mapped by nobbele
last updated
This beatmap wasn't updated since 17 July 2024 so it was graveyarded...
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00:11:269 - two timing spots at the same place


audio is fine but its average bitrate is 192kbps instead of 128kbps its not ok to have 192kbps when the audio gaps at 16.5khz

spectro comparison: original audio ->
new audio ->

new audio file:


00:14:269 - 00:14:936 - 00:15:603 - 00:16:269 - 00:16:936 - 00:17:603 - 00:19:603 - 00:20:269 - 00:20:936 - 00:21:603 - i get the intention with these finishers but they dont hold a proper sound to be kept as a finisher(aka no strong cymbal sounds). the finisher usage now looks very freestylish when they are used for such normal non special high pitch guitar sounds. 00:24:269 - this one should actually be a finisher for the cymbal. same goes to the oni


my overall opinion for the sv speed is a bit too fast for this song, i would use 1,30x at max


01:27:186 - even though how simple these 1/4 doublets are in the end with breaks, they are the only multicolor 1/4 doublets in this diff which can look kinda random and sudden when they only come once in this diffs end. muzu player audience might throw their pc at the wall when they are still getting used to simple monocolor 1/4's. also the song is 180bpm. i suggest making them just monocolored doublets


00:00:769 - this sv looks awkward in muzu and oni, add sv line on top of the bpm line to fix it


i can barely hear the hitsounds because of the volume and the specific hs sample used. someone might kill u for the usage of drum sample but i think it sounds fine for this song. so at least increase the volume to like 70-80% pretty much the whole song i think, and also the kiai could actually be 100%


(00:24:269 - 00:29:269) in this section the song gets calmer but the density still seems to keep ''high'' by that i mean i would use more wider break gaps to feel the density change more properly, sure the patterns are just 1/2 doublets but the break gaps still keeps them feeling like this section 00:20:269 - before this one 00:24:269. imo i would also follow vocals here rather than the instruments because representing the instruments with 1/2 doublets doesnt seem that efficient
