00:04:380 (9,10) - ctrl+g because of the pitch of the vocal
00:05:597 (13,14) - ctrl+g, and then 00:06:002 (15,16) - change to d = https://i.imgur.com/o689YWD.png
00:30:529 (95) - change to k, i think the pitch stays the same from the previous note in 00:30:124 (94)
00:31:948 (100,101) - ctrl+g
00:35:394 (110) - change to d
00:42:083 (130) - change to k like i already said
00:05:799 (14,15) - change to k d? this sounds better and matches the 3 notes of the same tone in the song
00:08:127 (19,20) - I feel like these ones are pretty much monotone, but 00:08:532 (21) - this sound has a hard consonant, so it could be emphasized. So basically change kat from 19 to 21. Also add 00:10:154 (26) - kat here for the same reason
00:09:225 (23) - 00:10:036 (25) - I had a thought if you could change these notes to k for more conistancy and emphasis on the 00:09:023 (22) - 00:10:239 (26) - vocals.
00:12:195 (32,33,34,35) - Not important, if you're following vocal, ddkd (emphasize ko"ro") OR dkkd (same pitch) might suit better.
00:17:262 (50,51,52,53) - This could work better as a d k d k pattern, because vocals and stuff
00:17:262 (51,52,53,54) - It feels a little bit different with others. how about changing to d k d k or similar to something to follow vocals?
00:21:610 (64,65,66,67) - change to kddk, because you follow the snare here 00:20:799 (61) -
00:24:448 (73) - change to k? this sounds better and makes a 2-2 section that matches the 2 higher notes and 2 lower notes in this part of the song.
00:26:181 (80,82,82) - How about changing to ddd? I want to increase the tension of pitch here, you can feel it when you have changed the tripets to ddd. Also, kat will emphasize the vocal better.
00:28:502 (89) - make this d, and make 00:28:907 (90) - a k since the latter actually has a distinct sound that signifies the use of the k. The first note I linked is lower pitched than the k before it, so it should be a d
Poii I think you misunderstood something because I changed the offset which causes the wrong notes to show in the editor. 00:28:482 (89) - is actually kat right now but should be don, as Dusk suggested. I also agree that 00:28:887 (90) - should be kat.
00:29:293 - I feel like this space is too empty because you mapped that beat previously 00:27:266 (85,86,87) -
00:30:033 (96) - change to D? For consistency with 00:26:789 (86) - , also because it's pretty strong sound here I think it's worth a finisher. Also add finisher 00:33:276 (108) - here too if you agree
00:38:232 (118,119,120) - Avoid using the vocals here and follow the same rhythm as the pattern that matches it. Change to k d k k.
This pattern should look like: https://puu.sh/zM2II/5ba1c04f10.png
00:38:127 (125) - also change to d, to emphasize higher vocals and to avoid too much kats in a row
00:43:502 (136) - change to k because of the rhythm
01:06:407 (226) - change to d, the pitch of the vocal stays same in the prev. note
00:44:718 (141) - there isnt any significant reason for this to be a katu, change to don. it sounds better this way anyways :)
00:55:168 (183,184,185,186,187) - d kkk d is better in way of finisher emphasis and following both instruments and vocal in my opinion.
00:55:776 (187) - While having this kat I'd suggest you to change this to don because the pitch is dropping here, as well as improve the flow here. And one more thing, it will emphasize the Big Kat better.
01:10:979 - similar to last point, a rhythm like https://i.imgur.com/lkNn8ze.jpg would work well here to get a 3/2 break while still following the song
01:12:195 (249) - I feel like this note could be emphasized more, maybe change 01:11:789 (247,248) - this to dd?
01:14:830 (256,257) - both could be finish because these note covers the finishes in the song
01:17:871 (268,269) - maybe make these 2 notes finishers? they seem to have a higher emphasis that the previous notes so I don't see why not • >• ...
01:17:962 (262,263) change to D since loud drums can be heard here. Also consistent with Oni difficulty
01:18:276 (268) - Change to d (emphasize finisher and follow lower-pitched vocal) also matches with Oni
01:21:316 (277,287) - This is also not important, but this might be useful in attraction purpose.
Change these note to k to make variation, so you'll get
ddk --> dkk --> ddk --> dkk(dd) (Second triplet also matches with Faputa's)
01:21:316 (280) - make it k, delete 01:21:519 (281) - , 01:21:722 - add note here. Better emphasis of piano
01:23:952 (288) - move this to 01:24:154 - (or add a note there). Also I think 01:24:965 (292) - k feels better here
01:24:357 (286,287,288,289) - kkdk cuz it would reflect better one particular instrument here, you don't need to follow exclusively the guitar like you did it in the beginning
01:27:691 (292) maybe move this to 01:27:489 and change it to k to pick up the piano note at 01:27:489 instead of mapping to the drum only