
Muse - Panic Station

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This beatmap was submitted using in-game submission on 12 May 2013 at 19:31:44

Artist: Muse
Title: Panic Station
Tags: D33d
BPM: 105
Filesize: 5618kb
Play Time: 03:00
Difficulties Available:
  1. Calm (0.5 stars, 119 notes)
  2. iNiD33d (4.51 stars, 265 notes)
  3. Panic (4.94 stars, 397 notes)
  4. Stress (2.85 stars, 230 notes)
Download: Muse - Panic Station
Information: Scores/Beatmap Listing
A very eductional song, helping kids learn to count... well, I guess it does miss out '8' but you can't fit in everything can you?
Enjoy the map, and thanks to D33d for the quest difficulty. :)
So overmapped. Once it gets going (streams begin), the rhythms barely follow the music and are very hard to read.
The streams' spacing is also very harsh, so you should really call it Insane.

Set tick rate 2
00:43:764 (1) - This is so long
01:11:622 (1) - Feels out of place and also way too long.
01:20:336 (7) - Example of something not making any sense.
01:51:050 (4) - One grid down
01:51:907 (6) - ^

I started a combo mod but it was taking too long. Please ask if you actually want one.
Topic Starter

mm201 wrote:

So overmapped. Once it gets going (streams begin), the rhythms barely follow the music and are very hard to read.
Could you not here the trumpets or something?

Mashley wrote:

mm201 wrote:

So overmapped. Once it gets going (streams begin), the rhythms barely follow the music and are very hard to read.
Could you not here the trumpets or something?

I have nothing constructive to say at this time except that I like this map and you'd better make a full set.
The fuck, mm? The trumpet lines are piss-easy to follow. I only struggled with some of the off-beats near the end. You of all people should be able to read spacing for the syncopated riffs, or are you too white for funky lines?

You might want to reduce the volume of the hitsounds and lay off the whistles somewhat. The hitsounds do obscure the trumpet riffs somewhat, which could be why poor Greggles couldn't hear them.

In any case, here's how to mod:


Use brighter combo colours! The red approach circles blend in quite a lot and the blue circles aren't too much better. Make the colours pop. The background is begging for it and I will choose the colours for you if you like.

00:37:193 (7) - I'd prefer the finish on the start of the slider and maybe a clap on the end. The clap on the end would create a sexy clap pattern with what follows it. Consider it if this sort of things recurs, because I can't be arsed to find any similar instances.

01:11:050 (7,8,9) - Please consider using two 1/4 sliders instead, because I find the stack-slider thing to be really awkward.

01:26:050 (3) - This slider definitely doesn't fit and it cuts right through the eighth. The following kickslider also feels overdone. Please consider doing something like this:

01:58:050 (4) - Again, this slider doesn't fit, in that it doesn't emphasise a more prominent part of the music. Just put a circle at 01:58:193 - and rearrange the following pattern. I dunno; listen to the music again and change what doesn't follow the steady 1/2 patterns.

02:41:336 (2,3,4) - Again! This keeps scuppering the trumpet riff. Do this:


02:46:336 (4,5) - Even this doesn't fit. This would be an excellent place for a majestic stream which starts on the beat. Hell, if you want to keep the slider, then you could try something like this:

All of the screenshots are obviously suggestions, but they would definitely fit better than what you have.

Sexy ending.

I would love to make a guest hard for this. The song's too good to pass up and I would have a world of fun with the off-beats.
Bump. 'Ave a banana. I mean, a guest diff. Finish this set!

Also, make all of your spinners start on the beat, because it just feels better and then the space before them would make them easier to anticipate. That is all.

DEEDIT: That's the diff finished now. Go nuts, modders, but remember that I'm trying to make this feel as much like an iNiS diff as possible. Offbeats can totally be anticipated without slider polarity.
Okay, triple posting is getting a bit silly, but fuck it I'm pouring my efforts into this and I might as well make my diff cooler.

Changed some hitsounds and spinner ends and added some bits here and there. I did have the outro mapped, but I discussed it and decided that it'd be sensible to end on the spinner.

Have a micromod for [Calm] as well.

00:23:622 - While the repeat lands on a note, it doesn't land on an important note and it totally kills the feel for me. Just have three 1/1 circles again or maybe circles on 1, 2, followed by a longer slider or something. Just change this!

00:28:193 - You should make this arc symmetrical, because it looks sad and droopy. Obviously, it'd then need to be copypasted throughout the map.

01:59:622 (1,2,3,4,5,6) - I don't like the fact that this pattern plods on, stops for the sake of it and then plods a bit more. I think that a four-beat slider would fit better, followed by four circles on the beat. This sort of thing would be sexy:

02:52:193 - I'm sure that you could make this feel less empty.

Also, I'm fairly sure that the offset is a little bit off, unless the track is slightly inconsistent itself. It's probably just me, although somebody else suggested moving it back by a few milliseconds. I really don't know.
Doubts will try to break you
Unleash your heart and soul
Get this ranked.
Topic Starter
Ok ok I'mma finish this
Smexy stuff here!

The sliders would be so much smexier if you guys used the new circle sliders on the arcs on the difficulites (except for Stress because it already uses it but could use it more) because they would look wonderful.

02:04:249 - The break here just strikes me as odd as it's just as intense as the part before it and there was already a break not long ago.
I think mapping this part makes more sense.

00:10:535 (2) - 00:15:106 (2) - 00:19:678 (2) - 00:26:535 (3) - 00:58:535 (2) - ...And so on, these ones really could use a clap as it expressed in the song that way (And you did that in insane and it works wonderfully there~)

00:23:678 (1) - This blanket could be much more sexier
01:04:820 (4) - Add whistle on the repeat, works wonderful with the lyrics.

01:16:249 (1) - 02:13:392 (1) - Add finish to slider start.
01:25:392 (1,2) - 02:22:535 (1,2) - It feels odd that these are the only parts of the song that uses whistles and it's not even, remove these whistles or add more of em (It's feels especally weird during the second time this comes around as in the first chorus they kinda fit the guitar in the second they don't)

02:42:535 (4) - Ew ew ew ew, ugly touch on the HP bar.

Same thing with the claps as Calm

01:22:963 (1) - 02:38:392 (1) - This feels just so awkward for an Normal, I think making it into 1/1 sliders on the white tick (Also the slider could look a lot better)
01:24:820 (5) - 02:40:249 (5) - Move one tick to the right/left (grid 3)

00:30:535 (2,3) - and 00:39:678 (2,3,1) - The drum sliderticks just feels odd on these imo, I feel that the Normal tick rate works better.

Boy does the HP drain kick my ass on this :P

00:20:820 (6) - I think it would be more fitting if you moved this 1/4 back on the time line and made it 1/4 longer

Shut up and take my stars!
Topic Starter
Thanks Xgor
Hi! Mod4mod :D

Maybe you could add the album name (The 2nd Law) to the tags, so that it won't stay empty, and don't forget to add D33d because of his guest difficulty!
Check AiMod on each difficulty, because it says unsnapped Kiais and objects. but it might be bugged, so I'm not sure...>.<

00:11:106 (3,4) - the distance is too big, it should be the same on an easy diff, you could just move 00:09:963 (1,2,3) - all of these a bit to the right, so they will be closer
00:12:249 (4,1) - again, these are too far, but because of the music it does fit and I think it's not really confusing, but it still should be at least 0.1 closer than it is right now
00:23:678 (1) - it would fit better to the music if this slider was 1/1, both because of the big beat and because of the lyrics, make the slider shorter and add one more repeat or make it shorter and add a hit circle
00:28:249 (1) - add finish to the beginning of the slider? so that you can emphasize his singing better
00:36:249 (3,1) - these are a bit too far
00:36:820 - add hit circle? he sings there and also beat in the music
01:00:249 (4,1) - 1.4 that is really too far, I'm sure you can figure out something to keep symmetry and distance (it's not that hard, since there was a break before), just example (and still not perfect):
01:09:392 (3,1) - again too far, you could just put the slider end closer to the y axis, or rotate it a bit
01:12:820 (3,1) - why not stack the two end of the sliders? :P it might not be perfect, but looks better -->
01:24:249 (3,1) - already mentioned it before, they are too far
01:24:820 - add hit circle?
01:49:392 (6,1) - too far, maybe you could place these 01:48:820 (5,6) - differently, so that the distance will be fine and pattern wil not change much
02:21:392 (3,1) - already mentioned it before, they are too far
02:40:820 (1,2,3,4) - these are a bit too close, why not try this? - - and changing these 02:43:106 (1,2) - two of course, there is a spinner afterwards, so it shouldn't be too much trouble
02:54:820 (4) - this is a bit too close, it is not THAT close, but you could make it better, so maybe try this?
It is still symmetric, it's not so much different from yours, but distance is better :P

00:11:678 (4,4,4) - I wonder why these end on a blue tick, it's a bit weird imo and also a bit confusing because of the upcoming hit circles, so try to end them either on the white or red tick, and he starts singing on the white tick anyway
00:30:249 (2) - it would fit better if this was placed here 00:29:963 (2) - because of the beat and here 00:30:249 - he is still NOT singing
make it a nicer blanket - and after that look out for the distance here - 00:35:963 (2,3,4) - you can change them without touching (5)
00:38:820 (2) - remove hit circle, I think it's unnecessary, I cannot really hear anything in the music which would make me put anything at that point
00:39:392 (3) - same as I mentioned before, put it on the white tick
00:59:678 (4) - make it longer? (like I already mentioned)
01:04:250 (4) - ^
01:05:963 (4) - remove, and add only a hit circle, and after that add a wave shaped slider? it would fit better imo, and those repeats are kind of unnecessary, OR remove (4) and only add a slider like this - - but it's just an alternative and it would ruin your symmetry a bit >.<
01:10:535 (4) - maybe you could make this a better blanket for (1)?
01:17:678 (2,3) - already mentioned these
01:22:535 (4,1) - ^ - make it a better blanket
01:26:820 (2) - this one is okay because I can actually here him singing "uuuuuuuuuuuuh" :P
01:27:392 (3) - put on white tick?
02:00:820 - why didn't you put anything here? to bring variety? it's not that necessary to add anything but it would make it more consistant
02:03:106 - ^
02:45:678 (2) - try to put this somewhere else, it is kind of ugly because of the overlap - - something like this could work too -

00:12:106 (5) - this plays weird, I think you should put it on the white tick, it feels better because of the lyrics (or at least stack it with the slider end, so that it won't be so confusing)
00:20:820 (4) - this should last until the white tick because of the lyrics
00:25:392 (4) - ^
00:27:392 - add a hit circle, it would fit so well to that "uhhh" sound >.< (and make it a soft sound)
00:34:678 (2) - stack it with the slider end? or put it closer
01:01:535 (11,12) - a slider would fit better here because of "sooooo" (or whatever he sings) -
01:08:820 (4) - mentioned already, it should last until the white tick
01:13:392 (4) - place this a little bit earlier (to the blue tick) and leave the end like that (so it will end on the red one) it will fit more to the lyrics! and add hit circle because he sings there - 01:13:963
I would prefer if these were placed closer to the previous sliders:
01:50:535 (1) -
01:57:249 (8) -
01:59:535 (7) -

Well in general it was a bit disturbing that the sound was always(?) normal and very loud, so at least turn down the volume a bit? or you can might as well use some soft hitsounds if you want.
00:21:249 (7) - why not put this on the white tick which is right after the blue? :P would fit better to lyrics and sounds better, OR actually add a hit circle on the white tick 00:21:392 (8) - it doesn't sound bad!
00:24:535 (3,4) - this might sound nazi, but you could put (3) a bit to the right? even if you don't make a blanket, so that it will look better - (and you could also make slider a bit nicer, if you removed it and remade it with only 3 points, it would be nicer and easier :P)
01:03:678 (4,5) - this is not that appealing, you could try to make (4) a blanket for (5), or place it in another way, or rotate (4) a bit..etc.? or maybe put (5) down? like this (just an example) -
01:16:535 (2) - flip this horizontally and place it back to it's original place for better flow -
01:20:249 - add hit circle
01:20:392 (8) - remove this slider and add hit circle here 01:20:678 (8) - it would sound a lot better, and that repeat slider feels unnecessary
01:26:963 (1,2) - I would rather make a slider here instead of two hit circles, since he sings "uuuuuuh" and it feels long
01:51:392 (5) - add hit circle? or feels empty
01:54:106 (3) - add hit circle maybe? there is clearly a beat there
01:58:106 (4) - put this a little bit later, on the red tick? it would be consistent with 01:55:106 (2,3) - and it would sound better imo
02:13:678 (2) - same as suggested before, flip and replace to it's original place for better flow
02:17:106 (6,7) - already mentioned too, since it's basically the same patterns as before, try to do the same that I already mentioned
02:19:820 (8) - this sounds really weird, maybe you could try this? - (remove repeat from the slider, put it earlier then add hit circle on blue tick) he sings "and it's" (or something like that, I'm not sure, so that's why the slider without repeat would fit better, of course while placing it earlier)
02:24:106 (1,2) - mentioned too, slider instead of hit circles
02:28:963 (1) - this feels weird (and might as well play weird), I would put this on the white tick and 02:29:106 (2) - on the red tick
02:38:820 (2) - oh btw, it might be just my screen, but it looked as if this slider went out of the osu screen (but it really might have been only on my screen) and sorry, I might not have managed to take a good picture of it, but here - - and putting it a bit to the right wouldn't hurt anyway :P just to make sure it's not something unrankable
02:47:249 (9) - put this earlier? on the white tick
02:47:678 - add hit circle with a finish sound to emphasize the sound better, and put the spinner a little bit later

Done finally! Uff well sorry, I think you'll reject most of the things, the map was okay, but tbh it was a bit weird to play sometimes, but it's just my opinion ;D Good Luck!

Mystyk wrote:

00:12:106 (5) - this plays weird, I think you should put it on the white tick, it feels better because of the lyrics (or at least stack it with the slider end, so that it won't be so confusing) Compromise: I added an extra object after it, so it's now consistent with the next pattern. I didn't actually want the first combo to have a stack, but whatever. Also, why would it be confusing? The 1/2 spacing is gigantic and the 1/4 spacing's far too close to be 1/2. If this is seriously a problem for people, then I blame the fact that nobody seems to care about spacing any more.
00:20:820 (4) - this should last until the white tick because of the lyrics I'm not following the lyrics.
00:25:392 (4) - ^
00:27:392 - add a hit circle, it would fit so well to that "uhhh" sound >.< (and make it a soft sound) A soft sound? Really? I put a drumfinish on top of a hitnormal instead. I wasn't really treating the grunt as a musical thing because of how loose it felt, but I'll add it for now. I might change it back if it's too inconsistent with the next time that this pattern occurs.
00:34:678 (2) - stack it with the slider end? or put it closer The spacing is consistent with that which is later in the song. Also, you should know that these kind of maps don't stack anything on slider ends. I hate it anyway.
01:01:535 (11,12) - a slider would fit better here because of "sooooo" (or whatever he sings) - No. It'd screw with the flow and pattern and leaving it as it is feels much more final.
01:08:820 (4) - mentioned already, it should last until the white tick Aforementioned reasons.
01:13:392 (4) - place this a little bit earlier (to the blue tick) and leave the end like that (so it will end on the red one) it will fit more to the lyrics! and add hit circle because he sings there - 01:13:963 Yeah, the square slider pattern only fits the lyrics incidentally, for flow reasons. The patterns aren't actually following the lyrics.
I would prefer if these were placed closer to the previous sliders:
01:50:535 (1) - Only a tiny bit. 1.3x spacing is consistent throughout the song, save for the blanket at the start.
01:57:249 (8) - The spacing would be inconsistent... Maybe I could make an exception for blankets, but not for now.
01:59:535 (7) -
Thank you and goodnight. Sorry for never getting around to that mod.

Here is my update. I made the penultimate spinner into the final chorus end 1/4 earlier too, because it feels massively more satisfying that way. Plus, it allowed me to add an extra circle to the next combo, so that it actually followed the entire trumpet line. I've also made some changes to the hitsounds, as the sliderend bug still hasn't been fixed and I had to force normal hitsounds for some sliders. I've also made some changes which nobody will really notice--I made some hitsounds more satisfying and aligned a couple of things in more structured ways. ... 33d%5D.osu

By the way, the offset's late by 10ms. Please fix this. It's definitely late, because when I hit objects with drum hitsounds exactly to the map's timing, they sound off with the bass and kick drum.

Also, please make the combo colours match mine or at least make them brighter/pop more--if nothing else, the shade of red still blends a lot. I'd appreciate it if you matched mine exactly, down to the order, because I feel that the colours and ordering are much more effective. Matter of taste and all. Also, I'm still not keen on some/most of the overmapping.
- Add D33d to the tags since he's a guest mapper.

- 01:47:670 (4) - It fits the song, but I'm a bit concerned about ending the slider in 1/4. Might be confusing for new players.
- 01:52:241 (4) - Same as above.
- 02:01:955 () - I recommend adding a note here. The downbeat here is really audible and it sounds odd without a note.
- 02:54:812 (4) - Sliders with more than one repeat may be confusing for new players. I don't recommend adding them in an Easy. I recommend adding two sliders instead or something like this.
- 02:59:384 (4) - Same as above.

- 00:30:241 (2) - I find this note starting at the offbeat sounding out of place. There should be a note at 00:29:955 to make it play better. Alternatively, you can also just move it backwards by 1/2.
- 00:34:527 (4,1) - There's a polarityissue here. The slider starting at 1/4 may be confusing. I recommend making the 1/4 transition a slider instead like this. (The 1/4 slider is acceptable here since you can hear the vocals)
- 00:39:384 (3) - Similar to 00:30:241 (2). There should be a note at 00:39:098.
- 01:10:527 (4,1) - You could blanket these better.
- 01:18:241 (3) - Similar to 00:30:241 (2). There should be a note at 01:17:955.
- 01:22:527 (4,1) - Similar to 00:34:527 (4,1).
- 01:27:384 (3) - Similar to 00:30:241 (2). There should be a note at 01:27:098.
- 01:54:527 (5,6) - If you were to follow the music, both of these should be placed 1/4 back.
- 02:04:241 () - Start the break here.
- 02:33:098 (2,3) - Regarding these notes, they are similar to the issue at 00:30:241 (2), but the vocal ending is enough to make it sound in place.
- 02:37:955 (6,1) - Similar to 00:34:527 (4,1).

- Why do people have to copy m980's diff naming style xD?
- 00:34:670 (2) - Position it herefor better flow?
- 00:35:670 (4,5,6,7,8) - The pattern would flow better if it were in a circular pattern like this. The diagonal pattern feels too sharp.
- 01:13:384 (4) - The clap at the end sounds really odd IMO. Consider removing other claps at similar sliders.

- 01:09:955 (3) - Move this up a bit, so it will flow better. Like this.
- 01:11:670 (1) - I find this spinner out of place. In your other difficulties, you mapped this part with notes and sliders.
- 01:51:527 (5) - A polarity issue here. The introduction of the 1/4 here is sudden.
- 01:52:670 (1) - Since you already introduced the 1/4 rhythm before, this is fine.
You really need to add the music video that was released a couple of days ago.

Topic Starter

Jarby wrote:

You really need to add the music video that was released a couple of days ago.

I'm not sure, I like the video but it might just be too batshit crazy.
No such thing. I'll rip it and crop it for the map if you want though.
  1. Combo Colours: It'd be great if you changed the shade of Orange and Red to something like the current combo colours still blend with the BG . You can find the code here.
  1. 01:47:670 (4,5) - I'd strongly suggest to replace (5) with a slider so it's easier to hit after that 1/4 -> 1/1 transition.
  2. 01:52:241 (4,5) - Same for this one ^
  3. 03:00:812 (1) - Slightly off-screen. Select from 02:52:241 - to 03:00:812 - and move all the objects some grids up.
  1. 01:05:955 (4) - Try to avoid these short kick-sliders with repeats for [Normal] difficulties, I'd strongly suggest to use a wiggly slider instead.
  2. 01:10:527 (4) - I'd not encourage you to use slider with more than 1 repeat in [Normal], they are not really intuitive for beginners, unless there's enough reaction time.
  3. 03:00:812 (X) - Perhaps remove the circle and use a slider from here to 03:01:241 - ?
  4. There are some parts in the map where you constantly switch from 1/4 to 1/1, since the map is repetitive and the BPM is slow, it's acceptable to make such changes using circles, however there are some parts where due to the previous objects it's better to start this "change" with a slider, which is much easier to hit. Like 01:07:098 -
|inD33d| (no pun intented)
  1. 00:18:241 (X) - Skipping some beats it's okay but in this case it doesn't make much sense when you've mapped all the other similar vocal effects. You should map this one too. Same for 01:15:384 - if you've have mapped all the other vocal effects in the verse, I don't see why you didn't map this one.
  2. 00:30:527 (2,3) - I don't think these sliders fit this part of the song, you should keep these long slider for those parts where you get the "hold" feeling, in this part it's completely the opposite, using circles would be much better.
  3. 00:39:670 (2,3) - Same here ^
  4. 01:16:241 (1,2,3,4,1) - The flow in this parts feels rather bad, (4) and (1) to be specific, the mouse movement feels too forced. Try to re-arrange the last slider so the movement becomes more natural.
  5. 01:26:955 (4,1) - Copy-pasta, same here ^
  6. 02:14:955 (4,1) - ^
  7. 02:24:098 (4,1) - ^
  8. 02:14:955 (4) - I'm not sure how this happened, probably a copy paste, but this slider is bugged and the slider-end is unsnapped. Remove the slider and add it again or fix it by editing the .osu file.
  9. 02:24:098 (4) - The same thing happened here ^
  10. 02:29:384 (1) - NC is missing on this spinner. I wonder how Deed manages to generate all these bugs, naughty
  11. 02:29:384 (1) - Hmm, I'm not sure if this is a mistake or it's on purpose. I believe it would be much better if this ends 1/4 later
  1. 00:22:670 (5) - The beginning of the slider sounds bad, it's not mapped to anything. Try this
  2. 00:24:812 (4) - I'm gonna be a bit nazi but these curves are so easy to make now, remove the slider and make it again using the new 3 control points system, it shouldn't take more than 10 seconds.
  3. 00:29:384 (4) - Same here, I'm pretty sure you can make a better curve.
  4. 00:37:241 (8) - You need a NC here, the combo is too long.
  5. 00:38:812 (1) - Remove this one and add another one...
  6. 00:39:670 (5) - ... here.
  7. 01:14:527 (3) - Rather nazi but you should improve this blanket
  8. 01:54:241 (3) - You should shorten this slider by 1/4 and then add a circle. The drums here go unnoticed with this long slider.
  9. 02:04:241 (X) - Drag the break here, it's a few ms off.
  10. There are still a few more sliders that you could improve using 3 control points, go through the diff and see what you can do about them.

NoHitter wrote:

- Why do people have to copy m980's diff naming style xD?His legacy will live on forever.
- 00:34:670 (2) - Position it herefor better flow? I shuffled things around a bit.
- 00:35:670 (4,5,6,7,8) - The pattern would flow better if it were in a circular pattern like this. The diagonal pattern feels too sharp. I believe that the heaviness justifies this, as the sharp angles were placed in deilberate places.
- 01:13:384 (4) - The clap at the end sounds really odd IMO. Consider removing other claps at similar sliders. It's clearly following a specific emphasis in the music consistently.
Gonz' mod to be addressed shortly.

Gonzvlo wrote:

|inD33d| (no pun intented)
  1. 00:18:241 (X) - Skipping some beats it's okay but in this case it doesn't make much sense when you've mapped all the other similar vocal effects. You should map this one too. Same for 01:15:384 - if you've have mapped all the other vocal effects in the verse, I don't see why you didn't map this one. The vocals aren't backed by the same kind of impetus as in other parts of the song and the vocals themselves don't feel as powerful. Note that the end of the first phrase has a heavy tremolo effect, while the other vocals in similar places are much more concise. Plus, it's a phrasing and pacing thing--I deliberately separated the first verse into groups of two, then made the second verse feel more relentless. I didn't even have the last note of the first verse mapped, but I did it anyway because Mystyk suggested it.
  2. 00:30:527 (2,3) - I don't think these sliders fit this part of the song, you should keep these long slider for those parts where you get the "hold" feeling, in this part it's completely the opposite, using circles would be much better. The drumticks carry the vocals' momentum and the sliderend lands in what I feel is an appropriate place. Remember that the DS games called sliders "phrase markers"--I feel that sliders can be used for fairly detached phrases if it means keeping things simple initially.
  3. 00:39:670 (2,3) - Same here ^
  4. 01:16:241 (1,2,3,4,1) - The flow in this parts feels rather bad, (4) and (1) to be specific, the mouse movement feels too forced. Try to re-arrange the last slider so the movement becomes more natural. I really don't see a problem when they're two distinctly separate phrases and combos. Do bear in mind that the downwards lurch lands on a very strong downbeat.After considering if it was worth the bother of coming up with different patterns, I flipped the blue combo vertically. Hell, this makes the first sliders in each combo mirrored. Now, the transition is smoother, although I'm still fond of it as it was before. Directional emphasis, man.
  5. 01:26:955 (4,1) - Copy-pasta, same here ^
  6. 02:14:955 (4,1) - ^
  7. 02:24:098 (4,1) - ^
  8. 02:14:955 (4) - I'm not sure how this happened, probably a copy paste, but this slider is bugged and the slider-end is unsnapped. Remove the slider and add it again or fix it by editing the .osu file. I completely neglected to add the SV changes which are in the second chorus. Whoops.
  9. 02:24:098 (4) - The same thing happened here ^
  10. 02:29:384 (1) - NC is missing on this spinner. I wonder how Deed manages to generate all these bugs, naughtyDidn't mm say that this doesn't really matter? It doesn't affect anything, but I might as well add it.
  11. 02:29:384 (1) - Hmm, I'm not sure if this is a mistake or it's on purpose. I believe it would be much better if this ends 1/4 later
It was initially on the beat, but then it made the next combo feel bad. Because I like to leave ample space after spinners, I had to miss the first note of the trumpet riff. Besides, the song's approaching a climax and I love the offbeat's emphasis. Also, because it has the extra circle, it's consistent with the copypaste after it. ... 33d%5D.osu
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Thanks for the mod Gonzvlo, I've made a bunch of changes based on it though some things I didn't agree with.
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Note to self, add time changes with next update ... OSH%5D.osu

Wait, this was meant to go in the thread for Get Lucky. Oh well.
  1. Having another look at this difficulty, AR -1 might be good.
  2. 01:10:527 (4) - I still find this repeating slider not suitable for this diff, even a 1/1 blanket should be just fine
  3. 02:00:812 (X) - Is this intentional? I circle is missing here. The previous similar patterns had a Slider + 3 circles, the missing circle here is quite misleading, I strongly suggest to add it.
  4. 02:03:098 (X) - Same problem here^
  1. Tags are missing
  2. Kiai's are unsnapped
Other than that everything looks okay. Although, it'd be great iiiiiiiiif you could get another mod before bubbling
Hi !


  1. ~

  1. 00:23:670 (1) - Make this a 1/1 slider then add a note at 00:25:384 (x) sounds much better, try it
  2. 00:49:384 (x) - Move the break over there to mix whit the instrumental, just a suggestion
  3. 01:09:384 (3) - Make this slider more curve i think it has no shape and feels boring
  4. 01:37:384 (x) - Move the break over there if you did the 00:49:384 (x) suggestion
  5. 01:55:098 (1) - I think that a finish at the begin sounds good whit the instrumental
  6. 02:40:812 (1) - Move this note yo x:256 y:268 it really looks beautiful whit the previous slider as a blanket (Fix space in the next notes if you do this)
  7. 02:41:955 (3) - Unnescessary Finish, i don't get why you put it there, remove it


  1. 00:27:670 (8) - I suggest to remove that finish and add it on the begin of the next slider 00:28:241 (1) it sounds better according to the instrumental
  2. 00:28:241 (1) - I think you've missed a clap at the reverse arrow, add it
  3. 00:37:384 (1) - Same as above
  4. 00:49:384 (x) - Move the break over there to mix whit the instrumental
  5. 00:57:955 (1) - Add a finish, i think it sounds good whit the instrumental
  6. 01:15:670 (5) - I suggest to remove that finish and add it on the begin of the next slider 01:16:241 (1) it sounds better according to the instrumental
  7. 01:16:241 (1) - I think you've missed a clap at the reverse arrow, add it
  8. 01:25:384 (1) - Same as above
  9. 01:37:384 (x) - Move the break over there if you did the 00:49:384 (x) suggestion
  10. 01:53:384 (2) - Add a clap, to keep the consistency at hitsounds
  11. 01:55:098 (1) - A Finish at the begin sounds pretty well whit the instrumental
  12. 02:13:384 (1) - A finish at the begin sounds good whit the instrumental
  13. 02:17:384 (4) - I think you've missed a clap at the begin of the slider, add it
  14. 02:26:527 (4) - Same as above
  15. 02:29:384 (1) - You've missed a clap at the end of the slider, add it
  16. 02:31:670 (1) - A finish at the begin sounds good whit the instrumental, also i think you've missed a clap in the reverse arrow
  17. 02:40:812 (1) - I think you've missed a clap in the reverse arrow, add it
  18. 02:52:241 (1) - Add a finish, it follows the instrumental


  1. 00:43:098 (2) - Move this slider to be in front of the previous slider like this i think its better placed x:220 y:224
  2. 00:49:384 (x) - Move the break over there to mix whit the instrumental
  3. 01:37:384 (x) - Move the break over there if you did the 00:49:384 (x) suggestion
Good Diff !


  1. 00:21:955 (2) - Add a clap to keep the consistency at hitsounds
  2. 00:34:527 (1) - Add a clap at the begin, same reason as above
  3. 00:49:384 (x) - Move the break over there to mix whit the instrumental
  4. 01:24:812 (7) - Add a clap to keep the consistency at hitsounds
  5. 01:29:384 (9) - Same as above
  6. 01:37:384 (x) - Move the break over there if you did the 00:49:384 (x) suggestion
  7. 01:48:812 (3) - Add a clap at the begin to keep the consistency at hitsounds
  8. 01:49:955 (7) - Same as above
  9. 01:55:098 (2) - Add a finish at the begin, IMo sounds great whit the instrumental
  10. 02:52:241 (1) - Add a finish, same reason as above

Good job, but you guys don't copy and paste too much, be creative, Hope it was helpfull, the mod seems long but its just minor things don't worry

Good Luck !

[Te][Amo] wrote:


  1. 00:43:098 (2) - Move this slider to be in front of the previous slider like this i think its better placed x:220 y:224 While it'd look prettier, it wouldn't flow as nicely.
  2. 00:49:384 (x) - Move the break over there to mix whit the instrumental That would add a weird emphasis to beat two, which wouldn't really fit.
  3. 01:37:384 (x) - Move the break over there if you did the 00:49:384 (x) suggestion
Good Diff !
Thanks for the compliment, but no changes. sorry. Also, copypaste works in this context, because the song follows the typical song form. It's not for want of creativity, but rather a means to make everything more consistent and to make patterns, which are hopefully interesting, recur for the player's added enjoyment.
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Changed a few things, thanks [Te][Amo] :)
  1. 01:53:955 (4) - 2 sliders would make the 1/4 -> 1/1 transition easier for rookies,
  2. 01:27:670 (4) - I believe a NC should be placed here
  3. 02:33:955 (4) - Same here. Actually, this rhythm is a little iffy, you could try something like this
  1. 01:47:670 - I feel like a circle is missing here, adding something here would make the rhythm way better. Making (5) a slider short would be the best choice
  2. 01:32:241 - Just noticed how this Kiai ends in the middle of a spinner, which is kinda lame, imo... Wondering if you could add some circles until this point and then the spinner should be fine.
Just a couple things I missed/just noticed, you don't need to kudo this post. Also, sorry, I know this is annoying. If I'm not mistaken, you are online but having connection issues? send me a PM or try to hit me in-game so I can bubble this asap.
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Been a while since I got one of those, and with the new ranking system incoming it could be the last... thanks Gonz!
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Yaaaay thanks NoHitter!
Congratz O3O
iNiD33d 420x combo smoke combo erryday

Anyway congrats Mashley for rank!
Congrats Mash! :D
favorite song in 'The second Law' Thx
Whoa shit, I actually got an iNiD33d ranked. Well done, Mash-sama! Your maps in this have improved massively since I first saw this.
Congratulations !! :D
added name of album to the online tags.
and yes, congratz!
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