
3L, mariapolo - WARNING! [Osu|Taiko]

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_Gezo_ wrote:

Mod requested in #taiko.

5000th post ahead.

00:01:195 (1) - 00:04:121 (1) - 00:07:048 (1) - 00:09:975 (1) - For some reason, I feel like these notes have a weird impact on the song that are a bit counter-climatic to the specific song part. This is pretty calm, yet you've made big notes that imply "breaking" instants which are not really present here. Oh, you are right.
00:17:292 (1,1) - I believe a dd here would fit as well as you have stronger kicks (that are the same) - and they somewhat "break" the drum pattern in 00:16:560 (4,1,1,1) - . ok
00:24:243 (1,1) - I'm uncertain about this, but it might be worth a try: Put in a don and change the pattern so you get in the end a ddd D -- the drum pattern would call for one instead of a simple d k D. great idea
00:30:646 (1,1,2,3,4,5,1) - A bit surprising at first glance, but fits well the music. A simpler way to make it would either be or (The second being most fitting in my opinion). I tried these before, but I don't like it that much.
00:36:316 (1,2,1,1,2,3,1) - Same as above, there is a simpler way that fits as well as the current, which is ^
00:48:024 (1,1) - I'll reiterate 00:17:292 (1,1) - as it's the exact same thing. I will keep it. Similiar case, but here we have a higher pitch.
01:12:170 (1,2,3,4,5) - In that section, I'm hearing xxx xxx (the 4 first x as well as the space are where you've made your kats -- something like that I think you'd be better off putting kkk kkk (to the risk of making kkk D a bit quicky to play), since you've mapped strict to the drums here. That was intentionally. Wanted to have a rise of kat patterns. But I changed it a little.
01:15:829 (1,1,2,3,1,2,1) - For some reason I would hear dons where there are lyrics - that is 01:15:829 (1) - , 01:16:560 (2) - and 01:16:743 (1) - . However I see the problem with the pattern itself, which would end up broken
01:27:536 (1,1,2,3,1,2,1,2,3) - Same here. ok
01:39:060 - I think you would find it insignificant or anything, but add a don here ? It's a pretty loud and clear kick, which would be more than fitting !
01:41:987 - ^ Same here, but it's not a must (rolling) applied both
01:52:597 (1,1,2,1,1,2,1) - It's a tough pattern, and different from what you've done on 00:30:646 (1,1,2,3,4,5,1) - , maybe make these two patterns similar ? I would rather like to keep it. Looks nice in my opinion, sounds good and plays fine. It's not way too hard due to the BPM.
02:11:804 (1) - I don't think this note needs much accent, as well as 02:16:012 (1,1,1) -, or 02:17:658 (1) - -- I think smaller notes are more than enough to fulfill the notes. I'm okay with these since I wanted to emphasize in this way the vocal.
02:23:146 (1,2,3,4,5,1) - Sadly ddddd--K breaks a bit the feeling you could have done by doing D-D--K, which would fit better.
02:26:073 (1,2,3,4,5,1) - ^ (abekobe style, though.)
02:28:999 (1,2,3,4,5,1) - ^ (Déjà vu ? -- Make it the same as 02:23:146 (1,2,3,4,5,1) - .) Nah, sorry. Personally I like these patterns.
03:01:012 - , 03:03:938 - Same comments as in 01:39:060 - and 01:41:987 -. ok
03:14:548 (1,1,2,3,4,5,1) - The simplification proposed on 00:30:646 (1,1,2,3,4,5,1) - would also work here. This is not a must, though. Same as above.

02:04:853 - You can add in a don, but this is not really a must-do. It feels a bit empty there, but it's not a big problem. I'm fine as it is.
Other points I applied.

As Nashmun said, your map pretty much revolves around d k d k d k d.. which is more seen in Muzukashii than in Oni (due to more variety in patterns), but this is a problem due to the Eurobeat style of the song which uses a kick-hat-kick-hat... drum pattern.
Once kazuki posts his mods and you reply to these, you may call a Taiko BAT. And thus starting off the ranking process.
Thank you for you mod Gezo! This one was really helpful. Good points you provide.
Does European has a chance in modding again? Go, Go Nashmun and Gezo. Haha

Topic Starter

Thanks Ono and the mods :D
Ow i forgot this ;_; tomorrow i will mod this ;w;

Here is your mod :3

Ono's Taiko Oni
- Yeah, i know you can omit "Taiko" in the name but that name is a classical :3 It is good as it is
- I think you should use OD6, it is like the standard OD used in taiko (Players evolved a lot so you will see a lot of DT+HR SS ;P)
- I seen in another mod that if you wont use a SB you can disable "Widescreen Support", I dont know if thats true, tell me if it isnt :3

- 00:48:207 (1) - This note sounds off, maybe you can move it here 00:48:298 - or delete.
- 00:49:487 - ~ 00:50:951 - The ambient sounds more shaking :P you should add some more notes here. (Also, i noticed you just did a not-cool switch between vocals and drums, so you should consider it)
- 00:55:341 - ~ 00:56:804 - Same here
- 01:12:170 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,1) - how about kkddkkkkd?
- 01:17:109 (1,2,1,2,3,4,1) - kkdkddk sounds way cooler :p
- 01:24:426 - I think this (01:24:426 (4) -) should be k and this (01:24:518 (5) - ) should be moved here (01:24:701 - )
- 01:36:316 - ~ 01:42:170 - As i mentioned to you before, i dont think you should use those speed ups,mainly because the overall difficulty is one and that high sv is planned to be in a higher overall difficulty. I think it would be better if you slow it down to 1.5x or something else, but 1.8x is too high considering this oni is not intended to be that hard.
- Also, this seems like being vocal mapped, but the drums does a similar sound to the vocals in this part, but with the only difference you missed up some notes, maybe because you started to like high speed ups with big notes doing a easy pattern and following mostly vocals :p ( im talking about Kyouki Chinden) but i don't like it a lot, since the old Onosaki i remember used to map 1/1 to do resting times, not CATCH THESE NOTES IF YOU CAN. I hope you understand what i mean.
- 01:41:987 - *sighs* no kazu, you can't put a 1/6 there and a slider would sound bad
- 01:45:829 (1,2,3,4,5,6,1,2,3,4,5,1,1) - How much needed is this pattern? I hear a cymbal crash here 01:46:560 - and maybe you can emphatize it.
( I'd suggest to delete this note 01:46:652 - , 01:46:560 (3) - this could be K , 01:46:194 (5) - and this a k)
- - Totally a suggestion based on how i like those long patterns :P- 02:33:390 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,1) - d k d d k k d d k d k d k k k k d
- 02:46:377 - change this to k and 02:46:469 (5) - move it to 02:46:652 -
- 02:58:268 - ~ 03:04:121 - You know.
- That's all for this diff, it really sounds great :3

Ono's Taiko Muzukashii
- You also unchecked "Widescreen Support" here lol :p
- 00:48:207 (1) - delete, you cant put it in blue lines lol
- 00:50:219 (1) - how about deleting this?
- 00:56:073 (1) - same here?
- 01:26:987 (2,1) - actually doing kkk k was very yummy :3
- As it is in muzu, the speed up section is ok
- I dont know what else should i mention, its really good as it is :3

Good job Onosaki :3

-Anhedonia- wrote:

Ow i forgot this ;_; tomorrow i will mod this ;w;

Here is your mod :3

Ono's Taiko Oni
- Yeah, i know you can omit "Taiko" in the name but that name is a classical :3 It is good as it is
- I think you should use OD6, it is like the standard OD used in taiko (Players evolved a lot so you will see a lot of DT+HR SS ;P)
- I seen in another mod that if you wont use a SB you can disable "Widescreen Support", I dont know if thats true, tell me if it isnt :3

- 00:48:207 (1) - This note sounds off, maybe you can move it here 00:48:298 - or delete. mapped to the beat which is hearable.
- 00:49:487 - ~ 00:50:951 - The ambient sounds more shaking :P you should add some more notes here. (Also, i noticed you just did a not-cool switch between vocals and drums, so you should consider it) Actually I'm fine as it is, since in this way I'm able to emphasize upcoming pattern more.
- 00:55:341 - ~ 00:56:804 - Same here
- 01:12:170 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,1) - how about kkddkkkkd? Possible, but I think pure k fits better due to vocal. Also the beat is different i nthe song as oyu suggested.
- 01:17:109 (1,2,1,2,3,4,1) - kkdkddk sounds way cooler :p Arg, this sounds really nice, but wouldn't fit to the upcomin gparts. Sorry.
- 01:24:426 - I think this (01:24:426 (4) -) should be k and this (01:24:518 (5) - ) should be moved here (01:24:701 - ) kat usage would be too soon. Better I start at 01:24:792 since this is the new stanza whch gets emphasized in this way and becmes more noticeable.
- 01:36:316 - ~ 01:42:170 - As i mentioned to you before, i dont think you should use those speed ups,mainly because the overall difficulty is one and that high sv is planned to be in a higher overall difficulty. I think it would be better if you slow it down to 1.5x or something else, but 1.8x is too high considering this oni is not intended to be that hard.
- Also, this seems like being vocal mapped, but the drums does a similar sound to the vocals in this part, but with the only difference you missed up some notes, maybe because you started to like high speed ups with big notes doing a easy pattern and following mostly vocals :p ( im talking about Kyouki Chinden) but i don't like it a lot, since the old Onosaki i remember used to map 1/1 to do resting times, not CATCH THESE NOTES IF YOU CAN. I hope you understand what i mean. Changed SV to x1.50 but kept the patterns as they are. they emphasize the vocals pretty nice.
- 01:45:829 (1,2,3,4,5,6,1,2,3,4,5,1,1) - How much needed is this pattern? I hear a cymbal crash here 01:46:560 - and maybe you can emphatize it. Good idea, chaged it.
- - Totally a suggestion based on how i like those long patterns :P- 02:33:390 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,1) - d k d d k k d d k d k d k k k k d I know how you feel. I had something similar before, but I want to keep it easy at the end.
- 02:46:377 - change this to k and 02:46:469 (5) - move it to 02:46:652 - done
- 02:58:268 - ~ 03:04:121 - You know.
- That's all for this diff, it really sounds great :3

Ono's Taiko Muzukashii
- You also unchecked "Widescreen Support" here lol :p oh yeah
- 00:48:207 (1) - delete, you cant put it in blue lines lol Same as in Oni
- 00:50:219 (1) - how about deleting this? Interesting, but would need to make some more changes to make it more fit, so I will keep it untouched.
- 00:56:073 (1) - same here?
- 01:26:987 (2,1) - actually doing kkk k was very yummy :3 done
- As it is in muzu, the speed up section is ok
- I dont know what else should i mention, its really good as it is :3

Good job Onosaki :3
Thanks for mod! You had some pretty good points. Some I could changeeve though I would like to. lol

Topic Starter
Thanks, updated
Incoming mod.
i wandered into a graveyard.

[ Ohno's Taiko Muzukashii]
  1. 00:25:158 (2) - del. i thought its a bit excessive pattern.
  2. 00:44:914 (2,1) - swap these finishers? it will be get good fit with 00:43:634 (1) - .
  3. 00:46:560 (4) - finisher? i can hear a strong crash cymbal.
  4. 01:58:816 (2) - uuuuuunnn.. pattern is interesting. but i recommend a pure pattern. plays weird for Muzu.
[ Ohno's Taiko Oni]
  1. OD+1? this song doesnt has a complex rhythm, so OD5 is a bit low imo.
  2. HP-1. HP7 is really high setting. Draining Time is over 3 mins.
  3. 00:37:780 - SV0.75x here. current timing is a bit weird.

  4. 00:22:963 (2) - => 00:22:780 - move to here? i know that youre following the drum sound. but thats a bit bored i think. also 00:22:780 has a relatively strong guitar sound.
  5. 00:25:158 (1) - i thought the finisher was weird. instead, 00:25:341 (1,2,3) - finisher here? it will be more consistent pattern.
  6. 00:31:286 (1,1) - change to dd? slightly lower pitch. and dd will connect well to kkkkddd.
  7. 00:46:560 (1) - finisher? same reason as Muzu.
  8. 01:22:231 (1,2) - change to kk? i mean ddddkkkkddkkd. the pattern will be more fit the music smoothly imo.
  9. 01:41:987 - ddd here. i didnt feel much sense to make a blank intentionally.(Muzu has a d already.
  10. 02:44:182 (1,2) - change to kk? same reason as 01:22:231 (1,2)
  11. 03:03:938 - ddd. same reason as 01:41:987
  12. 03:15:188 (1,1) - change to dd? same reason as 00:31:286 (1,1)
basically good taiko diffs! possible to go already.
i wrote some suggestions, but these are up to you. :3c

TKSalt wrote:

[ Ohno's Taiko Oni]
  1. OD+1? this song doesnt has a complex rhythm, so OD5 is a bit low imo.
  2. HP-1. HP7 is really high setting. Draining Time is over 3 mins.
  3. 00:37:780 - SV0.75x here. current timing is a bit weird. In my opinion that overlap looks more weird which is the reason I set the timeline a bit later.
    I'm fine with current setting. I don't feel like that a higher OD is needed and the HP was intended for lower players. Map is not that hard at all, so they can experience something new.

  4. 00:22:963 (2) - => 00:22:780 - move to here? i know that youre following the drum sound. but thats a bit bored i think. also 00:22:780 has a relatively strong guitar sound. Mh, no change at all since I like the pattern constellation as it is. Sounds nice as well.
  5. 00:25:158 (1) - i thought the finisher was weird. instead, 00:25:341 (1,2,3) - finisher here? it will be more consistent pattern. good idea
  6. 00:31:286 (1,1) - change to dd? slightly lower pitch. and dd will connect well to kkkkddd. Mh, I had something similar before, but somehow that pattern came out of the sudden if you ask me, so I left it as kat.
  7. 00:46:560 (1) - finisher? same reason as Muzu. ok
  8. 01:22:231 (1,2) - change to kk? i mean ddddkkkkddkkd. the pattern will be more fit the music smoothly imo. Mapped to the vocal here since it is presence.
  9. 01:41:987 - ddd here. i didnt feel much sense to make a blank intentionally.(Muzu has a d already. Same here. I had the pattern before but deleted due to bad overlap. Also I tihnk that this break rather emphasizes it-self a bit.
basically good taiko diffs! possible to go already.
i wrote some suggestions, but these are up to you. :3c
Applied everything in Muzukashii.
Thank you TKSalt! Some usefull suggestions you provided here.~

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updated xD
one more thing.

add Subterranean Animism to tags?
Subterranean Animism is source of Nuclear Fusion.
Topic Starter

TKSalt wrote:

one more thing.

add Subterranean Animism to tags?
Subterranean Animism is source of Nuclear Fusion.

all updated~

jonathanlfj wrote:

Oh, I swapped one note wrong. TK PM'd me about it.

After that we should be ready to go.
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₍₍ (ง ˘ω˘ )ว ⁾⁾
sakuya! go go !!!
my body is ready
Go Sakuya <3
Topic Starter
Thank you for your help TKSalt~
go sakuya :o

BeatofIke senpai must rank this map! *hides*
why don't you add "Okuu" in the tags since that's her nickname, as well as "Th11" for more specification? just an idea i had.

00:35:585 (2) - consider going for symmetry here so that you can blanket 00:34:487 (4) - which i find that it flows nicely to the song IMO.
00:54:975 (4) - perhaps 2 circles instead? i find that it follows the vocals more properly due to the lyrics being separate?
01:00:829 (4) - ^
01:24:609 (1) - why don't you adjust this for a perfect blanket on (2)?

[mo-kyu's Hard]
00:47:292 (2,3) - think about adding drum claps here(at both ends). i find that it'll emphasize the drums more nicely and it'll be more effective during gameplay IMO.
00:52:689 (2) - remove this note. it doesn't follow anything in the music.
00:58:543 (2) - ^
01:00:463 (3) - ahh you're missing a finish here. add it for emphasis in the cymbals, and if you want, increase the volume for more effect.
01:42:903 (3) - i think you can stack the ends perfectly for a even smoother transition during gameplay. if you do this, you should make (4) look the same as (3).
03:03:939 (7) - i think 2 circles would play more effectively instead of a 1/4 slider during gameplay, just a personal opinion of mine.

00:18:573 (6,7,8) - rotate this 75 degrees going CW. i find that it'll flow even smoother to the song during gameplay. it should look like this.
00:47:292 (2,3,4,5) - same as hard.
02:41:256 (2) - i think doing Ctrl+G would emphasize the vocals a lot better during gameplay, also easier to follow as well IMO.
02:58:268 (1) - this kind of slider is unrankable. it's called a hold slider and because it's crunched up, it's impossible to read. make the wiggles more obvious like you did on 02:31:926 (1) - .

sorry but i'm popping this due to that unrankable slider on Lunatic.

darn byakugan :C

Natsu wrote:

BeatofIke senpai must rank this map! *hides*
Natsu plz.
slider certainly isn't impossible to read, plays quite well
It's not unrankable because it's a squiggle, it's unrankable because it changes speed through the duration of it, in this case twice

Charles445 wrote:

It's not unrankable because it's a squiggle, it's unrankable because it changes speed through the duration of it, in this case twice
ahh ok then next time i'll word it correctly ><
Topic Starter

Byakugan249 wrote:

why don't you add "Okuu" in the tags since that's her nickname, as well as "Th11" for more specification? just an idea i had. hmm i think it'll be ok xD not really sure about using nicknames

00:35:585 (2) - consider going for symmetry here so that you can blanket 00:34:487 (4) - which i find that it flows nicely to the song IMO. i actually had that before but for some reason never comes out perfectly so i just went for this lol
00:54:975 (4) - perhaps 2 circles instead? i find that it follows the vocals more properly due to the lyrics being separate? this will cause a slight difficulty spike imo
01:00:829 (4) - ^
01:24:609 (1) - why don't you adjust this for a perfect blanket on (2)? Fixed

[mo-kyu's Hard]
00:47:292 (2,3) - think about adding drum claps here(at both ends). i find that it'll emphasize the drums more nicely and it'll be more effective during gameplay IMO. Fixed on heads instead
00:52:689 (2) - remove this note. it doesn't follow anything in the music. fixed
00:58:543 (2) - ^ ^
01:00:463 (3) - ahh you're missing a finish here. add it for emphasis in the cymbals, and if you want, increase the volume for more effect. Fixed
01:42:903 (3) - i think you can stack the ends perfectly for a even smoother transition during gameplay. if you do this, you should make (4) look the same as (3). Fixed
03:03:939 (7) - i think 2 circles would play more effectively instead of a 1/4 slider during gameplay, just a personal opinion of mine. Fixed

00:18:573 (6,7,8) - rotate this 75 degrees going CW. i find that it'll flow even smoother to the song during gameplay. it should look like this. Fixed a lot xD i hope it's ok
00:47:292 (2,3,4,5) - same as hard. Fixed
02:41:256 (2) - i think doing Ctrl+G would emphasize the vocals a lot better during gameplay, also easier to follow as well IMO. i wanted to emphasize the "rise" in the lyrics haha
02:58:268 (1) - this kind of slider is unrankable. it's called a hold slider and because it's crunched up, it's impossible to read. make the wiggles more obvious like you did on 02:31:926 (1) - . Fixed rip nuclear cannon

sorry but i'm popping this due to that unrankable slider on Lunatic.

thanks a lot Byaku~~~!
and as i mentioned in chat I'm going to get another mod
Hey! Modding as requested ♂
  1. I'm not certain but your preview time may be slightly unsnapped. Maybe have it on 01:12:902 - ?
  1. 00:46:561 (1,2) - Seeing as you had drum-claps for the other two difficulties perhaps add them here to the slider-tail and circle? Also consider using 60% volume for the first drum-clap, it sounded excessively loud for me at 70% in the others difficulties. (and of course use 50% for the second)
  2. 01:45:829 (2) - Maybe it's just me, but the and soft-whistle on the tail feels a bit excessive. It's worth noting as well that this is the only time in the whole mapset that you use a whistle for this part so consider just removing it.
  3. 02:50:220 (2,4) - The tails of these two are touching very briefly as seen in gameplay. See if you can make some adjustments to avoid this.
  4. 03:08:878 (4) - I would add a whistle here. It fits the whistle usage and has a nice effect. Would also be consistent with its use here for Lunatic.
[meiikyuu's Hard]
  1. 00:47:292 (2) - Consider reducing the volume by 10% for this drum-clap.
  2. 01:37:049 (1) - The shape of this slider seems a little bit distorted to me. Maybe you could try having both ends be parallel?
  3. 03:09:975 (1) - For the same reason as mentioned in Normal, consider adding a whistle to the head.
  1. 00:47:292 (2) - Consider reducing the volume by 10% for this drum-clap.
  2. 01:00:463 (3) - Add a finish for the cymbal crash. You use one here for Normal and Hard.
  3. 01:05:951 (1) - What do you think about stacking this on 01:04:853 (3)? I feel it makes the jump flow more naturally and easier to react to. Currently the motion is rather sharp and may feel unexpected for some players that haven't tried the map before. Since that would result in a larger jump, another idea would be to place it at x:256 y:24 to get a nice triangle pattern between 01:05:402 (5,1,2).
  4. 01:17:292 (6) - It's kind of unnoticeable, but giving this a little curve to match 01:17:658 (8) would make this slider fit in better. I guess that's why it has three slider-points to begin with right?
  5. 01:40:158 (3) - Perhaps add a whistle on the head to go along with the clap like you had for 01:37:048 (1) to keep up the excitement and building momentum!
  6. 02:23:146 (1) - Same as 01:00:463 (3).
  7. 03:01:927 (3) - Missed a clap on the slider head? It would be consistent with 01:39:975 (3) and adds a nice effect.
  8. 03:03:938 (7) - This is a very easy place to sliderbreak because of the small jump distance. I have a strong tendency to move my cursor quickly here and seem to very often, incidentally hit the tail of this slider from overshooting the jump (raose witnessed this once lol). Perhaps try to emulate what you did at 01:41:987 (7,1) by both increasing the jump distance and stacking the 1/8 similarly or doing either or.
Mmm a great map!
Hopefully some of this helps as it was once bubbled~ (✿◠‿◠)

ilu both <3
Topic Starter

Trust wrote:

Hey! Modding as requested ♂
  1. I'm not certain but your preview time may be slightly unsnapped. Maybe have it on 01:12:902 - ? unf
  1. 00:46:561 (1,2) - Seeing as you had drum-claps for the other two difficulties perhaps add them here to the slider-tail and circle? Also consider using 60% volume for the first drum-clap, it sounded excessively loud for me at 70% in the others difficulties. (and of course use 50% for the second) unf
  2. 01:45:829 (2) - Maybe it's just me, but the and soft-whistle on the tail feels a bit excessive. It's worth noting as well that this is the only time in the whole mapset that you use a whistle for this part so consider just removing it. unf
  3. 02:50:220 (2,4) - The tails of these two are touching very briefly as seen in gameplay. See if you can make some adjustments to avoid this. unf
  4. 03:08:878 (4) - I would add a whistle here. It fits the whistle usage and has a nice effect. Would also be consistent with its use here for Lunatic.unf
[meiikyuu's Hard]
  1. 00:47:292 (2) - Consider reducing the volume by 10% for this drum-clap.unf
  2. 01:37:049 (1) - The shape of this slider seems a little bit distorted to me. Maybe you could try having both ends be parallel? unf
  3. 03:09:975 (1) - For the same reason as mentioned in Normal, consider adding a whistle to the head. unf
  1. 00:47:292 (2) - Consider reducing the volume by 10% for this drum-clap. unf
  2. 01:00:463 (3) - Add a finish for the cymbal crash. You use one here for Normal and Hard. unf
  3. 01:05:951 (1) - What do you think about stacking this on 01:04:853 (3)? I feel it makes the jump flow more naturally and easier to react to. Currently the motion is rather sharp and may feel unexpected for some players that haven't tried the map before. Since that would result in a larger jump, another idea would be to place it at x:256 y:24 to get a nice triangle pattern between 01:05:402 (5,1,2). unf
  4. 01:17:292 (6) - It's kind of unnoticeable, but giving this a little curve to match 01:17:658 (8) would make this slider fit in better. I guess that's why it has three slider-points to begin with right? lol unf
  5. 01:40:158 (3) - Perhaps add a whistle on the head to go along with the clap like you had for 01:37:048 (1) to keep up the excitement and building momentum! unf
  6. 02:23:146 (1) - Same as 01:00:463 (3). unf
  7. 03:01:927 (3) - Missed a clap on the slider head? It would be consistent with 01:39:975 (3) and adds a nice effect. unf
  8. 03:03:938 (7) - This is a very easy place to sliderbreak because of the small jump distance. I have a strong tendency to move my cursor quickly here and seem to very often, incidentally hit the tail of this slider from overshooting the jump (raose witnessed this once lol). Perhaps try to emulate what you did at 01:41:987 (7,1) by both increasing the jump distance and stacking the 1/8 similarly or doing either or.unf?
Mmm a great map! mmmm
Hopefully some of this helps as it was once bubbled~ (✿◠‿◠) mmmm

ilu both <3 mmmm
welp let's put this back to bubbled :P

Topic Starter
go go go go go go go
warning for rank
please tell me what does "unf" mean
With this map, I mapped for 7 out of 10 ranked NF projects. Haha
Go, go~!
it's been too long
Topic Starter

TicClick wrote:

please tell me what does "unf" mean
it's a sexy way of saying fixed

And aw thanks everyone xD I am gogogoing hng unf
kiai inconsistent, the kiais in Normal and Hard diff have a 1ms off =.= plz fix that
and also some notes have that 1ms off too, resnap all notes in all diffs for safety

meiikyuu's Hard
00:18:024 (1) - missing finish at end
02:56:805 (1) - missing finish on head

call me back
Topic Starter

Zero__wind wrote:

kiai inconsistent, the kiais in Normal and Hard diff have a 1ms off =.= plz fix that
and also some notes have that 1ms off too, resnap all notes in all diffs for safety

meiikyuu's Hard
00:18:024 (1) - missing finish at end
02:56:805 (1) - missing finish on head

call me back
thats weird, fixed all -v-
Sakuya!!! go!!!!!!!
Nuked because of Sakuya being too sexy
Topic Starter
thankszero I can create new pick up lines with this map now
hnnngh grats!
I was actually expecting this to be some sort of April Fools map with the title XD

Grats though btw
Gratz 8-)

Lanturn wrote:

I was actually expecting this to be some sort of April Fools map with the title XD

Grats though btw
yeah actually I tried to do so
but beatmap submission syestem was dead yesterday
so yo kknow, peppy beat us all
Congrats Sakuya! :)
No Dap
congratz ! :3
omedetou! <3
Congratz, I love this song ♥
Topic Starter
aw thanks everyone xD
finally, graz guys!
pretty good map :)
Arg... the note in Taiko Oni at 00:34:487 (1) - should be actually at 00:34:396 . aaaaah

I will ask someone to help in this matter.

OnosakiHito wrote:

Arg... the note in Taiko Oni at 00:34:487 (1) - should be actually at 00:34:396 . aaaaah

I will ask someone to help in this matter.
There is your help. Fix it and we are good to go.
Topic Starter
updated xD can Standard scores not get wiped? lol

LunarSakuya wrote:

updated xD can Standard scores not get wiped? lol
unfortunately not. Sorry :C

Oh no my scores :(

Congrats on rerank.
Congratz ;)
Regratz 8-)
blame Ono

congratz :!:
Topic Starter
Thanks Loctav :)!

orz brb crying
Re gratz sakuya! T T
We can all agree that Ono is a bit baka now, right ? :D/
Seriously? scores have been wiped on Standard as well just because a little change on the Taiko diff? I don't really understand but I won't even try to get the awesome score I had before, system is so stupid sadly.

Anyway congratz once again.
rip my SS...T_T
but re-congratz!!

Darksonic wrote:

Seriously? scores have been wiped on Standard as well just because a little change on the Taiko diff? I don't really understand but I won't even try to get the awesome score I had before, system is so stupid sadly.

Anyway congratz once again.
+1: What I found that made perfect sense.

Darksonic wrote:

Seriously? scores have been wiped on Standard as well just because a little change on the Taiko diff? I don't really understand but I won't even try to get the awesome score I had before, system is so stupid sadly.

Anyway congratz once again.
Re-read the text on the top of this page again and better get used to it

If you don't want your scores to be wiped, play Ranked maps. And stop doing statements that are utterly stupid.
Gratz !!
wowthat'scool grtz
Ah, finally. Congratulation for rank!
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