
Okay, so my computer died...

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Or, you could use backups.

Loginer wrote:

Or, you could use backups.
It's just that way too many people don't use backups and then think there's no hope of recovery once their PC doesn't boot up anymore.
What nardi1011 said, because even if you take backups every week (unless you have shit that does it every fucking minute), you will still have some files that you would want to recover maybe.

And even after the format, since windows fast installation only does a quickformat (deletes MFT), most of the files will still be there and recoverable.

Ph0X wrote:

What nardi1011 said, because even if you take backups every week (unless you have shit that does it every fucking minute), you will still have some files that you would want to recover maybe.

And even after the format, since windows fast installation only does a quickformat (deletes MFT), most of the files will still be there and recoverable.
Smart people back up as often as they feel they will accept a loss of -- That sentence is horrible.

My F: partition, which contains my school work, programming projects, Photochop images, etc. (basically "My Documents") is backed up every 12 hours. If my data is lost, I'm willing to make up 12 hours of work. I should probably increase the frequency, but I feel this is appropriate for now.

osu! backs up every day. Don't wanna lose all my shitty WIP's~

Off-side backups occur every other day. Sadly, my internet sucks, and I can't afford much more. Only my work backup (F:) is put off-side, because the osu! backup is just too large to be practically sent over my puny tubes.

My system drive (C:) is backed up fully, bit-for-bit, once per week. For some reason, the backup routine started doing weird things with the filenames. I'm at SystemBackup2(2)(2)(2)(2)(2)(2)(2).tib now.

By the way, my backups are to a 1.5TB internal WD Green. It was cheap, big, and all that jazz. On the backup drive I also have two emergency OS's (one Linux installation, one Windows 7 installer) Just In Case (tm).

ITT Post your backup schemes.
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strager wrote:

ITT Post your backup schemes.
Games go on one HDD.
Anime goes on the other.
School work stays on a server at school.
Everything else goes on an internal HDD, and I upload most of my important stuff to MF.

If gaymen HDD fucks up, I only need to redownload everything from Steam/DoujinStyle.
If animu HDD fucks up, I can redownload the ones I like.
I have another PC, a Wii and a 360 to keep me busy whilst shit downloads.

Server at school is backed up every day.
If I lose Windows, I can contact Microsoft.

I win.
I keep important shit on either my server or my USB flash drive(s). I somewhat rarely burn/backup other data, usually TV shows. Most of my important files are like <100MB, usually <5MB each, so it's not bad.
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Needs more raid1 or raid5
Topic Starter

Hanyuu wrote:

how did it die
Sucked itself to death.

Seriously though, there wasn't really anything too important that I was actively working on that was lost. The worst of it was rp/profile database (which as I said, most of which I can get back or otherwise am willing to rewrite), artwork (specifically, the unposted photography from May, which is an unfortunate lost, most of everything else that's worth anything is already on dA), and software (I've already reinstalled FF, my tablet, 7-Zip, downloaded my Nintendo WFC drivers again, and will be able to reinstall GIMP and PSP soon enough anyways).
The only thing causing any real problems is the loss of my EV data, but even that I have a copy of on my flash drive. I'll just need to backtrack and update them again from my notes, which will be a bit tricky but no real problem.
Plus some websites which I need to track down again, but most of them I'm familiar with enough to get to them without too much trouble.
Bit of game data and stuff too, but I didn't play much anyways.

My computer needed to die anyways. It had way too much crap.

Right now, a fire would hurt me much more than a computer crash. At least 2/3rds of my serious work is on very flame-vulnerable paper, plus there's my games and stuff. I'd be defending the place or evacuating all my stuff, which actually would be a bit easier thanks to having a bin in my closet. :P
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Loginer wrote:

Ph0X wrote:

Needs more raid1 or raid5
RAID is useless once the shit actually hits the fan.
RAID0 is, but RAID1 and RAID5 both have redundant arrays and if one drive crashes, you will still be able to recover all your files. If both fail at exactly the same time, then you're just unlucky.

Ph0X wrote:

Needs more raid1 or raid5
Pft, it's better because it's like instant backup of everything on that array.
I just hope my computer won't die, and when it does, I reinstall windows and get on with life from scratch again...
Important anime is kept on my external HDD, when that dies I get upset and get a new one to start gathering again :c

Ph0X wrote:

Loginer wrote:

RAID is useless once the shit actually hits the fan.
RAID0 is, but RAID1 and RAID5 both have redundant arrays and if one drive crashes, you will still be able to recover all your files. If both fail at exactly the same time, then you're just unlucky.
And what if your files are corrupted/overwritten by a bug or malware? How would RAID help you recover your files if they get infected? Or how about accidentally deleting an important file? What if the computer is physically destroyed in a fire?

RAID provides a layer of protection against drive malfunctioning, but it's not a backup solution, period.

Loginer wrote:


neo@lex wrote:

Loginer wrote:

u u uwa uwa
Protips for less computer literate souls:

1. As many backups of large files as possible

Anything such as large video files or your music library should be manually copied onto at least two external hard drives, and keep a copy on your main machine as well. Think in terms of your completed Anime or TV series'.

2. Store your most important files on a solid state flash drive

Important but small documents like those for school and work should be kept on a flash drive - these have no moving parts and thus the data is much less likely to be lost by the drive being broken.

Anything else such as program installations can also go on the hard drives or CD or whatever but for most things you might just want to download them again.
I've seen RAID arrays where both of the OS partition drives failed simultaneously. It's like it couldn't even do the only thing it can do right.
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