01:00:010 (276) - 01:00:341 (280) - 01:00:673 (284) - I would change this to d, and 01:00:507 (282,283) - this to k
00:19:899 - Just as an idea for this stream, you may switch between don and kat on high pitch synth sounds, but this might turn out kinda dull since there will be just bunch of triples. So here is another idea: Apart from high pitch synth there is also a low pitch synth, so maybe you could start with kats, then on low pitch switch dons, then on high pitch back to kats - repeat. In the end it turned out like kkdddkddkkdkkkdd. Then next measure to not overdo on dons you start it with kat, keep 1st 1/6 as it is, then kat, then reversed 1/6 (dddk), then kat again, next 1/6 is ddkk, and the last on is reversed again (kkdd). This way you can keep it diverse and somewhat reflect change in tonality
2 and 3. Applied your suggestions for both kiais and also changed a little bit part before both kiais