There is definitely a timing issue at the beginning of the map. I'm working on fixing that before progressing on any other diffs.
FIXED! The snaps in the swing section were 1/12th of a beat off so I've edited the mp3 to fix that.
okay so I'm pretty sure Honesty is supposed to be HONESTY which I will fix if I ever need to update this set again otherwise it dies incorrect -dab-
Right now there is too much of a difference between the Hard and the Insane. The hard has literally only two triples, all of the other 1/4s are passive. The Insane just goes ham with the streams, with some being even over 16 notes. You should either nerf the Insane and buff the Hard or add another diff in between the two that introduces 1/4s gradually in the set.
I will be mapping a diff that hopefully fits between the Hard and Insane difficulties. Will resolve when complete (don't hold your breath)
The hitsound volume in the beginning is too quiet. Also the hitsounding in the beginning is pretty lacking. I'd put more (default) soft whistles to give feedback on the vocals.
In regards to HS volume, generally speaking? My diff is 20% for the intro, Bill's is 40%, and Hari's is 60%.
I made the swing section 50% for [Truth] and added whistles. If it's solid then I'll copy the hitsounding over to the other diffs and upload
Add rsi and gyze to the tags since the song is from them so it makes sense to have their name searchable in the tags
Your timing isn't consistant in hari's and the truth difficulty has different timing than flan's and bills so I suggest changing the timing back -4 so then all the difficulties start on the same point and it's also unrankable
Delete drum-slidertick.wav and drum-slidertick2.wav as they arn't used anymore as they are a part of the old hitsounds, and drum-slidetick2.wav is unused anyway which is unrankable
Your mp3 is 320 kbs which is over the rankable limit try using
please don't. please stop. whatever you did to the song removed all life from it. Its just sounds like the same drum samples repeated over and over, removing all emphasis from the drums and making the intensity of the music not match the circles being placed on screen. Just because there is sounds happening every 1/4th snap doesn't mean you should map it. There wasn't anything wrong with the original song? (well I guess the length, because you don't want to map anything longer than TV sized)
Thanks for the Praise :) I appreciate that you took the time out of your day to leave your thoughts on my map.
as for the length of the song, I chose this song because I liked it and it was a good way for me to improve at mapping streams. I think for my third completed map it isn't bad and other people have left positive criticism for me to build upon in future mapping. Thanks again.
I think you meant to put this on the timeline instead of General (All Difficulties) lol I will take a look later