
League of Legends

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Speaking of reporting, I was told that you can report people for poor play.
... Does this really do anything?
Hearing that scared me a little seeing as I'm not a good player by any stretch. D=
Feeding = dying on purpose, no?
I don't die on purpose. Defeats the purpose of playing any form of game, just isn't fun.
Though I find it kinda stupid when people say to 'stop feeding' if you simply have a bad game (because everyone's perfect, right?). If people aren't dying on purpose, don't call out a feed, imo.

Maybe I should do some more research on my characters then.
That or I'm terrible with executing what I read / what I'm told.

Normal elo? Shows how much I know. I thought elo was only a ranked thing.

Justykanna wrote:

Normal elo? Shows how much I know. I thought elo was only a ranked thing.
You have a hidden elo in normal games... that's why you get matched with people with over 2k wins sometimes when you only have 500, etc. Getting reported for unskilled is supposed to affect this, but is not a bannable offence.

those wrote:

Then you attack fast and do small damage?
yyyyy buUT if you max W you get the silver bolts proc and i was wondering if that's a viable way to build her early... I've seen people do it really well so I was curious
no, you need the q to reposition and dodge smaller skillshots. the lower cd it is on, the better. this is why bt>pd as 1st item on vayne when you can afford it. always.
Weekly reminder for you guys to join the osu! chatroom in EUW or just to make one in your own server. Playing games with each other is just easier that way.

For those who don't know how to join a chatroom:
-At the bottom right there are 3 boxes.
-Click on the one in the middle which says "View your Chatrooms Control Panel"
-A new window should appear which has a little "+" at the bottom of it.
-Simply click on it and type in "osu!".
-And if you are already at it, click on the the wheel at the top right of the chatroom and tick "Autojoin on Startup" there.

You can join any chatrooms that way like more active ones(/v/, /vg/, reddit, PlayWithRiot...) whatever you prefer, or just make your own for yourself and your friends.
noneed, were you this active on forums before. It feels like I remember you from somewhere.
Why everyday has to happen something bad to me on ranked? ;_; Yesterday my internet went away and I lost a won game with Draven and today wirh Ezreal 2 of my team were afk since start xDDD


tyrael6192 wrote:

You have a hidden elo in normal games... that's why you get matched with people with over 2k wins sometimes when you only have 500, etc. Getting reported for unskilled is supposed to affect this, but is not a bannable offence.

noneed wrote:

Didn't get banned since this is my first warning in over 2 years but my honor got removed. Sent in a support ticket, shit's retarded only game 3 was punishable.

I've seen people get banned for much less than this, and riot support probably won't get you very far with these kind of things. If you get reported enough even if it's troll reports you will end up in the tribunal and the auto punishers will get you.

I got a warning for trying to play roam annie, taric and sion awhile back in solo q. Trying to play something that's not the meta can get you banned despite what riots rules actually say.

UnderminE wrote:

noneed, were you this active on forums before. It feels like I remember you from somewhere.
no, nowhere near this active, I was a newfag back then, literally. also took a break from osu! for league, but I am enjoying osu! to some content again so I decided to have a look at the forums too. good people.

good old times
i want my 2,2k elo back but rankeds so boring >.<
2200 finaly bitchzzzzz)
You guys rise like nothing ;_; I was about reach 1600 when I lost 17 and won 3 xD now I am getting 1500 xD, I am practising AD , losing so many times lane phase ( need practiste it so much ) but pwning the other ad on teamfights, I really need practise lane phase, but on teamfights I move decent '-'

just bought vi, need some help with proper build waaa
I dont like cdr boots, just tabi or mercurial, depending if they are full of cc, or AD team, or who's fed
tabi and bullwork would have been good.
just go fulltank and stick to their carrys

GeeNX wrote:

I dont like cdr boots, just tabi or mercurial, depending if they are full of cc, or AD team, or who's fed
i liek cdr boots :3

Hayanh wrote:

tabi and bullwork would have been good.
just go fulltank and stick to their carrys
would getting frozen heart be a good idea?
mobil's > other boots

all day every day
and again 2200 >_<
wanna be 2300 and then 2400 and and top1 )))
One of these days I'll hit 30 and actually 'try' to get good...
ff so hard is for me winning rankeds but losing 3 in a row... on 1 hour ;_;

Haseo wrote:

GeeNX wrote:

I dont like cdr boots, just tabi or mercurial, depending if they are full of cc, or AD team, or who's fed
i liek cdr boots :3

Hayanh wrote:

tabi and bullwork would have been good.
just go fulltank and stick to their carrys
would getting frozen heart be a good idea?
if you have frozen fist, frozen heart isn't necessary,
and i rather have randuins omen, because you just ulti the ad carry and activate it.
so close =\
i lied

how do you always win everything with fizz it makes me so jealous

ReverseLight wrote:

i lied

What server do you play on ? I can't see you in any of the tops.
ReverseLight godlike! I want have your babies, I was again 1500 and lost some in a row ;_;

Shiro wrote:

ReverseLight wrote:

i lied

What server do you play on ? I can't see you in any of the tops.
he plays on euwest but the ladder for some reason doesnt show him

>season 2?

Well, he's that elo
omfg ahha TurntheSlayer playing fizz mid right now against wickd, just saw it on wickd's stream

22k people watchin u man, and u just got a double kill can i be u pls
he's playing in the same team as Wickd right now *watches*

ReverseLight you should stream

EDIT: calling Wickd a troll lol
Wickd: turn we need you don't be emo
don't think about it
turn we love you or maybe not

"random jax op" lol you even won the game why are you raging
i cant stream because my pc is so weak.
i thinking about get top1 sell account and buy a good pc ))))

off lader is broken , many players doesnt show dunno why
going to be 2400 , hope i get in 1 weak )
I see stupid buying acc with high elo, well my friend won some money rising people from 1200 or 1100 to 1500/1600 xD

ReverseLight wrote:

i cant stream because my pc is so weak.
i thinking about get top1 sell account and buy a good pc ))))
F lord too stronk...
3 losing streak OP. afraid to go play again :(
"MadLife is god HueHue" srsly this guy carried everygame at the ogn tournament even tho he plays support :? :?

Liutprando wrote:

even tho he plays support :? :?
implying the ad carry wins botlane

KingFloyd wrote:

3 losing streak OP. afraid to go play again :(
That happens to me a lot, when I am on fire winning a lot oh ohh, suddenly I lose on 1 hour like 3 xD I lose so fucking quick compared HOW MUCH I NEED TO WIN
losing streak is at 6 losses now, down about 70 elo

...I had to
^ LOL xD, the other day I saw a guy that just played hecarim and was pretty good o.o , on oce's stream
Bjergsen: "Urgh, who's playing the Kayle? Oh it's TurnTheSlayer, yea, he is a flamer, he flames a lot..."

Aw, thats sad bro, the times I played with bjergsen he was quite nice and played an amazing fiddle and lux support. So I don't think he talks shit or lies on stream. Flame less dude! Enjoy this shit game more

noneed wrote:

Enjoy this shit game more
riot's campaign motto 2013

tyrael6192 wrote:

noneed wrote:

Enjoy this shit game more
riot's campaign motto 2013
it shouldn't be, you have great fun playing premades with your friends especially when you aren't taking it serious at all.
ranked on the other hand , especially at higher elo, is just filled with players who know each other and obv troll and dick around, not even looking for a somewhat competetive game and obviously the incredible small amount of players who actually just want a better rating like reverselight get frustrated over that. solo queue is just tocix, don't know how it is at lower elo but at higher it just that 1 guy tryharding like his live depends on the game and going verbally nuts while the rest just tries to have a fun time.

noneed wrote:

it shouldn't be, you have great fun playing premades with your friends especially when you aren't taking it serious at all.
ranked on the other hand , especially at higher elo, is just filled with players who know each other and obv troll and dick around, not even looking for a somewhat competetive game and obviously the incredible small amount of players who actually just want a better rating like reverselight get frustrated over that. solo queue is just tocix, don't know how it is at lower elo but at higher it just that 1 guy tryharding like his live depends on the game and going verbally nuts while the rest just tries to have a fun time.
I so agree. I don't even play alone anymore because it's just too frustrating and absolutely not enjoyable, but playing with people I know makes the game incomparatively better. Just because we know one another and are just having fun. Sometimes shit happens, we lose etc, but hell it was just funny.
noneed give me lessons! xD

EDIT: I sometimes dont care losing games, I just have a lot of fun, totally truth
Keyboard Cat_old
league of legends op, draven op, im op
league of draven*
league of not draven, draaaaven*
Actually when you choose draven is

"Welcome to League of ....Draven"
jokes you know
Draven doesn't know jokes, he's overpowered, and he's one of the manliest in LoL

Jokes I said.
Ahri can charm him too easy.

I have serious doubts about this, Ahri charms with the heart by using E, or just by her boobs?
Because Ahri ><

Sona > Ahri

If you know what I mean
I don't know that's why Ahri > everything hehe
Check "Sona pentakill" hehe Sona >
Who cares about the skillz, Ahri is beutfol
You didnt get it yet ;_; JUST GOOGLE IT
The Big Heck
I have been enjoying the League of Cleavers lately .-.

Kanin51 wrote:

I have been enjoying the League of Cleavers lately .-.
ur 2 weeks late
Keyboard Cat_old

UnderminE wrote:

Jokes I said.
hahaa rlly funny hahAhaHA dRaaAAAaaAaAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaAAAAAAAaAaAaAven
wow miney for a second i thought you played league damn

but then no
I'm leveling my EUW account to 30, if anyone wanna play just add me (Waryas)
I have 4000+ games on NA btw and currently 1430 elo

Ouariasse wrote:

I'm leveling my EUW account to 30, if anyone wanna play just add me (Waryas)
I have 4000+ games on NA btw and currently 1430 elo
I'm interested, I want to level my main EU to 30 too, but solo games are terribly boring

tyrael6192 wrote:

wow miney for a second i thought you played league damn

but then no
Too tiring for me.
buy wards, we need wards !
is it me or is vs AI bugged atm ? when I want to play vs AI it just matches me against players, wtf

Shiro wrote:

is it me or is vs AI bugged atm ? when I want to play vs AI it just matches me against players, wtf
it shows 10 players ready but when you get into the lobby it's against bots
I was told so in #osu and tested, indeed it worked, wtf is that bug though ?

First time renek: penta kill \:D/ I'm liking renek and riven, I might play them (along with my irelia wukong cho'gath)

First try on Dominion with my main c:
what's dominion
though my plan to get 2400 will succeed but no , just 1 fcking game to 2400 and then something goes wrong XDDDDDDDDDDDDD
people need to play viktor more. hes so good ._.
I just picked up Renekton and love him for his stun.

Glass wrote:

it shows 10 players ready but when you get into the lobby it's against bots
Yeah, I'm getting that too. Confused me.

KingFloyd wrote:

people need to play viktor more. hes so good ._.
Haha, my sister in law played him once and really liked him. So now she's saving up points for him.
I freak out when I went to play against bots to try out a new champ I just bought and I thought I accidentally choice PVP cause it shows 10 players.
Wow, who thought of that.
elo hell is pretty brutal today, lost 150 elo :/
You can always look at the bottom left in champion select to make sure you really are playing an AI game. xD
Anyone got a good Zilean support build? Rune suggest?
Asada Shino

those wrote:

Anyone got a good Zilean support build? Rune suggest?
I wouldn't recommend Zilean support, your bombs will push the lane too much and you may accidentally steal cs. Against semi-competent people, they will walk the bombs into their own minions to force the lane on their side which is not favourable to you most of the time. Also, shield supports are a big counter as they will shield every bomb, taking very little to no damage. Play him as a mid, he hits hard and his ulti will be far more useful with more AP.

Or you can play him as an AD carry for shits and giggles

If you want a high damage support, you could play Lux or Zyra if you feel confident with landing their abilities.
Kanye West

Asada Shino wrote:

those wrote:

Anyone got a good Zilean support build? Rune suggest?
I wouldn't recommend Zilean support, your bombs will push the lane too much and you may accidentally steal cs. Against semi-competent people, they will walk the bombs into their own minions to force the lane on their side which is not favourable to you most of the time. Also, shield supports are a big counter as they will shield every bomb, taking very little to no damage. Play him as a mid, he hits hard and his ulti will be far more useful with more AP.

Or you can play him as an AD carry for shits and giggles

If you want a high damage support, you could play Lux or Zyra if you feel confident with landing their abilities.
Or Fiddle.
Anyone have suggestions (not necessarily just build wise) for me, for Garen? Bruiser-type.
I have runes, glyphs, etc for him, but I'm still only level 20 so I don't have everything unlocked yet.
I usually level E, Q, W, (for levels 1, 2 and 3) then max W, then E and Q last. And obviously take R whenever I can. I play with four other friends and I'm 'usually' the only melee player, if that matters at all.

I think I'm having more issues playing him than the actual build though.

Given, I'm not a great player. I'm just looking to improve.
(That and people here seem 100% pro) O_O

Justykanna wrote:

Anyone have suggestions (not necessarily just build wise) for me, for Garen? Bruiser-type.
I have runes, glyphs, etc for him, but I'm still only level 20 so I don't have everything unlocked yet.
I usually level E, Q, W, (for levels 1, 2 and 3) then max W, then E and Q last. And obviously take R whenever I can. I play with four other friends and I'm 'usually' the only melee player, if that matters at all.

I think I'm having more issues playing him than the actual build though.

Given, I'm not a great player. I'm just looking to improve.
(That and people here seem 100% pro) O_O
Haven't played Garen in a long time but I think nothing has changed much about him. Your priority should be R>E>Q>W and starting with Q. For Build you can make the best use of Warmogs, Sunfire's, Black Cleaver, Runic Bulwark, situational boots and as the last item really anything big and expensive. You can replace Black Cleaver with Ghostblade if you like it more and if somebody already has Runic on your team you should probably go for Randuin's Omen.
most melees can't stand toe to toe with garen; just run in with your silence, then spin on top of them and back out. if they're smart they'll trade back once your abilities are down, so you'll have to watch out. But most of the time, it's rinse and repeat and then go in with ult ignite for the kill.

noneed wrote:

Haven't played Garen in a long time but I think nothing has changed much about him. Your priority should be R>E>Q>W and starting with Q. For Build you can make the best use of Warmogs, Sunfire's, Black Cleaver, Runic Bulwark, situational boots and as the last item really anything big and expensive. You can replace Black Cleaver with Ghostblade if you like it more and if somebody already has Runic on your team you should probably go for Randuin's Omen.
Looks like I have my priority for skills right. Been switching between Q and E for my first skill but never saw a noticeable difference.
More tanky than damage dealing from the looks of what you've got there. Omen's probably one of my favourite items, it just has zero killing power.
Black Cleaver I haven't been using only because other ADs on my team almost always use it. Still worth the money?

tyrael6192 wrote:

most melees can't stand toe to toe with garen; just run in with your silence, then spin on top of them and back out. if they're smart they'll trade back once your abilities are down, so you'll have to watch out. But most of the time, it's rinse and repeat and then go in with ult ignite for the kill.
Even in team fights? I'm having team members that want me to stay in there as long as I can without my health dipping below a low amount (ie: stay in there even with Q and E on cooldown).
I love my R, I just don't like stealing kills from people like carries who probably need them more than a bruiser like me.
I mean in 1v1 duels and trades in top lane. Once you get tanky though, it's ok to stay in teamfights and act as a front like and protect your carries. Also garen carries pretty hard himself mid-game, so don't be afraid of taking a few kills here and there... into lategame you become mostly a damage-soak, so at that point you don't really need any more kills

tyrael6192 wrote:

I mean in 1v1 duels and trades in top lane. Once you get tanky though, it's ok to stay in teamfights and act as a front like and protect your carries. Also garen carries pretty hard himself mid-game, so don't be afraid of taking a few kills here and there... into lategame you become mostly a damage-soak, so at that point you don't really need any more kills
It's odd, because I am pretty sure I'm doing everything that people have told me, save for a few build things, and I'm being told I am not good at him. I'm trying to figure out if people are hating the character, or me, now. >_>
Asada Shino

Justykanna wrote:

noneed wrote:

Haven't played Garen in a long time but I think nothing has changed much about him. Your priority should be R>E>Q>W and starting with Q. For Build you can make the best use of Warmogs, Sunfire's, Black Cleaver, Runic Bulwark, situational boots and as the last item really anything big and expensive. You can replace Black Cleaver with Ghostblade if you like it more and if somebody already has Runic on your team you should probably go for Randuin's Omen.
Looks like I have my priority for skills right. Been switching between Q and E for my first skill but never saw a noticeable difference.
More tanky than damage dealing from the looks of what you've got there. Omen's probably one of my favourite items, it just has zero killing power.
Black Cleaver I haven't been using only because other ADs on my team almost always use it. Still worth the money?
Brutalizer has always been a strong top lane item, and the S3 change to Black Cleaver makes it into one of the best snowball items if you get an early lead. If you feel you need to be more tanky you can just build Brutalizer for damage then tanky as you see fit and later on sell your Brutalizer for Last Whisper.
Brutaliser is still pretty much worth it and its the core for most bruiser top
Cool Nami buff
Cool Will of the Ancients recipe
Thinking of playing this game soon.
Although my computer's shitty and I'm not confident if I can run it

2.0GHz Processor
128MB Video Card

Quaraezha wrote:

Thinking of playing this game soon.
Although my computer's shitty and I'm not confident if I can run it

2.0GHz Processor
128MB Video Card
ur good to go on low settings.
altough I am not too sure about cpu speed. 2.0 is the minimum if I recall correctly. you should prolly check it on:

noneed wrote:

Quaraezha wrote:

Thinking of playing this game soon.
Although my computer's shitty and I'm not confident if I can run it

2.0GHz Processor
128MB Video Card
ur good to go on low settings.
altough I am not too sure about cpu speed. 2.0 is the minimum if I recall correctly. you should prolly check it on:
2.0 is minimum, 3.0 Recommended.
Guess I can try it out on Lowest Settings.
How big is the game itself?
almost 3GB I think.
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