The Primal Scene of Japan the Girl SawKou Ogata
mapped by thepianist
last updated
Circle Size
HP Drain
Approach Rate
Star Rating


For Approval because of length/score.

So! This is a collab marathon open to everyone (not unlike Azure_Kyte's.) (:

EXCEPT. The individual parts are roughly 15-20 seconds long, rather than 8 or so.

To join, download the map, clear all notes, map, and post the osu file in this thread. I'll update the osz as soon as I can. (Finished!)

0.02.989 - 0.17.534 Xgor
0.17.534 - 0.32.080 thepianist
0.32.080 - 0.46.398 aesopl19193
0.46.398 - 1.01.171 simplistiC
1.01.171 - 1.15.716 H-boy
1.15.716 - 1.30.262 thepianist
1.30.262 - 1.44.807 BREAK
1.44.807 - 1.59.125 Yes
1.59.125 - 2.13.898 PandaCath
2.13.898 - 2.28.898 H-boy
2.28.898 - 2.43.443 Ichigo-Sora
2.43.443 - 2.57.988 Glasslake
2.57.988 - 3.12.534 al2e10
3.12.534 - 3.27.079 no-7
3.27.079 - 3.41.625 BREAK
3.41.625 - 3.56.170 Cyclone
3.56.170 - 4.10.488 orioncomet
4.10.488 - 4.25.261 Sallad4ever
4.25.261 - 4.39.807 dksslqj
4.39.807 - 4.54.352 impossiblexu
4.54.352 - 5.08.898 BREAK
5.08.898 - 5.23.216 no-7
5.23.216 - 5.37.988 I_Tatsuo_I
5.37.988 - 5.52.988 SuperMaay
5.52.988 - 6.07.533 impossiblexu
6.07.533 - 6.22.078 BREAK
6.22.078 - 6.36.624 blissfulyoshi
6.36.624 - 6.51.169 pieguy1372

In case you didn't notice.
BREAKS. Do not map here!
01:30:262 - 01:44:807
03:27:079 - 03:41:625
04:54:352 - 05:08:898
06:07:533 - 06:22:078

Overall difficulty should be hard, but not insanely so. Just have fun with it. ^^

Best wishes,

Thread link: forum/viewtopic.php?f=53&t=22928

100120 Ichigo-Sora's part added
100124 Xgor's part added
100126 dksslqj's part added
100127 aesopl19193's part added
100202 Credit names storyboarded in.
100205 orioncomet's part added.
100206 Yes's part added.
100223 impossiblexu, PandaCath's parts added.
100304 Adding 2nd parts if applicable, Glasslake's and impossiblexu's 2nd part added
100309 al2e10's part added.
100319 simplistiC's part added.
100411 Sallad4ever's part added.
100425 H-boy's 2 parts added, pieguy1372's part added.
100427 Cyclone's part added, no-7's part added.
100429 no-7's 2nd part added. Extra skin parts added.
100520 SuperMaay's part added.
100617 I_Tatsuo_I's part added.
100626 Blissfulyoshi's part added.
OH WAIT IT'S DONE WOWW. (But can't move to pending lol ><)
Thanks :3
100830 Preliminary storyboarding is started.

Forgot to add in the beginning if I haven't already - I would rather a mapper only map up to two section for now. I hope you all don't mind. :]

Success Rate


Points of Failure
