gap between hard <-> insane feels a bit big, nerfing the insane diff benefits the entire spread more than buffing hard i guess. Plus hard is already on the harder side in terms of SV (it's fast) & ds (it's pretty big)
Hard <-> Insane gap有點大,雖然Hard是滿難的但我覺得節奏可能會被挑次說不夠密,但我同時也覺得不要再Buff hard比較好(因為SV滿快的 + 間距也有點大)
所以nerf Insane應該是比較好的,節奏改散一點就行了,多把兩顆1/2 gapped的note併成1/2滑條,少點連打多點滑條...之類的
I have some questions about the settings so I'll make a post here
Easy: It is really weird to make AR higher than OD, maybe use AR3.5 and OD2.5
Normal: AR+1 due to the song intensity, HP+1 since current one is the same with Easy so it feels odd
Hard: I don't really think you should use AR8.2, this song is not very very fast so AR8 is enough
Another: Could try AR9.2 to distinguish the difficulty from Insane
the others look good
Easy: AR->3.5(+0.5) OD->2.5(-1)
Normal: AR->5.5(+0.5) HP->4(+1)
Hard: AR->8(-0.2)
Another: AR->9.2(+0.2)
i downloaded this AGESSSS ago when it was just one diff and an unfinished sb... such a good song glad to see you have a set!!!
uhhh, It's certainly okay.
The kiai parts are the same in my all diffs. But in other diffs are different with mine cuz it's GD. It's up to GDer to set kiai part.
There's no rule says it's have to be the same with kiai part in every diffs in Ranking Criteria.
imo diff gap from 3.58* (Hard) to 5.06* (the only Insane in your set) is quite large. also, take my playing experience into consideration, the actual difficulty of these 2 varied a lot. maybe you need a Light Insane diff around 4.1-4.4* to fill this gap for a reasonable spread...
SB mod; 00:57:881 (7) - I recommend editing the glow effect behind the guy so that it's more transparent in the centre aswell. As of right now, it's a really strong contrast which doesn't really work well with the blur effect you've got on the background, at least in my opinion.
SB mod; 01:00:927 - the transition here is a little stark. I recommend having the circle effect begin from 00:59:709 - or 00:58:490 - as a fade. Also generally, this kind of effect works much better if you have the objects moving in multiple directions or you loop the particles so they run multiple times. As a visual short hand, doing one of those things should fix that, and I have examples for you from my own SBs. (Calm movement in multiple directions = (Calm and Intense movement in linear directions =
i know you asked for a mod but i couldn't find anything to mod sadly it maybe because im a bad modder but i think the map is really well made for all diffs here is your hype good luck on ranked/loved
I'm fairly sure you're allowed to add the tag "reconstruct" for easy searching, since the colon will prevent the alphabetical search term from working.
btw if you wanna rank this with only one diff you cant cuz its 2 mins long so try to search for other diffs or map a set (if you didnt know this lol)