01:59:958 (3,4,5) - this is the only one of these parts of the music where you don't use a triangle pattern, seems like a mistake
01:00:881 (3,4,5) - the music gets more intense in this section, but this triangle is spaced less than the previous triangles at 00:46:112 (3,4,5) - etc.
it would make more sense to have smaller triangles in the calmer section and more spaced triangles in the more intense second half
00:05:497 (3) - this bend in the slider works really well to emphasize the note+snare at 00:05:957 -
01:19:343 (6) - I suggest mapping this as a longer slider with a bend, same as you did at 00:05:496 -
00:44:718 (5,1) - I would space these patterns out more - right now it's a bit awkward to have a longer gap but with less playfield spacing
see what you did at 00:46:804 (5,1) - for something that feels more natural
00:48:881 (4) - spinners are not so satisfying to initiate, so having clickable objects instead is better imo - the later identical music section 01:55:342 feels better to play since it also has some nice rhythm variation
02:28:574 (4) - this vocal has a pitch change during the slider, which I think you should emphasize with a bend, similar to how you do it at 02:35:958 (1) -
00:30:419 - 00:37:804 - for this part and the later ones with the same vocal rhythm, here are my thoughts:
it's nice that you have a consistent pattern that varies over time (going from 4x 1/4th sliders to 2x repeat 1/4th sliders)
what I would suggest is to listen to the pitch change in the vocals (low low high high low low high high) and use that to determine the way you map it
I personally would make the higher pitched ones slightly more intense (so more active rhythm) - so I would suggest using 2x repeat sliders at 00:30:419 and 00:32:265 and switch to the more active 4x sliders at 00:34:111 and 00:35:957
this way the playing experience matches the pitch a bit better
later at 01:36:880 you vary the rhythm exactly like I suggested above, where you go less intense on lower pitch and more intense on higher pitch - this feels more natural!
but maybe consider increasing the difficulty overall in this part with even more active rhythm, since you've already introduced the player to the rhythm earlier
you could even go full active rhythm with a stream at the higher pitch vocals at 01:40:573 like this https://i.imgur.com/cKdxsNN.png
ah, you do already use active rhythm at 01:03:650 -
it makes sense to increase the intensity because the music is more intense, but maybe make long sliders instead of the spinners for the calmer parts?
then you can do the same (single long slider) at 01:55:342 - 02:02:727 - before increasing the intensity with more active rhythm as you already have at 02:10:111 - 02:17:496 -