
Clinton VanSciver & Swedish Egil - Love Letters (MitiS Chill

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This beatmap was submitted using in-game submission on sábado, 2 de novembro de 2013 at 23:06:43

Artist: Clinton VanSciver & Swedish Egil
Title: Love Letters (MitiS Chilled Overnight Remix)
Tags: blue dragon kyshiro chillstep _gezo_ collab collaboration
BPM: 146
Filesize: 3438kb
Play Time: 01:32
Difficulties Available:
  1. Advanced (4,65 stars, 137 notes)
  2. BD's Hard (4,86 stars, 196 notes)
  3. Beginner (0,2 stars, 47 notes)
  4. Easy (2,36 stars, 78 notes)
  5. Kyshiro's Normal (4,17 stars, 113 notes)
  6. MuzuZoda (2,16 stars, 128 notes)
  7. OniZoda (4,48 stars, 231 notes)
  8. Suicide Note (4,95 stars, 181 notes)
Download: Clinton VanSciver & Swedish Egil - Love Letters (MitiS Chilled Overnight Remix)
Information: Scores/Beatmap Listing

Suicide note is 1 note collab between me and BD, as in one places 1 note and then the other places another note. Took ages to be finished.
normal incoming
DJ Angel
I raped this map

You have -2 kudosu remaining. You can earn kudosu by helping mod this map! You will gain 1 kudosu if you mod this map. sry
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DJ Angel wrote:

I raped this map

You have -2 kudosu remaining. You can earn kudosu by helping mod this map! You will gain 1 kudosu if you mod this map. sry
inb4 gets a bubble then gives up on the map
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Could you stop posting useless comments on my map threads? Thanks.
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Mod as you requested ingame

General thoughts:

  1. Add epilepsy warning to all of the diffs
  2. Volume of the objects are really low except on the kiai-time so raising the volume would be nice on every diff

  1. 00:54:317 (3) - This slider should be 1 grid up (same grid level as 00:51:030 (1,2,1) - )
  2. Nothing much, nice diff.
  1. 00:30:481 (2) - ''Object's end is not snapped''
  2. 01:30:482 (3) - Imo looks a bit ''dull'', adding more curve would make it look better?
  3. Nothing much, nice diff :3
Kyshiro's Normal>
  1. Nothing =(

  1. 01:16:919 (4) - ''Object's end is not snapped''
BD's Hard>
  1. 00:55:550 (9,3) - I'm pretty sure these aren't stacked perfectly?
  2. 01:00:893 (6,8) - These two should be at the same gird level?
Suicide note>

  1. 01:02:536 (1) - ''Object's end is not snapped''
Yeah sorry that I couldn't find more, if you found this mod useful you can kudo but I really don't need it :P GL and take a star <3
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Asphyxia wrote:

Mod as you requested ingame

General thoughts:

  1. Add epilepsy warning to all of the diffs ok
  2. Volume of the objects are really low except on the kiai-time so raising the volume would be nice on every diff we will see, lets get more feedback on this

  1. 00:54:317 (3) - This slider should be 1 grid up (same grid level as 00:51:030 (1,2,1) - ) wasn't the intention
  2. Nothing much, nice diff.
  1. 00:30:481 (2) - ''Object's end is not snapped'' fixd
  2. 01:30:482 (3) - Imo looks a bit ''dull'', adding more curve would make it look better? nah
  3. Nothing much, nice diff :3


  1. 01:16:919 (4) - ''Object's end is not snapped'' fixd
Suicide note>

  1. 01:02:536 (1) - ''Object's end is not snapped'' again lel
Yeah sorry that I couldn't find more, if you found this mod useful you can kudo but I really don't need it :P GL and take a star <3
thanks <3
just killing some time while being pissed off

Why do you go through the trouble of mapping an additional beginner and STILL add overlaps actual beginners will have troubles to read?
talking about
  1. 00:37:879 (2,3) - and 01:29:660 (1,2) -
  2. 00:51:030 (1,2,1) - and this. As [beginner] diff this is supposed to be the very first map some players will ever touch, so why this kind of stack. Yes there's plenty of time between the circles but no beginner knows how to deal with this yet
  3. also 01:07:468 (2,3) - same with this, beginners won't be able to read the reverse arrow. on top of that they break consistency
  1. Isn't this kind of... Easy? As in, easier than it's needed to be. You have a Bgeinner diff, so you should consider some 1/2 slider or something in here. it would then fit better to the spread considering the note density of [Normal]
  2. 00:28:016 (3,2) - blanket?
  3. 00:31:304 (3,1) - dunno, is this perfect?
  4. 01:16:509 (2,3) - mind rotating this by a few degrees clockwise to emphasize a somewhat curvy movement from (1) to (2) to (3)?
  1. I kinda dislike the difficulty gap between Easy which is really 1/1 max and this, containing some parts with successive 1/2. As said, raise the difficulty in Easy or lower this one a bit
  2. 00:13:221 (1) - first slider, first and prolly only slidershape I dislike. It looks kinda random. idk, put the red point in the middle, or put it on one of the sldierticks maybe
  3. 00:17:331 (3,4,1,2,3) - in relation to what I said before about the difficulty gap, couldn't stuff like this be simplified a bit?
  4. 00:36:235 (1,2) - this kinda looks poorly executed because of the blanket being closer to the sliderbody than the actual blanketed slidertail
  5. 00:53:495 (3,4) - kind of a flow issue? this kind of going back and forth doesn't feel intuititive at all
  6. 01:04:180 (4,5) - dislike this slider constellation. it just doesn't look good and doesn't feel like it plays extraordinarily well
  7. 01:12:400 (1) - bend the other way?
  8. 01:32:126 - care to end the map with a circle?
  1. 00:27:194 (2) - reverse arrow for this one to emphasize the vocals? you could then place a circle at 00:28:221 -
  1. 00:19:386 (9,10,11) - how about making this curvy, follwing the movement from the previous circles
  2. 00:25:961 (10,11,1) - why this spacing?
[Suicide Note]
  1. If I got this right this is your and BD's 1 note collab?
  2. 00:21:646 (6,7,8,9) - after agreeing on this pattern you could make this square perfect with 90° angles
  3. 00:20:208 (3,5) - I hate this overlap
  4. 00:53:906 (4,5) - the flow for those feels kinda awkward, you could reposition (4) and rotate it around a bit to make this smoother, I doubt it would hurt the consistency with the previous slider if you don't change the shape of (4)
  5. 01:09:728 (3,4) - blanket?
  6. 01:25:550 (1,2) - this doesn't look good.change (2) somehow. Give it another shape, make it blanket something or make it so that it looks less random
Topic Starter

Zarerion wrote:

just killing some time while being pissed off

Why do you go through the trouble of mapping an additional beginner and STILL add overlaps actual beginners will have troubles to read?
talking about
  1. 00:37:879 (2,3) - and 01:29:660 (1,2) - this is called spacing. 1/1 spacing.
  2. 00:51:030 (1,2,1) - and this. As [beginner] diff this is supposed to be the very first map some players will ever touch, so why this kind of stack. Yes there's plenty of time between the circles but no beginner knows how to deal with this yet yeah and then I remove it and they won't be prepared to play easy
  3. also 01:07:468 (2,3) - same with this, beginners won't be able to read the reverse arrow. on top of that they break consistency ^
  1. Isn't this kind of... Easy? As in, easier than it's needed to be. You have a Bgeinner diff, so you should consider some 1/2 slider or something in here. it would then fit better to the spread considering the note density of [Normal] I already have a normal and I don't want the transition between beginner and normal to be hard.
  2. 00:28:016 (3,2) - blanket? ok
  3. 00:31:304 (3,1) - dunno, is this perfect? yes
  4. 01:16:509 (2,3) - mind rotating this by a few degrees clockwise to emphasize a somewhat curvy movement from (1) to (2) to (3)? this works the way i wanted it to
  1. I kinda dislike the difficulty gap between Easy which is really 1/1 max and this, containing some parts with successive 1/2. As said, raise the difficulty in Easy or lower this one a bit I personally disagree. Experienced has A LOT of 1/2 and even 1/4.
  1. 00:27:194 (2) - reverse arrow for this one to emphasize the vocals? you could then place a circle at 00:28:221 - nah, that's weird
  1. 00:19:386 (9,10,11) - how about making this curvy, follwing the movement from the previous circles
  2. 00:25:961 (10,11,1) - why this spacing?
[Suicide Note]
  1. If I got this right this is your and BD's 1 note collab? kinda.
  2. 00:21:646 (6,7,8,9) - after agreeing on this pattern you could make this square perfect with 90° angles ???
  3. 00:20:208 (3,5) - I hate this overlap too bad
  4. 00:53:906 (4,5) - the flow for those feels kinda awkward, you could reposition (4) and rotate it around a bit to make this smoother, I doubt it would hurt the consistency with the previous slider if you don't change the shape of (4) makes no difference (?)
  5. 01:09:728 (3,4) - blanket? ok
  6. 01:25:550 (1,2) - this doesn't look good.change (2) somehow. Give it another shape, make it blanket something or make it so that it looks less random works as intended.
what's the point of a Beginner diff if Beginners get confused on it
they wont get confused on easy, they learn, but on the beginner they are are only learning how the game works, as in "okay this is a circle, wait for approach circle aaaand... click! Yay! okay! next object!" but they would probably not expect that next object to appear at the very same spot and then be surprised

/me leaves
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yes, so they retry and get better at stacks :)
>Suicide Note

... I want to cry

and I'm serious
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You're not the only one LOL this song makes me so depressed
#queue req
  1. no spinners ;w;
  1. 00:51:030 (1,2,1) - try to unstack this objects,it's better to not stack in the easier diffs :V
  2. 01:29:660 (1,2) - what about a reverse slider here?
  1. 00:51:030 (1,2,1) - like in beginner , pls don't stack ;_;
  1. 01:12:400 (1) - why don'tyou try to place like this: / this slider?
  1. 00:20:619 (2) - ctrl+g for a better flow
  1. 01:04:386 (6) - new combo
[Suicide Note]
  1. 01:08:290 (7) - i aspected a ctrl+g here
  2. 01:15:687 (1) - ctrl+g

<.<'' uhm.. i dont even think this is a mod ;____; hope to see this map ranked soon

the song is very sad...
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Lally wrote:

#queue req
  1. no spinners ;w; yeah ikr D: couldn't find any fitting place yet :c
  1. 00:51:030 (1,2,1) - try to unstack this objects,it's better to not stack in the easier diffs :V okay okay fixed
  2. 01:29:660 (1,2) - what about a reverse slider here? sure
  1. 00:51:030 (1,2,1) - like in beginner , pls don't stack ;_; okay
  1. 00:20:619 (2) - ctrl+g for a better flow hm I think this is better this way
[Suicide Note]
  1. 01:08:290 (7) - i aspected a ctrl+g here nice one
  2. 01:15:687 (1) - ctrl+g nah..

<.<'' uhm.. i dont even think this is a mod ;____; hope to see this map ranked soon

the song is very sad...;_;
Thanks :D
edit: WOW thanks for the star boost <3

01:26:372 (2,3) - Apenas coloque uma nota entre esses slides, acho que o som fica melhor lol
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Kuron-Kun wrote:


01:26:372 (2,3) - Apenas coloque uma nota entre esses slides, acho que o som fica melhor lol mas praticamente n tem som aí pra botar nota, parece overmap lol ok done
01:02:536 (1) - unsnapped end

[Luanny] wrote:

Lally wrote:

  1. 00:51:030 (1,2,1) - try to unstack this objects,it's better to not stack in the easier diffs :V okay okay fixed
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if more than one person says something should be fixed than it should be fixed :p
  1. 00:34:591 (2) - make this a copy paste of 00:28:016 (2) -, place it on the same grid and rotate it by 13 degrees, also move the 3 following notes 3 grids to the right then. Makes the blanket look smother imo
  1. Some of these overlaps are bugging me. In my opinion overlaps don't belong in Easy diffs
  2. 00:32:537 (4) - Few pixels left for prettier blanket maybe
  1. 00:32:948 (1) - Try to make 00:32:126 (6) - blanket around the end?
  2. 00:37:879 (6) -
[BD's Hard]
  1. 00:19:797 (1) - Blanket?
[Suicide Note]
  1. 00:28:016 (6) - Not a perfect overlap with end of 00:27:194 (3) -
  2. 01:02:536 (1) - End not snapped

Idk if this deserves kudosu or not, you decide
Hello, from your PM' Mod Req :3

Could be only me, the storyboard made my gameplay laggy. At least on windowed mode.
The skin isn't really that great for me. Especially the repeat arrow, it's a bit invisible because of the background color for the slider which is white.
Love the song though. :D
Nothing to see here. It's good.
00:21:441 (3) - I prefer having a Slider here with 2 beats. Just like 00:18:153 (3). Flow and beat is better imo. Image here. Just take care of the distance and stuff. That's just an example. xD
01:16:509 (2) - Move 2 grids right.
[Kyshiro's Normal]
00:18:975 (3) - Replace with a slider with half beat, then add a note half a beat before 00:19:797 (1). Image here. Sounds great for me. What do you think?
01:05:619 (8) - Did some replacements here. Sounds better. Image here.
That's it for me. Sorry i don't mod hard~insane diffs. Great map and song. Good luck :D
Topic Starter

Timorisu wrote:

  1. 00:34:591 (2) - make this a copy paste of 00:28:016 (2) -, place it on the same grid and rotate it by 13 degrees, also move the 3 following notes 3 grids to the right then. Makes the blanket look smother imo erm... this is kind of the s4me thing? o_o
  1. Some of these overlaps are bugging me. In my opinion overlaps don't belong in Easy diffs
  2. 00:32:537 (4) - Few pixels left for prettier blanket maybe but the bl4nket is 4lre4dy perfect
  1. 00:32:948 (1) - Try to make 00:32:126 (6) - blanket around the end? looks pretty weird to me
  2. 00:37:879 (6) - s4me
[Suicide Note]
  1. 00:28:016 (6) - Not a perfect overlap with end of 00:27:194 (3) - fixd
  2. 01:02:536 (1) - End not snapped no, 4imod is nuts, the note is perfectly sn4pped 4nd it keeps prompting this error (4long with some other errors)

Idk if this deserves kudosu or not, you decide

Fr33z3R wrote:

Hello, from your PM' Mod Req :3

Could be only me, the storyboard made my gameplay laggy. At least on windowed mode. only you prob4bly
The skin isn't really that great for me. Especially the repeat arrow, it's a bit invisible because of the background color for the slider which is white. gonn4 fix the 4rrow
Love the song though. :D
Nothing to see here. It's good.
00:21:441 (3) - I prefer having a Slider here with 2 beats. Just like 00:18:153 (3). Flow and beat is better imo. Image here. Just take care of the distance and stuff. That's just an example. xD 3 notes in sekuence doesnt sound right to me
01:16:509 (2) - Move 2 grids right. why
01:05:619 (8) - Did some replacements here. Sounds better. Image here. sorry this re4lly looks like 4 mess.
That's it for me. Sorry i don't mod hard~insane diffs. Great map and song. Good luck :D
Th4nks you two for the mods :3
(sorry for my broken keybo4rd)
Isn't this map a bit short?
Sem querer ofender

Oh sorry, I guess the song is short, too.
I think this mapset is ready to rank.

Topic Starter

yuberries wrote:

Isn't this map a bit short?
Sem querer ofender

Oh sorry, I guess the song is short, too.
Blame the song D:

ErunamoJAZZ wrote:

I think this mapset is ready to rank.

I wish
aaaa you asked me to mod this but i didn't
Topic Starter
do it then D:
Ello ^^ Random mod!

Reverse Arrow's dimensions must be 128*128.
The approach circle in my opinion is to well...shady o.o By this I mean the approach circle actually has a shadow. whether you intentionally made it like this or not, I suggest removing the shading, because it's hard to tell when to hit the object. The approach circle's shadow is just really distracting. Just keep its outline as black, and erase the shadow x.x

00:18:153 (3,1) - Bad overlap, this will confuse new players :S
00:30:481 (2) - AiMod says this slider's end is not snapped.
01:32:537 - 01:38:701 Youcan no, you should add a spinner here.

[Kyshiro's Normal]
AR +1
01:32:537 - same suggestion here as Easy.

00:36:441 (2,5) - Confusing overlap, stack or create a new path.

Though this diff looks good already, I feel that you could've made some jumps in certain parts of the song here :S

[BD's Hard]
01:00:893 (6) - ?
Makes a better flow imo.

[Suicide Note]
AR +1, so objects won't look to crowded.
01:14:043 (5,7) - Move apart,cause I see this:
Hope this helps~! ^^
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