00:03:021 (3,4,5) - could turn this into a 1/1 slider at the vocal and a circle at the piano to break up the chain.
00:05:572 (2) i think look nicer if you do normal curve instead, since dat entire section are all normal curve, i think it more fitting if you make 00:05:572 (2) normal curve too
00:06:841 (1) - maybe space this out a little bit more just to emphasize the 'ding' sound a lil bit better
also subjective but maybe putting it at the top right of 00:06:659 (4) - would be better as to show the slight change in movement for the sound since you mapped 00:05:572 (2,3,4) - linearly
00:09:379 (3,1,2,3) - i feel like this rhythm doesn't really represent the main focus of this section which are drums, you could try using a 1/1 slider followed by a circle then a 1/2 slider to better represent the drums
00:13:362 (1) - feel like you could map this 1/4 active since this is a pretty intense section, you could do a kickslider and a circle to not make it super active and take contrast away from 00:17:192 (1) -
00:15:550 (1) - waaay too spaced from 00:15:186 (5) -, there are no any crash sounds until 00:17:009 (5) - , would make it a lot less spaced from 00:15:186 (5) -
00:17:739 (3) - would make this into 2 1/4 sliders since you mapped 00:17:557 (1) - actively
No, because the reverse slider is highlighting the background instrument and 00:18:104 (1,2,3,4) - used for transition into kickstream section next
00:20:657 (1,2) i think it fit better if these 2 slider shape arent the same
since the piano sound with long slider in this section, you use different slider shape for all of them, with 2nd big white tick being varie from 1st though still play the same (like 00:25:033 (2) is varie from 00:23:574 (1))
soo i think you should make 00:22:115 (2) different shape than 00:20:657 (1) like other
00:23:574 (1) - unless it's intentional, i think you should adjust the slider shape a bit and make them equal looking because the curves between the first half and second half of the slider are not that equal
same goes for the rest of the wave sliders, do check them ya
00:25:570 (2) - Consistency of whistles: if you want to use whistles on vocal then here should be one.
00:42:273 (5,1) - map triple same as topdiff, also unstack 00:42:636 (2,3) - to give emphasis to the sounds (violin?) playing on both notes
00:47:916 (5,1) - i dont think it's fair to keep this stacked when 00:48:098 (1) - has a really strong vocal, it should be expressed more imho
00:53:736 (4,5) - maybe space these two a little bit further from each other since percussion is getting louder and louder
00:55:285 (1) - i don't think this should be completely ignored, a spinner doesn't really fit here considering it's an insane diff, looking at the ranked set you could leave this "break" to lower diffs such as hard and lower
01:09:907 (1,2,3,4,5) - this one works better since the spacing is gunga afterwards, so maybe consider making both consistent?
01:02:285 (4,5,6) ; 01:13:731 (1,2,3,4) - Consider to make this much lower in spacing? There nothing happening in song and the spacing remains the same as 01:11:546 (1,2,3,4,5) - while here a vocal, but there's 01:02:285 (4,5,6) - nothing, so i feel like this is does not give any emphasis for the song
i think this 01:17:373 (1,2) and 01:17:736 (3,4) shouldnt be both stack since they are different sound, imo i would remove 01:17:554 (2) to make the 01:17:736 (3,4,1,2,3,4) more cool (like wad u did before on 01:07:176)
though if you wanna keep the 2 then i think you should not make it the same pattern as 01:17:736 (3,4)
alsoo i think you should nc on 01:17:736 (3) since it a different sound from 01:17:373 (1,2)
01:22:454 (1,2) - why make this inactive when it is the same intensity as the beginning, i think you could map this active since it is the end of the song and it's pretty intense
01:22:454 (1,2,3) - Emphasis is on the start of the triplet – while the HS currently fits the music, your rhythm arrangement may be a bit off in places like this. I would remove the note 2 to make this a jump. Unsure where you will put this kick slider but just pulling this away a bit will do the trick.
Disaggre, because the ins diff does the same thing as top diff. In top diff theres an 8 note stream, so for lower diff i made a simple one ver of this pattern
01:25:368 (7,8,1) - could ctrl g this rhythm to represent the snares better and make them active
01:25:551 (2) - #4714886 same as this, split up the slider into 2 kick sliders for emphasis on double snare