Мин мыскыл итәм һәм ерактагы кешенең сулышын калдырмас өчен уйныйм
Аяк киемем җимерелсә дә, сусаган көлү белән тыңладым
"Мин кем?"
Яңа гына язылган ачу
Сүндерелмәячәк яңгырашлар
Нигә мин югалтырга теләмәгән әйберләр юкка чыга?
Әле куып булмый торган авырлыклар
Бу дат
Бүгенге көнгә кадәр югалган барлык әйберләр берсенә кайтарылганчы
This is the most remarkable creation in all of human history. There is nowhere to go but down from this map. No mapper, no player, no living being, or even any higher power or god can hope to achieve what you have with this map. All will fail to try and match what you have made with such ease. This has revolutionized the game. Your work here has changed the world for the better. Your craft is comparable to that of Michelangelo and Picasso. Your map plays as if the very power that binds this universe together was flowing through your hands as you mapped it. Each circle reminds me of my childhood and why I am still here. I am here to play this map. I am here to listen. I am here to eagerly await what work you will release next. Thank you.
01:53:435 (1,2,3) - would be better for melody followage to ctrl+g this rhythm
I think it sounds like it isn't following anything, because I have to skip a triple there 00:13:830 to keep the difficulty, just try placing a note there and it sounds good now. Imo the best solution there is to change 00:13:599 (1,2) - and 00:18:547 (1,2) - to slider instead of two notes. At least there will be no note on basically nothing