
ItaloBrothers vs. Tune Up! - Colours Of The Rainbow

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This beatmap was submitted using in-game submission on mercoledì 28 agosto 2013 at 01.51.39

Artist: ItaloBrothers vs. Tune Up!
Title: Colours Of The Rainbow
Tags: Stamp! colors techno
BPM: 140
Filesize: 5298kb
Play Time: 03:27
Difficulties Available:
  1. Easy (2,59 stars, 198 notes)
  2. Hard (4,89 stars, 374 notes)
  3. Normal (3,53 stars, 216 notes)
Download: ItaloBrothers vs. Tune Up! - Colours Of The Rainbow
Information: Scores/Beatmap Listing
#14 mappu (ω)

I thought I can love no more
One, two, many times before
Now everytime I look up to the sky
I've got you on my mind

The colours of the rainbow shine so bright
Everytime I look into your eyes
It's the colours of the rainbow that's feeding my soul
Over and over just like you do
Awwwww *-*
Some lazy IRC Modding here.

02:50 Andrea: 02:15:309 metterei un cerchio
02:51 Lally: hmm non ne sonomolto convinta
02:51 Andrea: 03:24:630 (1) - questo lo farei finire a 03:26:130 con un finish
02:53 Lally: nah :V volevo uno spinner lungo
02:53 Andrea: 00:48:416 (1) - lo stack col (3) potrebbe essere migliorato
02:53 Lally: spinneeeeer o3o
02:53 Lally: yappa
02:53 Andrea: 00:49:702 (4) - clap
02:53 Andrea: 00:50:130 (6) - clap nel repeat
02:53 Andrea: 00:50:130 (6) - finish
02:54 Lally: non mi piace il finish li
02:54 Lally: e si dimenticata 2 clap owo
02:54 Andrea: 01:17:130 (10) - new combo qui e levala nell'1 come hai fatto a fine mappa
02:54 Lally: yo
02:54 Andrea: 01:34:702 (2,3) - questo jump mi sembra un pò troppo rispetto al resto, lo ridurrei un pò fossi in te
02:55 Lally: ci pensero sul jump
02:56 Andrea: 02:26:987 (1) - elimina sto clap, non segue nulla D:
02:56 Lally: ok o3o
02:56 Andrea: 02:58:273 (1,2,3) - che brutta questa short combo :C l'unica credo in tutta la mappa
02:57 Lally: ups sai il copy paste
02:57 Andrea: 03:05:559 (2,3) - di nuovo, jump troppo forzato data la simmetria
02:57 Andrea: non credo ci sia altro °°
02:58 Lally: same per il jump will think about
02:58 Andrea: forse abbesserei un pò lo stack leniency
02:58 Andrea: dato che ci sono molti stacks
02:58 Lally: ci ho pensato
02:58 Lally: pero boh a quanto?
02:58 Andrea: 4
02:58 Andrea: è il migliore
02:59 Lally: kk o3o
02:59 Andrea: se vuoi posto owo
02:59 Lally: come vuoi o3o ya dai facciamo un +1
02:59 Andrea: xD okay o3o
i cAN mAKE Taiko's Muzu and Oni?
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Sorry I don't wanna taiko diffs in this mapset, I decided to have CTB diff soo...don't wanna make a mapset of 9487945 diffs :3

@Andrea: ty for a lazy mod at 3 am and for start-chan o3o updated

  1. working on Normal o3o :arrow: working on hitsounds
  2. working on Easy
reminds me of

The fact is that the Nightcore version is terrible to hear though.

Male voices should never be nightcored.

Andrea wrote:

The fact is that the Nightcore version is terrible to hear though.

Male voices should never be nightcored.
I particualrly like this song's nightcore version simply because of the good melody. But in general yeah, male voices are awkward to hear on nightcor'd songs.
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this is because i'm mapping the original one , because somehow it sounds.... meh the nightcore version o3o
CTB relax diff?
Lol, never saw before.
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Kodora wrote:

CTB relax diff?
Lol, never saw before.
what do you mean by relax? o3o heh

Lally wrote:

what do you mean by relax? o3o heh
easy/normal one o3o
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actualy not, lol it will be a Insane one o3o

CAT .. meow
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nyaaa o3o
Hopefully I'm not being the anti-fun in here but had a suggestion so >.> :P

Easy/Normal/Hard: 02:26:987 Spinner: You start it mid-phrase which seems kinda weird. Moving it back might make it so you can't have a break but it's pretty short anyways so I'd recommend either making it 4 beats or 8 instead of 6.
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if you hear good the music there start a wuuuuuuuuuuuush sound XD dunno how to explain,and i like this little breack that introduce kiai time ,no chages o3o ty for cheacking anyway :3
if you want.. I can make Ctb Rain (Insane) :3
if you want i can make CtB Salad (o.o)/
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Lally wrote:

CTB (bla bla bla will change the diff name later) -> by eldnl
Ty but i have to say no :3 next time ask me in forum pm or in game pls
I have to start again due computer issues, so it will take a bit more ... :'c
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don't worry dani :V i know that you have some issues atm with pc ;W; hope all get fixed
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well after many changes, pending \o3o/

  1. Add more tags. Y'know. Colors (Colour and color is the same word. It's just british/american spelling of the same word) and Techno
  2. Personally, I think that you should change artist to Italobrothers in order to keep consistency with previous ranked mapsets.
  3. Rainbow has 7 different colors, try to make 7 combo colours for your mapset! It'll make combo colors a bit more interesting! :) (yes, just remove extra one ;_;)
  4. Try to find some more fitting hitsounds, I'm sure that you can steal some from ztrot's maps find some in our hitsound library!
  1. Reduce alll diff settings (except circle size) by one tick. AR4 is too fast, it will make beginners cry! Other settings should be reduced to keep diff spread balanced
  2. 00:26:559 (4) - here, when he sings "to the sky" vocals end on 00:27:416, therefore you shouldn't ignore this beat. Consider replacing it with something like this, to emphasize vocals or this, to make more interesting and harded rhythm
  3. 00:47:132 (5) - "bright" ends on 00:47:987 - try to add a repeat to (5) to make slider match with vocals better. Usually, beginners follow vocals because they're LOUD and because they're easy to follow. Oh, and don't forget to re-snap this object properly. It's 2ms late :)
  4. 00:54:630 (6) - nazi - try to create smoother flowm try to rotate (6) to make a nice curve. example
  5. 01:26:559 (5) and 03:10:702 (3) - nooo. Please, don't. Beginners are unable to understand such patterns. Slider is too short, reverse-arrow appears too fast. Try to replace it with something more readable, ugly example
  6. 02:06:416 (2,3,4) - that triangle doesn't flow good, imo. Try to Ctrl+G (3,4) or try to use something like this. In your pattern (4) is too close to (2), so players may hit it mistakenly :<
  7. 02:10:702 (3) - move this slider to the next white tick, so it will perfectly reflect vocal in music. ((start)nooo(repeat)mooore(end)).As for 02:10:702 - place a circle here! Oh, and don't forget to recover your hitsound-pattern!
  8. 02:16:702 (2,3,4) - nazi -you could make a perfect triangle here, you know. :<
  9. 02:26:987 (1,1) - beginners need some more time to notice the slider . Try to fix this somehow, making spinner shorter or replacing slider with a circle would be a good idea!
  10. 02:32:559 - same happend before. End of the word "bright" is simply ignored. Kiai is the most awesome (and hardest) part of the map, you should place here a circle!
    Note: 02:46:273 - saame :<

    Pretty neat diff. It's a bit too hard because of AR4 and ~those~ sliders. But rest of the diff is awesome! Good job!

  1. 00:05:559 (3,4,5) - nazi - this pattern doesn't look good here. Usually such pattern is used to map some repetitive parts of lyrics. (e.g. DOWN~DOWN~DOWN~ ) That's why it looks a little bit strange here.
    Well, you can use this pattern on parts where you have that weird slider. 01:26:559 (4) - here and 03:11:130 (1) - here!

    A lot like the [Easy], similar patterns and similar flow. Even rhythm is almost the same. But it's fine, this diff is obviously harder, faster and more interesting! Also it's really neat and well-mapped!
  1. Playfield seems kinda flooded with circles. Try to increase AR and OD to make diff more readable and neat! Increasing the OD will help you to keep diff settings better-balanced!
  2. 00:43:273 (5,6) - this jump is a little bit exaggerated, it looks cute, but doesn't flows
    Note: 00:55:273 (1,2,3,4) - whoops~ the same :< it looks cute, but these jumps simply breaks your flow! Try to avoid such things, they make map kinda unplayable!
  3. 01:21:416 (4,5) - hello Andrea. This jump is too hard, right. You got my idea, try to keep distance of jumps under x2.0 to make them more playable!

    Personally, I like this diff very much. The ~onliest~ things is jumps. Yea, jumps. They're exaggerated and break your awesome flow. Rest of the diff looks awesome!
Get more mods on [Easy], please! >3<

Good luck!

According to wiki artist should be Tune Up! vs. ItaloBrothers (as it now), dont change it please.


*It supposed to be hardest diff in mapset for now, so i suggest you change settings to have it more challenging. AR 8 and OD 7 will fit perfectly here.

  1. 00:03:845 (1) - I get your idea that you want to emphazire beginning of the song using normal-sampleset here but i personally thinnk that would be better to have just soft-hitwhistle here to keep consistent your hitsound pattern at the beginning. Also, there is no any emphazire in music.
  2. 00:08:130 (3,4) - Weird stack; i thought it was 1/4. Unstack them please.
  3. 00:32:130 (3,4) - Change it please to one slider (example) to cover lyrics here more since it much stronger here
  4. 00:35:130 (2) - This reverse 1/2 slider doesnt fit well imo, try to replace it like this:

  5. 00:55:273 (1,2,3,4) - dat kicksliders. Well, i personally approve it for a hardest diff in mapet, but other modders may suggest you reduse jumps here. hi -Bakari- o/
  6. 00:56:987 (1) - finish at spinner
  7. 01:10:702 (1) - add whistle mayde?
  8. 01:14:773 (2,3,4) - This is the main problem of this diff imo. I'm big fan of triples, but in this case they really sounds not so good because you added them against music :х To make it fit music more, try this: change 01:14:773 (2,3,4) - to a slider and add note at 01:17:023. This will make your rhytm more constant and understable.
  9. 01:17:559 (2) - Just hitnormal to emphazire this part is not enough here imo, try to add soft finish here at the beginning of slider
  10. 01:18:416 (4,5,6) - Same goes here: change this triplet and add notes at 01:20:345 - and at 01:20:452 -
  11. 01:20:987 (3) - soft-finish for same reason
  12. 01:23:130 (2,3,4) - Same. Change triplet and add notes at 01:23:880 - and at 01:23:987 - (yes, you should make 01:23:559 (5) - shorten).
    and same goes to all other triplets here
  13. 01:24:416 (1) - Finish for same reason
  14. 01:30:630 - There is no strong beat here. To cover music more, try something like this:

  15. 01:34:702 (2) - Finish for some reason as above
    all about those finishes goes to second part too
  16. 01:52:273 (1) - Some BATs can consider 5% volume on spinner as not enough audible. I personally suggest raise volume here to ~20%. Feel free to completely silence end of spinner using even empty custom hitsounds
  17. 01:59:559 (3,4,5) - It was work good at previous doubles, but here it looks enough counter-intuitive. Try to stack them or change to just spaced notes.
  18. 02:02:987 (3,4,5) - Quite unsure about this pattern too: 02:02:987 (3,4) - i was sure that it was 1/4 part when i played this. Change it, please.
  19. 02:09:845 (3,4,5) - Again counter-intuitive pattern
  20. 02:14:130 (5) - nc please follow pattern
  21. 02:14:987 (7,8) - terrible stack, i was sure it was 1/4 - unstack please
  22. 02:15:845 (2,3) - try something like this instead? Also, i personally suggest do it more pretty/symmetrial
  23. 02:31:273 (5) - New combo please follow pattern
  24. 02:40:702 (3) - It looks like a broken symmethry; try to change form of this slider (bad example) or just make 02:39:845 (1,3) - perfectly symmetrial (would be better imo).
  25. 02:41:345 (4,5) - try to make perfect blanket here?
  26. 02:43:702 (2,3) - same here
  27. 03:24:630 (1) - I personally recommend you use empty custom hitsound here instead of 5% section because there is no any music at all and 5% sounds here really too much.

*CS3 looks awkward, change to 4 please
*Same about finishes as in hard diff

  1. 01:26:559 (4) - This repeat-slider can be a bit too hard for beginners because of huge numbers of reverses. Beginners usually weak at reading them, so i suggest you replace it with two 1/4 sliders and note.
  2. 02:04:702 (6,7,1) - spacing
  3. 03:11:130 (1) - Same as above

*Yes, reduce alll diff settings except circlesize here
*Check unsnapped stuff

  1. 01:22:273 (3,4,5) - spacing
  2. 02:43:273 (1,5) - try to make them perfectly symmetrial?
  3. 03:10:702 (3) - Bad slider for an Easy diff, it is hard for newbies to read repeat. Replace it with 1/1 reverse-slider
  4. 03:16:273 (2,3,4) - spacing
Good luck!
Good to see this finally ready!
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Ty for modding guys will check later and reply your mods ,for now about the artist won't make any changes because i was according with the wiki,will discuss it later with some BATs if it's better to keep constency with the ranked versions or to keep it like this :3


-Bakari- wrote:


  1. Add more tags. Y'know. Colors (Colour and color is the same word. It's just british/american spelling of the same word) and Techno added
  2. Personally, I think that you should change artist to Italobrothers in order to keep consistency with previous ranked mapsets.reply on the top
  3. Rainbow has 7 different colors, try to make 7 combo colours for your mapset! It'll make combo colors a bit more interesting! :) (yes, just remove extra one ;_;) i love my actualy one
  4. Try to find some more fitting hitsounds, I'm sure that you can steal some from ztrot's maps find some in our hitsound library!i love my actual one
  1. Reduce alll diff settings (except circle size) by one tick. AR4 is too fast, it will make beginners cry! Other settings should be reduced to keep diff spread balanced ups done
  2. 00:26:559 (4) - here, when he sings "to the sky" vocals end on 00:27:416, therefore you shouldn't ignore this beat. Consider replacing it with something like this, to emphasize vocals or this, to make more interesting and harded rhythm ok
  3. 00:47:132 (5) - "bright" ends on 00:47:987 - try to add a repeat to (5) to make slider match with vocals better. Usually, beginners follow vocals because they're LOUD and because they're easy to follow. Oh, and don't forget to re-snap this object properly. It's 2ms late :) added a circle
  4. 00:54:630 (6) - nazi - try to create smoother flowm try to rotate (6) to make a nice curve. example ok
  5. 01:26:559 (5) and 03:10:702 (3) - nooo. Please, don't. Beginners are unable to understand such patterns. Slider is too short, reverse-arrow appears too fast. Try to replace it with something more readable, ugly example did something different
  6. 02:06:416 (2,3,4) - that triangle doesn't flow good, imo. Try to Ctrl+G (3,4) or try to use something like this. In your pattern (4) is too close to (2), so players may hit it mistakenly :< i agree
  7. 02:10:702 (3) - move this slider to the next white tick, so it will perfectly reflect vocal in music. ((start)nooo(repeat)mooore(end)).As for 02:10:702 - place a circle here! Oh, and don't forget to recover your hitsound-pattern! done
  8. 02:16:702 (2,3,4) - nazi -you could make a perfect triangle here, you know. :< fixed
  9. 02:26:987 (1,1) - beginners need some more time to notice the slider . Try to fix this somehow, making spinner shorter or replacing slider with a circle would be a good idea! fixed u.u
  10. 02:32:559 - same happend before. End of the word "bright" is simply ignored. Kiai is the most awesome (and hardest) part of the map, you should place here a circle! added a circle
    Note: 02:46:273 - saame :<

    Pretty neat diff. It's a bit too hard because of AR4 and ~those~ sliders. But rest of the diff is awesome! Good job!

  1. 00:05:559 (3,4,5) - nazi - this pattern doesn't look good here. Usually such pattern is used to map some repetitive parts of lyrics. (e.g. DOWN~DOWN~DOWN~ ) That's why it looks a little bit strange here.
    Well, you can use this pattern on parts where you have that weird slider. 01:26:559 (4) - here and 03:11:130 (1) - here!

    A lot like the [Easy], similar patterns and similar flow. Even rhythm is almost the same. But it's fine, this diff is obviously harder, faster and more interesting! Also it's really neat and well-mapped!
  1. Playfield seems kinda flooded with circles. Try to increase AR and OD to make diff more readable and neat! Increasing the OD will help you to keep diff settings better-balanced!
  2. 00:43:273 (5,6) - this jump is a little bit exaggerated, it looks cute, but doesn't flows
    Note: 00:55:273 (1,2,3,4) - whoops~ the same :< it looks cute, but these jumps simply breaks your flow! Try to avoid such things, they make map kinda unplayable!
  3. 01:21:416 (4,5) - hello Andrea. This jump is too hard, right. You got my idea, try to keep distance of jumps under x2.0 to make them more playable!

    Personally, I like this diff very much. The ~onliest~ things is jumps. Yea, jumps. They're exaggerated and break your awesome flow. Rest of the diff looks awesome!
Get more mods on [Easy], please! >3<

Good luck!

Kodora wrote:


According to wiki artist should be Tune Up! vs. ItaloBrothers (as it now), dont change it please.


*It supposed to be hardest diff in mapset for now, so i suggest you change settings to have it more challenging. AR 8 and OD 7 will fit perfectly here.

  1. 00:03:845 (1) - I get your idea that you want to emphazire beginning of the song using normal-sampleset here but i personally thinnk that would be better to have just soft-hitwhistle here to keep consistent your hitsound pattern at the beginning. Also, there is no any emphazire in music.
  2. 00:08:130 (3,4) - Weird stack; i thought it was 1/4. Unstack them please.
  3. 00:32:130 (3,4) - Change it please to one slider (example) to cover lyrics here more since it much stronger here
  4. 00:35:130 (2) - This reverse 1/2 slider doesnt fit well imo, try to replace it like this:

  5. 00:55:273 (1,2,3,4) - dat kicksliders. Well, i personally approve it for a hardest diff in mapet, but other modders may suggest you reduse jumps here. hi -Bakari- o/
  6. 00:56:987 (1) - finish at spinner
  7. 01:10:702 (1) - add whistle mayde?
  8. 01:14:773 (2,3,4) - This is the main problem of this diff imo. I'm big fan of triples, but in this case they really sounds not so good because you added them against music :х To make it fit music more, try this: change 01:14:773 (2,3,4) - to a slider and add note at 01:17:023. This will make your rhytm more constant and understable.
  9. 01:17:559 (2) - Just hitnormal to emphazire this part is not enough here imo, try to add soft finish here at the beginning of slider
  10. 01:18:416 (4,5,6) - Same goes here: change this triplet and add notes at 01:20:345 - and at 01:20:452 -
  11. 01:20:987 (3) - soft-finish for same reason
  12. 01:23:130 (2,3,4) - Same. Change triplet and add notes at 01:23:880 - and at 01:23:987 - (yes, you should make 01:23:559 (5) - shorten).
    and same goes to all other triplets here
  13. 01:24:416 (1) - Finish for same reason
  14. 01:30:630 - There is no strong beat here. To cover music more, try something like this:

  15. 01:34:702 (2) - Finish for some reason as above
    all about those finishes goes to second part too
  16. 01:52:273 (1) - Some BATs can consider 5% volume on spinner as not enough audible. I personally suggest raise volume here to ~20%. Feel free to completely silence end of spinner using even empty custom hitsounds
  17. 01:59:559 (3,4,5) - It was work good at previous doubles, but here it looks enough counter-intuitive. Try to stack them or change to just spaced notes.
  18. 02:02:987 (3,4,5) - Quite unsure about this pattern too: 02:02:987 (3,4) - i was sure that it was 1/4 part when i played this. Change it, please.
  19. 02:09:845 (3,4,5) - Again counter-intuitive pattern
  20. 02:14:130 (5) - nc please follow pattern
  21. 02:14:987 (7,8) - terrible stack, i was sure it was 1/4 - unstack please
  22. 02:15:845 (2,3) - try something like this instead? Also, i personally suggest do it more pretty/symmetrial
  23. 02:31:273 (5) - New combo please follow pattern
  24. 02:40:702 (3) - It looks like a broken symmethry; try to change form of this slider (bad example) or just make 02:39:845 (1,3) - perfectly symmetrial (would be better imo).
  25. 02:41:345 (4,5) - try to make perfect blanket here?
  26. 02:43:702 (2,3) - same here
  27. 03:24:630 (1) - I personally recommend you use empty custom hitsound here instead of 5% section because there is no any music at all and 5% sounds here really too much.

*CS3 looks awkward, change to 4 please
*Same about finishes as in hard diff

  1. 01:26:559 (4) - This repeat-slider can be a bit too hard for beginners because of huge numbers of reverses. Beginners usually weak at reading them, so i suggest you replace it with two 1/4 sliders and note.
  2. 02:04:702 (6,7,1) - spacing
  3. 03:11:130 (1) - Same as above

*Yes, reduce alll diff settings except circlesize here
*Check unsnapped stuff
  1. 01:22:273 (3,4,5) - spacing ok
  2. 02:43:273 (1,5) - try to make them perfectly symmetrial? no ilike they so
  3. 03:10:702 (3) - Bad slider for an Easy diff, it is hard for newbies to read repeat. Replace it with 1/1 reverse-slider changed withprev mod
  4. 03:16:273 (2,3,4) - spacing fixed
Good luck!

updated only easy for now :3 will continue later

Well, yes. It's ItaloBrothers but we already have two maps and artist there is Italobrothers. That's a wrong artist, but we've missed it and there's no way to fix it. If we'll use correct name of the artist now, we get weird inconsistency in list of ranked maps.That's why I think that it's better to keep this mistake. We already did it once with another artist, see details below!

Actually, kinda the same happens to Panic! At the Disco's songs. Actual name of the band is Panic! At the disco but to keep it consistent with previous ranked mapsets we uncapitalize "a". (Panic! at the Disco)

Official YouTube channel/osu!


We should respect artist and spell their names properly, but ONE uncapitalized letter is not a big deal. I think that it's totally ok to keep that little mistake. But this is just my opinion. I'm not insisting on anything. I really like the artist, and I just want to help!
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