
Train - Drive By

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This beatmap was submitted using in-game submission on giovedì 6 giugno 2013 at 20:29:52

Artist: Train
Title: Drive By
Tags: Collab Collaboration Reiji-RJ Ayu Roxas Alternative Pat Monahan Rob Hotchkiss Jimmy Stafford Charlie Colin Scott Underwood
BPM: 122
Filesize: 7596kb
Play Time: 03:09
Difficulties Available:
  1. Collab (4.92 stars, 483 notes)
  2. Hard (4.5 stars, 331 notes)
  3. Normal (2.86 stars, 217 notes)
Download: Train - Drive By
Information: Scores/Beatmap Listing
Collab - by Reiji-RJ and me
Hard - by Ayu
Normal - by me
Storyboard - by Roxas
Yaaaay \(^o^)/
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Added Ayu's Hard *-*

Ayu wrote:

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Pending :)
  1. The files sb\nemis.png and sb\reiji-rj.png seems to be unused, remove them.
  2. Make the kiai consistent between the difficulties, it would be nicer.
  1. This difficulty is good, the only thing is that you spammed 1/2 all the way, it's kinda boring to play.
  1. 00:34:700 (5) - New combo due to the pattern change, to make it easier to read for players.
  2. 00:37:405 (1) - Why did you end this slider on blue tick? It sounds really bad, end it on red instead.
  3. 01:01:011 (1) - Same as above, please consider changing this.
  4. 01:42:323 (1) - Once again, this slider plays really bad if you end it on the blue tick.
  5. 02:05:929 (1) - Same as above, please consider changing this.
  6. 02:29:536 (1) - This slider is touching the HP Bar, try moving it down a bit possible.
  7. 02:37:405 (1) - Same stuff once again about the blue tick.
  8. 03:01:011 (1) - Guess what? Yeah, you know.
  9. 03:07:896 (1,1,1,1,1) - This new combo spam doesn't make sense at all, please remove it.
  1. 00:34:454 (3,4) - This pattern is pretty tricky and hidden imo, try making it a bit more visible.
  2. 02:36:667 (1) - I'd prefer if you silence the slidertick here, it sounds loud and annoying on such a calm part of the song.
  3. 02:53:388 - It feels like you're missing a note here, add it maybe? Your choice though.
  4. 03:08:880 (1) - Remove this new combo, it's useless.
Nice map as always! Though you should consider about using a break on Hard difficulty as well.
Hey~ I can make Easy? e.e
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ThoomyyxD wrote:

Hey~ I can make Easy? e.e
I don't think it's needed here, I will contact you for my next mapset maybe :3
Uhuu hi Nemis :3

00:11:831 (5,6,7) - What about fixing the spacing here?
00:34:454 (3,4) - I'd move the hidden slider
01:46:257 (1,2,3) - this triple is a bit strange, change it?
01:56:585 (1) - Useless new combo imo D:
02:13:306 (5,6,7) - I'd increase the spacing on this
02:13:306 (5,6,7) - I'd add a new combo here
02:42:814 (5,1,2) - Try to fix this blanket maybe
03:04:454 (4,5,1,2,1,2,1,2,1,2) - Maybe fix the spacing in this whole pattern?
03:08:880 (1) - I'd remove this combo

01:10:109 (6) - Add some drums or something here :D
01:10:847 (1,2,3) - This will look cool if you make a perfect triangle
01:26:339 (5) - I'd stack this beat under 01:24:864 (2) -
01:54:618 (2,3) - Again, this blanket fixed maybe?
02:13:798 (1) - Put a break here (other diffs have a break too)
02:36:667 (8) - I'd remove this drum sound

02:36:913 (3) - Again, I'd remove this drum sound

Awesome map >w<
Pizza Kun

Nulla da dire buona map owo


00:06:667 (2) - move: X:344 || Y:100

00:27:323 (3) - like this:

00:28:060 (2) -

00:40:355 (3,4,5,1) - try this


00:59:536 (2,3,4) - uhm

01:10:847 (1) - stack better with 01:10:355 (6)

01:24:618 (5) - ^ with 01:23:634 (3)

02:35:683 (7,8) - swap notes

02:58:060 (5) - stack better with 02:57:323 (2)

da 02:25:601 a 02:29:536 - (ita) direi di fare un aumento del volume progressivo


00:35:191 (6,7,8) - Move:

6: X:260 || Y:328
7: X:248 || Y:230
8: X:236 || Y:312

02:36:175 (6) - X:216 || Y:140

02:58:060 (3) - stack with 02:56:831 (7)
Solo suggerimenti.


00:55:109 (3) - 84|260 perchè al momento mi sembra un po' troppo appiccicata allo slider precedente
00:57:077 (1) - Secondo me con ctrl+j scorre meglio
01:04:946 (1) - Anche qui
01:22:159 (6,1) - Potresti blankettarli
01:31:011 (1) - 284|384 perchè anche questo mi sembra troppo attaccato allo slider...
02:02:978 (3) - Anche qua userei ctrl+j, magari blankettandolo con lo slider seguente


00:34:700 (5,6,7,8) - I'm not sure about it, it looks a bit random...
01:25:355 (3,4,5) - Not a big problem but I think 5 is supposed to be stacked with 2
01:42:077 (3) - Add a clap to emphasize the drums?
02:07:650 (3) - 88|83 to make it symmetrical with the previous slider (if you look closely you can see that the ball is perfectly into the slider)
02:41:831 (1,2) - Like this, to make a circle and flow better
03:07:896 (1,1,1,1,1) - In my opinion this spam is too much... Also, why did you stack the last two notes?


00:25:109 (4,5,6) - Stack them properly
00:29:782 (1,3) - Blanket them better
00:34:454 (3) - Maybe you should use the same shape of 00:33:962 (2)
00:41:339 (1,2) - Stack pls
00:49:946 (4) - 160|320 or something like this because the pattern is supposed to be circular
00:54:618 (5,1) - Stack again
01:26:585 (1,3) - Stack! (Yes, I'm nazi with stacks)
01:33:716 (4) - Ctrl+r for flow?
01:57:568 (3) - I think you forgot a NC here
01:59:044 (3,4) - Stack
02:04:946 (3,4) - Don't hate me

Controlla tutti gli stack fatti male e fixali perchè sono orribili da vedere/giocare :( Per il resto gg
01:01:749 (2,3,4) - Here the hitsounds sound a bit weird
01:29:536 (3,4,5,6,7,8) - Perfect triangle maybe? XD
01:37:405 (3,4) - I would use CTRL+G here because it's more fun
01:38:634 (1) - I would move this note under 01:37:650 (4) - this one
01:41:585 (3,4,5,6) - I would make a stream here
02:53:388 (2) - Add a note here
03:04:454 (4,5,1,2,1,2,1,2,1,2) - Here the spacing is strange

00:35:191 (1) - Add a new combo
00:51:667 (1) - Remove new combo
00:52:159 (1) - Remove new combo
01:56:585 (1) - Remove new combo
01:57:077 (1) - Remove new combo
02:13:798 (1) - Why don't you put a break here just like the other mappers?
02:51:667 (1) - Remove new combo
02:52:159 (1) - Remove new combo
03:08:142 (1,1,1,1) - Remove new combos

cool enough ~
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mods spam

hell yeah :D
• Overall •
- L'immagine di background ha un colore rosso scuro, e tu l'hai scelto anche come colore per le note. Per problemi di visibilità, ti chiederei di cambiarlo.

• Collab •
01:24:618 (5) - Sovrapponilo allo slider 01:23:634 (3) - ?
01:49:454 (4) - Mandalo un po' giù? Tipo così Fa più figo xD
02:28:798 (6) - New combo?
02:58:060 (5) - Questo te lo concedo :P

È tutto :P Le altre diffs sono apposto.
sciao belo

  1. 00:42:814 (3,4) - Boh, sposta il (3) più in giù e fixa lo slider in modo che escano meglio esteticamente tipo questo q.q
  2. 02:03:962 (4) - NC maybe?

  • As others said, you could have the same break as other diffs
  1. 00:33:716 (1,2,3,4,5) - Ugh, kinda bad. Consider doing something like
  2. 01:39:372 (3,4) - x:16 y:144 fits better imo
  1. 00:30:519 (3) - Do like this (, it plays much better! :3
  2. 01:01:011 (1) - Flip slider? For example moving anchor point to x:200 y:324 or something like that
  3. 01:24:618 (5) - Stack on 01:23:634 (3) - beginning?
Nothing much to point out, great map. :3

  1. Try to keep kiais consistent between diffs. It feels quite wierd that kiais on [Collab] are a bit different
  2. Enable letterboxes during breaks. No need to keep them disabled here!
  3. Only one break for 3 minutes long song? Are you sure? Try to add one more at least on [Normal]!
  4. Consider using Slider Tick Rate 2 because it fits with music better, imo.
  1. Well, sinceyou're using 1/1 patterns only, try to reduce HP Drain and OD by 1 tick. It will keep mapset more balanced.
    Note: in fact, I'd recommend to use AR5 and HP/OD: 4 here because song is quite energetic.
  2. 01:09:372 (1,2) - let's try to emphasize drums here by re-arranging your pattern a bit. It will look like cirle and 1/2 slider with repeat. examle
  3. 01:22:159 (6) - nazi - you can make this slider kinda symmerical with (5) by making cute blanket slider. uguuuu
  4. 02:30:028 (1) - isn't it too soon after spinner for the easiest diff? Beginners will be confused.
    Note: this is the easiest diff, so it should be passable for beginners
  5. 02:35:437 - you need a circles here to follow vocals ('but') and to make previous combo a bit longer. (02:33:962 (1) - ) one object long combo may confuse players a bit :<
  6. 02:36:913 (3) - try to replace this slider with two circles? Or at least remove that drum finish from this slider because it sounds too awkward here.
  1. 00:35:191 (6) - I guess you'd better place a new combo here to make comboing consistent. What's more it will help us to read this stacked pattern.
  2. 00:37:405 (1) - You don't use 3/4 patterns a lot, do you? Well, this slider feels quite awkward here, how about making 1/4 shorter? At least try to silince it's tail because loud normal hitsound is too loud there :<
    Note: 01:01:011 (1) -01:42:323 (1) - 02:05:929 (1,2) 02:37:896 (2) - same happens here. Now I'm pretty sure that you need to reduce volume on slider's tail.
  3. 00:51:175 (1,2,1,2,1,2) - nazi - how about unstacking them a bit, to make thm look better? I'm pretty sure that something like this will make your patterns even more awesome.
    Note: 01:56:093 (1,2,1,2,1,2) - 02:51:175 (1,2,1,2,1,2) - same happens here. Apply this suggestion for all similar patterns or ignore it.
  4. 02:29:536 (1) - try to avoid overlaps with skin elements. THis overlap with HP-Bar looks messy and kinda ruins this amazing diff. The whole diff has awesome flow wih cute patterns, dn't ruin it with one silly overlap :< overlap.jpg
  5. 03:07:896 (1,1,1,1,1) - for some reason this NC Spam annoys me so much. Well.. you have no actual reason to place so many NCs here :< can you remove it?
You should explain where's your parts and where's RJ's parts. :<
  1. 00:21:421 (4,5,1) - nazi - almost every following 1/4 triplet is stacked, consider stacking these notes, too. You know, it's better to keep patterns consistent :<
  2. 00:25:847 (1,2) - I can't say that this jump flows god here. It's kinda unexpected for a calm part of the map. At least try to rreduce DS here a bit :< That jump would PERFECTLY fit during kiai, but not here :<
    Note: same 00:28:552 (3) - here and so on. I wion't even point out every pattern like this. If you'll want to fix it - you can do it yourself.
  3. 02:06:421 (2,3,4) - nazi - this kind of stacks is kinda unusual for this diff. Stack them with 2's tail or unstac 'em all! It will make pattern easier-readable.
Good luck.

02:25:601 (1) - End spinner at 02:29:044

[(Ayu's) Hard]
00:29:290 (1) - Maybe change to circle+1/2 slider, doesn't really... feel good


gl for rank :3

Thanks -Bakari- /o/
Mi hai chiesto di moddare una mappa senza errori.

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