mapped by ImTutu
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00:16:910 (33,34,35,36,37,38,39,40,41,42,43,44,45,46,47,48,49) - i think for this gradual buildup having offhand is a bit too unintuitive and it sounds really random at time, esp when it's not supposed to be a hard part. i suggest mapping it to somewhat regular pattern like ddddkkkkddkkddkkd?


uh thats better, applied

Marked as resolved by ImTutu

00:44:910 (273) - d to match the sound at 00:45:053 (274,275,276)?


applied, same thing in 01:32:910

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00:54:053 (01:42:053 também) - qq vc acha de mapear esse amen breakzinho q tem nessa parte? eu acho q fica uma progressão legal pra top diff e ajuda a deixar o map um pouco menos vazio

01:12:339 -> 01:14:624 - mesma coisa, a bateria vem crescendo em volume aos poucos, acho legal a ideia de lentamente mapear a progressão dela pra top diff


gostei bastante, aplicado. tambem aproveitei e adicionei svs em 01:12:339 -> 01:14:481 - subindo aos poucos de acordo com volume.

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00:55:481 (2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10) - #4412689

you might want some consistency between "speed love", cuz the vocal is quite dominant here, and giving it some thoughts would be nice.


or maybe at least make the pattern match - over the timestamp you have quint yet the same sound at 00:57:767 (22,23,24,25,26,27,28,29,30) only has triplets


i tried to give more emphasis to the vocal

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