00:10:666 (3) - 00:18:999 (4) - 00:04:666 (2) - all of these are silenced clickables that give no feedback. Use at least 10% volume
You definetely should add more 1/2 stuff in this diff, theres literally two patterns thats utilizes 1/2 gaps (00:27:999 (1,2,3) - and 00:31:999 (3,1,2,3) - ) and its really way to easy for the spread considering how much 1/2 and 1/4 gaps is in a hard diff
00:07:999 (3) - Your reverse doesn't seem to be mapped to anything (mostly because it's placed on a red tick while this part only requires purple ticks). Maybe replace it with 2 1-beat sliders or 1 slider with 2 reverses instead?