02:50:014 - this part is currentlly as dense as 01:46:100 and 03:20:132 while the first one is playing in halftime (or normal if you take the ~125 as the standard bpm) and the latter 2 are playing in doubletime (or normal if you take the ~255 bpm as standard).
Though, these parts have the same density in the map throughout nearly every difficulty, mainly the harder ones.
I think the latter streams are completely justified within this map, but the first one (looking at the top diff mainly right now) is far too dense in my opinion. The first one should never even be close in density to the other 2 mentioned, as the song also (imo clearly) suggests.
I would love to have more opinions on this, I know many people think this map is fun and deserving of ranked status, but I currently still think this map has a few issues.
Personally I think 02:50:014 should at least be nerfed in the higher diffs, if not fully 1/2 in all diffs with finishers for exaple. But I'd get it if you don't want to rework nearly all of your diffs here.
regarding these two parts 01:46:100 - 03:20:132 - like boaz mentioned already it makes perfect sense to map them using a long stream in the context of this map, but i do agree that the drum solo on 02:50:014 - doesn't give off the same energy.
For comparison, the first 2 parts feature constant 1/2 snare drums, the electric guitar playing in the background as well as the vocals being present as its the chorus while 02:50:014 - is pretty much just the drums playing since well.. its a drum solo, so i believe it'd be nice if you did something else here which would be unique in the map, much like the drum solo is unique in the song. I would even argue that the kiai time being on here feels off to me as well, but the kiai usage in the map overall is unconventional so it probably makes sense in a way
i agree with nevqr here, even though it might not be as dense in instruments the drum solo is kind of the highlight of the song and taking away the stream doesn't do it enough justice
i find the 02:50:014 stream on both diffs are a lot more anchored compared to the other 2 so i personally think it's enough justification to have the improv stick around tbf
Personally, I don't think the argument above partially makes much sense.
Something being inconsistent with the entire structure of the map doesn't mean it shouldn't happen. If a song is calm in some parts and the rest of the song is very chaotic, it doesn't mean the calm part should be mapped chaotically as well because it'd make the structure consistent.
I think this part is not the highlight of the song at all; I think the highlight is the chorus, especially the end of the final chorus, which is a huge stream that is totally valid and cool, in my opinion.
Of course, the highlight of a song is subjective, but the problem I have is that I don't think X should be as dense as Y because I don't think X is as intense in the song as Y.
Whether it should be mapped as 1/2 or just nerfed to 1/4 is up to you, to be fair; the 1/2 was just a suggestion from me.
My main problem was the two parts compared in terms of density vs intensity.
but something pretty clearly being played differently instrumentally doesnt feel subjective to me…
if many people of knowledge disagree with it and think the section is fine it’s okay, was mainly looking for different opinions.
Not really my intention to hardblock this map so if no one has any objections feel free to close!