beatmap discussions









and now you got me thinking


some unsnapped notes slipped by, you can use Ctrl + Alt + R in Alchyr editor to resnap them (it's a bit more reliable than the in-game one imo)

(Mapset Verifier only points it for Oni but do it on both diffs just in case)


Genre -> Other
Language -> English

potential tags: the new normal album english alternative indie pop dark cabaret


03:04:251 - this stream in specific goes just like the ones you have at 01:36:343 / 01:47:506 (if you didn't apply 2260245#4633158) so what do you think of changing the patterning in it to play just like those


04:47:681 - what do you think of shortening the spinner to 04:48:727 so you can add the finisher at 04:48:902 in this diff as well


the main kiais in general go pretty long with uninterrupted 1/2s, making it a bit too close to inner oni at times, since it's only a 2 diff set i think you could trim some notes to separate the progression a little more

i.e 00:58:495 or 00:58:844 / 01:04:076 or 01:04:425 + everywhere else that it'd apply after

(you should probably add some 3plets to compensate anything that just plays as a long chain of 1/2s with nothing else though)

00:55:878 -
02:12:623 -
03:44:716 -


03:25:181 - since this part is already outside the solo i'm not really sure, i think the structure plays a bit weird as it is right now, if you go back to emphasizing the vocals i think it would maybe flow a bit better considering its more prominent than everything else?

tweaking this could maybe help with Oni as well since this section is a tad bit repetitive there


03:19:163 - you already have the intention of following the drums so maybe add a note here to complete the drum roll?


01:56:751 (694,695,696,697) - we talked a bit about this through irc but it could use more opinions on the snapping because the song doesn't really call for a bpm change for these but it looks so weird oashfjdg


01:36:343 - nitpick maybe but imo the stream here is kinda out of place with the rest of the structure, you could potentially split it into a few shorter patterns to put emphasis on the vocals but idk if it would work for 01:47:506, might be safer to just follow the same patterning from before


01:24:657 - honestly you could have these two kats as finishers just like you do in 04:24:657 because there's enough emphasis on them to warrant it for the other kiais


01:18:224 - i think it would be cool if this section had a bit more improv to help it differentiate from Oni some more, even if it's as little as adding a note in 01:19:948 or adding one triplet or another like you do in the last kiai


_\|/_ gato mankonha _\|/_









[Mr. Perfectly Taiko]


00:58:499 - honestly you could spruce up this pattern a bit because it feels underwhelming to just play a mono when places like 02:12:617 / 02:41:293 represents it a lot more nicely


01:06:661 - i don't think there's anything in the song worth enough to represent this as a kdkdkdk, you could probably make it something like a kdkkdkd for the improv to flow a bit better


01:25:963 - you could make this a don to have the same progression you did on 01:10:852 where it goes K ddddK dkddK but the other way around

same for 02:40:080


02:33:573 - nitpick but could maybe change the kkkdk on this pattern so you don't play kkkdk twice in a row?


02:12:617 - should probably get more feedback on this but for me at least i was getting a bit thrown off by the very harsh volume changes on these patterns even though i get what you're going for

00:58:499 -
02:41:293 -


02:57:176 - the repetition idea here is pretty nice but you could maybe switch up 02:59:161 a bit so it doesn't drag on the same pattern for as long?

03:02:691 -
03:13:279 -
03:16:808 -


04:05:227 - maybe move this to 04:05:448 so the improv for the vocal to flow a bit better? more of a nitpick though


04:21:441 - awesome


[Mr. BPChingu's Oni]


i think the kiai structure is alright but theres some things i'd do to emphasize the improv a bit more

i.e. adding a note in places like 01:02:691 / 01:09:749, you could honestly even make 01:09:970 a triplet for some progression from muzu
01:13:279 - you could add a note here and change 01:13:941 to a kat, this break works for muzu but it kinda breaks the flow on the oni
01:16:808 - maybe make this another pattern (like dkd) so you don't play kkd twice?
01:18:573 - triplet here would add a nice flow and separate it from muzu a bit more (i would probably make it something other than a ddk though)
01:20:338 - i would remove this to split the pattern because this one in specific is relatively longer compared to the others
01:23:646 - triple here and a note at 01:24:308 for consistency on the structure suggested at 01:09:529 -

same for the other kiais where it applies


01:36:220 - there's enough going on in the song to represent it more than 5 1/1s in a row, you could add a kat here and even make 01:36:882 play something like the other drum improvs where it goes kdd/kkd

same thing for 01:50:338 but then only have 01:50:999 be a kat instead


01:44:823 - you can start some improv here to avoid the same issue as 1956627#4541359


01:54:308 - this pattern is considerably longer than everything else on this section so you could remove it to split the pattern into 2 (maybe add a note on 01:55:301 so the pattern is not only full 1/2 like muzu as well)


02:39:529 - note here for consistency with 01:25:411


03:01:146 - everywhere else you placed notes where it would follow the vocals but only in here you switched it up to go only for the drums, i'd change this part to play something like 03:18:352 so this weird one off doesn't happen

same for Muzukashii


03:09:088 - more of a nitpick l but i think removing this would play nicely onto the structure


03:19:896 -> 03:21:220 - everything i've said so far was to differentiate from muzu but i think this is the one part where you should do the same as it, the vocal has a lot of emphasis on the song rn and on oni it just kinda disregards it for this section


03:21:441 - more personal but i would remove 03:22:323 and 03:23:646 to give some sense of progression from muzu towards inner oni (there's also a mod for muzu to address this)


03:38:867 - note here to follow a structure with the vocals where they all do 3plets? if you change 03:40:411 to kkd it also adds some nice contrast to the ddk that comes up later

and since you were following strictly the vocals in this little break i think you can remove 03:42:617, keeping 03:44:382 to define the break should be fine though

same for Muzukashii


04:26:293 - should also be a finisher for consistency with the other crashes

same for Muzukashii


[Mr BPChingu's Muzukashii]


same kiai structure ideas as oni, have a few things in mind to add a bit more emphasis on the vocals and improv

01:02:249 - adding a note here for consistency with the 5plet at 01:15:705
01:03:573 - could make this k ddd for better pitch, same for 01:20:999
01:04:455 - maybe add note here to represent the vocal so it's not just 1/1? (don't make it 2 ddks though)
same idea for 01:20:338 - but there it would emphasize the drums instead
01:23:867 - if you applied the mod on oni adding a note here would be fine for spread now

same for the other kiais where it applies


01:37:102 & 01:37:764 - notes here to avoid the same issue from 1956627#4541359 where it was just 1/1 for too long? same for 01:43:279 & 01:57:396


01:40:411 - maybe make this a kat so it's not 2 ddks in a row? vocals are different enough you don't necessarily need to use the same pattern


01:44:823 -> 01:45:485 - you can add notes in 1/2 here following the drums, the bpm is very lenient you don't necessarily need this big of a break for this difficulty unless the structure really benefits from it

same idea for 01:57:176 through 02:00:264


01:49:676 - this suffers from the same as 01:37:102 again but i think here its a bit more awkward to fit the pattern since the drums die down a bit, id say to have a note at 01:52:102 so its the same as oni but honestly its more of a bandaid fix than anything


02:43:279 - the pattern you did here is pretty nice, i think you should do the same for the rest of this section while adjusting the patterns around a bit to differentiate it from the rest of the map

02:46:808 -
02:50:558 -


02:54:088 - moving this to 02:53:867 would add some nice emphasis to the guitar


03:22:543 - add a don here for some progression? you already have one on places like 01:26:293 / 02:40:411 / 03:21:220 so it shouldn't be an issue


I'll separate this one from the rest because i think it's a bit more important to isolate it


[Both Mr. BPChingu's Oni and Muzukashii]

i honestly have some gripes with the intro section

00:03:794 -> 00:17:911 - this works on the top diff because there's some improv alongside it but you should probably add SOME variation so it's not just kdd kdd kdd for the entire thing

00:17:029 -> 00:46:146 - from 00:46:146 onwards the improv gets alright but before that it feels very bland (and the 2 diffs even play a bit too similar imo because oni barely has any 3plets going on)
i think you should base it a bit like 01:28:499 onwards (preferably apply mods from that section beforehand though) because that section actually flows a lot more nicely compared to it


[Mr. Perfectly Futsuu]


with how the vocals go, i think you could make the breaks happen right after the vocal stops for each verse, it would give it some nice contrast for them and it wouldn't necessarily mess with your rest moments (it's something you even did for 01:43:058)
00:18:352 -> 00:18:793
00:21:882 -> 00:22:323
00:28:941 -> 00:29:382
00:32:470 -> 00:32:911
00:36:882 -> 00:37:323
00:43:058 -> 00:43:499 etc


01:19:455 - nitpick but maybe move this to 01:19:896?, i think the kdk dkd contrast flows very nice with the vocals, with how the progression goes on the other kiais they're fine how they are there


01:26:293 - kat for variety? you already do it as K K D D on parts like 01:10:852 so i guess it would only be fair to have this part go D D K

02:40:411 -
04:12:176 -

same for Kantan


02:56:735 - mayyybe a nitpick but imo there's a lot going on already before this part and from here onward it just keeps going nonstop, i'd say you could simplify how you follow the vocals here and remove a couple notes so players on this skill level can have an easier time (even though the bpm is relatively low):
02:57:838 -
03:01:367 -
03:04:896 -
then i'd do the same from 03:11:955 onwards for consistency

(with that i'd make 02:56:735 itself and 03:10:852 a finisher because with the nerfs you could add this with no issue imo)


03:06:661 - make this a kat so it's not 2 ddks in a row?


04:23:646 - i'd say to make this a kkd for variety compared to the other kdk dkds


[Mr. Perfectly Kantan]


00:19:235 - to avoid going with 4/1 rests i'd place a note here, you could do the same to the rest of this section like:

doing this would make this section flow a lot more nicely and it also transitions well into 00:45:705 onward

same idea for 01:32:029 -> 02:00:264 but adapting the structure where possible

03:06:882 - adding a note here to follow the same structure idea would be nice as well


00:24:529 - the layering on this dkkdk looks a little weird because you're trying to follow two things at once, you could remove this so it plays the same as 00:38:205, if you want to focus on the vocals you could remove 00:24:088 - but you'd have to account for later uses as well


00:59:823 - i know there's a vocal here but since the instruments fully stop i think it could be nice to remove this note, it would also be a nice consistency for the spread to futsuu

same for 02:13:941


01:07:323 - i'd move this to 01:07:764 to layer the vocals in a bit more nicely since you already did this on 01:21:882 (you would have to remove 01:09:529 like you did it in 02:23:646 to accomodate it though)

02:21:441 -> 02:21:882
03:53:205 -> 03:53:646 and remove 03:55:411


01:23:205 - i think moving this to 01:22:985 would be nicer to the structure, you already follow this in some parts where the vocal is not present it wouldn't hurt to do it where it shows up

02:37:323 -> 02:37:102
04:09:088 -> 04:08:867


02:49:235 - maybe add a kat here for a bit of variety on the patterning for this section?


03:01:146 - you should move this to 03:01:146 to stay consistent with 02:58:058, it also goes very nicely with the vocals if you also do these:

03:04:676 -
03:15:705 -
03:19:235 -


04:18:352 - same idea as other mods about vocals, you could move this to 04:18:793 and maybe even make it a 3plet with 04:19:235

adding a note at 04:20:999 would go nicely too, you could move 04:21:882 to 04:23:646 so you can still keep the 5plet as well


02:11:015 - teria que mexer um pouco no pattern em volta pra ficar de acordo com o resto do map mas um 3plet kat em algum lugar aqui pra consistência com o resto do kiai ficaria legal


02:01:168 - você pode tirar essa nota aqui pro esquema dos breaks ficarem consistentes, já que o kiai vai loopar em 02:02:809, a ideia de deixar a segunda metade mais densa a partir de 02:03:630 fica um pouco melhor


02:37:822 - honestamente meio pessoal mas eu acho q o map poderia só terminar aqui oasfdagsohs

são 32 measures de praticamente puro 4/1, isso fica muito massante de jogar depois do sightread independente da diff, só de cortar na metade eu acho que ajuda bastante já que a música praticamente para por completo nessa timestamp


02:20:316 - eu acho que a ideia do spinner é legal mas vc provavelmente deveria fazer todas as diffs serem spinner no começo, fica meio estranho pra spread as lower diffs terem nota ali enquanto do oni pra cima tem spinner

se for colocar eu acho melhor começar o spinner no 02:21:410 pra evitar problema com rest nas lower diffs (kantan/futsuu/muzukashii), caso também queria fazer eles mais longos, dá pra separar em spinners separados, por exemplo:

começa o spinner no 02:21:410, termina no 02:23:598, começa no 02:24:692, termina no 02:27:975.

fazendo assim (em todas as diffs de preferência, ajustando os rests se quiser, mas vai de você) da pra deixar a mesma duração do spinner da top diff nas lowers sem atrapalhar o spread


esse muzu no geral tem muito pattern de 1/2 que é muito longo, além de acabar sofrendo do mesmo problema de estrutura que o futsuu sofre, isso deixa ele até que denso demais pra esse bpm. dar uma quebra nesses patterns pra 7plets/5plets/3plets além de dar uma aliviada nessa progressão, ajuda a colocar um pouco mais de coesão na estrutura

tem MUITO desse espalhado pelo mapa então eu só vou citar alguns de exemplo pra não ficar um bloco ENORME de timestamp, tenta usar essas screenshots de referência e vai aplicando pela diff onde der

00:38:013 -

00:40:475 -

00:42:527 -

eu tenho mais algumas coisas em mente pra falar sobre o kiai no muzu mas acho melhor esperar resolver esse mod primeiro porque eu acho que a estrutura vai mudar BASTANTE depois de aplicar isso no mapa todo


02:00:074 - aqui eu acho q você pode colocar um don pra complementar o vocal



eu acho que os rests do kiai no geral por mais que presentes, estão meio inconsistentes um com os outros, e isso acaba deixando a estrutura meio sem direção. se você der uma uniformizada neles e mexer na estrutura de acordo, acho que além de ficar um pouco mais consistente, fica mais fácil de jogar pra player desse skill level pelo ritmo fazer mais sentido

mesma ideia do kantan e do 2190976#4463818, colocar rest onde o vocal tem uma pausa é legal, então acho que fazer isso aqui também vai dar uma balanceada legal na estrutura:

01:48:038 / 01:50:227 / 01:52:415 / 01:58:980 são alguns exemplos de nota que só de remover ela sozinha já acomoda isso

já tem uma boa parte do mapa que você segue esse rest então acho q vai ficar legal aplicar no resto do kiai


(00:35:278 até 01:10:291 / 01:27:797 até o kiai)

as sequências de pattern tão até que relativamente longas em algumas partes, por mais que segue a RC bonitinho acho que seria legal dar uma cortada nelas pra ter uma progressão mais legal na spread

você segue isso muito bem de 00:52:784 até 00:57:434 usando o vocal como ênfase pros breaks, então acho que aplicar a mesma ideia no resto vai deixar bem estruturadinho, tipo cortar o pattern em lugares como 00:39:381 / 00:43:211 / 00:59:623

pra complementar essa estrutura você também pode adicionar notas em alguns lugares que param antes da hora tipo 00:46:493 / 00:49:639 / 00:50:049 / 01:00:170 onde tem vocal bem destacado, mover 00:48:681 -> 00:48:955 e 01:08:376 -> 01:08:649 ajuda bastante também, etc...

boa parte da fundação tá na bateria mas acho que basear os rests em volta desses vocais vai ajudar com a estrutura dessa lower diff


02:00:895 - o vocal para no 02:00:621 então acho melhor omitir essa nota pra manter consistente com 02:16:760


01:03:999 - tirar essa nota aqui fica legal, você coloca mais ênfase no vocal fazendo isso e também ajuda com a progressão do kantan pro futsuu


00:47:040 - mover essa nota pra 00:46:767 complementa a estrutura com o vocal um pouco melhor








hood classic




00:35:767 - I think it's fine to omit this note given the nature of the structure you've been following so far


01:43:196 / 01:43:481 - Maybe ctrl + g these two notes? Finisher would make more sense landing at the beginning of the kiai when the instruments all kick back in together


very fun diff


01:04:339 (274) - Same as 2153619#4406876, while it's not a problem that only Futsuu and Muzukashii map this note since there's GD leniency, I think you might as well represent the cymbal with a finisher since it's the only sound present followed by a very large break


[Speed Loli, diegi's Muzukashii and Kantan] 01:06:624 - I think this finisher is pretty distinct to just ignore considering how little goes on in this section BESIDES the cymbal


00:16:339 - I get the idea behind the finisher but I don't think the sound stands out enough to make it one, it looks a bit off in contrast with 00:16:910 (30,31) which are effectively the exact same sound minus the rim (which isn't that impactful)


The kiais follow vocals very nicely throughout the map! What do you think of switching a few of the 2/1 rests around to put a bit more emphasis on it?

E.g moving 00:41:481 to 00:41:196
00:50:624 to 00:50:339 -
01:29:481 to 01:29:196 - etc

On later kiais you could even make it a triplet too since the 2/1 gap would still be justifiable for the up in difficulty


Eu acho que no geral vc pode adicionar algumas notas a mais pelos kiais do Kantan, ele efetivamente joga igual o resto do mapa (acho q até mais fácil que partes fora do kiai) e subir a densidade (mesmo que bem de levinho) ajudaria a destacar essa diff um pouco mais na minha opinião.

Eu tenho algumas ideias q não mexem mt na estrutura mas é uma ideia base (recomendaria brincar um pouco mais com a estrutura além disso though)
00:40:339 -
00:42:339 -
00:44:339 -
(mesma coisa pros outros kiais adicionando variação de cor onde vc achar q fica legal)

vale ressaltar que o necessário pra considerar um rest moment é só 3/1 então da preencher bem mais comparado ao jeito q tá mesmo com esse mod, o map é 210 bpm mas mesmo assim ainda acho que 4/1 é muito tempo parado


00:06:053 - Acho legal mudar essa nota pra kat pra adicionar um pouco de variação pq efetivamente são 15 measures jogando só d k ddk d k ddk

00:15:196 -
01:12:339 -


00:54:053 (01:42:053 também) - qq vc acha de mapear esse amen breakzinho q tem nessa parte? eu acho q fica uma progressão legal pra top diff e ajuda a deixar o map um pouco menos vazio

01:12:339 -> 01:14:624 - mesma coisa, a bateria vem crescendo em volume aos poucos, acho legal a ideia de lentamente mapear a progressão dela pra top diff


I dug around a bit through metadata sources and I found some more potential tags you can add

Album name: <muhan> ↀ 무한
Singers (both romanized and not): seoyeon 윤서연 hyerin 정혜린 yubin 공유빈 kaede 카에데 dahyun 서다현 nien 니엔 sohyun 박소현 xinyu 신위
Different artist aliases, agency, producer etc: トリプルs sss social sonyo seoul modhaus jaden jeong
General: pop female vocals girls group

End result would look somewhat like this:

러블루션 トリプルs sss social sonyo seoul lovelution kpop k-pop korean pop english japanese instumental dnb drum and bass nightcore female vocals girls group <muhan> ↀ 무한 modhaus jaden jeong seoyeon 윤서연 hyerin 정혜린 yubin 공유빈 kaede 카에데 dahyun 서다현 nien 니엔 sohyun 박소현 xinyu 신위 diegi enzo enzo_ vk vampire knight sammu kayoko k_a_y_o_k_o


Metadata: (might be a bit unreliable bc it's auto generated but it should be better than spotify)
