mapped by MrBeast in Ohio
last updated
This beatmap wasn't updated since 23 September 2023 so it was graveyarded...
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some sliderarts too small to be easily understandable like
00:34:255 (1) - looks like a blob it takes a second to realize its an amongus. maybe make it bigger so that the detail is more visible or have less detail inside... or maybe on the first syllable of among us can be a separate slider for the glasses and then on the second you have the rest. just it is a blob rn.

03:42:479 (1,2,3) - again cool idea but its messy executed its gonna be hard to tell what these sliders are esp when playing. make it bigger or smth,

for help maybe, emilia has this one map with good word sliderart its really troll but also well executed.


btw if u look at the emilia map turn the volume down first


thanks for the map lol


i feel like given the context of the song you can kinda guess what are those even while playing, unless you don't know about the amogus meme at all. Ig I can make the letters slightly bigger but I feel like the crewmate slider is pretty noticeable because of the outline and how the sliderhead makes up for the crewmate helmet thingie


made the letters a bit bigger

Marked as resolved by CebollaVladimir

01:25:079 (1,2,3,4,5,1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4,5,1) - consider breaking up some combos/changing spacing to make this a less jarring to read

01:25:979 (1) - 01:26:879 (1) - for example these could just be its own combo cuz its a separate sound, and that makes it more readable and also more representing music. could also move them around but thats up to you


nerfed spacing

Marked as resolved by CebollaVladimir

02:19:679 (1) - consider stacking this on the end of the previous slider; the sudden lack of movement really works well with how the drop just suddenly stops and adds good contrast in this way



Marked as resolved by CebollaVladimir

02:35:579 (1,2,3) - Feel this rhythm is a little awkward since it's so close to how you follow the melody before but the sound on 02:35:804 is passive the second time. Maybe shorten 02:35:579 (1) by 1/4 and add a circle to cover both layers of the music, I think the denser rhythm also works as nice buildup :D



Marked as resolved by CebollaVladimir

02:38:879 (1) 02:43:679 (1) - tumour gen these?


While i get the reason of the suggestion, id rather not. By not using tumour gen before 04:50:279, it makes that specific section stand out more, which is what I want specially considering how the song goes real crazy there. Probably wouldn't have the same effect if there were some tumour gen sliders before on the map.

Marked as resolved by CebollaVladimir

02:49:079 (1) - Sliderend seems mis-snapped, think you meant to end this on the red tick instead of 1/8 but the white tick before could also work to match 02:53:879 (1)


lmao true



Marked as resolved by CebollaVladimir

03:41:579 (9) - I know it wouldn't match your other stream patterns but maybe add a NC here, I feel it would make this pause/overlap in the stream easier to read but ignore me if that's just a skill issue on my part :p


this was supposed to be similar to the following one but i did that as placeholder since it didnt fit the screen with the current spacing but i forgor to change it afterwards lol


so yeah changed

Marked as resolved by CebollaVladimir

04:07:379 (1) - This finish seems a little underemphasized compared to 04:09:479 (7,1), maybe increase the spacing just a bit



Marked as resolved by CebollaVladimir

also changed the location of the following object so it makes a similar movement to the second iteration too


more nc thread

04:23:279 (1,1,1) - these r nc but 05:01:679 (1,2,1) - are the same sound but not nc? personally i'd just nc all of these sliders in this section but at least make it consistent.

03:09:779 (2) - move the nc to here instead of 03:09:929 (1) - because you nc'd 03:06:179 (1) - 03:08:579 (1) - etc and also because it just makes sense cuz vocal stars there. or you can make it its own combo. but it doesnt rly make sense to have it be not nc'd at all.

04:11:879 (1) - i think this sound is unique enough to warrant being just a single combo cuz its the first and only time this wub happesn this whole kiai

04:44:279 (1) - ether dont nc this or nc all three of the circle sliders


04:44:279 (1) - is NC'd because of the change of SV to half of the other ones



Marked as resolved by CebollaVladimir

05:09:929 (2) - The hard cut on drum-hitwhistle99 is a little sudden since it pretty much plays on its own after the song ends, I understand it's meant to be goofy but you might consider adding a 1sec or so fade out to the sample instead


will work on this when i got time cuz rn finals go brr



Marked as resolved by CebollaVladimir