00:08:620 (1,2,3) - I get that you are trying to highlight this bridge, but this is a little bit too much compared to your other 1/1 gaps.
Would nerf it into something a bit more similar to what you been doing before.
01:36:827 - is missing (Whistle) which exists in wrn's Insane, Chizu's Extra, sstari's Extra, KoJIo's Another, FOUR DIMENSIONS, IOException's UNiVERSE, Camo's HEAVENLY
01:47:628 - is missing (Clap) which exists in Normal, Advanced, sstari's Extra, KoJIo's Another, Camo's HEAVENLY, momothx's INFINITE DIMENSIONS
01:49:518 - is missing (Clap, Whistle) which exists in Easy, Normal, Advanced, wrn's Insane, Chizu's Extra, KoJIo's Another, Camo's HEAVENLY
02:18:678 - is missing (Clap, Whistle) which exists in Easy, Normal, Advanced, wrn's Insane, KoJIo's Another, Camo's HEAVENLY
00:19:690 (1) - This spinner comes out of nowhere and it's not really fitting. Feels very filler-ish just to get to the next section at 00:25:900 (1) -
Would just be consistent with previous section and continue mapping this 6 seconds with similar rhythm choice.
i really don't recommend making such major spacing changes in a hard difficulty with 220bpm please nerf this
remove this downbeat new combo, you didn't use it for 00:27:977 (9), 01:21:977 (5), 03:20:778 (9) and 04:16:939 (7)