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Thanks for the mod :3

Antu Villegas wrote:


01:54:662 (1) - } Flip horizontally and vertically Done
01:55:614 (2) - } Like this: Done
01:56:091 (3) - Rotate 90° Anticlockwise Done
01:57:043 (4) - x:228 y:340 Done
01:57:519 (1) - x:316 y:340 Done
01:57:995 (2) - x:396 y:304 Done
02:44:662 (4) - Done
If it helps, here is the code:


I think it's a little confuse to play and more if the player is new, but difficulty of normal difficulties change all the time, don't care :)

Nothing more to say, very good for a first map :)
The beatmap plays quite nicely now, I think. ^^
Maybe you could place the marks a bit farther apart in Hard, though? Might just be me being a klutz, but I tended to hit the markers next to the one I wanted about as often as I hit the one I intended to.
Hell yeah, IRC Mod 'cause of req in my Modding Queue ~

18:25 <Nitojgrem> : Hi
18:26 <Ylinestra44> : Hi
18:27 <Nitojgrem> : Jah... das mit gester wurde wohl nix... War gestern so beschäftigt, dass ich gar net on kommen konnte ^.^ ... >.<
18:28 <Ylinestra44> : Macht nix
18:28 <Nitojgrem> : Ok, dann einfach mal anfangen (ich warne vor, IRC mods von mir scheinen ab und zu ein bisschen... nunja, planlos xD)
18:29 <Ylinestra44> : So lange es chronisch bleibt, kann ich mit leben
18:29 <Ylinestra44> : Also chronologische Reihenfolge
18:29 <Ylinestra44> : Gott, warum schreib ich chronisch >.<
18:29 <Nitojgrem> : Jaja, so ist das schon... :D
18:30 <Nitojgrem> : Auf jeden Fall merk ich, dass du die Kiai Time gerichtet hast...
18:30 <Ylinestra44> : Jap
18:30 <Ylinestra44> : Das ende der ersten auf den Downbeat gelegt
18:31 <Nitojgrem> : Jop, genau das mein ich^^
18:32 <Nitojgrem> : Das 00:21:328 (3) - anders als die beiden davor ist, ist das Absicht?
18:33 <Ylinestra44> : Jap
18:33 <Ylinestra44> : Das war vorher so gerichtet, dass die note vorm Spinner etwas weiter weg vom Zentrum war, deswegen das so gerichtet, dass der
18:33 <Ylinestra44> : spinner nicht allzu weit "weg" ist
18:34 <Nitojgrem> : Hmm, im ersten Moment würd ich da aber doch eher auch einen "graden" Slider erwarten...
18:35 <Ylinestra44> : Ändern oder nicht?
18:36 <Nitojgrem> : Hmm, ich weiß nicht, kommt ganz dadrauf an, ob du die 5 in der Mitte haben willst, oder nicht.
18:36 <Ylinestra44> : Ist mir lieber, ja
18:36 <Nitojgrem> : Dann lass es so.
18:38 <Nitojgrem> : 00:40:376 (4) - Kompletter rechter Winkel mit den Sliderpoints.
18:39 <Ylinestra44> : Fixed
18:40 <Nitojgrem> : 00:44:185 (4) - vllt. "grade machen? hmm...
18:40 <Ylinestra44> : Ich mags persönlich nicht so statisch, alles direkt grade hinter-/nebeneinander
18:42 <Nitojgrem> : Kann ich verstehen... VOr allem bei Easy's... hatte das nur vorgeschlagen, weil das davor ja auch in dem Schema war...
18:45 <Nitojgrem> : So eh ja, war kurz Klogang unso... :<
18:46 <Ylinestra44> : Keine Eile
18:48 <Nitojgrem> : Hmm, cih überleg grad, ob ein Hitsoundvolume von 70-75% nicht besser bei den Kiai Times passt, um sie ein bisschen
18:48 <Nitojgrem> : "hervorzuheben".
18:52 <Ylinestra44> : Ich glaub eher nicht
18:52 <Nitojgrem> : Gut, 01:13:709 (3) - Mittlerer SP x:92 y:76
18:53 <Ylinestra44> : Fixed
18:56 <Nitojgrem> : 01:50:376 (1,2) - Ich weiß auch nicht, es ist ein bisschen komisch, dass die nicht gleich aussehen.
18:58 <Ylinestra44> : So?
18:58 <Nitojgrem> : Die sind jetzt gleich, oder? Ist ein bisschen schwer zu sehen, aber joah, so meinte ich das :D
18:59 <Ylinestra44> : Ja, sind die gleichen
19:01 <Nitojgrem> : 02:02:280 (1) - Clap? Ich bin mir da im Übrigen auch unsicher, ob man das überhaupt hört xD
19:07 <Nitojgrem> : Gott, ich hasse mein Internet... Hattest du schon ne Antwort geschrieben gehabt? :o
19:08 <Ylinestra44> : Nope
19:08 <Ylinestra44> : Selbst wenn man es nicht hört, hin gehört er.
19:08 <Ylinestra44> : Also der Clap
19:09 <Nitojgrem> : Okay... 02:21:169 (1) - Dann noch eben hier, du solltest den, wenn du ihn NICHT auf dem Downbeat starten lassen willst, ihn bei
19:09 <Nitojgrem> : 02:21:209 - starten lassen, Nutz davor Beat Snap Divisor von 1/4. Bin mal eben kurz was futtern, leg danach gleich wiederlos =)
19:33 <Nitojgrem> : Sooo, wieder da. Sag bescheid, wenn bereit, und was du bei dem letzten Punkt gemacht hast ;)
19:36 <Ylinestra44> : IBin bereit, hab den Spinner aber nicht verschoben, weil er da, wo er ist, hingehört
19:37 <Nitojgrem> : Na wenn du meinst... Ich bin ja eher kein Freund von 1/3 oder 1/6; speziell auf Easy, aber wenn du das so möchtest, dann lass es so.
19:37 <Nitojgrem> : Während Bancho rumspackt....
19:38 <Nitojgrem> : Ok, der Teil gleicht jetzt zwar einem Nazimod, aber 02:25:137 (2,4) - sind nicht parallell zueinander
19:39 <Nitojgrem> : Von den Sliderpunkten her.
19:39 <Nitojgrem> : Obwohl das bei 02:27:995 (1,3) - Noch viel mehr ins Auge springt.
19:40 <Ylinestra44> : Was hab ich mir dabei gedacht? O.o
19:40 <Nitojgrem> : Das kann ich dir nicht beantworten^^
19:41 <Ylinestra44> : Fixed
19:44 <Nitojgrem> : 03:25:137 (4) - Parallelität? also soll die da sein? Wenn ja, dann ist sie's nicht, wenn nein, dann ignorier's.
19:44 <Nitojgrem> : (zu 3)
19:47 <Ylinestra44> : Sollte ja, hab's fixed
19:49 <Nitojgrem> : Ok, Easy ist damit fertig... Was mir jetzt im Nachhinein einfällt, was ich hätte vorher machen sollen: OD+1?
19:49 <Ylinestra44> : Nee, ich wollte bei easy kein Setting > 2 haben
19:50 <Nitojgrem> : Kay.
19:50 <Nitojgrem> : Ok... Normal - ... BSD von 1/6 na das wird interessant^^"
19:51 <Ylinestra44> : Könnte auch 1/3 sein, aber um slider schöner hinzubekommen, hab ich 1/6 gemacht
19:51 <Ylinestra44> : Also wegen der Waypoints. Damit ich die nicht im Nachhiein mit Strg + Mausklick adden muss
19:51 <Nitojgrem> : Ist dennoch ungewöhnlich, meistens nimmt man ja eher 1/4 :D
19:51 <Ylinestra44> : Geht bei dem Lied nicht
19:52 <Ylinestra44> : Das ist nunmal ein 1/3-Lied
19:52 <Nitojgrem> : Hmm jop... (Sollte ich vllt. früher drauf achten q.q)
19:52 <Ylinestra44> : :P
19:53 <Ylinestra44> : Hat mich aber schonmal wer gefragt
19:53 <Ylinestra44> : Bist nicht der erste
19:53 <Nitojgrem> : Kann ich mir vorstellen, weil man da nicht immer drauf achtet (gibt ja eh schon genug >_>)
19:57 <Nitojgrem> : 00:17:518 (4,5,6) - Ich überleg grad, wie es wäre die umzudrehen...
19:58 <Ylinestra44> : Umdrehen?`Vertikal?
19:58 <Nitojgrem> : Ja (Horizontal sehe komisch aus oO)
19:58 <Nitojgrem> : *sähe
20:03 <Ylinestra44> : Mom eben.. 4 fps -.-
20:03 <Nitojgrem> : Ich hab Zeit (und vor allem verschafft es mir Zeit *hust*)
20:04 <Ylinestra44> : Umdrehen klappt nicht. Ich könnte sie nicht auf der selben Höhe lassen
20:04 <Nitojgrem> : Ach du meinst wegen DS, oder? >:
20:06 <Nitojgrem> : Dann lassen wir das...
20:07 <Ylinestra44> : Genau deswegen, jap
20:08 <Nitojgrem> : Ab und zu find ich sollte man das lockerer sehen, aber das lassen sie ja meist erst ab Hard oder Insane...
20:09 <Ylinestra44> : Naja, ich persönlich missachte DS in easy und normal nie
20:10 <Nitojgrem> : Soll eig. auch so, weil es ja sonst zu schwer würde. Ich persönlich merk das ab und zu nicht, aber es ist auch schwerer, finde ich
20:10 <Nitojgrem> : zumindest, das noch "richtig zu sehen", wenn man längst an Hards und Insanes gewöhnt ist.
20:15 <Nitojgrem> : 00:55:614 (5) -
20:15 <Nitojgrem> : Oh, ohne das "?"
20:17 <Ylinestra44> : Hab ihn geändert, aber ein wenig anders, als du vorgeschlagen hast. Bei dir wäre das Ende des sliders zu weit oben.
20:18 <Nitojgrem> : Ja, ist mir danach auch aufgefallen, hatte den grade gedreht, ausgerichtet zurückgedreht und dabei einfach ein bissle zu weit
20:19 <Ylinestra44> : (Jetzte isser so)[]
20:19 <Nitojgrem> : Sieht auf jeden Fall schöner aus :>
20:20 <Nitojgrem> : 01:30:852 (3) - Ich würd hier, aufgrund von 1 und 2, wieder einen rechten Winkel mit den SPs machen.
20:21 <Ylinestra44> : Geändert
20:24 <Nitojgrem> : 01:47:042 (1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4) - (Offtopic) Es ist interessant zu sehen, wenn man hier immmer vor und zurückspult, wie die Slider
20:24 <Nitojgrem> : des rechten Kreises nicht ganz übereinander liegen, während man beim Spielen davon ausgeht xD
20:25 <Nitojgrem> : Naja egal, mir fäält auf, dass du den Clap 02:02:280 (1) - sogar gesetzt hast.
20:26 <Ylinestra44> : Okay, hab die letzten 2 Kreise gelöscht, und den ersten 2mal reinkopiert
20:31 <Nitojgrem> : 03:20:375 (6) - 2.SP einen Grid runter...
20:33 <Nitojgrem> : 03:32:598 (2) - Clap?; 03:32:757 (3) - Clap+Finish
20:36 <Ylinestra44> : Gemacht
20:36 <Nitojgrem> : Dann gehts zu Hard.
20:37 <Ylinestra44> : Jap
20:39 <Nitojgrem> : 00:06:090 (4) - ;00:09:899 (5) - NC? Ich denk, das beruht auf Geschmack
20:42 <Ylinestra44> : Naahh
20:45 <Nitojgrem> : Okay, einen Moment...
20:50 <Nitojgrem> : Okay, Zeitsprung 01:18:312 (6) - NC
20:51 <Ylinestra44> : Gemacht
20:51 <Ylinestra44> : 01:24:661 (2) - Clap hier am Anfang hab ich grade gesehen
20:52 <Nitojgrem> : Siehste, auf sowas hätte ich gr net geachtet :< Aber grad wegen sowas mag ich vor allem IRC Mods, weil der Mapper dadurch selbst
20:52 <Nitojgrem> : oftmals noch gewisse Dinge sieht ^-^
20:53 <Ylinestra44> : Das hatte ich gehört, dass da was fehlt
20:53 <Ylinestra44> : Aber du hast recht
20:54 <Nitojgrem> : Und ich hätte aus dem Grund nicht drauf geachtet, weil ich in meist immer davon ausgeh, dass a) solche Dinge nicht umbedingt
20:54 <Nitojgrem> : passieren, wenn hört man das eh nur bei 70-90& Volume) und b), dass das Spacing stimmt. Immer guck ich da nicht nach, nur wenn
20:54 <Nitojgrem> : es komisch aussieht...
20:55 <Nitojgrem> : Rein vom Visuellen her, 01:34:979 (1) - NC?
21:29 <Ylinestra44> : Sorry, mein Laptop ist vorhin abgekackt >.<
21:30 <Nitojgrem> : Und eben mein Internet >.< Naja macht nix, am besten eben noch zu Ende bringen.
21:36 <Nitojgrem> : Ok, sag wenn bereit für den Rest
21:38 <Ylinestra44> : Ich bin schon die ganze Zeit bereit
21:38 <Nitojgrem> : Oh, der zeigt mir an, dass du noch moddest, deswegen
21:39 <Ylinestra44> : Ist 'ne guest diff
21:39 <Ylinestra44> : Ich modde nicht
21:39 <Nitojgrem> : Naja, stehengeblieben (genau als dein Laptop abgekackt ist) war ich bei: Rein vom Visuellen her, 01:34:979 (1) - NC?
21:41 <Nitojgrem> : Äh lol, ja, gemeint ist 01:34:979 (6) -
21:41 <Ylinestra44> : Hm, nee
21:41 <Nitojgrem> : xD ... bei der 1 ist ja schon ne NC
21:41 <Ylinestra44> : Eine 3er-combo ist mir ein wenig zu kurz
21:42 <Nitojgrem> : Sicherlich und direkt danach kommt ne 3-er Combo xP
21:42 <Ylinestra44> : Die meine ich ja :P
21:42 <Nitojgrem> : Die grüne? oO
21:43 <Ylinestra44> : Nee, wenn ich dein NC setz
21:43 <Ylinestra44> : Die grüne 3er ist in Ordnung^^
21:46 <Nitojgrem> : Icg überleg bei 02:02:280 (1) - ob das nicht auf'm DB anfangen sollte, aber auf jeden Fall Clap!
21:46 <Ylinestra44> : 1. Nein, ist das selbe wie in Easy auch
21:46 <Ylinestra44> : 2. Kein Clap, ist nicht der erste oder dritte zwischenbeat
21:47 <Nitojgrem> : oO Tut mir leid, aber in Easy UND Normal hast du a) den auf dem Downbeat starten lassen und b) einen Clap.
21:48 <Ylinestra44> : ([Normal] - kein Downbeat)[]
21:48 <Nitojgrem> : Ermm ich bin vor, nicht nach der Pause xD
21:48 <Ylinestra44> : Fuuu, mom
21:50 <Ylinestra44> : Wenn du es auf 25% anhörst, singt sie schon bei 02:02:122 - das "TOniiiiiiiiiiiiiiight"
21:50 <Ylinestra44> : Und hast recht, den Clap hatte ich vergessen, weil ich nicht gehört hatte, dass der fehlt, weil der clap im Lied selber so laut ist
21:51 <Nitojgrem> : Dann frag ich mich aber, warum du das dann bei Easy und Normal anders hast.
21:51 <Ylinestra44> : Was anders?
21:51 <Ylinestra44> : Ich hab's einfach verpeilt beim erstellen des Spinners und später nie gehört
21:52 <Nitojgrem> : Naja, bei Easy und Normal fängt der Spinner auf'm Downbeat an und hier in Hard nicht.
21:52 <Ylinestra44> : Das ist ein Argument
21:53 <Ylinestra44> : Geändert
21:57 <Nitojgrem> : 03:10:852 (1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4,5,6,1,2,3,4,5,6) - Ich weiß auch nicht, wenn du den Part schon so mappst, warum
21:57 <Nitojgrem> : hitsoundest du ihn dann nicht auch so? Oder kommt mir das nur so vor?
21:57 <Ylinestra44> : Was ist "so" im bezug auf das hitsounden?
21:58 <Nitojgrem> : Wie z.B. bei den Slidern in Normal
21:58 <Ylinestra44> : Hab ich...
21:59 <Nitojgrem> : Dann.... Oh, ok, seh, warum ich das eben nicht gemerkt hab^^
21:59 <Ylinestra44> : Wegen normal statt soft
21:59 <Ylinestra44> : nehme ich an
21:59 <Nitojgrem> : Ja, gut erkannt :D
22:00 <Ylinestra44> : Sollte ich das auch "soften", oder so lassen?
22:00 <Nitojgrem> : Hmm, soften mit 60%, einfach mal anhören...
22:01 <Ylinestra44> : Ich hör iwie keinen großen Unterschied
22:01 <Ylinestra44> : Den 2ten Clap hört man sowieso nicht, egal wie
22:01 <Nitojgrem> : Ne, nicht wirklich...
22:02 <Ylinestra44> : Hab einfach mal die Section gesetzt
22:02 <Nitojgrem> : Auch bei 03:17:995 - für Normal wieder?
22:03 <Ylinestra44> : Ne, in Normal hab ich den Part nach Gesang gemappt
22:03 <Ylinestra44> : Nicht wie in den kiai
22:04 <Ylinestra44> : War das eben das letzte?
22:04 <Ylinestra44> : Ich glaub der nächste mod fängt gleich mit meiner Map an :/
22:04 <Ylinestra44> : Und bis dahin hätte ich sie gerne geuppt
22:04 <Nitojgrem> : Abgesehen von 03:32:598 (2) - Clap und 03:32:756 (3) - Clap+Finish wie in Normal ja
22:07 <Ylinestra44> : Hab's gemacht
22:07 <Nitojgrem> : Hast du?
22:07 <Nitojgrem> : lol... ninja :<
22:07 <Ylinestra44> : Jetzt musst nur noch beim bmthread posten
22:07 <Ylinestra44> : viewtopic.php?t=67677
22:07 <Ylinestra44> : ^^
22:07 <Nitojgrem> : Oh, eine Sache noch.... .osb Datei löschen und Full SUbmit^^

00:32:756 (1) - remove new combo, you wanna keep the ratio of combos even.
00:47:995 (4) - fix up this slider a little bit, take the 2nd point and move down 2 times and right 2 times on the grid (tiny size)
01:12:281 (1) - remove new combo
01:12:757 (2) - add new combo
01:14:661 (1) - remove new combo
01:29:899 (1) - ^
01:45:138 (1) - ^
01:47:043 (3) - add new combo
01:48:471 (1) - remove new combo
01:50:376 (1) - You really don't want the end of a slider to start off a new stanza, because it wrecks in the next combo. So what you should do it either make this slider into 2 notes, or take 01:49:900 (4) and turn it into a slider so it overlaps the start of 1, then place a beat where 1 should have ended and give it a new combo. Something like this:
01:57:519 (1) - remove new combo
02:21:169 (1) - start this slider on the red tick before it?
02:27:995 (1) - remove new combo
02:28:947 (2) - add new combo
02:30:852 (1) - remove new combo
02:57:042 (1) - ^
03:06:090 (1) - fix up this slider, up 3 right 2 on grid (tiny size)
03:08:948 (1) - remove new combo
03:10:853 (3) - add new combo
03:12:756 (1) - remove new combo
03:14:661 (3) - add new combo
03:16:566 (1) - remove new combo


00:37:836 (1) - remove new combo
00:38:471 (4) - add new combo
00:39:741 (1) - remove new combo
01:00:693 (1) - ^
01:01:328 (4) - add new combo
01:02:598 (1) - remove new combo
01:36:884 (1) - ^
01:37:518 (3) - add new combo
01:39:899 (1) - remove new combo
01:59:741 (1) - ^
02:30:217 (1) - ^
02:35:931 (1) - ^
02:36:566 (4) - add new combo
02:37:836 (1) - remove new combo
03:10:852 (7) - add new combo
03:12:122 (1) - remove new combo


Looks fine to me.

Fun map, nice sliders too :>
Topic Starter
Thanks for the mod.

I'm too lazy to quote this one and write x-times "Done", so I just say that I made some of the NC, but in [Normal] I didn't (at least not many), because the new combo begins for me with what she's singing, not with the downbeat.
Hi :)
Good song :D

00:20:375 (2) - 2nd slidertick this crooked ?
02:25:137 (2) - 2nd slidertick 1 grid up
02:26:566 (4) - ^
03:00:853 (1,2,3,4) - And if you let more curved?... Move (2) to Move (3) to Move (4) to It must be something like (opinion personal)
03:22:280 (1) - Move 2nd slidertick to x:376 y:308
03:23:232 (2) - Move 2nd slidertick to x:280 y:152

I think you should change the name of "Normal" to "Normal+"
01:33:709 (5) - 2nd slidertick 1 grid up and end slidertick 1 grid up

00:23:391 (2) - move to
02:21:169 (1) - and if you start at 02:21:328 ?

Well, I'm not good at this, I did everything I could >_<
I hope you serve something~
Sorry for my bad English, good luck :)
Topic Starter
Thanks for the mod :3

Fenya wrote:

Hi :)
Good song :D

00:20:375 (2) - 2nd slidertick this crooked ? Done
02:25:137 (2) - 2nd slidertick 1 grid up Done
02:26:566 (4) - ^ Done
03:00:853 (1,2,3,4) - And if you let more curved?... Move (2) to Move (3) to Move (4) to It must be something like (opinion personal) Done
03:22:280 (1) - Move 2nd slidertick to x:376 y:308 Done
03:23:232 (2) - Move 2nd slidertick to x:280 y:152 Done

I think you should change the name of "Normal" to "Normal+"
01:33:709 (5) - 2nd slidertick 1 grid up and end slidertick 1 grid up Done

00:23:391 (2) - move to Done
02:21:169 (1) - and if you start at 02:21:328 ? It starts in all diffs that time, no

Well, I'm not good at this, I did everything I could >_<
I hope you serve something~
Sorry for my bad English, good luck :)
Wow this is really good for your first time!

Anyway it was kinda difficult to find some mistakes but Here's my mod :D
01:12:756 Hm, can you maybe make the slider horizontal instead of a little bit oblique?

When i was looking through this map i thought, wow this is kinda hard for a normal player x.x so why not make it Normal+?

00:21:328 to 00:22:280 I think this is too hard to read for a normal player, make something else out of it? :D
01:16:566 to 01:19:899 ^
02:56:923 to 03:00:852 I think your depending too much on the vocals, maybe you can make the sliders and circles depend on the guitars or something :D

00:17:360 Remove circle and give then the next circle the new combo
00:28:947 Distance between these 4 circles is too big x.x
02:56:883 to 03:04:185 Just like at normal you depended too much on the vocals >w<

hope this helps :D
Topic Starter
Thanks for your mod :3

SkyDevil wrote:

Wow this is really good for your first time!

Anyway it was kinda difficult to find some mistakes but Here's my mod :D
01:12:756 Hm, can you maybe make the slider horizontal instead of a little bit oblique? I think you mean vertikal, but no, I disaggree with that

When i was looking through this map i thought, wow this is kinda hard for a normal player x.x so why not make it Normal+?

00:21:328 to 00:22:280 I think this is too hard to read for a normal player, make something else out of it? :D At first it was only one slider with more repeats, then I was told to divide it into two sliders --> Disaggree
01:16:566 to 01:19:899 ^ Disaggree
02:56:923 to 03:00:852 I think your depending too much on the vocals, maybe you can make the sliders and circles depend on the guitars or something :D No, almost my whole map depends on vocals --> Disaggree

00:17:360 Remove circle and give then the next circle the new combo The first cirlce is for the "I'm not gonna..."
00:28:947 Distance between these 4 circles is too big x.x Changed to normal DS
02:56:883 to 03:04:185 Just like at normal you depended too much on the vocals >w< Same as above

hope this helps :D
I think I heard a random "Shit!" in there, maybe lyrics warning. :p

Suggestions, observations.

Overall, your difficulties are harder than what their names represent, Easy feels like a normal, normal like a hard... even when the star ratings are correct.

Stack these instead

PM me if there's anything you don't understand so I can upload pics.

00:40:376 (4) - Improve on this slider, use 2 points instead of one and leave it a bit more round.
00:42:757 (2) - you can improve this slider. Make the points a bit more like a V so it's more of a curve than it's an L.
00:50:375 - Fill up to 00:51:328 (1), or remap to have a bit more of these breaks.
01:14:662 (3,4,5,6,1) - line these up to the Y axis.
01:40:852 (3) - Sexy slider man.
01:54:662 (1,2,3) - Try to make these over so 1's end doesn't overlap with 3's beginning, a bit inconsistent with the great job you've done with the rest of the map.
02:21:169 (1) - Snap start to 02:21:328
03:27:994 (1) - Check out the blanket on this one.

00:27:042 (1) - and 00:32:756 (1), you're creating a draining section/empty section, either is unfun. You can either map it or put a break.
02:21:169 (1) - Snap start to 02:21:328
03:06:883 (2) - shorten to closest white tick, insert beat at next white tick.
03:08:312 (4) - nudge forward. clap hitsound.

00:04:661 (2) - Ugly slider, imo.
00:05:137 (3) - Do this S slider with 4 points instead of 2.
00:06:566 (7,8) - yeah uh. slider shapes.
00:14:185 (3) - huh, if you want to make a V-like shape, add two red dots near the end and start, and insert a normal point between.
00:17:360 (1,2,3,4) - these will absolutely be more fun if you put them more together, and as a line instead of a square. Personally, if I were playing your map and found that square I'd probably stop playing right there.
00:26:090 (5) - the curve would be more pretty if the middle point was not on the Y axis and instead were on the left side.
00:35:931 (2,3) - don't be afraid to change these sliders to double notes, beatbeat, beatbeat, beatbeat instead of slider slider slider.
00:37:836 (1,2) - beatbeat beatbeat
00:43:233 - Probably insert beat that is symmetrical to 00:42:757 (2)
01:15:614 (5) - Do this curve with 2 points instead of 1.
01:19:423 (6) - ^
01:22:122 (5,6,7) - beatbeat, beatbeat, beatbeat.
01:23:709 (8) - put this one on the Y axis, on top
01:24:661 (2,3) - pretty up these sliders
01:33:074 (3,4) - beatbeat, beatbeat > slider, slider
01:47:042 (1,2,3) - I have an idea for this one, take them out from having the same start point space them out as a circle, put them on the center of the screen, then every iteration of (1,2,3) rotate them 30 to 90 degrees in your criteria.
02:21:169 (1) - Snap start to 02:21:328
02:26:407 (3,4) - beatbeat beatbeat.
02:28:312 (1,2) - beatbeat beatbeat
02:30:375 (6) - 2 point slider instead of 1, a bit more curve and less L
02:51:169 (1,2) - beatbeat.
03:28:471 (4,5) - - fix these sliders as well.

so like, mostly these fixes would make it fun/pretty for me to play it, funny enough, it has stuff that constantly annoys me in ranked maps. heck you can even ignore most of the stuff I suggested if you felt like your map is just perfect as is.
Topic Starter
Thanks for the mod :3

Agkaemon wrote:

I think I heard a random "Shit!" in there, maybe lyrics warning. :p

Suggestions, observations.

Overall, your difficulties are harder than what their names represent, Easy feels like a normal, normal like a hard... even when the star ratings are correct.

Stack these instead Anyhow this wasn't supposed to be here? Anyway I don't like stacking, so disaggree

PM me if there's anything you don't understand so I can upload pics.

00:40:376 (4) - Improve on this slider, use 2 points instead of one and leave it a bit more round. In my opinion it looks more weird then (I tried it), finally I left it as it is
00:42:757 (2) - you can improve this slider. Make the points a bit more like a V so it's more of a curve than it's an L. Changed
00:50:375 - Fill up to 00:51:328 (1), or remap to have a bit more of these breaks. Places two notes
01:14:662 (3,4,5,6,1) - line these up to the Y axis. Incompatible with distance snap from previous note --> Left it
01:40:852 (3) - Sexy slider man. Thanks :3
01:54:662 (1,2,3) - Try to make these over so 1's end doesn't overlap with 3's beginning, a bit inconsistent with the great job you've done with the rest of the map. Rotated by 90° and fixed Distance to next note
02:21:169 (1) - Snap start to 02:21:328 Disaggree, she begins singing at 02:21:169 -
03:27:994 (1) - Check out the blanket on this one. Changed

00:27:042 (1) - and 00:32:756 (1), you're creating a draining section/empty section, either is unfun. You can either map it or put a break. Mapped it
02:21:169 (1) - Snap start to 02:21:328 Same as [Easy]
03:06:883 (2) - shorten to closest white tick, insert beat at next white tick.Disaggree
03:08:312 (4) - nudge forward. clap hitsound. Don't understand what you mean with it --> skipped

00:04:661 (2) - Ugly slider, imo. Don't change
00:05:137 (3) - Do this S slider with 4 points instead of 2. Looks fine imo, so left it
00:06:566 (7,8) - yeah uh. slider shapes. Left those, too
00:14:185 (3) - huh, if you want to make a V-like shape, add two red dots near the end and start, and insert a normal point between. I want it the way it is
00:17:360 (1,2,3,4) - these will absolutely be more fun if you put them more together, and as a line instead of a square. Personally, if I were playing your map and found that square I'd probably stop playing right there. I disaggree with you
00:26:090 (5) - the curve would be more pretty if the middle point was not on the Y axis and instead were on the left side. Changed
00:35:931 (2,3) - don't be afraid to change these sliders to double notes, beatbeat, beatbeat, beatbeat instead of slider slider slider. But I want sliders
00:37:836 (1,2) - beatbeat beatbeat Same as above
00:43:233 - Probably insert beat that is symmetrical to 00:42:757 (2) Disaggree
01:15:614 (5) - Do this curve with 2 points instead of 1. Disaggree
01:19:423 (6) - ^ ^
01:22:122 (5,6,7) - beatbeat, beatbeat, beatbeat. I want sliders
01:23:709 (8) - put this one on the Y axis, on top Disaggree
01:24:661 (2,3) - pretty up these sliders Left them as they are
01:33:074 (3,4) - beatbeat, beatbeat > slider, slider *sigh* Same as above
01:47:042 (1,2,3) - I have an idea for this one, take them out from having the same start point space them out as a circle, put them on the center of the screen, then every iteration of (1,2,3) rotate them 30 to 90 degrees in your criteria. Disaggree
02:21:169 (1) - Snap start to 02:21:328 Same as in [Easy] and [Normal]
02:26:407 (3,4) - beatbeat beatbeat. *long sigh*
02:28:312 (1,2) - beatbeat beatbeat ^
02:30:375 (6) - 2 point slider instead of 1, a bit more curve and less L Changed it
02:51:169 (1,2) - beatbeat. Disaggree
03:28:471 (4,5) - - fix these sliders as well. I want them that way

so like, mostly these fixes would make it fun/pretty for me to play it, funny enough, it has stuff that constantly annoys me in ranked maps. heck you can even ignore most of the stuff I suggested if you felt like your map is just perfect as is.
716 Girl
00:32:280 (3) - 1 grid right
00:40:376 (4) - looks ugly here
02:58:948 (3) - ugly here
03:16:566 (3) - very askew

00:15:614 (1,3) - veeeeeeeeeery ugly
00:17:518 (4,6) - ^
00:42:757 (4) - ugly here
00:47:518 (2,3) - ugly ugly uglyyyyyy
01:17:518 (3,4,5,6,7) - what...the?
01:21:328 (3) - ugly
01:23:233 (6) - ^
02:01:328 (5) - looks askew
02:30:852 (3) - correct that
03:30:375 (2,3) - ugly

Ugly,askew sliders
remake that
Topic Starter
Um... thanks

3er123 wrote:

00:32:280 (3) - 1 grid right Fixed
00:40:376 (4) - looks ugly here
02:58:948 (3) - ugly here
03:16:566 (3) - very askew Fixed

00:15:614 (1,3) - veeeeeeeeeery ugly
00:17:518 (4,6) - ^
00:42:757 (4) - ugly here
00:47:518 (2,3) - ugly ugly uglyyyyyy
01:17:518 (3,4,5,6,7) - what...the?
01:21:328 (3) - ugly Made it rounder
01:23:233 (6) - ^ ^
02:01:328 (5) - looks askew
02:30:852 (3) - correct that What should I correct there?
03:30:375 (2,3) - ugly

Ugly,askew sliders
remake that

To all the rest: I prefer constructive criticism, not just saying "(This is) ugly". And by the way, I don't see why some are ugly
716 Girl

Ylinestra44 wrote:

Um... thanks

3er123 wrote:

00:32:280 (3) - 1 grid right Fixed
00:40:376 (4) - looks ugly here
02:58:948 (3) - ugly here
03:16:566 (3) - very askew Fixed

00:15:614 (1,3) - veeeeeeeeeery ugly
00:17:518 (4,6) - ^
00:42:757 (4) - ugly here
00:47:518 (2,3) - ugly ugly uglyyyyyy
01:17:518 (3,4,5,6,7) - what...the?
01:21:328 (3) - ugly Made it rounder
01:23:233 (6) - ^ ^
02:01:328 (5) - looks askew
02:30:852 (3) - correct that What should I correct there?
03:30:375 (2,3) - ugly

Ugly,askew sliders
remake that

To all the rest: I prefer constructive criticism, not just saying "(This is) ugly". And by the way, I don't see why some are ugly
Askew so askew
00:07:042 (8) - you think this looks good?
Topic Starter

3er123 wrote:

Askew so askew
00:07:042 (8) - you think this looks good?
You think it helps me to improve, if you just say "Ugly"?
- The space after each spinner feels empty, but if that's on purpose because it's an Easy difficulty, don't sweat it.
- 00:15:137 (4): Consider removing this since there's no accompanying vocal, like you did around 00:11:328. There are a bunch more like this, at 00:18:947, 00:22:756, and so on. If you do want to keep them, you might want to add a hitcircle at 00:11:328 to fit with the rest.
- 01:40:375: Consider adding a circle here.
- 02:33:709: See above.

- Slider speed seems sort of fast for a Normal.

- There are some spots like where the spacing seems kind of extreme with big jumps in between half a beat, but I'm guessing they are intentional.
Not bad at all!

A real minor thing: try to space objects evenly out. For exmaple, 00:09:899 (4,5,6), (6) is somehow sticking with (4). Although the spacing is absolutely correct, if I were you I would try to leave some space between (4) and (6). If you get what I mean, you may choose to fix all these type of occurrences in the diff.

01:54:661 (1) - finish at start?
02:21:169 (1) - remove finish?
02:27:995 (x) - add a note?
02:32:757 (1) - finish at start?
02:56:883 (1,2) - it's clear that you are following the vocal, but it plays out awkward. IMO stick with the beat.
02:58:788 (1,2) - ^
03:05:376 (1,2,3,4) - ^

00:43:233 (x) - add a note?
00:44:185 (3) - i discourage this kind of crumpled slider because player can easily misjudge this for a shorter one.
00:58:788 (3,4,5,6) - (3,4) is x1.0 spacing, (4,5) is not. Fix?
01:00:375 (x) - add a note?
01:10:693 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8) - this is a hard one 0.0
01:12:122 (9) - new combo
01:40:693 (5) - ^
02:21:169 (1) - remove finish?
02:56:883 (1,2) - same problem with [Normal]. Again i'd stick to the beat. Your call though.


Very nicely done for a first-timer!
I should leave a star.

Good luck!
Topic Starter
Thanks for the mod =)

yongtw123 wrote:

Not bad at all!

A real minor thing: try to space objects evenly out. For exmaple, 00:09:899 (4,5,6), (6) is somehow sticking with (4). Although the spacing is absolutely correct, if I were you I would try to leave some space between (4) and (6). If you get what I mean, you may choose to fix all these type of occurrences in the diff.

01:54:661 (1) - finish at start? Done
02:21:169 (1) - remove finish? Done
02:27:995 (x) - add a note? Disaggree
02:32:757 (1) - finish at start? Done
02:56:883 (1,2) - it's clear that you are following the vocal, but it plays out awkward. IMO stick with the beat. Left it the way it is
02:58:788 (1,2) - ^ ^
03:05:376 (1,2,3,4) - ^ ^

00:43:233 (x) - add a note? Disaggree
00:44:185 (3) - i discourage this kind of crumpled slider because player can easily misjudge this for a shorter one. Changed its shape
00:58:788 (3,4,5,6) - (3,4) is x1.0 spacing, (4,5) is not. Fix? No, I want it this way ( (1,2) is a "?", (3,4,5,6) are two "!" )
01:00:375 (x) - add a note? Disaggree
01:10:693 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8) - this is a hard one 0.0 The diff is also [Hard] :P
01:12:122 (9) - new combo Done
01:40:693 (5) - ^ Disaggree
02:21:169 (1) - remove finish? Done
02:56:883 (1,2) - same problem with [Normal]. Again i'd stick to the beat. Your call though. Same as [Normal]


Very nicely done for a first-timer!
I should leave a star. Thanks :3

Good luck!
Shohei Ohtani
The waiter just took my table, he gave it jessica simps


Personally, circle size +1. Idunno, in relation to the background, which is a close-up shot, the circles seem small. Idunno though, both are fine.
00:18:947 (7) - Add whistle on beginning of slider?
02:00:375 (3) - Not moe!
02:53:709 (3) - Kinda boring pattern :<

01:04:661 (4) - Add clap on beginning of slider~.

01:57:995 (1) - Add clap at beginning of slider

Topic Starter
Thanks for the mod =)

CDFA wrote:

The waiter just took my table, he gave it jessica simps


Personally, circle size +1. Idunno, in relation to the background, which is a close-up shot, the circles seem small. Idunno though, both are fine. Changed
00:18:947 (7) - Add whistle on beginning of slider? Done
02:00:375 (3) - Not moe! ? Left it the way it is
02:53:709 (3) - Kinda boring pattern :< Same

01:04:661 (4) - Add clap on beginning of slider~. Done

01:57:995 (1) - Add clap at beginning of slider Done


00:36:090- 1 grid left
00:39:423- 1 grid down
00:43:709- ^
00:51:804- finish ?
02:21:090- start spinner


00:22:756- clap?
00:47:995- 1 grid down
01:22:756- move to 236 - 140 better.
01:52:756- 2 grid up
02:00:375- 1 grid up
02:27:042- finish ?
02:28:947- move to 376 - 220

Nice diff :oops:


00:16:566- 3 grid right
00:57:518- <3
01:09:899- 1 grid up
01:10:693- combos bit too clapclapclap. Tone down the clapping a bit?
01:15:614- 1 grid up

Star :)
Topic Starter
Thanks for the mod :)

HellDawn wrote:


00:36:090- 1 grid left Done
00:39:423- 1 grid down Done
00:43:709- ^ Done
00:51:804- finish ? Done
02:21:090- start spinner Disaggree


00:22:756- clap? Done
00:47:995- 1 grid down Done
01:22:756- move to 236 - 140 better. Done, and fixed spacing afterwards
01:52:756- 2 grid up Done
02:00:375- 1 grid up Done
02:27:042- finish ? Disaggree
02:28:947- move to 376 - 220 Done, and fixed spacing

Nice diff :oops:


00:16:566- 3 grid right Done
00:57:518- <3 :3
01:09:899- 1 grid up Done
01:10:693- combos bit too clapclapclap. Tone down the clapping a bit? Removed some claps
01:15:614- 1 grid up Done
Hi there Here is my mod (I apologize for late mod school is killing me :c)


- Clean


00:15:614 (1) - Add finish
00:30:852 (1) - Add whistle :)
00:40:376 (4) - Add finish in the begin and the end
00:47:995 (4) - Add finish in the begin and the reverse arrow
01:12:280 (2) - Add whistle to mix the hitsounds whit the word Sh*t! :D
01:27:995 (x) - Add a inheriting section whit soft-hitsounds
01:27:995 (1) - If u do this ^ add whistle at the begin of the slider
01:37:519 (1) - Add finish at the begin
01:45:138 (1) - Add finish at the begin and the end
01:52:756 (4) - Add finish at the begin
01:53:709 (5) - ^
01:56:090 (3) - Miss the clap at the begin add it
02:00:376 (4) - Add finish at the begin
02:01:329 (5) - ^
02:26:566 (4) - Remove clap at the end
02:30:852 (4) - Add finish in the begin and the reverse arrow
02:55:615 (2) - Add finish
03:16:566 (3) - Add finish in the begin, the reverse arrow and the end
03:24:185 (4) - Add finish at the begin
03:25:137 (5) - ^
03:26:089 (1) - Add finish
03:31:804 (1) - Its me or the spinner ends here 03:33:352 ?


More like Normal+ or Hard

00:47:995 (3) - Add finish at the begin and the second reverse arrow
01:03:233 (3) - Add finish at the begin and the end
01:11:804 (4) - Add whistle at the end to mix the hitsounds whit the word Sh*t! :D
02:00:376 (4) - Add finish at the begin
02:01:328 (5) - ^
02:38:471 (3) - Add finish at the begin and the second reverse arrow
02:53:709 (3) - Add finish at the begin and the end
03:16:566 (4) - Add finish at the begin and the second reverse arrow
03:18:471 (1) - Add finish
03:24:185 (6) - Add finish at the begin
03:25:137 (7) - ^


00:15:455 (1) - Add finish at the end
00:23:233 (1) - Add finish
00:27:042 (1) - Add finish at the begin
00:47:995 (3) - Add finish at the begin and the second reverse arrow
01:03:233 (4) - Add finish at the begin
01:04:185 (5) - ^
01:12:280 (5) - Add whistle to mix the hitsounds whit the word Sh*t! :D
01:39:899 (1) - Add NC
01:45:137 (6) - Add finish at the begin and the second reverse arrow
02:38:471 (3) - ^

Love this song Don't know why this still in pending Well :c

Good Luck ! And Star !
Topic Starter
Thanks for the mod =)


[Te][Amo] wrote:

Hi there Here is my mod (I apologize for late mod school is killing me :c)


- Clean


00:15:614 (1) - Add finish Disaggree
00:30:852 (1) - Add whistle :) Done
00:40:376 (4) - Add finish in the begin and the end Done
00:47:995 (4) - Add finish in the begin and the reverse arrow Done
01:12:280 (2) - Add whistle to mix the hitsounds whit the word Sh*t! :D Done
01:27:995 (x) - Add a inheriting section whit soft-hitsounds Done
01:27:995 (1) - If u do this ^ add whistle at the begin of the slider Done
01:37:519 (1) - Add finish at the begin Done
01:45:138 (1) - Add finish at the begin and the end Done
01:52:756 (4) - Add finish at the begin Done
01:53:709 (5) - ^ Disaggree
01:56:090 (3) - Miss the clap at the begin add it Ouh, thanks
02:00:376 (4) - Add finish at the begin Done
02:01:329 (5) - ^ Done
02:26:566 (4) - Remove clap at the end Done
02:30:852 (4) - Add finish in the begin and the reverse arrow Done
02:55:615 (2) - Add finish Done
03:16:566 (3) - Add finish in the begin, the reverse arrow and the end Done
03:24:185 (4) - Add finish at the begin Disaggree
03:25:137 (5) - ^ ^
03:26:089 (1) - Add finish Disaggree
03:31:804 (1) - Its me or the spinner ends here 03:33:352 ? It's you, it ends 03:33:233


More like Normal+ or Hard

00:47:995 (3) - Add finish at the begin and the second reverse arrow Done
01:03:233 (3) - Add finish at the begin and the end Done
01:11:804 (4) - Add whistle at the end to mix the hitsounds whit the word Sh*t! :D Done
02:00:376 (4) - Add finish at the begin Done
02:01:328 (5) - ^ ^
02:38:471 (3) - Add finish at the begin and the second reverse arrow Done
02:53:709 (3) - Add finish at the begin and the end Done
03:16:566 (4) - Add finish at the begin and the second reverse arrow Done
03:18:471 (1) - Add finish Done
03:24:185 (6) - Add finish at the begin DIsaggree
03:25:137 (7) - ^ ^


00:15:455 (1) - Add finish at the end Disaggree
00:23:233 (1) - Add finish Disaggree
00:27:042 (1) - Add finish at the begin Disaggree
00:47:995 (3) - Add finish at the begin and the second reverse arrow Done
01:03:233 (4) - Add finish at the begin Done
01:04:185 (5) - ^ ^
01:12:280 (5) - Add whistle to mix the hitsounds whit the word Sh*t! :D Done
01:39:899 (1) - Add NC Now Done
01:45:137 (6) - Add finish at the begin and the second reverse arrow Done
02:38:471 (3) - ^ Done

Love this song Don't know why this still in pending Well :c

Good Luck ! And Star ! Thanks!
General :
  1. The offset needs +10ms
Easy :
  1. 01:37:519 (1) - Making a well-shaped slider shouldn't make the pattern less readable, I mean at the moment :
    1. Its beginning is under 01:36:091 (3)'s end. Which is less readable because of the hitburst and isn't really aesthetic (which isn't what you're are trying to do here, right ? :P).
    2. Its end hides 01:40:375 (3) which causes the same thing as above.

    I suggest you to rearrange your pattern like this :
  2. 03:06:090 (1) - The reverse arrow of this slider is hidden by by the hitburst of the previous spinner. Reverses must be visible otherwise they would surprise the player who may combobreak. Thus you have to redo this slider and make its reverse visible !
Normal :
  1. 00:47:995 (3) - The first reverse arrow is hidden by 00:46:566 (5)'s hitburst. For the same reason as in easy, this needs to be visible
  2. 02:21:169 (1,1) - I don't really like how this pattern sounds. I prefer it like this :
  3. 03:03:709 - I know you are only following the vocals here, however this feels really awkward not to have anything for more than 2 seconds (which is a lot!). That breaks the flow of the map. :/
    Consider adding some notes please.
Hard :
  1. 01:30:862 (7) - This isn't a good idea to put it at the center of 01:29:909 (1,2,3,4,5,6) because it is hidden by all the hitburst that surround it which hide it completely. Moreover the combo color of this pattern is orange which is the same as the 300-hitburst color in the default skin (which is used by most of the regular player). That make it even less readable. So please don't pu it at the center. >w<
  2. 01:31:814 (2) - Its reverse arrow is hidden by the previous circles' hitbursts. As I already said in easy it has to be visible.
  3. 01:37:528 (3) - She got a nice mustache here. :D
  4. 02:21:179 (1,1) - Same as in normal.
  5. 02:48:005 (1) - The reverse arrow is hidden here too. You know what you have to do :D
  6. 03:18:481 (1) - ^
This map is great ! You did a good job :3
Topic Starter
Thanks for the mod =)

Kurai wrote:

General :
  1. The offset needs +10ms

Easy :
  1. 01:37:519 (1) - Making a well-shaped slider shouldn't make the pattern less readable, I mean at the moment :
    1. Its beginning is under 01:36:091 (3)'s end. Which is less readable because of the hitburst and isn't really aesthetic (which isn't what you're are trying to do here, right ? :P).
    2. Its end hides 01:40:375 (3) which causes the same thing as above.

    I suggest you to rearrange your pattern like this :
    Changed it
  2. 03:06:090 (1) - The reverse arrow of this slider is hidden by by the hitburst of the previous spinner. Reverses must be visible otherwise they would surprise the player who may combobreak. Thus you have to redo this slider and make its reverse visible ! Flipped it horizontally and put it at the same place, so now the reverse arrow is out of the hitburst
Normal :
  1. 00:47:995 (3) - The first reverse arrow is hidden by 00:46:566 (5)'s hitburst. For the same reason as in easy, this needs to be visible Changed some patterns, now it's visible
  2. 02:21:169 (1,1) - I don't really like how this pattern sounds. I prefer it like this :
  3. 03:03:709 - I know you are only following the vocals here, however this feels really awkward not to have anything for more than 2 seconds (which is a lot!). That breaks the flow of the map. :/
    Consider adding some notes please. Placed a 1/1 slider with reverse arrow in front of it
Hard :
  1. 01:30:862 (7) - This isn't a good idea to put it at the center of 01:29:909 (1,2,3,4,5,6) because it is hidden by all the hitburst that surround it which hide it completely. Moreover the combo color of this pattern is orange which is the same as the 300-hitburst color in the default skin (which is used by most of the regular player). That make it even less readable. So please don't pu it at the center. >w< Changed the pattern
  2. 01:31:814 (2) - Its reverse arrow is hidden by the previous circles' hitbursts. As I already said in easy it has to be visible. Fixed
  3. 01:37:528 (3) - She got a nice mustache here. :D Lol xD
  4. 02:21:179 (1,1) - Same as in normal. Changed
  5. 02:48:005 (1) - The reverse arrow is hidden here too. You know what you have to do :D Changed it's position a bit downwards, now it's clearly visible
  6. 03:18:481 (1) - ^ I changed the pattern, but I'm not sure whether it's visible enough now =/
This map is great ! You did a good job :3
Here's your bubble. :3
As promised in our queue, IceBeam will mod it. :D
Glückwunsch zur Bubble :)
bubbleeee! *o*

02:21:179 (1) - why would you try to snap this spinner with her lyrics? just start it from the next downbeat (02:21:338)
03:31:814 (1) - you might want to silence slider end

also,that's not required,but better avoid to map outro part in your next maps,especially when the music is fading out
finishing it at 03:26:099 could be better,but nvm,that's just a friendly suggestion for the future

02:21:179 (1) - well again
02:28:005 - it felt uncomfortable to play because of this gap,add a note here please
03:07:052 (4,1) - uh,why would you snap these notes with 1/6? there's nothing to take with the music honestly,even rhytm sounds okay,but I think you should fix it. If you don't want to make a 1/1 rhytm,then use something like this:

00:24:671 (6) - not a big deal but I wish it was placed somewhere between 00:24:195 (5) and 00:25:147 (1)
01:14:512 (1,2) - that's pretty big jump :o mostly because I didn't expected it it doesn't really fit well with the rest of the map
02:21:179 (1) - um,you got it
02:35:941 (5,6,7,8,9) - spacing is a bit incorrect here,02:37:052 (9) should be a bit farther,fix it please
03:03:084 (4) - I'd change this to a circle and started a slider from 03:03:243
03:05:385 (1,2,3) - again 1/6 snapping :s how about to making some rhytm instead?
03:32:608 (2,3) - move them a little farther,otherwise looks like a 1/3 spacing between them and 03:31:814 (1)

well,that's it
a damn good map for a newbie,especially for 1/3 song

call me back after fixes
Topic Starter

IceBeam wrote:

hi Hi *wave*

02:21:179 (1) - why would you try to snap this spinner with her lyrics? just start it from the next downbeat (02:21:338) Okay, fixed
03:31:814 (1) - you might want to silence slider end You mean spinner? Done

also,that's not required,but better avoid to map outro part in your next maps,especially when the music is fading out
finishing it at 03:26:099 could be better,but nvm,that's just a friendly suggestion for the future In my ears it would have sounded strange finishing at 03:26:099. But I'll keep it in mind in future.

02:21:179 (1) - well again Again fixed
02:28:005 - it felt uncomfortable to play because of this gap,add a note here please Done
03:07:052 (4,1) - uh,why would you snap these notes with 1/6? there's nothing to take with the music honestly,even rhytm sounds okay,but I think you should fix it. If you don't want to make a 1/1 rhytm,then use something like this:
Used your suggestion and fixed that part (I hope it looks okay :S)

00:24:671 (6) - not a big deal but I wish it was placed somewhere between 00:24:195 (5) and 00:25:147 (1) Changed it's position, but I'm not sure, because it's on the sliderpath now
01:14:512 (1,2) - that's pretty big jump :o mostly because I didn't expected it it doesn't really fit well with the rest of the map Flipped (2) horizontally, so the jump is smaller, and fixed the distance of the following notes
02:21:179 (1) - um,you got it Um yeah
02:35:941 (5,6,7,8,9) - spacing is a bit incorrect here,02:37:052 (9) should be a bit farther,fix it please Not been sure about what "a bit farther" means, but I changed it. If it's still incorrect, tell me
03:03:084 (4) - I'd change this to a circle and started a slider from 03:03:243 Changed
03:05:385 (1,2,3) - again 1/6 snapping :s how about to making some rhytm instead?
Changed as you suggested (hope this looks okay, too)
03:32:608 (2,3) - move them a little farther,otherwise looks like a 1/3 spacing between them and 03:31:814 (1) Same as above with "a bit farther", but I changed it

well,that's it
a damn good map for a newbie,especially for 1/3 song

call me back after fixes
Barney Stinson
Gratz Yl^^
Congratulations :)
Congratulations! :D
Congratz :)
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