都感觉不到了,调高点45前后吧。
  4. 00:47:603 (1) - 这里kiai段前面应该是有段小高潮的,那里为什么突然降音了呢
  5. kiai段怎么突然变轻了,70以上吧
  6. 最后转盘那里可以加绿线逐渐降音,最后转盘尾巴这里可以用20以下的
  7. 音效没怎么加呢,很多地方可以加whistle自己试试吧,跟着音乐加就行,重音的地方可以放clap或者fin
  1. 00:06:332 (1) - finish Fixed
  2. 00:21:072 (4) - finish Fixed
  3. 00:20:551 (2,3) - 这里滑条和note交换下顺序感觉会比较好Fixed
  4. 00:31:823 (3,4,5,6) - 45是对称的,为什么36不对称呢 Fixed
  5. 00:47:950 (3,4,5,6) - 这里感觉节奏不对,改成这样试试 Fixed
  6. 00:52:112 (1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4) - 不好看 Fixed
  7. 00:58:181 (1,2,3) - 全部改成单点试试 Fixed
  8. 01:04:598 (1,2) - 不考虑换成一个串吗 不了,听不到连打,换成了slider
  9. 01:08:239 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7) - 这里不适合串,这样放试试 ^ 这个也舍弃连打放了slider
  10. 01:08:933 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8) - 这里感觉放串也不太好
  11. 01:26:621 (3,4,5) - 这里前面的蓝线漏了个音 Fixed
  12. 感觉kiai段里节奏问题比较大,最好re一下 不知道算不算改了 >>
  13. 另外00:53:499 (5) - kiai段开头放这里,01:13:962 (7) - 这里结束吧 Fixed
  14. 排版的话,我也不太会,总体排版就是有点散,然后细节很多要修,一些固定梗摆好看点
Topic Starter

unhappymushroom wrote:

soga大大, 这是第一次mod, 随便说说


00:03:037 (2,3,4) - 这三个是单点但是看起来像连打, 刚一开始不太熟悉bpm很可能就当成连打了, 可以连续用三个1来提醒 没必要
01:10:147 (1) - 这个滑条的样式和前面连打的flow不太搭, 可以改个方向或者样式 还好呀。。就是缺乏美观
01:16:736 (2,3) - 01:17:256 (4,5) - 2,3 和 4,5 应该用不同的combo color, note的间距一样但是3和4中间顿了一拍, 可以用不同的color来提醒一下 Fixed
01:25:059 (1,2,3) - 这三个note也最好用不同的颜色来区分一下, 3那里停顿了一下 Fixed
01:26:534 (3,4,5,6) - 这4个note和前面的一个滑条尾组成一个5连, 但是却没有摆在一起, 觉得有点怪怪的, 会让人误以为中间有停顿. 可以把前一个滑条改成单点, 最后放上一个完整的5连, 或者把最后这个4连放的和滑条近一点 Fixed

Topic Starter

Alex Li wrote:

00:03:037 (2,3,4) - 这种梗还是得ds Fixed
00:10:667 (3,4,5,6) - 这个3 4 6 5 或者3 5 4 6 还是柑橘比较顺flow吧毕竟这种梯形梗的flow也不是非常好像什么五边形五角星跳我都是非常推荐的 Fixed
00:16:563 (2,4) - 这里也是十分的难看 Fixed
00:18:124 (7,1) - 包好 Fixed
00:48:991 (6,7,8,9) - 同2,真的不建议 Fixed
00:55:580 (7,1) - 复制党浑身难受 Fixed
00:56:967 (1,3) - ^ Fixed
01:01:129 (1,2,3) - ^ Fixed
why sv1.4 idk.默认的就用了..

24th_garden wrote:

24th_garden'w modding

01:17:430 (5) - 起点是人声,中间人声完了,结尾是鼓点,听着好奇怪 fixed
另:我f2了几个nor图对比,nor难度遮挡最好止步于原地点。你这个note实在有点密集,适当调整一下吧w fixed
Topic Starter

24th_garden wrote:

24th_garden'w modding

Topic Starter

smallboat wrote:


1.NZU是誰? 最好在每個難度tag 加上GD的人的name,現在都這樣子added。(Creator words 也要寫上ID)补上
2.Easy 和 Insane 的countdown不一致。Fixed

[Easy] 1.50的以下難度顏色是綠標(所以你如果降到1.49剛好是綠標可以試試)

00:00:783 (1) - 像這種前奏的音量可以放小一點,比如50%還蠻好。(動了這個音量別忘了Ins diff也要動(發現怎麼音量不一致,你可以把ins的紅線跟綠線 copy過來不就好?(頂多只是調些slider結尾)) Fixed
00:21:418 (1) - Easy最好之間要空一個白線,像這種就很近,有點難轉。 这个感觉这样就好._.
00:23:326 (1) - Clap音效建議放一下,現在這樣聽,感覺鼓聲音效好小聲。Fixed
00:27:141 (3) - 間距 Fixed
00:49:164 (1) - 同00:21:418 Fixed
01:01:129 (3) - 尾端別overlap Fixed
01:03:557 (1) - 取消NC Fixed
01:04:598 (4) - 然後這邊加NC,vocal從這起頭。 Fixed
01:07:719 (1,2) - 尾端能加finish (音量減個15~20%左右,現在這樣音量有點大聲) Fixed
01:09:280 (4) - 前端應該是在後面白線? Fixed
01:15:349 (3) - Blanket沒處理好 Fixed
01:26:447 (4) - 換成一個note就可以了,留點間隔。 Fixed



00:00:783 (1) - 不建議前奏放clap這種吵雜的音效,放whistle這種輕聲比較適當。Fixed
00:03:037 (2,3,4) - 有種難度的感覺 (聽音樂是覺得沒必要用anti-jump) 觉得这样就好了
00:03:557 (1) - 開頭應該whistle而不是finish? Fixed
00:09:106 (5) - ^ (這邊輕聲段落不適合放finish) Fixed
00:12:228 (3,4) - 應該是能放遠一些些(加個0.5左右),怎麼這麼近。 Fixed
00:13:615 (2,3,4) - 也是有點吵,紅線clap去掉。(使聽的有規律點) Fixed
00:18:124 (7,1) - 聽音樂明顯是有個間距,所以應該也是能空一些。 Fixed
00:18:644 (2,3,4,5) - 不太好看的梗 改了,不知道好不好看。。
00:33:557 (6,1) - 應該是放在(216|344)的位置,不覺得這邊之前的位置點的不順? 这个直接就换梗了。
00:38:933 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7) - 這個clap音效有點吵,有點刺耳。 Fixed
00:39:626 (8) - 忘了NC? Fixed
00:43:095 (1) - 滑條聲加到whistle了,remove it. 这个把折返条换了
00:46:736 (5,6,7) - 最好彼此間還是放遠一些 Fixed
00:52:112 (1,2,3) - 這三個能大跳,然後後面的12345再放的間距小一些,這樣就能符合音樂。Fixed
01:04:598 (1,2,3,4,5) - 感覺聽不出來什麼連打 Fixed
01:07:892 (2,1,2) - 像這種重音就可加finish (前面slider尾端別加到了) Fixed
01:24:019 (4,5) - 4要NC,因為大跳 Fixed
01:26:447 (1,2,3,4,5) - 這後面是安靜的段落,卻要加個預設clap,不會太吵? Fixed


谢谢 S.Boat Sama 233 ~ !
Hello m4m! ;)

  • In NzU's Insane make hitsounds!
[spring's normal]
  1. use Distans snap!!!!!! ( )
    00:19:511 (2) - Put like this ( )
    00:26:100 (2,3) - delete and make slider ( )
    00:46:043 (6,1) - delete(it's Normal and not hard)
    00:45:869 - 00:47:950 ---make how this
  • all good :)
[NzU's Insane]
  1. open AiMod!!!!!
    01:26:621 (6) - delete ithis slider and make Spiner!!!! :o

Bye)) :D
Good luck :)
Topic Starter

Gordon123 wrote:

Hello m4m! ;)

  • In NzU's Insane make hitsounds!

  • 00:08:066 (1) - correct this slider Fixed
    00:20:204 (4,5) - clap it already have a Clap and whistle on the head ._.
    00:22:979 - make circle ( ) Fixed
    00:27:141 (3) - delete Finish Fixed
    00:28:528 (2) - ^ Fixed
    00:41:361 (1,2) - correct points ( ) Fixed
    00:52:112 (1) - correct slirer,and maybe > Fixed
    01:21:245 - 50% volume dk why but i didnt change this one ._.
  • all good :)
Thank you Gordon for ur excellence Mod !xd

Gordon123 wrote:

[spring's normal]
  1. use Distans snap!!!!!! ( ) fixed
    00:19:511 (2) - Put like this ( ) fixed
    00:26:100 (2,3) - delete and make slider ( ) fixed
    00:46:043 (6,1) - delete(it's Normal and not hard) fixed
    00:45:869 - 00:47:950 ---make how this fixed
I've learned a lot.Thank you for your mod. :P
NzU's Insane
  1. 00:11:361 (1) - Strange Slider
  2. 00:22:979 (1,2,3) - Note too close together
  3. 00:32:517 - 00:34:077 - Random stream out of nowhere and the stream should end at 00:33:904 (13)
  4. 00:32:863 (5) - Maybe should map similar to the background drums
The only things I dont really like are the random streams and the really short sliders

SoGa wrote:

24th_garden wrote:

24th_garden'w modding



  1. 現在的metadata有點錯誤 Reference:
    Title: Memories Last (TV size) - decapitalize that S in "Size"
    Artist: 黒崎真音
    Source: Toaru Majutsu no Index II
    Tags: A Certain Magical Index とある魔術の禁書目録 J.C.Staff Ending Second Season spring DyingNzU
  2. 所有你自己做的難度的kiai要一致 現在EZ是不同的
  3. 把那個.osb刪除了 因為你的圖沒有Storyboard.
  4. E,H,I都加個2000ms的audio-leadin 現在開始的太快 玩家都沒時間作心理準備
  5. 所有難度的Widescreen Support都不勾 因為沒有Storyboard 另外Letterbox during breaks只勾E跟N
  6. 可以設置custom combo colors
  7. 前奏也用靜音的sliderslide 然後找個custom clap吧 例如: 內置的聽著eggpain


  1. 00:01:303 (2) - 尾巴whistle
  2. 00:01:303 (2,3) - DS誤導 00:00:783 (1,2)是1/2 00:01:303 (2,3)是1/1 但距離是差不多 兩個選擇: 1. 降低00:00:783 (1,2)的DS 2. 增加00:01:303 (2,3)的DS
  3. 00:02:343 (4) - Delete clap. 直到00:11:881的全部刪除 背景音樂沒有鼓點 1&3白線放soft whistle
  4. 00:11:881 - 從這裡開始可以試一下最基本的2,4clap跟1,3whistle whistle可以用這個
  5. 00:06:332 (1) - Finish有點吵 降點音量
  6. 00:10:320 (2,3,4) - ^^ 然後這裡的排列處理的不好 00:11:361 (7,8)肯定比00:10:667 (3,4,5,6)強烈啊 現在3456的跳比我感覺只是為了湊個五角形而放 建議採取78跳 3456小DS的做法
  7. 00:18:124 (1) - Missing clap on tail.
  8. 00:20:204 (1) - Finish.
  9. 00:22:806 (6) - Finish on tail.
  10. 00:27:141 (7) - Remove finish.
  11. 00:31:650 (2,3,4,5,6,7) - 難道不是00:32:690 (1,2,3,4,5,6) - 比較強烈? 這段的排列跟jump都不合理
  12. 00:32:690 (1,2,3,4,5,6) - 嘗試兩個一組 DS漸大的排列
  13. 00:33:730 (1,2,3,4) - 弧度不舒服
  14. 00:46:563 (4) - 就算是大白線也不一定要加finish啊 刪除
  15. 00:53:499 (5) - 出界
  16. 00:53:499 (5,1) - 交換NC
  17. 00:58:181 (1) - 不用NC 單一一個NC通常用於變速
  18. 01:08:586 (2) - Finish on head.
  19. 01:08:239 (1,2,1) - 同00:01:303 (2,3)
  20. 01:09:540 (3,4,5,6,7,8,9) - 角度也是比較彆扭 轉角太小 還有音效怎麼那麼像機關槍
  21. 01:11:707 (1) - Remove NC as mentioned above.
  22. 01:26:967 (1) - 可以在藍線01:26:881開始
  23. 這Insane最主要的問題是對節奏的強度拿捏不夠好 建議關掉音效聽一下哪裡特別強然後在排列上反映出來


  1. 難度太高了 比如00:05:465 (3,4,5) 只是前奏阿 又或者00:35:638 (1,2,1,2,1,2) 00:54:887 (4,5,6,7) - 跳實在不適合 如果不太熟悉Hard的做法 可以全部按DS來排列 建議全程1.1/1.2x
  2. 如果你按照DS來排版的話就應該減少了混亂overlap的地方 好像00:49:164 (4,1,2,3,4) / 01:02:170 (4,5,6,7,1,2,3,4,1,2) / 01:10:493 (2,3,4,5,6,1,1,2) - 你全選了它們會發覺全都擁在同一個地方 嘗試善用整個版面 而不是擠在一起
  3. 某些節奏過難 00:33:730 (1,2,3,4) - 用kick slider就好啦 就像00:38:933 (5,6) ; 00:39:280 (6)可以多折返一次 00:39:540有明顯鼓點
  4. 00:45:696 (1) - 這是unrankable 因為折返arrow被前面的滑條擋住了
  5. 音效跟Insane應該是一樣的 我就不說啦
  6. 排版要重排 不然BAT們應該都不會給泡 有不懂的可以問我


  1. 00:10:493 (1,1) - 現在有條潛規則 Normal的spinner後面必須有兩拍空隙 否則必定被unrank 建議乾脆刪除轉盤 ;_;
  2. 我再看下去 這不是Normal應有的note density啊 circle比slider還多 首要工作是重排rhythm啊 1/2的節奏盡量少一點 最多連續3件1/2的物件好了 多參考別的Normal


  1. 00:21:418 (1,1) - 同Normal EZ要有4個空拍
  2. 節奏還可以 最主要是細節的問題 blanket 00:25:754 (1,2) 有好多 我就不一一提出 還有DS 01:11:881 (2,3,4) - 檢查一次吧 整個難度要一致
  3. 音效我也沒看 先搞好細節
很大的改進空間 1st的話大概多找十多二十個摸吧 加油 不懂可QQ我

1. 00:03:557 (1,2) - 00:04:251 (2) 的blanket有点怪怪的,没有很漂亮地盖着00:03:557 (1) - 至于我建议怎样请看图。
2. 00:09:106 (2,3) - 感觉上这两个应该要是一样的才对(复制后Ctrl+H后+J)
3. 00:21:418 (1) - 这个有点太短了(Easy的spinner应该要让Auto那8000才算够长)。
4. 00:30:262 (2) - 把尾巴的点拉到y: 240 。 这样可以让blanket完美。
5. 00:38:933 (1,2) - 怪异的blanket。稍微移动00:38:933 (1) 以达到一个比较好看的blanket。
6. 01:13:268 (3,4) - 这个……用2. 的方法做出两个一样的滑条,然后重新排列,不要有任何遮盖(不然真的很难看)。
7. 01:20:551 (2,1) - 检查blanket。

[spring's Normal]
1. 00:49:164 (1) - 缩短到00:50:725。然后空着那一段没关系。
2. 01:02:170 - 加一个圆圈。

1. 00:18:991 (1,2) - 这两个滑条应该是要一样的才对。看看Easy的2.
2. 00:33:557 (6) - 这个的位置有一点另类?

1. 00:07:892 (1,2) - 这个blanket有必要修复一下。把00:08:239 (2) - 的尾巴移到x:332 y:264 。
2. 01:09:540 (3,4,5,6,7,8,9) - 尽量不要用掌声烦死玩家 ==
The Girls
Hi Nana~ from Nana's Mod Queue

Oh no... I just realized you speak Chinese. I mean. If you are confused about something. I can write to you in pinyin.

  1. Small extra file in foler: Ed2 - (SoGa).osb
  2. I checked your overall hitsounds, you use N:C1 like one in your Insane. You should try to make your beatmaps have consistent hitsounds.So the big downbeat, use the same sort of additions / sampleset at 33 seconds something on each difficulty, etc.
  3. Unify your metadata. Easy/Normal AudioLeadIn: 0 and Hard/Insane AudioLeadIn: 2000. Easy/Normal WideScreenStoryboard: 1 and Hard/Insane WideScreenStoryboard: 0
  1. Go to AIMod, turn on Check Distance Snap. Fix the 4 errors there.
  2. 00:00:783 ~ 00:11:881 - Lower the initial volume, and ever measure, increasing the volume gradually.
  3. 00:03:557 (1, 2) - Fix blanket.
  4. 00:06:678 (4, 1) - New Combo on (4). Remove NC on (1)
  5. 00:08:066 (1) - Blanket.
  6. 00:09:106 (2) - NC. Keep your combos consistent. Combos are to indicate measures, key changes, time signature changes, major shifts in music. Make sure to change the combo ever measure.
  7. 00:09:106 (2, 3) - Blanket.
  8. 00:12:228 (2) - Inconsistent blanketing width. Compare your width to that of 00:10:493, one cuts into the circle splash and the other lays on top of it.
  9. 00:12:921 (3, 1) - Blanket. Okay. I'm starting to didn't check for blanking throughout the entire song. There are some very helpful guides on how to make blankets neat on here. I suggest you look through them and revamp all of this before moving forward.
  10. 00:13:615 (1, 2) - (1) Remove NC. (2) Add NC
  11. 00:16:043 (1) - Remove NC.
  12. 00:17:430 (3, 1) - Add NC on (3), remove on (1)
  13. 00:20:204 (4, 5) - NC on (4). Fix eveness. Its not symmetrical as is.
  14. 00:26:100 (2) - Blanket
  15. 00:27:488 (1, 2) - (1) Remove NC. (2) Add NC. So....You need to go through the rest of the song and redo your Combos. It's all wrong. I'm not going to the rest and pointing out each one.
  16. 00:30:262 (2) - Blanket.
  17. 00:39:973 (2) - ^
  18. 01:01:129 (3) - ^
  19. 01:23:673 (1) - ^
  20. 01:29:222 - Fade out the spinner as I mentioned, decreasing the volume in increments. The spinner end is too loud as it is
  1. Go to AIMod, turn on Check Distance Snap. Fix the 4 errors there.
  2. 00:16:389 (1, 2, 3) - Remove sloppy overlay by rotating counterclockwise 15~25 degrees, then move (1) is under the previous slider in the same direction of the flow.
  3. 00:32:343 (4) - Move up for better flow.
  4. 00:34:077 - End slider here.
  5. 00:47:950 (1, 2, 3) - Not a pretty combo. Try this. @@@@@@
  6. 01:15:349 (2) - Ugly overlay.
  7. Kiai Time must be consistent between each difficulty. Make this the same as all the other maps.
  1. Hard has a star difficulty between 2.25~3.75. I STRONGLY recommend you read through the ranking criterias before blindly mapping. It saves for a lot of unnecessary and tedious remapping. Also, go through the forums for how to beatmap too.
  2. Your settings are WAYYYYY too high for Hard. You have two options, rename this to Insane and your current Insane to something like Extra/Another, or do some major overhaul. If you want to keep calling it "Hard", reduce CS
  3. 00:15:869 (5) - Blanket.
  4. 00:16:736 (2, 3, 4) - DS. This is a good example of where, sloppy DS can hurt the song. These aren't justified by "No DS rule in Hard and up". Look at the width of the blanketing. It indicates differences in spacing.
  5. 00:21:245 (5) - Blanket.
  6. 00:49:684 (1, 2, 3) - Flows better this way. Try this. (2, 3, they were Ctrl + G-ed) @@@@@@@@
  7. 00:52:112 (1, 2, 3, 4) - Either make a diamond, or if keeping the triangle, make it symmetrical. Ctrl + H is your friend.
  8. 00:59:569 (1) - Unnecessary overlay.
  9. Other than the mentioned, this map is actually well done I think.
I think there are some fundamental changes needed on these three levels. Once you apply these, I think you will naturally pick up some of the things require of the Insane map.

I hope for you the best of luck with your map and all. Nana out.
2014-09-28 11:28 ZZHBOY: 黑窝 提了
2014-09-28 11:29 SoGa: 提了
2014-09-29 12:49 SoGa: zzh
2014-09-29 12:49 SoGa: r u idle for a testplay
2014-09-29 12:49 ZZHBOY: 发
2014-09-29 12:49 SoGa: ACTION is watching [ Kurosaki Maon - Memories Last (TV size) [Insane]]
2014-09-29 12:49 ZZHBOY: ACTION is playing [ Kurosaki Maon - Memories Last (TV size) [Insane]]
2014-09-29 12:51 ZZHBOY: 音效是怎么回事啊
2014-09-29 12:51 SoGa: too weird , im sry
2014-09-29 12:51 SoGa: 音效还没弄
2014-09-29 12:51 ZZHBOY: 加24clap就可以了啊
2014-09-29 12:51 SoGa: 打算弄完排版再来
2014-09-29 12:52 SoGa: 具体别扭的地方能指出来么(orz
2014-09-29 12:52 ZZHBOY: 不知道也
2014-09-29 12:52 ZZHBOY: 我看看
2014-09-29 12:52 SoGa: 你是三刀把。
2014-09-29 12:52 SoGa: 不对,你刚三刀了把
2014-09-29 12:53 ZZHBOY: 00:03:037 (6,7,8) - 你这里摆成这样了
2014-09-29 12:53 ZZHBOY: 啊 随便打的...
2014-09-29 12:53 ZZHBOY: 键鼠打不好
2014-09-29 12:54 ZZHBOY: 00:05:118 (1,2,3,4,5,6) - 这里跟前面听起来差不多我觉得前面还是不要放那种anti jump比较好
2014-09-29 12:54 SoGa: 这个不好吗
2014-09-29 12:54 SoGa: 就是前面也放开点好么
2014-09-29 12:55 ZZHBOY: 不知道 小建议
2014-09-29 12:55 ZZHBOY: 00:08:933 (4) -
2014-09-29 12:55 ZZHBOY: 这里
2014-09-29 12:55 ZZHBOY: 打起来好奇怪啊
2014-09-29 12:55 ZZHBOY: 你试试这样
2014-09-29 12:55 ZZHBOY:
2014-09-29 12:56 ZZHBOY: 00:11:534 - 这里可以放1/4.....
2014-09-29 12:57 ZZHBOY: 00:15:176 (4,5,6) - 这一带flow感觉都不太好
2014-09-29 12:57 SoGa: 我不记得1/4是啥了
2014-09-29 12:57 ZZHBOY: 就是连打啊
2014-09-29 12:57 SoGa: hmm,456那个我也被别人说过,不知道怎么改好 ._.
2014-09-29 12:57 ZZHBOY: 1/4单点
2014-09-29 12:58 SoGa: 那个滑条吗
2014-09-29 12:58 SoGa: 4个notes的连打么
2014-09-29 12:59 ZZHBOY: 00:14:655 (1,2,3,4,5,6) -
2014-09-29 12:59 ZZHBOY:
2014-09-29 13:00 ZZHBOY: 时间轴上的蓝线是1/4拍线
2014-09-29 13:00 ZZHBOY: 每1/4放一个圈就是1/4连打
2014-09-29 13:02 SoGa: (eh
2014-09-29 13:05 ZZHBOY: 00:34:424 (1) - 这种都是乱加nc
2014-09-29 13:06 SoGa: 直觉,,(觉得是时候换了,,,
2014-09-29 13:06 ZZHBOY: 00:49:684 (1,2) - 反正我不喜欢这种 太挤了
2014-09-29 13:06 ZZHBOY: 00:50:725 (4) - nc
2014-09-29 13:06 SoGa: 这个不好么,,,难得自己想出来的,后期我想想
2014-09-29 13:06 ZZHBOY: 00:55:927 (1,2) - 交换nc
2014-09-29 13:07 SoGa: 交换nv?
2014-09-29 13:08 SoGa: nc?
2014-09-29 13:08 SoGa: 这个没明
2014-09-29 13:08 ZZHBOY: 00:59:742 (1,2,3,4,5,6) -
2014-09-29 13:08 ZZHBOY:
2014-09-29 13:09 ZZHBOY: 00:56:274 - 这里是重音啊
2014-09-29 13:09 ZZHBOY: 后面一小段从这里开始的
2014-09-29 13:09 SoGa: 这里我跟了vocal
2014-09-29 13:10 ZZHBOY: 唔
2014-09-29 13:10 ZZHBOY: 反正我是这么建议 后面肯定还有人会这么说
2014-09-29 13:10 SoGa: 好吧
2014-09-29 13:10 SoGa: fix
2014-09-29 13:10 ZZHBOY: 你看看那个截图 你前面跳了后面一直顺flow感觉不好 建议把kiai都像这样弄一下
2014-09-29 13:11 SoGa: 就是前后note对换下位置吗
2014-09-29 13:11 ZZHBOY: 是
2014-09-29 13:12 SoGa: 我的kiai被人吐槽过呢,,(怎么感觉你kiai time比前面都容易,,
2014-09-29 13:12 SoGa: orz
2014-09-29 13:12 ZZHBOY: 01:04:944 (2) - 这个也是ctrl+g一下
2014-09-29 13:12 ZZHBOY: 反正你多试试 不要一直像贪吃蛇一样一个接一个
2014-09-29 13:12 ZZHBOY: 大概就这些
Topic Starter

ZZHBOY wrote:

2014-09-28 11:28 ZZHBOY: 黑窝 提了
2014-09-28 11:29 SoGa: 提了
2014-09-29 12:49 SoGa: zzh
2014-09-29 12:49 SoGa: r u idle for a testplay
2014-09-29 12:49 ZZHBOY: 发
2014-09-29 12:49 SoGa: ACTION is watching [ Kurosaki Maon - Memories Last (TV size) [Insane]]
2014-09-29 12:49 ZZHBOY: ACTION is playing [ Kurosaki Maon - Memories Last (TV size) [Insane]]
2014-09-29 12:51 ZZHBOY: 音效是怎么回事啊
2014-09-29 12:51 SoGa: too weird , im sry
2014-09-29 12:51 SoGa: 音效还没弄
2014-09-29 12:51 ZZHBOY: 加24clap就可以了啊
2014-09-29 12:51 SoGa: 打算弄完排版再来
2014-09-29 12:52 SoGa: 具体别扭的地方能指出来么(orz
2014-09-29 12:52 ZZHBOY: 不知道也
2014-09-29 12:52 ZZHBOY: 我看看
2014-09-29 12:52 SoGa: 你是三刀把。
2014-09-29 12:52 SoGa: 不对,你刚三刀了把
2014-09-29 12:53 ZZHBOY: 00:03:037 (6,7,8) - 你这里摆成这样了
2014-09-29 12:53 ZZHBOY: 啊 随便打的...
2014-09-29 12:53 ZZHBOY: 键鼠打不好
2014-09-29 12:54 ZZHBOY: 00:05:118 (1,2,3,4,5,6) - 这里跟前面听起来差不多我觉得前面还是不要放那种anti jump比较好
2014-09-29 12:54 SoGa: 这个不好吗
2014-09-29 12:54 SoGa: 就是前面也放开点好么
2014-09-29 12:55 ZZHBOY: 不知道 小建议
2014-09-29 12:55 ZZHBOY: 00:08:933 (4) -
2014-09-29 12:55 ZZHBOY: 这里
2014-09-29 12:55 ZZHBOY: 打起来好奇怪啊
2014-09-29 12:55 ZZHBOY: 你试试这样
2014-09-29 12:55 ZZHBOY:
2014-09-29 12:56 ZZHBOY: 00:11:534 - 这里可以放1/4.....
2014-09-29 12:57 ZZHBOY: 00:15:176 (4,5,6) - 这一带flow感觉都不太好
2014-09-29 12:57 SoGa: 我不记得1/4是啥了
2014-09-29 12:57 ZZHBOY: 就是连打啊
2014-09-29 12:57 SoGa: hmm,456那个我也被别人说过,不知道怎么改好 ._.
2014-09-29 12:57 ZZHBOY: 1/4单点
2014-09-29 12:58 SoGa: 那个滑条吗
2014-09-29 12:58 SoGa: 4个notes的连打么
2014-09-29 12:59 ZZHBOY: 00:14:655 (1,2,3,4,5,6) -
2014-09-29 12:59 ZZHBOY:
2014-09-29 13:00 ZZHBOY: 时间轴上的蓝线是1/4拍线
2014-09-29 13:00 ZZHBOY: 每1/4放一个圈就是1/4连打
2014-09-29 13:02 SoGa: (eh
2014-09-29 13:05 ZZHBOY: 00:34:424 (1) - 这种都是乱加nc
2014-09-29 13:06 SoGa: 直觉,,(觉得是时候换了,,,
2014-09-29 13:06 ZZHBOY: 00:49:684 (1,2) - 反正我不喜欢这种 太挤了
2014-09-29 13:06 ZZHBOY: 00:50:725 (4) - nc
2014-09-29 13:06 SoGa: 这个不好么,,,难得自己想出来的,后期我想想
2014-09-29 13:06 ZZHBOY: 00:55:927 (1,2) - 交换nc
2014-09-29 13:07 SoGa: 交换nv?
2014-09-29 13:08 SoGa: nc?
2014-09-29 13:08 SoGa: 这个没明
2014-09-29 13:08 ZZHBOY: 00:59:742 (1,2,3,4,5,6) -
2014-09-29 13:08 ZZHBOY:
2014-09-29 13:09 ZZHBOY: 00:56:274 - 这里是重音啊
2014-09-29 13:09 ZZHBOY: 后面一小段从这里开始的
2014-09-29 13:09 SoGa: 这里我跟了vocal
2014-09-29 13:10 ZZHBOY: 唔
2014-09-29 13:10 ZZHBOY: 反正我是这么建议 后面肯定还有人会这么说
2014-09-29 13:10 SoGa: 好吧
2014-09-29 13:10 SoGa: fix
2014-09-29 13:10 ZZHBOY: 你看看那个截图 你前面跳了后面一直顺flow感觉不好 建议把kiai都像这样弄一下
2014-09-29 13:11 SoGa: 就是前后note对换下位置吗
2014-09-29 13:11 ZZHBOY: 是
2014-09-29 13:12 SoGa: 我的kiai被人吐槽过呢,,(怎么感觉你kiai time比前面都容易,,
2014-09-29 13:12 SoGa: orz
2014-09-29 13:12 ZZHBOY: 01:04:944 (2) - 这个也是ctrl+g一下
2014-09-29 13:12 ZZHBOY: 反正你多试试 不要一直像贪吃蛇一样一个接一个
2014-09-29 13:12 ZZHBOY: 大概就这些
除了 hs wip,其他都fix了,谢谢zzh大神
Topic Starter

IamKwaN wrote:

Hi Miao <3


  1. 現在的metadata有點錯誤 Reference:
    Title: Memories Last (TV size) - decapitalize that S in "Size"
    Artist: 黒崎真音
    Source: Toaru Majutsu no Index II
    Tags: A Certain Magical Index とある魔術の禁書目録 J.C.Staff Ending Second Season spring DyingNzU
    Fixed Nzu 君已阵亡(X
  2. 所有你自己做的難度的kiai要一致 現在EZ是不同的Fixed
  3. 把那個.osb刪除了 因為你的圖沒有Storyboard.Fixed
  4. E,H,I都加個2000ms的audio-leadin 現在開始的太快 玩家都沒時間作心理準備
  5. 所有難度的Widescreen Support都不勾 因為沒有Storyboard 另外Letterbox during breaks只勾E跟NFixed
  6. 可以設置custom combo colors Fixed
  7. 前奏也用靜音的sliderslide 然後找個custom clap吧 例如: 內置的聽著eggpain Fixed


  1. 00:01:303 (2) - 尾巴whistle Added
  2. 00:01:303 (2,3) - DS誤導 00:00:783 (1,2)是1/2 00:01:303 (2,3)是1/1 但距離是差不多 兩個選擇: 1. 降低00:00:783 (1,2)的DS 2. 增加00:01:303 (2,3)的DS Fixed
  3. 00:02:343 (4) - Delete clap. 直到00:11:881的全部刪除 背景音樂沒有鼓點 1&3白線放soft whistle Fixed 1&3 白线whistle 我只放在单点上了,其他的滑条我都是放head里,,放尾巴感觉有点奇怪._.
  4. 00:11:881 - 從這裡開始可以試一下最基本的2,4clap跟1,3whistle whistle可以用這個 Fixed Daze
  5. 00:06:332 (1) - Finish有點吵 降點音量 觉得50还好._. ,可能之前不是吧>.>打死我
  6. 00:10:320 (2,3,4) - ^^ 然後這裡的排列處理的不好 00:11:361 (7,8)肯定比00:10:667 (3,4,5,6)強烈啊 現在3456的跳比我感覺只是為了湊個五角形而放 建議採取78跳 3456小DS的做法 Fixed 这个不知道算改还是没改。。
  7. 00:18:124 (1) - Missing clap on tail. Fixed
  8. 00:20:204 (1) - Finish.Fixed
  9. 00:22:806 (6) - Finish on tail.Fixed
  10. 00:27:141 (7) - Remove finish.Fixed i remove finish but added a Whistle there ._.
  11. 00:31:650 (2,3,4,5,6,7) - 難道不是00:32:690 (1,2,3,4,5,6) - 比較強烈? 這段的排列跟jump都不合理Fixed
  12. 00:32:690 (1,2,3,4,5,6) - 嘗試兩個一組 DS漸大的排列Fixed
  13. 00:33:730 (1,2,3,4) - 弧度不舒服Fixed I Stacked Them .
  14. 00:46:563 (4) - 就算是大白線也不一定要加finish啊 刪除 Fixed
  15. 00:53:499 (5) - 出界 Fixed
  16. 00:53:499 (5,1) - 交換NC Fixed
  17. 00:58:181 (1) - 不用NC 單一一個NC通常用於變速 Fixed i forgot this part , but i heard 00:58:008 has a downbeat there
  18. 01:08:586 (2) - Finish on head.Fixed
  19. 01:08:239 (1,2,1) - 同00:01:303 (2,3)Fixed
  20. 01:09:540 (3,4,5,6,7,8,9) - 角度也是比較彆扭 轉角太小 還有音效怎麼那麼像機關槍 Fixed (机关枪才激情!(雾
  21. 01:11:707 (1) - Remove NC as mentioned above.Fixed
  22. 01:26:967 (1) - 可以在藍線01:26:881開始Fixed
  23. 這Insane最主要的問題是對節奏的強度拿捏不夠好 建議關掉音效聽一下哪裡特別強然後在排列上反映出來
耳机都坏了。。 :(


  1. 難度太高了 比如00:05:465 (3,4,5) 只是前奏阿 又或者00:35:638 (1,2,1,2,1,2) 00:54:887 (4,5,6,7) - 跳實在不適合 如果不太熟悉Hard的做法 可以全部按DS來排列 建議全程1.1/1.2x
  2. 如果你按照DS來排版的話就應該減少了混亂overlap的地方 好像00:49:164 (4,1,2,3,4) / 01:02:170 (4,5,6,7,1,2,3,4,1,2) / 01:10:493 (2,3,4,5,6,1,1,2) - 你全選了它們會發覺全都擁在同一個地方 嘗試善用整個版面 而不是擠在一起
  3. 某些節奏過難 00:33:730 (1,2,3,4) - 用kick slider就好啦 就像00:38:933 (5,6) ; 00:39:280 (6)可以多折返一次 00:39:540有明顯鼓點
  4. 00:45:696 (1) - 這是unrankable 因為折返arrow被前面的滑條擋住了
  5. 音效跟Insane應該是一樣的 我就不說啦
  6. 排版要重排 不然BAT們應該都不會給泡 有不懂的可以問我

Hard已阵亡 (X ,unrankable那个学到了。谢谢!


  1. 00:21:418 (1,1) - 同Normal EZ要有4個空拍 Fixed 这个我把spin下了
  2. 節奏還可以 最主要是細節的問題 blanket 00:25:754 (1,2) 有好多 我就不一一提出 還有DS 01:11:881 (2,3,4) - 檢查一次吧 整個難度要一致 Fixed 算是检查了下,,ds问题也比较纠结,不知道算不算改好
  3. 音效我也沒看 先搞好細節

很大的改進空間 1st的話大概多找十多二十個摸吧 加油 不懂可QQ我
we discussed something about rhythm and placement, fix some weird hitsounds.
Good luck.

2014-10-01 10:49 Minakami Yuki: ok let us come back to your map
2014-10-01 10:49 Minakami Yuki: ACTION is editing [ Kurosaki Maon - Memories Last (TV size) [Insane]]
2014-10-01 10:49 SoGa: 没事,你可以帮那3个人先
2014-10-01 10:49 Minakami Yuki: 没事了
2014-10-01 10:50 Minakami Yuki: 都搞定了
2014-10-01 10:50 SoGa: 哦,好
2014-10-01 10:50 Minakami Yuki: 嗯开头没啥好说的
2014-10-01 10:50 SoGa: 这么快。
2014-10-01 10:51 Minakami Yuki: 00:10:320 (2) -
2014-10-01 10:51 Minakami Yuki: 00:10:667 (1) -
2014-10-01 10:51 Minakami Yuki: 00:11:361 (5) -
2014-10-01 10:51 Minakami Yuki: 00:11:014 (3) -
2014-10-01 10:51 Minakami Yuki: 是没有stack好还是故意人为错开
2014-10-01 10:52 SoGa: 估计是前者。。
2014-10-01 10:52 SoGa: orz
2014-10-01 10:53 Minakami Yuki: 稍等我卡了 重启下恶俗
2014-10-01 10:54 Minakami Yuki: ok那把那里改一下吧
2014-10-01 10:54 SoGa: 嗯,fixed
2014-10-01 10:54 Minakami Yuki: 00:22:806 (6) -
2014-10-01 10:55 Minakami Yuki: 一般来说很不推荐把finish音(重音)放在slider end
2014-10-01 10:55 Minakami Yuki: 会没有打击感
2014-10-01 10:55 SoGa: 这个。
2014-10-01 10:55 Minakami Yuki: 你这图sv 1.4啊 可能有点低 不过还行
2014-10-01 10:55 SoGa: 骏喵给我摸的时候所以我放了
2014-10-01 10:55 SoGa: 00:22:806 (6) - Finish on tail.
2014-10-01 10:56 Minakami Yuki: 这个地方加finish没啥问题
2014-10-01 10:56 SoGa: 我在弄这图的时候不知道sv,所以。,
2014-10-01 10:56 Minakami Yuki: 主要就是节奏
2014-10-01 10:56 SoGa: 就是,建议对吗~
2014-10-01 10:56 SoGa: 嗯
2014-10-01 10:56 Minakami Yuki: 一般来说finish适合放在让人击打的地方
2014-10-01 10:56 SoGa: 那我现在应该去掉还是留着,orz
2014-10-01 10:56 Minakami Yuki: 有种打下去 咣的一下
2014-10-01 10:57 Minakami Yuki: 我建议是00:22:632 (5) - 改1/2滑条
2014-10-01 10:57 SoGa: 嗯,这个我看过
2014-10-01 10:57 Minakami Yuki: 00:22:979 - 放个note
2014-10-01 10:57 Minakami Yuki: 至于怎么调整看你 不调整也行 改节奏只是我的建议而已
2014-10-01 10:58 SoGa: 就是5 和 6 调换位置吗?
2014-10-01 10:58 Minakami Yuki: 我认为是 毕竟音乐游戏 重音的地方要给player击打的感觉 这是很重要的
2014-10-01 10:58 Minakami Yuki: 你可能需要重新排列下
2014-10-01 10:59 Minakami Yuki: 反正这个地方这么大 排下没啥问题
2014-10-01 10:59 Minakami Yuki: 可以irc完了再改啊
2014-10-01 10:59 Minakami Yuki: 不急这点时候
2014-10-01 11:00 Minakami Yuki: 00:29:742 (1,2) - blanket
2014-10-01 11:00 Minakami Yuki: 00:32:690 (1) - 你听下音乐 我觉得这里clap比finish更加适合一点
2014-10-01 11:00 SoGa: 移2还是 把1 的画好?
2014-10-01 11:00 Minakami Yuki: 00:33:384 (5) - 这个finish就有点多余
2014-10-01 11:01 Minakami Yuki: 把1画好好了
2014-10-01 11:01 Minakami Yuki: 角度稍微调下就行
2014-10-01 11:01 SoGa: finishi
2014-10-01 11:01 Minakami Yuki: 00:38:933 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7) - 这个连打怎么看怎么别扭
2014-10-01 11:01 SoGa: finish多余那个我去掉吧
2014-10-01 11:02 Minakami Yuki: 为什么一定要弯一下= =00:39:366 (6) -
2014-10-01 11:02 SoGa: (哭,第一次放连打
2014-10-01 11:02 SoGa: 怎么的弧度好?
2014-10-01 11:02 SoGa: 不知道,,直觉下的(x
2014-10-01 11:02 Minakami Yuki: 。。
2014-10-01 11:04 SoGa: 怎么样的弧度好打?
2014-10-01 11:04 SoGa: 还是全部同一位置233
2014-10-01 11:05 Minakami Yuki:
2014-10-01 11:08 SoGa: 嗯,好
2014-10-01 11:10 Minakami Yuki: 00:44:655 (3,1,3) - hmm又是stack
2014-10-01 11:10 Minakami Yuki: 00:50:031 (2) - 这个建议是离1远一点 搞一个好点的flow
2014-10-01 11:11 Minakami Yuki: 00:50:725 (4) - 这个也是和3太近了 重音体现不出来
2014-10-01 11:11 Minakami Yuki: 而且建议nc
2014-10-01 11:11 SoGa: 果然么,zzh也说过这个问题
2014-10-01 11:11 SoGa: nc了
2014-10-01 11:11 Minakami Yuki: 你这图主要让人觉得奇怪的原因就是重音的利用
2014-10-01 11:11 SoGa: 那1-2-3 都是重音,我应该3个都分开么
2014-10-01 11:12 SoGa: 没分好距离,对么
2014-10-01 11:12 Minakami Yuki: 嘛 距离的把握多做做图就自然弄得好了
2014-10-01 11:12 SoGa: 多多做图,,每天看到我这屎图都不知道怎么改好了
2014-10-01 11:13 Minakami Yuki: 你那个图主要原因就是不论在那一段 距离都有点缩
2014-10-01 11:14 Minakami Yuki: 跟着音乐有伸有缩就更好啦
2014-10-01 11:15 SoGa: hmm
2014-10-01 11:19 Minakami Yuki: 我本来想找个例子
2014-10-01 11:19 SoGa: 。
2014-10-01 11:20 Minakami Yuki: 发现和你那歌都不太像
2014-10-01 11:20 Minakami Yuki: ACTION is listening to [ nao - Miracle!Portable*Mission]
2014-10-01 11:21 Minakami Yuki: 00:24:221 - ~00:29:164 -
2014-10-01 11:21 Minakami Yuki: 00:56:607 -
2014-10-01 11:21 Minakami Yuki: 到01:00:698 -
2014-10-01 11:21 Minakami Yuki: 两个较为平缓的地方
2014-10-01 11:22 Minakami Yuki: ds就相对偏小
2014-10-01 11:22 Minakami Yuki: 我是说我的图哈
2014-10-01 11:24 SoGa: 不知道为啥,这种我都会叠在4下面。。
2014-10-01 11:24 SoGa: 00:56:607 (1) -
2014-10-01 11:25 Minakami Yuki: 我这个是故意哒
2014-10-01 11:25 Minakami Yuki: 其实是以前忘了改(
2014-10-01 11:25 SoGa: eh
2014-10-01 11:25 Minakami Yuki: 00:54:221 (2,2) - 你看看这两个的位置就知道了
2014-10-01 11:26 Minakami Yuki: 00:57:289 (3,1) - 3的尾巴1的头
2014-10-01 11:27 Minakami Yuki: 好 回到你的图吧=.=
2014-10-01 11:27 Minakami Yuki: ACTION is editing [ Kurosaki Maon - Memories Last (TV size) [Insane]]
2014-10-01 11:27 Minakami Yuki: 00:43:962 (1,2,3) - 这三个clap是不是多了啊
2014-10-01 11:28 Minakami Yuki: 00:56:794 (1,3) - 这种对称的两个slider最好是形状一样
2014-10-01 11:28 Minakami Yuki: 有些音效加的很莫名啊
2014-10-01 11:28 Minakami Yuki: 01:00:436 (4) - 这头clap我也没看出个所以然
2014-10-01 11:29 SoGa: 00:43:962 (1,2,3) - 这3个clap下了
2014-10-01 11:30 Minakami Yuki: 00:43:962 (1) - 头感觉whistle更合适
2014-10-01 11:30 Minakami Yuki: 00:43:962 (1) - 尾巴上clap
2014-10-01 11:30 Minakami Yuki: 这个也是尾巴clap 00:44:655 (3) -
2014-10-01 11:30 Minakami Yuki: 这才是24clap
2014-10-01 11:30 SoGa: ok
2014-10-01 11:31 Minakami Yuki: 你这图kiai应该可以无脑24clap
2014-10-01 11:31 SoGa: 我没那么做么(哭
2014-10-01 11:31 Minakami Yuki: 那你怎么没加在01:00:782 (5) - 反而加在01:00:436 (4) - 头上了?
2014-10-01 11:32 SoGa: 这个。。 >.>
2014-10-01 11:32 SoGa: Fixed ! xD
2014-10-01 11:32 Minakami Yuki: 01:09:799 (7) - 漏了 01:10:493 (2) - why finish
2014-10-01 11:33 Minakami Yuki: 对了另外有一点忘了提 还有一个违和的地方
2014-10-01 11:33 Minakami Yuki: 就是你MP3
2014-10-01 11:33 SoGa: mp3?
2014-10-01 11:33 Minakami Yuki: 音乐不是很响 但是音效太响了
2014-10-01 11:34 SoGa: 怎么回事,,这个mp3我是拿一张unrank
2014-10-01 11:34 SoGa: 的
2014-10-01 11:34 Minakami Yuki: 不是音乐的问题
2014-10-01 11:34 Minakami Yuki: 是音效的音量设置的不太合理
2014-10-01 11:34 SoGa: 01:10:147 (1) - 这个finish 留着吗?
2014-10-01 11:34 SoGa: 啊,volume
2014-10-01 11:34 Minakami Yuki: 这个留着
2014-10-01 11:34 SoGa: ?
2014-10-01 11:35 Minakami Yuki: 对 你这音乐的音量并不大 但是你音效70%就听起来音乐全被啪啪啪占据了
2014-10-01 11:35 Minakami Yuki: 我建议绿线整体下调20%
2014-10-01 11:36 Minakami Yuki: 特别是这一段 基本就感觉音乐太稀薄 01:16:216 (1,2,3,1,2,3,1,2,3) -
2014-10-01 11:36 Minakami Yuki: 全都是你下的clap
2014-10-01 11:37 SoGa: 啪啪啪不好嘛!
2014-10-01 11:37 Minakami Yuki: .-.
2014-10-01 11:37 SoGa: 233
2014-10-01 11:38 Minakami Yuki: 01:09:973 (9,10,1) - 这里间距
2014-10-01 11:39 SoGa: 嗯
2014-10-01 11:39 Minakami Yuki: 别的暂时就这样吧 我得整理东西准备回家丽
2014-10-01 11:39 SoGa: 噢,你们国庆
2014-10-01 11:39 SoGa: 好
2014-10-01 11:40 Minakami Yuki: 那我先把irc post进thread了 你慢慢改~
2014-10-01 11:40 SoGa: 01:10:147 (1) - 这个的间距能分开那么一点吗?
2014-10-01 11:40 SoGa: 嗯,好
2014-10-01 11:40 Minakami Yuki: 嗯?
2014-10-01 11:40 Minakami Yuki: 什么意思
2014-10-01 11:40 SoGa: 间距问题
2014-10-01 11:40 Minakami Yuki: 如果接连打的话 重音分不分开无所谓
2014-10-01 11:40 SoGa: 能不和那一串一致,分开那么一点吗
2014-10-01 11:40 Minakami Yuki: 这可以
2014-10-01 11:41 Minakami Yuki: 不过我建议是不要=.= 当然你现在这样也行啊~
2014-10-01 11:41 SoGa: 噢
2014-10-01 11:41 SoGa: 我后期想想
2014-10-01 11:41 Minakami Yuki: 对了01:10:493 (2) - ctrl+g啊
2014-10-01 11:41 SoGa: 这样3-4会flow么
2014-10-01 11:42 Minakami Yuki: 这样3-4也没啥问题的
2014-10-01 11:42 SoGa: ok
2014-10-01 11:42 Minakami Yuki: flow这东西 打的人才感受的比较直接
2014-10-01 11:42 Minakami Yuki: 有时候看还真不一定看得出来 www


  1. Fine.


  1. 00:55:927 (1) - 改成note接3/2折返。像这样.

spring's noraml

  • 总体音量过小,用60%就行。
    去掉Widescreen support,因为这个图没有故事版。
  1. 00:10:493 (1) - 在00:09:106 - 开始更好。
  2. 00:11:881 (1) - 滑条头加Finish.
  3. 00:26:100 (2,3) - 太近。
  4. 00:26:967 (4,5) - 间距保持在1.2x以下。
  5. 00:31:303 (2) - 头加Finish
  6. 00:32:517 (1) - 结束在大白线(00:34:077 - )
  7. 00:45:176 (2) - 加finish.
  8. 00:45:869 (4,5) - 太近了。
  9. 00:45:869 (4,5) - ^
  10. 00:46:389 (5,6) - ^
  11. 00:47:950 (1,2,3) - 看起来很怪,直接头尾相接不好么。
  12. 00:49:164 (1) - 结束在00:50:725 - .
  13. 00:52:112 (1,2,3,4) - Normal叠4个?肯定要被挑的啊...
  14. 00:54:713 (4) - 滑条身的whistle去掉.
  15. 00:56:274 (3) - ^
  16. 00:59:048 (3) - 滑条头的clap换成Finish.
  17. 01:03:557 (1) - 加Finish.
  18. 01:07:372 (2) - 滑条头加Finish.
  19. 01:16:389 (4,1) - 太近。
  20. 01:24:019 (5,6) - 间距保持在1.2x以下。

Mei's Hard

  • 原来是wip.
  1. 00:13:962 (3,4) - 叠好.
  2. 00:31:823 (2) - 换成1/1?


  • 在前奏这种地方,你用默认的soft就好。
  1. 00:10:320 (2,1,3,5) - 叠好。
  2. 00:16:216 (1,2,3) - 为什么要在红线下clap?
  3. 00:21:072 (5) - 滑条尾巴下Finish.
  4. 00:45:002 (1,3) - 叠好。


Sup? I finally took the time to mod it. ;)

Easy: I checked through and spacing and that is just fine.
Wow. That approach rate dude. I would up it to AR2.

00:00:783 - 00:10:493 (1) - Unnecessary break here. Might wanna add some beats here.
00:14:482 (4) - This circle to me seems to be awkward in the fact that it's a normal level. You would more commonly see these circles in 2.5 star levels.
00:40:493 (1) - Put these circles closer. Farther apart is abnormal in a Normal level.
00:42:748 (2,3) - Slider suggested to replace the circles.
00:43:268 (1) - Also, put these circles closer together.
00:52:112 (1) - Just a little suggestion; turn these four circles to one slider with 2 reverses.

So...what do you think of these suggestions?
Topic Starter

Minakami Yuki wrote:

we discussed something about rhythm and placement, fix some weird hitsounds.
Good luck.

2014-10-01 10:49 Minakami Yuki: ok let us come back to your map
2014-10-01 10:49 Minakami Yuki: ACTION is editing [ Kurosaki Maon - Memories Last (TV size) [Insane]]
2014-10-01 10:49 SoGa: 没事,你可以帮那3个人先
2014-10-01 10:49 Minakami Yuki: 没事了
2014-10-01 10:50 Minakami Yuki: 都搞定了
2014-10-01 10:50 SoGa: 哦,好
2014-10-01 10:50 Minakami Yuki: 嗯开头没啥好说的
2014-10-01 10:50 SoGa: 这么快。
2014-10-01 10:51 Minakami Yuki: 00:10:320 (2) -
2014-10-01 10:51 Minakami Yuki: 00:10:667 (1) -
2014-10-01 10:51 Minakami Yuki: 00:11:361 (5) -
2014-10-01 10:51 Minakami Yuki: 00:11:014 (3) -
2014-10-01 10:51 Minakami Yuki: 是没有stack好还是故意人为错开
2014-10-01 10:52 SoGa: 估计是前者。。
2014-10-01 10:52 SoGa: orz
2014-10-01 10:53 Minakami Yuki: 稍等我卡了 重启下恶俗
2014-10-01 10:54 Minakami Yuki: ok那把那里改一下吧
2014-10-01 10:54 SoGa: 嗯,fixed
2014-10-01 10:54 Minakami Yuki: 00:22:806 (6) -
2014-10-01 10:55 Minakami Yuki: 一般来说很不推荐把finish音(重音)放在slider end
2014-10-01 10:55 Minakami Yuki: 会没有打击感
2014-10-01 10:55 SoGa: 这个。
2014-10-01 10:55 Minakami Yuki: 你这图sv 1.4啊 可能有点低 不过还行
2014-10-01 10:55 SoGa: 骏喵给我摸的时候所以我放了
2014-10-01 10:55 SoGa: 00:22:806 (6) - Finish on tail.
2014-10-01 10:56 Minakami Yuki: 这个地方加finish没啥问题
2014-10-01 10:56 SoGa: 我在弄这图的时候不知道sv,所以。,
2014-10-01 10:56 Minakami Yuki: 主要就是节奏
2014-10-01 10:56 SoGa: 就是,建议对吗~
2014-10-01 10:56 SoGa: 嗯
2014-10-01 10:56 Minakami Yuki: 一般来说finish适合放在让人击打的地方
2014-10-01 10:56 SoGa: 那我现在应该去掉还是留着,orz
2014-10-01 10:56 Minakami Yuki: 有种打下去 咣的一下
2014-10-01 10:57 Minakami Yuki: 我建议是00:22:632 (5) - 改1/2滑条
2014-10-01 10:57 SoGa: 嗯,这个我看过
2014-10-01 10:57 Minakami Yuki: 00:22:979 - 放个note
2014-10-01 10:57 Minakami Yuki: 至于怎么调整看你 不调整也行 改节奏只是我的建议而已
2014-10-01 10:58 SoGa: 就是5 和 6 调换位置吗?
2014-10-01 10:58 Minakami Yuki: 我认为是 毕竟音乐游戏 重音的地方要给player击打的感觉 这是很重要的
2014-10-01 10:58 Minakami Yuki: 你可能需要重新排列下
2014-10-01 10:59 Minakami Yuki: 反正这个地方这么大 排下没啥问题
2014-10-01 10:59 Minakami Yuki: 可以irc完了再改啊
2014-10-01 10:59 Minakami Yuki: 不急这点时候
2014-10-01 11:00 Minakami Yuki: 00:29:742 (1,2) - blanket
2014-10-01 11:00 Minakami Yuki: 00:32:690 (1) - 你听下音乐 我觉得这里clap比finish更加适合一点
2014-10-01 11:00 SoGa: 移2还是 把1 的画好?
2014-10-01 11:00 Minakami Yuki: 00:33:384 (5) - 这个finish就有点多余
2014-10-01 11:01 Minakami Yuki: 把1画好好了
2014-10-01 11:01 Minakami Yuki: 角度稍微调下就行
2014-10-01 11:01 SoGa: finishi
2014-10-01 11:01 Minakami Yuki: 00:38:933 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7) - 这个连打怎么看怎么别扭
2014-10-01 11:01 SoGa: finish多余那个我去掉吧
2014-10-01 11:02 Minakami Yuki: 为什么一定要弯一下= =00:39:366 (6) -
2014-10-01 11:02 SoGa: (哭,第一次放连打
2014-10-01 11:02 SoGa: 怎么的弧度好?
2014-10-01 11:02 SoGa: 不知道,,直觉下的(x
2014-10-01 11:02 Minakami Yuki: 。。
2014-10-01 11:04 SoGa: 怎么样的弧度好打?
2014-10-01 11:04 SoGa: 还是全部同一位置233
2014-10-01 11:05 Minakami Yuki:
2014-10-01 11:08 SoGa: 嗯,好
2014-10-01 11:10 Minakami Yuki: 00:44:655 (3,1,3) - hmm又是stack
2014-10-01 11:10 Minakami Yuki: 00:50:031 (2) - 这个建议是离1远一点 搞一个好点的flow
2014-10-01 11:11 Minakami Yuki: 00:50:725 (4) - 这个也是和3太近了 重音体现不出来
2014-10-01 11:11 Minakami Yuki: 而且建议nc
2014-10-01 11:11 SoGa: 果然么,zzh也说过这个问题
2014-10-01 11:11 SoGa: nc了
2014-10-01 11:11 Minakami Yuki: 你这图主要让人觉得奇怪的原因就是重音的利用
2014-10-01 11:11 SoGa: 那1-2-3 都是重音,我应该3个都分开么
2014-10-01 11:12 SoGa: 没分好距离,对么
2014-10-01 11:12 Minakami Yuki: 嘛 距离的把握多做做图就自然弄得好了
2014-10-01 11:12 SoGa: 多多做图,,每天看到我这屎图都不知道怎么改好了
2014-10-01 11:13 Minakami Yuki: 你那个图主要原因就是不论在那一段 距离都有点缩
2014-10-01 11:14 Minakami Yuki: 跟着音乐有伸有缩就更好啦
2014-10-01 11:15 SoGa: hmm
2014-10-01 11:19 Minakami Yuki: 我本来想找个例子
2014-10-01 11:19 SoGa: 。
2014-10-01 11:20 Minakami Yuki: 发现和你那歌都不太像
2014-10-01 11:20 Minakami Yuki: ACTION is listening to [ nao - Miracle!Portable*Mission]
2014-10-01 11:21 Minakami Yuki: 00:24:221 - ~00:29:164 -
2014-10-01 11:21 Minakami Yuki: 00:56:607 -
2014-10-01 11:21 Minakami Yuki: 到01:00:698 -
2014-10-01 11:21 Minakami Yuki: 两个较为平缓的地方
2014-10-01 11:22 Minakami Yuki: ds就相对偏小
2014-10-01 11:22 Minakami Yuki: 我是说我的图哈
2014-10-01 11:24 SoGa: 不知道为啥,这种我都会叠在4下面。。
2014-10-01 11:24 SoGa: 00:56:607 (1) -
2014-10-01 11:25 Minakami Yuki: 我这个是故意哒
2014-10-01 11:25 Minakami Yuki: 其实是以前忘了改(
2014-10-01 11:25 SoGa: eh
2014-10-01 11:25 Minakami Yuki: 00:54:221 (2,2) - 你看看这两个的位置就知道了
2014-10-01 11:26 Minakami Yuki: 00:57:289 (3,1) - 3的尾巴1的头
2014-10-01 11:27 Minakami Yuki: 好 回到你的图吧=.=
2014-10-01 11:27 Minakami Yuki: ACTION is editing [ Kurosaki Maon - Memories Last (TV size) [Insane]]
2014-10-01 11:27 Minakami Yuki: 00:43:962 (1,2,3) - 这三个clap是不是多了啊
2014-10-01 11:28 Minakami Yuki: 00:56:794 (1,3) - 这种对称的两个slider最好是形状一样
2014-10-01 11:28 Minakami Yuki: 有些音效加的很莫名啊
2014-10-01 11:28 Minakami Yuki: 01:00:436 (4) - 这头clap我也没看出个所以然
2014-10-01 11:29 SoGa: 00:43:962 (1,2,3) - 这3个clap下了
2014-10-01 11:30 Minakami Yuki: 00:43:962 (1) - 头感觉whistle更合适
2014-10-01 11:30 Minakami Yuki: 00:43:962 (1) - 尾巴上clap
2014-10-01 11:30 Minakami Yuki: 这个也是尾巴clap 00:44:655 (3) -
2014-10-01 11:30 Minakami Yuki: 这才是24clap
2014-10-01 11:30 SoGa: ok
2014-10-01 11:31 Minakami Yuki: 你这图kiai应该可以无脑24clap
2014-10-01 11:31 SoGa: 我没那么做么(哭
2014-10-01 11:31 Minakami Yuki: 那你怎么没加在01:00:782 (5) - 反而加在01:00:436 (4) - 头上了?
2014-10-01 11:32 SoGa: 这个。。 >.>
2014-10-01 11:32 SoGa: Fixed ! xD
2014-10-01 11:32 Minakami Yuki: 01:09:799 (7) - 漏了 01:10:493 (2) - why finish
2014-10-01 11:33 Minakami Yuki: 对了另外有一点忘了提 还有一个违和的地方
2014-10-01 11:33 Minakami Yuki: 就是你MP3
2014-10-01 11:33 SoGa: mp3?
2014-10-01 11:33 Minakami Yuki: 音乐不是很响 但是音效太响了
2014-10-01 11:34 SoGa: 怎么回事,,这个mp3我是拿一张unrank
2014-10-01 11:34 SoGa: 的
2014-10-01 11:34 Minakami Yuki: 不是音乐的问题
2014-10-01 11:34 Minakami Yuki: 是音效的音量设置的不太合理
2014-10-01 11:34 SoGa: 01:10:147 (1) - 这个finish 留着吗?
2014-10-01 11:34 SoGa: 啊,volume
2014-10-01 11:34 Minakami Yuki: 这个留着
2014-10-01 11:34 SoGa: ?
2014-10-01 11:35 Minakami Yuki: 对 你这音乐的音量并不大 但是你音效70%就听起来音乐全被啪啪啪占据了
2014-10-01 11:35 Minakami Yuki: 我建议绿线整体下调20%
2014-10-01 11:36 Minakami Yuki: 特别是这一段 基本就感觉音乐太稀薄 01:16:216 (1,2,3,1,2,3,1,2,3) -
2014-10-01 11:36 Minakami Yuki: 全都是你下的clap
2014-10-01 11:37 SoGa: 啪啪啪不好嘛!
2014-10-01 11:37 Minakami Yuki: .-.
2014-10-01 11:37 SoGa: 233
2014-10-01 11:38 Minakami Yuki: 01:09:973 (9,10,1) - 这里间距
2014-10-01 11:39 SoGa: 嗯
2014-10-01 11:39 Minakami Yuki: 别的暂时就这样吧 我得整理东西准备回家丽
2014-10-01 11:39 SoGa: 噢,你们国庆
2014-10-01 11:39 SoGa: 好
2014-10-01 11:40 Minakami Yuki: 那我先把irc post进thread了 你慢慢改~
2014-10-01 11:40 SoGa: 01:10:147 (1) - 这个的间距能分开那么一点吗?
2014-10-01 11:40 SoGa: 嗯,好
2014-10-01 11:40 Minakami Yuki: 嗯?
2014-10-01 11:40 Minakami Yuki: 什么意思
2014-10-01 11:40 SoGa: 间距问题
2014-10-01 11:40 Minakami Yuki: 如果接连打的话 重音分不分开无所谓
2014-10-01 11:40 SoGa: 能不和那一串一致,分开那么一点吗
2014-10-01 11:40 Minakami Yuki: 这可以
2014-10-01 11:41 Minakami Yuki: 不过我建议是不要=.= 当然你现在这样也行啊~
2014-10-01 11:41 SoGa: 噢
2014-10-01 11:41 SoGa: 我后期想想
2014-10-01 11:41 Minakami Yuki: 对了01:10:493 (2) - ctrl+g啊
2014-10-01 11:41 SoGa: 这样3-4会flow么
2014-10-01 11:42 Minakami Yuki: 这样3-4也没啥问题的
2014-10-01 11:42 SoGa: ok
2014-10-01 11:42 Minakami Yuki: flow这东西 打的人才感受的比较直接
2014-10-01 11:42 Minakami Yuki: 有时候看还真不一定看得出来 www
谢谢 M酱!all fixed

lkx_Shore wrote:



  1. Fine.


  1. 00:55:927 (1) - 改成note接3/2折返。像这样.


  • 在前奏这种地方,你用默认的soft就好。
  1. 00:10:320 (2,1,3,5) - 叠好。Fixed
  2. 00:16:216 (1,2,3) - 为什么要在红线下clap?Fixed
  3. 00:21:072 (5) - 滑条尾巴下Finish.Fixed
  4. 00:45:002 (1,3) - 叠好。


Topic Starter

jinhang_ang wrote:


1. 00:03:557 (1,2) - 00:04:251 (2) 的blanket有点怪怪的,没有很漂亮地盖着00:03:557 (1) - 至于我建议怎样请看图。
2. 00:09:106 (2,3) - 感觉上这两个应该要是一样的才对(复制后Ctrl+H后+J)
3. 00:21:418 (1) - 这个有点太短了(Easy的spinner应该要让Auto那8000才算够长)。Fixed,把转盘下了
4. 00:30:262 (2) - 把尾巴的点拉到y: 240 。 这样可以让blanket完美。自己改了
5. 00:38:933 (1,2) - 怪异的blanket。稍微移动00:38:933 (1) 以达到一个比较好看的blanket。自己改了
6. 01:13:268 (3,4) - 这个……用2. 的方法做出两个一样的滑条,然后重新排列,不要有任何遮盖(不然真的很难看)。Fixed
7. 01:20:551 (2,1) - 检查blanket。没问题

1. 00:07:892 (1,2) - 这个blanket有必要修复一下。把00:08:239 (2) - 的尾巴移到x:332 y:264 。这个自己改了
2. 01:09:540 (3,4,5,6,7,8,9) - 尽量不要用掌声烦死玩家 == Fixed
非常感谢,然而非常抱歉这么久才回复。。快打死我 >.>
Topic Starter

The Girls wrote:

Hi Nana~ from Nana's Mod Queue

Oh no... I just realized you speak Chinese. I mean. If you are confused about something. I can write to you in pinyin.

  1. Small extra file in foler: Ed2 - (SoGa).osbFixed
  2. I checked your overall hitsounds, you use N:C1 like one in your Insane. You should try to make your beatmaps have consistent hitsounds.So the big downbeat, use the same sort of additions / sampleset at 33 seconds something on each difficulty, etc.Fixedyee , im suck at it .-.
  3. Unify your metadata. Easy/Normal AudioLeadIn: 0 and Hard/Insane AudioLeadIn: 2000. Easy/Normal WideScreenStoryboard: 1 and Hard/Insane WideScreenStoryboard: 0 Fixed
  1. Go to AIMod, turn on Check Distance Snap. Fix the 4 errors there.
  2. 00:00:783 ~ 00:11:881 - Lower the initial volume, and ever measure, increasing the volume gradually. Yes , i change it to 30%
  3. 00:03:557 (1, 2) - Fix blanket. Fixed
  4. 00:06:678 (4, 1) - New Combo on (4). Remove NC on (1)Fixed
  5. 00:08:066 (1) - Blanket.Fixed
  6. 00:09:106 (2) - NC. Keep your combos consistent. Combos are to indicate measures, key changes, time signature changes, major shifts in music. Make sure to change the combo ever measure. Fixed
  7. 00:09:106 (2, 3) - Blanket.Fixed
  8. 00:12:228 (2) - Inconsistent blanketing width. Compare your width to that of 00:10:493, one cuts into the circle splash and the other lays on top of it.Idk
  9. 00:12:921 (3, 1) - Blanket. Okay. I'm starting to didn't check for blanking throughout the entire song. There are some very helpful guides on how to make blankets neat on here. I suggest you look through them and revamp all of this before moving forward.i didnt blanket this one
  10. 00:13:615 (1, 2) - (1) Remove NC. (2) Add NCFixed
  11. 00:16:043 (1) - Remove NC.Fixed
  12. 00:17:430 (3, 1) - Add NC on (3), remove on (1)Fixed
  13. 00:20:204 (4, 5) - NC on (4). Fix eveness. Its not symmetrical as is.Fixed
  14. 00:26:100 (2) - Blanket Fixed
  15. 00:27:488 (1, 2) - (1) Remove NC. (2) Add NC. So....You need to go through the rest of the song and redo your Combos. It's all wrong. I'm not going to the rest and pointing out each one.Fixed
  16. 00:30:262 (2) - Blanket.Not blanket
  17. 00:39:973 (2) - ^ I Change this part
  18. 01:01:129 (3) - ^Not neccesary tho
  19. 01:23:673 (1) - ^Fixed
  20. 01:29:222 - Fade out the spinner as I mentioned, decreasing the volume in increments. The spinner end is too loud as it isFixed i fixed it like decresing the volume from 70-50.30 etc..

I think there are some fundamental changes needed on these three levels. Once you apply these, I think you will naturally pick up some of the things require of the Insane map.

I hope for you the best of luck with your map and all. Nana out.
See U Nana ! :) Sry For being so late replying u ,,really sry and my hard is dead so ,, sry x3

lkx_Shore wrote:

spring's noraml

  • 总体音量过小,用60%就行。 厚!
    normal的间距应该要保持在0.8x~1.2x内。过大过小都不行 ^
    去掉Widescreen support,因为这个图没有故事版。 咦?widescreen support没勾上啊
    clap下得很乱,还不如直接用2/4clap。点缀音效用默认的soft-whistle更好。 厚,不过全都是24感觉有些偷懒。总之音效重新下了一遍o.o
  1. 00:10:493 (1) - 在00:09:106 - 开始更好。 fixed
  2. 00:11:881 (1) - 滑条头加Finish. ^
  3. 00:26:100 (2,3) - 太近。fixed(其实re了o.o)
  4. 00:26:967 (4,5) - 间距保持在1.2x以下。^
  5. 00:31:303 (2) - 头加Finish ^
  6. 00:32:517 (1) - 结束在大白线(00:34:077 - ) ^
  7. 00:45:176 (2) - 加finish. ^
  8. 00:45:869 (4,5) - 太近了。^(想了想把这里re辣,下面两条也解决辣)
  9. 00:45:869 (4,5) - ^
  10. 00:46:389 (5,6) - ^
  11. 00:47:950 (1,2,3) - 看起来很怪,直接头尾相接不好么。 唔,试了试头尾好相接像也不太好看好看T.T,算勒,合成一个折返辣)
  12. 00:49:164 (1) - 结束在00:50:725 - . fixed
  13. 00:52:112 (1,2,3,4) - Normal叠4个?肯定要被挑的啊... 捂脸and fixed
  14. 00:54:713 (4) - 滑条身的whistle去掉.^
  15. 00:56:274 (3) - ^ ^(看着好萌....)
  16. 00:59:048 (3) - 滑条头的clap换成Finish. ^
  17. 01:03:557 (1) - 加Finish. ^
  18. 01:07:372 (2) - 滑条头加Finish. ^
  19. 01:16:389 (4,1) - 太近。 ^
  20. 01:24:019 (5,6) - 间距保持在1.2x以下。 ^

Nitrousdragon wrote:

00:00:783 - 00:10:493 (1) - Unnecessary break here. Might wanna add some beats here. done !o.o
00:14:482 (4) - This circle to me seems to be awkward in the fact that it's a normal level. You would more commonly see these circles in 2.5 star levels. okey,I agree .Fixed o.o
00:40:493 (1) - Put these circles closer. Farther apart is abnormal in a Normal level. turn notes to a slider
00:42:748 (2,3) - Slider suggested to replace the circles. Umm,nop
00:43:268 (1) - Also, put these circles closer together. turned to a slider, too
00:52:112 (1) - Just a little suggestion; turn these four circles to one slider with 2 reverses. good idea ,thanks
Very useful and thanks a lot :)
testplay 而已 不用kd

00:54:193 (2,3) - 这边很神经的跳了

01:02:343 (5,6,7) - 打击感巨差 , 红线开头的滑条都是这节奏

01:21:072 (1,2,3) - 这里有神经病= =

01:24:019 之后太坑
K.Penguin's One Day One Mod

  1. doesn't need disable them. on easy, normal, hard diff.
  2. i think so you should set combo color get along with BG, go to check them.
  3. about first Kiai end, try same as Hard diff. end point 01:15:696 - here :3 it's not really important, fix or not its up to you
  4. AudioLeadIn: 2000 is so long, first note's start 783, so then i recommend 1500.
  1. orz you must change timing line's vol.
  2. 00:00:783 - ~ 00:11:361 - about intro's hitsound... i think so it's doesn't match with song, just noise D:, i recommend just there change it S:C2
  3. 00:12:054 (2) - del whistle, 00:12:401 (4) - del whistle on head, 00:12:748 (5) - switch whistle. why i point out them you know
  4. 00:16:216 (1,2,3,4) - missing hitsound :3
  5. 00:39:019 - i recommend del note here, hear the song there haven't any sound. so how about change this? it very well with song's fit
  6. 00:43:095 (1) - when do play that, feel so some weird to me. ; ^ ; hard to explain this.. well. first try this have stopping or rest there is when play that it would be fun to play
  7. 00:46:563 (4,5) - doesn't need big distance becuz there not storng beat, and bad flow. if you give jump, place there 00:46:216 (2) - drum's snare or clap.
    so try this, or change difference :3
  8. 00:53:499 (1) - add finish on slider head :3 and 00:54:887 (5) - doesn't need here it just noise
  9. 01:07:719 (1) - you can give more distance here, like this, when do you place jump patterns hear the song. follow place with song's fit then will be exciting to play. 01:07:892 (2,1) - yea right like this :D
  10. 01:26:881 (1) - spinner's end 01:29:222 - i guess, is here
  11. 00:02:343 (1) - new combo here, same as 00:05:118 (1) - , and it more it would be easier to read
  12. 00:16:043 (6,1) - new combo 00:16:216 (1) - new combo del
  13. 00:22:979 (1) - ^ and you must del new combo here 00:23:152 (1) -
  14. 00:24:366 (6,1) - same as ^
  15. 00:27:141 (1,2) - why did you mix them i don't understand..
  16. 00:28:355 (1,2) - yea you followed, vocal. if you want keep that, don't mix them. make consistency it
  17. 01:15:696 (5,1) - .... D;
about new combo, try same as Hard diff

  1. check AiMod has some unsnap notes
  2. 00:00:783 - ~ 00:11:361 - about intro's hitsound... i think so it's doesn't match with song, just noise D:, i recommend just there change it S:C2
  3. 01:26:967 (1) - same as insane
  4. 00:09:800 (4) - 1 grid down, 124 268
nothing to say, it's nice Hard diff

  1. you missing hitsound D; a lot ... i can't check them all. so you must should be check them
  2. 01:02:343 (4,5) - pull 1tick, like this or 01:02:170 - add note here, feel so empty
  3. 00:52:112 (1) - i don't recommend this repeat 4 and there 1/2, it hard to beginners little bit, they might be confuse on this D: try this
  4. 01:23:152 (3,4,5) - some weird... so how about this?
  5. 01:25:927 (1,2) - same ^
  6. 01:26:967 (1) - same as insane

  1. 00:00:783 (1,2,3,1,2,3,1,2,1,2) - in insane diff you give a hitsound them, i'm wonder why you didn't put hitsound to them, add it from insane diff or other diff for consistency
  2. 00:21:592 - 00:22:632 - i guess you need map there
  3. 00:24:366 (3) - switch whistle, i think so you has wrong hitsound a lot, feel so to me... maybe you need check them
  4. 01:26:621 (1) - yea right, all change spinner's end point like this
to KoreaPenguin,lkx
all fixed o/

osu file format v13

AudioFilename: Toaru ed2.mp3
AudioLeadIn: 2000
PreviewTime: 52632
Countdown: 0
SampleSet: Soft
StackLeniency: 0.7
Mode: 0
LetterboxInBreaks: 1
WidescreenStoryboard: 1

Bookmarks: 6332,9106,11881,22979,34077,39626,45176
DistanceSpacing: 1
BeatDivisor: 4
GridSize: 4
TimelineZoom: 1

Title:Memories Last (TV size)
TitleUnicode:Memories Last (TV size)
Artist:Kurosaki Maon
Version:Mei's Hard
Source:Toaru Majutsu no Index II
Tags:A Certain Magical Index とある魔術の禁書目録 J.C.Staff Ending Second Season Spring Mei


//Background and Video events
//Break Periods
//Storyboard Layer 0 (Background)
//Storyboard Layer 1 (Fail)
//Storyboard Layer 2 (Pass)
//Storyboard Layer 3 (Foreground)
//Storyboard Sound Samples
//Background Colour Transformations


Topic Starter

koreapenguin wrote:

K.Penguin's One Day One Mod

  1. doesn't need disable them. on easy, normal, hard diff. Fixed
  2. i think so you should set combo color get along with BG, go to check them. Ok
  3. about first Kiai end, try same as Hard diff. end point 01:15:696 - here :3 it's not really important, fix or not its up to you Ok
  4. AudioLeadIn: 2000 is so long, first note's start 783, so then i recommend 1500. Ok
  1. orz you must change timing line's vol. Fixed,orz >.> didnt notice it lol
  2. 00:00:783 - ~ 00:11:361 - about intro's hitsound... i think so it's doesn't match with song, just noise D:, i recommend just there change it S:C2 Fixed
  3. 00:12:054 (2) - del whistle, 00:12:401 (4) - del whistle on head, 00:12:748 (5) - switch whistle. why i point out them you know Fixed
  4. 00:16:216 (1,2,3,4) - missing hitsound :3 Fixed
  5. 00:39:019 - i recommend del note here, hear the song there haven't any sound. so how about change this? it very well with song's fit Fixed
  6. 00:43:095 (1) - when do play that, feel so some weird to me. ; ^ ; hard to explain this.. well. first try this have stopping or rest there is when play that it would be fun to play Fixed
  7. 00:46:563 (4,5) - doesn't need big distance becuz there not storng beat, and bad flow. if you give jump, place there 00:46:216 (2) - drum's snare or clap.
    so try this, or change difference :3 Fixed
  8. 00:53:499 (1) - add finish on slider head :3 and 00:54:887 (5) - doesn't need here it just noise Fixed
  9. 01:07:719 (1) - you can give more distance here, like this, when do you place jump patterns hear the song. follow place with song's fit then will be exciting to play. 01:07:892 (2,1) - yea right like this :D Fixed,ye , smallboart tell me to
  10. 01:26:881 (1) - spinner's end 01:29:222 - i guess, is here Fixed
  11. 00:02:343 (1) - new combo here, same as 00:05:118 (1) - , and it more it would be easier to read Fixed
  12. 00:16:043 (6,1) - new combo 00:16:216 (1) - new combo del Fixed
  13. 00:22:979 (1) - ^ and you must del new combo here 00:23:152 (1) - Fixed
  14. 00:24:366 (6,1) - same as ^ Fixed
  15. 00:27:141 (1,2) - why did you mix them i don't understand..
  16. 00:28:355 (1,2) - yea you followed, vocal. if you want keep that, don't mix them. make consistency it
  17. 01:15:696 (5,1) - .... D;

about new combo, try same as Hard diff Fixed

  1. 00:00:783 (1,2,3,1,2,3,1,2,1,2) - in insane diff you give a hitsound them, i'm wonder why you didn't put hitsound to them, add it from insane diff or other diff for consistency Idk but lkx said it is not neccessary , i had it at the begin ,but lkx tell me to del it
  2. 00:21:592 - 00:22:632 - i guess you need map there i will think about it
  3. 00:24:366 (3) - switch whistle, i think so you has wrong hitsound a lot, feel so to me... maybe you need check them Im suck at HitSound .
    _. so .,,
  4. 01:26:621 (1) - yea right, all change spinner's end point like this Fixed
Thank u very much Penguin 233, :) :)

koreapenguin wrote:

K.Penguin's One Day One Mod

  1. you missing hitsound D; a lot ... i can't check them all. so you must should be check them recheck :)
  2. 01:02:343 (4,5) - pull 1tick, like this or 01:02:170 - add note here, feel so empty add a note at 01:02:170 - :)
  3. 00:52:112 (1) - i don't recommend this repeat 4 and there 1/2, it hard to beginners little bit, they might be confuse on this D: try this Umm, the note will be blanketed under the repeat ,I don't know whether it's OK,stay it
  4. 01:23:152 (3,4,5) - some weird... so how about this? Fixed
  5. 01:25:927 (1,2) - same ^ ^
  6. 01:26:967 (1) - same as insane ^
Thanks for your mod :)
we did some irc

2014-10-06 22:17 SoGa: Hi Natsu !
2014-10-06 22:17 Natsu: Hello
2014-10-06 22:17 SoGa: can i ask a simple question about mapping ?
2014-10-06 22:17 SoGa: xD
2014-10-06 22:17 Natsu: sure
2014-10-06 22:17 SoGa: hm , thanks
2014-10-06 22:17 SoGa: about this
2014-10-06 22:18 SoGa: is this acceptable for a normal map ?
2014-10-06 22:18 SoGa: like slider then 2 notes behind it
2014-10-06 22:18 Natsu: if it make sense with the song, I don't see why not
2014-10-06 22:18 Natsu: what is the bpm of the song?
2014-10-06 22:18 SoGa: 173._.
2014-10-06 22:18 SoGa: it is too high ?
2014-10-06 22:18 Natsu: a low bpm yeah should be fine
2014-10-06 22:18 SoGa: but it fits the song really good tho ~~
2014-10-06 22:19 SoGa: is 173 high or low ._.
2014-10-06 22:19 Natsu: I consider it low D:
2014-10-06 22:19 SoGa: ok , then good ~~ thanks once again xD
2014-10-06 22:19 Natsu: okis GL.
2014-10-06 22:20 SoGa: oh , also if ur idle can u make me a testplay ? ._.
2014-10-06 22:20 Natsu: sure link me the map
2014-10-06 22:20 SoGa: ACTION is listening to [ Kurosaki Maon - Memories Last (TV size)]
2014-10-06 22:22 Natsu: what diff
2014-10-06 22:22 SoGa: ins pls
2014-10-06 22:24 Natsu: OD8 will better
2014-10-06 22:24 SoGa: hm
2014-10-06 22:24 SoGa: my friend also has tell me dat
2014-10-06 22:24 SoGa: does it has something or part horrible ?xD
2014-10-06 22:25 Natsu: try to don't have OD -2 respect to AR 9 = OD 8 AR 8 =OD7 XD
2014-10-06 22:25 SoGa: oh , ok ~
2014-10-06 22:25 SoGa: cuz i saw many ar9 with od8 so >.>
2014-10-06 22:25 Natsu: 00:03:557 (1) - this one is kinda unconfortable to play, since is really down D:
2014-10-06 22:26 SoGa: ok
2014-10-06 22:27 Natsu: 00:16:043 (1,2,3) - maybe will look better, since by having the same spacing (visually talking in the grid)
2014-10-06 22:28 SoGa: i see
2014-10-06 22:28 SoGa: when i was mapping this , i just only wanted to blanket it ._.
2014-10-06 22:29 Natsu: oh I see
2014-10-06 22:30 SoGa: xD , but i will fix it like u said ~~
2014-10-06 22:30 Natsu: 00:35:638 (1,2,1,2,1,2) - don't spam combos like this, since just mess up the HP drain in the diff
2014-10-06 22:30 SoGa: ehh
2014-10-06 22:30 SoGa: is this bad ._.
2014-10-06 22:30 SoGa: idk how to fix this part neither
2014-10-06 22:32 Natsu: is not bad
2014-10-06 22:32 Natsu: 00:35:985 (1) - just remove NC here and 00:36:332 (1) -
2014-10-06 22:33 Natsu: you are missing a sliderslider2
2014-10-06 22:33 SoGa: missing ?
2014-10-06 22:33 Natsu: yeah, I mean a silence sliderslide2
2014-10-06 22:33 Natsu: first slider sound kinda bad cuz that sound x.x
2014-10-06 22:33 SoGa: ahh
2014-10-06 22:33 SoGa: slider slide
2014-10-06 22:34 Natsu: ya
2014-10-06 22:34 SoGa: i though of slider ._.
2014-10-06 22:34 SoGa: i didnt have it ?
2014-10-06 22:34 SoGa: i mean , i dont have it ?
2014-10-06 22:35 Natsu: yeah u need to add one
2014-10-06 22:36 Natsu: actuall you have soft-sliderslide and you also need soft-sliderslide2
2014-10-06 22:36 SoGa: eh ?
2014-10-06 22:36 SoGa: how does it functions ?
2014-10-06 22:37 Natsu: xD, you have a soft-sliderslide right? when you see at your hitsounds in the folder
2014-10-06 22:38 SoGa: ye
2014-10-06 22:38 Natsu: k that only work for S:C1 in the timing setup
2014-10-06 22:38 Natsu: then you need a soft-sliderslide2 for the S:C2 that you are using in the first part
2014-10-06 22:39 SoGa: ok
2014-10-06 22:39 Natsu: 00:16:216 (2,3) - btw this claps (there are others) sound really bad, cuz they are not in the music, you should remove them from the head and them in the tail of the sliders
2014-10-06 22:39 Natsu: claps usually work in 2º and 4º downbeat and that is the case in this song
2014-10-06 22:40 SoGa: ye , i knew it , it sounds horrible comparing with other ._.
2014-10-06 22:41 Natsu: yeah
2014-10-06 22:41 SoGa: i will move it to the follow line
2014-10-06 22:42 Natsu: some NC are really short and others are really long D:
2014-10-06 22:42 SoGa: hmm
2014-10-06 22:42 Natsu: maybe having a 1 stanza pattern or 2 stanzas being consistent will work IMO
2014-10-06 22:42 SoGa: about nc , i just copy diff:hard
2014-10-06 22:42 SoGa: penguin tell me to >.>
2014-10-06 22:43 Natsu: yeah, when i map I usually follow 1 stanza for insane/hard and 2 for normal/easy
2014-10-06 22:43 Natsu: sometimes I follow the vocals with combos, but is a lot easy having a stanza pattern
2014-10-06 22:44 Natsu: but overall play nicely
2014-10-06 22:44 SoGa: sry , but i didnt understood ._.
2014-10-06 22:45 Natsu: okay let me explain 1 stanza is the long white tick
2014-10-06 22:45 SoGa: ah
2014-10-06 22:45 SoGa: 1 gap !?
2014-10-06 22:45 SoGa: xD
2014-10-06 22:45 SoGa: oh no
2014-10-06 22:45 SoGa: white tick , ok , i know which one is , el linea blanco largo ?
2014-10-06 22:45 Natsu: la linea blanca
2014-10-06 22:45 Natsu: lol u speak spanish xD?
2014-10-06 22:46 SoGa: ye , a little
2014-10-06 22:46 SoGa: im in Panama , but a chinese >.>
2014-10-06 22:46 SoGa: xD
2014-10-06 22:46 Natsu: I see lol, idk if is easy for you I can speak spanish too lol
2014-10-06 22:46 SoGa: i saw ur in El Salvador so
2014-10-06 22:47 SoGa: when i dont understand in english ~~pls xD
2014-10-06 22:47 Natsu: okay lets try
2014-10-06 22:47 Natsu: la linea blanca grande se le llama ¨stanza¨ es donde usualmente la musica tiene cada seccion
2014-10-06 22:47 SoGa: i think i know what ur going to say
2014-10-06 22:47 SoGa: aja , el downbeat verdad
2014-10-06 22:48 SoGa: y alli siempre (o aveces , ponen el NC ?
2014-10-06 22:48 Natsu: por eso se añade el NC la mayoria de las veces
2014-10-06 22:48 Natsu: pero vos estas siguiendo a veces 2 aveces 1 y a veces te perdes xD
2014-10-06 22:49 Natsu: si cambias todos los combos a 1 stanza tendras consistencia y ya no te preguntaran por NC a cada rato xD
2014-10-06 22:49 SoGa: si ,,yo siempre sigo la musica ._.
2014-10-06 22:49 SoGa: eh ?
2014-10-06 22:49 Natsu: por ejemplo el NC deberia ir aqui 00:18:644 (4) -
2014-10-06 22:49 Natsu: pero no aqui 00:19:164 (1) -
2014-10-06 22:49 SoGa: entonces si cambio todos NC , por estanza ?
2014-10-06 22:49 Natsu: 00:24:366 (7) - deberia haber otro aqui, si yo fuera vos lo haria
2014-10-06 22:49 SoGa: ok , fixed
2014-10-06 22:50 Natsu: cambiaria todos a que siguieran ese patron
2014-10-06 22:50 Natsu: 00:02:343 (4) - aqui tambien
2014-10-06 22:50 Natsu: 00:05:118 (5) -
2014-10-06 22:50 Natsu: 00:08:413 (1) - aqui no deberia haber
2014-10-06 22:51 Natsu: 00:10:667 (6) - deberia haber uno aqui
2014-10-06 22:51 SoGa: 00:24:366 (7) - pero este ,no veo q la musica cambia ._.
2014-10-06 22:51 SoGa: tmb pongo NC?
2014-10-06 22:51 Natsu: si pero debes seguir el patron q tomaras
2014-10-06 22:51 Natsu: asi que si seria bueno agregarlo tambien
2014-10-06 22:51 SoGa: patron , como asi
2014-10-06 22:52 Natsu: l...l...l...l
2014-10-06 22:52 SoGa: ok
2014-10-06 22:52 Natsu: algo asi no se si me entenderas xD
2014-10-06 22:52 SoGa: lol , xD
2014-10-06 22:52 SoGa: si , entendi por miraglo >.>
2014-10-06 22:53 Natsu: hahaha es que es tuprimer mapa verdad xD?
2014-10-06 22:53 Natsu: que va para rank
2014-10-06 22:53 SoGa: osea, este tmb verdad ?00:26:794 (6) -
2014-10-06 22:53 Natsu: si
2014-10-06 22:53 Natsu: asi continuan xD
2014-10-06 22:53 Natsu: 00:29:742 (6) -
2014-10-06 22:53 SoGa: si puedo claro ! ,pero como q es mi primera mapa >.>
2014-10-06 22:54 SoGa: 00:30:956 (5) - este te siente horrible ?
2014-10-06 22:54 Natsu: q queres rankeaar D:
2014-10-06 22:54 Natsu: que tiene ese?
2014-10-06 22:54 SoGa: no esta dificil de jugar o no este en flow , creo .
2014-10-06 22:55 Natsu: a mi me parece bien como esta O.O
2014-10-06 22:55 SoGa: oh , ok ~
2014-10-06 22:56 SoGa: atrue me lo puso eso
2014-10-06 22:56 Natsu: pero se jugo bien cuando lo testee, para mi esta bien pero si a vos no te gusta cambialo o.o
2014-10-06 22:57 SoGa: nop , lo dejo asi
2014-10-06 22:57 SoGa: xD
2014-10-06 22:57 Natsu: 01:26:100 (2) - se te olvido un clap supongo
2014-10-06 22:58 SoGa: ok
2014-10-06 23:00 Natsu: eso es lo unico q vi raro los combos de ahi el mapa juega bastante bien :D
2014-10-06 23:04 SoGa: ~~
2014-10-06 23:04 SoGa: y el hitsound horrible >.>
2014-10-06 23:04 SoGa: voy a cambiando todos los q me dijo ~~
2014-10-06 23:04 SoGa: Gracias
2014-10-06 23:04 Natsu: si queres posteo esto
2014-10-06 23:06 SoGa: si claro !
2014-10-06 23:08 SoGa: Mutuam me if u can xD, imma sleep~~
2014-10-06 23:08 SoGa: thank u very much , i will bother u sometimes tho >>
Here is a modding.


  • Easy

  1. 00:01:996 (2) - 上来就是红线上的单Note我估计得跪倒一片,不过好在是在开头也无碍。
  2. 00:32:517 (1) - Easy难度下,转盘晚至00:32:690 - 为好。
  3. 01:26:621 (1) - 同上。

spring's Normal

  1. 00:18:644 (3,1,2) - 个人感觉这个排列误导,1号Note很容易戳早。

Mei's Hard

  1. Nice.


  1. Nice.
Topic Starter

scooderic wrote:

Here is a modding.


  • Easy

  1. 00:01:996 (2) - 上来就是红线上的单Note我估计得跪倒一片,不过好在是在开头也无碍。没必要
  2. 00:32:517 (1) - Easy难度下,转盘晚至00:32:690 - 为好。没必要
  3. 01:26:621 (1) - 同上。没必要
01:05:638 (2) - 上移一些,和那个1组成blanket,那个3往下移动到1和2的中心,4也往下移一点
01:23:673 (1) - 稍微右移
这排列吓哭了,还是不摸了( >﹏<。)~
1.00:39:280 (7) - 方向向左
2.00:44:135 (7) - 向右弯
1.00:15:176 (4) - 头部和3重合,尾部x300y236
2.00:16:043 (1,2) - 248,180;156,148
3.00:17:430 (1) - 放到184,120-227,66-294,52
4.00:22:285 (4,5) - 4向左弯,5的头部和00:22:979 (1) - 重合并且向右弯
5.00:29:222 (3,4) - 建议换成一个滑条
6.00:34:598 (3) - 弯一点
7.00:35:811 (2,3) - 换成滑条
8.00:48:644 (3) - ctrl+g
9.00:59:742 (8,9) - ↑
10.01:11:534 (6,7) - 6:68,124;7:56,276-64,328-100,376
11.01:12:921 (3) - 向右弯
12.01:13:268 (1,2) - 68,224;108,92
13.01:14:482 (1,2,3) - ctrl+g
01:15:522 (4) - 和2的头部重合
01:15:696 (1) - ctrl+g
14.01:18:470 (3) - 向下弯

渣摸见谅> <”
IRC mod woo
21:03 SoGa: death , idle for a mod ?
21:03 SoGa: xd
21:03 xxdeathx: ok
21:03 xxdeathx: what map
21:03 SoGa: tv size anime song , give me a sec for upload
21:04 *SoGa is editing [ Kurosaki Maon - Memories Last (TV size) [Insane]]
21:04 SoGa: this one pls
21:06 *xxdeathx is listening to [ Kurosaki Maon - Memories Last (TV size)]
21:06 *xxdeathx is listening to [ Tamura Yukari - MERRY MERRY MERRY MENU... Ne!]
21:06 *xxdeathx is playing [ Kurosaki Maon - Memories Last (TV size) [Insane]]
21:08 SoGa: i cant even fc it ._.
21:08 xxdeathx: this is a very good map
21:08 SoGa: u so god
21:08 SoGa: but kinda messy lool
21:08 xxdeathx: i did not expect to fc it on my first try
21:08 SoGa: xD
21:11 xxdeathx: ok let's see
21:11 *xxdeathx is editing [ Kurosaki Maon - Memories Last (TV size) [Insane]]
21:11 xxdeathx: 00:02:343 (1,2) - should make these parallel
21:12 SoGa: eh , how
21:12 xxdeathx: copy one slider, paste it, and ctrl-g
21:13 SoGa: fix
21:16 xxdeathx: 00:06:332 (1) -
21:16 xxdeathx: this plays a little better
21:18 xxdeathx: 00:09:106 (1,2) - this too
21:19 SoGa: eh
21:20 SoGa: 2 stack with 00:08:239 (3) - ?
21:20 xxdeathx: the slider flow is a bit awkward the way you position it
21:20 xxdeathx: i guess you could leave 2 where it is
21:20 xxdeathx: both work
21:20 xxdeathx: 00:12:748 (5,1) - check your blanket here
21:21 xxdeathx: slider end is too close
21:21 SoGa: but if i stack 2 in there , should i move this one too ? 00:09:626 (3,4) -
21:22 SoGa: now ,xD ?
21:22 xxdeathx: you could try
21:22 xxdeathx: i can't tell which objects those are
21:24 xxdeathx: 00:18:124 (3) - bad rhythm here
21:24 SoGa: nop , i will keep the first fix u gave me
21:24 xxdeathx: you should not ignore 00:18:297
21:24 xxdeathx: 00:18:297-
21:24 xxdeathx: 00:18:297 -
21:25 SoGa: should i change it to a reverse slider ?
21:25 xxdeathx: actually change 00:17:430 (1) - to reverse
21:26 xxdeathx:
21:26 xxdeathx: brb
21:29 xxdeathx: ok
21:30 xxdeathx: 00:17:430 (1) - this is positioned kind of ugly
21:30 SoGa: eh
21:31 SoGa: but i just change it go reverse slider ._+
21:31 xxdeathx: how about just like
21:32 SoGa: eh
21:32 SoGa: idk this part , i will fix it
21:33 xxdeathx: ok
21:33 xxdeathx: check stack 00:23:846 (5,1) -
21:34 xxdeathx: flow is kind of awkward here, because of straight line into right angle 00:24:540 (2,3) -
21:34 xxdeathx: i'd go for a zigzag pattern
21:35 xxdeathx: then move 00:25:233 (5) - to the bottom side
21:36 SoGa: fixed
21:38 xxdeathx: 00:56:274 (1,2) -
21:38 xxdeathx: instead so you have keypresses on the vocals instead of slider ends
21:39 SoGa: ok
21:40 xxdeathx: 01:12:228 (1,2,3) - this is kind of hard to explain, but since you're changing slider velocities for each slider
21:40 xxdeathx: you want to place them in a way that shows the sliders are getting longer
21:41 SoGa: should i change it
21:41 *xxdeathx is editing [ Tokisawa Nao - BRYNHILDR IN THE DARKNESS -Ver. EJECTED- [DARKNESS]]
21:41 xxdeathx:
21:42 xxdeathx: the player can see that each slider is getting longer than the previous
21:42 xxdeathx: and that feeling fits in with the music
21:42 xxdeathx: the easiest is to make them parallel to each other
21:43 xxdeathx: you could try but it doesn't play very well imo
21:43 xxdeathx: shorten 01:13:962 (4) - to a 1/2 slider so you don't ignore the vocals
21:45 xxdeathx: 01:13:962 (4,1,2,3,4) - actually this whole section should have better rhythm that doesn't have sliders end on white ticks or vocals
21:46 xxdeathx: 01:16:216 (2,3,4,5,6,7) - consider replacing some circles with sliders for smoother play and fit the music better
21:47 SoGa: 01:13:962 (4) - so should i del this timeline too ?
21:47 xxdeathx: make it a 1/2 slider
21:47 SoGa: i did
21:48 xxdeathx: 01:25:060 (6,7,8,1) - change spacing so it's easier to read 1/2 and 1/1
21:48 xxdeathx: right now it's really confusing
21:49 SoGa: ok
21:50 *xxdeathx is editing [ Kurosaki Maon - Memories Last (TV size) [Easy]]
21:50 xxdeathx: 00:09:106 (1,2) - you you have some questionable rhythm choices. something like this follows the music much better:
21:51 SoGa: im bad at rhythm ._.
21:51 xxdeathx: that was just one part but everything 00:00:783 (1,2,3,1,2,3,1,2) - could use the same rhythm
21:51 xxdeathx: blindly following white ticks is no good when the music isn't that simple
21:52 xxdeathx: once the music gets to 00:11:881 (1) - where there is a steady drum beat then you may follow white ticks more but when it isn't like that, follow the melody
21:54 SoGa: ok
21:54 SoGa: cuz my friends taught me to follow white ticks and 1/1 is ok
21:54 xxdeathx: in some cases
21:55 xxdeathx: the best easy/normal diffs are the ones that manage to capture claps and main melody
21:55 xxdeathx: ones that only follow 1/1 and white ticks may sound off depending on the song
21:55 xxdeathx: 00:29:915 (1,2) - check blanket
21:56 SoGa: i couldnt blanket cuz ds ._.
21:58 xxdeathx: suggested rhytnm for 01:08:239 (2,3,4) -
21:59 xxdeathx: 01:11:881 (2) - change and move here
22:01 xxdeathx: 01:15:349 (3,4,1) - do this
22:02 xxdeathx: 01:20:551 (2) - move to 01:20:204 - and make into 2/1 slider
22:02 xxdeathx:
22:03 xxdeathx: 01:26:447 (4) - make into 1/1 slider so it ends on the last note
22:03 xxdeathx: or put a circle at 01:26:794
22:03 xxdeathx: 01:26:794 -
22:03 xxdeathx: move the spinner later
22:04 xxdeathx: rumia has some hitsounds for you
22:04 SoGa: ._.
22:04 SoGa: he told u ?xd
22:04 SoGa: sry , i went to check it , back
22:05 *xxdeathx is editing [ Kurosaki Maon - Memories Last (TV size) [hs gay lolol]]
22:05 SoGa: .-.
22:05 SoGa: so u have receive it too , xD
22:05 xxdeathx: ok that's it
22:05 SoGa: dk why but sound a little noisy >.>

good luck with your map, hope it can get ranked soon!
Did some irc pointed out spacing and rhythms in insane and rhythms flow and some aesthetics in easy

13:25 SoGa: Hi Gaia ,r u idle for a MOD ? ;w;
13:25 Gaia: if ur down for an irc sure
13:26 SoGa: yes ?
13:26 Gaia: .np
13:27 *SoGa is listening to [ Kurosaki Maon - Memories Last (TV size)]
13:27 SoGa: this one pls
13:27 SoGa: ;w;
13:27 Gaia: dling
13:28 Gaia: hitsounds pretty inconsistent
13:28 SoGa: hm
13:28 Gaia: especially 00:17:430 (1) -
13:28 Gaia: in insane
13:29 SoGa: especially 00:17:430 (1) - or , from 00:17:430 (1) -
13:29 Gaia: u have some really big jumps when u dont have to too
13:29 Gaia: from there*
13:29 Gaia: like this jump is nice 00:03:037 (3,4,5,1) -
13:29 Gaia: but this is too much 00:05:118 (1,2,3,4,5,6) -
13:30 SoGa: eh
13:30 SoGa: really
13:30 Gaia: yeah
13:30 Gaia: its piano
13:30 Gaia: just keep doing what u did before
13:30 SoGa: small spacing ?
13:30 Gaia: smaller than what u have right now
13:31 Gaia: u gotta have good spacing too
13:31 Gaia: 00:43:615 (6,7) -
13:31 Gaia: nc inconsistency too here 00:41:187 (5) -
13:32 Gaia: and 00:43:962 (7) -
13:32 Gaia: rest find urself
13:32 Gaia: like when u see ur combo going up to like 8+ u should go back and check
13:32 Gaia: 00:46:563 (7) - this went up till 12 so nc this one
13:33 Gaia: 00:52:112 (1,2,3,4) - suddenly so loud uhhh
13:33 SoGa: i will change it to 70
13:34 Gaia: just test around and see
13:35 Gaia: just look for ur spacing issues
13:35 Gaia: 01:01:129 (5,6,7) -
13:35 Gaia: flow generally is alright
13:36 Gaia: and control your jumps
13:36 Gaia: lets see easy
13:36 Gaia: btw 00:13:962 (3) - not snapped
13:36 Gaia: in insane
13:36 SoGa: im bad at spacing and flow and hs ._.
13:36 Gaia: and insane has different audio leadin than other diffs
13:37 SoGa: eh .i didnt changed them ?
13:37 Gaia: nop
13:37 Gaia: in easy
13:38 Gaia: i know your trying to stay on 1/1s
13:38 Gaia: but the rhythm can be better imo
13:38 Gaia: like at the very beginning try 00:13:962 (3) -
13:38 Gaia: oops
13:38 Gaia: not that lol
13:38 Gaia:
13:38 Gaia: puush so slow :<
13:38 Gaia: like u did that at 00:09:106 (1,2) -
13:39 Gaia: and everything else just feels off time
13:39 Gaia: consider adding something 00:11:534 - too
13:39 Gaia: 00:17:430 (1) - move to like (376,192) for a better looking triangle
13:40 SoGa: i didnt got it
13:40 Gaia: get wut owo
13:42 SoGa: 00:14:655 (1) -
13:42 SoGa: what prob with this one
13:42 Gaia: wats wrong with it?
13:43 SoGa: u say it ,very beginning
13:44 Gaia: in easy or insane?
13:44 Gaia: OHH
13:44 Gaia: i said not that one
13:44 SoGa: ez
13:44 Gaia: wrong link sorry
13:44 SoGa: ok
13:44 SoGa: and then 00:09:106 (1,2) - this one ?
13:45 Gaia: i said that was good
13:45 Gaia: do that more
13:45 Gaia: your mapping style is like my old one
13:45 Gaia: its too circular
13:46 Gaia: have some flow variation, its more fn to play
13:46 SoGa: ;w;
13:46 Gaia: like simple things like this
13:46 Gaia: 00:17:777 (2,3,4) -
13:47 Gaia: 00:20:204 (1,2) - or simple things like this
13:47 Gaia:
13:48 SoGa: ok
13:48 Gaia: really suggest u add something at 00:21:592 - too
13:48 Gaia: theres a drum section
13:49 Gaia: the flow sucks too
13:49 Gaia: from 00:20:898 (2) - to 00:22:979 (1) -
13:49 SoGa: which flow sucks
13:49 Gaia: its an easy dont stack this 00:40:667 (3,1) -
13:49 Gaia: 00:20:898 (2,1) -
13:50 Gaia: wait sorry brb ill be back in like 10 mins
13:50 SoGa:
13:51 SoGa: ok
13:51 SoGa: why dont stack like dat ? i dont think it ruin when playing
14:03 *Gaia is listening to [ Kurosaki Maon - Memories Last (TV size)]
14:03 SoGa: welcome back
14:03 Gaia: ty
14:03 Gaia: uh
14:03 Gaia: what do u mean?
14:03 Gaia: and btw that screnshot u sent me has bad blanket
14:05 Gaia: so like
14:06 Gaia: really focus on flow in easy 00:44:482 (1) -
14:06 Gaia: as an example
14:06 Gaia: hitsounds is pretty inconsistent here too
14:06 Gaia: 00:45:522 (2,1) - doesnt flow well either
14:06 Gaia: 00:47:950 (1) - isnt a perfect blanket
14:07 SoGa: should i change it like this
14:07 SoGa:
14:07 Gaia: yeah thats a lot better
14:07 Gaia: really focus on flooow
14:07 Gaia: 01:05:638 (2,3,4) -
14:07 Gaia: make a better slider bow 01:08:586 (3,4) -
14:08 Gaia: but tbh,
14:08 Gaia: since it's an easy
14:08 Gaia: you shoudln't use that pattern since the slider end is covered by the slider body
14:08 Gaia: try this insated
14:08 Gaia:
14:08 SoGa: 01:05:638 (2,3,4) - is this bad ?
14:08 Gaia: yeah
14:10 Gaia: this overlap isnt that good either 01:15:696 (1,2) -
14:12 SoGa: 01:05:638 (2,3,4) - and this one ?
14:12 Gaia: yeah
14:12 Gaia: ?
14:19 SoGa: i think i fix some of ur mod , confused ._.
14:19 SoGa: lol
14:19 Gaia: lool
14:19 Gaia: sorry orz
14:19 Gaia: what dont u understand tho
14:19 Gaia: owo
14:19 Gaia: want me to type chinese
14:19 Gaia: owo?
14:20 SoGa: wait
14:20 SoGa: let me see
14:21 Gaia: 是我解釋得很爛還是你不懂英文 owo
14:21 SoGa: my english is bad
14:21 Gaia: Chinese then?
14:21 SoGa: now i uploaded , take a look
14:21 SoGa: i didnt fix ins yet
14:21 Gaia: lol
14:21 Gaia: k
14:21 Gaia: np again sorry
14:22 *SoGa is editing [ Kurosaki Maon - Memories Last (TV size) [Easy]]
14:22 Gaia: 00:04:771 (2) -
14:23 Gaia:
14:23 SoGa: bad rhythm tho
14:23 Gaia: sounds better than the one u have rn if u ask me
14:23 SoGa: rn ?
14:23 Gaia: 00:07:546 (1) -
14:24 Gaia: right now
14:24 Gaia: 00:07:546 (1) -
14:24 Gaia: 00:11:361 (3) - dont use 1/2's
14:24 Gaia: stay on the white
14:25 SoGa: but 1/2 make it sound more op
14:25 SoGa: ._.
14:25 Gaia: its easy
14:25 Gaia: slow down lol.
14:30 SoGa: i think i fix them
14:30 SoGa: ;w;
14:30 Gaia: oky
14:30 SoGa: except this one
14:30 SoGa: 00:40:667 (3,1) -
14:30 SoGa: didnt fix it yet tho
14:30 Gaia: you have to fix it though
14:30 Gaia: its unranakblke
14:31 SoGa: eh
14:31 SoGa: why
14:32 Gaia: too hard for beginners
14:32 Gaia: wait ill help u out
14:33 Gaia: 00:41:707 (4,1,2,1) -
14:33 Gaia:
14:34 Gaia:
14:34 Gaia:
14:35 Gaia: if u like it i can give u the code
14:37 SoGa: i got it
14:37 Gaia: k
14:38 SoGa: 01:11:707 (2) - should i change this 1/2 too ?
14:38 Gaia: 1/1
14:38 Gaia: well actually
14:39 Gaia: that one doesnt matter as much
14:39 Gaia: fix ur blankets tho 01:13:268 (1,2) -
14:39 Gaia: 01:15:696 (1,2) - blanket and overlap looks bad
14:39 SoGa: this blanket bad ?
14:39 Gaia: ye
14:40 SoGa: why ;w;
14:40 Gaia: see for yourself
14:41 Gaia:
14:41 SoGa:
14:41 Gaia: a bit better
14:41 Gaia: well
14:41 Gaia: id just say its good lol
14:41 Gaia: but
14:41 Gaia: another thing is
14:41 Gaia: the slider end overlaps the slider body
14:42 SoGa: eh
14:42 SoGa: dat matter 2?
14:42 Gaia: well yeah
14:42 Gaia: 01:23:326 (3) - another tricky stack
14:42 Gaia: avoid this
14:42 Gaia: isnt really following rhythms well here 01:23:673 (1) -
14:43 Gaia: 01:26:100 (3) - might just wanna make this into a 1/1 repeat
14:44 SoGa: what is mean , might just wanna make this into a 1/1 repeat
14:45 Gaia:
14:45 Gaia: also blanket better
14:46 SoGa: can i
14:46 Gaia: sure
14:47 Gaia: then u might wanna try this
14:48 Gaia:
14:48 Gaia: suggestion
14:49 SoGa:
14:49 SoGa: ;w;
14:50 Gaia: wtf
14:50 Gaia: that spacing
14:50 Gaia: well
14:50 Gaia: ohhh
14:50 Gaia: i see
14:50 Gaia: but still 01:23:673 (1) - shouldnt be a 1/1 slider
14:50 SoGa: the spacing i didnt fix it yet
14:50 SoGa: 1/1 ?
14:51 SoGa: wait
14:51 Gaia: use this rhythm
14:51 SoGa: i fixed it like this
14:51 Gaia:
14:51 SoGa:
14:51 Gaia: or that
14:51 Gaia: works too
14:52 Gaia: add a circle on 01:23:673 - tho
14:52 SoGa: ok, i will add a circle ,and use mine
14:52 SoGa: ye
14:52 SoGa: ;w;
14:52 Gaia: k
14:52 Gaia: nice
14:57 Gaia: ahhhhhhhhhh
14:57 Gaia: sorry gtg for a bit
14:58 Gaia: ill post my log if u wanna go back and check stuffs
best of luck!
As you requested.
This will just be a quick mod because I am busy with schoolwork.

  1. Why are there so many soft-hitnormal sounds in the folder? They don't seem to be used anywhere in the maps. Also check if normal-hitclap and sliderslide are used anywhere... because I don't see any parts that use them.
  2. Disable letterbox in Normal
  3. Why does only Easy have custom combo colours? Add them to all diffs?
  4. Why "spring's normal" has uncapitalized "normal"? I think it should be capitalized to "spring's Normal".
  1. It seems a bit too hard for Easy. I think you should lower OD to 2.5.
  2. 00:00:783 - This section sounds really empty right now. I strongly suggest adding some hitsounds like soft-whistles as you did in Insane.
  3. 00:00:783 (1) - This slider doesn't follow the music rhythm well, but I guess it's okay to sacrifice that for the symmetry. It would be nice, though, if you could change it somehow to match the rhythm better:
  4. 00:06:332 (4) - Add soft-hitwhistle.
  5. 00:08:413 (2,1) - Distance is too big. Reduce to 1.2x.
  6. 00:11:187 (3) - Add soft-hitclap on end.
  7. 00:20:898 (2) - I think you can map the empty part here with this rhythm:
  8. 00:38:933 (1,2,3,4) - I think you should increase distance to 1.2x for consistency.
  9. 00:52:112 (1,1,2,3) - I think you should increase distance to 1.2x for consistency.
  10. 01:13:962 (2,1,2,3,1) - Make all the distance here consistent 1.2x.
  11. 01:20:204 (2,1) - Increase distance to 1.2x.
  12. 00:32:517 (1) - Maybe you can add soft-hitfinish on the spinner. It will go well with the music.
  13. 00:32:517 (1) - I think you should start the spinner 1/2 beat later to match the start of the drum.
  14. 00:38:933 (1) - I think end should have whistle instead.
  15. 00:41:707 (4) - Whistle on head.
  16. 00:42:401 (1) - Whistle on repeat.
  17. 00:53:499 (1) - Finish on head.
  18. 00:59:048 (1) - Maybe finish on head.
  19. 01:04:598 (1) - Maybe finish on head. Whistle on end.
  20. 01:07:025 (4) - Whistle on end.
  21. 01:08:586 (3) - Clap on end.
  22. 01:10:667 (1) - Clap on end.
  23. 01:12:228 (3) - Whistle, clap, whistle.
  24. 01:13:268 (1) - Whistle on end.
  25. 01:15:002 (2) - Whistle.
  26. 01:16:736 (2) - Whistle on end.
  27. 01:17:777 (3) - Finish on end.
  28. 01:25:060 (2,3) - Whistles on heads.
  29. 00:06:332 (4,1) - Swap new combo.
  30. 00:16:043 - Remove new combo.
  31. 00:22:979 - Combos in this section are so short... I suggest making them 4 beats long.
  32. 00:24:366 - Remove new combo.
  33. 00:27:141 - Remove new combo.
  34. 00:29:915 - Remove new combo.
    Needs more attention to technical aspects like distance spacing, hitsounds, and combos.
  1. 00:00:783 (1) - The slider shape doesn't look good in my opinion. I think you can make the shape smoother by adding another slider point:
  2. 00:05:985 (6,1) - I really think you shouldn't use stack for 3/2 rhythm like this. It is too hard for Normal, and the player will probably click (1) too early, think it's 1/1.
  3. 00:09:626 (3) - Doesn't match song rhythm. Extend or shorten by 1/2.
  4. 00:10:493 (1,1) - Not enough time between spinner and next object. Either remove the spinner: or or, or move the spinner earlier: (Not ideal because spinner is really short).
  5. 00:11:881 - Rhythm in this section is too complex because you are trying to follow guitar and drum at the same time. I think you should just choose one or the other. Drum: Guitar: (This applies to the whole section).
  6. 00:15:869 (3,1) - This flows awkward. I suggest moving (1) to lead straight from (3):
  7. 00:19:858 (3,1) - Minor spacing error.
  8. 00:21:418 (1,1) - Not enough time between spinner and next object. Same suggestions as before.
  9. 00:25:407 (2,1) - Minor spacing error.
  10. 00:31:823 (3,4) - I think it will play better if you make the movement more straight here.
  11. 00:41:707 (2,3) - Distance is too big. Reduce to 1.1x.
  12. 00:43:268 (3,4,1,2) - Increase distance to 1.1x for consistency.
  13. 00:52:112 (1) - SV is too low to use this kind of multiple repeat slider. The player won't be able to see how many repeats are on it, and will most likely assume it is only one. I suggest breaking this up into two 1/2 sliders:
  14. 00:54:713 (4,1) - Increase distance to 1.1x.
  15. 01:00:262 (3,1) - Distance is much too big. Please reduce to 1.1x.
  16. 01:01:129 (1,2,3,4) - Increase to 1.1x?
  17. 01:06:678 (4,1) - Distance is too big. Reduce to 1.1x.
  18. 01:22:285 (2,3) - Distance here is too small. It may be confusing.
  19. 01:23:152 (3,4,5) - This rhythm is hard to understand. I suggest using a more intuitive rhythm based on the music.
  20. Your use of hitsounds is strange, and doesn't fit the music very well in my opinion. My hitsound suggestions are below:
  21. 00:05:985 (6) - Whistle on end.
  22. 00:09:626 (3) - If you didn't change the rhythm here, then the whistle on the white tick is wrong, and doesn't match your pattern. The whistle should be at 00:10:320
  23. 00:11:881 (1) - Clap on end.
  24. 00:12:401 (2) - Clap on end.
  25. 00:13:615 (1,2,3) - Clap, clap, clap on head.
  26. 00:14:655 (1) - Remove clap and add whistle on head. Clap on end.
  27. 00:15:176 (2) - Clap on end.
  28. 00:16:389 (1,2,3) - Clap, clap, clap.
  29. 00:17:430 (1) - Clap on end.
  30. 00:17:950 (2) - Clap on end.
  31. 00:19:164 (1,2,3) - Clap, clap, clap on head.
  32. 00:20:204 (1) - Clap on end.
  33. 00:22:979 (1) - Finish on head.
  34. 00:24:713 (1) - Whistle on end.
  35. 00:25:754 (1) - Whistle.
  36. 00:27:488 (1) - Whistle on end.
  37. 00:28:528 (1) - Whistle on head.
  38. 00:30:262 (5) - Remove whistle.
  39. 00:32:517 (1) - Finish?
  40. 00:38:933 (1) - Whistle on head and end?
  41. 00:40:493 (3) - Whistle on head.
  42. 00:40:840 (1) - Clap on end.
  43. 00:41:707 (2) - Clap.
  44. 00:42:054 (3) - Whistle on end.
  45. 00:42:748 (1) - Whistle.
  46. 00:44:482 (1) - Clap on head, whistle on end.
  47. 00:45:522 (3) - Clap.
  48. 00:46:910 (1) - Clap on head.
  49. 00:47:603 (2) - Clap.
  50. 00:47:950 (1) - Finish on head, clap on repeat.
  51. 00:53:499 (1) - Finish on head.
  52. 01:01:476 (2,4) - Claps.
  53. 01:05:811 (2) - Why slider body has whistle? It doesn't match the song. Remove slidewhistle.
  54. 01:11:534 (6) - Same here.
  55. 01:14:135 (6) - Clap on end.
  56. 01:15:002 (1,2) - Whistle, clap.
  57. 01:16:389 (4) - Clap on head, whistle on end or just whistle on head.
  58. 01:20:725 (5) - Whistle on head and end.
  59. 01:21:245 (1,2,3,4,5,1,2,3,4) - Need some hitsounds. Use either clap or whistle on all of them.
  60. 00:05:291 - Add new combo.
  61. 00:46:389 (5,1) - Swap new combo.
    Need to use hitsounds to match the music, and use them more consistently.
  1. Some unsnapped objects. Check Aimod.
  2. 00:16:043 (1,2,3,4) - Make the pattern more regular? (consistent relative distance and change in angle)
  3. 00:46:389 (5,6) - Interesting placement of (6). It seems to play okay, so I guess that's fine... I think it may be better if the slider shape gives some hint to guide the player's movement to the circle.
  4. 01:26:967 (1) - Extend by 1/4 to match the other diffs. Also, it would be nice if you faded out the volume.
  5. 00:21:418 (5) - New combo.
  6. 00:35:291 (1,4) - NC or no NC, make it consistent.
  1. Considering the difficulty of the other maps in this set, OD8 doesn't fit the spread properly. I recommend lowering it to OD7.
  2. 00:11:361 (5,6,7,8) - These claps are too loud. Reduce the volume.
  3. 00:12:748 (5,6,1) - The flow here is awkward. (6,1) should really have larger distance spacing to emphasize (1) since it is a strong beat.
  4. 00:13:615 (2,3,4) - The placement of these sliders is too close in my opinion, and the directions make the pattern feel "cheap" or "thin". I think you can improve it by either reversing (4) or reversing (3): or
  5. 00:35:465 (6,1,2,3,4,5,6) - This offbeat rhythm feels strange, as it doesn't really fit well with the music. I'd opt for just on-beat jumps.
  6. 00:38:933 (5) - Add whistle?
  7. 00:45:002 (1,2) - Swap to finish to (2)?
  8. 00:47:777 (6,1) - It would be nice to jump in the opposite direction. Something like this: or
  9. 00:54:540 (5,1,2) - Really feels to close and awkward to play. Keep using large spacing like before.
  10. 00:55:407 (3,4) - Should make the distance bigger. It might be cool to Ctrl+G on (4,5):
  11. 01:01:129 (5,6,7) - Too close, and don't feel comfortable to play. Try reversing (6) and (7):
  12. 01:05:465 (4,5) - Too close together. Try to space it out more.
  13. 01:06:505 (3,4,5) - This flows better in my opinion:
  14. 01:10:493 (2) - Clap on head.
  15. 01:11:707 (7,1) - Small spacing is very awkward. Try reverse (7):
  16. 01:14:309 - Strange place to decrease SV. I think you should keep 1.5x here and wait until 01:15:696 to change to 1.0x.
  17. 01:26:794 (1) - NC is not necessary here.
    There are some awkward spacing and flow in this map.
Good luck.
> "quick mod"

> writes wall mod

xxdeathx wrote:

> "quick mod"

> writes wall mod
CS16 op
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