
League of Legends

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BrokenArrow wrote:

Brb watching porn instead.

Porn is baaaad for you bro
f i z i k

BrokenArrow wrote:

This is the perfect time to say that.
Also this is getting really out of hand, 14 out of my 20 last games I was either last pick or 4th pick (which is the same on red side). Seriously fuck this.
I'm really pissed at the moment. Not only do I have to bother all this retarded school stuff 12 hours a day which I will never need in my life anyways and then I get home and with the little time I have I straight up lose 5 games in a row because I have to support basically all the time.

Brb watching porn instead. Fuck this game.
tl;dr: you have no clue how to support and thats why you lose
If the game is that frustrating just take a long break from it. Not talking about a couple of days I mean a couple of weeks or more. Been there and done that at least 5 times since I started playing league due to it's beyond terrible balance. Honestly if it's as bad as you wanting to kill yourself (I know you are joking) It's probably not going to get any better in the long run.

I found playing another MOBA or a completely new game helps a lot. I started playing Smite a few months ago and that alone made me appreciate a few things league has/does. I used to get frustrated with leagues matchmaking until I started playing smite and dota 2. That's at least something LoL has done right for the most part imo.
Kanye West
support carries so hard now lol

i see annies in high elo solo queue oneshotting ad carries with her combo

thresh will always be strong and he is un-nerfable
P r o m i s e s

Sankaritarina wrote:

tyrael6192 wrote:

i feel really sorry for the kid, doesn't deserve any of this shit.
What makes it even sadder is that AHQ Korea was ridiculously talented team and Promise might have been considered a top tier AD carry today if their manager wasn't a douchebag. Everything he worked for got destroyed for nothing.
What's also sad is that his father abandoned him and his family when he was 15 years old in a house with no heating and basically no food. Bascially League progaming was all that he had left and the coach fucked that up.
Toxic community yes , ragers yes , fucking noobs yes ! , but look at this the community already reased more then 10 000 $ that's just awsome i am realy touched by this , you see in the end the league of legends community has awsome people :)
As of right now, within Korean, about 300 people have donated and the bank account shows that we have collected 8,943,915 KRW (about $8400 USD)
We are still receiving donations and so I'm sure the total amount is a bit more than what we have reported here.

Additionally, it is incredible that many foreign fans have also participated in this event.
Famous LoL commentator MonteCristo let us know that many from overseas wanted to help as well, so we created a Paypal account and so far, over 700 people have participated.
As of right now, as we write this article, we can report that $11,992.17 USD (after Paypal fees) has been collected, which is about 12,850,000 KRW.
original source:

and i don't think these sums include the money made by all the streamers ( maknoon, wickd etc) through ad revenue and donations or the TSM/CLG pledges where 100% and 50% respectively of all purchases will go to promise
Damn dunno what to watch , OGN ore IEM

I tried
Our Nexus was open and they lost 3 teamfights in a row at our nexus because they tried to kill it instead of us
Then we sneaked 2 barons
and in the last teamfight Jinx didn't grab the lantern and got oneshot
But I almost learned how to carry with Lee, just a bit more..

TIL Lee deals pretty good damage even if you rush 3 defensives after your first dmg item (had to go QSS for Malz because he would focus me, Randuins for attack speed slow for Cait and Jax and GA for in case I fail my insec)
I love seeing gambit feed! LOL
Overrated team.
group B = group free

i'm impatient for the Rolster stomps
Kanye West
KT Bullets look good but not unbeatable. iG almost beat them but then baron throws :/

EU scene is dead they said
Gambit are finished they said
now EU is the scene with the most teams still in IEM
Thats the power of Gambit Gaming <3

Vulf wrote:

I love seeing gambit feed! LOL
Overrated team.
Gambit is not overrated. CJ Frost is probably the only team in the world that has better record on international turnaments (not counting teams that took part in one international tournament like SKT T1 K). Gambit hype on events like IEM is based on facts and stats.
P r o m i s e s
Elo boosters everywhere.


lol whats the point?

P r o m i s e s wrote:

Elo boosters everywhere.

How is being Bronze 5 considered eloboosting?
Holy fuck

Sankaritarina wrote:

Gambit is not overrated. CJ Frost is probably the only team in the world that has better record on international turnaments (not counting teams that took part in one international tournament like SKT T1 K). Gambit hype on events like IEM is based on facts and stats.
Go read reddit.

BrokenArrow wrote:

P r o m i s e s wrote:

Elo boosters everywhere.

How is being Bronze 5 considered eloboosting?
Look at those Trynd and Garen stats. LOL
Most likely someones duo queue smurf to abuse ranked matchmaking for easier games. I wouldn't be surprised at all if they were elo boosting others with that account.

Edit: Apparently "Summoner 4" is the same person.
P r o m i s e s

BrokenArrow wrote:

P r o m i s e s wrote:

Elo boosters everywhere.

How is being Bronze 5 considered eloboosting?
He purposely gets himself in Bronze 5 while he probably is someone from diamond 1. He duo's with someone for money, and carries the person he's duo-ing with. He avoids winning his promo's by playing garen and/or nunu and feeding hard.
Last time I checked he duo'ed with someone named "WeLoveYouTeoLite" and he was silver 3. He's now gold 5 lol

*EDIT* Found another one lol ... nked-stats
Played an ARAM with Crumbz, was pretty fun

Luckily I got Nami so I just spammed spells and it worked, didn't embarass myself too much

Can anyone offer some tips to a Gangplank user?
Love the champion but things have just not gone well for me this season. =(

Vulf wrote:

Sankaritarina wrote:

Gambit is not overrated. CJ Frost is probably the only team in the world that has better record on international turnaments (not counting teams that took part in one international tournament like SKT T1 K). Gambit hype on events like IEM is based on facts and stats.
Go read reddit.
I read it every day, not sure how that changes anything I said.

P r o m i s e s wrote:

He purposely gets himself in Bronze 5 while he probably is someone from diamond 1. He duo's with someone for money, and carries the person he's duo-ing with. He avoids winning his promo's by playing garen and/or nunu and feeding hard.
Last time I checked he duo'ed with someone named "WeLoveYouTeoLite" and he was silver 3. He's now gold 5 lol
Playing duoq and carrying someone is not elo boosting, it's allowed. It sucks, but it's allowed.

Sankaritarina wrote:

I read it every day, not sure how that changes anything I said.
The fact that this made it to the front page and then was removed proves that the circle jerk is real. ... _see_this/

Also it could still be the fact that I still think Alex Ich is one of the biggest douches out there after what he did back in season 2 that influences that opinion.

Vulf wrote:

Sankaritarina wrote:

I read it every day, not sure how that changes anything I said.
The fact that this made it to the front page and then was removed proves that the circle jerk is real. ... _see_this/

Also it could still be the fact that I still think Alex Ich is one of the biggest douches out there after what he did back in season 2 that influences that opinion.
The thread got removed so I have no idea what did it say.

How is Alex a douche? Most of Moscow 5 members were toxic in season 2, but people change.
the nigga sang happy birthday to his wife in broken english in front of thousands of people

he's a cool dude

Justykanna wrote:

Can anyone offer some tips to a Gangplank user?
Love the champion but things have just not gone well for me this season. =(
He's at his best when enemy team is low on jump skills. Level one is still very deceptive and most players still can get baited by red pot. If you're planning a level one kill top lane, try to kill 1-2 minions of the enemy wave and not lose any of yours for the best results. His E is a massive buff for teams that need movement and autoattacking. Don't get baited by Q bonus gold, don't freeze the lane when you can roam and do something with your team or harass an opponent who's low on hp regen/lifesteal. His most efficient builds in my opnion are full damage (Shiv is one the best items for GP damage builds I highly recommend it) and high armor tank disruptor. Therefore I wouldn't recommend him against teams heavy on magic burst.

Soloq support GP is quite okay when you got a pick that can utilise your E buff well. If you're winning your lane and your adc is an okay guy, you can go for double Shiv rush.

That's all I can think of from the get-go.
I'm just waiting for his rework.
I never heard of a Gangplank rework plan and I don't think he needs one either.

I'd be hella weirded out if he was reworked tbh.
I don't want to start the whole "X needs a rework because of Y reasons" discussion again, but his rework has been confirmed by Riot GMang.
Source: ... 0#45650180

It's in the same boat as the Warwick rework. "It's done when it's ready". So it can be next month or next year before it's finished.
Hey. The rework might turn out to be better. *pfffffffff

Justykanna wrote:

Can anyone offer some tips to a Gangplank user?
Love the champion but things have just not gone well for me this season. =(
Dont harass with your q until you have your shiv just focus on DAT extra gold.

AnegoHC wrote:

Justykanna wrote:

Can anyone offer some tips to a Gangplank user?
Love the champion but things have just not gone well for me this season. =(
Dont harass with your q until you have your shiv just focus on DAT extra gold.

AnegoHC wrote:

Justykanna wrote:

Can anyone offer some tips to a Gangplank user?
Love the champion but things have just not gone well for me this season. =(
Dont harass with your q until you have your shiv just focus on DAT extra gold.
Is this true? I mean it sounds pretty smart
Is this true? I mean it sounds pretty smart
Well to be honest -I- think its match up depending
If you play against someone who can sustain like hell (Aatrox for example) your q wont do much early
If you play against someone who cant sustain (Darius for example) you can try to safe harass them
If you play against someone who can block or absorb your q (Malph/Shen/Panth) Its just nonsense using your q

Dont harass with your q until you have your shiv just focus on DAT extra gold.
Sorry, TKiller I really was a bit lazy with my post :|
You basically need to harass and utilise the bonus gold at the same time while keeping your resources in mind. Only using it early levels to farm in every matchup is a terrible advice.
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