mapped by Kiwahara
last updated
This beatmap wasn't updated since 7 August 2023 so it was graveyarded...
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00:34:915 (2,3,4,5) - Mixing visually identical 1/2 and 1/4 stacks this close together feels too confusing at this bpm, would strongly recommend unstacking 00:34:915 (2,3) or removing 00:35:309 (4) instead


Same thing at 00:37:441 (2,3,4,5)


00:42:178 (1,2,3,4,5,6) - Bronya avatar, my king. this might sound kinda dumb, but this particular pattern is way too hard for players in the 'Hard' range. usually, the simplest of solutions would be to make 00:42:652 (4,5) - a slider, but then maybe you stop finding the intensity of the guitar. so, if you were to keep the circles, i'd advise against stacking 00:42:809 (5,6) - as players will most likely miss it for a triplet


00:46:441 (2,3) - 00:48:967 (2,3) - Optional but following the soft piano thingy instead of the drum kick could be a bit awkward during gameplay since the piano doesn't stand out that much in the song.

Could try using a rhythm like for example.

If you want the 1/1 gap tho, you can try this instead and it will also be pretty consistent with the other 1/1 gaps in this section like 00:44:704 / 00:45:336 / 00:52:283.


hmm cool idea, but i feel like im gonna need to change the other piano representation idea if i wanna do this since 00:43:915 (2,3) - 00:48:967 (2,3) - 00:48:967 (2,3) - 00:51:494 (2,3) - are already in place to follow the piano which im already fine with. So prolly keeping for now.

Marked as resolved by DarkeBluu

Think you should reconsider here, these are also the only two downbeats you skip in the section which makes it kinda unintuitive/awkward + the drum focus fits the rest of the map more closely imo

Reopened by IWEJ

01:27:494 (4,5) - A 1/1 slider would probably work better and be more consistent with 01:25:599 (2) - .
Currently the rhythm is the same as 01:30:652 (2,3) - which has vocals



Marked as resolved by DarkeBluu

01:30:020 (4) - isn't this offscreen? cause it's on my end
