
Werewolf Game 3 [Co-victory - neither side won]

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Day 1 voting is pretty much just a random guess in these games since there's really nothing to speculate about until aux roles have had a night to act and such.

With that said, I'll just make a blind vote.

Lynch vote cast against Larto.

YellowYoshi1 wrote:

With that said, I'll just make a blind vote.

Lynch vote cast against Larto.
Personally, I don't like blind votes (to be more exact, people claiming to make blind votes) so I'll first temporarily settle on voting for YellowYoshi1.

I think.

I'll see about it later.
What did you guys think about nardi's post though?

Echo wrote:

What did you guys think about nardi's post though?
Iono. Same thing as I think about blindly voting. :P
nardi better stop LURKING and answer my question
Topic Starter
Pasonia steps into the hall at 10:15AM and posted an announcement.

Dear experiments,

Since it's the first day, I decided we'll have a little bit of liberty with timing and start the day in the wee hours. Don't get yourself all hot and bothered about 3AM.

Secondly, I will update the vote standings.

Thirdly, as I am an easily confused person, do not mark in bold when you're clearly not voting, puh-LEESE.
Lurk without voting わなんでやねん、バカ?


P.S. Execution method this game? I guess I'll just step in front of you and shoot you with my pistol. I need an excuse to do some ultraviolent shit rofl.
Nonexistent people do not talk in a game you don't exist. kthxbai.

Pasonia wrote:

Thirdly, as I am an easily confused person, do not mark in bold when you're clearly not voting, puh-LEESE.
Lurk without voting なんでやねん、バカ?

Stop lurking everyone and start making posts
shooting someone with a pistol is not superviolent

how about you make it a plot twist--YOU'RE a wolf, and you kill them personally :U

or you could just pistolwhip them to death
I can't really decide if Pas is insane or not...

I don't see "admitted to lurking" as a very good point.

adam2046 wrote:

I don't see "admitted to lurking" as a very good point.
Lurking in itself is an average tell, but remember nardi was lynched as a wolf last game (and I'm pretty sure he is/was). Reusing a phrase that garnered suspicion, even though it may not have been the ultimate cause of his lynch, is not something a villager would do.
I will keep that in mind but I wont be voting for him based on that.
By the way everyone, I wouldn't immediately say that ASH is a wolf. This is his second Werewolf Game as he said, so he just might have been stupid.

I'm voting for Echo
for the time being. His post here looks like he's argumenting a bit differently from the past two games. I wouldn't be surprised if he actually was a wolf. I'll probably change my vote later in the game, but for the moment, Echo shall be it.
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Why can't I joke around without people wanting to kill me? Anyway, I'm not a wolf this time. Also, what's wrong with admitting to lurking" (especially if I'm not actually lurking, but sleeping)?

nardi11011 wrote:

Why can't I joke around without people wanting to kill me? Anyway, I'm not a wolf this time. Also, what's wrong with admitting to lurking" (especially if I'm not actually lurking, but sleeping)?
Uhhh... because it obviously makes you look suspicious? This isn't the kind of game to randomly joke around in.

Werewolf Game. Srs Business.

nardi11011 wrote:

Why can't I joke around without people wanting to kill me? Anyway, I'm not a wolf this time. Also, what's wrong with admitting to lurking" (especially if I'm not actually lurking, but sleeping)?
When you lurk you're soaking up information without contributing anything. As a villager we need as much information as possible to find the wolves. Hence lurking is somewhat of a wolf tell.

I still say quoting yourself is extremely suspicious. Last time you did that, you became the target of the first lynch of the game, which you only got yourself out of by claiming priest. Are you planning to do something like that again? If you're a villager, you wouldn't have quoted yourself, to try to avoid this.

The only reason I can think of for you to use your "bandwagon" quote that landed you in trouble is to use it as reverse psychology.
Echo you're a lot more agressive in this game...
But I guess that's just how you are anyway, I'm keeping an eye on you.

Nardi suspicious...kinda.

ASH...slightly suspicious...
This game are starting out slow. This game need to pick up pace so it can hold my interest.

Also in all seriousness... Echo was civilian in game 1. Echo was civilian (according to ASH) in game 2. I can't shake the feeling that Echo is wolf in this one. Even though these roles are "random", he is speaking a bit differently. Then again, nobody has role claimed yet for him to defend and strategize.
Personally, I saw nothing suspicious in Nardi's post and took it as nothing more than sarcasm.

@echo's aggression, he needed to change something up hmm? Apparently what he was doing in the past 2 games (and mafia 1, apparently) wasn't doing him any good. Echo is in a lose lose situation:
  1. He acts the same way in previous WWGs, causing the same suspicion he drew before.
  2. He acts differently, and people see this as suspicious as well.
Perhaps we should cut Echo some slack and just kill him on day 2 this time ^_^

In before somebody digs too much into that last statement and accuses me of being a wolf.

Just to clarify, I am not trusting Echo out of pity, but I see no reason to suspect him at this point. Sadly, I don't see any reason to suspect anybody else either so I will have to withhold my vote a bit longer.

nardi11011 wrote:

I don't know who to vote so I'll just jump on the bandwagon and...

Lurk without voting Todesengal
What do you mean by that? No one even mentioned Todesengal before you made that post.
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So no one other than me sees that line as suspicious :/

IRC wrote:

14:52 < Echo> think it through
14:52 < Echo> imagine
14:52 < Echo> you said something on the first day
14:52 < Echo> which resulted in you getting lynched
14:53 < Echo> which you onnly just backed out of by fakeclaiming
14:53 < Echo> would you seriously say the exact same thing in the next game if you were human?
Topic Starter
Pasonia flung a dart from across the hotel lobby, the dart toppling and splashing a cup of hot coffee all over adam2046.

"Whoops. Guess I overdid it," blurted Pasonia, before exiting, stage left.

Amidst the frustration, adam2046 opened up the note attached to the dart, and it read:

Vote standings have been updated W(°0°)W

Echo wrote:

So no one other than me sees that line as suspicious :/

IRC wrote:

14:52 < Echo> think it through
14:52 < Echo> imagine
14:52 < Echo> you said something on the first day
14:52 < Echo> which resulted in you getting lynched
14:53 < Echo> which you onnly just backed out of by fakeclaiming
14:53 < Echo> would you seriously say the exact same thing in the next game if you were human?
I may be able to see it as suspicious if I think about it hard enough, but probably not for the same reason as you. I'm aware that lurking in general, and not posting too much, is often a tell for wolves (I think you said that earlier), but calling Nardi out on that reason may be a bit of a stretch I think.

Although I do think it is about time Nardi comes in here and starts defending himself :X
You guys know some people live in different time zones, right? And I thought doing something as stupid as repeating my own mistakes wouldn't be taken seriously by anyone.
Well, you're here now, so start defending.
I have to leave in about 10 minutes though.

Not like I have much to defend me with anyway, all I can tell you is that I'm just a human that likes sarcasm a little too much.
Ah, falling back on what Rolled used as a possible suspicious.

and no i'm not still resentful of you voting me for no reason
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Well he is new...
Did you really have to vote him?
Haha, I have a vote.
Anyway, because people think I'm suspicious, I'll say something that'll probably make me even more suspicious to other people.
I'm guardian angel.
And you should trust me, because if I'm killed you won't have anyone to save you from the wolves. :3
I'm going to trust my instincts here and Vote Echo
Enjoy your nightkill ASH :|
Sounds like fun.
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I'm really stupid.
Wow, honestly, out of ALL of the roles to claim, you claim the only one who can't be protected at night...

I think my vote is settled now. If ASH isn't a wolf, he will likely die tonight, so whether he is lynched or not really won't make a difference. If he is a wolf, then obviously lynching him would be a good thing. So really, the worst thing that could happen is that we lynch someone who was going to die anyway. It's a neutral-win situation.

At least that's how my mind works. My vote for ASH stands.
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