
League of Legends

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tyrael6192 wrote:

what happens is people want to win so there's kind of an element of forced cooperation... you won't instalock quite as often because it just jeopardizes your chances of winning, and you won't go all out troll mode

but semi-repressing your urge to be a cunt isn't the same thing as being nice so tl;dr everyone is still a cunt

also my point is it's more noticeable in league (and therefore other moba games or team games) because you actually have to rely to an extent on the randoms you get matched with in order to win, as opposed to games that are ffa and such
I usually play normal with three or four friends so I'm probably not exposed to the general community as much as others have.
Yeah, you do have to rely on randoms, so point taken.
If you can avoid solo queue with premade games then do it. Solo queue is awful most of the time.

Vulf wrote:

If you can avoid solo queue with premade games then do it. Solo queue is awful most of the time.
That's why my friends and I prefer doing such. Randoms make things annoying.

new champion? i don't even--
Nope. This was posted on the NA forums last year. From what i remember it was a contest thing.
However, there is a new champion that's underway. I think it falls under the name of Quinn / Quin, assumed to be a Demacian counterpart of Swain. And an AD Carry. This is just what I heard, though.

Hakeru wrote:

new champion? i don't even--
Looks like Nasus+Anivia put together in a Mixer. LOL
looks like Ra, one of egipcian's god

GeeNX wrote:

looks like Ra, one of egipcian's god
That's the idea. I'm all for another egyptian god based champion, but sadly this is fan made.
i see :/ , i think it would be nice if riot make a champ based on greek myth

Hakeru wrote:

i see :/ , i think it would be nice if riot make a champ based on greek myth
Cassiopeia = Medusa

ikr , but i want more lol

NikFreaX wrote:

ThunderHat wrote:

but in LoL you can just avoid those by being a good player and playing ranked games :P
Oh, how I wish that was true.

But it is.
Sure I occasionally enjoy 5s with close friends or people from the /v/ chat but solo queue is becoming fun for me as well. Every game with and against diamond players, couple of famous names here and there and the games are challenging and fun. Though there are known trolls which I try to avoid by dodging(you barely lose any LP) ranked solo is basically the place I go to improve while having fun.
sona confirmed for taking 7/8 of Ez's kills

I think she belongs in a museum.
@Hakeru: Yeah me too, not just greek, other ones from others mythologies, like from vikings, though olaf is from there, but could be others too, anyways that champs are funny...and I dont know, I think riot could do a champ every 2 months or that based on fan's idea, most voted ones, or something like that, the idea that WE , players, could help designing a champ, I think would be so nice, they do like 2 , 3 champs then 1 with some ideas from gamers, I think would be nice though riot is totally

Money >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> People


zerothefallen wrote:

sona confirmed for taking 7/8 of Ez's kills

I think she belongs in a museum.
'ay 'ay

i don't mean to kill people; they shouldn't be standing still

Anyway, Zero and I here are likely to play some normals today. Does anybody wish to join us later? We're in NA and PBE.

Agnes wrote:

Anyway, Zero and I here are likely to play some normals today. Does anybody wish to join us later? We're in NA and PBE.
I added you to my Friends List, Agnes.
Poke me if you decide to go and I'm around (and you want an extra body) =P.

Agnes wrote:

zerothefallen wrote:

sona confirmed for taking 7/8 of Ez's kills

I think she belongs in a museum.
'ay 'ay

i don't mean to kill people; they shouldn't be standing still

Anyway, Zero and I here are likely to play some normals today. Does anybody wish to join us later? We're in NA and PBE.

GeeNX wrote:

@Hakeru: Yeah me too, not just greek, other ones from others mythologies, like from vikings, though olaf is from there, but could be others too, anyways that champs are funny...and I dont know, I think riot could do a champ every 2 months or that based on fan's idea, most voted ones, or something like that, the idea that WE , players, could help designing a champ, I think would be so nice, they do like 2 , 3 champs then 1 with some ideas from gamers, I think would be nice though riot is totally

Money >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> People

I'd be fine with them not making any new champions at all for a few months. They really need to take the time to fix some of the champions that are just plain awful eg warwick, karma, heimer, sion, gangplank and poppy (just to name a few) will never see competitive play with how nonviable they are. "Money > People" that may be true, but there is also a thing called powercreep that can easily sneak up and do some damage to a games population. With the recent champions that have come out there is basically no reason to play some of the older ones unless your trying to fill a niche role. Why should I be reported, and called a troll for playing my favorite champions? lol

Also there are tons of champions that they can make skins for so it's not like they will lose a lot of revenue for slowing champion releases.

Vulf wrote:

GeeNX wrote:

@Hakeru: Yeah me too, not just greek, other ones from others mythologies, like from vikings, though olaf is from there, but could be others too, anyways that champs are funny...and I dont know, I think riot could do a champ every 2 months or that based on fan's idea, most voted ones, or something like that, the idea that WE , players, could help designing a champ, I think would be so nice, they do like 2 , 3 champs then 1 with some ideas from gamers, I think would be nice though riot is totally

Money >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> People

I'd be fine with them not making any new champions at all for a few months. They really need to take the time to fix some of the champions that are just plain awful eg warwick, karma, heimer, sion, gangplank and poppy (just to name a few) will never see competitive play with how nonviable they are. "Money > People" that may be true, but there is also a thing called powercreep that can easily sneak up and do some damage to a games population. With the recent champions that have come out there is basically no reason to play some of the older ones unless your trying to fill a niche role. Why should I be reported, and called a troll for playing my favorite champions? lol

Also there are tons of champions that they can make skins for so it's not like they will lose a lot of revenue for slowing champion releases.
Ww is fine.
Kanye West

Vulf wrote:

warwick, karma, heimer, sion, gangplank and poppy
All of them are viable, you just can't play them properly. Pros don't use them because there are other champs that do their job better. Viable in the pro scene =/= viable in general.
With over 1000 games with Warwick I can tell you he isn't in a good spot right now. He is getting a buff according to morello, but i'm not sure how long that will take. He was indirectly nerfed with S3 changes.

Karma, Sion and Heimer (confirmed by riot) are getting a rework, but it probably won't be for a bit much like the twitch and eve reworks took over a year.
ww buff soon(tm)

I think it's because his clear is mediocre, and pretty bad later on into the game because he has no aoe
also because his ultimate is game changing for mid game but then does nothing late game because it does nothing in team fights if your opponents have any cc

WishfulFiction wrote:

ww buff soon(tm)

I think it's because his clear is mediocre, and pretty bad later on into the game because he has no aoe
also because his ultimate is game changing for mid game but then does nothing late game because it does nothing in team fights if your opponents have any cc
His clear is below average, and his pre 6 ganks are terrible cause you have to rely on your lanes to have some sort of stun to get a successful gank (people literally walk away from you pre 6 lol). He has good sustain. His first clear leaves you with about 90%+ hp, but this is a terrible trade off with how bad his clear speed and pre 6 ganks are. Yes any cc will basically cancel his ult. He has been played in so few amount of games that the bug on his ult (that has been there for over a year now) hasn't been fixed or even acknowledged by riot yet. He also has one of the lowest mana pools in the game ( 3 Q's and your out of mana). 90% of the items he builds got nerfed in season 3 with a gold cost increase. This is already bad for a jungler who can be starved for gold easily. Lanewick is too niche to play above 1500 elo.

I think riot is going to rework him. Some of his kit is outdated ( his E for example) compared to a lot of the newer stuff that has come out since 2012.

Vulf wrote:

WishfulFiction wrote:

ww buff soon(tm)

I think it's because his clear is mediocre, and pretty bad later on into the game because he has no aoe
also because his ultimate is game changing for mid game but then does nothing late game because it does nothing in team fights if your opponents have any cc
His clear is below average, and his pre 6 ganks are terrible cause you have to rely on your lanes to have some sort of stun to get a successful gank (people literally walk away from you pre 6 lol). He has good sustain. His first clear leaves you with about 90%+ hp, but this is a terrible trade off with how bad his clear speed and pre 6 ganks are. Yes any cc will basically cancel his ult. He has been played in so few amount of games that the bug on his ult (that has been there for over a year now) hasn't been fixed or even acknowledged by riot yet. He also has one of the lowest mana pools in the game ( 3 Q's and your out of mana). 90% of the items he builds got nerfed in season 3 with a gold cost increase. This is already bad for a jungler who can be starved for gold easily. Lanewick is too niche to play above 1500 elo.

I think riot is going to rework him. Some of his kit is outdated ( his E for example) compared to a lot of the newer stuff that has come out since 2012.
i do agree, the only thing i liked about WW is his sustain and ult (his autos are so annoying to play with)

Agnes wrote:

Anyway, Zero and I here are likely to play some normals today. Does anybody wish to join us later? We're in NA and PBE.
count me in o/

brikepicness wrote:

i do agree, the only thing i liked about WW is his sustain and ult (his autos are so annoying to play with)
His sustain is only good if he is ignored. With 3+ ignites in every game now he has a hard time doing what his kit is meant to do, and that is fine since it's a counter anyways.
6 items WW is retarded, lol.
Frozen Fist, Warmogs, Sunfire, Blotrk(gives AS now as well), Merc's and Randuin's. He will stick to the enemy AD and won't stop until he is dead. Only problem is getting to that point. His clear is bad, his pre 6 ganks are bad and his teamfights pre 6 items is mediocre.
Many people don't realize this but WW is a really strong pick against Elise top. Everyone else pretty much gets dumped on by solo top elise. WW can pretty much sustain all of Elise's poke with his Q early and survive lane phase enough to buy chalice on first buy. Even though his jungle is close to garbage, you can still use him pretty well in solo lanes and have some success. If WW gets decent farm then he can 1v1 Elise pretty easily. His post 6 ganks on mid lane are huge, if you have a burst AP mid, can usually burn summoners or get a kill every time your ult is up mid. Oh, and this isn't some random Bronze game lol, I've seen and played versus this first hand at Diamond V-III.
The new botrk will be decent on him now that it gives stats he wants. He can only use half of that item currently lol.

He wins certain match ups top. Thing with elise is her early game is way better than his and she out ranges him by a lot but when you hit 4 it's about even. He is very niche for top lane especially when 2 wards 9 pots is a thing now.

I hope the buff he gets isn't some number change cause that will probably just get him nerfed again.

Vulf wrote:

The new botrk will be decent on him now that it gives stats he wants. He can only use half of that item currently lol.

He wins certain match ups top. Thing with elise is her early game is way better than his and she out ranges him by a lot but when you hit 4 it's about even. He is very niche for top lane especially when 2 wards 9 pots is a thing now.

I hope the buff he gets isn't some number change cause that will probably just get him nerfed again.

True, the funny thing is that now i hardy see any WW players at all '~'

brikepicness wrote:

True, the funny thing is that now i hardy see any WW players at all '~'
I've seen very few in normal.
Saw one today and I don't even remember when before that.
He is played in less than 5% of all games and has less than a 50% win rate. The only people that are playing him are the few who main him, and the pre 30 people who want to learn the jungle cause he is one of the few junglers who can clear without runes.
the new BORK is broken.

Sadly 99% of people on PBE are bad players so they can²t pick up retarded OP items off the bat, just like preseason 3 black cleaver, it²s beyond me how that item even got through PBE.
It's only broken with how common health stacking is. If you build armor instead of health botRK is still a mediocre item. Health should have never been a go to for single resist throughout the entire game. Now that botrk will actually punish warmog stackers people will start building the proper resist to things again. I am happy with this change.

Dem Kha killed me three times. -.-

Sad we won after I bought hydra's, I just could test it for feew time, anyways, KASS OP that nida, I got dced like 4 times in the game, my internet is going so bad for 2 weeks...meh, instant dc, and 5 sec later come again
Hydra is melee only though, how does it work?
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