
Bruno Mars - Treasure

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This beatmap was submitted using in-game submission on 04 July 2013 at 23:39:00

Artist: Bruno Mars
Title: Treasure
Tags: Unorthodox Jukebox
BPM: 116
Filesize: 4945kb
Play Time: 02:37
Difficulties Available:
  1. Easy (2.04 stars, 148 notes)
  2. Hard (4.87 stars, 311 notes)
  3. Normal (3.68 stars, 202 notes)
Download: Bruno Mars - Treasure
Information: Scores/Beatmap Listing
nearly there

  1. add tags Unorthodox Jukebox the album name


02:26:385 (3) - touching HP bar


  1. AR,HP -1 too high for normal diff imo
  1. just worry about some blue tick notes they can cause some confusing imo
00:08:281 (3) - how about adding note wiht soft sampleset and clap? ( feels really empty here )
00:12:419 (4) - ^
00:16:557 (3) - ^ ( if you do this, 00:17:333 (3) - also delete this )
02:16:557 (6) - need note?


00:09:833 (9) - hmm how about delete this note and 00:09:962 (10) - move this slider instead and increasing slider's length to 3/4 ( by 00:10:221 - here )
00:47:074 (4) - add Normal finish for consistence
01:02:074 (9) - how about finish? ( oh and delete whistle )
01:32:850 (3,4) - make these notes to 1/2 slider and add a note 01:33:109 (5) - here, much better for rhythm imo
01:45:005 (4) - add drum clap on end ( 00:47:074 (4) - like here )
02:00:005 (9) - same as 01:02:074 (9) -
02:14:489 (4) - touching HP bar
02:16:040 (5) - missed clap here?
02:26:385 (4) - touching HP bar

i'll edit this post when i got a time to mod others sorry D:

sorry for delay, anyway good luck with this~
Just reamed [Hard], since DC was so particular about the streams in my map. <3

12:47 D33d: Okay, obvious things: Forced blankets and odd use of streams.
12:47 D33d: I would definitely make the first verse focus more on the groove and use sliders.
12:47 DiamondCrash: forced?
12:48 D33d: Where you've cheated and reduced the spacing to make the blankets work.
12:48 D33d: They look like 1/4. Change that.
12:48 DiamondCrash: where are we talking here
12:48 D33d: Choruses
12:49 D33d: 00:43:712 (4,1) - 0.58x
12:49 DiamondCrash: aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa
12:49 DiamondCrash: I didn't even notice that
12:49 DiamondCrash: well fuck, that is quite the predicament
12:50 D33d: Yes, just widen the arc or come up with something non-blanketing.
12:50 DiamondCrash: back to the ol' drawing board
12:50 D33d: For the start of the first verse, I think it'd be a much better idea to use stacks.
12:50 D33d: There's no real indication of spacing and that could easily be 1/2 to a player.
12:52 D33d: I think when you have longer arcs blanketing 1/4, you should try to make the spacing the same as the other 1/4 stuff.
12:55 D33d: For example, pull the longer arc in patterns like this.
12:56 DiamondCrash: fair enough
12:56 D33d: Also, >missing the Y axis by one grid4 GRID3 WOULD BE NICE
12:57 DiamondCrash: piss off I need my grid 4 to survive
12:57 DiamondCrash: *snort*
12:57 D33d: I've got used to defaulting to grid3 and then using grid4 to tweak. It's much more efficient.
12:59 DiamondCrash: I just like it too much to give it up
12:59 D33d: 01:17:333 (1,2,3,4,5,6) - I'd just do this instead.
13:00 D33d: I.e. so that you don't overload the player with spaced streams and the semiquavers aren't as prominent.
13:01 DiamondCrash: I kinda like the overload, though
13:01 DiamondCrash: it's intenser than it would be otherwise
13:01 D33d: Maybe, but you shouldn't force it/do more than is necessary.
13:01 D33d: 'Specially because hard's the hardest difficulty.
13:02 D33d: Oh yeah, one other thing
13:02 DiamondCrash: go ooooooon
13:03 D33d: 02:27:290 - This slider.
13:04 D33d: Make it end a semiquaver sooner, so that it isn't overmapped and aaaaaawkward.
13:04 DiamondCrash: okays
13:04 D33d: You can arrange the following circles like this too.
13:05 DiamondCrash: fair enough
13:05 D33d: I think that's all that bugged me now.
13:06 D33d: But yeah, my main issue is that the streams start so soon. I'd definitely use stacks or conjoined sliders at the start.
13:07 D33d: Also, for the sake of keeping it steady, I'd lose this one circle too. 00:08:669 (1) - I think it'd feel much nicer to stick to the beat, let the player HEAR the offbeat notes and then hit them with those later.
13:07 DiamondCrash: fair enough
13:07 D33d: Honestly though, this map's sex.
13:07 DiamondCrash: fack
13:07 D33d: grrr
13:08 D33d: I just said that this map's sex.
13:08 DiamondCrash: which map o:
13:09 D33d: As in, yours.
13:09 DiamondCrash: oh goodness
13:09 DiamondCrash: that's good
13:09 D33d: Really, it's lovely, but it feels like it develops too quickly.
13:09 D33d: Ease the player into the crazy patterns and it'll be just fine.
13:09 D33d: do you mind if I post a log in the thread?
13:10 DiamondCrash: rock on
13:10 D33d: Sweet
13:10 D33d: Also, there's a better way of doing elbow sliders.
13:10 DiamondCrash: okay what would you do for the start
13:10 D33d: Just have the points at 45 degrees, make the diagonal points slightly longer than the others in the curve and then the end should snap properly.
13:11 D33d: Like I said, just use stacks of use sliders 1/4 after each other.
13:11 D33d: Well if nothing else, maybe two 1/2 arcs instead of the two 1/4 triples. That or turn those into stacks.
13:13 D33d: Also yeah, elbow like this and the end will align perfectly.
13:13 DiamondCrash: alrighty

Actually, there wasn't loads to point out specifically, but a general "ease the player into the spaced streams" vibe went down. Get this ranked!
not much to say it is damn sexy log part of my mod4 mod is in there
Shohei Ohtani
I might mod this later. But it's both a DC map and I have a poopload of other requests to get done, so uguu~

Stars for now tho.
- Weird bitrate you got there :P
- Easy and Normal are missing the album in the tags

00:47:074 (3,1) - I know this is the pattern you will consistently use in the next few combo's, but here it sounds rather awkward to me. If you can think of something else, that's great, but it's not too bad if it stays.
01:45:005 (3,1) - ^
02:26:385 (3,1) - ^

01:11:902 (3) - Maybe start this one 1/4 tick earlier and increase it's duration of one 1/4 tick? Fits the lyric timing better and would not be too hard for a Normal.
01:13:971 (2) - ^

That is all.
The Revenge of the IRC
21:35 D33d: [Normal] 01:10:609 - I'd make these all follow the vocals.
21:35 D33d: 'Specially beacuse one of them breaks the pattern by actually following an offbeat
21:35 DiamondCrash: I was told not to
21:36 DiamondCrash: but then I changed it and yep
21:36 D33d: You kinda should, since they'd still be at quavers to each other and really easy to follow.
21:36 DiamondCrash: issal vocals now
21:36 D33d: Nice one.
21:36 D33d: Christ, who suggested that?
21:36 DiamondCrash: well wait you mean they're all blue ticks now
21:38 D33d: In the version that I have, 01:10:609 (2) - and the like don't end on the vocals and then the dotted quaver gap is kinda ambiguous.
21:38 D33d: Just follow the vocals so that you have quavers between the sliders, then everything'll be smoother and more expressive imo.
21:38 DiamondCrash: oooooooooooooooooooooh
21:38 DiamondCrash: fuckin eh
21:38 D33d: I know that you wanted the backbeat, but ehhhhh
21:39 D33d: Don't think it feels as good when they actually make the pattern feel less steady.
21:39 D33d: Just some more smallish things that I'm trying to find again, so bear with.
21:39 D33d: Oh yeah. Y'know where you've place circles on the bass pops? I think that drumclaps would work nicely.
21:40 D33d: It'd work with the drumfinishes which occur later in the choruses.
21:40 DiamondCrash: realtalk, I dunno how to arrange that on normal
21:41 D33d: Huh?
21:41 D33d: 00:38:023 (2) - add a drumclap and it'd be stronger.
21:41 D33d: That's all I mean.
21:42 D33d: Also maybe add softwhistles in parts like this 00:38:540 -
21:42 D33d: Since it's a subtle chime in the track.
21:43 D33d: I think that you should use normal finishes at the start of combo 1s in the chorus too, to break up the softs.
21:46 DiamondCrash: normal finish is too hard
21:46 D33d: No it isn't.
21:47 DiamondCrash: yus it is
21:47 D33d: Drumnormal/normalfinish?
21:47 DiamondCrash: yah
21:47 D33d: I just thought that the softs should be broken up.
21:47 D33d: Drumnormal/normalfinish is a pretty awesome combination though. It's nice and splashy.
21:48 DiamondCrash: I think it keeps it lighter
21:48 D33d: It does.
21:48 DiamondCrash: which is why I like the hihat on the red ticks
21:48 D33d: In that instance, it's over quite a prominent bass pop.
21:48 DiamondCrash: cause it's got that hi-hat offbeat thing that disco does, yo
21:48 D33d: Just have the hi-hat WITH the tom.
21:48 D33d: It isn't overbearing.
21:48 DiamondCrash: it hella is
21:49 D33d: No it isn't.
21:49 D33d: Like at all.
21:49 DiamondCrash: it's like "TREpppht"
21:49 DiamondCrash: where the pppht is the tom
21:49 D33d: Just try and make it stronger.
21:50 D33d: Either way, drumclaps don't cut through that much and actually complement a bass guitar.
21:51 DiamondCrash: I disagree
21:51 D33d: Suit yourself. It still sounds limp to me.
21:51 DiamondCrash: though that soft hitwhistle thing is good, adding that
21:51 D33d: Yes
21:52 D33d: Try a default hitnormal under the offbeat, because it's weaker than the actual snare sample that you've used.
21:52 D33d: To be honest, I think that the custom snare could be softened a little bit.
21:54 D33d: When it follows a drumfinish, it sounds all thoom, TTRA, tish, ss.
21:54 D33d: ...I've just noticed that you have softnormals on the backbeat as well, so either use drumnormals instead of softnormals or use the custom snare more.
21:55 D33d: Though really, the bass offbeat thing bugs me more when it follows that REALLY LOUD SNARE SAMPLE.
21:56 D33d: That's all I can be arsed to say about the hitsounds, since I found nothing else to be lacking there. Mapping-wise, it's just the long sliders.
21:57 D33d: Gonna blast through insane quickly and you can confirm/deny whatever.
21:57 D33d: 00:09:704 (8) - I'd get rid of this to break up the 1/4 a bit, especially because it's the start. The second syllable of "little" is practically nonexistent, so nobody would miss it.
21:58 DiamondCrash: yeah, sure
21:58 D33d: 00:11:902 (5,6) - I don't know why you were banging on about keeping things light, when the drumfinishes are woefully overdone. Drumclap on (5), drumnormal on the start of (6).
21:59 DiamondCrash: oh jeez didn't even notice that
21:59 D33d: The bass is only accented a little bit, then it plays kind of a ghost note.
21:59 D33d: yeah
21:59 D33d: Sorry to go back, but maybe turn 00:05:695 (3,4,5) - into a slider, since the next phrase is also a slider.
22:00 D33d: Extra notes or not, it's weird for it to go easier after the start.
22:00 DiamondCrash: that's like super deceptive to the rest of the map though
22:00 D33d: I suppose, do whatever with that.
22:01 DiamondCrash: put it back the way it was? ;)
22:01 D33d: 00:17:979 (5,6,7,8) - Could you try to make this a bit less angular? It feels a little harsh to me.
22:02 DiamondCrash: suggestion for that?
22:02 D33d: Not completely sure within the restraints, so leave it if you can't figure out anything.
22:03 D33d: The bass figures like this 00:11:643 (3,4,5) - are mostly legato, so I'd prefer a slider over the legato. Hitting semiquavers over the hammerons feels a bit wrong to me.
22:04 DiamondCrash: eh, those notes are all very distinct, I don't think I'd call it legato, myself
22:04 D33d: 00:42:936 (4) - This has a normal finish instead of a soft finish.
22:04 D33d: It's pretty legato and I know a legato bass figure when I hear one.
22:05 DiamondCrash: the notes are all very distinct
22:05 D33d: Though yeah, check your samplesets.
22:05 D33d: Hardly.
22:05 D33d: Doesn't matter so much to me.
22:05 DiamondCrash: it's got a real badadada to it
22:05 D33d: It's more like a "flubabudda" line.
22:06 D33d: Compared to when the bass pops in other places. Just a thought.
22:06 D33d: 01:10:609 - You ought to hitsound the vocals more strongly.
22:07 DiamondCrash: hitsounded that the same way I did normal
22:07 D33d: Hitsound them both more strongly.
22:07 DiamondCrash: with what
22:08 D33d: Softwhistles on the vocal pops, maybe hitnormals and descending drum samples.
22:08 D33d: Figure out something that fits.
22:08 DiamondCrash: it is blue ticks you're talking
22:08 D33d: Yes.
22:08 D33d: You can have stronger hitsounds which sound complementary/additive.
22:09 DiamondCrash: 01:11:514 (3) - so for example, what would go here?
22:09 D33d: A soft whistle, obviously.
22:09 D33d: Maybe even a soft clap.
22:09 D33d: Um. default soft clap
22:10 DiamondCrash: ew no
22:10 D33d: It's quite an obvious legato pop, so a soft whistle would work.
22:10 DiamondCrash: I got a soft whistle on the start of four, though
22:10 D33d: Normal-hitnormal or drumclap.
22:11 DiamondCrash: where
22:11 D33d: Start of 4. Default normals are not overbearingly strong.
22:11 DiamondCrash: how about a drumwhistle on 3
22:12 D33d: Nah, keep a finish. Either a normal-hitnormal/soft-hitfinish or a drum-hitnormal/normal-hitfinish.
22:12 D33d: Just play with different finishes and see how you can arrange them.
22:13 D33d: I like the sound of a drumfinish on 01:12:807 (1) - since it's the lowest note and that would actually suit it.
22:13 D33d: 01:19:143 - You botched some of the elbow blankets in these patterns.
22:14 D33d: In an elbow, have the points at 45 degrees to each other.
22:14 DiamondCrash: alright, I did something
22:14 D33d: Okay cool.
22:15 D33d: 01:20:178 (3) - On the ends of this slider, go drumnormal, drumfinish, drumwhistle.
22:16 D33d: Two consecutive floor toms sounds bad to me.
22:16 D33d: The hi-hat leads nicely into the crash as well.
22:17 DiamondCrash: I didn't do exactly what you said but okay
22:17 D33d: 01:23:023 (1) - Just snap this properly. It won't break anything. The new combo would make sense on the slider as well.
22:17 DiamondCrash: um?
22:18 D33d: It's a pointless jump?
22:18 D33d: The new combo also occurs during a phrase, instead of after it.
22:19 DiamondCrash: okaaaay
22:19 D33d: 01:33:626 (7) - I wonder if you could take a repeat off this and then have a 1/4 pentagon on the drum fill?
22:20 DiamondCrash: or lead onto the pentagon from the end of the slider?
22:20 D33d: Possibly, but I think it'd be better to have the semiquaver pattern as all circles.
22:20 D33d: It'd be stronger.
22:21 D33d: Either way, put a finish on the end of the combo because of how strong it is.
22:22 D33d: Yeah I think this would work well enough
22:23 DiamondCrash: I flipped 6 and put it on the other side instead
22:23 D33d: 01:43:454 (4,1) - Hadn't noticed this in [Normal], but I don't like the two softfinishes right after each other.
22:23 D33d: okay cool
22:24 D33d: Actually, a lot of the chorus sounds pretty annoying with all of those softfinishes. They're not as deep as normals, but they certainly stick out more.
22:25 D33d: That's' all. Go through and replace the softnormals with drumnormals as well, 'cause softnormals are so limp.
22:27 D33d: Check [Easy] for hitsound consistency. The start has softwhistles instead of normalwhistles. Personally, I'd just have normal/softwhistles anyway.
22:27 D33d: I'd consider spacing out the stacks in [Easy] as well, since they tend to make players panic-click too quickly.
22:28 DiamondCrash: sorry where are these normalwhistles you refer to
22:28 D33d: 00:06:600 -
22:28 D33d: Make them softwhistles on top of normals.
22:29 DiamondCrash: normalwhistles on softs, you mean
22:30 D33d: [Easy] 00:45:005 (3) - Is missing hitsounds. Lonely circles such as 00:57:419 (3) - in any instance should be no weaker than a drumnormal.
22:30 DiamondCrash: no wait no that sounds horiffic
22:30 D33d: No it doesn't?
22:31 D33d: Better than an overwhelming normal whistle.
22:31 DiamondCrash: it's what it is everywhere else
22:31 DiamondCrash: if y'all want consistency, that's what it is
22:31 D33d: Sounds far too strong for a map which is supposed to sound light.
22:31 D33d: Yes, but don't make it consistently gash.
22:32 DiamondCrash: so leave it the way it was
22:32 D33d: A normal finish on its own would do it for me. There's enough emphasis as it is.
22:32 D33d: Just lose the normal whistle.
22:33 DiamondCrash: I do not recall using a normal whistle in easy
22:33 DiamondCrash: apart from the one slider that has it
22:33 DiamondCrash: twice
22:33 DiamondCrash: three times
22:33 DiamondCrash: twice?
22:33 D33d: You have normal whistles in normal and hard.
22:33 D33d: Unless I fucked something up.
22:34 DiamondCrash: well, this is true
22:34 DiamondCrash: not so suitable for easy
22:34 D33d: I'll make it easier. 00:06:600 - Normal finish in all diffs and whenever this repeats.
22:34 D33d: No whistles. They sound nasty.
22:34 DiamondCrash: took you long enough to get round to mentioning that
22:35 D33d: I did, when I said that easy has softwhistles instead of normalwhistles. Keep up
22:35 DiamondCrash: well, yes, but you didn't mention it in the dificulties that actually have the damn normalwhistles
22:36 D33d: 01:10:350 - From here, everything's going anticlockwise for five long bars. See if you could add some directional changes, e.g. by flipping 01:16:040 (2) - vertically.
22:37 D33d: Look, I was paying more attention to other things at the start. I then noticed the inconsistency, before noticing how nasty the other diffs sounded in comparison.
22:38 D33d: 02:16:557 - Feels like the slider could end here or like a circle could be added. See what you think.
22:38 D33d: That's me done.
22:39 D33d: Though yeah if nothing else, fix those broken elbow blankets in [Hard]. Not sure how they happened.
22:40 DiamondCrash: ALRIGHTY
22:40 DiamondCrash: do the chatlog kudosu whoring thing won't you
22:40 D33d: More laborious than I thought, but save the chat if you need to look at it later
22:40 D33d: Oh, more kudosu? sure thing.

Basically, make sure that everything's as tidy as possible and that nothing is hitsounded too weakly. A song like this needs to sound satisfying throughout.
Treasure, that is what you are!
Honey, you're my golden star~

selected + resized a new BG (the one in use now) and fixed the tags AGAIN TWICE

Shohei Ohtani
inb4 everyone is mad
/me is mad.

/me makes a Drama
Officially ranked.
Drama drama drama!
wowo owo
omedeto tho :D

me gonna make drama now oky owo *makes a biiiiiiiiiig drama* Imma drama queen \owo7
Great stuff, congrats DC!
Congratulations! However, DC told me that the wrong version was ranked. Did that happen with the background change or something? He said that it was the first version, which seemed fine to me in the first place.

D33d wrote:

Congratulations! However, DC told me that the wrong version was ranked. Did that happen with the background change or something? He said that it was the first version, which seemed fine to me in the first place.
The first version?
All copyrighted songs are going to be deleted of osu... But don't let this Treasure die <3
Shohei Ohtani

D33d wrote:

Congratulations! However, DC told me that the wrong version was ranked. Did that happen with the background change or something? He said that it was the first version, which seemed fine to me in the first place.
I suppose it is unrankable since Normal is AR6.
According to osu!wiki, Normal must be AR5 or below.
just opinion.
Shohei Ohtani
um where

Like I just looked and like

kajiyatta wrote:

I suppose it is unrankable since Normal is AR6.
According to osu!wiki, Normal must be AR5 or below.
just opinion.
it is not a rule

Congratulations, DC

Gabe wrote:

D33d wrote:

Congratulations! However, DC told me that the wrong version was ranked. Did that happen with the background change or something? He said that it was the first version, which seemed fine to me in the first place.
The first version?
Yeah, he said that it was the first which he'd uploaded. Nothing that can be done about it now, but it'd put him and me at ease if we knew what the cause was.

Also, where the Hell is it stated that normals shouldn't exceed AR5? That's a preposterous notion. AR6 is fine for normal and hard.
I loved Bruno Mars until I played this map. I say this because there should have been a lot more work done to this map before it was ranked. A lot of the patterns do not flow well at all and the map is cut so much that it really feels like a hassle to even try and finish.
Shohei Ohtani
oh no
SNSD Taeyeon
Why is this even ranked. Needs fixing
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