
Avril Lavigne - Wish You Were Here

Total Posts
Topic Starter
-Baby Strawberry-
This beatmap was submitted using in-game submission on 2012年2月11日 at 1:12:07

Artist: Avril Lavigne
Title: Wish You Were Here
Tags: Softrock Pop Goodbye Lullaby
BPM: 83
Filesize: 9887kb
Play Time: 03:39
Difficulties Available:
  1. Damn Crazy (4.89 stars, 549 notes)
  2. Damn Easy (1.4 stars, 180 notes)
  3. Damn Hard (4.55 stars, 435 notes)
  4. Damn Soso (3.02 stars, 264 notes)
Download: Avril Lavigne - Wish You Were Here
Information: Scores/Beatmap Listing
All those crazy things you said

You left them running though my head

You're always there, you're everywhere

But right now I wish you were here

Thx for those 32 people had modded this map~! They are
[ Dan Go ]
Strawberry 2 times
Haruhi_sama tried a GD
Shana Aisaka
The 08 team_Bourdon
Also Thanks to:
Alace for timing and a higher quality music track
sherrie__fay for skinning help
[ Dan Go ]
For the ez one:
00:15:669 4&5 moveto the center then up 2
00:34:317 5 down 1
00 44 615 2 ctrl+R
02 09 735 change the position of pink n purple notes
[ Dan Go ]
for the normal:
00 17 506 2 up 1
00 17 868 3 right 1
01 00 517 4 up 1
01 49 241 6 up1 right 1
01 49 495 up 1
01 51 844 3 right 1
01 52 205 4n5 down1 right 2
02 46 242+02 47 506 123 left1 down 1
02 46 784 123 right 1 down 1
[ Dan Go ]
for the hard or the insane:
00 11 181 1 left 1
00 31 241 slider should have 2 more turns
00 33 049 slider 1 n 2 ctrl+r
01 01 241 turn the slider into a note would be better
01 40 639 separate 6n7 6 on center right 4 7on center left 4
01 51 302 6 right 1
01 57 265 all yellow notes right 1
02 34 404 all yellow notes ctrl+h except 5, 5 left 4
03 24 374 make the squre bigger as well as the 4 sliders
Topic Starter
-Baby Strawberry-

[ Dan Go ] wrote:

For the ez one:
00:15:669 4&5 moveto the center then up 2
00:34:317 5 down 1
00 44 615 2 ctrl+R
02 09 735 change the position of pink n purple notes

all fixed THX
Topic Starter
-Baby Strawberry-

[ Dan Go ] wrote:

for the normal:
00 17 506 2 up 1
00 17 868 3 right 1
01 00 517 4 up 1
01 49 241 6 up1 right 1
01 49 495 up 1
01 51 844 3 right 1
01 52 205 4n5 down1 right 2
02 46 242+02 47 506 123 left1 down 1
02 46 784 123 right 1 down 1

fixed THX
Topic Starter
-Baby Strawberry-

[ Dan Go ] wrote:

for the hard or the insane:
00 11 181 1 left 1
00 31 241 slider should have 2 more turns
00 33 049 slider 1 n 2 ctrl+r
01 01 241 turn the slider into a note would be better
01 40 639 separate 6n7 6 on center right 4 7on center left 4
01 51 302 6 right 1
01 57 265 all yellow notes right 1
02 34 404 all yellow notes ctrl+h except 5, 5 left 4
03 24 374 make the squre bigger as well as the 4 sliders
all fixed thx
- baby strawberry -

*please, use 1/2 notes, 1/4 notes can be hard for beginner, i think.
*please, use 'distance snap' for whole of normal diff
00:07:025 (5) - distance
00:08:109 (1) - ^
00:11:181 (1) - ^
00:13:350 (5) - ^
00:17:506 (2,3) - ^
00:28:711 (1,1,1) - ^
00:33:772 (4) - ^
00:36:302 (1) - dlelete
00:40:097 (2) - distance
00:42:446 (5) - ^
00:45:338 (3) - ^
00:52:567 (1,1,1) - ^
00:58:350 (1,1,1,1,1) - ^
01:06:302 (3) - ^
01:07:748 (1) - ^
01:12:085 (1) - ^
01:30:157 (1,2,1) - ^
01:35:759 (1) - delete
01:38:832 (1,2,3,4) - distance
01:44:615 (1,3) - ^
01:46:061 (1) - remove tail ->01:46:784 -
01:51:121 (1,2) - distance
01:53:109 (1) - delete
01:54:735 (1,2) - distance
01:59:796 (1) - ^
02:04:133 (1,1,2) - ^
02:11:362 (1) - delete
02:14:615 (1) - distance
02:37:386 (1,1,2,3,1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8) - ^
02:56:181 (1,1,2) - ^
03:05:579 (1,1,1) - ^
Topic Starter
-Baby Strawberry-

Priestess wrote:

- baby strawberry -

*please, use 1/2 notes, 1/4 notes can be hard for beginner, i think.
*please, use 'distance snap' for whole of normal diff
00:07:025 (5) - distance
00:08:109 (1) - ^
00:11:181 (1) - ^
00:13:350 (5) - ^
00:17:506 (2,3) - ^
00:28:711 (1,1,1) - ^
00:33:772 (4) - ^
00:36:302 (1) - dlelete
00:40:097 (2) - distance
00:42:446 (5) - ^
00:45:338 (3) - ^
00:52:567 (1,1,1) - ^
00:58:350 (1,1,1,1,1) - ^
01:06:302 (3) - ^
01:07:748 (1) - ^
01:12:085 (1) - ^
01:30:157 (1,2,1) - ^
01:35:759 (1) - delete
01:38:832 (1,2,3,4) - distance
01:44:615 (1,3) - ^
01:46:061 (1) - remove tail ->01:46:784 -
01:51:121 (1,2) - distance
01:53:109 (1) - delete
01:54:735 (1,2) - distance
01:59:796 (1) - ^
02:04:133 (1,1,2) - ^
02:11:362 (1) - delete
02:14:615 (1) - distance
02:37:386 (1,1,2,3,1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8) - ^
02:56:181 (1,1,2) - ^
03:05:579 (1,1,1) - ^
i fixed most of the problems ,thank u so much for really appreciate it.
Requested in QQ

Hi Baby Strawberry:D
now begin

-BG改成分辨率1024x768或者800x600. 把1a517c51a269616e5ba2de6bbc5b8e29.jpg 改一下 现在是1366x768
-没有制作SB的话删除掉歌曲文件夹的.osb文件 然后重新full submission.
-你需要在每个diff都添加一个相同的preview point.
-song setup——source填Goodbye Lullaby

-每个难度的kiai时间都太长 前两段kiai可以删去

既然是2星半的难度 建议HP-4 CS-1 AR-3~5 OD-3~5

00:25:474 (1,2) - 没有snap
01:09:924 (4) - ^
02:19:683 (4) - ^

00:05:217 (1,2,3,4,5,6) - 这种不要这样排 可参考大哥在贴吧发的图 后面类似的地方也一样03:02:672 (7) - 没有snap
03:15:684 (2) - ^
03:16:046 (3) - ^
03:20:022 (13) - ^
03:39:178 (4,5) - ^

Timing-meter 改成4/4
00:54:735 (1) - 做个简单的SB提示出slider开始走哪个方向 不然第一次打很难读出来
00:57:988 (3) - 下一格
01:44:615 (2) - 同样建议做个简单SB提示
01:56:181 (2) - ^
02:54:012 - ^
03:17:145 (1) - 左上一格?
03:18:229 (1) - 左下一格?
03:19:314 (1) - 左上一格?
03:38:832 (5) - 左移一格

:) 是张很有潜力的图!加油~

BTW: 我喜欢你的ID lol你懂得
Topic Starter
-Baby Strawberry-

Strawberry wrote:

required in QQ

Hi Baby Strawberry:D
now begin

-BG改成分辨率1024x768或者800x600. 把1a517c51a269616e5ba2de6bbc5b8e29.jpg 改一下 现在是1366x768
-没有制作SB的话删除掉歌曲文件夹的.osb文件 然后重新full submission.
-你需要在每个diff都添加一个相同的preview point.
-song setup——source填Goodbye Lullaby

-每个难度的kiai时间都太长 前两段kiai可以删去

既然是2星半的难度 建议HP-4 CS-1 AR-3~5 OD-3~5

00:25:474 (1,2) - 没有snap
01:09:924 (4) - ^
02:19:683 (4) - ^

00:05:217 (1,2,3,4,5,6) - 这种不要这样排 可参考大哥在贴吧发的图 后面类似的地方也一样03:02:672 (7) - 没有snap
03:15:684 (2) - ^
03:16:046 (3) - ^
03:20:022 (13) - ^
03:39:178 (4,5) - ^

Timing-meter 改成4/4
00:54:735 (1) - 做个简单的SB提示出slider开始走哪个方向 不然第一次打很难读出来
00:57:988 (3) - 下一格
01:44:615 (2) - 同样建议做个简单SB提示
01:56:181 (2) - ^
02:54:012 - ^
03:17:145 (1) - 左上一格?
03:18:229 (1) - 左下一格?
03:19:314 (1) - 左上一格?
03:38:832 (5) - 左移一格

:) 是张很有潜力的图!加油~

BTW: 我喜欢你的ID lol你懂得
most r fixed thx for modding XD
@mapper/modders: please don't double/triple post; removed unnecessary kudosu.
Topic Starter
-Baby Strawberry-

Derekku wrote:

@mapper/modders: please don't double/triple post; removed unnecessary kudosu.
im really sry...i dont know the rules ;_;
:) mod again

requested in game

-没用的绿线要删掉 自己检查一下>w<

[damn crazy]
00:13:350 (2) - 要和00:12:808 (1) - 对称 ctrl+J再ctrl+R就可以了
00:16:241 (2) - ^
00:24:374 (4) - ^
00:17:868 (5,6) - 形状尽量也不改变 可以旋转些角度
00:22:567 (1) - 有点丑
00:26:181 (5) - 右一格
00:29:073 (1) - 下一格
00:30:157 (4,5,6) - 左两格
00:31:241 (3) - 四分拍的就行了
00:38:109 (1,1) - 也要对称好
00:44:614 (1,2,3) - 右一格下三格00:44:976 (3) - 尾部的锚点向上一格
01:09:193 (1) - 尾部和01:08:832 (4) - 叠上怎么样?别的都依次往上移一些
01:59:073 (2) - 没拉好?
02:15:700 (1,2,3,4,5) - 摆成这样如何?
02:21:482 (1,2,3,4,5) - 顺时针旋转7°
02:35:398 (3) - 有点被前面滑条挡到
02:35:579 (4,6) - 弧度和02:34:856 (2) - 一样更美观一些?或者平均有些角度
03:13:169 (1) - 右一格
03:33:229 (2) - 右一格

[damn hard]
-有一些note没snap上 timing-resnap all note一下
-slider再弄漂亮点><差不多的就复制过去旋转一下 别一个slider一个型 对称的地方一定对称好了
01:35:217 (2) - 这个slider rankble?

[damn easy]
-既然是easy slider不要变速吧
02:03:049 (1) - 02:04:133 (1) - 这两个有互相挡住
-slider问题还是和hard一样 比如02:05:579 (1,2) - ctrl+H就好了
03:22:205 (3) - 放在03:22:928 (1) - 轨道上美观点

细节地方一定要注意 加油

Damn hard:
00:15:699 (5) - 我不喜歡有note被前一個slider擋住lol
00:11:181 (1,2) - 跟前面的節奏一樣吧 突然又改跟歌詞 很容易miss的
00:19:856 (1) - 再多折返一次?
01:00:518 (5) - 開頭clap
01:09:916 (1,1,1) - BPM不能隨便用啊 請用相同速度的slider 把綠線去掉
01:48:772 (5) - 擺好看點...
02:39:555 (10) - 別往回疊啊...
02:41:181 (6) - ^
02:45:338 (1,2,3) - 這疊好
03:26:904 (1,1,1) - 刪除NC
03:32:326 (1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1) - 這段是怎樣...
03:36:121 (2,3) - 疊好
Damn crazy:
00:13:892 (3) - 疊好
00:42:446 (4) - 不是很好看...
00:45:337 (4) - ^
00:54:735 (1) - 雖然做的很漂亮 但是一定有人會挑的 請修改lol
01:05:217 (6) - NC
02:24:374 ~ 02:25:097 把Break往後拉 像這樣
03:40:097 (1,1) - 刪除NC
這個譜說實在的 很多的間距都不一樣
還有NC下的地方也是 所以很容易被騙
一方面也很容易被挑 請你能修改盡量修改
Topic Starter
-Baby Strawberry-

bossandy wrote:


Damn hard:
00:15:699 (5) - 我不喜歡有note被前一個slider擋住lol 【我也不喜欢。。。fixed~!
00:11:181 (1,2) - 跟前面的節奏一樣吧 突然又改跟歌詞 很容易miss的 【这个我没有改,因为我是按照歌来的。。
00:19:856 (1) - 再多折返一次? 【我在(2)前多加了一个note~!
01:00:518 (5) - 開頭clap 【fixed~!
01:09:916 (1,1,1) - BPM不能隨便用啊 請用相同速度的slider 把綠線去掉 【好吧,最快的拉条改掉了,绿线以去掉 fixed~!
01:48:772 (5) - 擺好看點... 【恩,摆的的确难看,fixed~!
02:39:555 (10) - 別往回疊啊... 【其实我想坑爹一下下的。。。不过,fixed~!
02:41:181 (6) - ^ 【^ fixed ~!
02:45:338 (1,2,3) - 這疊好 【 这个我是叠好的。。不过玩的时候就会跑出来,怎么办。。。:C
03:26:904 (1,1,1) - 刪除NC 【呀,当时忘了删了,fixed~!
03:32:326 (1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1) - 這段是怎樣... 【我觉得挺好看的所以就。。。。没有改OTZ
03:36:121 (2,3) - 疊好 【恩 fixed~!
Damn crazy:
00:13:892 (3) - 疊好【恩 fixed~!
00:42:446 (4) - 不是很好看... 【的确,可是我也发觉不出什么别的好看点的。。弄出点弯会好点?
00:45:337 (4) - ^ 【^
00:54:735 (1) - 雖然做的很漂亮 但是一定有人會挑的 請修改lol 【恩,这个我问过,都说不确定,所以改掉了 fixed~!
01:05:217 (6) - NC 【fixed ~!
02:24:374 ~ 02:25:097 把Break往後拉 像這樣 【好的 fixed~!
03:40:097 (1,1) - 刪除NC 【fixed~!
這個譜說實在的 很多的間距都不一樣
還有NC下的地方也是 所以很容易被騙
一方面也很容易被挑 請你能修改盡量修改
thank u very much for modding ~!~!~!
Topic Starter
-Baby Strawberry-

Strawberry wrote:

:) mod again

requested in game

-没用的绿线要删掉 自己检查一下>w< 【恩,检查的差不太多 fixed~!
【删不掉 TAT ~!

[damn crazy]
00:13:350 (2) - 要和00:12:808 (1) - 对称 ctrl+J再ctrl+R就可以了 【恩,改了n多拉条 fixed~!
00:16:241 (2) - ^ 【^
00:24:374 (4) - ^【^
00:17:868 (5,6) - 形状尽量也不改变 可以旋转些角度 【恩 fixed~!
00:22:567 (1) - 有点丑 【相当丑。。。不过,fixed~!
00:26:181 (5) - 右一格 【fixed~!
00:29:073 (1) - 下一格 【fixed~!
00:30:157 (4,5,6) - 左两格 【fixed~!
00:31:241 (3) - 四分拍的就行了 【fixed~!
00:38:109 (1,1) - 也要对称好 【fixed~!
00:44:614 (1,2,3) - 右一格下三格00:44:976 (3) - 尾部的锚点向上一格 【fixed~!
01:09:193 (1) - 尾部和01:08:832 (4) - 叠上怎么样?别的都依次往上移一些 【Goodidea,十分感谢 fixed~!
01:59:073 (2) - 没拉好? 【必须没拉好 >~< 不过, fixed~!
02:15:700 (1,2,3,4,5) - 摆成这样如何? 【就照你说的办~! fixed~!
02:21:482 (1,2,3,4,5) - 顺时针旋转7° 【fixed~!
02:35:398 (3) - 有点被前面滑条挡到 【移开了 fixed~!
02:35:579 (4,6) - 弧度和02:34:856 (2) - 一样更美观一些?或者平均有些角度 【我使用了 复制大发, fixed~!
03:13:169 (1) - 右一格【fixed~!
03:33:229 (2) - 右一格【fixed~!

[damn hard]
-有一些note没snap上 timing-resnap all note一下 【fixed~!
-尽量不要有太大幅度的slider变速 【2X 拉条已取消 fixed~!
-slider再弄漂亮点><差不多的就复制过去旋转一下 别一个slider一个型 对称的地方一定对称好了 【狠狠地改了拉条 fixed~!
01:35:217 (2) - 这个slider rankble? 【不能。。不过, fixed~!

[damn easy]
-既然是easy slider不要变速吧 【我觉得easy的拉条都是很慢的,我的拉条速度设的比较慢(也许吧。。。),不过改了不少超速拉条,所以,算是fixed吧? >~<
02:03:049 (1) - 02:04:133 (1) - 这两个有互相挡住 【移开了, fixed~!
-slider问题还是和hard一样 比如02:05:579 (1,2) - ctrl+H就好了【fixed~!
03:22:205 (3) - 放在03:22:928 (1) - 轨道上美观点【恩,是比我之前的要好看,fixed~!

细节地方一定要注意 加油
From Ar3sgice's queue

BG这是吓人呢= =?

新人mapper支持, 不过这首歌嘛 = = osu里比较受欢迎的还是anime/nightcore/th... 我随便mod一个难度好了

没进度条 只有一边就算了 两边都没有 我怎么知道自己转了多少

00:43:531 (-1) - 加NOTE
00:46:422 (-1) - 加NOTE
00:54:735 (1) - 文字出现稍晚ww
00:56:904 (1,2,3,1,2,3,1,1,2,3,1,1,1) - HERE加跳ww
01:10:278 (1,1,1,1,2) - NEAR叠起ww 要用专用梗啊少年ww
02:20:398 (1,2,3,4,5,1,2,3,4,5) - 五角星就算了 方向还不一样, 怎么打= =
03:35:217 (5,6,1,2,3,4,5,6,1,2,3,4,5) - v
03:38:109 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9) - 这是= = 反正我打不了= =
Topic Starter
-Baby Strawberry-

[CSGA]Ar3sgice wrote:

From Ar3sgice's queue

BG这是吓人呢= =?
【QAQ 怎么会啊。。。挺好看的吧。。。我觉得跟着个歌挺符合的就用了。。。。。
新人mapper支持, 不过这首歌嘛 = = osu里比较受欢迎的还是anime/nightcore/th... 我随便mod一个难度好了
【可是我知道的动漫或nightcore资源甚少 (摊手
没进度条 只有一边就算了 两边都没有 我怎么知道自己转了多少 【好吧,这个要改皮肤了~!

00:43:531 (-1) - 加NOTE 【恩, 的确是差一拍,fixed~!
00:46:422 (-1) - 加NOTE 【同上,fixed~!
00:54:735 (1) - 文字出现稍晚ww 【提前了一点点,不过话说开了拉条走向的话没有字也可以看清,不过不知道是不是rankable,fixed~!
00:56:904 (1,2,3,1,2,3,1,1,2,3,1,1,1) - HERE加跳ww 【好跳~! 加了点小跳,fixed~!
01:10:278 (1,1,1,1,2) - NEAR叠起ww 要用专用梗啊少年ww 【诶我当时怎么没看出来啊。。。好吧,用复制粘贴解决,fixed~!
02:20:398 (1,2,3,4,5,1,2,3,4,5) - 五角星就算了 方向还不一样, 怎么打= = 【。。。。。。果然坑爹了,全部改为顺时转,fixed~!
03:35:217 (5,6,1,2,3,4,5,6,1,2,3,4,5) - v 【同下 fixed~!
03:38:109 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9) - 这是= = 反正我打不了= =【这个我自己改的时候也发现了。。。 稍微改动了点,去掉几个note然后就貌似不坑了。。fixed~!
十分感谢mod, kd奉上~!
!mod req

00:52:567 (1) - 把kiaitime绿线设在这上面
01:52:386 (2) - 这里容易误解
01:47:507 (1) - 转盘短一点。。不要后面马上跟note
01:56:181 (1) - ^(缩了的话可能太短。用slider代替也可以
02:22:928 (1) - ^
求Guest EASY
Topic Starter
-Baby Strawberry-

Haruhi_sama wrote:

!mod req

First.KiaiTime绿线必须在长白线上 【诶。。好像的确是啊。。看来3个diff的kiai都要改,谢谢~!
00:52:567 (1) - 把kiaitime绿线设在这上面 【okok~!
01:52:386 (2) - 这里容易误解 【没坑就不好玩啦,所以。没动。。。
01:47:507 (1) - 转盘短一点。。不要后面马上跟note 【好的, fixed~!
01:56:181 (1) - ^(缩了的话可能太短。用slider代替也可以 【恩,的确微短。我在考虑考虑,感谢提醒~!
02:22:928 (1) - ^ 【同上
另外这个难度有点难、、叫normal把 饿、【好吧,的确是比一般的ez难点,那我就排满点来个normal好了~!
求Guest EASY 【批准~!送花~!加油做啊~!做好后游戏里面捕捉我就好了~!

Haruhi_sama wrote:

:O 艾薇儿
Topic Starter
-Baby Strawberry-

Breeze wrote:

:O 艾薇儿
>~< 一定会的~!
Hi, here from my queue.

-- There are inconsistencies between the Preview Points. Damn hard is 10ms early.
-- There are inconsistencies between the combo colors. Change Damn hard's combo color #3 to 248,97,157. (it was 98,220,88)
-- The spinner isn't perfect. It's not *that* off but it's still noticeable.
-- I suggest capitalizing each of your difficulties. (Damn crazy --> Damn Crazy, Damn normal --> Damn Normal)
-- hit50k.png is unused.

Damn crazy:
00:42:446 (5) - I almost never comment on slider shapes, but this one sucks and it appears in this song a lot. Try to remake it like this:
00:45:338 (5) - ^
00:54:735 (1) - This slider is not readable. It's hard to tell which direction to go. Please change it.
01:32:145 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7) - I have a problem with this section primarily because it is overmapped. Really, there is no need for all of these notes. You can still have many notes here. I think this combination fits the song best:
2:26:000: Move this inherited timing section to 02:24:374.
02:47:341: Unsnapped inherited timing section.
03:15:518 (4) - I suggest adding a note here to better follow the lyrics.
03:26:543 (1,1,1,1) - All of these slider ends are unsnapped.
03:37:386 (5) - End kiai time here.

Damn hard:
-- The stack leniency is set to 0.2, which is below the recommended leniency of 0.3
01:15:714: Unsnapped inherited section. Anyways, move it to the end of the spinner.
01:30:157 (4) - I suggest removing one of the repeats.
01:31:241 (5) - If you did, add a note here because this section feels empty.
01:31:422 (6) - ^
01:31:784 (7) - ^
01:31:964 (8) - ^
01:33:049 (4) - The same as before. Remove one of the repeats
01:34:133 (5) - Add a note here, etc
01:34:314 (6) - ^
01:34:675 (7) - ^
01:54:012 (2) - Move this one tick back (1/4)
01:54:374 (3) - Add a slider here that's the same length as (1) and (2) but with no repeats.
02:25:983: Unsnapped inherited section. Like before, move this to the end of that spinner.
02:47:341: Unsapped inhereted timing section.
02:49:675 (4) - Well, I suggest following the same combo pattern as before, so NC here.
02:50:398 (4) - ^
02:51:121 (4) - ^
02:51:844 (4) - ^
03:37:567: Move this back one tick.

Damn normal:
00:09:193 (4) - This doesn't sound good nor does it fit the music. Make this slider two ticks longer and make it repeat once.
00:17:868 (3) - ^
00:20:759 (3) - ^
00:23:651 (3) - ^
00:25:474 (1) - Unsapped
00:25:836 (2) - Never ever do this again. Do something like this instead: (also it's unsnapped)
00:29:434 (1) - This note is too far away
00:54:735 (1) - Make this one tick longer.
00:56:543 (2) - Add a hit circle here.
00:57:988 (6) - ^^ Or you could make 1-6 into 3 sliders.
01:07:748 (1) - You should never have jumps like this in Normal.
01:09:924 (4) - Unsnapped
01:10:639 (1) - Too close
01:15:699: Move this timing section to the end of the spinner.
01:30:880 (2) - Add two repeats
01:34:856 (1) - Never do stuff like this. it's hard to read and it plays bad. Consider making it into a single slider.
01:52:386 (2) - Overlapping sliders are very bad! (in this case, anyways)
01:53:109 (1) - Same as before.
02:19:683 (4) - Unsnapped
02:22:928 (1) - End kiai at the end of this spinner.
02:25:097 (1,2,3) - For the sake of consistency between your maps, I suggest removing these.
02:48:229 (8) - Insert break time.
03:36:663 (5) - Add a clap at the start of this slider.
03:37:386 (6) - Kiai should end here.

Good luck. For clarification, PM me.
Topic Starter
-Baby Strawberry-

Sync wrote:

Hi, here from my queue.

-- There are inconsistencies between the Preview Points. Damn hard is 10ms early.[ ok fixed~!
-- There are inconsistencies between the combo colors. Change Damn hard's combo color #3 to 248,97,157. (it was 98,220,88)[ ok fixed~!
-- The spinner isn't perfect. It's not *that* off but it's still noticeable.
-- I suggest capitalizing each of your difficulties. (Damn crazy --> Damn Crazy, Damn normal --> Damn Normal)[ ok fixed~!
-- hit50k.png is unused.
since im still working on the skin, i will prove it ,thanks for reminding.~!
Damn crazy:
00:42:446 (5) - I almost never comment on slider shapes, but this one sucks and it appears in this song a lot. Try to remake it like this: [looks better,fixed~!
00:45:338 (5) - ^[ fixed~!
00:54:735 (1) - This slider is not readable. It's hard to tell which direction to go. Please change it. [ ok i enlarged it and show the head and tail ,so fixed~!
01:32:145 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7) - I have a problem with this section primarily because it is overmapped. Really, there is no need for all of these notes. You can still have many notes here. I think this combination fits the song best: [well, i didnt change cauz i think my notes are good ...
2:26:000: Move this inherited timing section to 02:24:374. [ ok fixed~!
02:47:341: Unsnapped inherited timing section. [ ok fixed~!
03:15:518 (4) - I suggest adding a note here to better follow the lyrics.[ nah...
03:26:543 (1,1,1,1) - All of these slider ends are unsnapped. [ ok fixed~!
03:37:386 (5) - End kiai time here.[ ok fixed~!

Damn hard:
-- The stack leniency is set to 0.2, which is below the recommended leniency of 0.3 [sry i didn't get it
01:15:714: Unsnapped inherited section. Anyways, move it to the end of the spinner.
01:30:157 (4) - I suggest removing one of the repeats. [yea, thats good,
01:31:241 (5) - If you did, add a note here because this section feels empty.
01:31:422 (6) - ^
01:31:784 (7) - ^
01:31:964 (8) - ^
01:33:049 (4) - The same as before. Remove one of the repeats
01:34:133 (5) - Add a note here, etc
01:34:314 (6) - ^
01:34:675 (7) - ^
01:54:012 (2) - Move this one tick back (1/4) [ instead, i make another repeat to reach that beat.
01:54:374 (3) - Add a slider here that's the same length as (1) and (2) but with no repeats.01:54:735 (3) -
02:25:983: Unsnapped inherited section. Like before, move this to the end of that spinner.
02:47:341: Unsapped inhereted timing section.
02:49:675 (4) - Well, I suggest following the same combo pattern as before, so NC here. [nah...
02:50:398 (4) - ^
02:51:121 (4) - ^
02:51:844 (4) - ^
03:37:567: Move this back one tick.[ fixed~!

Damn normal:
00:09:193 (4) - This doesn't sound good nor does it fit the music. Make this slider two ticks longer and make it repeat once. [well, fixed~!
00:17:868 (3) - ^
00:20:759 (3) - ^
00:23:651 (3) - ^
00:25:474 (1) - Unsapped [fixed~!
00:25:836 (2) - Never ever do this again. Do something like this instead: (also it's unsnapped) [ok, i changed it.
00:29:434 (1) - This note is too far away [ok fixed~!
00:54:735 (1) - Make this one tick longer. [ i didnt change it...
00:56:543 (2) - Add a hit circle here.
00:57:988 (6) - ^^ Or you could make 1-6 into 3 sliders. [i did the hit circle
01:07:748 (1) - You should never have jumps like this in Normal. [ok ,changed into nonjump notes..
01:09:924 (4) - Unsnapped [fixed
01:10:639 (1) - Too close [fixed01:15:699: Move this timing section to the end of the spinner.
01:30:880 (2) - Add two repeats [fixed
01:34:856 (1) - Never do stuff like this. it's hard to read and it plays bad. Consider making it into a single slider. [ok 2 single slider
01:52:386 (2) - Overlapping sliders are very bad! (in this case, anyways) [ok fixed
01:53:109 (1) - Same as before. [fixed~!
02:19:683 (4) - Unsnapped [fixed~!
02:22:928 (1) - End kiai at the end of this spinner. [ok,fixed`!
02:25:097 (1,2,3) - For the sake of consistency between your maps, I suggest removing these.[ nah i didn't....
02:48:229 (8) - Insert break time.
03:36:663 (5) - Add a clap at the start of this slider. [sounds good fixed~!
03:37:386 (6) - Kiai should end here.

Good luck. For clarification, PM me.
Another question is that i forgot who said that the kiai time for each diff should be exactly the same,is that true?
well, thx a lot for the modding, really takes time.
You should keep them the same if possible. In your case, it is possible. Also, no problem. Happy to help

In regards to stack leniency, it should be this:
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