mapped by JoshEco4
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00:19:235 - to avoid going with 4/1 rests i'd place a note here, you could do the same to the rest of this section like:

doing this would make this section flow a lot more nicely and it also transitions well into 00:45:705 onward

same idea for 01:32:029 -> 02:00:264 but adapting the structure where possible

03:06:882 - adding a note here to follow the same structure idea would be nice as well


this is amazing

Marked as resolved by JoshEco4

00:24:529 - the layering on this dkkdk looks a little weird because you're trying to follow two things at once, you could remove this so it plays the same as 00:38:205, if you want to focus on the vocals you could remove 00:24:088 - but you'd have to account for later uses as well


will apply idea to similar instances

Marked as resolved by JoshEco4

00:28:058 - Add k here to vocal flow and cover drum sound. Personally I think there are so many 1/1 3plets around this area, and quite boring to play. Some 5plets are very good as build up pattern.


changed to d d k d d; 00:40:852 to d d k d k

Marked as resolved by JoshEco4

00:32:911 - Consider add a note here as build up pattern. There are so many gaps for your current pattern, and I think this area have continuous sound so it's better to add a note.


buffed the entire first verse

Marked as resolved by JoshEco4

00:58:499 (77,78,79,80,81) - 02:12:617 (182,183,184,185,186) - the usage of 1/2 here is so random and kinda jumpscary for player. i think you can increase density normally by just doing xxxxO (so, ddddK for the first instance and kkkkD for second)


ok yes that's so much better

Marked as resolved by JoshEco4

00:58:499 - (Same timing as Amasugi) but I won't re-open it.

Consider change 5plets as kkddk since the 1st & 2nd note contain instrument sound, and vocal pitch is higher than 3rd & 4th note.


changed to kkddk, 02:12:617 to ddkkd

Marked as resolved by JoshEco4

00:59:823 - i know there's a vocal here but since the instruments fully stop i think it could be nice to remove this note, it would also be a nice consistency for the spread to futsuu

same for 02:13:941



Marked as resolved by JoshEco4

01:01:146 (82) - maybe move to here 01:02:470 for rest moment, since you don't have any rest moment for 92/1 from 00:45:705 -> 01:26:293

also 01:15:264 (103) -> 01:16:588


fixed from #4413603

Marked as resolved by JoshEco4

01:01:588 - This is place where the vocal is start ("Mis"), so consider to move the 1/1 5plets you place at 01:02:029 - start from here, then change to dkkdk to match the vocal flow.
Then you can add d at 01:04:235 - and change next note (01:04:676 - ) as k to optimize it.


this is actually great so i applied the idea to all similar parts

Marked as resolved by JoshEco4

01:07:323 - i'd move this to 01:07:764 to layer the vocals in a bit more nicely since you already did this on 01:21:882 (you would have to remove 01:09:529 like you did it in 02:23:646 to accomodate it though)

02:21:441 -> 02:21:882
03:53:205 -> 03:53:646 and remove 03:55:411



Marked as resolved by JoshEco4

01:10:411 (96) - move to 01:09:529 to form a 5plet for some density here, and also some rest time before finisher chain


done, i like that

Marked as resolved by JoshEco4

01:23:205 - i think moving this to 01:22:985 would be nicer to the structure, you already follow this in some parts where the vocal is not present it wouldn't hurt to do it where it shows up

02:37:323 -> 02:37:102
04:09:088 -> 04:08:867


i was a bit concerned with the rhythm lol, applied

Marked as resolved by JoshEco4

01:30:705 (124) - i think this note could be moved to 01:31:588 because there's a small buildup overthere



Marked as resolved by JoshEco4

02:49:235 - maybe add a kat here for a bit of variety on the patterning for this section?


yea, also applied the adding note on 3rd beat idea

Marked as resolved by JoshEco4

03:01:146 - you should move this to 03:01:146 to stay consistent with 02:58:058, it also goes very nicely with the vocals if you also do these:

03:04:676 -
03:15:705 -
03:19:235 -


made notes 2/1 apart

Marked as resolved by JoshEco4

since you're following vocal maybe move 03:10:411 (254) to 03:09:529 to follow vocal more closely, and create a small gap before finisher


added a gap before finisher with a similar change

Marked as resolved by JoshEco4

04:18:352 - same idea as other mods about vocals, you could move this to 04:18:793 and maybe even make it a 3plet with 04:19:235

adding a note at 04:20:999 would go nicely too, you could move 04:21:882 to 04:23:646 so you can still keep the 5plet as well


done; did a 4plet then 3plet note instead of the 5plet

Marked as resolved by JoshEco4