I think you should make 00:07:436 (42,43,44) either a 1/4 like 00:08:603 (50,51) or vice versa with triplets. The lyrics follow the same rhythm and so could make it the same format for consistency.
i can barely hear the hitsounds because of the volume and the specific hs sample used. someone might kill u for the usage of drum sample but i think it sounds fine for this song. so at least increase the volume to like 70-80% pretty much the whole song i think, and also the kiai could actually be 100%
I agree that the volume could be 70% for quieter areas. It is a little quiet compared to the rest of the taiko sets out there. I don't think increasing the volume would destroy the change in tone of the song but would rather emphasize the beats. But its up to you cuz the volume right now is still fine.
audio is fine but its average bitrate is 192kbps instead of 128kbps its not ok to have 192kbps when the audio gaps at 16.5khz
spectro comparison: original audio -> https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/765492169602760706/1050450223060746270/aa23.jpg
new audio -> https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/765492169602760706/1050450203884388473/aa2.jpg
new audio file: https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/765492169602760706/1050449644703985814/audiowad.mp3
you use lots of finisher in Muzu and Oni but didnt put any finisher in Fantan and Futsuu, please make them be consistent
add these tags:
genre lang: anime japanese jpop j-pop jrock j-rock
composer: ナユタン星人 nayutalien nayutan seijin ナユタセイジ
album: フライングベスト~知らないの?巷で噂のダメ天使~ flying best shiranaino? chimata de uwasa no dame tenshi
album 2: 七転七起 nanakorobi nanaoki
album 1: https://www.nanawoakari.com/disco/archive/?AICL-3559
album 2: https://www.nanawoakari.com/disco/archive/?AICL-3988 https://youtu.be/1Umi6qBLP60?t=44