
koutaq - Yokan

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- mp3的码率只有96kbps有些太低了,我找到了320的,转了192的传上来。顺便把320的也传一下,如果你平时要听的话
- 关于音效,感觉上现在虽然音效文件很多,但其实并没有很成系统地运用,或者说没有充分利用反而有冗余之感,有些地方不同音效的突兀出现也显得并不和谐,下面具体说


00:31:240~00:37:052 这第一段落,你的音效思路很清楚,就是运用SC1的clap(其实听上去是whistle),加在2,4白线上,而且有个音量渐大的过程,思路是正确的。值得一提的是,00:36:490的clap却漏加了,两个难度都是

00:37:240~00:55:802 权且称之为第二段落。从这一段起,前奏过去,二胡的音色正式出来,2,4白线上的节拍音也更为明晰,但你这一段的2,4白线上却没有东西了= =///,而只是在1,3白线上加了SC1的clap(实为whistle音色)。乐曲里明显有的东西还是不要忽视,2,4白的clap对于图的打击感也很重要,所以至少要在2,4白线上加上轻柔的节拍音色,看了下文件夹,normal-hitwhistle这个音效文件应该就比较合适,所以请在00:37:990、00:39:490等依次类推的2,4白线上加上normal-hitwhistle试试(或者你可以另寻感觉合适的音效),点击editor界面左上方的Additions下拉选项,选择Normal,再加whistle就行,不用插绿线;
另外,像00:37:240 (1)加了finish,这个思路是对的,提示段落的长白线finish也是比较重要的;
00:53:740 这里的finish就很莫名,既不是长白线或段落起始处,背景音色也没有明显的锣音之类,问什么这里要加个突兀的finish呢?还是只留clap就好

00:55:990~01:01:052 说实话这里突然出现的另两组不同风格的音效,呈现出的效果并不是太好,可能也只是我个人感觉吧,总之就是突兀,没有铺垫没有预警,乍然出现,略觉冒尖不和谐。如果说从00:58:990起这一组notes的鼓声是因为有背景音的表现,也起到了高潮段前提示的作用,那么00:55:990 (1,2,4)的SC1whistle则确实不怎么合适。如果一定要保留这一思路的话,我建议降音量,尤其后面的鼓声,80%也有些太高了

01:01:240~01:25:052 高潮段1。这一段终于是出现了2,4clap,虽然感觉1,3白的finish音量大了点,但总的来说没什么问题,说点细碎的:
01:05:740 漏了finish
01:06:490 remove whistle. 突兀
01:11:740 这里按思路不是该加finish吗?为何要用whistle?
01:17:740 ^
01:18:865 没必要的whistle。音效要跟着音乐来,不是“兴之所至”就可以任意添加的

01:25:240~01:51:865 这一段落,依然是2,4白线上节拍音的丢失。别的没什么

01:54:490~02:19:615 舒缓段落。没什么问题,因为这一段2,4白线是听不到节拍音的,所以只有1,3白的whistle音色是可接受的。一些不同音色whistle的添加如02:05:740等做的不错~

02:19:990~02:43:240 高潮段2至结束,跟高潮段1基本一样的思路,没什么好说的,还是说些细碎的:
02:19:990 这里感觉用低沉的鼓声(normal-hitfinish2)替换clap效果会更好
02:23:740 漏了finish
02:25:240 ^
02:26:365 remove whistle
02:27:865 ^
02:28:240 漏了finish。有了音效的思路就要尽量按着思路来,该有变化的时候再去变化,要不然只会显得凌乱
02:30:490 remove whistle
02:31:240 remove whistle, add finish
02:34:240 ^
02:37:240 漏了finish


- AR:4? (只是建议
- New Combo略乱,建议按每隔两长白一NC设置
00:31:240 第一条绿线多余,删掉,把红线音量设置成20%就行
00:34:615 (2) - 倾斜角度跟前面两个折返滑条平行?
00:40:990 (2) - 跟1的尾部没包好
00:44:740 (3) - 这个滑条你其实可以复制00:43:240 (1)再把它ctrl+h、ctrl+j再ctrl+g移到合适位置,这样可以使形状看起来更规整,而不是像现在这样明显感觉两个滑条不同并且3跟2也没包好
00:46:240 (5) - 还是包的问题。其实都可以通过复制粘贴再转角度等手段实现
00:58:240 (2) - 跟3的尾部没完全重叠而且跟1也没包好
01:04:240 (1,2) - 还是包的问题……细节上真的要注意啊,不能觉得看着差不多就得了,而是要尽量做好。之后同类的问题不再说了
01:07:990 (2,3,4) - 这三个完全可以做成按中轴对称的pattern,大概像这样:
01:16:240 (5) - 关GS移到(202,262),让它严格按中轴对称
01:21:490 (4) - 跟01:20:740 (3)平行倾斜?像这样?
02:01:615 (1,2,3,1) - 这个四方形好像歪了

- OD:6。7有些高了;AR其实可以用7,8倒也能接受
- NC还是乱,建议按每隔一长白一NC设置
01:00:302 (6,7) - 感觉不如移到靠下的位置,大概像这样:
01:08:552 (4,5) - 没叠好
01:31:240 (1,2) - 类似的梗其实可以再多些
01:32:740 (1,2,3,4,5) - 这样的直线直角排列显得生硬,考虑换成弧线?
02:04:240 (1,2,1,2,1,2,3) - 这一组还是让它们按Y轴对称吧
02:28:615 (2) - 尾部跟02:27:115 (2)的头叠好
02:40:990 (6) - 复制02:40:240 (5)再转角度保持形状一致?

总的来说还是不错的,打着也很舒服,star~ 加油XDDDD
Topic Starter

Akabato wrote:


- mp3的码率只有96kbps有些太低了,我找到了320的,转了192的传上来。顺便把320的也传一下,如果你平时要听的话
- 关于音效,感觉上现在虽然音效文件很多,但其实并没有很成系统地运用,或者说没有充分利用反而有冗余之感,有些地方不同音效的突兀出现也显得并不和谐,下面具体说


00:31:240~00:37:052 这第一段落,你的音效思路很清楚,就是运用SC1的clap(其实听上去是whistle),加在2,4白线上,而且有个音量渐大的过程,思路是正确的。值得一提的是,00:36:490的clap却漏加了,两个难度都是

00:37:240~00:55:802 权且称之为第二段落。从这一段起,前奏过去,二胡的音色正式出来,2,4白线上的节拍音也更为明晰,但你这一段的2,4白线上却没有东西了= =///,而只是在1,3白线上加了SC1的clap(实为whistle音色)。乐曲里明显有的东西还是不要忽视,2,4白的clap对于图的打击感也很重要,所以至少要在2,4白线上加上轻柔的节拍音色,看了下文件夹,normal-hitwhistle这个音效文件应该就比较合适,所以请在00:37:990、00:39:490等依次类推的2,4白线上加上normal-hitwhistle试试(或者你可以另寻感觉合适的音效),点击editor界面左上方的Additions下拉选项,选择Normal,再加whistle就行,不用插绿线;
另外,像00:37:240 (1)加了finish,这个思路是对的,提示段落的长白线finish也是比较重要的;
00:53:740 这里的finish就很莫名,既不是长白线或段落起始处,背景音色也没有明显的锣音之类,问什么这里要加个突兀的finish呢?还是只留clap就好

00:55:990~01:01:052 说实话这里突然出现的另两组不同风格的音效,呈现出的效果并不是太好,可能也只是我个人感觉吧,总之就是突兀,没有铺垫没有预警,乍然出现,略觉冒尖不和谐。如果说从00:58:990起这一组notes的鼓声是因为有背景音的表现,也起到了高潮段前提示的作用,那么00:55:990 (1,2,4)的SC1whistle则确实不怎么合适。如果一定要保留这一思路的话,我建议降音量,尤其后面的鼓声,80%也有些太高了

01:01:240~01:25:052 高潮段1。这一段终于是出现了2,4clap,虽然感觉1,3白的finish音量大了点,但总的来说没什么问题,说点细碎的:
01:05:740 漏了finish
01:06:490 remove whistle. 突兀
01:11:740 这里按思路不是该加finish吗?为何要用whistle?
01:17:740 ^
01:18:865 没必要的whistle。音效要跟着音乐来,不是“兴之所至”就可以任意添加的

01:25:240~01:51:865 这一段落,依然是2,4白线上节拍音的丢失。别的没什么

01:54:490~02:19:615 舒缓段落。没什么问题,因为这一段2,4白线是听不到节拍音的,所以只有1,3白的whistle音色是可接受的。一些不同音色whistle的添加如02:05:740等做的不错~

02:19:990~02:43:240 高潮段2至结束,跟高潮段1基本一样的思路,没什么好说的,还是说些细碎的:
02:19:990 这里感觉用低沉的鼓声(normal-hitfinish2)替换clap效果会更好
02:23:740 漏了finish
02:25:240 ^
02:26:365 remove whistle
02:27:865 ^
02:28:240 漏了finish。有了音效的思路就要尽量按着思路来,该有变化的时候再去变化,要不然只会显得凌乱
02:30:490 remove whistle
02:31:240 remove whistle, add finish
02:34:240 ^
02:37:240 漏了finish


- AR:4? (只是建议
- New Combo略乱,建议按每隔两长白一NC设置
00:31:240 第一条绿线多余,删掉,把红线音量设置成20%就行
00:34:615 (2) - 倾斜角度跟前面两个折返滑条平行?
00:40:990 (2) - 跟1的尾部没包好
00:44:740 (3) - 这个滑条你其实可以复制00:43:240 (1)再把它ctrl+h、ctrl+j再ctrl+g移到合适位置,这样可以使形状看起来更规整,而不是像现在这样明显感觉两个滑条不同并且3跟2也没包好
00:46:240 (5) - 还是包的问题。其实都可以通过复制粘贴再转角度等手段实现
00:58:240 (2) - 跟3的尾部没完全重叠而且跟1也没包好
01:04:240 (1,2) - 还是包的问题……细节上真的要注意啊,不能觉得看着差不多就得了,而是要尽量做好。之后同类的问题不再说了
01:07:990 (2,3,4) - 这三个完全可以做成按中轴对称的pattern,大概像这样:
01:16:240 (5) - 关GS移到(202,262),让它严格按中轴对称
01:21:490 (4) - 跟01:20:740 (3)平行倾斜?像这样?
02:01:615 (1,2,3,1) - 这个四方形好像歪了

- OD:6。7有些高了;AR其实可以用7,8倒也能接受
- NC还是乱,建议按每隔一长白一NC设置
01:00:302 (6,7) - 感觉不如移到靠下的位置,大概像这样:
01:08:552 (4,5) - 没叠好
01:31:240 (1,2) - 类似的梗其实可以再多些
01:32:740 (1,2,3,4,5) - 这样的直线直角排列显得生硬,考虑换成弧线?
02:04:240 (1,2,1,2,1,2,3) - 这一组还是让它们按Y轴对称吧
02:28:615 (2) - 尾部跟02:27:115 (2)的头叠好
02:40:990 (6) - 复制02:40:240 (5)再转角度保持形状一致?

总的来说还是不错的,打着也很舒服,star~ 加油XDDDD
Mod request from my queue

Red is unrankable and must be fixed.
Pink is you should apply this to any similar notes/parts/patterns/whatever it was stated on it.
Mods with question marks (?) are only suggestion/opinion. You're free to choose whether you're going to apply it or not.

Additional notes:
I cannot mod another game modes.
Please reply to my mods, I always looking forward to the replies so I could improve better.
If you think one or more points on my mod is unclear, feel free to ask about it.

Some useful links for mapping:
Analyzing flow in beatmaps
Mapping polarity
How to make beautiful sliders
How to make beautiful sliders (advanced)
Difficulty naming
Advanced Timing


  1. 00:43:240 (1,3) - The clap in slidertail is kinda out of place, maybe remove?
  2. 00:52:990 (2) - Remove clap maybe? There's currently no clap in background music so
  3. 00:56:740 (3) - Badly shaped, refer to this guide on how to make good sliderwave
  4. 01:07:240 (1,2,3,4) - It'll look nicer if you could arrange like
  5. 01:12:490 (1) - Missed clapsound whistle at sliderhead
  6. 01:13:990 (2,3) - Not good, players might get confused. How about (-:
  7. 01:36:115 (3,1) - Same here. Tips above might worked here.
  8. 01:44:740 (1,2,3) - Had different spacing. Try to position them like (the (2) slider placed a little bit to the right for better spacing)
  9. 01:50:740 (1) - You could remove NC, it's just 2 notes in a combo, it's ok to keep up to 4.
  10. 02:00:490 (1) - Not good. Try
  11. 02:26:365 (4,1) - Not a good blanket.
  12. 02:39:490 (2,3) - Try this placement instead it'll look better!
  1. 00:46:240 (1,2,1,2,1,2) - Wrong flow, Try this code below:
    Copy to .osu file. If you don't know how to put, just find and replace this block with code above.
  2. 01:12:490 (3) - Bad shape.
  3. 01:26:740 (4) - 01:26:740 (4) - Switch hitsound on sliderrepeat and slidertail, it'll sound better.
  4. 01:46:240 (1) - This jump is too high )-:
  5. 01:49:990 (2,3) - Switch hitsound?
  6. 02:31:052 (4,5,6) - ...Different spacing? Why? It breaks flow
Amazing music and nice beatmap. Good job, keep it up!

Starred. Good luck.
Topic Starter

inverness wrote:

Mod request from my queue

Red is unrankable and must be fixed.
Pink is you should apply this to any similar notes/parts/patterns/whatever it was stated on it.
Mods with question marks (?) are only suggestion/opinion. You're free to choose whether you're going to apply it or not.

Additional notes:
I cannot mod another game modes.
Please reply to my mods, I always looking forward to the replies so I could improve better.
If you think one or more points on my mod is unclear, feel free to ask about it.

Some useful links for mapping:
Analyzing flow in beatmaps
Mapping polarity
How to make beautiful sliders
How to make beautiful sliders (advanced)
Difficulty naming
Advanced Timing
Great! I'll read them all~:D
Hello! Hi~:D

  1. 00:43:240 (1,3) - The clap in slidertail is kinda out of place, maybe remove? Yes I've removed it
  2. 00:52:990 (2) - Remove clap maybe? There's currently no clap in background music so Also removed~
  3. 00:56:740 (3) - Badly shaped, refer to this guide on how to make good sliderwave Yes it really looks ugly...and I've tried my best to change that...
  4. 01:07:240 (1,2,3,4) - It'll look nicer if you could arrange like What's the picture mean?
  5. 01:12:490 (1) - Missed clapsound whistle at sliderhead Fix~
  6. 01:13:990 (2,3) - Not good, players might get confused. How about (-: Good idea~:D
  7. 01:36:115 (3,1) - Same here. Tips above might worked here. OK~~
  8. 01:44:740 (1,2,3) - Had different spacing. Try to position them like (the (2) slider placed a little bit to the right for better spacing) Fixed~~
  9. 01:50:740 (1) - You could remove NC, it's just 2 notes in a combo, it's ok to keep up to 4. OK~~
  10. 02:00:490 (1) - Not good. Try Nice~
  11. 02:26:365 (4,1) - Not a good blanket. ehh...not very understand its meaning sorry...
  12. 02:39:490 (2,3) - Try this placement instead it'll look better!

  1. 00:46:240 (1,2,1,2,1,2) - Wrong flow, Try this code below:
    Copy to .osu file. If you don't know how to put, just find and replace this block with code above. Thanks~~you're so kind~~:D
  2. 01:12:490 (3) - Bad shape. Fixed~
  3. 01:26:740 (4) - 01:26:740 (4) - Switch hitsound on sliderrepeat and slidertail, it'll sound better. Ok fixed~
  4. 01:46:240 (1) - This jump is too high )-: Jump Jump Jump~~:P~~well I've changed it to a lower place
  5. 01:49:990 (2,3) - Switch hitsound? Fixed~~
  6. 02:31:052 (4,5,6) - ...Different spacing? Why? It breaks flow
This 2 notes I want them to keep in different space

Amazing music and nice beatmap. Good job, keep it up!

Starred. Good luck.
Thank you for your modding and star~~Your suggestions helped me a lot~~:D
音频码率太低了 至少要128 你看看能不能找到更高质量的音频
两个难度开头的音量太低了 最好调到40%以上

两个难度最后的滑条建议在02:44:740 - 这里结束感觉好一些 你试试
你打开aimod然后勾上check ds把那些间距差太大的统一一下前后间距 低难度尽量保持全程ds一致
00:56:740 - 加finish音效
00:59:365 (3,1) - 低难度不建议这样的排列 尽量顺着flow不要反方向的轨迹适合新手读图
01:03:865 - 这里不建议空因为有个比较明显的音
01:05:365 - ^ kiai部分尽量节奏紧凑点
01:19:240 (1,3) - 没重叠好
01:31:240 (5,1) - 交换nc
01:45:490 (2) - 建议这个滑条拆开成一个1/2滑条加一个圈 然后取消前面的nc在这个长白线nc会让combo组看起来整齐一些
02:00:490 (4) - ^
01:48:115 (5,1) - 同之前建议 低难度建议顺着flow摆
01:51:865 (4) - 可以试试把这个换成1/2滑条让这里到break过渡自然一些
02:06:490 (1,2) - 交换nc 让nc在长白线可以让nc不那么混乱
02:09:490 (1,2) - ^
02:15:115 - 试试去掉这个圈 让这里空出来会让前后节奏感觉更合曲
02:17:365 - 这里建议补上一个圈 空出了一个明显的音不太好
02:27:865 (2) - 之前说过统一ds 这里就比较明显能看出前后ds不同 不好 调整一下位置让前后ds一致吧
02:29:740 (5,1) - 交换nc
02:37:990 (1,3) - 交换nc
00:32:365 (3,1) - 这两个flow不是很好 可以把滑条方向改一点像这样
00:39:865 (6,2) - 没重叠好
00:46:990 (1) - 取消nc 最近随意nc好像会被bat喷
00:48:865 (2) - 这里说一下 尽量不要让长白线(重音)在滑条尾 那样会减少打击感
01:13:240 (1,2,4) - 移到378丨162和上下那两个滑条间距差不多感觉看上去舒服些
01:25:802 (2) - 这里统一前后ds会美观一些
01:26:740 (4) - 这里建议取消折返在长白线加圈然后nc 道理之前说过
01:51:865 (3) - 建议同normal 让这里用1/2滑条过渡自然些
02:15:490 (4,5,1) - 这里不推荐这样的排列 让前后间距一致或者试试这样
02:24:490 (3) - 移到76丨120附近感觉美观些而且flow也会好一些
02:25:240 (1,2) - 这两个分别ctrl+g试试感觉会让这里打起来爽一些.-.
你最后一段kiai里音效加的比较充实 因此建议在第一段kiai里也适当多加一些音效让整体音效更统一一些
美丽 选曲和天国的那谁有点像啊 挺好听 射一星
1:24:430 建议用soft-hitwhistle3.wav
1:51:805 还是一样
2:44:680 同上
Slider tick rate 建议改 2 以免跟不上鼓点
1:51:805 建议用soft-hitwhistle3.wav
1:22:180~1:24:430 建议为转盘 ;1:24:805加一个 Circle 1(256,124)
2:44:680 还是建议用soft-hitwhistle3.wav
PS1: 以上只是建议。
PS2: 好吧,跟上面的比起来,我弱爆了。
PS3: 音效这么多,能分我一分吗。
PS4: 质量可以过关了(在我心目中),祝你早日rank,求加个好友吧。
PS5: 虽然有逼死强迫症的嫌疑,但是我不喜欢强行改变一个mapper的想法,只要基础的没问题,在优化优化,我觉得就可以过关了。
00:54:242 (3) - basically this one have no cover in song, not sure if flow needs it even
01:17:492 (3,4,5,6) - note 6, change it to 1/4 slider, 2 possibilities here, one is when slider belong to these faster single tap and the second one when the snapping between those three notes and slider is about 1.8 or 2.0
01:30:242 (7) - same as first one, additional note is not needed here
02:00:242 (4) - hmm like the first one + 02:00:055 (3,5) - you may make it more spaced I think but this one is suggestion as it's matter of taste in this case
02:10:180 (1) - like this? again it's matter of taste, though you may not like it, or make it wider
(I know I'm bad :D)
Congrats! You won my Lottery mod from modding queue! :) Here is your "ticket" (it's in french but I think it's quite understandable).
I really like the song ^_^

Your map respects the Ranking Criteria :) However I think it can be good to consider replacing your BG for a higher quality one ("Although 1366x768 (16:9) is recommended") but as you want :D
Timing is perfect, all notes are snapped too.

00:41:680 (3) - This doesn't fit perfectly with the slider (2) curve. You will need to change a little the placement of following objects.
00:46:180 (5) - It is a little too much curved regarding the (4) approach circle:
00:55:930 (2,3) - Maybe you can try to rework it a little to make (3) fit more with (2) and (3) a more harmonious "wave". I tried this for exemple: Changes will be needed for followings objects.
01:03:430 (3) - What about changing the combo color here and not only until the next slider?
01:26:680 (3) - It doesn't fit perfectly with (2):
01:40:180 (1) - Same than previously:
01:41:680 (3) - Same than previously (a veryyyy little):
01:49:180 (1,2,1) - Same than previously, a very very little too:
02:05:867 (4) - It can be a very little more curved to fit with (3).
02:16:180 (1) - It doesn't fit perfectly with (2):
02:26:680 (1) - Same than previously:
02:39:430 (2,3) - Are not perfectly aligned: I made this for exemple:

00:31:180 (1) - What about using the same slider than 00:32:680 (1) and 00:34:180 (1)?
01:04:180 (1) - I think it can be better if this is exactly the same slider than 01:03:430 (7):
01:39:992 (1) - It can fit better with (9):
02:34:180 (5) - Can fit better with (4):
02:35:680 (1) - I think it can be improved if you try to align it better with imaginary (7) continuation. For exemple:

Very nice beatmap and song :3 I hope I helped a little! Good luck for ranking!
Topic Starter

Minao wrote:

Congrats! You won my Lottery mod from modding queue! :) Here is your "ticket" (it's in french but I think it's quite understandable). Yeah lucky~~~I'm so happy~:D~Thx Minao~~:D:D:D
I really like the song ^_^ me too~^_^^_^~

Your map respects the Ranking Criteria :) However I think it can be good to consider replacing your BG for a higher quality one ("Although 1366x768 (16:9) is recommended") but as you want :D I find quite a long time on the internet and fail to find a larger one...sorry :(
Timing is perfect, all notes are snapped too. ^_^

00:41:680 (3) - This doesn't fit perfectly with the slider (2) curve. You will need to change a little the placement of following objects.
00:46:180 (5) - It is a little too much curved regarding the (4) approach circle:
00:55:930 (2,3) - Maybe you can try to rework it a little to make (3) fit more with (2) and (3) a more harmonious "wave". I tried this for exemple: Changes will be needed for followings objects.
01:03:430 (3) - What about changing the combo color here and not only until the next slider?
01:26:680 (3) - It doesn't fit perfectly with (2):
01:40:180 (1) - Same than previously:
01:41:680 (3) - Same than previously (a veryyyy little):
01:49:180 (1,2,1) - Same than previously, a very very little too:
02:05:867 (4) - It can be a very little more curved to fit with (3).
02:16:180 (1) - It doesn't fit perfectly with (2):
02:26:680 (1) - Same than previously:
02:39:430 (2,3) - Are not perfectly aligned: I made this for exemple:
Fixed all above, very useful suggestions, thx~~~ :)

00:31:180 (1) - What about using the same slider than 00:32:680 (1) and 00:34:180 (1)?
01:04:180 (1) - I think it can be better if this is exactly the same slider than 01:03:430 (7):
01:39:992 (1) - It can fit better with (9):
02:34:180 (5) - Can fit better with (4):
02:35:680 (1) - I think it can be improved if you try to align it better with imaginary (7) continuation. For exemple:
Again, fixed all of them~~thx~~:D
Very nice beatmap and song :3 I hope I helped a little! Good luck for ranking!
Not a little actually, you helped a lot~~~:D
Very useful mod, thanks Minao~~give a kudosu to you as a small gift~~ :)
NM Request from my Queue

that cute BG <3 and song so calm


00:44:680(3) : move this a little to become Blanket

00:46:180(5) : ^ same

00:58:180 : ^^ same

01:47:305(3) : stack to Slider 3 from 01:49:180

1:49:180(1,2,1,2) : a little again to become blanket

02:06:430(4,1,2,3) : i kinda like this pattern , but its not properly arranged please fix it! :!: :D

02:37:930 : Remove NC


00:40:930 : stack to hitcircle 6 from 00:39:805

01:24:805 : Remove NC

02:17:305(2,1) : NOPE NOPE NOPE NOPE , that spinner , It's 10ms Apart FIX IT That's not Allowed

Hit Sounds were Great ^__^
Topic Starter

SkyBearer245 wrote:

NM Request from my Queue

that cute BG <3 and song so calm ^.^


00:44:680(3) : move this a little to become Blanket

00:46:180(5) : ^ same

00:58:180 : ^^ same

01:47:305(3) : stack to Slider 3 from 01:49:180

1:49:180(1,2,1,2) : a little again to become blanket

02:06:430(4,1,2,3) : i kinda like this pattern , but its not properly arranged please fix it! :!: :D

02:37:930 : Remove NC

Fixed all above~ :)


00:40:930 : stack to hitcircle 6 from 00:39:805

01:24:805 : Remove NC

02:17:305(2,1) : NOPE NOPE NOPE NOPE , that spinner , It's 10ms Apart FIX IT That's not Allowed oops I didn't notice this terrible mistake.... :o


Hit Sounds were Great ^__^ Yea it took me a long time...;w;

Thanks for modding~~it really helps a lot~~ :)

00:36:055 (4) - Hmm.. why do you 00:34:555 (2) - This is not the same depending on the flow gone? In my opinion, I think the flow to equalize
00:40:180 (1) - Did not start a new rhythm. It has a new combo is not suitable.
00:59:305 (3,1) - Did you check the spacing? This interval is not correct.
01:43:180 (1) - ^(same)

No finish

From Teller's team modding queues ( ・´ω・`)

  1. Hard : Ar-1 現在感覺幾快 1/4 的距離 但這個預視圈很大.
  2. Widescreen Support: 有一個剔 而另一個沒有 ,請選擇你開或否並統一.

  1. 00:40:930 (1) - remove NC
  2. 00:42:430 (4) - 這個4字的slider 可以做得更溫柔去配合這歌 倒如 線條更配合flow 和 減少違和感. 這是小小建議
  3. 00:45:242 (2) - 因為在這裡00:45:430 (3) - 有個重音 '拍' 一聲的 所以試試將這個slider分柝成2個圈試試.
  4. 00:49:180 (1) - 在主節奏 這個笛聲很長 可以考慮一下用slider 而且你在段面 00:50:680 (1,2,1) - 都是跟了笛聲. 會做成節奏很奇怪. (也可以不改)
  5. 00:50:680 (1) - 建議加長1/4 ,因為這個音感覺上比起 00:51:430 (2) - 更長 如果2個做都做成2/4 bit好似不太好.
  6. 00:55:930 - Remove green line
  7. 00:56:117 (2,4) - remove whistle
  8. 00:56:680 (5) - add whistle here
  9. 00:56:680 - Remove green line
  10. 01:04:180 (8) - NC
  11. 02:18:055 - Remove green line
  12. 02:18:430 - ^
  13. 02:28:930 - Remove NC

  1. 00:43:180 (1) - CTRL+G 感覺會更好~? 可以順著flow 會比較突出這部份的溫和. 會和00:44:680 (3,4,5) - 類似.
  2. 不錯喔~

Topic Starter

tellertheworld wrote:

早晨~ Hi~~:3

From Teller's team modding queues ( ・´ω・`)

  1. Hard : Ar-1 現在感覺幾快 1/4 的距離 但這個預視圈很大. 好滴~
  2. Widescreen Support: 有一個剔 而另一個沒有 ,請選擇你開或否並統一.

  1. 00:40:930 (1) - remove NC Fixed
  2. 00:42:430 (4) - 這個4字的slider 可以做得更溫柔去配合這歌 倒如 線條更配合flow 和 減少違和感. 這是小小建議 OK fixed~
  3. 00:45:242 (2) - 因為在這裡00:45:430 (3) - 有個重音 '拍' 一聲的 所以試試將這個slider分柝成2個圈試試. Good idea~
  4. 00:49:180 (1) - 在主節奏 這個笛聲很長 可以考慮一下用slider 而且你在段面 00:50:680 (1,2,1) - 都是跟了笛聲. 會做成節奏很奇怪. (也可以不改) 这个没有改,改了以后flow怪怪的;w;
  5. 00:50:680 (1) - 建議加長1/4 ,因為這個音感覺上比起 00:51:430 (2) - 更長 如果2個做都做成2/4 bit好似不太好. Fixed
  6. 00:55:930 - Remove green line Fixed~
  7. 00:56:117 (2,4) - remove whistle OK:3
  8. 00:56:680 (5) - add whistle here OK:3
  9. 00:56:680 - Remove green line :)
  10. 01:04:180 (8) - NC 8-)
  11. 02:18:055 - Remove green line :D
  12. 02:18:430 - ^ ;)
  13. 02:28:930 - Remove NC :oops:

  1. 00:43:180 (1) - CTRL+G 感覺會更好~? 可以順著flow 會比較突出這部份的溫和. 會和00:44:680 (3,4,5) - 類似.
    ~~~ good idea~~fixed that~~:D
  2. 不錯喔~
谢谢~ :)

谢谢mod~~很有帮助~~ :)
from BMT queue

00:50:680 (1) - 普通的拖到红线就好 这里蓝线节奏听着很怪
01:03:430 (7,1) - 这么柔和的歌不要用红点 就用圆滑的滑条最合适
01:10:742 (2) - kiai这么小间距 你看看这里的间距
01:14:492 (4) - 这里音乐也是一般强怎么突然距离这么大了
01:26:680 (5) - 真心不建议出现这种生硬的转角 可以换成S型的柔和滑条
01:28:180 (1,2,3,4,5,6) - 这里的音乐是2个2个一组的 建议梗也相对体现两个两个的感觉
01:34:180 (1) - 建议换成1/1滑条比较好 不建议用note 因为这里给人一种拖音的感觉
01:49:180 (1) - 这话条flow不舒服 建议换个摆放
02:24:992 (4) - 这个建议删掉 因为kiai别的地方节奏比较空 这里突然硬加一个不舒服
02:29:680 (1) - 这里音这么重 用个反向flow吧 距离大些
02:30:992 (4,5,6) - 你这三个距离一样时间不同难读 要是实在不想改距离的话就给5加个NC 但是不太推荐这样的
02:33:242 (2) - 这种也是。距离不太好
02:34:180 (5) - 简单的办法 你看看你加了finish的地方都用大间距

...你吧clap的音放到whistle了额0.0 那么我就按照你放的音效来说了额
00:40:930 (2) - 这里开头漏了一个normal-whistle 一个办法是你吧normal-clap换成sooft-whistle 然后这里就能用normal系列然后加clap whistle就能同时有这两个音效。 如果你用了normal-clap的话 你可以吧两个需要同时加的音效都放到Drum系列里面就能同时加了 你现在少一个明显的normal-whistle实在破坏整体性
00:45:430 (3) - 少了normal-whistle
01:28:930 (3) - 少了normal-whistle
01:38:680 (8) - 尾巴去掉normal-whistle 你这一段都是每小节三白线加的 就跟节拍器一样不要乱
01:45:430 (2) - 头去掉normal-whistle
01:47:680 (4) - 尾巴去掉normal-whistle 、
01:49:930 (2) - 加上normal-whistle
02:02:680 (3) - 加上soft-clap 这里是高音。。明明是默认soft whistle为何要把它换到clap 说起来蛋碎啊 老想说加whistle 然后四暗刻之后发现是clap
01:26:680 (5) - 头加soft-clap 以为也是高音 你这个clap也就是默认的soft whistle一般用来强调高音 你就听哪里是高音加一个都很合适的
01:40:180 (1) - 头加soft-clap
01:49:930 (2) - 去掉这个soft-clap
02:02:305 (2) - 加soft-clap
02:02:680 (3) - 头加soft-clap
02:23:680 (1) - 这里尾巴也加一个finish 就像02:31:180 (5,6) -这里一样 这样kiai才是一个整体 没道理后面加前面不加
01:04:180 (1) - 同理 第一个kiai也这么加建议 这里的尾巴也加finish
01:12:055 (2) - 这里finish
整体来说作为新人图相当不错!排版节奏能看出来很有想法额 真心做的挺不错的 音效听起来也很用心了
不过你全程不用DS就是有些距离掌握的不太好 仔细看距离的话有很多很多问题的 建议平时多用用DS控制一下距离 比如kiai五连用1.5 然后平时三连五连用1.0之类的 然后需要用大点间距什么的为了表现音乐的时候关掉就好 这样做出的图看起来非常整洁美观 并且该表现音乐的地方也不会受DS影响


真心好评 这首歌很好听 star
Topic Starter

kamisamaaa wrote:

from BMT queue

00:50:680 (1) - 普通的拖到红线就好 这里蓝线节奏听着很怪
01:03:430 (7,1) - 这么柔和的歌不要用红点 就用圆滑的滑条最合适
01:10:742 (2) - kiai这么小间距 你看看这里的间距
01:14:492 (4) - 这里音乐也是一般强怎么突然距离这么大了
01:26:680 (5) - 真心不建议出现这种生硬的转角 可以换成S型的柔和滑条
01:28:180 (1,2,3,4,5,6) - 这里的音乐是2个2个一组的 建议梗也相对体现两个两个的感觉
01:34:180 (1) - 建议换成1/1滑条比较好 不建议用note 因为这里给人一种拖音的感觉
01:49:180 (1) - 这话条flow不舒服 建议换个摆放
02:24:992 (4) - 这个建议删掉 因为kiai别的地方节奏比较空 这里突然硬加一个不舒服
02:29:680 (1) - 这里音这么重 用个反向flow吧 距离大些
02:30:992 (4,5,6) - 你这三个距离一样时间不同难读 要是实在不想改距离的话就给5加个NC 但是不太推荐这样的这里是特意做出来这样的不等距,为了和前面区别我新加了nc;而且之前有特意在这里放了两个finish音效作为提醒,改完以后我试了试dt还可以,先暂时留着
02:33:242 (2) - 这种也是。距离不太好
02:34:180 (5) - 简单的办法 你看看你加了finish的地方都用大间距

...你吧clap的音放到whistle了额0.0 那么我就按照你放的音效来说了额
00:40:930 (2) - 这里开头漏了一个normal-whistle 一个办法是你吧normal-clap换成sooft-whistle 然后这里就能用normal系列然后加clap whistle就能同时有这两个音效。 如果你用了normal-clap的话 你可以吧两个需要同时加的音效都放到Drum系列里面就能同时加了 你现在少一个明显的normal-whistle实在破坏整体性 这个超级纠结因为后面要用到normal-clap的音效所以不能动,调整了半天最后我决定。。加了一个soft系列4组.-.
00:45:430 (3) - 少了normal-whistle
01:28:930 (3) - 少了normal-whistle
01:38:680 (8) - 尾巴去掉normal-whistle 你这一段都是每小节三白线加的 就跟节拍器一样不要乱
01:45:430 (2) - 头去掉normal-whistle
01:47:680 (4) - 尾巴去掉normal-whistle 、
01:49:930 (2) - 加上normal-whistle
02:02:680 (3) - 加上soft-clap 这里是高音。。明明是默认soft whistle为何要把它换到clap 说起来蛋碎啊 老想说加whistle 然后四暗刻之后发现是clap
01:26:680 (5) - 头加soft-clap 以为也是高音 你这个clap也就是默认的soft whistle一般用来强调高音 你就听哪里是高音加一个都很合适的
01:40:180 (1) - 头加soft-clap
01:49:930 (2) - 去掉这个soft-clap
02:02:305 (2) - 加soft-clap
02:02:680 (3) - 头加soft-clap
02:23:680 (1) - 这里尾巴也加一个finish 就像02:31:180 (5,6) -这里一样 这样kiai才是一个整体 没道理后面加前面不加
01:04:180 (1) - 同理 第一个kiai也这么加建议 这里的尾巴也加finish
01:12:055 (2) - 这里finish
整体来说作为新人图相当不错!排版节奏能看出来很有想法额 真心做的挺不错的 音效听起来也很用心了
不过你全程不用DS就是有些距离掌握的不太好 仔细看距离的话有很多很多问题的 建议平时多用用DS控制一下距离 比如kiai五连用1.5 然后平时三连五连用1.0之类的 然后需要用大点间距什么的为了表现音乐的时候关掉就好 这样做出的图看起来非常整洁美观 并且该表现音乐的地方也不会受DS影响


真心好评 这首歌很好听 star
不好意思啊回复晚了,这两天一直在按照你的mod改图,很有帮助的mod;那些红点的滑条和违和的地方我尽力改了一下,音效也按照说的补充和改动了。谢谢你的支持和star~ :)
Hi, I'm here for your mod request.

KIAI TIME : First KIAI should be finished at 01:24:430

02:19:930 - Spinner's ending too long. Short it until 02:19:180, then fill 02:19:930 with circle.

CS (Circle Size) must be at 5, not 4.
Distance between object must be increase, because it's too tight and look like normal difficult
00:10:930 until 00:28:180 - must adding circles, spinners, or sliders.
00:35:867 - Add circle
01:15:992 - Add circle
01:24:430 - Spinner's ending too long, so short it until 01:23:680 then add circle at 01:24:430
01:34:742 (7) - Slider must be shorten to 01:34:555, then add circle at 01:34:742

By the way, I like your beatmap, especially for you song.
I suggesting for adding a storyboard or adding design in circle and another effect for make you beatmap look more good enough.

Good luck for your map ^^
Topic Starter

Vinc_Angel wrote:

Hi, I'm here for your mod request. Hi~:D

KIAI TIME : First KIAI should be finished at 01:24:430 OK fixed~

02:19:930 - Spinner's ending too long. Short it until 02:19:180, then fill 02:19:930 with circle.
ehh...I think that's a little bit hard in normal I didn't change this sorry
CS (Circle Size) must be at 5, not 4. OK~ oh that seems harder in hardrock mod...X)
Distance between object must be increase, because it's too tight and look like normal difficult because it's a very quiet and slow music so I don't want to make the hard diff so just keep its tight DS~XD
00:10:930 until 00:28:180 - must adding circles, spinners, or sliders. this part is before the red line and its bpm is not its hard to add notes to this part :(
00:35:867 - Add circle I'm so afraid of overmapping... :(
01:15:992 - Add circle same as above :(
01:24:430 - Spinner's ending too long, so short it until 01:23:680 then add circle at 01:24:430 OK that's sound better, fixed
01:34:742 (7) - Slider must be shorten to 01:34:555, then add circle at 01:34:742 Fixed~:D

By the way, I like your beatmap, especially for you song. :)
I suggesting for adding a storyboard or adding design in circle and another effect for make you beatmap look more good enough.
Yea I'm trying to add a storyboard these days and hope I could finsh that...(so hard... :o )
Good luck for your map ^^
Thx for your modding~~really helps a lot~:D~give a kudosu to you as a small gift~~ :)
卧槽这不是胡搞么 为何要改成cs5
你这图cs4正合适 一点用cs5的理由都没有
用cs5的就一般一种是老图 哪时候都是高cs低ar
还有一种是连打多的图 cs4拍防守的限制太厉害摆不开所以用cs5能更好的排版来表现歌曲
但是你这个这么稀疏的节奏用了cs5之后感觉就是版面空空荡荡没有东西的感觉 简直不能多书。。。。 :o
上面那么mod都没给你改成cs5的理由。。。你要好好比较一下感觉再决定改不改额 不要为了追求增加难度0.0
Topic Starter

kamisamaaa wrote:

卧槽这不是胡搞么 为何要改成cs5
你这图cs4正合适 一点用cs5的理由都没有
用cs5的就一般一种是老图 哪时候都是高cs低ar
还有一种是连打多的图 cs4拍防守的限制太厉害摆不开所以用cs5能更好的排版来表现歌曲
但是你这个这么稀疏的节奏用了cs5之后感觉就是版面空空荡荡没有东西的感觉 简直不能多书。。。。 :o
上面那么mod都没给你改成cs5的理由。。。你要好好比较一下感觉再决定改不改额 不要为了追求增加难度0.0
Omg, I love that song. It's so calm. I had much fun while modding that map! :D

Actually I have nothing to say against your mapset, except a few New Combos.


00:51:430 (1) - Remove NC.

01:00:430 (1) - ^

01:01:930 (5) - Add NC.

01:03:430 (1) - Remove NC.

01:19:180 (1) - ^

01:20:305 (6) - Add NC.

01:34:930 (1) - Remove NC.

01:40:180 (1) - ^

01:42:805 (8) - Add NC.

01:43:180 (1) - Remove NC.

02:06:430 (4) - Add NC.

02:07:180 (1) - Remove NC.

02:09:430 (1) - ^

02:10:180 (6) - Add NC.

02:16:180 (1) - Remove NC.

02:23:680 (1) - ^

02:25:555 (6) - Add NC.

02:26:680 (1) - Remove NC.

00:34:180 (1) - Remove NC.

00:37:180 (1) - ^

00:37:930 (6) - Add NC.

00:40:180 (1) - Remove NC.

00:42:055 (8) - Add NC.

00:43:180 (1) - Remove NC.

00:50:680 (1) - ^

00:54:430 (1) - ^

00:57:430 (1) - ^

01:11:680 (1,2) - Change this circles and 01:12:055 (1) - remove NC.

01:12:430 (7) - Add NC.

01:13:180 (1) - Remove NC.

01:19:180 (1) - ^

01:19:555 (8) - Add NC.

01:20:680 (1) - Remove NC.

01:25:180 (1) - ^

01:42:805 (1) - ^

01:46:180 (1) - ^

02:13:180 (1) - ^

02:25:180 (1) - ^

02:26:680 (1) - ^

02:27:055 (8) - Add NC.

02:28:180 (1) - Remove NC.

02:31:180 (1) - ^

Good luck with your map. I hope it get ranked. :)
Topic Starter

-Famous- wrote:

Omg, I love that song. It's so calm. I had much fun while modding that map! :D

Actually I have nothing to say against your mapset, except a few New Combos.


00:51:430 (1) - Remove NC.

01:00:430 (1) - ^

01:01:930 (5) - Add NC.

01:03:430 (1) - Remove NC.

01:19:180 (1) - ^

01:20:305 (6) - Add NC.

01:34:930 (1) - Remove NC.

01:40:180 (1) - ^

01:42:805 (8) - Add NC.

01:43:180 (1) - Remove NC.

02:06:430 (4) - Add NC.

02:07:180 (1) - Remove NC.

02:09:430 (1) - ^

02:10:180 (6) - Add NC.

02:16:180 (1) - Remove NC.

02:23:680 (1) - ^

02:25:555 (6) - Add NC.

02:26:680 (1) - Remove NC.

00:34:180 (1) - Remove NC.

00:37:180 (1) - ^

00:37:930 (6) - Add NC.

00:40:180 (1) - Remove NC.

00:42:055 (8) - Add NC.

00:43:180 (1) - Remove NC.

00:50:680 (1) - ^

00:54:430 (1) - ^

00:57:430 (1) - ^

01:11:680 (1,2) - Change this circles and 01:12:055 (1) - remove NC.

01:12:430 (7) - Add NC.

01:13:180 (1) - Remove NC.

01:19:180 (1) - ^

01:19:555 (8) - Add NC.

01:20:680 (1) - Remove NC.

01:25:180 (1) - ^

01:42:805 (1) - ^

01:46:180 (1) - ^

02:13:180 (1) - ^

02:25:180 (1) - ^

02:26:680 (1) - ^

02:27:055 (8) - Add NC.

02:28:180 (1) - Remove NC.

02:31:180 (1) - ^

Good luck with your map. I hope it get ranked. :)
Thanks for your modding~~I've fixed my nc problems~~give a kudose to you as a small gift~~ :)
From Mod Q . . desu~


Suggestion : Make or Find a friend that would be willing to GD Easy

Normal :

HP Drain - OK
Change Circle Size to 3


00:39:055 Add a note
00:48:055 ^
00:51:055 ^
00:52:555 ^
00:53:305 ^
00:54:055 ^
00:55:555 ^
01:01:555 ^
01:03:055 ^
01:13:555 ^

01:00:242 Remove
01:01:180 Instead of Finish Hitsound Change it to Clap
02:21:055 Add Clap Hitsound

Very Nice Song~
:arrow: Good Luck~
Hi there, coming from your request in my Modding Q

  1. Imo the 4th combo colour doesnt fit to the bg. You could either change its colour (more purple or reddish) or remove it

  1. 00:31:180 (1,2) - one of these can be moved so that 1 directly flows into 2's trail (see pic)
  2. 00:34:555 (2) - Nazi move this one further away from 00:34:180 (1) - since all the other slidertrails are further away (3 doesnt hit 2 or 4 etc) same with 00:35:680 (3,4) -
  3. 00:58:180 (2) - wrong overlap, correct position would be x89 | also, lower the whistle's volume by a bit
  4. 01:20:680 (3) - wrong overlap, move to y69
  5. 01:59:680 (3) - like this?
  6. 02:41:305 (2) - eventually move this so that there's less zigzag movement from 02:40:180 (1) - , though i see that you want it to fit in with 02:39:430 (2) - feel free to ignore

  1. 00:31:180 (1,2,3,4) - something like this? 00:31:930 (2) - has a weird flow out of 00:31:180 (1) - (it is curved so I'd assume that the curve should go on to the next circle for more flow)
  2. 00:48:430 (1) - less curve? :x
  3. 01:12:055 (6) - overlap with 01:12:430 (7) - ?
  4. 01:30:430 (7) - overlap wrong, off by 1 on each coord
  5. 01:31:180 (1,2) - wrong overlap, ctrl+g to set the tail's position
  6. 02:13:180 (1) - ^
  7. 02:20:492 (4,1) - I think this jump is rather harsh. the song itself becomes louder and stronger, yes, but assuming that you get used to the combos before, this looks like it has a 1/2 gap in it, yet it's 1/4. consider changing this combo or reducing DS
  8. 02:28:555 (6) - wrong overlap, the tail should be on 245/203
  9. 02:32:680 (1) - rotate by -15 and move to 140/348?
  10. 02:35:680 (1) - this one's too touchy with 02:34:930 (6) - (02:36:055 (2) - as well)
  11. 02:39:430 (1) - consider moving this one further away. right now it looks like this "stream" will happen just after the slider, which is not the case
  12. 02:41:492 (7) - I feel a circle here

Such a nice song, gl :3

00:41:680 (3,1) - could blanket better
00:44:305 (2,3) - ^
00:58:180 (2) - you have to shift the slider end slightly to make it perfectly blanket
00:58:180 (2) - the whistle on the end also sounds strange and loud (out-of-place) use a different sound


00:41:680 (3,4) - I don't think stacking fits here
01:11:492 (4,5,6) - don't have them have equal spacing. 01:11:492 (4,5) only has 1/4 beat between them but 01:11:680 (5,6) has 1/2 but they are the same spacing because 01:11:492 (4,6) stack. Place 01:12:055 (6) elsewhere so the spacing is different and it can be seen that they are different time spacing
01:25:930 (5,6) - blanket better
02:30:992 (4,1,2) - same thing about spacing between different time gap objects

I like these kind of songs, good luck, have a star.

00:37:180 (1,2,3,4) - 这里的排列再调整一下吧,感觉有少许别扭。
01:18:055 (5) - 让这个滑条的结尾缩短一格然后再加一个note比较好。
00:49:555 (2,3,4) - 这种重叠的地方我个人觉得还是尽量改成分散开的,打起来更流畅。毕竟是很舒服的曲子。
01:17:680 (3,4,5) - 同上。
01:35:680 (4,5) - 这两个物件之间衔接有点怪怪的,调整一下角度试试?
02:38:680 (1,2) - 中间再加一个note吧,不然总感觉少了点什么~


00:49:555 (2,3,4) - 可以这样摆:
00:54:055 (2,3,4) - 推荐这样摆:
Topic Starter

Yauxo wrote:

Hi there, coming from your request in my Modding Q Hi~:D

  1. Imo the 4th combo colour doesnt fit to the bg. You could either change its colour (more purple or reddish) or remove it
OK I've changed it to dark purple~

  1. 00:31:180 (1,2) - one of these can be moved so that 1 directly flows into 2's trail (see pic)
    ehh...just keep it
  2. 00:34:555 (2) - Nazi move this one further away from 00:34:180 (1) - since all the other slidertrails are further away (3 doesnt hit 2 or 4 etc) same with 00:35:680 (3,4) -
    OK moved a little
  3. 00:58:180 (2) - wrong overlap, correct position would be x89 | also, lower the whistle's volume by a bit
    Moved as well~sorry I used wrong hitsound... :(
  4. 01:20:680 (3) - wrong overlap, move to y69 Fixed
  5. 01:59:680 (3) - like this?
    ehh considering about the white line on 02:00:430 (4) - I'll keep it
  6. 02:41:305 (2) - eventually move this so that there's less zigzag movement from 02:40:180 (1) - , though i see that you want it to fit in with 02:39:430 (2) - feel free to ignore
Yep you really know my thought~ :)

  1. 00:31:180 (1,2,3,4) - something like this? 00:31:930 (2) - has a weird flow out of 00:31:180 (1) - (it is curved so I'd assume that the curve should go on to the next circle for more flow)
    Nice idea~~Fixed~~ :)
  2. 00:48:430 (1) - less curve? :x Yes it looks weird...I've changed it
  3. 01:12:055 (6) - overlap with 01:12:430 (7) - ? Yep
  4. 01:30:430 (7) - overlap wrong, off by 1 on each coord OK~
  5. 01:31:180 (1,2) - wrong overlap, ctrl+g to set the tail's position Fixed
  6. 02:13:180 (1) - ^ Fixed
  7. 02:20:492 (4,1) - I think this jump is rather harsh. the song itself becomes louder and stronger, yes, but assuming that you get used to the combos before, this looks like it has a 1/2 gap in it, yet it's 1/4. consider changing this combo or reducing DS
    Yes some other people also told my about it. But I want to make 2nd kiai harder than the first part. So I just keep this jump
  8. 02:28:555 (6) - wrong overlap, the tail should be on 245/203 Fixed
  9. 02:32:680 (1) - rotate by -15 and move to 140/348? ehh...just keep it :P
  10. 02:35:680 (1) - this one's too touchy with 02:34:930 (6) - (02:36:055 (2) - as well) fixed
  11. 02:39:430 (1) - consider moving this one further away. right now it looks like this "stream" will happen just after the slider, which is not the case
    Yes you are right, fixed~
  12. 02:41:492 (7) - I feel a circle here
oh really? I don't hear anything here :o

Such a nice song, gl :3
Thanks for your modding~~very useful suggestions~give a kudosu to you as a gift~~:D
Topic Starter

neonat wrote:


00:41:680 (3,1) - could blanket better
00:44:305 (2,3) - ^
00:58:180 (2) - you have to shift the slider end slightly to make it perfectly blanket
00:58:180 (2) - the whistle on the end also sounds strange and loud (out-of-place) use a different sound
Fixed all above~ :)

00:41:680 (3,4) - I don't think stacking fits here OK Fixed~~
01:11:492 (4,5,6) - don't have them have equal spacing. 01:11:492 (4,5) only has 1/4 beat between them but 01:11:680 (5,6) has 1/2 but they are the same spacing because 01:11:492 (4,6) stack. Place 01:12:055 (6) elsewhere so the spacing is different and it can be seen that they are different time spacing Yes I know what you mean...I've changed this part in 1st kiai
01:25:930 (5,6) - blanket better OK fixed~
02:30:992 (4,1,2) - same thing about spacing between different time gap objects
ehh after considering for a long time I finally decide to keep this spacing. As I want to make the 2nd kiai part harder than before, so I add some jump in this part. And this note I've changed it to a new nc and give it a loud finish sound to warn players about the distance change. ;)

I like these kind of songs, good luck, have a star.
Thanks for your modding and star~very helpful~~ :)
Topic Starter

Guu wrote:


00:37:180 (1,2,3,4) - 这里的排列再调整一下吧,感觉有少许别扭。 猴!
01:18:055 (5) - 让这个滑条的结尾缩短一格然后再加一个note比较好。 厚!
00:49:555 (2,3,4) - 这种重叠的地方我个人觉得还是尽量改成分散开的,打起来更流畅。毕竟是很舒服的曲子。 吼!
01:17:680 (3,4,5) - 同上。 同上。
01:35:680 (4,5) - 这两个物件之间衔接有点怪怪的,调整一下角度试试? 后!调了一点点点点点点点点
02:38:680 (1,2) - 中间再加一个note吧,不然总感觉少了点什么~ 喉!不过看起来被我改的好坑。。好坑。。

好治愈的曲子qwq 好萌好萌qwq

00:49:555 (2,3,4) - 可以这样摆:
00:54:055 (2,3,4) - 推荐这样摆:
谢谢moe Guuuuuuuuu~~~一碗酸爽过瘾的kudosu已送货上门请查收 8-)
From my queue~

  1. Airtist: koutaq
    Ifukube Akira is wrong, imo ( "Ifukube Akira" is the one of the representative composer of Japan and the departed)
  2. this song is from the arrangement album of alt fic. so "月陽炎" is suitable for not source but tags. (but I'm not sure. please ask BAT :? )
  3. combocolor 3 and 4 are too similar to distinguish them
  1. because of easiest diff, I recommend CS(Circle size) -1
  2. 01:06:430 (4,5) - combine into 1 slider (for easiest diff, this 3circles of 1/2 rhythm is difficult, imo)
  3. 01:18:055 (2,3,4) - just a suggetion
  4. 01:30:055 (2,3,4) - ^
  5. 02:25:555 (2,3,4) - ^
  6. 02:01:180 (1,2,3,4) - u~m, how about this?
  7. 02:23:680 (1) - rotate 3 degrees clockwise. it is better to make horizontal pattern
  8. 02:35:680 (1,1,2) - not good flow. for example, how about this?
  1. 01:19:930 (3,4) - i like this
  2. 01:49:180 (1) - Ctrl+G
  3. 01:50:680 (4) - ^
  4. 02:00:430 (5) - I prefer upward slider
  5. 02:12:430 (2) - x:191 y:230 (stack correctly)
I love koutaq <3
good choice ~☆
~Good Luck~
Topic Starter

RandomEffect wrote:

From my queue~ Hi~ :)

  1. Airtist: koutaq
    Ifukube Akira is wrong, imo ( "Ifukube Akira" is the one of the representative composer of Japan and the departed)
  2. this song is from the arrangement album of alt fic. so "月陽炎" is suitable for not source but tags. (but I'm not sure. please ask BAT :? )
  3. combocolor 3 and 4 are too similar to distinguish them
Yes~good suggestion~I've changed the artist to Koutaq. And about the source, I'm also not sure about it. I search on the internet and find some information which told me that the source of this song is called "月陽炎" . And apart from "予感",there are 5 other songs in this album...never mind, I'll ask BAT to verify those unsure information~
  1. because of easiest diff, I recommend CS(Circle size) -1
  2. 01:06:430 (4,5) - combine into 1 slider (for easiest diff, this 3circles of 1/2 rhythm is difficult, imo)
  3. 01:18:055 (2,3,4) - just a suggetion
  4. 01:30:055 (2,3,4) - ^
  5. 02:25:555 (2,3,4) - ^
  6. 02:01:180 (1,2,3,4) - u~m, how about this?
  7. 02:23:680 (1) - rotate 3 degrees clockwise. it is better to make horizontal pattern OK fixed~
  8. 02:35:680 (1,1,2) - not good flow. for example, how about this? Fixed this part, try to make everything symmetrical
ehh although this is the easiest diff in this map but I still don't want to make it such easy to play... so I choose to keep cs4 and some difficult parts
  1. 01:19:930 (3,4) - i like this
    I think it would be more fun to play with 2 short sliders, so just keep it
  2. 01:49:180 (1) - Ctrl+G OK fixed~
  3. 01:50:680 (4) - ^ Also fixed~
  4. 02:00:430 (5) - I prefer upward slider Let me think where should I put them...oh so tough problem :o
  5. 02:12:430 (2) - x:191 y:230 (stack correctly)

I love koutaq <3 Me too!!! :) :) :)
good choice ~☆
~Good Luck~
Thank you for your modding and star~~ :)

Airtist: koutaq

GL ;)

- no kds please-
Topic Starter

RandomEffect wrote:


Airtist: koutaq

GL ;)

- no kds please-
Thanks again~ fixed~ :)
Hi! from my Queue

01:21:430 (4) - ctrl + g?

01:43:180 (1,2) - blanket ? and for 01:44:680 (3,4) - you cab place it like 01:19:180 (1,2,3,4) - but 01:44:680 (3) - not stack with tail of 01:43:180 (1) -
maybe you can see this pict
and for 01:46:180 (1,2,3,4) - you can keeping 1.4x ds ,01:46:180 (1) - (296|288) ,01:46:555 (2) - (288|192),01:47:305 (3) - (256|72),01:48:055 (4) - (168|124) or you can see all in this image

00:40:930 (2) - (412|196)

01:50:680 (4) - (300|248) for PF blanket :P

hard looks good! nice diff

just it.. hope this helped..
GL!~ with your map..
Topic Starter

-[ Asuna ]- wrote:

Hi! from my Queue Hi~:D

01:21:430 (4) - ctrl + g? OK~~

01:43:180 (1,2) - blanket ? and for 01:44:680 (3,4) - you cab place it like 01:19:180 (1,2,3,4) - but 01:44:680 (3) - not stack with tail of 01:43:180 (1) -
maybe you can see this pict
and for 01:46:180 (1,2,3,4) - you can keeping 1.4x ds ,01:46:180 (1) - (296|288) ,01:46:555 (2) - (288|192),01:47:305 (3) - (256|72),01:48:055 (4) - (168|124) or you can see all in this image
ehh...I don't want to change this place because I'm not trying to make something not blanket to make the map more variegated (too much blanket in my map now...D:)
00:40:930 (2) - (412|196) Nice idea~~Changed that~ :)

01:50:680 (4) - (300|248) for PF blanket :P OK fixed~:P

hard looks good! nice diff Thanks~ :)

just it.. hope this helped..
GL!~ with your map..
Thanks for your modding~~ :)
Fushimi Rio
From queue


没啥要说的 我有点强迫症 太主观的意见比较多 还请见谅 code懒得写了 ._.


00:31:180 (1) - 曲子开头没啥明显的音 我觉得滑条起合适一点(打100好烦躁) 像01:54:430 (1) - 这样
00:56:680 (3,2) - 没叠好
01:03:430 (3,1,2) - 我建议直接复制一个旋转120° 这个毕竟不太正
01:09:430 (4,1) - 歪了 这里1直接stack到小格子上就好02:03:430 (6,1) - 同上


00:54:055 (2,3,4) - 感觉有点远 顺便调整一下形状?00:59:305 (4) - 这里4是弱下去的 不过3改成滑条看着也偏零碎 我没啥好主意
01:07:555 (2,4,5) - 个人不是很喜欢2的叠法 不过也没问题01:12:055 (2) - 降一下音量?
02:31:555 (2) - 同上
01:51:805 - 把break开始的地方拖到长白线试试
02:03:430 (4,2) - 叠上了有点可惜 如果是我的话我可能会把6个圈一起转几度躲开
02:20:305 (3,4,1,2) - 这里下跳挺不错的 不过我感觉1急停有点卡手 用滑条试试?

好久没见到这么棒的音效了(之后一看creater words, 原来是Akabato和Narcissu一派的 难怪),看样子多接个req是对的
Topic Starter

imoutosan wrote:

From queue 你好~OwO~


没啥要说的 我有点强迫症 太主观的意见比较多 还请见谅 code懒得写了 ._. 别这么说,这些建议真心相当好!一百个赞!


00:31:180 (1) - 曲子开头没啥明显的音 我觉得滑条起合适一点(打100好烦躁) 像01:54:430 (1) - 这样 这里虽然没有明显音但是节奏和后面是一样的,所以为了统一就没有改这里
00:56:680 (3,2) - 没叠好 确实;w;已改;w;
01:03:430 (3,1,2) - 我建议直接复制一个旋转120° 这个毕竟不太正 好的,已改
01:09:430 (4,1) - 歪了 这里1直接stack到小格子上就好 好的已改~
02:03:430 (6,1) - 同上 已改


00:54:055 (2,3,4) - 感觉有点远 顺便调整一下形状? 嗯修改了一下,向上调整了一些而且弧度也调整了
00:59:305 (4) - 这里4是弱下去的 不过3改成滑条看着也偏零碎 我没啥好主意 这个是因为前面有用了一个类似的地方,而且这里的节奏也和前面类似,所以就用同样的排法了
01:07:555 (2,4,5) - 个人不是很喜欢2的叠法 不过也没问题 看了你给的建议我也好嫌弃自己的排列啊orz...已改
01:12:055 (2) - 降一下音量? 嗯其实这里的finish音效我想让它起的作用是提示玩家此处变距(后面的那个地方也是一样)所以音量就保持100%醒目一些比较好吧orz
02:31:555 (2) - 同上
01:51:805 - 把break开始的地方拖到长白线试试 好的已改
02:03:430 (4,2) - 叠上了有点可惜 如果是我的话我可能会把6个圈一起转几度躲开 嗯这里重新排了一下
02:20:305 (3,4,1,2) - 这里下跳挺不错的 不过我感觉1急停有点卡手 用滑条试试? 好建议!已改

好久没见到这么棒的音效了(之后一看creater words, 原来是Akabato和Narcissu一派的 难怪),看样子多接个req是对的
谢谢star~~提的建议都好棒,基本都修改了 :)
Hello! o/ from Google docs~


00:46:742 - i think it would be nice to add a note here since there's a sound in the music :D
00:47:492 - here too! Maybe stack triplet circles on top of each other in a triangle?
01:14:680 (5) - i think shortening this by 1/4 will fit the music better. i know the instrumental drags on for a while, but you have similar rhythms at 01:12:430 (3) :D
02:15:430 (4) - imo this slider should be curved similar to 02:14:680 (3) since they're part of the same pattern, and will make it separate from 02:16:180 (1) (idk if that makes sense D:)
02:35:680 (1,2) - this pattern seems a bit strange to me, since (1) doesn't really flow too well from the previous slider, and (2) overlaps with that slider D: try this? and then
02:39:242 (2,4,6) - i don't really hear anything in the music supporting these notes :(( consider removing them
02:41:680 (1) - this might sound crazy, but try ending the spinner at 02:44:773 (1/8 tick), i think that's when the music has the "thud" sound


00:56:680 (3) - adjust the slider to make it look smoother:
00:58:180 (2) - i don't think the hitsound on the tail fits the really quiet and calm song

that's all, such a nice and soothing map! :D goodluck~
map has different combocolours in different difficulties. should be same.
both violet colours in Hard(3 and 4) look very close, especially on violet background:
try to make them more different?

00:49:555 (2,3) - curving triple in another side looks and feels better imo:
01:12:055 (2) - this whistle sounds a bit out, not sure it's necessary here
01:11:492 (4,1) - here curving is too strong, what about this:
01:14:680 (5) - should be 1/4 shorter, sounds better as 1/2 slider, not 3/4
01:22:180 (1) - finish sound doesn't fit here, it sounds too different. I'd prefer here clap or whistle. You can hear similar sounds in time of spinnerbody
01:37:930 (2,3) - slider is close to the next slider. try this pattern (move 2,3 to the corner), imo it plays/looks nicer:
01:40:930 (2,3) - same ^
01:42:805 (5) - same, more spacing?

00:46:180 (1) - some blankets can be improved, minor suggestion, won't say about it more. if you have time, you can tweak it!
00:58:180 (2) - you use normal whistle in the end of slider, but never used it in hard or normal. wrong sound?
01:03:430 (3) - add nc? combo 8 is quite many for normal
01:22:180 (1) - finish sound doesn't fit here, it sounds too different. I'd prefer here clap or whistle. You can hear similar sounds in time of spinnerbody
01:26:680 (3) - add any hitsound to the end of slider? sounds empty
01:34:930 (1,2,3,1) - take a look, flow has a problems here:
I recommend you to remap pattern and place objects in another way. if you need suggestions, pm me
01:52:180 - in Hard your Break starts from this point. do it here too for consistency?
02:37:930 (1) - i do not agree with shape of slider, try to make it at least symmetrical to 02:35:680 (1) - ?

Rest of diffs are fine for me! I like this map, for your 1st map it's very impressive.
Good luck with ranking!
Topic Starter

Raose wrote:

Hello! o/ from Google docs~ Hi~:3


00:46:742 - i think it would be nice to add a note here since there's a sound in the music :D I didn't hear any sound here...D: I need to change my earphone maybe... :o
00:47:492 - here too! Maybe stack triplet circles on top of each other in a triangle? And also here...I hear nothing...D:
01:14:680 (5) - i think shortening this by 1/4 will fit the music better. i know the instrumental drags on for a while, but you have similar rhythms at 01:12:430 (3) :D Yes nice idea~fixed that~
02:15:430 (4) - imo this slider should be curved similar to 02:14:680 (3) since they're part of the same pattern, and will make it separate from 02:16:180 (1) (idk if that makes sense D:) Fixed~change it to the same pattern
02:35:680 (1,2) - this pattern seems a bit strange to me, since (1) doesn't really flow too well from the previous slider, and (2) overlaps with that slider D: try this? and then
ehh...I make 02:35:680 (1,2,3,4,5) - as a pentagon pattern so I didn't change much here...only rotate an very small angle (5°)
02:39:242 (2,4,6) - i don't really hear anything in the music supporting these notes :(( consider removing them
Just keep them and give me some time to consider... :o
02:41:680 (1) - this might sound crazy, but try ending the spinner at 02:44:773 (1/8 tick), i think that's when the music has the "thud" sound
yea~I fixed this part and I do a crazier thing--ending the spinner at 02:44:742 (1/12 tick) :o :o :o

00:56:680 (3) - adjust the slider to make it look smoother: Fixed~
00:58:180 (2) - i don't think the hitsound on the tail fits the really quiet and calm song yea you are right, fixed~

that's all, such a nice and soothing map! :D goodluck~
Thanks for your modding~~:D
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