
Watanabe Saki (Taneda Risa) - Wareta Ringo (TV Size) [Osu|Ca

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Topic Starter
This beatmap was submitted using in-game submission on lundi 16 juin 2014 at 21:18:14

Artist: Watanabe Saki (Taneda Risa)
Title: Wareta Ringo (TV Size)
Source: Shin Sekai Yori
Tags: Shinsekai ending anime -Kirito -Neipezi Yusuke Kishi A-1 Pictures Sentai Filmworks From the New World
BPM: 120
Filesize: 13597kb
Play Time: 01:27
Difficulties Available:
  1. Easy (1,17 stars, 79 notes)
  2. Hard (2,75 stars, 210 notes)
  3. -Neipezi's Insane (4,66 stars, 289 notes)
  4. Normal (1,54 stars, 102 notes)
  5. Rain (5,69 stars, 285 notes)
  6. Salad (4,28 stars, 161 notes)
Download: Watanabe Saki (Taneda Risa) - Wareta Ringo (TV Size)
Download: Watanabe Saki (Taneda Risa) - Wareta Ringo (TV Size) (no video)
Information: Scores/Beatmap Listing
Special thanks to Kurai for better offset, suggest on ctb diff, and Drafura who help me with ctb :D
Easy : 100% (Done by me)
Normal : 100% (Done by me)
Hard : 100% (Done by me)
-Neipezi's Insane 100% (Done by -Neipezi)
Salad 100% (Done by me)
Rain : 100% (Done by me)
My 3rd map, and my 1st ctb map
Mod list (25 mods)
ThoomyyxD (CTB mod)
Natsu (standard mod)
SuperMoutarde (standard mod)
Makyu (standard mod)
neonat (standard mod)
eldnl (standard mod)
tutuhaha (standard mod)
mintong89 (standard mod + taiko mod)
AlpacaCokelat (standard mod)
RikiH_ (standard mod)
Deif (standard mod + CTB mod)
Arrival (standard mod)
[_Crystal] (CTB mod)
rezoons (standard mod)
mingmichael (taiko mod)
Sey (CTB mod)
Hinsvar (standard mod)
Drafura (CTB mod)
kajiyatta (standard mod)
newtoniorock8 (CTB mod)
ursa (CTB mod)
-Umi- (standard mod)
scanter (standard mod)
shARPII (standard mod)
Kurai (CTB mod)
23/09/2013 : Apple'd by Kurai
16/06/2014 : Revived
thanks to all modder ~
Thanks to -Neipezi for video + hits sounds \o
Topic Starter
thanks for star mint :D
take -Kirito in tags plz cause he is give guest diff for you
Topic Starter
Oh yes, thanks for remember me, will fix it when I can play
Makyu ... ori_02.jpg

I think this is a better BG images, great song, I want to see it ranked c:
Topic Starter
There is already many map with this BG, I want to be original :D
Hi! From me Queue
Need Taiko Muzukashii
[Taikin Oni]
00:00:172 WTF? Not much to say .. this very well ..
Need a taiko muzukashii, if you want the taiko muzukashii me know, and I do ..

[CTB Platter]
AR -2
00:11:422 (6,7,8,9) Very Distance! D:
00:21:422 (6,7,8,9) ^
00:35:922 > 00:38:922 not loose and end, as has the map is "Unrankeable"

-bye! Good Luck!
Topic Starter

ThoomyyxD wrote:

Hi! From me Queue
Need Taiko Muzukashii yeah I know it, it's still WIP
[Taikin Oni]
00:00:172 WTF? Not much to say .. this very well ..
Need a taiko muzukashii, if you want the taiko muzukashii me know, and I do ..

[CTB Platter]
AR -2 I tested AR7, and I think it's make the map harder to read, so I changed to AR8
00:11:422 (6,7,8,9) Very Distance! D: was made intentionally for hyperdash, I tested and for pass this we just have to use hyperdash and left, right
00:21:422 (6,7,8,9) ^ ^
00:35:922 > 00:38:922 not loose and end, as has the map is "Unrankeable"
Uguu, I can't understand ^ D:

-bye! Good Luck!
thx for ctb mod :D
Hi :3


00:11:422 whistle
00:13:422 ^
00:24:422 normal hitsound dont fit imo sound weird


00:00:172 add whistle (other diff have it)
00:40:422 soft finish fit better but imo i think soft hitsound fit better with this song
01:18:422 add a circle with finish here then start spinner here 01:18:672 (like easy)


00:01:422 missing whistle
01:18:422 same as normal fit alot better imo
00:02:422 (1,2) - why antijump? since i preffer you keep distance here or maybe you can tack they perfect?
01:16:172 add circle this pause feel so weird
01:18:172 ^


00:02:422 (1,2) - stack they perfect
00:13:172 x:60 y:312
00:30:422 (1,2) - stack perfect x_x

Oh nice map most of the mod are just my opinion about things :3 good luck
Plop. from PM request via IRC ^^ taiko et CtB j'y connais rien donc je m'en tiens aux diff standard ^^


  1. 00:01:422 (2) et 00:03:422 (4)- pas super en rythme avec la musique je trouve. Pas évident de faire un truc jouable en Easy et respectant le rythme ici. Pour les deux je te conseille de mettre un slider qui dure 3/4 de beat et finit sur le blue tick, assez facile à jouer et bcp plus en accord avec la musique. Par ailleurs, je suis pas très fan des claps dans cette partie
  2. 00:05:422 (2,4) - ^
  3. 01:06:422 (3,4,1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4,1,2) - rythmiquement ça se répète beaucoup, là, circle, slider, circle, slider, etc. essaye de varier un peu sinon le joueur risque de s'ennuyer un peu :( Par exemple, tu peux envisager de commencer certains des sliders comme 01:00:922 (2) ou 00:57:422 (2) ou d'autres 1/4 beat plus tôt sur les blue ticks. Plus dur à jouer mais ça suivrait mieux la voix et apporterait de la variation. Sinon, transforme des sliders en cercle, si tu veux pas effrayer les débutants avec des sliders qui commencent sur blue tick
  4. le passage de 00:08:422 (1,2) jusqu'à 00:22:422 (3,4) - Même remarque, c'est bcp trop répétitif à mon avis, varie plus

  1. 00:01:422 (2,4) - cf. mon comment en easy, fais des slider 3/4 qui finissent sur les blue ticks
  2. 00:05:422 (2,4) - ^
  3. 00:09:422 (2,4) - ^
  4. 00:13:422 (2,4) - ^
  5. 00:17:422 (2,4) - ^
  6. 00:21:422 (2,4) - ^
  7. Ce qui me fait réaliser que ici aussi l'ennui guette :( De manière générale, répéter la même mesure mappée avec les mêmes éléments plein de fois de suites comme ça me semble une mauvaise idée, force-toi à varier, même si c'est Easy ou Normal ça empêche pas de faire des petites variations (remplacer un slider par deux cercles, choisir d'autres notes à mapper, etc). Du coup, tu pourrais n'appliquer mon conseil de finir les sliders sur le blue tick seulement à une partie d'entre eux pour apporter la variation, par exemple? Fais comme bon te semble, mais en tous cas il faut apporter du changement!
  8. 00:25:672 (2) et 00:29:672 (2) - oO pro (pas de sarcasme ^^)
  9. 00:33:672 (2) - du coup, lui, fais la même xD ça passe trop bien
  10. comme easy, pas fan des claps dans le kiai time
  11. 00:47:172 (5) - hmm remove? un peu overmapped pour une normal diff
  12. 00:45:422 (3) - pareil pour le reverse point de lui. Si tu veux rajouter des notes dans ce passage, y a des notes fortes de la voix qui sont pas mappées comme 00:44:797 ou 00:45:047 ou encore 00:45:297. etc. là, on dirait que t'as mappé sans vraiment faire attention à la musique, je trouve qu'il faudrait moins de notes sur le temps et contre temps, et plus de notes sur les 1/4 de temps.
  13. 00:48:422 (1) - ^
  14. 00:50:672 - ^
  15. 00:51:422 (4) - ^ etc etc. T'as mappé cette diff avec 1/2 beat snap divisor? si oui c dommage a mon avis
  16. baisse un peu le volume des hitsounds pendant le kiai, avec normal sampleset 70 ca recouvre trop la musique (pareil en Easy, d'ailleurs)

  1. HP Drain -1 plz ~
  2. Je la préfère nettement aux deux précédentes ^^
  3. 00:36:172 (9) - add circle
  4. 00:39:422 (1,2,3) - hmm c pas sur la musique. Il faut une note à 00:39:547 (blue tick), et ensuite il faut beat snap divisor 1/8 lol. Pour moi il faut mapper comme ça :

    Je te conseille pas des cercles comme dans l'exemple, hein, mais un slider avec reverse pour mapper les notes 4,5,6 dans l'image, c jouable. edit: lol j'aurais juste du te dire de checker dans l'insane puisqu'il a fait comme je suggère xD
  5. 00:52:922 (6) - hmm déplace le 1/4 beat plus tot en 00:52:797 et ajoute un autre cercle en 00:53:047 ?
  6. 00:56:672 (2,3) - comme dans la normal diff je trouve ça dommage de pas mapper plus la voix sur les 1/4 de beat mais c une question de préférence
  7. 01:16:672 (2) - raccourcis-le de 1/4 beat ça crée un bon rythme a jouer avec 01:17:172 (3,4,5) et ça suit mieux la musique
  8. intro et outro = pro
  9. 00:35:422 (7,8,9) - oh et ce genre de pattern je trouve ça dur a lire, pense aux pauvres joueurs en hidden xD
[-Kirito's Insane]

  1. 00:39:422 (1,2,3,4,5) - you agree with me about that one! I should have looked that part in your map when modding his, because you did how I suggested to map that part xD
  2. 00:42:172 (5,1) - It's insane diff so you can do as you want, but I think you should avoid this spacing, these almost-stacks are hard to read and kinda break the flow
  3. 00:43:672 (5,6) - ^
  4. 00:13:172 (6,7) - ^
  5. 00:30:422 (1,2) - ^
  6. 00:02:422 (1,2) - ^ and there might be more. I know it's on purpose so I guess you won't change it anyway
  7. That's all I got, map looks nice
Here you go ^^ Je pense qu'il faut retravailler un peu Easy et Normal mais le mapset est cool :)
Topic Starter

Natsu wrote:

Hi :3


00:11:422 whistle
00:13:422 ^ it's would be strange if I add only 2 whistle for this repetitive part
00:24:422 normal hitsound dont fit imo sound weird I think it's good like this


00:00:172 add whistle (other diff have it) Fix'd
00:40:422 soft finish fit better but imo i think soft hitsound fit better with this song I prefer normal hit sound for kiai time
01:18:422 add a circle with finish here then start spinner here 01:18:672 (like easy) fix'd


00:01:422 missing whistle here the whistle are only on slider end
01:18:422 same as normal fit alot better imo fix'd
00:02:422 (1,2) - why antijump? since i preffer you keep distance here or maybe you can tack they perfect? I prefer like this than stack
01:16:172 add circle this pause feel so weird Fix'd
01:18:172 ^ ^


00:02:422 (1,2) - stack they perfect
00:13:172 x:60 y:312
00:30:422 (1,2) - stack perfect x_x

Oh nice map most of the mod are just my opinion about things :3 good luck


SuperMoutarde wrote:

Plop. from PM request via IRC ^^ taiko et CtB j'y connais rien donc je m'en tiens aux diff standard ^^


  1. 00:01:422 (2) et 00:03:422 (4)- pas super en rythme avec la musique je trouve. Pas évident de faire un truc jouable en Easy et respectant le rythme ici. Pour les deux je te conseille de mettre un slider qui dure 3/4 de beat et finit sur le blue tick, assez facile à jouer et bcp plus en accord avec la musique. Par ailleurs, je suis pas très fan des claps dans cette partie
  2. 00:05:422 (2,4) - ^ pour cette parti j'ai changé les sliders en 3/4
  3. 01:06:422 (3,4,1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4,1,2) - rythmiquement ça se répète beaucoup, là, circle, slider, circle, slider, etc. essaye de varier un peu sinon le joueur risque de s'ennuyer un peu :( Par exemple, tu peux envisager de commencer certains des sliders comme 01:00:922 (2) ou 00:57:422 (2) ou d'autres 1/4 beat plus tôt sur les blue ticks. Plus dur à jouer mais ça suivrait mieux la voix et apporterait de la variation. Sinon, transforme des sliders en cercle, si tu veux pas effrayer les débutants avec des sliders qui commencent sur blue tick je préfère évité le blue tick, tout le kiai time suit la batterie, et puis je vois pas trop comment varier, car avec tous les blanket et symetry que j'ai fais D:
  4. le passage de 00:08:422 (1,2) jusqu'à 00:22:422 (3,4) - Même remarque, c'est bcp trop répétitif à mon avis, varie plus varié

  1. 00:01:422 (2,4) - cf. mon comment en easy, fais des slider 3/4 qui finissent sur les blue ticks
  2. 00:05:422 (2,4) - ^
  3. 00:09:422 (2,4) - ^
  4. 00:13:422 (2,4) - ^
  5. 00:17:422 (2,4) - ^
  6. 00:21:422 (2,4) - ^ tous fait en 3/4
  7. Ce qui me fait réaliser que ici aussi l'ennui guette :( De manière générale, répéter la même mesure mappée avec les mêmes éléments plein de fois de suites comme ça me semble une mauvaise idée, force-toi à varier, même si c'est Easy ou Normal ça empêche pas de faire des petites variations (remplacer un slider par deux cercles, choisir d'autres notes à mapper, etc). Du coup, tu pourrais n'appliquer mon conseil de finir les sliders sur le blue tick seulement à une partie d'entre eux pour apporter la variation, par exemple? Fais comme bon te semble, mais en tous cas il faut apporter du changement! j'ai fais quelque petit change
  8. 00:25:672 (2) et 00:29:672 (2) - oO pro (pas de sarcasme ^^)
  9. 00:33:672 (2) - du coup, lui, fais la même xD ça passe trop bien fait dans la meme idée
  10. comme easy, pas fan des claps dans le kiai time
  11. 00:47:172 (5) - hmm remove? un peu overmapped pour une normal diff sans ce genre de pattern, ça ressemble trop à une easy
  12. 00:45:422 (3) - pareil pour le reverse point de lui. Si tu veux rajouter des notes dans ce passage, y a des notes fortes de la voix qui sont pas mappées comme 00:44:797 ou 00:45:047 ou encore 00:45:297. etc. là, on dirait que t'as mappé sans vraiment faire attention à la musique, je trouve qu'il faudrait moins de notes sur le temps et contre temps, et plus de notes sur les 1/4 de temps. le kiai time est full batterie, et aussi les blue tick sont pas super naturel sur une normal
  13. 00:48:422 (1) - ^ vue que c'est du full drum ça devrait passer
  14. 00:50:672 - ^ ^
  15. 00:51:422 (4) - ^ etc etc. T'as mappé cette diff avec 1/2 beat snap divisor? si oui c dommage a mon avis ^
  16. baisse un peu le volume des hitsounds pendant le kiai, avec normal sampleset 70 ca recouvre trop la musique (pareil en Easy, d'ailleurs) je vais laisser comme ça pour le moment, pour être consistant avec toute les diff, ou si on me le redit je baisserais un peu

  1. HP Drain -1 plz ~ fix'd
  2. Je la préfère nettement aux deux précédentes ^^
  3. 00:36:172 (9) - add circle je préfère laisser un petit blanc içi
  4. 00:39:422 (1,2,3) - hmm c pas sur la musique. Il faut une note à 00:39:547 (blue tick), et ensuite il faut beat snap divisor 1/8 lol. Pour moi il faut mapper comme ça : je sais mais si j'ai fais comme ça c'est parce que en jeux, ça reviendrais a faire comme un stream full 1/4 avec un slider 1/8 en plein mileux, et je trouve que ça fairait un peu trop dur pour une hard, vue que ça va surement random miss à cette endroit

    Je te conseille pas des cercles comme dans l'exemple, hein, mais un slider avec reverse pour mapper les notes 4,5,6 dans l'image, c jouable. edit: lol j'aurais juste du te dire de checker dans l'insane puisqu'il a fait comme je suggère xD
  5. 00:52:922 (6) - hmm déplace le 1/4 beat plus tot en 00:52:797 et ajoute un autre cercle en 00:53:047 ? le 6, je préfère le laissé la,
  6. 00:56:672 (2,3) - comme dans la normal diff je trouve ça dommage de pas mapper plus la voix sur les 1/4 de beat mais c une question de préférence comme dans la normal c'est du full drum (kiai time)
  7. 01:16:672 (2) - raccourcis-le de 1/4 beat ça crée un bon rythme a jouer avec 01:17:172 (3,4,5) et ça suit mieux la musique je tiens à mon clap qui est sur le white tick, qui donne bien le rythm du drum
  8. intro et outro = pro
  9. 00:35:422 (7,8,9) - oh et ce genre de pattern je trouve ça dur a lire, pense aux pauvres joueurs en hidden xD c'est à la base fait pour le none, donc je laisse comme ça, et puis normalement si tu lis bien meme en HD tu passe
[-Kirito's Insane]

  1. 00:39:422 (1,2,3,4,5) - you agree with me about that one! I should have looked that part in your map when modding his, because you did how I suggested to map that part xD
  2. 00:42:172 (5,1) - It's insane diff so you can do as you want, but I think you should avoid this spacing, these almost-stacks are hard to read and kinda break the flow
  3. 00:43:672 (5,6) - ^
  4. 00:13:172 (6,7) - ^
  5. 00:30:422 (1,2) - ^
  6. 00:02:422 (1,2) - ^ and there might be more. I know it's on purpose so I guess you won't change it anyway
  7. That's all I got, map looks nice
Here you go ^^ Je pense qu'il faut retravailler un peu Easy et Normal mais le mapset est cool :)

I didn't finish to apply all mod, have to go for now D:
Why everyone hate this anime T.T
You got a star for me, I just love the fucking anime too much.

00:16:172 (1) - Stack it :c
00:30:922 (2) - Stack
00:35:297 (2,3) - spacing
00:35:672 (4,5,6) - same here
00:42:172 (5) - stack maybe?

00:55:922 (4) - move this to x256 y168

00:44:422 (1,2) - maybe slider instead of two notes?

Does this looks like a normal?

Sorry this stupid mod, Im noob, Im trying to improve :c
Topic Starter

Makyu wrote:

Why everyone hate this anime T.T
You got a star for me, I just love the fucking anime too much.

00:16:172 (1) - Stack it :c
00:30:922 (2) - Stack
00:35:297 (2,3) - spacing
00:35:672 (4,5,6) - same here
00:42:172 (5) - stack maybe?

00:55:922 (4) - move this to x256 y168 no change, I won't make a square here

00:44:422 (1,2) - maybe slider instead of two notes? fix'd

Does this looks like a normal? I think this easy is really easy

Sorry this stupid mod, Im noob, Im trying to improve :c
Thanks for mod and star :D

Natsu wrote:

Hi :3


00:02:422 (1,2) - stack they perfect
00:13:172 x:60 y:312
00:30:422 (1,2) - stack perfect x_x

Oh nice map most of the mod are just my opinion about things :3 good luck


SuperMoutarde wrote:

Plop. from PM request via IRC ^^ taiko et CtB j'y connais rien donc je m'en tiens aux diff standard ^^

[-Kirito's Insane]

  1. 00:39:422 (1,2,3,4,5) - you agree with me about that one! I should have looked that part in your map when modding his, because you did how I suggested to map that part xD
  2. 00:42:172 (5,1) - It's insane diff so you can do as you want, but I think you should avoid this spacing, these almost-stacks are hard to read and kinda break the flow
  3. 00:43:672 (5,6) - ^
  4. 00:13:172 (6,7) - ^
  5. 00:30:422 (1,2) - ^
  6. 00:02:422 (1,2) - ^ and there might be more. I know it's on purpose so I guess you won't change it anyway
  7. That's all I got, map looks nice
Here you go ^^ Je pense qu'il faut retravailler un peu Easy et Normal mais le mapset est cool :)


Makyu wrote:

Why everyone hate this anime T.T
You got a star for me, I just love the fucking anime too much.

00:16:172 (1) - Stack it :c :arrow: Fix
00:30:922 (2) - Stack :arrow: Fix
00:35:297 (2,3) - spacing :arrow: no problem
00:35:672 (4,5,6) - same here :arrow: no problem
00:42:172 (5) - stack maybe? :arrow: Fix
thank you for modding~

osu file format v12

AudioFilename: hRwSLMGq7bSR.128.mp3
AudioLeadIn: 2500
PreviewTime: 40422
Countdown: 0
SampleSet: Soft
StackLeniency: 0.7
Mode: 0
LetterboxInBreaks: 0

Bookmarks: 8422,40422,60422,80422
DistanceSpacing: 1.7
BeatDivisor: 4
GridSize: 4

Title:Wareta Ringo (TV Size)
TitleUnicode:割れたリンゴ (TV Size)
Artist:Taneda Risa
ArtistUnicode:種田 梨沙
Version:-Kirito's Insane
Source:Shin Sekai Yori
Tags:Shinsekai ending anime -Kirito -Neipezi ctb taiko


//Background and Video events
0,0,"Shinsekai Yori BG.jpg",0,0
//Break Periods
//Storyboard Layer 0 (Background)
//Storyboard Layer 1 (Fail)
//Storyboard Layer 2 (Pass)
//Storyboard Layer 3 (Foreground)
//Storyboard Sound Samples
//Background Colour Transformations


Combo1 : 253,77,17
Combo2 : 170,85,0
Combo3 : 193,0,0
Combo4 : 210,210,0

Just some suggestions, hope you consider


00:00:172 (1) - it would be better if you started it at 00:00:422, end at 00:00:922
00:09:422 (2) - end at 00:09:797
00:11:422 (4) - ^
00:13:422 to 00:23:922 - ^ (would sound more natural)
00:30:922 (3) - start from 00:30:797, end at 00:31:172
00:34:922 (3) - ^


00:02:672 (2) - better to hide it completely under 00:02:422 (1)
00:08:672 (2) - ^
00:18:672 (2) - ^
01:20:672 (2) - ^
01:22:672 (2) - ^
01:26:672 (2) - ^
00:39:422 (1,3) - maybe make them the same as 00:39:797 (2)
01:12:172 - add a note?
Topic Starter

neonat wrote:

Just some suggestions, hope you consider


00:00:172 (1) - it would be better if you started it at 00:00:422, end at 00:00:922 okay fix'd
00:09:422 (2) - end at 00:09:797 ^
00:11:422 (4) - ^ ^
00:13:422 to 00:23:922 - ^ (would sound more natural) ^
00:30:922 (3) - start from 00:30:797, end at 00:31:172 star a slider on blue tick is unatural on normal diff
00:34:922 (3) - ^ ^


00:02:672 (2) - better to hide it completely under 00:02:422 (1) I don't like stack
00:08:672 (2) - ^ ^
00:18:672 (2) - ^ ^
01:20:672 (2) - ^ ^
01:22:672 (2) - ^ ^
01:26:672 (2) - ^ ^
00:39:422 (1,3) - maybe make them the same as 00:39:797 (2) I prefer this pattern than 3 slider reverse
01:12:172 - add a note? I prefer let a blank here
thanks for mod :D

Consider adding a video, it is just a tv size.


I strongly suggest AR4, I know that this is an easy, but it works better, because the notes are too close each other, and this is stupid hard to read.
00:36:672 - Spinner seems too short, what if you use a single note instead the last slider and extend the spinner? Example
01:18:422 - ^ same, but remove the note.


00:00:422 - Start in the same part as the other difficulties?
00:26:922 - This slider should start 1/4 before to follow the guitar.
00:30:922 - ^ Same as before.
00:34:797 - ^ Same as before.


At the start you follow always the same rhythm, but in some parts you put random jumps, that seems a bit weird with the low spacing.
Some examples: 00:11:422 - 00:13:422 - Strongly suggest to use the same spacing, it seems ugly and random.


00:03:422 - Strongly suggest to reduce the sv, it is random and unreadable.
00:16:922 - The spacing between this slider and the previous one is too short. Increase it.
00:49:672 - I'm not sure but this pattern is a bit unreadable for me, at least at the first times. And is not the same rhythm that you're following.

I won't mod the ctb diff because for me is entirely wrong, why? because is not my mapping style and I don't like to put random fruits dropping in the screen (yes it seems like that), you should have a pattern to follow. You can use this or this map for example, which represents the awesomeness.

Good luck!
Topic Starter

eldnl wrote:


Consider adding a video, it is just a tv size.


I strongly suggest AR4, I know that this is an easy, but it works better, because the notes are too close each other, and this is stupid hard to read.
00:36:672 - Spinner seems too short, what if you use a single note instead the last slider and extend the spinner? Example
01:18:422 - ^ same, but remove the note.
all fix'd


00:00:422 - Start in the same part as the other difficulties? okay fix'd
00:26:922 - This slider should start 1/4 before to follow the guitar.
00:30:922 - ^ Same as before.
00:34:797 - ^ Same as before. I know it, but tap on blue tick on normal diff can feel unnatural, so I keep it for the moment, and change it if other one ask


At the start you follow always the same rhythm, but in some parts you put random jumps, that seems a bit weird with the low spacing.
Some examples: 00:11:422 - 00:13:422 - Strongly suggest to use the same spacing, it seems ugly and random. jump reduced


00:03:422 - Strongly suggest to reduce the sv, it is random and unreadable.
00:16:922 - The spacing between this slider and the previous one is too short. Increase it.
00:49:672 - I'm not sure but this pattern is a bit unreadable for me, at least at the first times. And is not the same rhythm that you're following.

I won't mod the ctb diff because for me is entirely wrong, why? because is not my mapping style and I don't like to put random fruits dropping in the screen (yes it seems like that), you should have a pattern to follow. You can use this or this map for example, which represents the awesomeness.

Good luck!
thanks ~
[-Kirito's Insane]
00:03:422 (1,2) - dont know why use 2.00x there, I think just 1.00x
00:12:047 (1) - delete, same rhythm with 00:09:797 (5,1) -
00:19:422 (4) - move to x336 y316, make big space will play more fun
00:20:797 (3,4) - not really like this design...litter bit ugly and hard to read........
00:23:672 (8) - add whistle
00:24:422 (1) - add whistle at the end, now just too soft
00:44:172 (7) - move to x436 y76 (space)
00:46:297 (X) - If is me, I will add note at there
00:47:547 (3,4) - space
00:49:422 (5,6,7) - this is the first time you use this way to design the note, so try to add some nc to underline it
00:50:297 (X) - If is me, I will add note at there
00:54:797 (X) - ^

00:11:422 (3,4) - looks too close,try to move litter bit far
00:18:297 (1,2) - Now looks just like a bug Orz..........
when people use this way to design they map, first is this follow the music, second is not low AR
'_'....or try to make this diff be AR8
00:48:422 (4) - NC
00:58:172 (7) - ^
01:02:172 (4) - ^
01:10:422 (5) - ^
01:14:672 (6) - ^

00:08:422 (1) - whistle at the begin
00:14:422 (3) - ^

Orz sorry for tooooooooo slow
Topic Starter

tutuhaha wrote:

[-Kirito's Insane]
00:03:422 (1,2) - dont know why use 2.00x there, I think just 1.00x
00:12:047 (1) - delete, same rhythm with 00:09:797 (5,1) -
00:19:422 (4) - move to x336 y316, make big space will play more fun
00:20:797 (3,4) - not really like this design...litter bit ugly and hard to read........
00:23:672 (8) - add whistle
00:24:422 (1) - add whistle at the end, now just too soft
00:44:172 (7) - move to x436 y76 (space)
00:46:297 (X) - If is me, I will add note at there
00:47:547 (3,4) - space
00:49:422 (5,6,7) - this is the first time you use this way to design the note, so try to add some nc to underline it
00:50:297 (X) - If is me, I will add note at there
00:54:797 (X) - ^

00:11:422 (3,4) - looks too close,try to move litter bit far okay fix'd
00:18:297 (1,2) - Now looks just like a bug Orz..........
when people use this way to design they map, first is this follow the music, second is not low AR
'_'....or try to make this diff be AR8
00:48:422 (4) - NC
00:58:172 (7) - ^
01:02:172 (4) - ^
01:10:422 (5) - ^
01:14:672 (6) - ^
I dunno what i've done with combo, I changed many thing with them (kiai time only) D:

00:08:422 (1) - whistle at the begin
00:14:422 (3) - ^
all fix'd

Orz sorry for tooooooooo slow
thanks for mod :)
Best map 2013 o/
Topic Starter
There is more map better than mine \o
You must rank this now :c
Topic Starter
I want it, but I have to find more mod and MAT/BAT \o

just a random ctb mod (not really)

I find the map fun to play and its well mapped, though here are some things I'd like to point out, just a few dw

HP+ 1 maybe? 6 seems a little forgiving for platter
00:05:422 (4,5,6,7) - this seems a little hard for a song like this, i mean parts like these (im sure you could tell where these parts spawn in your diff) are a bit sudden and you should've given more emphasis on the chorus rather than the start of the song

I guess thats it, it was a fun map, but please consider my suggestions.
Topic Starter
hm it's true, the 1st part is more hard than the kiai, I will try to change this, and HP+1 fix'd
thanks for you suggest :)
hi M4M 0.0?

Black: feel free to ignore
Blue: might consider
Red: Unrankable issue

i think the sound quality of this mp3 is not good, try use this one?
Artist should be 渡辺早季(種田梨沙) - Watanabe Saki (Taneda Risa) , see this
it would be better if you Source write as "From the New World", but "Shin Sekai Yori" is correct too,
why didn't have video?

[-Neipezi's Insane]
note volume is too loud...i think you may lower it.

00:19:672 (5) - CTRL+G
00:19:922 (1) - remove NC and 00:20:422 (2) - NC at here, because new vocal part at 00:20:422 (2) - .
00:22:172 (1) - remove NC and 00:22:172 (1) - NC , ^
00:24:422 - this sound too loud... lower it please.
00:30:422 (1,2) - these note didn't stack properly.


00:10:922 (2) - froget to put whistle?
00:19:422 (6,7) - this slider shape is too small orz.. i think use 00:17:422 (5,6) - is better.

[Taiko Oni]

00:00:422 (5,1) - d k? it sound weird for 00:00:422 - k.
00:02:422 (1) - it sound too loud for this way to put D....put d please.
00:04:922 (3,1,2) - k k d? it same with 00:00:922 (1,2,1) -
00:06:422 (4) - d

orz sorry for poor mod
Hi~ m4m
maybe my mod will overlap with previous mod, idk /runs
i will only mod standard, sorry

seems fine

-Neipezi's Insane
00:03:422 (1) - remove nc, to match your previous pattern
00:13:172 (5,6,7) - the anti-jump feels a bit weird, since you don't use this kind of anti-jump in other place with the same pattern (etc 00:15:297 (6,7,8) - , 00:20:922 (4,5,6) - How about not making it anti-jump?
00:30:422 (1,2) - nazi, not stacked properly
00:36:422 (1,2) - stack them to match the pattern 00:30:422 (1,2) - 00:32:422 (1,2) -
00:58:422 (1) - not really symmetry, im not good at this, but try to arrange the red point position 256|304


00:26:297 (5,6) - i prefer to stack since it'll be easier to read the pattern, and to match this 00:30:297 (4,5) -
everything else is fine imo

i think it'll be better if you mute the whistle sliderslide 00:01:422 (2) - 00:03:422 (4) - 00:05:422 (2) - 00:07:422 (4) - because i found it quite disturbing

and the rest is fine to me

My suggestion about the whistle sliderslide is the same with normal diff

00:00:172 (1) - i won't recommend this pattern, to match this pattern 00:04:422 (1,2) - and because you mapped the very first guitar intro and it may starts too sudden and will confuse beginner. I prefer if you start the beat here 00:00:422 - by putting circles here 00:00:422 - and here 00:00:922 - or you can add slider which lasts from 00:00:422 - to 00:00:922 - , that way, the rhythm would be easier to play
00:14:422 (4) - nc

i think that's all, the rest is fine

i know nothing about this anime, but the song is really nice :D

Good luck~
I'm really sorry for the huge delay but this week has been terrible. Sorry for my bad english!


00:14:922 (5) - Ctrl+g here? It would flow a bit better imo... Remember to fix the spacing if you apply it
00:24:422 (1) - For a better blanket:
- 2nd sliderpoint to x:445 y:74
- 3rd sliderpoint to x:424 y:47
00:25:672 (2) - This is not symmetrical with the center if you look closely, I suggest you to remake it with the new algorhythm
00:36:422 (x) - I'd add a note here and let the spinner start 1/4 later but it's up to you
00:40:922 (2) - 3rd sliderpoint to 304|214 for a perfect blanket
00:46:922 (4) - 3rd sliderpoint to 302|82 for a perfect blanket, again
00:52:422 (1) - 3rd sliderpoint to 333|130 for a perfect blanket
00:53:922 (2) - This is a bit ugly, remake it with the new algorhythm!
01:16:422 (1) - Fix the spacing between the previous and the following note


01:00:422 (1,2) - The slider is supposed to finish in 01:00:797 but it would be a very difficult pattern for a normal. I suggest you to make an unique slider that ends in 01:00:922

Uhm, I don't find further problems but you should consider remaking some of your sliders with the new algorhythm, they would look better!


00:05:672 (7) - Ctrl+g?
00:21:672 (5) - Ctrl+g? Otherwise you break the flow...
00:29:422 (2) - Ctrl+g here too, and also blanket these sliders a bit better

-Neipezi's Insane

00:18:922 (3) - 2nd sliderpoint to 343|155 and 3rd sliderpoint to 370|212 for a perfect blanket
00:30:422 (1,2) - Stack these perfectly
00:47:672 (4) - This should be farther from the previous note, move it to 292|188 or something
01:00:797 (1) - A clap on a blue tick? It sound bad, remove it please


Nice map, good luck for rankiing :D
Topic Starter
MOE mint

mintong89 wrote:

hi M4M 0.0?

Black: feel free to ignore
Blue: might consider
Red: Unrankable issue

i think the sound quality of this mp3 is not good, try use this one? Well for me, the mp3 sound good
Artist should be 渡辺早季(種田梨沙) - Watanabe Saki (Taneda Risa) , see this changed
it would be better if you Source write as "From the New World", but "Shin Sekai Yori" is correct too, I don't like translated title :(
why didn't have video? Because I don't have one ôwô

[-Neipezi's Insane]
note volume is too loud...i think you may lower it.

00:19:672 (5) - CTRL+G
00:19:922 (1) - remove NC and 00:20:422 (2) - NC at here, because new vocal part at 00:20:422 (2) - .
00:22:172 (1) - remove NC and 00:22:172 (1) - NC , ^
00:24:422 - this sound too loud... lower it please.
00:30:422 (1,2) - these note didn't stack properly.


00:10:922 (2) - froget to put whistle? yeah add
00:19:422 (6,7) - this slider shape is too small orz.. i think use 00:17:422 (5,6) - is better. Fix'd

[Taiko Oni]

00:00:422 (5,1) - d k? it sound weird for 00:00:422 - k. hm I prefer let k d here, it's follow the guitar
00:02:422 (1) - it sound too loud for this way to put D....put d please. fix'd
00:04:922 (3,1,2) - k k d? it same with 00:00:922 (1,2,1) - no change, I won't make the same pattern
00:06:422 (4) - d k sound better for fit the guitar sound

orz sorry for poor mod np you modded taiko diff :D


AlpacaCokelat wrote:

Hi~ m4m
maybe my mod will overlap with previous mod, idk /runs
i will only mod standard, sorry

-Neipezi's Insane

00:03:422 (1) - remove nc, to match your previous pattern
00:13:172 (5,6,7) - the anti-jump feels a bit weird, since you don't use this kind of anti-jump in other place with the same pattern (etc 00:15:297 (6,7,8) - , 00:20:922 (4,5,6) - How about not making it anti-jump?
00:30:422 (1,2) - nazi, not stacked properly
00:36:422 (1,2) - stack them to match the pattern 00:30:422 (1,2) - 00:32:422 (1,2) -
00:58:422 (1) - not really symmetry, im not good at this, but try to arrange the red point position 256|304


HD+1 HP+1 fix'd
OD+1? Insane got OD7

00:26:297 (5,6) - i prefer to stack since it'll be easier to read the pattern, and to match this 00:30:297 (4,5) - stacked, but I make a blanket on 7, not 4
everything else is fine imo


i think it'll be better if you mute the whistle sliderslide 00:01:422 (2) - 00:03:422 (4) - 00:05:422 (2) - 00:07:422 (4) - because i found it quite disturbing all fix'd

and the rest is fine to me


My suggestion about the whistle sliderslide is the same with normal diff

00:00:172 (1) - i won't recommend this pattern, to match this pattern 00:04:422 (1,2) - and because you mapped the very first guitar intro and it may starts too sudden and will confuse beginner. I prefer if you start the beat here 00:00:422 - by putting circles here 00:00:422 - and here 00:00:922 - or you can add slider which lasts from 00:00:422 - to 00:00:922 - , that way, the rhythm would be easier to play fix'd
00:14:422 (4) - nc no change

i think that's all, the rest is fine

i know nothing about this anime, but the song is really nice :D

Good luck~ thank you :D


RikiH_ wrote:

I'm really sorry for the huge delay but this week has been terrible. Sorry for my bad english!


00:14:922 (5) - Ctrl+g here? It would flow a bit better imo... Remember to fix the spacing if you apply it fix'd
00:24:422 (1) - For a better blanket:
- 2nd sliderpoint to x:445 y:74
- 3rd sliderpoint to x:424 y:47 no change this blanket look already to me
00:25:672 (2) - This is not symmetrical with the center if you look closely, I suggest you to remake it with the new algorhythm fix'd
00:36:422 (x) - I'd add a note here and let the spinner start 1/4 later but it's up to you for easy diff, I prefer let like this
00:40:922 (2) - 3rd sliderpoint to 304|214 for a perfect blanket fix'd
00:46:922 (4) - 3rd sliderpoint to 302|82 for a perfect blanket, again not really fix'd, but blanket adjusted
00:52:422 (1) - 3rd sliderpoint to 333|130 for a perfect blanket
00:53:922 (2) - This is a bit ugly, remake it with the new algorhythm!when I tried with new algorhythm, the blanket was kinda bad
01:16:422 (1) - Fix the spacing between the previous and the following note fix'd


01:00:422 (1,2) - The slider is supposed to finish in 01:00:797 but it would be a very difficult pattern for a normal. I suggest you to make an unique slider that ends in 01:00:922 fix'd

Uhm, I don't find further problems but you should consider remaking some of your sliders with the new algorhythm, they would look better!


00:05:672 (7) - Ctrl+g? pattern changed
00:21:672 (5) - Ctrl+g? Otherwise you break the flow... I prefer let like this
00:29:422 (2) - Ctrl+g here too, and also blanket these sliders a bit better blanket adjusted

-Neipezi's Insane

00:18:922 (3) - 2nd sliderpoint to 343|155 and 3rd sliderpoint to 370|212 for a perfect blanket
00:30:422 (1,2) - Stack these perfectly
00:47:672 (4) - This should be farther from the previous note, move it to 292|188 or something
01:00:797 (1) - A clap on a blue tick? It sound bad, remove it please


Nice map, good luck for rankiing :D thank you :D
Hi Kin!

Those N-Timing sections in osu!standards and CTB diffs seem way TOO loud. Try decreasing the volume ~20%.

AR+1? 4 looks a bit low.
00:40:422 (1,2,3) - Hmm... That timeline doesn't suit too much with the main beats of the song. You could try moving those objects a bit, putting those 2 sliders 1 white tick before, and that note where (3) ends at the moment, so you would have 2 sliders and 4 consecutive notes.
00:48:422 (1) - This slider feels much more suiting here if it's 1/1 long, without that repetition.
00:50:422 - At this point is where (3) should start, as it's a main beat of the song. Make it as (4), 1/2 long with a repetition. If you made this change, (2) must lose its repetition and should be a slider as (1).
01:00:422 (1) - Is the whistle at the end of this slider intentional? It was the only N-Whistle I heard in the whole song.
01:06:422 (3,4) - Maybe change (3) to a normal note and (4) to a 1/2 slider in the white tick? It was a bit unexpected to find that note alone in a red tick.

00:18:297 (1,2) - Move (2) at any other place to make it more visible . While playing, it's easier to miss it due to the fast repetitions of the slider (1).
00:39:422 (1,2,3) - I find that pattern easier if it were just something like THIS.
00:45:172 (3,4,5,6) - Confusing spacing due to the high distance between (3,4,5), which are distanced by 1/2 in the timeline, and then (5,6), which are separated by 1/1. Make a NewCombo in (6), or reduce the distance of the formation (3,4,5) to make it easier to read.
00:49:922 (5,6) - Same happens here, but seems to be easier to read. Avoid making the previous notes more distanced or put a NC in (6).
00:47:172 (7) - Try not to overlap it with (8). Make it vertical instead of horizontal?
00:50:922 (7) - Put it closer to (6) and (8). It's way too distanced from those notes at the moment.
00:52:922 (2) - It's confusing due to the high distance (1,2,3). Not expected at all.
01:04:922 (2,3) - Both sliders should have the same distance as (1,2).

The kiai part was overall confusing to play. Take a look at all those notes, just in case.

00:03:422 (1,2) - and 00:07:422 (1,2,3,4) - Remove NC here, or put NC in the other similar points to keep consistency.
00:39:797 (4) - It's recommendable to split this slider into 2, like THIS. That way you'll have a false "6-note stream", which seems easier to read.
01:02:422 (1,2,3,4) - Compared to the rest of the kiai, this part looks empty. Consider changing those circles into 1/2 sliders.
01:23:422 (4,5) - Sorry to break the symmetry of that part, but the distance between those sliders is too big. Not hard to read, cos those guitar notes are everywhere in this song, but it's recommendable to put both sliders closer to avoid confusions. Something like THIS?
01:25:047 (4) - Same distance (3,4) and (4,5)? Looks better that way.

00:00:172 (1,2,3) - The movement the player needs to do here is quite sharp. I suggest moving (2) closer to the other notes till there's a horizontal distance of ~3.00x. Otherwise it's gonna be a real pain.
00:16:172 (1,2,3) - ^
00:04:297 (1,2,3) - I'd really recommend to reduce the distance between the notes. Players would need to take a lot of risk there, because they'll either have to keep the ryuuta still to recieve the fruits in both edges of the plate, or do a quick double movement. Here you have some suggestions for those 1/8 triplets: /
00:06:297 (1,2,3) - ^ There are much more triplets of that kind. Take a look at them and experiment a bit either =)
00:02:422 (1) - Remove the whistle from the slider-body?
00:34:047 (5,6,7,1) - The current position of that HDash makes that pattern a bit uncorfotable to play. I suggest to invert the positions of (5) and (6) with Ctrl-G, and putting the new (6) in X:~152. (7) can be the mirrored note of (6) to keep the symmetry.
00:38:047 (7,8,9,10) - Something similar happens here, but in this case the HDash is quite strong and that makes (10) quite difficult to catch. For this pattern, moving (8) closer to (7), and (10) to (9) should already.
01:03:297 (4,5,6,7) - Heh, I like using this type of HDash-Dash-HDash-Dash formation, but that one seems a bit tricky. Try moving altogether (5,6) to the left, till the distance (4,5) and (6,7) is the same more or less. That should make it easier to catch.
01:27:422 (3,4,5,6) - HDash in (4) or (5) instead of (3)? Seems more fitting.

The other diffs look nice. I hope I could've helped you :3 Good luck!
Topic Starter

Deif wrote:

Hi Kin!

Those N-Timing sections in osu!standards and CTB diffs seem way TOO loud. Try decreasing the volume ~20%. okay fix'd for my diff

AR+1? 4 looks a bit low.
00:40:422 (1,2,3) - Hmm... That timeline doesn't suit too much with the main beats of the song. You could try moving those objects a bit, putting those 2 sliders 1 white tick before, and that note where (3) ends at the moment, so you would have 2 sliders and 4 consecutive notes. fix'd
00:48:422 (1) - This slider feels much more suiting here if it's 1/1 long, without that repetition. I prefer let like this for clap sound
00:50:422 - At this point is where (3) should start, as it's a main beat of the song. Make it as (4), 1/2 long with a repetition. If you made this change, (2) must lose its repetition and should be a slider as (1). hm I prefer let like this
01:00:422 (1) - Is the whistle at the end of this slider intentional? It was the only N-Whistle I heard in the whole song. yeah my mistake
01:06:422 (3,4) - Maybe change (3) to a normal note and (4) to a 1/2 slider in the white tick? It was a bit unexpected to find that note alone in a red tick. that was intentionnal

00:18:297 (1,2) - Move (2) at any other place to make it more visible . While playing, it's easier to miss it due to the fast repetitions of the slider (1). anti jump removed
00:39:422 (1,2,3) - I find that pattern easier if it were just something like THIS. I prefer let this pattern
00:45:172 (3,4,5,6) - Confusing spacing due to the high distance between (3,4,5), which are distanced by 1/2 in the timeline, and then (5,6), which are separated by 1/1. Make a NewCombo in (6), or reduce the distance of the formation (3,4,5) to make it easier to read. spacing reduced, now DS x1,6
00:49:922 (5,6) - Same happens here, but seems to be easier to read. Avoid making the previous notes more distanced or put a NC in (6). no change, that will ruin the patterns blanket+overlap
00:47:172 (7) - Try not to overlap it with (8). Make it vertical instead of horizontal? I like this pattern I won't change it <_<
00:50:922 (7) - Put it closer to (6) and (8). It's way too distanced from those notes at the moment. that was intentionnal, because if I keep 1,1 spacing, thill patterns will look strange
00:52:922 (2) - It's confusing due to the high distance (1,2,3). Not expected at all. jump removed
01:04:922 (2,3) - Both sliders should have the same distance as (1,2). that will ruin the overlap

The kiai part was overall confusing to play. Take a look at all those notes, just in case.

00:03:422 (1,2) - and 00:07:422 (1,2,3,4) - Remove NC here, or put NC in the other similar points to keep consistency.
00:39:797 (4) - It's recommendable to split this slider into 2, like THIS. That way you'll have a false "6-note stream", which seems easier to read.
01:02:422 (1,2,3,4) - Compared to the rest of the kiai, this part looks empty. Consider changing those circles into 1/2 sliders.
01:23:422 (4,5) - Sorry to break the symmetry of that part, but the distance between those sliders is too big. Not hard to read, cos those guitar notes are everywhere in this song, but it's recommendable to put both sliders closer to avoid confusions. Something like THIS?
01:25:047 (4) - Same distance (3,4) and (4,5)? Looks better that way.

00:00:172 (1,2,3) - The movement the player needs to do here is quite sharp. I suggest moving (2) closer to the other notes till there's a horizontal distance of ~3.00x. Otherwise it's gonna be a real pain.
00:16:172 (1,2,3) - ^ both fix'd
00:04:297 (1,2,3) - I'd really recommend to reduce the distance between the notes. Players would need to take a lot of risk there, because they'll either have to keep the ryuuta still to recieve the fruits in both edges of the plate, or do a quick double movement. Here you have some suggestions for those 1/8 triplets: / for this one I reduced spacing (x2,50)
00:06:297 (1,2,3) - ^ There are much more triplets of that kind. Take a look at them and experiment a bit either =) some patterns changed for variation
00:02:422 (1) - Remove the whistle from the slider-body? yep, I failed when I wanted to add whistle on slider end
00:34:047 (5,6,7,1) - The current position of that HDash makes that pattern a bit uncorfotable to play. I suggest to invert the positions of (5) and (6) with Ctrl-G, and putting the new (6) in X:~152. (7) can be the mirrored note of (6) to keep the symmetry.
00:38:047 (7,8,9,10) - Something similar happens here, but in this case the HDash is quite strong and that makes (10) quite difficult to catch. For this pattern, moving (8) closer to (7), and (10) to (9) should already. fix'd
01:03:297 (4,5,6,7) - Heh, I like using this type of HDash-Dash-HDash-Dash formation, but that one seems a bit tricky. Try moving altogether (5,6) to the left, till the distance (4,5) and (6,7) is the same more or less. That should make it easier to catch. fix'd
01:27:422 (3,4,5,6) - HDash in (4) or (5) instead of (3)? Seems more fitting. well I prefer let like this

The other diffs look nice. I hope I could've helped you :3 Good luck!
thanks for mod :D
Allez ma biatch ♥

Le AImod te dis plein de choses, va voir.

[-Neipezi's Insane]
00:43:297 (3) - Clap ?
00:44:922 (2) - Better blanket here ?
00:49:172 (3) - Offscreen a bit,change the pattern so the beat can stay totally on the playground
01:24:922 (3) - One gris down ?
01:07:172 (2,3) - Why this triplet here ?
01:14:922 (2,3,4,5) - Oh well try to stay on the central playground...

Nice diff here

00:36:672 (2) - Fait un meilleur blanket voyons
00:45:672 (4,5) - T'augmeentes brutalement le spacing ça fait bizarre, la musique s'emballe pas tellement
01:11:672 (7,8) -
01:21:422 (4) - T'oublies une note de la musique la avec ce 1/2

On dirait plus une easy qu'une normale, alors j'ai hate de voir la gueule de l'easy...
00:25:672 (2) - S'pas beau, et ca va pas avec la musique. il faut quelque chose de plus souple
00:29:672 (2) -
00:55:422 (5) - NAZI : y=243
01:06:422 (3) - Offscreen
01:17:422 (3) - Ca te dit pas d'utiliser l'écran quand tu met tes cercles ? :3

Je me disais que ça allait etre chiant mais a ce point la... Au moins les manchots tétraplégiques avec la polio pourront SS DT+HR+HD+FL !
00:12:422 (1) - Nazi: x=405
01:20:422 - Pourquoi tu mappes pas la fin ? O_O
Au moins cette map est tellement vide que le mod a pas été long ! o/

Good luck, mais ca tardera pas a etre ranked, c'est un peu le mod de la fin ce que je fais la. Good luck o/
Topic Starter

Arrival wrote:

Allez ma biatch ♥

Le AImod te dis plein de choses, va voir.

[-Neipezi's Insane]
00:43:297 (3) - Clap ?
00:44:922 (2) - Better blanket here ?
00:49:172 (3) - Offscreen a bit,change the pattern so the beat can stay totally on the playground
01:24:922 (3) - One gris down ?
01:07:172 (2,3) - Why this triplet here ?
01:14:922 (2,3,4,5) - Oh well try to stay on the central playground...

Nice diff here

00:36:672 (2) - Fait un meilleur blanket voyons le blanket içi est passable, mais améliorer le blanket içi revient à changer tout le pattern, vu que 3 blanket 2, tandis que 4 blanket 2 tout en ayant le slider end sur 1 et en gardant le spacing constant
00:45:672 (4,5) - T'augmeentes brutalement le spacing ça fait bizarre, la musique s'emballe pas tellement le spacing n'est pas si haut que ça, une diff hard sans petit jump ça fait kinda boring
01:11:672 (7,8) - ?
01:21:422 (4) - T'oublies une note de la musique la avec ce 1/2 c'est pour ça que le red point est bien sur le tick 1/4, de sorte que même si la note n'est pas joué viens un circle, elle est dans le flow

On dirait plus une easy qu'une normale, alors j'ai hate de voir la gueule de l'easy... c'est belle est bien une normal, c'est juste que de nos jour les mapper nous sortes des normal avec du SV1,4 qui ressemble bien + a des hard que normal
00:25:672 (2) - S'pas beau, et ca va pas avec la musique. il faut quelque chose de plus souple au contraire, chaque red point du slider sont belle est bien sur des tick 1/4, qui suivent la melody de derrieère
00:29:672 (2) - euh wat ?
00:55:422 (5) - NAZI : y=243 pas besoin de bouger
01:06:422 (3) - Offscreen il est seulement en bordure, je peux le laisser comme il est c'est rankable
01:17:422 (3) - Ca te dit pas d'utiliser l'écran quand tu met tes cercles ? :3 ^

Je me disais que ça allait etre chiant mais a ce point la... Au moins les manchots tétraplégiques avec la polio pourront SS DT+HR+HD+FL !
00:12:422 (1) - Nazi: x=405
01:20:422 - Pourquoi tu mappes pas la fin ? O_O les 3 diff qui sont simple (y compris taiko) n'ont pas la fin de mapper
Au moins cette map est tellement vide que le mod a pas été long ! o/
une easy c'est fait pour être izi D:

Good luck, mais ca tardera pas a etre ranked, c'est un peu le mod de la fin ce que je fais la. Good luck o/
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