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Eren Yaeger

La Volpe wrote:

That game was so much fun, but the best part was our mid laner (Graves) beating the shit out of Syndra, a Diamond 4 player.
Have you ever heard of a smurf? There is no way that a bronze would out CS and out lane a syndra diamond player as graves lol
La Volpe

Eren Yaeger wrote:

La Volpe wrote:

That game was so much fun, but the best part was our mid laner (Graves) beating the shit out of Syndra, a Diamond 4 player.
Have you ever heard of a smurf? There is no way that a bronze would out CS and out lane a syndra diamond player as graves lol
Guess I forgot to mention,it was a normal game. Why would someone smurf on a normal match?
Eren Yaeger

La Volpe wrote:

Eren Yaeger wrote:

Have you ever heard of a smurf? There is no way that a bronze would out CS and out lane a syndra diamond player as graves lol
Guess I forgot to mention,it was a normal game. Why would someone smurf on a normal match?
Warmup game, for shits and gigs? Who knows, I just know that a bronze won't beat a diamond lol
I have let my friends play on my account so they can test champions they don't have, could've been that. Needless to say they got flamed quite a bit for playing awful on d1 account.

La Volpe wrote:

That game was so much fun, but the best part was our mid laner (Graves) beating the shit out of Syndra, a Diamond 4 player.
So many differently ranked people in that game...
That Syndra only plays like 4 champions in ranked and none of them are mid laners. There are tons and tons of one trick ponies in diamond (I'm one of them).

For example if all the champions I play get banned or picked I will play like a bronze 5 so it's better if I dodge. That very rarely happens though because most stuff I play will never go FOTM.

Vulf wrote:

most stuff I play will never go FOTM.
Never say never
[- Alex -]

SoG Tava wrote:

Vulf wrote:

most stuff I play will never go FOTM.
Never say never

even warwick pretty much went fotm for a couple of minutes
Warwick has kinda been fotm twice already, but Riot won't let it stay that way for long.

The odds of all the champions I play going FOTM at once is extremely rare.

Zilean hasn't been fotm since season 1
Volibear was good in season 3 for like a week and got nerfed. He is seeing competitive play though.
Galio was never really flavor of the month at all if I remember correctly. He was played a lot top/mid in season 1 and 2 but it never reached fotm status.

Then I have my troll picks like Urgot that I'm good with.

So yeah if every single one of those champs become ban worthy I might be 100% screwed in ranked. Also I'm sure soraka will be considered useless after her nerf on the pbe goes live so there is another champ I play that I can use again. lol
Kanye West
Shaco will never be fotm.

Kanye West wrote:

Shaco will never be fotm.
I love Shaco, but he is a champion I can never play well no matter how many games I practice with him. =\
If Shaco does ever reach fotm status he will be deleted from the game. Same with stuff like Poppy. LOL
Zilean mid is actually pretty strong, I've played him in ARAM a couple times and with 40% CDR your W (which reduces all your CD's by 10s) will be on a ~3.5s CD = Perma bombs, slows, speed ups and an insanely low CD on your ult = tons of utility and dmg

The only reason I don't play him is that he is very mana hungry and his lasthitting in lane is crappy
His teamfighting isn't as weak as people might think as long as you stay back and put all your stuff on the frontline and let them do stuff. That's probably why he is played more as a support nowadays
Braum jungle is super viable btw, you just will never get kills lol only like 30+ assists, you're literally a wall that sets up kills
[- Alex -]

Kanye West wrote:

Shaco will never be fotm.
Shaco ap best Shaco. Love Shaco so much. Normal/aram/dominion.
Does anyone remember the mythical champ known as Quinn...?

omg a chinese guy ching chang chong

BrokenArrow wrote:

Zilean mid is actually pretty strong, I've played him in ARAM a couple times and with 40% CDR your W (which reduces all your CD's by 10s) will be on a ~3.5s CD = Perma bombs, slows, speed ups and an insanely low CD on your ult = tons of utility and dmg

The only reason I don't play him is that he is very mana hungry and his lasthitting in lane is crappy
His teamfighting isn't as weak as people might think as long as you stay back and put all your stuff on the frontline and let them do stuff. That's probably why he is played more as a support nowadays
I don't think he is that good of a support when you compare him to other supports. I don't even remember the last time I saw him as support.
I pick him when there is multiple hyper carries on my team and I want a safe mid lane champion that isn't Ziggs or Nidalee. His mana cost aren't that bad unless you spam early which you shouldn't be doing. Once you get athenes he is kinda retarded.

He is similar to Orianna which has a good early game super strong mid game and transitions into a utility mage late game. I'm kinda dreading his rework, but he is really outdated as fuck when it comes to mechanics.
Witch Mercy
Vulf, my friend carried himself from bronze to gold just playing zilean mid/support lol
I don't doubt it. I never said he was weak at all. I've been a Zilean fan since pre-season 1 which he was perma ban status back then.
He is still really good now just outshined by stuff like Orianna.

Zilean is like my 4th most played champion. lol
Eren Yaeger

Greyusb wrote:

Does anyone remember the mythical champ known as Quinn...?

omg a chinese guy ching chang chong
Download HyperDesktop and never ever take a picture of your screen again pls <3

Eren Yaeger wrote:

Download HyperDesktop and never ever take a picture of your screen again pls <3
I was playing at an internet cafe so I didn't really bother to do so ><

Greyusb wrote:

Eren Yaeger wrote:

Download HyperDesktop and never ever take a picture of your screen again pls <3
I was playing at an internet cafe so I didn't really bother to do so ><
Press Print Sreen
4 men rage quit on my last BO game, I don't really know if I'm supposed to laugh or be mad
[- Alex -]

Ninth IX wrote:

4 men rage quit on my last BO game, I don't really know if I'm supposed to laugh or be mad
You are not the only one. Yea.... what can you do.
They seriously need to make some changes to matchmaking. I hate it when i'm on a roll to find out that that's only because i'm versing level 27 and below.
Eren Yaeger

Blaziken wrote:

They seriously need to make some changes to matchmaking. I hate it when i'm on a roll to find out that that's only because i'm versing level 27 and below.
Were you group with anyone?

Eren Yaeger wrote:

Blaziken wrote:

They seriously need to make some changes to matchmaking. I hate it when i'm on a roll to find out that that's only because i'm versing level 27 and below.
Were you group with anyone?
Yeah, but we should still be matched with players of the highest MMR of ours.
Eren Yaeger
This co-commentator with phreak though is so cringe worthy it hurts ;w;

I'm starting a league skype group for those that want a general place for making groups for normals or duo queing, just message me on my skype if anyone is interested in joining
Wow Battle Bunny Riven is in skin sale, it's not like I just bought her 2 days ago
Rito pls
[- Alex -]

BrokenArrow wrote:

Wow Battle Bunny Riven is in skin sale, it's not like I just bought her 2 days ago
Rito pls
Get Rekt.

BrokenArrow wrote:

Wow Battle Bunny Riven is in skin sale, it's not like I just bought her 2 days ago
Rito pls

i am not 100% sure but i think that if you send a ticket that you get the rp difference refunded
Yep, generally if you buy something 2 weeks before it goes on sale they will refund you the difference
Eren Yaeger

BrokenArrow wrote:

Wow Battle Bunny Riven is in skin sale, it's not like I just bought her 2 days ago
Rito pls
You do know there is a calendar for all the sales right?
$1 more or less doesn't matter to me anyways, I just found the coincidence funny because I only buy skins like twice a year
Eren Yaeger

BrokenArrow wrote:

$1 more or less doesn't matter to me anyways, I just found the coincidence funny because I only buy skins like twice a year ... e-schedule
ah nice Mecha Kha'Zix skin inc
even though he is kinda shit since the last nerf
I remember when I bought mecha kha zix last year the week before he went on sale.
1. I should of got the refund.
2. Every champion I buy with RP gets nerfed somehow or another.

Pantheon got nerfed
Twisted fate got nerfed
Kha Zix got nerfed
Kassadin got nerfed

I'm never getting a caitlyn skin but i'll defo get the Braum Skin.

BrokenArrow wrote:

ah nice Mecha Kha'Zix skin inc
even though he is kinda shit since the last nerf
He is still good just not op annymore
still waiting for deep terror thresh sale..
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