
ItaloBrothers vs. Tune Up! - Colours Of The Rainbow

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Mystyk wrote:

Hi! Mod4mod!

00:38:130 (1,3) - I don't understand why you did this, 00:39:845 (3) - here a long slider would fit better than a short repeat slider, and 00:38:130 (1) - a short repeat slider would fit better, because of the singing "colours-of-the", so you should try this: (make (6) only a hit circle) i prefer to keep my rhythm here :V
00:49:273 (2) - I think it would look nicer if (2) was leading to a different direction i prefer tokeepit how it is now here
00:54:630 (6) - I think you should remove this and add a hit circle at 00:54:845 - I really don't think you should be using such short sliders on an Easy diff i agree
02:08:130 (4,1) - flow would be better if you did something similar: and NOT this: hmm not really sure about like my flow atm ;_;
02:36:416 (1,3) - same here as the first suggestion same answer then
02:50:130 (1,3) - same again as first suggestions >.< ^
03:05:987 (2,3) - this looks nicer imo ok
03:27:845 - I think the spinner is too long, you should end it here: 03:26:130 - also 03:27:845 - I cannot hear anything, so the spinner ending there is weird, and it might as well be a bit long and tiring for beginners i love long spinners ;_; and it's not such a big problem

00:24:416 (1,2) - make a proper blanket please, currently it doesn't look nice imo >.<: --> finxed but a bit in a different way
00:31:273 (1,2) - swap these on the timeline please, same thing as in Easy, short repeats fits better to the fast lyrics you did it correclty here: 00:34:702 (1) - i prefer how it is atm :V
00:44:987 (1,2,3,4) - same as first suggestions on this diff also, since they are somehow symmetrical, it would be easy to change same^
01:26:559 (4) - I think there are too many repeats, and I actually got confused while playing, so I would suggest you to remove some of the repeats, something like this? on (5) it sounds like new melody starts, so a hit circle would fit it's a normal diff so it's not so hard imo,and for this i have a easy diff
02:32:773 (6) - remove hit circle, fast and more beats would fit instead of this slider 02:32:987 (1) - but not before the slider nah
03:11:130 (1) - again too many repeats same answer as before
03:24:416 (1) - same as mentioned on Easy, spinner is too long same answer

Well overall nice diff, but to tell you the truth, I think there are too many of this kind of sliders 00:26:987 (4) - I think many of them is unnecessary on Normal even if they fit in a way.

00:12:202 - add hit circle because of the lyrics "to" not here because i should then add in all the prev missed letters like ''is '' too
00:17:345 - you can try adding a hit circle here too, because there is a piano sound i'm not following the piano :x
00:24:202 (3) - I think you should remove clap, it sounds kind of awkward fail,removed >u<
00:43:273 (1,2) - I think this shouldn't be a jump, and it also feels like you only did it for symmetry changed pattern here
00:54:416 (3) - I think the flow would be better if you removed the reverse and tried this: hmmm i like actual pattern ;_;
01:15:845 (1,2) - wouldn't 1/2 sliders fit better? the melody is like that so I think you should follow it ok
01:18:523 (4) - replce this here 01:18:309 - the triplet would sound better ok
01:19:273 (7) - why not synch more? instead of one long reverse slider, try this: if the melody allows faster synching, then use the opportunity, it's a hard difficulty :3 ;____; i dun like it
01:23:237 (3) - replace this for better triplet 01:23:023 - no
01:30:630 (5) - this is wrong, you end the slider at a point where the melody STARTS, so you should remove or place the slider earlier: hmm will consider tochange it
02:15:845 (2) - this should be 1/2 >.< and put something here 02:16:273 - add hit circle, or make 2 a reverse slider...etc. i likehow it is atm
03:01:487 (5) - same as mentioned before, you end the slider on a "start", so try to change this too like I said before same
03:02:559 (3) - I mentioned this too, it's too slow when you could make this more fun and more exciting if you matched it better to the melody same as before
03:24:630 (1) - same thing about spinner as in the other difficulties same answer

Nice diff, but to be honest these kind of anti-jumps were a bit weird: 00:04:916 (3,4) -

Good luck, nice song and nice mapset!

ty for modding *-*)///

updated >u<
The colour of my buuubble shines so bright!

did a large mod of the hard difficulty (details in the box) other diffs looked fine, all seems rankable and i personally liked the antijumps here mostly (very rare for me with anti jump)

good job

17:16 jericho2442: got some stuff to point out on the hard
17:16 Lally: o3o
17:16 jericho2442: 00:05:559 (1,2) - trip beat here doesnt suit, breaks your flow
17:16 Lally: so what do you think about? :V
17:17 jericho2442: i like the anti jump here though
17:17 Lally: ok lemme see
17:17 jericho2442: 00:10:702 (1,2) - would take the trip beat out of this too, make them all follow that same flow and it all gors smoother
17:17 jericho2442: and the one after, in the next verse its fine since the music is much stronger
17:18 jericho2442: but here the music is very light
17:19 Lally: 00:05:559 (1) - so i should make it 1/2 ?
17:19 jericho2442: yup
17:19 Lally: ok u.u
17:20 jericho2442: 00:55:273 (1,2,3,4) - this jump is unexpectedly dramatic, its larger than any other patterns in the map. it felt out of place for the difficulty of this map
17:20 jericho2442: i know you can do better than that ;p
17:20 jericho2442: also some of your triples feel forced
17:21 jericho2442: overall i like the map anyway
17:21 jericho2442: just pointing out improvements for flow
17:21 Lally: about the jump i used the same in sweet dreams my lates ranked map and had no problems about
17:22 jericho2442: i don care what other bats bubble and rank? xD
17:22 Lally: maybe with a little spacing improvements will be fine
17:22 jericho2442: ofc if you can explain to me what musically it follows im ok with it
17:22 Lally: xD ok lol
17:22 Lally: i'll change it just a little
17:22 jericho2442: you know im strict
17:23 jericho2442: dont jump for the point of a jump, jump where the map or song asks for a jump
17:23 Lally: i know and personally i like your mod style,because you point out that most of ppl won't point out
17:23 jericho2442: im a old man here *moves walking stick* thats why haha
17:24 Lally: what about something like:
17:25 jericho2442: just use the old pattern if you want, just not as large, thats the point im at
17:25 jericho2442: its much larger than all your other jumps, so make it flow more to your other jump styles
17:25 Lally: or : i like it a bit more
17:25 jericho2442: that last one looks better
17:26 jericho2442: ofc will replay after
17:26 Lally: i'll use smaller spacing in the next similarr jumps so to not have 2 slimila jump pattern
17:26 jericho2442: 01:16:166 (2) - this 1/4 doesnt suit either it plays better with the note removed so it all ties together better
17:28 jericho2442: 01:26:559 (1,2,3,4) - only anti jump in the map i dont like, its identical spacing to the 1/4 pattern before it, which imo makes it not flow as good because the players focuses on knowing the timing rather than just enjoying the pattern
17:29 jericho2442: 02:29:559 (1,2,3,4) - again this is that same pattern, its just too dramatic for your map
17:30 Lally: fixed the other things about 01:26:559 (1,2,3,4) - i like to keep it so how it is now because imo even is ntijumped the new combo makes understand that the spacing changes a bit here
17:30 Lally: 02:29:559 (1,2,3,4) - changed already all the pattern with smaller spacing
17:31 jericho2442: 02:53:987 (2) - try shortening this slider to end on the red tick, notice it flows much better
17:31 jericho2442: ofc thats just opinion as always
17:32 jericho2442: 02:58:273 (1,2,3) - starting a section on a 1/4 is a very bad idea, i would advise removing that 1/4 here
17:33 Lally: 02:53:559 (1,2,3) - about to make it shorter i prefer to have it kinda simila to 02:41:559 (2,3,4) - and i like how it sounds
17:33 jericho2442: 03:10:702 (1,2,3,4,5) - again this anti jump like the other
17:33 jericho2442: and thats fine
17:33 Lally: ok i'll remove that 1/4
17:33 jericho2442: thats everthing
17:34 jericho2442: i dont think this map needs so many triples in it, buuuut yea thats what you chose to do so i will respect that ofc
17:34 jericho2442: other diffs look totally fine imo
17:37 Lally: i like the triplets how they sound to the music,because personally i don't use so much triplets in my maps but here i find that they fit
17:37 jericho2442: its because i hear nothing they follow
17:37 jericho2442: i never like that haha
17:37 Lally: 03:10:702 (1,2,3,4,5) - and here same about the other similar pattern i like it and won't change it ;_;
17:37 jericho2442: but opinions xD
17:38 jericho2442: thats fine, its a rankable pattern
17:38 Lally: :D
17:39 jericho2442: well fix what you agree with so i can recheck
17:40 Lally: uh one thing i wanted to ask in the last mods some ppl said that the last spinner is to long,personally i don't think so what do you think about?
17:40 jericho2442: no such thing
17:40 jericho2442: as a too long spinner haha
17:40 Lally: u.u ook
17:41 jericho2442: if you want it to end on the last note of the song, ofc that is here 03:24:630 (1) -
17:42 Lally: 03:24:630 - so i should add something here ?
17:43 jericho2442: oh sorry i meant here 03:26:130 -
17:43 jericho2442: osu bugged my copy paste haha
17:44 Lally: ah no,because i like to follow with more silent spinner the sound that starts from 03:26:023 -
17:44 jericho2442: as i said, doesnt matter to me
17:44 jericho2442: i saw no prob with that
17:45 Lally: ok i updated the rest then :D
17:51 jericho2442: yup flows better
17:51 jericho2442: you missed on trip beat in that first section
17:51 Lally: \:D/
17:51 Lally: oh
17:51 jericho2442: 00:14:130 (1,2) -
17:52 jericho2442: fix that and i will bubble once im back, gotta fast do some stuff
17:54 Lally: 00:14:130 (1,2,3) - changed totaly pattern ovo
17:54 Lally: and updated
17:54 Lally: dw :3/ see ya
18:50 jericho2442: finally back haha
18:51 Lally: wb o3o/
Topic Starter
\o3o/ yay
Yay, let's go! :)
Time to break the ice.


  1. 01:08:987 - We talked about this in IRC a bit, but I'll list it here. I can't understand the reason behind ending the break early, it seems much better to end it at 01:10:702 when the spinner starts. Players expect play to start right after seeing the warning arrows. Right now it doesn't.
  2. 01:14:130 - Hitsounds seem too quiet here since you use soft sample set but the music is super loud. Can you try 60% anystead?
  3. 02:58:273 - ^
  4. 03:26:130 - It seems much nicer to end the spinner here in each diff since the music essentially cuts out right there and there is just a bit of reverb afterwards. It feels weird to continue the spinner beyond this point. Even a whistle on the end is nice.
  1. 00:05:559 (1,2) - It seems you can make a much nicer pattern if you make each slider have the same curve. A bit strange when the 2 has more of a curve than the 1 considering for most combos you use the same slider through the whole combo.
  2. 00:13:702 (4,1) - Quite a large jump here for the slowest portion. x_x It's not a big deal or anything, just that it was a bit surprising.
  3. 00:24:202 (3) - Nazi// This blanket could benefit from moving the 3 to (208,72).
  4. 00:32:130 (3,4) - I prefer that you switch the position of the 3 and 4 here. It's a more consistent rhythm with later patterns, and fits more closely with the music imo.
  5. 00:53:559 (1) - Would look nicer if you made more distance from the slider 00:53:130 (4) so that it's consistent with the previous 00:51:845 (1,2) patterns. Don't be afraid to break distance snap a bit since you have a NC here. Or you could try to make it similar to 02:46:702 (1). Try it:
  6. 01:15:845 (1,2) - This antijump feels kinda bad imo since you don't do it anywhere else. I'd like you to remove it if you can. It's easy to mistake it as 1/4.
  7. 01:33:416 (4,5,6) - It would be nice if you could place the 6 in a blanket pattern with the 5. Try curving the 4 and 5 less.
  8. 02:03:630 (5,1) - Switch NC? Follows vocals and makes this easier to read after the antijump imo.
  9. 02:06:416 (3) - Consider removing the repeat and adding a circle at 02:06:845 in an antijump to continue the antijump pattern.
  10. 02:08:987 (1,2,3) - Try continuing the jump pattern through the whole combo, I think it might play nicer. You could add a 1/2 slider at 02:09:845 and try this pattern:
  11. 02:26:130 - IMO it's nicer to start the spinner here on the downbeat. This is where the drum line begins accelerating in volume.
  12. 02:39:845 (1,2,3) - Pattern could be better imo. The flow is a bit funky. Try like this:

    Or anything similar in flow to 00:41:559 (1,2,3) would be worlds better IMO.
  13. 03:04:273 (4,5,6) - Same as 01:33:416 (4,5,6).

  1. 00:24:416 (1,2) - Not the best placement imo. Try rotating the 2 more to the left so its tail has more distance from the slider body 1 than its head does.
  2. 00:55:273 (1) - Missing finish I suppose.
  3. 01:51:845 - Add spinner? Seems missing here.
  4. 01:26:559 (4) - NC? Consistent with 03:11:130 (1). Also makes it read a little better. But honestly I'd prefer that you split this into two 1/2 slider, one with a repeat, but it's up to you. The reason is because the slider is very short and it might confuse players. It's almost impossible for the player to tell that there are multiple repeats before they actually hit them. Check this rhythm out:
  5. 01:58:702 (1,2) - I think you should replace these with a 1/2 slider. It's a bit too many circles in 1/2 here and it takes away from the clap pattern of 01:58:059 (5,6) imo.
  6. 02:26:987 (1) - Same as hard, start the spinner earlier is better imo.

  1. 00:55:273 (1) - Finish.
  2. 00:48:416 (1) - Try flipping it over, makes more sense to me for a more natural movement.
  3. 02:19:273 (1) - Missing finish I suppose.
  4. 02:28:702 - IMO it's better not to silence the end of the spinner here in the easiest difficulty so that the player will hear when it ends.
  5. 02:32:987 (1) - Same as 00:48:416 (1).
Sweet. Let me know. ^^
Topic Starter

UnitedWeSin wrote:

Time to break the ice.


  1. 01:08:987 - We talked about this in IRC a bit, but I'll list it here. I can't understand the reason behind ending the break early, it seems much better to end it at 01:10:702 when the spinner starts. Players expect play to start right after seeing the warning arrows. Right now it doesn't. uguu and fixed
  2. 01:14:130 - Hitsounds seem too quiet here since you use soft sample set but the music is super loud. Can you try 60% anystead? ok
  3. 02:58:273 - ^-^
  4. 03:26:130 - It seems much nicer to end the spinner here in each diff since the music essentially cuts out right there and there is just a bit of reverb afterwards. It feels weird to continue the spinner beyond this point. Even a whistle on the end is nice. how i said before in othermods ''no,because i like to follow with more silent spinner the sound that starts from 03:26:023 -'' and i love long spinners
  1. 00:05:559 (1,2) - It seems you can make a much nicer pattern if you make each slider have the same curve. A bit strange when the 2 has more of a curve than the 1 considering for most combos you use the same slider through the whole combo. changed a little bit the curve of 00:05:987 (2) - iwanted a different form for this slider and not a copy pasted sliders
  2. 00:13:702 (4,1) - Quite a large jump here for the slowest portion. x_x It's not a big deal or anything, just that it was a bit surprising. reduced a bit moving all the pattern
  3. 00:24:202 (3) - Nazi// This blanket could benefit from moving the 3 to (208,72). uuuuh ma blanket is not perfect fixed,btw fixed only by moving the 2nd white point of the slider is easier
  4. 00:32:130 (3,4) - I prefer that you switch the position of the 3 and 4 here. It's a more consistent rhythm with later patterns, and fits more closely with the music imo. i prefer to keep it like it is now it's better imo
  5. 00:53:559 (1) - Would look nicer if you made more distance from the slider 00:53:130 (4) so that it's consistent with the previous 00:51:845 (1,2) patterns. Don't be afraid to break distance snap a bit since you have a NC here. Or you could try to make it similar to 02:46:702 (1). Try it: ok did a magior spacing there
  6. 01:15:845 (1,2) - This antijump feels kinda bad imo since you don't do it anywhere else. I'd like you to remove it if you can. It's easy to mistake it as 1/4. i like how it flows and i don't find it so difficult to read so no changes here
  7. 01:33:416 (4,5,6) - It would be nice if you could place the 6 in a blanket pattern with the 5. Try curving the 4 and 5 less. a bit nazi but i like how they are curved so no chaanges here
  8. 02:03:630 (5,1) - Switch NC? Follows vocals and makes this easier to read after the antijump imo. nah i don't think is needed here
  9. 02:06:416 (3) - Consider removing the repeat and adding a circle at 02:06:845 in an antijump to continue the antijump pattern. good idea done
  10. 02:08:987 (1,2,3) - Try continuing the jump pattern through the whole combo, I think it might play nicer. You could add a 1/2 slider at 02:09:845 and try this pattern: nicee o3o done
  11. 02:26:130 - IMO it's nicer to start the spinner here on the downbeat. This is where the drum line begins accelerating in volume. i follow the sound that start here 02:26:987 - so no changes here
  12. 02:39:845 (1,2,3) - Pattern could be better imo. The flow is a bit funky. Try like this: changed just a little bit but in a different way

    Or anything similar in flow to 00:41:559 (1,2,3) would be worlds better IMO.
  13. 03:04:273 (4,5,6) - Same as 01:33:416 (4,5,6). same answer o3o

  1. 00:24:416 (1,2) - Not the best placement imo. Try rotating the 2 more to the left so its tail has more distance from the slider body 1 than its head does. no changes here because this was made intentionally because of:
  2. 00:55:273 (1) - Missing finish I suppose. uguu added
  3. 01:51:845 - Add spinner? Seems missing here. uguu done
  4. 01:26:559 (4) - NC? Consistent with 03:11:130 (1). Also makes it read a little better. But honestly I'd prefer that you spit this into two 1/2 slider, one with a repeat, but it's up to you. The reason is because the slider is very short and it might confuse players. It's almost impossible for the player to tell that there are multiple repeats before they actually hit them. Check this rhythm out: added NC personally i prefer to have a slider like this that saperate it in 2 sliders i wanna something particular here
  5. 01:58:702 (1,2) - I think you should replace these with a 1/2 slider. It's a bit too many circles in 1/2 here and it takes away from the clap pattern of 01:58:059 (5,6) imo. ok
  6. 02:26:987 (1) - Same as hard, start the spinner earlier is better imo. same answer o3o
SV so fast x_x i love to have it a bit higher as normal to have a bit more fun for the normal players,it should be not borring to play :D and since i'm a easy/normal player in ctb i know what i like to play and same in standard ofc but i love it to have it like this :D


  1. 00:55:273 (1) - Finish.
  2. 00:48:416 (1) - Try flipping it over, makes more sense to me for a more natural movement. did it a bit different but similar
  3. 02:19:273 (1) - Missing finish I suppose. uguu added
  4. 02:28:702 - IMO it's better not to silence the end of the spinner here in the easiest difficulty so that the player will hear when it ends. i like to keep consistency in all diffs
  5. 02:32:987 (1) - Same as 00:48:416 (1).ok o3o
Sweet. Let me know. ^^

Yahoii and updated :3 sankiuuu \o3o/
Alright then.

We verified the artist as ItaloBrothers vs. Tune Up! which is how it is written on the Stamp! album.

Thanks to dkun for helping us verify the artist.

And with that, enjoy your rank. :D
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\o3o/ yaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay
gratz on your first heart UWS <333
Congrats :)
Gratz Lally Moe :3/
I have this song uploaded on my youtube channel, looks like it will be full of "osu!" comments in the future

Congrats on the ranked map! And congrats to UWS for the first ranked map. 8-)

MOE <3 <3 <3
Colours of the rainbow shine so bright<3

Congratss ! Good map !
Congratz Nyally! :3
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