00:34:915 (2,3,4,5) - Mixing visually identical 1/2 and 1/4 stacks this close together feels too confusing at this bpm, would strongly recommend unstacking 00:34:915 (2,3) or removing 00:35:309 (4) instead
01:42:967 (1,1,2,1) - Spacing here feels really anti-climatic given how easy it is compared to parts right before it like 01:40:441 (1,2,3,4,5,6), maybe increase spacing here and unstack 01:43:283 (1,2) to add a bit more emphasis in comparison
00:40:599 (4,1) - This snap is quite a bit more intense than the rest, if the emphasis isn't intentional maybe space this more similarly to 00:39:178 (5,6) or 00:35:388 (6,7)
00:24:020 (3) - To be a bit more consistent with rhythm choice + emphasis you might remove this repeat and add a stacked circle on 00:24:494 (5) at 00:24:336. It'd follow your active rhythms at 00:26:546 (3,4) more closely, but probably fine as is if you prefer the variety :p
01:23:862 (6) - Super small thing, but maybe ctrl+g this slider so that it's movement follows 01:23:546 (3,4) instead of going opposite it. I imagine most players at this skill level will just pause on it/move straight up but it'll keep flow this way throughout the pattern for those who might not
00:47:073 (5,1) - Spacing here is really similar to how you emphasized crashes like 00:45:809 (5,1) + 00:50:862 (6,1). Might lower it just a little bit here to be more consistent with showing that difference
00:27:020 (7,1) - The sliderbody on 00:27:178 (1) going opposite direction of this movement makes it stand out given how easy/comfy the rest of the section is, maybe ctrl+h 00:27:178 (1) or do something similar to 00:24:336 (5,6,1) to not have the sudden change in direction
00:17:073 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7) - If you want to show some of the difference in the guitar/melody, this rhythm is the same as 00:06:967 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7) despite the difference in guitar tones. Maybe make 00:17:546 an active rhythm instead to follow some of those louder differences. Could also consider making 00:17:073 (1) a 1/4 slider to match how you did emphasis for 00:21:967 (1,2) :D
00:11:704 (1,2) - Spacing seems a little overemphasized since there's no bass drum on 00:11:862 (2) and compared to 00:11:073 (1,2,1,2). Maybe stack these to help show that contrast between it and the drum patterns
00:13:125 (1,1,1) - Might consider adding a finish to 00:13:599 (1) and removing from 00:13:125 (5) for consistency with parts like 01:13:757 (1,1,1), 01:23:862 (1,1,1), 01:33:967 (1,1,1), etc.
01:29:714 (1,2,3,4,5,6,1,2,1,2,3,4) - The 1/4 sliders going into the stacks are really difficult compared to the rest of the kiai, maybe reduce the spacing between 01:29:886 (2,3) + 01:30:572 (2,1) to make this a little less diff-spiky
01:04:000 (2,3,4) - Would switch these sliderbodies to auto/normal unless the drum sampleset is intentional :p
00:06:057 (1,2,3,4,5) - Small thing but the visual spacing could look a little bit cleaner by changing 00:06:743 (3,4) to match 00:06:057 (1,2), the current sliders are very close to overlapping: https://osu.ppy.sh/ss/18657166/4f94
00:02:629 (3,4) - Maybe replace these with circles to follow the vocals instead. It's a little dense but it would be consistent with how you approach 00:03:829 (1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4,5)
05:09:929 (2) - The hard cut on drum-hitwhistle99 is a little sudden since it pretty much plays on its own after the song ends, I understand it's meant to be goofy but you might consider adding a 1sec or so fade out to the sample instead
04:07:379 (1) - This finish seems a little underemphasized compared to 04:09:479 (7,1), maybe increase the spacing just a bit
03:41:579 (9) - I know it wouldn't match your other stream patterns but maybe add a NC here, I feel it would make this pause/overlap in the stream easier to read but ignore me if that's just a skill issue on my part :p
02:49:079 (1) - Sliderend seems mis-snapped, think you meant to end this on the red tick instead of 1/8 but the white tick before could also work to match 02:53:879 (1)
02:35:579 (1,2,3) - Feel this rhythm is a little awkward since it's so close to how you follow the melody before but the sound on 02:35:804 is passive the second time. Maybe shorten 02:35:579 (1) by 1/4 and add a circle to cover both layers of the music, I think the denser rhythm also works as nice buildup :D
01:24:961 (1,1) - I think it'd be easier for newer players if these repeat sliders would lead into each other instead. Could maybe rotate 01:24:961 (1) by 90 and the other -90 if you don't wanna move placements much, would look something like https://osu.ppy.sh/ss/18639389/c3f1
00:03:222 (2,3) - This angle at the very start of the map might be a little cruel for beginners, maybe move 00:01:483 (1,2) a bit to the left to make it just a bit less sharp: https://osu.ppy.sh/ss/18639397/13df
00:51:917 (1,1,1,1) - The NC/overlaps miiight be a bit much for a normal but this kinda emphasis is also cool :D
00:49:743 (1,2,3,4,5,6,1) - Very cool of you to include these kind of patterns on a lower diff :D
00:29:309 (1,1) - Not a huge deal either way, but might consider overlapping these at least somewhat since all the other 1/4 gaps in the map do so to some degree already
01:08:439 (2) - Possibly end this slider on 01:09:091 instead of the 1/8, it'd more closely follow the actual vocal since this one isn't sustained like 01:06:700 (2,3) are
00:48:439 (1) -> 00:51:482 (1) Love your combo colors throughout but I'd maybe expect these to be using the orange/brown colors instead of gray. The vocals are pretty intense here and it kinda feels out of place since you established gray to be for the less emphasized/calmer sections early on, ignore this if I misunderstood your intent with these :o
00:36:917 (10,1) - Movement here feels a little awkward since the slidershape kinda follows the pattern from 00:36:265 (7,8,9,10) but the movement to the sliderhead of 00:37:135 (1) doesnt really, possibly move 00:37:135 (1) so that it continues that pattern from before on the outside like https://osu.ppy.sh/ss/18639369/7bd9
00:12:787 (1,1) - This movement is really snappy for the relatively calm intro even for being an emphasized sound. Maybe reduce the spacing a bit, I think 5-6x is nice and would match how you did 00:06:265 (8,1,1) a bit more closely than it currently is
01:40:270 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7) - These slow sliders are a little out of place with how intense the drums are. Since you follow them with the streams right before this, maybe use 2x 1/4 sliders here for each vocal instead of the single 1/2 ones to kinda keep the emphasis on vocals without sacrificing the overall intensity
01:31:008 (1,2,3,4) - Might consider unstacking these 4 to help show the difference between the bass sounds on 01:30:203 (1,2,3,4) vs. these snares
Section contrast could be improved throughout the map, right now there's parts of the music that have very different tones/levels of distortion that are mapped very similarly
An example would be like 02:15:303 (1) -> 02:21:746 (1) vs. 02:21:746 (1) -> 02:28:188 (1) or compare either of those two to 00:57:988 (1) -> 01:23:759 (1). Given the music/distortion, I'd expect the first part to the be the calmest/lowest spaced/least dense rhythm/etc. then the second one slightly more intense and that last one quite a bit more difficult than both given the distortion
Another example could be the copy-paste-flip in the choruses from 00:45:101 (1) to 02:28:188 (1), there's layered vocals that second time so playing the same thing again feels pretty underwhelming
Your rhythm contrast though is good at the moment so I'd recommend going through and trying to lower the ds/sv's you use at calmer parts and vice versa for more intense parts so that it follows the changes in the music a bit more closely :D
02:28:890 (2,3) - Spacing here is really really intense for a 1/4 gap, maybe overlap these similar to other 1/4s like 02:32:329 (6,7,1) or shorten this to just 1 repeat instead
For 02:39:208 (1) -> 02:51:438 (1) it might be nice to include some unstacked doubles during the melody parts like you did in the first and last kiai. The variety of stacked/unstacked doubles at 00:38:635 (2,3,4,5,6,7) or 03:17:616 (2,3,4,5,6,7) was cool to have and i think it'd be more consistent to add those here as well :D
02:34:909 (2,3) - Feels a little underemphasized for the strong vocal compared to stuff like 02:29:272 (7,8,9) and the first chorus at 01:33:763 (2,3). Maybe increase the spacing here just a bit, could look something like https://osu.ppy.sh/ss/18634078/97bf