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Justykanna wrote:

tyrael6192 wrote:

something can be underplayed but still really strong
Yeah, but it takes someone of decent skill to do that. I'm still slightly new to the game so I'm not really aiming for such at the moment.

Vulf wrote:

You can play galio support, but don't expect it to ever out perform any of the standard supports that can do what he does but way better. Heck i used to play ashe and caitlyn support awhile back lol. If your playing 5's and they don't mind you playing unconventional supports then go for it, but in solo que you'll probably end up getting banned for playing against the meta. I learned this after i got a suspension for playing roam annie like 5 games in a row.
I don't have any standard supports that I like yet. Any suggestions?
Like I said, most of my champions I like go top (Darius, Garen, Renekton, Jarvin IV, Irelia, Xin Zhao, Gangplank, Wukong, Tryndamere).
What the crap? You can get a suspension for that? That's... dumb. If a person can make it work, who cares?
Lulu just outshines Galio in so many ways for supporting. Their skillsets accomplish pretty much the same thing in lane too.

zLaceration wrote:

Lulu just outshines Galio in so many ways for supporting. Their skillsets accomplish pretty much the same thing in lane too.
However, I dislike ranged characters. =P
Galio's one of few ranged (if you can call him that) that I even come close to liking.

Justykanna wrote:

Vulf wrote:

Just started ranked up again. So tired of being called a troll for playing Warwick. Probably going to get banned again for playing him. lol
Judge the player, not the Champion imo.
Doesn't matter. If you get reported enough you will get banned for this stuff. I see it often in the tribunal.

Examples of the crap i have to go through in champ select in solo queue for trying to play my favorite champion. Is this what the pre eve rework and karma players had/have to deal with?


Vulf wrote:

Doesn't matter. If you get reported enough you will get banned for this stuff. I see it often in the tribunal.

Examples of the crap i have to go through in champ select in solo queue for trying to play my favorite champion. Is this what the pre eve rework and karma players had/have to deal with?
That's so dumb...
Yeah, if it's your favourite champion, and you play well enough, you should be fine. =/
Why does Riot listen to people that report you for simply selecting a champion...
You can't have a good score every game is the thing.

Tribunal is judged by the players not riot. Riot only issues permabans.

Played with this magewick in one of my provisional game a few days ago, it was hilarious how hard he dumped on his lane. What league are you in? I'm only in Silver 1 and people aren't nearly that picky. The only time I consider dodging a certain pick is when somebody picks a champ with high learning curve while they have barely any games played with that champ. If somebody picks Syndra or Orianna while they've played 3 games with that champ in all seasons combined, AND has an average KDA of 1/8/2, I'm gonna avoid that free loss.
I've had complaints about this since the end of season 2 when i started ranked. People do this with all underpowered champions not just warwick.

I play mid warwick a lot cause he does well against AD casters like talon, pantheon, and lee sin.

I don't do bad with him unless all my lanes lose before I even start to do red buff. Which is what happened in one game today along with a solo bot alistar cause our ezreal never connected lol. I got blamed for the loss anyways.

Hopefully Riot buffs him properly this time so he doesn't get nerfed a month later like last year.

TL;DR People don't know how to play with a jungle warwick on their team.
Yeah, but just because players judge for Tribunal doesn't make it right.
As I've pointed out a little while ago, the League community isn't the brightest.

I still disagree that people shouldn't say something along the lines of "We have Warwick, we're gonna lose" (and going in with a negative attitude's not gonna help either). Yeah, you got blamed for the loss? I'd more lean at the stupidity of your team.

What's TLDR suppose to mean?
TL;DR = Too Long; Didn't Read.
My post here have been long and obnoxious lately so i thought i would start adding that cause i'm sure a lot people don't want to read a lot of that mess. lol

It used to be a lot worse when people spammed punish for IP, but they removed that awhile back.

In those situations all you really have to do is either dodge, deal with it and report them at the end of the game. Either way it makes the game unenjoyable.
Lol, it wasn't too long.

Eh, I like reading this thread, since I'm still technically a newbie.

Punish for IP... That's pretty awful too!
I'd imagine. I wouldn't wanna shelf my favourite champion either (though mind you, he's likely not my best one).
It's very frustrating for those players yes. The good thing is that riot has acknowledged this issue and wants to bring those champions up to par with the newer ones. Though it might take awhile cause in some cases they would have to be redesigned both visually and a skill set rework. Katarina for example.
I didn't know so much people hated ww lol
I always thought him fine, giving the whole team like mini nunu buff without the movement speed. The suppress which can be goddam annoying for ganks
Altho i do think he could maybe have more damage on his passive or his ulti or maybe renew his e a bit.
I don't think there a reason to hate ww that much >.>

Obviously rankeds are for lose, I started that 5/0 with aka
vi is my waifu
she's a beast, you must be happy ^^
i can guess who the man in the relationship is

Skywards wrote:

I didn't know so much people hated ww lol
I always thought him fine, giving the whole team like mini nunu buff without the movement speed. The suppress which can be goddam annoying for ganks
Altho i do think he could maybe have more damage on his passive or his ulti or maybe renew his e a bit.
I don't think there a reason to hate ww that much >.>
He is getting a skill set rework cause he is trash in the league of gap closers and CC.
Finally bought Sejuani, god i love her ult. She's so much fun to play~
want to buy so many champion T^T
^ You and I both.
Kanye West

MillonzKub wrote:

want to buy so many champion T^T
I don't

Karthus + lee sin is all I need <3
guise , someone help me ..
match ends, LoL client closes, and then the client gets to the "waiting for stats" part and I get the message that Air crashed..

what happened? @_@; my friend told me that the issue is a conflict between lol recorder and league , uh
I just dont have 5 champs, though I have 14k money

Glass wrote:

What league are you in?
I'm currently in silver 4. My placement games were brutal.

On the bright side i'm getting over 50 Lp per win and only losing about 5-6 lp per loss lol. Proof enough i don't belong that low? Games at this tier are pretty hilarious as a jungler.

Mmm....I love Steel Legion Lux =w=;
Steel Legion Lux <3

I don't recommend you abyssal, first because they didnt have that much ap, just annie, but with that build she was far from burst you, it is okay vs heavy ap damages, but lux is 1combo girl, I recommend void staff, but is okay too, I am just a noob player, your build is totally right too, anyways try it. I am loving atm morello on Lux
I went for Abyssal last just cause she did hurt just a bit and I wanted some MR (So I got that) I was going Void if she didn't hurt to much.
Morello for CD~ <3 Lazer'z to the face.
It's annie though? Your lux your range is ridiculous compared to hers. If you needed MR you should have just bought an athenes. Lux can only use half of abyssal.
I recall that patch that decreased the Aura range of Abyssal Scepter... it lost so much popularity even though it grants so much MR.
Yeah annie's range is lower, but laning vs her, she can drop tibbers when you less expect, and with her combo can totally burst a lux, and if you're not close enough, just flashes + tibbers, though lux has an advantage compared with other midlaners, her W can save you from ignites, pretty nice.

Anyways was watching LCS, lol Gambit played aaawesome and they totally destroyed EG, gg Gambit
Is jungling not popular or something?
Out of my last ten normal games, I've had to jungle seven of them... -_-
your normal elo/mmr is low
People that jungled often in season 1. and 2 stopped for awhile with the season 3 changes (this happened with the new jungle in season 2 as well). Season 2 jungle was bad, but season 3 is much worse.

I main the jungle role and from what i see is that riot wanted to bring back season 1 jungle, but with season 2 exp and gold rewards which is bad. You are either ahead or your not which makes jungling kinda meh to play.

I really miss the season 1 jungle. :(

Ouariasse wrote:

your normal elo/mmr is low
What does that have to do with anything?

Vulf wrote:

People that jungled often in season 1. and 2 stopped for awhile with the season 3 changes (this happened with the new jungle in season 2 as well). Season 2 jungle was bad, but season 3 is much worse.

I main the jungle role and from what i see is that riot wanted to bring back season 1 jungle, but with season 2 exp and gold rewards which is bad. You are either ahead or your not which makes jungling kinda meh to play.

I really miss the season 1 jungle. :(
After a while, I get sick of having to do it over and over again. However, at the same time, I don't like having two top.
I've been able to keep up and considering I'm not great at it, it can't be all that bad.
If you weren't around for season 1 jungle you probably won't understand a word my last post meant. lol

Season 1 jungle was basically equivalent to a solo lane in terms of farm and exp if not slightly better depending on what jungler you were playing. This made it optional to either farm or gank to a certain point. Riot didn't like this so they severely nerfed it and by severe i mean gutted with season 2 changes something to do with junglers getting gold and levels for free, and they also wanted more variety of junglers. Season 2 was all about support tanky junglers (maokai amumu) while season 3 is all about early game ganking dominate junglers (xin, j4). It's kinda boring if you ask me. It's not that it's bad as much as the role is kinda boring compared to the last 2 seasons.

After watching some of the LCS i feel this game is going to devolve into which ever team can split push the most. This game really needs some backdoor protection like dota 2 has.

Edit: I should also mention that in season 1 it was all about counter jungling, meaning you got rewarded a lot for stealing the small camps a whole hell of a lot more than you do now. The counter jungling meta was very fun as a jungler.
People who play league of legend should join the chat group. for those of you guys don't know how go to the bottom right and it will show u tabs and click on the center one that says "view your chat rooms control panel" then press the join or create a chat room and type "osu!" without quotation of course.
Just got back to LoL on EU WEST

if anyone wanna help me

i give you my ID
We can play if you want Keksi
There you go!

can this build be used all the time, or would this be more of a situational build
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