mapped by Kiwahara
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Nice diff, really like how clean the visuals + placements are throughout :D


The rhythm used in the outro 01:33:967 is very similar as the intro 00:03:020 and the post chorus 01:23:862, causing a lack of rhythm variery considering that both intro and post chorus have vocals and the outro doesn't.

Could also follow the guitar layer instead of only the drums.

01:34:441 (3,5) - Could change into 1/2 slider + circle to have both active and passive rhythms following the guitar sounds on 01:34:599 01:34:757 01:35:230 01:35:388

01:36:178 (3,4) - Changing them into a slider would emphasize the guitar sound on 01:36:178 (3) - (This is more subjective since you have snares on 01:36:336 (4) - )
It applies to the whole section.


I think it's fine to keep this because the intro and pre-chorus section are already following drums themselves mainly. Despite following drums, those sections followed the vocals where they're prominent and important such as 00:07:283 (2,3) - 00:09:809 (6,7) - 00:17:388 (2,3) - 00:19:915 (2,3) - 01:28:125 (2,3,4) - 01:30:652 (2,3) - as a differentiation and rhythm change from the just drums. Keeping that in mind, for the outro section, I want to specifically just make the same drums playing until the more prominent guitar and intensity change comes at 01:41:546 - .

Marked as resolved by DarkeBluu