should probably check your timing a bit more, circles like 02:44:638 (3) - definitely feel like they should be starting around 02:44:621 -
actually in general this whole section feels a bit off cause stuff like 02:45:826 (4) - definitely land around 02:45:808 -
00:05:574 (1,2,3) - jump here imo feels a bit too large considering it's still primarily building up in the song i think doing something like would be nicer
00:33:970 (2) - imo the 1/4th slider here i feel is a bit ackward to play so i think just making it a 1/2 slider would be better
00:39:585 (3) - would lower the spacing on this note so the contrast on the jumps on spots like 00:38:302 (1,2,3) - stand out more maybe doing something like would be nicer
00:52:740 (1,2,1,2,1,2,1) - the spacing is too large on these jumps as theres 0 contrast between 00:54:665 (1,2,1,2,1,2,1,2,1,2,1,2) - so i suggest reducing it
01:17:125 (1,2,1) - should make a pattern with these objects, cause the hsing clearly supports these being 3 distinct objects and rn it just looks like any other jump and at the same time i would also nc these to stand out
01:21:457 (2,1) - flow here kinda sucks ngl, going from an ackward angle to spaced streams just sucks to play would definitely suggest doing something like
01:57:884 (1,2,3) - imo i think u should space this grouping out a bit more just to show the vocal emphasis a bit more cause rn i feel with it being so tightly compacted here it doesnt really show the emphasis as well
02:08:793 (1,2,1,2,1,2,1,2,1,2,1,2) - spacing here feels very reserved, the vocals are clearly super intense yet the spacing is extremely small i think buffing a bit here would be nice to mimic the intensity on 02:17:456 -
02:13:285 (1,2,1,2,1,2) - same with spot
02:12:643 - personal pref, but i think ncing to make these stand out would be nice and would probably help people not misread the bursts as single taps cause it looks visually similar to 02:12:162 (6,7,8) -
02:24:835 - imo i would nc the bass here cause to me its super distinct and it would be nice to stand out a bit more
02:28:365 - should have a slider start here imo cause the vocals here are extremely distinct and it feels a bit lacking to ignore them
02:30:611 (1,2,3) - jump here i feel is a bit too large cause compared to the buildup on 02:29:648 (1,2,3,1,2,3) - it feels extremely over emphasized i think just doing something like would be nice
02:34:942 (4,5,6) - jump intensity here seems a bit off cause this is definitely a slower part of the song i think reducing the spacing like makes more sense
03:11:538 (5) - would probably extend this slider to 03:11:999 - cause thats where the vocal peaks
04:54:617 (5,6,7) - imo i would reverse this cause i feel triple repeats looks a bit nicer than repeats triple
03:09:652 (1) -should move this over to make your curve a bit more consistent with 03:09:179 (1,2,3,4,5) -
while not a massively problematic issue, i do believe that the contrast between the verse and the chorus definitely falls a bit on the weaker side.
the emphasis with individual objects in general is quite good, however the spacing on 00:45:937 (1,2,3) - 00:51:682 (1,2,3,4,5,1) - and 00:56:150 (1,2,3,4,5) - just feels a little too overdone to the point where it weakens the bigger spacings in the chorus in spots like 01:22:639 (4,5,1,2,3) - 01:32:852 (4,5,1,2,1,2,3,4,1) - and 01:43:384 (1,2,3,1,2,3) -
would strongly suggest nerfing some of the bigger spacings in the verse like for example the ones in the mentioned timestamp
02:03:490 (4) - imo repeats like this especially for the ending climax feels really underwhelming especially since this is the most intense part of the song i think doing at least to make it a bit more intense would be nice
00:49:128 (3,1) - not the biggest fan of 1/1 stacks like this as i feel at this bpm these can be a bit difficult to read and it's expecially more problematic in later spots like 01:22:001 (2,3) - that completely ruin your momentum so i suggest just spacing these out a bit more to be a more visual 1/1 gap
contrast between sections i feel could be improved a bit, since i feel the stuff pre chorus vs during the chorus plays extremely similar when the song changes drastically, doing a few changes like on spots like
this was just a few points but it basically applies throughout the entire map
00:45:139 (2) - imo i would remove this circle here to keep consistency with following the vocals
source field is incorrect it should be アイドルマスター ミリオンライブ! シアターデイズ
considering this first appeared in the game and this is the game ver you mapped
also you need to add -_nilou_-
as single spaced characters between usernames need to have underscores between them
at the same time you should also remove the シアターデイズ
from the tags as it would be in the source field
also would remove the Welcome!! Brand New Theater! Union!! Harmony 4 You Glow Map Yume ni Kakeru Rainbow Flyers!!!
from the tags considering they are completely different songs and it feels a bit redundant to have that even if they appear on the same album
also i would credit the artist in the beatmap description by linking the bg source as media used in beatmaps should be credited properly
some more metadata stuff: official site song metadata from the game itself official mv for the song
hitsound stuff
01:45:937 - would probably make this 60% since this is where the song intensity lowers
all difficulties:
01:14:341 - missed finish
01:46:575 - finish
01:55:831 - finish
01:58:383 - finish
00:41:628 - soft clap
01:04:448 - soft clap for snare
01:04:527 - soft clap
01:12:666 (6) - add a whistle here for feedback
00:52:160 (4,5) - drum hitnormals here
01:03:969 (2,3) - drum hitnormals
01:24:474 - drum hitnormal
01:45:618 (1,2) - whistles
01:48:251 (5) - same
01:50:724 (4,5) - whistles here also for consistency
01:53:356 (5) - same
02:01:974 - drum hitnormal
01:02:532 (1) - drum hitnormal on the red and blue tick
01:03:809 (1) - add drum hitnormals here for better feedback on the stream
01:17:053 (3,4) - drum hitnormals
01:18:330 (4,5) - same
01:22:958 (1,2) - same
01:23:437 (1,2) - same
02:01:974 - drum hitnormal
01:59:021 (3) - would make this drum hitnormal for the white and blue tick
top diff:
01:03:809 (1,2,3,4) - drum hitnormals
01:12:426 (5,6) - drum hitnormals
01:32:852 (5,6) - drum hitnormals
01:42:745 - should have some whistles on this stream for better feedback
02:01:973 (2) - drum sampleset
00:21:682 - 00:31:256 - not really a fan of how this spot is completely 1/1 when the song picks up compared to 00:01:256 - 00:16:575 - i think adding some 1/2 sliders on the strong vocals on 00:22:799 - 00:27:905 - would be nice to add some passive 1/2 to show the song picking up in intensity a bit nicer. and at the same time i would make 00:25:352 - a circle since it's where the vocals are peaking
00:43:703 (6) - not really a fan of the loud vocals here landing on a slider end when they are similar intensity to 00:49:128 - would definitely suggest doing the rhythm as so the vocals start with the slider head on 00:44:022 -
02:03:011 - would definitely have the repeat slider start here since this is where the vocals are peaking so i suggest doing
00:16:575 - the kiai time here feels a bit unfitting considering its only for one slider on the buildup for the song so i suggest removing it
00:21:682 - you should definitely map this part of the song since it feels so jarring to not be mapped when the normal and insane both map it because it's a nice buildup to the song and i think would help improve the contrast with this diff alongside 1986888#4213053
00:43:703 (2,3) - would change this rhythm to so the loud vocals on 00:44:022 - become actively clicked since imo its a stronger sound similar to how 00:49:448 - was actively clicked
01:15:937 (3,4,5,6) - not really a fan of how active this rhythm is since atleast to me this spot isn't that intense i suggest just simplifying it a bit by doing
00:54:554 - not really a big fan of this repeat here, imo there's not really loud enough 1/4th sounds to emphasize it so i suggest just making it a 3/4th slider here
01:28:065 (1,2,3,4) - imo i would do the rhythm as so the jumps start on the vocals on 01:28:703 - to emphasize them a bit nicer
01:42:745 - maybe make this a triple and kickslider jump to emphasize the 1/4ths in the background since imo they are pretty loud and distinguishable
00:43:065 (5,6,7) - the triple here actually starts on the red tick on 00:43:224 - so i suggest just doing
01:20:724 (2) - imo this kicksliders a bit unfitting since the songs intensity lowers here a bit and feels a bit forced, i suggest just doing to map the kick on 01:20:565 - and the snare on 01:20:724 -
01:24:235 (1,2) - imo the jump here is a bit excessive considering its completely additive rhythm here which makes the jump here feel a bit out of place and the extra rhythm already adds enough emphasis as it is so i suggest just doing
01:42:745 (4) - maybe make this a repeat slider to emphasize the background noise a bit more since imo it's pretty distinct
01:42:745 (1) - would suggest making this a kickslider and triple to emphasize the loud sound in the background since imo it's pretty distinct, i suggest doing
00:50:644 (5,6,7) - imo i would flip the rhythm here so the triple starts on 00:50:884 - as i feel the drums should be actively clicked and would keep consistency with the other triples in this section like 00:49:686 (3,1) - 00:48:410 (8,1) - etc
00:42:665 (3) - imo this circle here is a bit unfitting since there isn't a loud sound here and having to focus on doing a double here kinda takes away from the vocal and kick emphasis on 00:42:745 (4,5,6) - so i suggest just removing it
00:47:772 - same applies here
01:14:341 (4,5) - not really a big fan of how this overlap is, since with how different it looks compared to the other 3/4th overlaps in spots like 01:13:702 (1,2) - 01:11:468 (3,4) - etc, i feel it would make more sense to just move this pattern up a bit and make the overlaps a bit more consistent
01:57:904 (7,1) - would flip the rhythm here to so the start of the vocals on 01:57:905 - get emphasized with the slider head
00:16:575 - imo i would add a circle here to emphasize the loud crash within the song a bit nicer
00:29:660 (2) - imo i would remove this circle so the vocal focus is more prominent and then just stack 00:29:820 (2,3) -
00:54:075 (3,4) - would flip this rhythm so the slider starts on 00:54:075 - to emphasize the vocals a bit better
01:45:937 - 01:56:150 - imo spacing too large for this violin part considering it's when the songs intensity is slowing down and large jumps like 01:47:692 (3,4) - 01:50:245 (3,4) - 01:52:001 (1,2) - 01:54:394 (4,1) - etc end up giving a bit too much emphasis on these notes so i suggest just lowering the spacing a bit in general so the slow section stands out a bit more in between the vocals
imo u should definitely mute the slider tails throughout the difficulty for how 3/4th slider heavy this map is since in some spots like 00:26:150 (1,2,1) - would really benefit from having some 5% mutes on the slider tails
00:18:249 (3,4) - not really a fan of this rhythm here, in particular 00:18:947 - just feels a bit forced, doing a longer slider like would show more emphasis on the vocals
in general i would probably mute slider ends on a few spots considering theres a ton of them especially in spots like the kiai on 01:16:069 - and spots like 00:22:697 - are littered throughout the map that would benefit a ton from having the feedback muted
and some other spots like 03:36:650 - are 100% asking for one cuz they just feel so weird feedback wise without one
00:33:598 (6,7) - i would make this a slider to emphasize the hihat a bit more and give an ending to the piano notes
01:58:714 - same
00:41:796 (1,2,3) - not really a fan of how this was stacked here, i think just keeping it consistent with 00:39:005 (1,2,3) - would be the play
00:58:191 (6,1) - imo the gap here is a bit too large considering there's barely a change in emphasis here but a major change in play would definitely suggest flipping it and lowering it like
01:02:203 (3,4) - spacing here is too large considering theres not really a loud sound on 4 would definitely suggest changing it to
01:11:970 (3,4,5,1) - flow here in general could be improved a bit since all the sharp angles here makes it feel a bit cramped, i think widening it out a bit and making the kickslider flow into the stream would be nicer
01:28:714 (5) - kickslider here doesnt really work well for the emphasis, i would just make it a triple instead here
01:42:319 (1,2,3,4,1) - should probs undermap this a bit more to be consistent with 00:17:203 -
01:50:953 (2,3) - might just be me but i don't hear a triple at all here and imo its kinda unfitting out of nowhere so i suggest removing it
02:19:296 (3,4) - imo this jump is a bit large for how the buildup is, i suggest lowering spacing a bit to be more consistent with 00:54:005 -
02:43:017 (3,4) - would make this a 1/2 slider to emphasize the vocals here a bit better as they would stand out more
02:41:970 (4,5,6) - would make this a 1/2 slider to follow the vocals similar to how it was done on 01:16:854 (4) -
02:36:738 (1,2,3,4) - not really a fan of this flow here, considering this is where the music gets most intense from the buildup having a bit of anti flow here doesn't really work, especially in comparison to 01:11:621 - where it was a spacing increase i think rearranging it a bit like makes the most sense
02:59:674 - would definitely make the triple here to give a bit more impact to 02:59:761 (4) - cuz rn it feels a bit underwhelming
03:10:226 (1,2,3,4) - would lower the spacing on these notes a bit more so the spacing buildup is a bit more noticeable something like maybe?
. 03:11:621 - 03:19:993 - this spot in general i feel like kinda ignores the bass pretty heavily when its a key part of the music, spots like 03:12:145 -03:13:191 - 03:17:726 - 03:18:772 - i feel should be a slider head to emphasize it and spots like 03:13:714 (7,1,2,3,4,5,6) - completely ignore it when u could do rhythm like to still follow the piano and bass at the same time
03:23:307 (2,3) - would flip the rhythm here so the loud sound on 03:23:307 - is where the slider starts
03:58:540 (1,2) - imo this flow is a bit janky especially the odd angle you have to go into the stream from this kickslider jump, i think doing something like would be better
03:53:482 - the slow slider here feels a bit jarring considering this is the start of where the song gets more intense again after the big buildup on 03:52:086 (1,2,3,4,5) - so i suggest just making it a normal speed slider tbh
01:37:319 (7,8) - imo i think lowering the spacing here to be more in line with 00:23:941 (5,1,2,3,4) - would be nice since right now they are a bit jarring being so wildly different. i suggest doing something like
00:18:249 (3,4) - not really a fan of this rhythm here, in particular 00:18:947 - just feels a bit forced, doing a longer slider like would show more emphasis on the vocals
in general i would probably mute slider ends on a few spots considering theres a ton of them especially in spots like the kiai on 01:16:069 - and spots like 00:22:697 - are littered throughout the map that would benefit a ton from having the feedback muted
and some other spots like 03:36:650 - are 100% asking for one cuz they just feel so weird feedback wise without one
00:33:598 (6,7) - i would make this a slider to emphasize the hihat a bit more and give an ending to the piano notes
01:58:714 - same
00:41:796 (1,2,3) - not really a fan of how this was stacked here, i think just keeping it consistent with 00:39:005 (1,2,3) - would be the play
00:58:191 (6,1) - imo the gap here is a bit too large considering there's barely a change in emphasis here but a major change in play would definitely suggest flipping it and lowering it like
01:02:203 (3,4) - spacing here is too large considering theres not really a loud sound on 4 would definitely suggest changing it to
01:11:970 (3,4,5,1) - flow here in general could be improved a bit since all the sharp angles here makes it feel a bit cramped, i think widening it out a bit and making the kickslider flow into the stream would be nicer
01:28:714 (5) - kickslider here doesnt really work well for the emphasis, i would just make it a triple instead here
01:42:319 (1,2,3,4,1) - should probs undermap this a bit more to be consistent with 00:17:203 -
01:50:953 (2,3) - might just be me but i don't hear a triple at all here and imo its kinda unfitting out of nowhere so i suggest removing it
02:19:296 (3,4) - imo this jump is a bit large for how the buildup is, i suggest lowering spacing a bit to be more consistent with 00:54:005 -
02:43:017 (3,4) - would make this a 1/2 slider to emphasize the vocals here a bit better as they would stand out more
02:41:970 (4,5,6) - would make this a 1/2 slider to follow the vocals similar to how it was done on 01:16:854 (4) -
02:36:738 (1,2,3,4) - not really a fan of this flow here, considering this is where the music gets most intense from the buildup having a bit of anti flow here doesn't really work, especially in comparison to 01:11:621 - where it was a spacing increase i think rearranging it a bit like makes the most sense
02:59:674 - would definitely make the triple here to give a bit more impact to 02:59:761 (4) - cuz rn it feels a bit underwhelming
03:10:226 (1,2,3,4) - would lower the spacing on these notes a bit more so the spacing buildup is a bit more noticeable something like maybe?
. 03:11:621 - 03:19:993 - this spot in general i feel like kinda ignores the bass pretty heavily when its a key part of the music, spots like 03:12:145 -03:13:191 - 03:17:726 - 03:18:772 - i feel should be a slider head to emphasize it and spots like 03:13:714 (7,1,2,3,4,5,6) - completely ignore it when u could do rhythm like to still follow the piano and bass at the same time
03:23:307 (2,3) - would flip the rhythm here so the loud sound on 03:23:307 - is where the slider starts
03:58:540 (1,2) - imo this flow is a bit janky especially the odd angle you have to go into the stream from this kickslider jump, i think doing something like would be better
03:53:482 - the slow slider here feels a bit jarring considering this is the start of where the song gets more intense again after the big buildup on 03:52:086 (1,2,3,4,5) - so i suggest just making it a normal speed slider tbh
source field is incorrect it should be アイドルマスター ミリオンライブ! シアターデイズ
considering this first appeared in the game and this is the game ver you mapped
also you need to add -_nilou_-
as single spaced characters between usernames need to have underscores between them
at the same time you should also remove the シアターデイズ
from the tags as it would be in the source field
also would remove the Welcome!! Brand New Theater! Union!! Harmony 4 You Glow Map Yume ni Kakeru Rainbow Flyers!!!
from the tags considering they are completely different songs and it feels a bit redundant to have that even if they appear on the same album
also i would credit the artist in the beatmap description by linking the bg source as media used in beatmaps should be credited properly
some more metadata stuff: official site song metadata from the game itself official mv for the song
hitsound stuff
01:45:937 - would probably make this 60% since this is where the song intensity lowers
all difficulties:
01:14:341 - missed finish
01:46:575 - finish
01:55:831 - finish
01:58:383 - finish
00:41:628 - soft clap
01:04:448 - soft clap for snare
01:04:527 - soft clap
01:12:666 (6) - add a whistle here for feedback
00:52:160 (4,5) - drum hitnormals here
01:03:969 (2,3) - drum hitnormals
01:24:474 - drum hitnormal
01:45:618 (1,2) - whistles
01:48:251 (5) - same
01:50:724 (4,5) - whistles here also for consistency
01:53:356 (5) - same
02:01:974 - drum hitnormal
01:02:532 (1) - drum hitnormal on the red and blue tick
01:03:809 (1) - add drum hitnormals here for better feedback on the stream
01:17:053 (3,4) - drum hitnormals
01:18:330 (4,5) - same
01:22:958 (1,2) - same
01:23:437 (1,2) - same
02:01:974 - drum hitnormal
01:59:021 (3) - would make this drum hitnormal for the white and blue tick
top diff:
01:03:809 (1,2,3,4) - drum hitnormals
01:12:426 (5,6) - drum hitnormals
01:32:852 (5,6) - drum hitnormals
01:42:745 - should have some whistles on this stream for better feedback
02:01:973 (2) - drum sampleset
imo i think it would be cool to have an exclamation point at the end of each difficulty like the top diff did to mimic how there is one in crossing!
00:21:682 - 00:31:256 - not really a fan of how this spot is completely 1/1 when the song picks up compared to 00:01:256 - 00:16:575 - i think adding some 1/2 sliders on the strong vocals on 00:22:799 - 00:27:905 - would be nice to add some passive 1/2 to show the song picking up in intensity a bit nicer. and at the same time i would make 00:25:352 - a circle since it's where the vocals are peaking
00:43:703 (6) - not really a fan of the loud vocals here landing on a slider end when they are similar intensity to 00:49:128 - would definitely suggest doing the rhythm as so the vocals start with the slider head on 00:44:022 -
00:21:682 - you should definitely map this part of the song since it feels so jarring to not be mapped when the normal and insane both map it because it's a nice buildup to the song and i think would help improve the contrast with this diff alongside 1986888#4213053
00:43:703 (2,3) - would change this rhythm to so the loud vocals on 00:44:022 - become actively clicked since imo its a stronger sound similar to how 00:49:448 - was actively clicked
01:15:937 (3,4,5,6) - not really a fan of how active this rhythm is since atleast to me this spot isn't that intense i suggest just simplifying it a bit by doing
00:54:554 - not really a big fan of this repeat here, imo there's not really loud enough 1/4th sounds to emphasize it so i suggest just making it a 3/4th slider here
01:28:065 (1,2,3,4) - imo i would do the rhythm as so the jumps start on the vocals on 01:28:703 - to emphasize them a bit nicer
00:43:065 (5,6,7) - the triple here actually starts on the red tick on 00:43:224 - so i suggest just doing
01:20:724 (2) - imo this kicksliders a bit unfitting since the songs intensity lowers here a bit and feels a bit forced, i suggest just doing to map the kick on 01:20:565 - and the snare on 01:20:724 -
01:24:235 (1,2) - imo the jump here is a bit excessive considering its completely additive rhythm here which makes the jump here feel a bit out of place and the extra rhythm already adds enough emphasis as it is so i suggest just doing
01:42:745 (4) - maybe make this a repeat slider to emphasize the background noise a bit more since imo it's pretty distinct
01:42:745 (1) - would suggest making this a kickslider and triple to emphasize the loud sound in the background since imo it's pretty distinct, i suggest doing
00:50:644 (5,6,7) - imo i would flip the rhythm here so the triple starts on 00:50:884 - as i feel the drums should be actively clicked and would keep consistency with the other triples in this section like 00:49:686 (3,1) - 00:48:410 (8,1) - etc
00:42:665 (3) - imo this circle here is a bit unfitting since there isn't a loud sound here and having to focus on doing a double here kinda takes away from the vocal and kick emphasis on 00:42:745 (4,5,6) - so i suggest just removing it
00:47:772 - same applies here
would bump up the od to 8.5 since i feel its a bit too low being the same od as the insane difficulty
01:14:341 (4,5) - not really a big fan of how this overlap is, since with how different it looks compared to the other 3/4th overlaps in spots like 01:13:702 (1,2) - 01:11:468 (3,4) - etc, i feel it would make more sense to just move this pattern up a bit and make the overlaps a bit more consistent
01:57:904 (7,1) - would flip the rhythm here to so the start of the vocals on 01:57:905 - get emphasized with the slider head
00:29:660 (2) - imo i would remove this circle so the vocal focus is more prominent and then just stack 00:29:820 (2,3) -
00:54:075 (3,4) - would flip this rhythm so the slider starts on 00:54:075 - to emphasize the vocals a bit better
01:45:937 - 01:56:150 - imo spacing too large for this violin part considering it's when the songs intensity is slowing down and large jumps like 01:47:692 (3,4) - 01:50:245 (3,4) - 01:52:001 (1,2) - 01:54:394 (4,1) - etc end up giving a bit too much emphasis on these notes so i suggest just lowering the spacing a bit in general so the slow section stands out a bit more in between the vocals
imo u should definitely mute the slider tails throughout the difficulty for how 3/4th slider heavy this map is since in some spots like 00:26:150 (1,2,1) - would really benefit from having some 5% mutes on the slider tails
should probably check your timing a bit more, circles like 02:44:638 (3) - definitely feel like they should be starting around 02:44:621 -
actually in general this whole section feels a bit off cause stuff like 02:45:826 (4) - definitely land around 02:45:808 -
audio quality is only 128kbs, youll need to find a 192kbs audio quality file or re encode the current mp3 to 128kbs to be rankable
00:05:574 (1,2,3) - jump here imo feels a bit too large considering it's still primarily building up in the song i think doing something like would be nicer
00:33:970 (2) - imo the 1/4th slider here i feel is a bit ackward to play so i think just making it a 1/2 slider would be better
00:39:585 (3) - would lower the spacing on this note so the contrast on the jumps on spots like 00:38:302 (1,2,3) - stand out more maybe doing something like would be nicer
00:52:740 (1,2,1,2,1,2,1) - the spacing is too large on these jumps as theres 0 contrast between 00:54:665 (1,2,1,2,1,2,1,2,1,2,1,2) - so i suggest reducing it
01:17:125 (1,2,1) - should make a pattern with these objects, cause the hsing clearly supports these being 3 distinct objects and rn it just looks like any other jump and at the same time i would also nc these to stand out
01:21:457 (2,1) - flow here kinda sucks ngl, going from an ackward angle to spaced streams just sucks to play would definitely suggest doing something like
01:57:884 (1,2,3) - imo i think u should space this grouping out a bit more just to show the vocal emphasis a bit more cause rn i feel with it being so tightly compacted here it doesnt really show the emphasis as well
02:08:793 (1,2,1,2,1,2,1,2,1,2,1,2) - spacing here feels very reserved, the vocals are clearly super intense yet the spacing is extremely small i think buffing a bit here would be nice to mimic the intensity on 02:17:456 -
02:13:285 (1,2,1,2,1,2) - same with spot
02:12:643 - personal pref, but i think ncing to make these stand out would be nice and would probably help people not misread the bursts as single taps cause it looks visually similar to 02:12:162 (6,7,8) -
02:30:611 (1,2,3) - jump here i feel is a bit too large cause compared to the buildup on 02:29:648 (1,2,3,1,2,3) - it feels extremely over emphasized i think just doing something like would be nice
02:34:942 (4,5,6) - jump intensity here seems a bit off cause this is definitely a slower part of the song i think reducing the spacing like makes more sense
03:11:538 (5) - would probably extend this slider to 03:11:999 - cause thats where the vocal peaks
04:54:617 (5,6,7) - imo i would reverse this cause i feel triple repeats looks a bit nicer than repeats triple
as a reply to this mod since got ranked recently:
the artist should be changed to just Porno Graffitti
with pornograffitti
in the tags as one word for consistency with latest ranked beatmaps
could at the same time make spots like 02:04:767 (4) - into circles to add a bit more emphasis to this spot also
00:55:831 (4,1) -
00:57:107 (4,1) -
01:22:001 (2,3) -
01:24:554 (2,3) -
heres other ones u should do the same on
also i feel it's really confusing for newer players to play a transition like this where theres all these stack changes
agree with nishi here, since even though i get what you were getting with lowering the slider velocity for the higher emphasis for the 'fake' feeling of increasing intensity, i feel it doesn't really benefit the song all that much considering as players would expect the more intense spots to be more impactful but the reality of the map you are moving your cursor less and spots like 04:59:794 (3) - would benefit greatly from having an increase in sv considering there's a loud crash here and arguably the peak of the 2nd chorus yet it has the least movement required compared to the other rhythms in the chorus