01:33:940 (1,2,3) - Would Ctrl+G this rhythm to make the lower pitched pianos at 01:33:535 (3,4,1,2) - contrast more with the higher pitched ones at 01:34:210 (3,1,2,3) - through active rhythms.
could stack with 02:49:323 (3) for better piano emphasis since the louder sounds of it start on 02:49:323 (3)
Piano seems louder on 02:49:458 (5) - and I usually only do stacks like this when the stream starts on a red tick to divert the movement on the white tick, prefer to keep as is.
is there any specific reason for this to be the only stack here? i'd suggest unstacking
I do stacks earlier in the map at 00:05:297 (1,2) and 00:14:207 (7,8) - so using a stack here makes that idea feel less lonely and also feel it looks nicer than a long snaking grouping of sliders.
i get your intention here but maybe you'd like to replace this with a kickslider (the best solution) or unstack, so it could play much better? due to how high the spacing is for the stream i think this triple may break the entire flow
i don't really understand the old way of emphasizing music, so i'd be glad if you clarify why you made the highest pitched sound passive here