
Rita - Little Busters! -TV animation ver.- [Taiko|Osu]

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still looking for a taiko mod

Haruka wrote:


still looking for a taiko mod
alright you got one :P. i'm just here to mod the taiko diffs, js.

[BakaQuill's Muzu]
00:13:239 (2) - hmm...i'm feeling a K here for the drums and cymbals...if that doesn't work, i think a D is better since the drums here are louder than the rest IMO.
00:23:372 (1) - maybe a k to follow the chimes in the song?
00:28:736 (9) - i'm feeling a k here just because there's a loud "thump" in the drums. generally it's a d, but, the d's in this part follow a different part in the drums.
00:45:028 (2) - maybe a D here just because the "thump" in the drum is louder than the other parts?
01:08:869 (2) - ^

[Bakaruka's Oni]
dat BG is "awesome~" <33333
00:16:220 (2,1,2) - ddk should fit here IMO. why? it's for consistency with the previous k which follows that guitar and the drums in this part of the song. also the transition playing it should feel smoother during gameplay.
00:22:081 (2) - d here instead of a k. there are no drums in this part. only the k's.
00:42:246 (1) - i'm feeling a D instead. the thump in the drums gives off a big "bang" compared to the previous note.
00:53:770 (3) - how about a K here? you match the drums and cymbals equally?
01:05:688 (3) - ^, and a timing point is missing here. add it and it should be at 4/4.
01:08:075 (1) - K here instead of a D. the next D is following the drums and there are no cymbals in that part. and this note is where the drums and cymbals are at.
01:25:160 (1) - i'm not feeling this K in this part. i find it unfitting in this part because it doesn't show any emphasis in this part but the drums. i think if you can make this a k instead, it'll flow smoother in this part and it'd look less distracting IMO.

and yea that's all. GL :D
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Byakugan249 wrote:

[BakaQuill's Muzu]
00:28:736 (9) - i'm feeling a k here just because there's a loud "thump" in the drums. generally it's a d, but, the d's in this part follow a different part in the drums. ehhh not doing this one only because I can't tell the difference
Did everything else.
Thanks a lot xD
Eh, I better respond to this. xD No changes~
I'm sure Makar already took it up with you,
and although he consulted you on my behalf without imploring me,
his reasons are mine exactly so hopefully you understand why I denied your suggestions.

Regardless, thank you for taking the time to mod~
Much appreciated.
alright then
go bubble sama, go!
here's your ticket

preview time in Haruka's Taiko Oni is different from other diffs
red timing sections are not the same in all diffs(mainly the offset), remember to resnap all notes/green sections after fixed timing

[Xakyrie's Normal]
00:14:829 (2,3) - not parallel?
00:38:670 (1,2) - stack better plz
00:58:537 (3,4,1) - this sliders can blanket better
01:00:922 (2,3) - ^
01:00:922 (2,3) - make them parallel?

[Taiko Muzukashii]
why not use taiko bg?
cancel letterbox during breaks

[jonathanlfj's Hard]
HD+1 plz, it's low imo
lead-in should be 2000, now it's not enough
00:25:557 (6,7) - ctrl+g? flow can be better, also now it's kinda hard to play as a Hard diff
00:43:239 - add note here? to follow the durm, also the same rhyme 00:40:061 - here has object
00:50:094 (2) - if you are following vocal, this note should be at 00:49:994 -
00:58:139 - try this? it's now kinda hard to play, and I don't know why jump at here
01:17:609 - try this? flow better
there're many sliders can blanket better in this diff

[Haruka's Taiko Oni]
I'm not sure using D/K in streams is fine or not, better not to do this

01:21:584 (12) - why not put it in the middle? people won't know it's stack on 01:20:590 (4) - when playing

maps still need more works
Topic Starter

wcx19911123 wrote:

here's your ticket

preview time in Haruka's Taiko Oni is different from other diffsI actually checked this and it says its the same. Can someone paste me what AI BAT says? Too lazy to go grab it right now orz.
red timing sections are not the same in all diffs(mainly the offset), remember to resnap all notes/green sections after fixed timing yeah I will need to check what AI BAT says. +1/-1 找起来好困难。。。

[Taiko Muzukashii]
why not use taiko bg? rofl errrrrrrrrr idk, 好像给忘掉了
cancel letterbox during breaks did this

01:21:584 (12) - why not put it in the middle? people won't know it's stack on 01:20:590 (4) - when playing okay,

maps still need more works 嗯,我继续找mod去。

wcx19911123 wrote:

[Haruka's Taiko Oni]
I'm not sure using D/K in streams is fine or not, better not to do this the 1/4 finishers are rankable.

wcx19911123 wrote:

[Xakyrie's Normal]
00:14:829 (2,3) - not parallel? It wasn't meant to be, but sure.
00:38:670 (1,2) - stack better plz Oh I didn't notice that, thanks.
00:58:537 (3,4,1) - this sliders can blanket better It's blanketed fine?
01:00:922 (2,3) - ^ Fixed.
01:00:922 (2,3) - make them parallel? What?
Update to come, I'm going to do some self-modding.
Okay, I'm done. Here you go, Nyquill.

wcx19911123 wrote:

[jonathanlfj's Hard]
HD+1 plz, it's low imo i did HD+1 and OD-1...trying to keep the star rating (i think od 5 is fine for hard on such a slow song)
lead-in should be 2000, now it's not enough got it
00:25:557 (6,7) - ctrl+g? flow can be better, also now it's kinda hard to play as a Hard diff aite
00:43:239 - add note here? to follow the durm, also the same rhyme 00:40:061 - here has object added
00:50:094 (2) - if you are following vocal, this note should be at 00:49:994 - nice catch, fixed
00:58:139 - try this? it's now kinda hard to play, and I don't know why jump at here the jump is intentional to form the triangle on 00:58:139 (6,7,1), which i think is not very hard (unless you dt)
01:17:609 - try this? flow better changed to a triangle pattern...just realized how unfit this square is
there're many sliders can blanket better in this diff alrite fixing it

maps still need more works its all my fault orz
alrite done fixes
aww don't say that :(. everyone makes mistakes here and there, even experienced mappers ;)

jonathanlfj is
Taiko Modreq~ <3

d = don
k = kat
re = remove

[Taiko Muzukashii]
00:12:246 (2,1) - maybe K D is better?

[Taiko Oni]
00:12:246 (2,1) - maybe K D is better?
00:16:319 - k
00:18:604 - d

sorry because i can found this.....good job~ ;)

mintong89 wrote:

Taiko Modreq~ <3 I didn't expect you to end up modding this lololol

[Taiko Oni]
00:12:246 (2,1) - maybe K D is better? the finish sequence of D K kD sounds better than K D kD.
00:16:319 - k this needs to be a d in order to keep the ending patterns consistent in this phrase: kdd, kkd, kdd, [dk]ddk; kdd is used to end the first and third bars respectively, and the end of the second bar should compliment the end of the fourth bar.
00:18:604 - d I know what your intention is here (even though you didn't state it), but there is no sound here and I want the note density to gradually build up until the first verse; no change.

sorry because i can found this.....good job~ ;) thanks for modding \o/
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will look at mod when i have proper mouse and kb.
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mintong89 wrote:

[Taiko Muzukashii]
00:12:246 (2,1) - maybe K D is better?yes it is. Done.
Hi~ From Clannad queue


-- Why not preview time at 00:51:385?
-- Uninherit time at 63304 should be 63305, then 65688 should be 65689. After then, make sure there aren unsnapped notes

Makar's Easy:

00:19:597 (1) - Finish doesnt suit well here, IMO
00:53:769 (1) - Delete NC?
01:05:688 (1) - ^

Xakryie's Normal:

00:14:829 (2,3) - Parallel
00:32:114 (4) - Finish here doesnt sound well. Rather put in at 00:32:312 (1)?
01:26:352 (2) - ^

jonathanlfj's Hard:

00:33:703 ( ) - Prefer adding a note, since there is a lyric here
00:59:729 ( ) - Add a note?
01:02:113 (5) - Maintain distance with previous note
01:22:775 (2) - Jumping or not is your choice, but I prefer you to maintain distance here too


00:11:650 (1,2,3,4,5) - Hope you maintain distances here, by maybe 0.56x
00:18:008 (1) - Delete Finish
00:23:968 (5) - ^ at the end
00:44:928 (10,1) - Maintain distance
00:54:564 (5) - Delete Finish
00:56:153 (3) - ^
01:05:690 (3) - ^?
01:13:438 (6) - ^
01:15:226 (1) - 1 Grid down
01:19:994 (1) - Delete Finish

I've heard this song~ in osu
So Star~~ :D

Sonnyc wrote:

jonathanlfj's Hard:

00:33:703 ( ) - Prefer adding a note, since there is a lyric here done by redoing sliders
00:59:729 ( ) - Add a note? following vocals here, plus adding a note disrupts distance spacing
01:02:113 (5) - Maintain distance with previous note 01:02:113 (5) is directly under 01:00:126 (5), this was done intentionally
01:22:775 (2) - Jumping or not is your choice, but I prefer you to maintain distance here too it is on 1.0x with the slider before, and 01:23:172 (3) is a flip of that slider so i think its fine
thanks for mod~
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Doing general fixes when I recieve everyone's updates

Sonnyc wrote:

Makar's Easy:

00:19:597 (1) - Finish doesnt suit well here, IMO Fits to me, it's my hitsound pattern :v
00:53:769 (1) - Delete NC? Change this for me, Nyquill
01:05:688 (1) - ^ And this too.
From special request.
- A refountain at 01:03:304 would really fit the song.
- Those timing points at 00:51:385 and 01:03:304 should be

[Makar's Easy]
- Flawless!

[Xakyrie's Normal]
- 00:18:206 (3,4) - Plays kind of awkwardly. Unlike in 00:11:650 (3,4), there's no loud rhythm to follow.
- 00:23:968 (2,3) - Same as above.
- 00:39:663 (2) - [nazi] Stack this properly?

[Taiko Muzukashii]
- 00:09:365 (8) - A d at 00:09:763 instead of here would sound better.
- 00:28:935 (1) - d here? The k seems to fit better at 00:28:736 (9).
- 00:32:114 (1) - d here? The k seems to fit better at00:31:915 (10).

[jonathanlfj's Hard]
- Clean difficulty.
- My only qualm is that from 00:25:955 to 00:48:206, the 1/2 notes could be spaced further apart so they won't overlap partially like they do at the moment.
- 01:03:603 (2,3) - [nazi] (3) is not properly aligned with (2)'s end.

[Haruka's Oni]
- 00:09:862 (1) - Doesn't seem to fit quite well. Make it a k instead.
- 00:12:644 (1) - D here instead. The music is similar to 00:12:246 (1), so why make it into a K?
- 01:04:498 (1,1,1,1) - These doubles don't fit that well IMO. Place a d at 01:04:694 then delete 01:04:796 (1).

- Nice difficulty as well.
- 00:30:326 (4) - Missing clap here?

Contact me for a recheck afterwards.
After you fix the inconsistent preview points/timing sections the previous mods talked about.

Don't forget to resnap notes. Atm there are a lot of unsnapped notes.
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did ALL the general fixes. Waiting on updates from jonathan haruka cherry

NoHitter wrote:

[Haruka's Oni]
- 00:09:862 (1) - Doesn't seem to fit quite well. Make it a k instead. this is a k o.o
- 00:12:644 (1) - D here instead. The music is similar to 00:12:246 (1), so why make it into a K? wait what, you're confusing me as to what you want me to change it to. Anyways, it is similar but there is a noticeable pitch change here, and that's why this is a K.
- 01:04:498 (1,1,1,1) - These doubles don't fit that well IMO. Place a d at 01:04:694 then delete 01:04:796 (1). okay I changed this and also changed 00:52:577 (1) - to your suggestion to keep it consistent.

Contact me for a recheck afterwards.
After you fix the inconsistent preview points/timing sections the previous mods talked about.

Don't forget to resnap notes. Atm there are a lot of unsnapped notes. done.
thanks for the mod \o/ go for rank!

Sonnyc wrote:

Xakryie's Normal:

00:14:829 (2,3) - Parallel They are parallel in my previous change, Nyquill didn't update it.
00:32:114 (4) - Finish here doesnt sound well. Rather put in at 00:32:312 (1)? Mmm, no. This is here to accentuate the strong drum sound at this point. It's intentional for the downbeat to not have a finish; I don't believe it suits the part.
01:26:352 (2) - ^ I...don't get it. Either way, there's still a finish here and I just changed it to a drum sound.

NoHitter wrote:

[Xakyrie's Normal]
- 00:18:206 (3,4) - Plays kind of awkwardly. Unlike in 00:11:650 (3,4), there's no loud rhythm to follow. It's like this to keep consistency. There is a slight sound there, and obviously the rhythm might be hard to follow, but it's easier to read than a huge white-red gap.
- 00:23:968 (2,3) - Same as above. ...okay, this one is easy to follow. I don't see a problem with this :V
- 00:39:663 (2) - [nazi] Stack this properly? Fixed in update that Nyquill never submitted.
Mind changing the offset crap or whatever's going on for me, Nyquill? I'm at a shortage of time; I have class soon.
Thanks for waiting and here's your update for so patiently waiting.
sorry at school preparing for examination a few hours hater...
will do fixes when i get home orz

k now im home

NoHitter wrote:

From special request.

[jonathanlfj's Hard]
- Clean difficulty.
- My only qualm is that from 00:25:955 to 00:48:206, the 1/2 notes could be spaced further apart so they won't overlap partially like they do at the moment. tried to fix some without too much alterations of ds
- 01:03:603 (2,3) - [nazi] (3) is not properly aligned with (2)'s end. fixed
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Resnapped all notes, resnapped all inherits (unless someone broke them again when updating). All updated.
Doing a quick rankability check:

-Disable middle kiai bursts in the Taiko diffs
-Haruka's Taiko preview point needs to be 48020ms
-Why does jonathan have a audio leadin and nobody else?
-Fix the Kiai in my diff
-Taiko Muzu and Xakyrie's Normal has the last kiai ending at 01:21:584 - instead of 01:21:583 - (lol)
-Though it doesnt matter, you could disable letterbox during breaks in the standard diffs so that they are consistent (even though there are no breaks)4
-Xakyrie's Normal has two red timing points at the end that are inconsistent. Add +1ms to the last two (01:03:304 and 01:05:688)

no kds

Makar wrote:

Doing a quick rankability check:

-Disable middle kiai bursts in the Taiko diffs
-Haruka's Taiko preview point needs to be 48020ms
-Why does jonathan have a audio leadin and nobody else?
-Fix the Kiai in my diff
-Taiko Muzu and Xakyrie's Normal has the last kiai ending at 01:21:584 - instead of 01:21:583 - (lol)
-Though it doesnt matter, you could disable letterbox during breaks in the standard diffs so that they are consistent (even though there are no breaks)4
-Xakyrie's Normal has two red timing points at the end that are inconsistent. Add +1ms to the last two (01:03:304 and 01:05:688)
Was going to post this, but someone beat me to it.
Fix all of these, and I'll bubble.
sorry, last minute pointers to jonathan:

00:48:206 (1,2,3,1,2,3) - huge polarity issue. can you please just change this to 2 3/4 repeat sliders? I mean, considering the timing, the slider would be predicted to be the same timing as the current notes, while it's actually theoretically in 1/1.
01:03:603 (2) - hugely inconsistent; only 3/4 slider (without noting previous suggestion; without repeat) in the diff. Sort of a misfit; hard to read considering all sliders are usually 1/2 or 1/1.
01:11:649 (x) - a note here to mimic 01:09:265 (3) for consistency.

oops, and 00:59:729 (x) too ^.
Topic Starter

Makar wrote:

Doing a quick rankability check:

-Disable middle kiai bursts in the Taiko diffs
-Haruka's Taiko preview point needs to be 48020ms
-Why does jonathan have a audio leadin and nobody else?
-Fix the Kiai in my diff
-Taiko Muzu and Xakyrie's Normal has the last kiai ending at 01:21:584 - instead of 01:21:583 - (lol)
-Though it doesnt matter, you could disable letterbox during breaks in the standard diffs so that they are consistent (even though there are no breaks)4
-Xakyrie's Normal has two red timing points at the end that are inconsistent. Add +1ms to the last two (01:03:304 and 01:05:688)

no kds

K, did it again.

Xakyrie wrote:

sorry, last minute pointers to jonathan:

00:48:206 (1,2,3,1,2,3) - huge polarity issue. can you please just change this to 2 3/4 repeat sliders? I mean, considering the timing, the slider would be predicted to be the same timing as the current notes, while it's actually theoretically in 1/1.
01:03:603 (2) - hugely inconsistent; only 3/4 slider (without noting previous suggestion; without repeat) in the diff. Sort of a misfit; hard to read considering all sliders are usually 1/2 or 1/1.
01:11:649 (x) - a note here to mimic 01:09:265 (3) for consistency.

oops, and 00:59:729 (x) too ^.
i've got another midterm today orz, i will take a look at it when i get home
srry nyquill for the delay everything will be sorted tonight i guess...
You never fixed the Kiai in my diff :/
Add a timing point at 01:02:510 - and change the previous point to Kiai Mode

And since It's going to be looked at later, might as well give a few suggestions on jonathan's diff
00:10:856 - I thought you were going to add beats to follow the bass drum since you kinda do that at 00:06:882 (1,2). I suggest adding a note here or adjusting the previous pattern so that there is some kind of hitsound.
00:32:312 (1,2,3,4,5) - This timing pattern is very inconsistent with the same part in the previous phrase (00:25:955 (1,2,3,4,5) - ) Is this intentional...?
00:48:206 (1,2,3,1,2,3,1,2) - fix like Xakyrie said please ;_; or some other way so that there is no polarity issue. Another way to fix this is to make the 3/4 spacing in the circles sliders instead (non-repeating) and the pattern will be easily playable in a slider-circle-slider-circle pattern. It also brings out the accents in the vocals more. Change 00:48:206 (1,2) to a slider and 00:49:001 (1,2) to a slider and see if you like it (use distance snap for this), or just go with her suggestion.

Xakyrie wrote:

01:03:603 (2) - hugely inconsistent; only 3/4 slider (without noting previous suggestion; without repeat) in the diff. Sort of a misfit; hard to read considering all sliders are usually 1/2 or 1/1.
Well, it should also be noted that this is the only part where the music does this too (the vocal timing is inconsistent in the music), so following it and not using 1/1 or 1/2 sliders wasn't really a bad thing, but could be done better. Since no suggestion was given, how about making a circle at 01:03:106, and a 3/4 repeat slider at 01:03:305 like this
00:59:729 - Fix like Xakyrie again ;w; her reasoning here goes with my first suggestion.
01:11:649 - ^
01:22:576 - Add a note? Reason is obvious but its nbd
01:24:165 - ^
01:27:741 - Maybe add a circle here and use a spinner like the insane instead? It's not too hard for a hard diff imo.
Oh Haruka asked me to look over this for a bubble, but if NoHitter's gonna do it call me when he does and we'll rank this. ;D

Makar wrote:

And since It's going to be looked at later, might as well give a few suggestions on jonathan's diff
00:10:856 - I thought you were going to add beats to follow the bass drum since you kinda do that at 00:06:882 (1,2). I suggest adding a note here or adjusting the previous pattern so that there is some kind of hitsound. swapped note for slider
00:32:312 (1,2,3,4,5) - This timing pattern is very inconsistent with the same part in the previous phrase (00:25:955 (1,2,3,4,5) - ) Is this intentional...? this was intentional...i have a tendency of placing notes in one verse and then swap all for sliders in another lol
00:48:206 (1,2,3,1,2,3,1,2) - fix like Xakyrie said please ;_; or some other way so that there is no polarity issue. Another way to fix this is to make the 3/4 spacing in the circles sliders instead (non-repeating) and the pattern will be easily playable in a slider-circle-slider-circle pattern. It also brings out the accents in the vocals more. Change 00:48:206 (1,2) to a slider and 00:49:001 (1,2) to a slider and see if you like it, or just go with her suggestion. went with plain old repeat sliders cause the spacing is easier to fix lol

Xakyrie wrote:

01:03:603 (2) - hugely inconsistent; only 3/4 slider (without noting previous suggestion; without repeat) in the diff. Sort of a misfit; hard to read considering all sliders are usually 1/2 or 1/1.
Well, it should also be noted that this is the only part where the music does this too (the vocal timing is inconsistent in the music), so following it and not using 1/1 or 1/2 sliders wasn't really a bad thing, but could be done better. Since no suggestion was given, how about making a circle at 01:03:106, and a 3/4 repeat slider at 01:03:305 like this did this...yeah that vocal is so troll
00:59:729 - Fix like Xakyrie again ;w; her reasoning here goes with my first suggestion. alrite...had previous suggestions to do this too, i guess ds doesnt really matter in this case
01:11:649 - ^ yep
01:22:576 - Add a note? Reason is obvious but its nbd ok
01:24:165 - ^ done
01:27:741 - Maybe add a circle here and use a spinner like the insane instead? It's not too hard for a hard diff imo. used to have it like that and a mod told me to change it...i think rite now this is fine as it is
screw my exam, this is more important lolol
this quote by makar kinda integrates with xakyrie's suggestions so i will just reply to this
lets get this rolling~

EDIT: Oh yeah can you extend/add the music lead in for my/other diffs? since i mapped the start of the song im gonna need atleast 1500ms so it starts properly
I haven't looked it over, but don't you think it would be more consistent for all of our diffs to start at the same time? :V I think it would be nicer considering everyone's starts at the same point, except jonathan's diff x.x
Then how about everybody adds a leadin for jonathan? lol

...or jonathan can delete his short intro *cough* jk
why are you against deleting the short intro? :?
@^ I feel bad asking somebody to delete parts ;w;w;w;
It's just one section :o it's so small...
Starting the map at a different time than everybody else really is weird :V It's not really mappable on Easy/Normal either without making the timing hard to hit. So now that I think about it, it probably will be better if he deletes them ;w;
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