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Well, since Garen is a free champ this week, I may try him out and see my self just failed as a major tank/melee.
yeah play garen

spin city

i've seen some galio supports and he can be quite good what with the shield and the aoe slow, as well as his ult at 6

but his passive and mr are useless for bot lane, which is quite unfortunate. back in the days you'd go mid with null-magic mantle and pots, have like 70mr and 50 ap at level 1...

tyrael6192 wrote:

've seen some galio supports and he can be quite good what with the shield and the aoe slow, as well as his ult at 6

but his passive and mr are useless for bot lane, which is quite unfortunate. back in the days you'd go mid with null-magic mantle and pots, have like 70mr and 50 ap at level 1...
What, that's insane, lol.
I did read he can go mage but it's... odd.
I might just stick to going top and gearing him full tank.
I used to play galio support often. He is very mana hungry and has a long CD on his only support ability. You'd be better off playing janna or taric for the same effect.

Galio top lane is kinda bad now with what is very popular in that lane. His mid is decent, but definitely lacking.

Vulf wrote:

I used to play galio support often. He is very mana hungry and has a long CD on his only support ability. You'd be better off playing janna or taric for the same effect.

Galio top lane is kinda bad now with what is very popular in that lane. His mid is decent, but definitely lacking.
because MR items for tanks no longer exist except for runic bulwark
spirit visage is somewhat viable, but it got nerfed

actually I'm wrong
chalice/abyssal is good
its more because of the focus on AD scaling champs in the current meta that makes galio less viable

Vulf wrote:

I used to play galio support often. He is very mana hungry and has a long CD on his only support ability. You'd be better off playing janna or taric for the same effect.

Galio top lane is kinda bad now with what is very popular in that lane. His mid is decent, but definitely lacking.
I am not a fan of Taric or Janna. =P
I don't care what's popular, I more care about if it works.
Do they actually put out champions that are 100% not viable? That'd be dumb.

WishfulFiction wrote:

because MR items for tanks no longer exist except for runic bulwark
spirit visage is somewhat viable, but it got nerfed

actually I'm wrong
chalice/abyssal is good
its more because of the focus on AD scaling champs in the current meta that makes galio less viable
Yeah, I used the Chalice a few times.
I haven't really found that there are more ADs than APs in the games I've played - it's been pretty even.
Also to note, I play normal, not ranked.

Eh, meta doesn't mean it always happens. If meta happened all the time, there'd be an AP and AD carry, so he'd be useful that way, no?
his early game damage is scary as hell but come lategame he's basically just a shieldbot for the carry and a flash ult engage man
Let me put it this way. Galio needs items to scale into the game which he wouldn't get as a 0 cs support (this is why karma is a bad support). In other words no it won't work most of the time because of heavy mana cost meaning he has to spend 900 extra gold to help his ADC, and he has long CD's on everything but his Q. He needs specific items to get going.

To answer another question. There are some champions in this game that aren't viable hence why some stuff get kit reworks.

Edit: The reason he isn't very good mid/top anymore is because of all the random AD bruiser and casters that got major buffs in season 3 making it hard for him to lane. It's not that he isn't viable he just fell out of favor. The whole point of his kit is to be the counter to all AP, but seeing as AP carries aren't the only thing that goes mid anymore it has dwindled him to a niche pick.
Am I the only one who wants this fucking Kayle to get removed from this game immediately
The people that I play with would 'like' everyone to fill any role, but I'm still without a support and AD carry (mostly because I don't like a large number ranged champions).

tyrael6192 wrote:

his early game damage is scary as hell but come lategame he's basically just a shieldbot for the carry and a flash ult engage man
He seemed pretty strong early game, yeah.

Vulf wrote:

Let me put it this way. Galio needs items to scale into the game which he wouldn't get as a 0 cs support (this is why karma is a bad support). In other words no it won't work most of the time because of heavy mana cost meaning he has to spend 900 extra gold to help his ADC, and he has long CD's on everything but his Q. He needs specific items to get going.

To answer another question. There are some champions in this game that aren't viable hence why some stuff get kit reworks.

Edit: The reason he isn't very good mid/top anymore is because of all the random AD bruiser and casters that got major buffs in season 3 making it hard for him to lane. It's not that he isn't viable he just fell out of favor. The whole point of his kit is to be the counter to all AP, but seeing as AP carries aren't the only thing that goes mid anymore it has dwindled him to a niche pick.
What's a kit?
Viable, out of favour, what's the difference?
Disappoint. So I'm still without a champion with a support role then.
At least looking through the champion filter for support anyway.

BrokenArrow wrote:

Am I the only one who wants this fucking Kayle to get removed from this game immediately
What's wrong with Kayle? She's a fantastic champion. =/
Kit is just the set of abilities (+specific stats) a champion has and the versatility of those abilities.

Just because people don't play something doesn't mean it isn't viable. Jungle fizz in s2 wasn't really in the public sphere at all and not many people did it, but it was scary as hell when done right... this is just an example but like you know what i mean

something can be underplayed but still really strong
Kit = skill set.
Viable means they are still playable in the meta. Galio is still a good mid just not as strong as he used to be when double AP was very popular like a year and a half ago (aka fell out of favor) basically there are better options than him now. Nonviable mostly means that their skill set is so odd or outdated they will have a hard time no matter what. Take Sion for example his skill set makes zero sense whatsoever. That's why he is getting a rework. Other examples are karma, heimerdinger, and warwick. inb4 "those said champions are good!" no they aren't thats why riot is reworking them.

You can play galio support, but don't expect it to ever out perform any of the standard supports that can do what he does but way better. Heck i used to play ashe and caitlyn support awhile back lol. If your playing 5's and they don't mind you playing unconventional supports then go for it, but in solo que you'll probably end up getting banned for playing against the meta. I learned this after i got a suspension for playing roam annie like 5 games in a row.

tyrael6192 wrote:

something can be underplayed but still really strong
Yeah, but it takes someone of decent skill to do that. I'm still slightly new to the game so I'm not really aiming for such at the moment.

Vulf wrote:

You can play galio support, but don't expect it to ever out perform any of the standard supports that can do what he does but way better. Heck i used to play ashe and caitlyn support awhile back lol. If your playing 5's and they don't mind you playing unconventional supports then go for it, but in solo que you'll probably end up getting banned for playing against the meta. I learned this after i got a suspension for playing roam annie like 5 games in a row.
I don't have any standard supports that I like yet. Any suggestions?
Like I said, most of my champions I like go top (Darius, Garen, Renekton, Jarvin IV, Irelia, Xin Zhao, Gangplank, Wukong, Tryndamere).
What the crap? You can get a suspension for that? That's... dumb. If a person can make it work, who cares?
If you like playing bruiser type champions you might like Leona, Blitzcrank, Thresh, Nunu, or Alistar all of those are very good supports. Generally anything that has hard CC (non ults preferably), sustain, a steroid and doesn't need items to scale as the game progresses usually makes a decent 0 cs support.

There are also the unconventional (these are champions that can support, but they aren't very strong at that role) supports like galio, shen, mundo, gangplank, malphite etc.. If you ever decide to go into solo queue ranked i would advise not playing these cause people will complain.

Well according to riot you cannot get banned for playing against the meta, but you can get banned for failing to communicate with your team. This is what riots support told me when i asked about my ban last year lol. If your team is fine with you playing against the meta then it's okay, but if pre game chat explodes about you playing something crazy like jungle Vlad then the odds are you will eventually get banned after a few reports. lol

Vulf wrote:

If you like playing bruiser type champions you might like Leona, Blitzcrank, Thresh, Nunu, or Alistar all of those are very good supports. Generally anything that has hard CC (non ults preferably), sustain, a steroid and doesn't need items to scale as the game progresses usually makes a decent 0 cs support. There are also the unconventional (these are champions that can support, but they aren't very strong at that role) supports like galio, shen, mundo, gangplank, malphite etc.. If you ever decide to go into solo queue ranked i would advise not playing these cause people will complain.

Well according to riot you cannot get banned for playing against the meta, but you can get banned for failing to communicate with your team. This is what riots support told me when i asked about my ban last year lol. If your team is fine with you playing against the meta then it's okay, but if pre game chat explodes about you playing something crazy like jungle Vlad then the odds are you will eventually get banned after a few reports. lol
Was not a fan of Leona, Blitzcrank or Thresh.
Nunu might be worth a try, but I never knew he was a full support.
Alistar's on my list of 'wanting to try'.

Eh, Shen and Mundo work more top based on what I've seen.
My team has actually banned me from using Gangplank. Apparently he doesn't "bring enough".
Malphite I own and actually like him top. I dunno how I'd make him support though, lol.

Failing to communicate, huh? I'm 100% terrible at paying attention to the chat panel, simply because the team I usually play with uses vent so I don't usually need it.
Maybe they lied to you... lol.
It's odd, yeah. But like I said, if someone can make something work, who cares? I've never seen Renekton go jungle, but I do just fine with him, farming wise.

It's not that I love bruiser, it's that I like melee. And my team says melee should always get extra health / survivability over ranged. So then it just kinda turns into a bruiser...
Kanye West
Yeah all this discussion about what's "viable" is bullshit

Every hero is viable with some role. Situational maybe, but still viable. Galio mid/top is fine, yeah he has weaknesses but so does every single other hero. There are players who have carried to high elo with every champion ever made, even the ones that we call "bad", including warwick, karma, poppy, heimer etc. So basically anything is viable situationally in some role. Obviously don't pick a jungler that is terrible at clearing jungle and/or ganking, don't pick a support that can't do shit with 0 cs, don't counterpick yourself etc.
Exactly stuff like shen and mundo work much better in other places, but they could go bot lane as a support. They just won't be as good as actual supports most of the time.

Well you shouldn't have to worry about stuff like that in premades, but in solo queue it's definitely reportable. lol
Kanye West

Vulf wrote:

Exactly stuff like shen and mundo work much better in other places, but they could go bot lane as a support. They just won't be as good as actual supports most of the time.

Well you shouldn't have to worry about stuff like that in premades, but in solo queue it's definitely reportable. lol
Not really, double bruiser bot lanes work fine if you know how to play them. You just focus on killing/zoning more than farming/protecting AD. If done correctly, you can deny the enemy AD hard and pick up some kills on the way

Kanye West wrote:

Obviously don't pick a jungler that is terrible at clearing jungle and/or ganking
You just described Warwick. LOL

and those are called kill lanes which are a lot different than the standard AD/support. Even still some AD/Support combos can shut that lane down.
Kanye West
play him toplane .

and sure, if they pick janna/ez/corki/graves then it just becomes a skill matchup and you should really never pick double bruiser if they pick janna first anyways
Warwick top is very niche and even that has faded in season 3. He isn't getting a kit rework cause riot feels like it. It's because he is outdated and literally no reason to pick him over something like Vi.
Vi is a broken ass bitch


Kanye West
mid and feed? that takes some skill .

Vulf wrote:

Warwick top is very niche and even that has faded in season 3. He isn't getting a kit rework cause riot feels like it. It's because he is outdated and literally no reason to pick him over something like Vi.
To be honest, Vi is just extremely strong right now, she's going to get toned down soon, but even then she'll still be picked for her ult. Vi for Viable I guess.
I know she is. Also they just nerfed AP trynd lol.

What i was referring to is that Vi can do what warwick does but a lot better. Similar to how Skarner is ww v2.

It's called powercreep and it's starting to get stupid with this game.

Vi is so op.... even on silver/gold is starting to get banned so much
if you'd be less of a dick reverselight, you'd have made challenger hundreds of games earlier.
whatever, do know that you are pretty toxic and a lot of times reported - sakujoyou
Oh and if anyone wants to add me, my name on NA is

ouranhshc osu

GeeNX wrote:


Vi is so op.... even on silver/gold is starting to get banned so much
I was watching quality player play AP trynd yesterday. It's pretty broken. 500 heal on a 5 second CD and a spin on an even lower CD. You don't even need to win lane to play that since it has the best push and back door capabilities out of all the champions in the game right now. You basically just split push to win.
That crystal line. Holy crap I'll never see one in my life.
shit which happens when I get krepo to support me on broken champ:
support mf no sightstone

i laughed a bit too hard that's genius

tyrael6192 wrote:

support mf no sightstone

i laughed a bit too hard that's genius
if you were watching the stream, youd see him ks'ing some early kills, snowballing us so much ahead that he successfully 1v2'd them.
I suggested jokingly to buy support stuff, lol

First try we made.

noneed wrote:

if you'd be less of a dick reverselight, you'd have made challenger hundreds of games earlier.
whatever, do know that you are pretty toxic and a lot of times reported - sakujoyou
i like be toxic ;)

noneed wrote:

if you'd be less of a dick reverselight, you'd have made challenger hundreds of games earlier.
whatever, do know that you are pretty toxic and a lot of times reported - sakujoyou
If he is getting reported then he will get banned/permabanned eventually. Then we can laugh at the QQ post on the LoL forums.
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